IRC log for #asterisk on 20150822

00:40.06*** join/#asterisk infobot (
00:40.06*** topic/#asterisk is #asterisk The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- LTS: 13.5.0 (2015/08/07), 11.19.0 (2015/08/07), (2015/04/08); Standard: 12.8.2 (2015/04/08); DAHDI: DAHDI-linux 2.10.0 (2014/08/13), DAHDI-tools 2.10.0 (2014/08/13); libpri 1.4.15 (2014/06/16) -=- Asterisk wiki: -=- Code of Conduct: -=- Logs:
00:52.24*** join/#asterisk PHunter (
00:53.06PHunterMy call center is reporting dropped calls and have been for some time, however most of the time, there is no issues. how should I proceed in identifying if it our PBX or our SIP Trunk provider?
00:53.31PHunterServer is DC Hosted, dedicated, and endpoints are remote
00:53.38PHunterbehind NAT
00:56.38WIMPyRead yor logs.
00:56.49WIMPyIf that doesn't help, log more.
01:20.19*** join/#asterisk Draecos (
01:50.18*** join/#asterisk Nickinator (
01:59.45*** join/#asterisk mjordan (mjordan@nat/digium/x-lzqljmkegasweakh)
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02:12.02*** join/#asterisk Frojoe (Frojoe@2a01:7e00::f03c:91ff:fe70:bc74)
02:37.19*** join/#asterisk darkbasic_ (
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03:44.42*** join/#asterisk giesen (~ggiesen@2001:4900:2:650::180)
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04:38.21*** join/#asterisk Nickinator (
04:38.32*** join/#asterisk guepi (
04:38.40guepiHi everybody !!!
04:39.15guepiI use asterisk in order to treat spam calls
04:39.53guepiI've got a SIP provider, which is also my Internet provider and phone provider
04:40.49guepiI've set up my SIP account to receive all the calls.
04:41.54guepiBut when I try to redirect a spam call to Congestion, then the call is redirect to my analog phone
04:42.15guepiAny idea to simulate Congestion without doing Congestion ?
04:42.35WIMPy"Redirect to congestion"? What does that mean?
04:43.42guepiin my extension, I do
04:43.48guepiexten => s,1,Answer
04:43.48guepiexten => s,2,Wait(1)
04:43.48guepiexten => s,3,Congestion
04:43.48guepiexten => s,4,Hangup
04:44.01WIMPyUse a pastebin next time.
04:44.14guepiok WIMPy, I'll do next time
04:44.30WIMPyIf you answer the call, it doesn't really matter how you terminate it any more.
04:44.50phixhi Dr guepi!
04:45.04guepihi phix
04:45.20WIMPyDa phix!
04:46.20*** join/#asterisk Nickinator (
04:46.37guepiWIMPy, ok, but I want to catch the call in asterisk and don't transmit it to my old phone
04:47.01WIMPyHow would it get there?
04:47.31guepimay you explain your question
04:47.56WIMPyHow would the call end up on that phone unless you Dial() there?
04:48.26guepibecause my SIP  provider is also my phone provider
04:48.54WIMPyWhat does that mean?
04:49.08guepiand if my SIP account (which is set up in asterisk) is not available, the call is transmitted to the old phone
04:49.18WIMPyMultiple providers? Multiple accounts?
04:49.41guepiI've got an ADSL Box for Internet, phone and TV.
04:49.52WIMPyWhy do you have another phone connected when you want to use Asterisk?
04:49.58guepiand my ISP in plus, give me a SIP account
04:51.00guepiI've got only one sip software phone
04:51.09guepinot yet a real sip phone
04:51.28guepiso I may use my old phone until that
04:51.54WIMPySounds like a setup that's not going to be of too much use.
04:52.25WIMPyReconfigure your router to connect that old phone to Asterisk if you can.
04:52.37guepiI planned to set up asterisk on a Raspberry Pi to do the stuff with spam calls
04:52.44*** join/#asterisk coppice (
04:55.48guepiIt seems to be quite difficult ... my old phone is an analog phone
04:56.13WIMPyAnd connected to an ATA?
04:56.27*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
04:57.34guepiwhat does is an ATA ?
04:57.47infoboti heard ata is Analogue Terminal Adapter which provides an FXS and/or FXO and ethernet, see
05:00.58guepinot really
05:01.33guepiI've got a RJ11 on my ADSL box
05:01.48*** join/#asterisk TriJetScud (
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05:01.52WIMPyFrom the ATA inside.
05:02.06WIMPyOr do you have a splitter and a real POTS line?
05:02.17guepiin that RJ11 is plugged an adapter for a "prise gigogne" (don't know the name is english)
05:02.49WIMPyCan anyone translate that?
05:04.30guepiit look like that :
05:04.44WIMPyFrom what I see on google that would just be soem mechanical adapter.
05:04.53guepiyes it is
05:05.20WIMPySo not anything we need to care about.
05:05.49guepiso I think it is not possible to manage it by a router
05:06.32WIMPyMost proabaly it is, the qestion is if YOU can manage that thing.
