IRC log for #asterisk on 20150821

00:00.32*** join/#asterisk superscrat (
00:24.49*** join/#asterisk t4nk350 (1896f506@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
00:26.19t4nk350Was wondering if anyone knows what version of asterisk will work with a Digium TDM400P analog card? the current one will not work properly
00:27.53WIMPyAsterisk doesn't care it's DAHDI, but I don't know of anything having been dropped.
00:31.18t4nk350hmm, no matter what i config, nothing wants to reconize this damn card.
00:40.21*** join/#asterisk italorossi (~Adium@
00:58.31*** join/#asterisk superscrat (
01:02.59ChannelZyou likely have some other config issue
01:03.05ChannelZDoes the machine see the hardware?
01:03.49ChannelZIE does dahdi_hardware or dahdi_scan see anything?
01:10.17*** join/#asterisk cyford33 (
01:18.19*** join/#asterisk tjhowse (~eness@
01:19.27*** join/#asterisk Ignat (
01:21.06tjhowseHas anyone here connected sipML5 to asterisk? I'm investigating frameworks for a browser-to-browser video intercom system for a hotel or residential tower.
01:21.28tjhowseI'm wondering if I need asterisk, it seems pretty heavy.
01:27.27*** join/#asterisk coppice (
01:35.48esaym153I am having issues figuring out how to connect my asterisk box to a PBX that uses a 3rd party provider and a different sip domain. This is what I have:
01:35.58esaym153what I can't figure out is how to change "To: <>"  to "To: <>"
01:36.39esaym153I've never really had to deal with domains before, or at least not mis-matched ones
01:37.40esaym153WIMPy: set it under [work-phone]? and set it to what?
01:38.10esaym153to the domain or provider host?
01:38.30WIMPyYou set the host to what you need in the request and the outboundproxy to the host to send it to.
01:39.30esaym153WIMPy: but the domain is not a real thing, it doesn't resolve, so I can't really have as a host then?
01:39.59WIMPyThat's the idea of setting the proxy.
01:40.45esaym153asterisk threw a fit, but let me try again....
01:42.11WIMPyOh, you probably need to add a ",force" to the proxy.
01:43.23esaym153I'll try that. Right now it won't leave my local PBX and I get: WARNING[25148]: app_dial.c:2274 dial_exec_full: Unable to create channel of type 'SIP' (cause 20 - Unknown)
01:43.34esaym153for the outbound call
01:44.29esaym153same thing, with,force
01:45.35esaym153dailplan has: Dial(SIP/work-phone/${EXTEN}) (among other things)
01:45.35WIMPywhere is the hostname of the server?
01:45.50esaym153WIMPy: hostname of the provider server
01:46.22WIMPyWhy do you call a provider something-phone, BTW?
01:46.22esaym153but in sip reload, asterisk complains about the not resolving, so I don't think the peer is even added
01:46.39esaym153yes, peer has unknown state
01:47.16WIMPyYes, I think there was (is?) a bug where it tries to resolve the host even if it's not needed.
01:47.28WIMPyCheck the sip debug.
01:47.41esaym153WIMPy: I don't, I have another name. But the point is the same, this is just a PBX that an office uses and I am a remote employee
01:47.43[TK]D-FenderI'm sure it is needed which is why it's trying...
01:47.54WIMPyAlso note that 'sip reload' doesn't alway do what you'd hope.
01:48.12esaym153yea, I've had issues with reload, let me restart the whole thing
01:49.07esaym153same thing, fail to get out of dailplan, peer is unknown state
01:49.59esaym153maybe I should try in the dailplan to have the whole sip uri and ip/hostname at the end?
01:50.07esaym153in extensions.conf
01:50.42WIMPyI doubt that makes it any easier (or more readable).
01:50.45[TK]D-Fenderfix your peer
01:51.18esaym153[TK]D-Fender: would really like to fix the peer, yes....
01:51.34esaym153but been at this for a couple of days now...
01:52.24[TK]D-Fenderdo it now.  Show us now.
01:52.36[TK]D-FenderI'm not seeing actual configs and debug
01:52.37*** join/#asterisk robink_ (~quassel@unaffilated/robink)
01:52.39esaym153[TK]D-Fender: did you see my paste bin link?
01:52.39[TK]D-Fenderthat is not "trying"
01:52.59[TK]D-Fenderfull debug
01:53.09[TK]D-FenderI saw one packet.....