05:08.12guepiI think I can't
05:08.44guepiwhile we are talking, I realize it would be easier to unplug the old phone
05:08.52WIMPyThen you should get somethin to connect to your Asterisk.
05:09.06guepiyes it is
05:09.27guepiI search a wifi sip phone : any idea ?
05:09.57WIMPyYou don't want that.
05:10.06guepisur e?
05:10.11WIMPyUnless you can be sure that will be the only wifi device in the area.
05:10.37WIMPyGet a CAT-iq (DECT) phone.
05:11.44guepimy old phone is a DECT phone :
05:13.18guepiSo how can I use it with my Asterisk ?
05:14.04WIMPyConnect it to an ATA or better get a SIP base station for it. Gigaset have a number of those as well.
05:17.33guepiOk ! it seems to be a really good option !
05:18.35guepithank you very much WIMPy !
05:24.18guepiI think I'll go to a Gigaset N300 IP SIP base station
05:26.30guepiBye everybody !
05:26.37guepiThank you very much WIMPy !
05:26.47WIMPyThat's even a hybrid one.
05:27.06guepiyes it is.
05:27.31guepiand that's also the first Gigaset SIP base I found
05:28.54WIMPyNo mention of wideband audio.
05:29.06WIMPyIIRC Gigaset calls it HDSP.
05:29.49*** join/#asterisk tiuman (
05:29.52WIMPyNo, ne next descriprion mentions it.
05:30.48guepiSo it is fine ?
05:31.04tiumanhow to different out1 and out1 channels from one peer?
05:31.06WIMPyLooks ok to me
05:31.15tiumanhow to different out1 and out2 channels from one peer?
05:31.33tiumani want hangup only 2 channel
05:31.40tiumanits channels in the bridge
05:31.54WIMPyJust asking twice doesn't help. But if you try again in a real sentence, it might.
05:32.27guepibye everybody
05:32.34guepithank you very much WIMPy
05:33.11WIMPySo you have a bridged call and want to hang up only one part of it? What do you want to do to the other party?
05:33.28WIMPyAnd how (from where) do you want to do it?
05:34.34tiumanasterisk create channel from originate with numb 3356211 and dial 3566215 and bridge its channels.
05:35.14tiumani want initiate from ami hunagup the channel 2 not hangup channel 1
05:35.40tiumanAction: Hangup Channel: SIP/asdd-dasd-00000233
05:36.02tiumani not cat different
05:36.07WIMPyWhat do you want to do to the other party?
05:36.09tiumani not caN different
05:36.14tiumanit channels
05:36.16WIMPyAnd how (from where) do you want to do it? Also via AMI?
05:36.54tiumani cat'n different channel 1 from channel 2
05:37.40tiumanhim names different only last character
05:38.17tiumanSIP/asdd-dasd-00000233 it is Out1
05:38.20tiumanSIP/asdd-dasd-00000231  it is Out2
05:38.24WIMPyIf you're connected via AMI you will see which channel is which.
05:38.34*** join/#asterisk moneylotion (~moneyloti@unaffiliated/moneylotion)
05:38.42WIMPyBut you still need to do somethign with the oter channel.
05:38.59WIMPyIf you break the bridge, both channels will hangup.
05:39.13tiumanI can ask them in advance?
05:39.48tiumanI can set names before it create
05:40.13WIMPySomethin that doesn't exist (yet) doesn't have a name.
05:40.45tiumana can't it?
05:40.50tiumani can't it?
05:41.06WIMPyListen to what AMI tells you.
05:42.07tiumanit is very difficult for me
05:42.32tiumanmay have other commands?
05:42.40tiumantake names channels
05:42.47WIMPyYou haven't told us what you want to do, yet.
05:43.02tiumani want
05:43.13tiumanonly OUt2
05:43.45WIMPyWhat do you want to do to the other channel?
05:44.28tiumanAction: Originate Channel: SIP/multifon-out/79841016941 Extent: 798411016941@multifon-out
05:44.55tiumanhanug up with 79841106941
05:45.04tiumannot with 79841016941
05:45.07WIMPyWhat do you want to do to the other channel?
05:46.11WIMPyWhat do you want to do to the other channel?
05:46.30WIMPyYou want to disconnect both?
05:46.44WIMPyYou want to disconnect both?
05:46.57tiumanonly 798411016941
05:47.06WIMPyWhat do you want to do to the other channel?
05:47.21tiumandisconnect only with 798411016941
05:47.40WIMPyThat's one channel.
05:47.44WIMPyWhat do you want to do to the other channel?
05:49.37tiumanonly with
05:49.43tiumanONE CHANNEL!!!
05:50.06tiumani dial() with g option
05:50.33WIMPyI'm not going to ask again. If you can't tell us what you want, there's no where to go.
05:50.55tiumanwhat you ask me?
05:51.25tiumanwhat the other channel?
05:51.31tiumanchannel 1?
05:52.14WIMPyYou can't do nothing. You have to do something.
05:52.31tiumanbridging hom with number 3
05:52.48tiumani cat
05:53.03tiumanone moment please
05:53.45tiuman${numb} it is nuber 2
05:53.47WIMPyThen maybe you should originate to an extension that Dial()s number 2 and then Dial()s number 3 instead of origination directly to number 2.
05:54.42WIMPyOh, that one.
05:54.52tiumanbut how i disconnect with number2
05:55.18WIMPySo in that case you only need to hangup the Dial()ed channel.
05:55.43tiumani know it
05:56.04tiumanbut i make it in moment i want
05:56.08WIMPyListen to what AMI tells you and you will find the channel name in various places.
05:56.39tiumanhow other ami take name of channel??
05:56.56tiumanfor me listen it very difficylity
05:57.11tiumanhow take the channel name without ami
05:57.37WIMPyWhere else would you get it?
05:57.47WIMPyAnd how else would you use it?
05:57.50tiumani dont know
05:57.55tiumani ask it you
05:58.25WIMPyUse AMI.
05:58.44WIMPyAnd what does it mean the listening is difficult? AMI is not a write-only thing.
05:59.33tiumani can channel name markers before him create?
06:00.18tiumani can create  2 peers different name from 1 user?
06:01.07tiuman1 name for 1 numders, and second name for 2,3,4,5,6,....n numbers
06:01.20tiumanbut i have only 1 user..
06:02.23WIMPyYou could do that.
06:02.24tiumanforexample i Originate channel with numb 1 from peer1, and dial from peer 2
06:02.58tiumanit possible?
06:03.24tiumanwhen i have been different names channel?
06:03.36tiumanberofe him create
06:04.49WIMPyIn case of chan_sip that would work.
06:05.06WIMPyBut only for one call, obviousely.
06:05.39tiumanthen I will have two registration?
06:06.06tiumanhow it make
06:06.12tiumanin the sip.conf?
06:06.16WIMPyRegistrations are for receiving calls.
06:06.26tiumanassociation name peer?
06:06.53*** join/#asterisk bulkorok (~Adium@
06:06.59WIMPyJust a second peer with another name and  the same content.
06:08.06tiumanand secret
06:08.30tiumanpeer not may have cname?
06:08.42WIMPyYou can use templates.
06:09.16tiumanalias name
06:09.25tiumanhow it make?
06:09.42*** join/#asterisk bulkorok (~Adium@
06:09.48WIMPyIt's in the sample config.
06:10.13tiumanwaht it named?
06:10.18tiumanwhat it named
06:11.42WIMPyJust copt the whole peer and give it another name.
06:13.39tiumanthen i will bee two registrationS?
06:14.08WIMPyIf you use "callbackextension", leave that one out.
06:14.42*** join/#asterisk Sprocks (
06:15.34tiumani copy it peer? with another name?
06:16.25WIMPyThat's what I said. Twice.
06:16.48tiumanit i am work?
06:23.18*** join/#asterisk bulkorok (~Adium@
06:26.04tiumanit work
06:26.17tiumanbut i not know how
06:26.38tiumanit tarificied from x4?
06:27.13tiumanit work
06:27.33tiumani copied peer information witj other name pper
06:27.39tiumani copied peer information witj other name peer
06:27.44tiumanand it work
06:28.03WIMPyI couldn't make any sense out of your last question.
06:28.28tiumanit tarificied from x4?
06:28.42tiumanit nothing
06:28.53tiumanso easy
06:29.27ChannelZThink like Yoda
06:29.59WIMPyThe babelfish seems seriousely messed up.
06:30.15WIMPyIs that even a word?
06:34.31ChannelZAnything can be a word if you say it with authority.
06:38.52*** join/#asterisk evil_gordita (
07:26.10*** join/#asterisk jzaw (
07:35.28*** join/#asterisk F2Knight (
09:14.49*** join/#asterisk sparetire_ (~sparetire@unaffiliated/sparetire)
10:12.04moneylotionhey im new to asterisk, the wiki is good, but dense... anyone have any fresh tutorials for getting started?
10:12.26*** join/#asterisk wonderworld (
10:14.15*** join/#asterisk CeBe (
10:17.00*** join/#asterisk AndyCap (~aoy@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/AndyCap)
10:57.00phixAndyCap: no
11:03.22*** join/#asterisk darkbasic (
11:09.10nix8n82Google asterisk the definitive guide
11:10.14nix8n82I believe there is a free version.. very much worth the purchase of the latest  version
11:11.02nix8n82Or go to astricon
11:13.09infobotNew to asterisk configuration? Check out this primer to get started.
11:13.14infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 4th Edition (ISBN 1-4493-3242-0) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and a version is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
11:13.26WIMPythere you go
11:13.51nix8n82Thanks WIMPy
11:59.36*** join/#asterisk fstd (~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted)
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14:16.47*** join/#asterisk MaliutaLap (nikolai@unaffiliated/maliuta)
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16:40.01WIMPyoff topic, but...
16:40.03WIMPyln -s /sbin/e4defrad /sbin/russianroulette
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23:59.37*** join/#asterisk fstd (~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted)

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