01:53.18[TK]D-FenderAnd no status dump
01:53.23[TK]D-Fenderand no configs
01:53.49[TK]D-Fender<esaym153> I'll try that. Right now it won't leave my local PBX and I get: WARNING[25148]: app_dial.c:2274 dial_exec_full: Unable to create channel of type 'SIP' (cause 20 - Unknown) <- this says there's nowhere * can call and isn't going to even try
01:54.05[TK]D-FenderShow us the proper attempt and peer status dump
01:56.12esaym153[TK]D-Fender: Will do...
01:56.47[TK]D-Fenderis here for the next 5 minutes.
02:06.00[TK]D-FenderTime's up on my side.  I'm out for a while
02:13.26esaym153[TK]D-Fender: ok...
02:13.34esaym153stuff coming up
02:14.20esaym153[TK]D-Fender: still here
02:14.26esaym153or anyone else wan to take a look?
02:31.12*** join/#asterisk babak (uid19622@gateway/web/
03:13.10esaym153[TK]D-Fender: ugh, this is what fixed it: Dial(SIP/workphone/${EXTEN}!${EXTEN}
03:13.35esaym153the '!' at the end is what is shown in the To: field
03:13.48*** join/#asterisk darkbasic (
03:14.12esaym153so after two days of messing with the, is this the right way? seems like if it was, it would not be such a hidden feature..
03:19.07igcewieling1esaym153: you can assume anything after the 2nd / is passed to the endpoint.
03:19.36igcewieling1however none of that will fix a cause 20
03:21.31esaym153igcewieling1: 'cause 20' was caused by the help I go on here...
03:35.57*** join/#asterisk fling (~fling@fsf/member/fling)
03:45.39*** join/#asterisk protem (~protem@unaffiliated/protem)
04:05.01*** join/#asterisk protem` (~protem@unaffiliated/protem)
04:21.00*** join/#asterisk F2Knight (
04:21.55babakHi, How to hangup an agent with AMI ?
04:22.09babakor cmd ?
04:24.33WIMPy'action: hangup' or 'channel request hangup'
04:41.33*** join/#asterisk overyander (~Jeff@
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04:58.21esaym153igcewieling1: true anything after the 2nd/ will go to  the endpoint, but the sip host will be appended to it. I need "To:" in the sip header, and that needs to go to Just sticking stuff at the end of the extension makes "To:", which will not work...
04:58.37esaym153the '!' trick seems to work. Just don't know if that is the right way,... seems like a hack
05:09.13*** join/#asterisk TriJetScud (
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05:15.33esaym153how to ignore the "Outbound Registration: Expiry for is 60 sec (Scheduling reregistration in 45 s)" log message all up in my log files?
05:16.03esaym153I noramally only use iax, just moved some stuff over to SIP and now I have all that in my logs and don't like it...
05:17.24[TK]D-FenderDisable logging
05:17.34[TK]D-FenderBecause you're not going to get rid of just this one message alone
05:31.31*** join/#asterisk elitas (~elitas@
05:38.05*** join/#asterisk overyander (~Jeff@
05:38.57esaym153[TK]D-Fender: have to just disable all logging ? probably shouldn't do that...
05:39.18[TK]D-FenderSo live with the message
05:39.23[TK]D-Fenderit isn't worth caring about
05:39.51esaym153mainly want to know when I loose reg, or when people are trying to brute force (that is the only time I look at logs), so having a zillion re-reg in 45 seconds messages sux...
05:40.45[TK]D-FenderHow is that a zillion in 45 seconds?
05:40.56[TK]D-Fenderthat looks like it should be ONE every 45 or so
05:41.21[TK]D-FenderAnd that's their defined interval.  Go set a higher minimum and see if it sticks
05:42.10*** join/#asterisk evil_gordita (
05:47.57*** join/#asterisk tparcina (~tomo@
05:48.34babakWIMPy: Hi,thx for answers... befor disconnecting agent with AMI hangup I want to setVar channel variable for caller, how I find his channel?
05:52.55*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/chainsaw)
05:56.01esaym153[TK]D-Fender: yes, a message every minute is a lot :)
05:57.00esaym153[TK]D-Fender: you watch is my message: "SIP domain different than provider's", complete with giant log!
05:57.10[TK]D-Fenderbabak, There is a variable set that shows the channel it is bridged to
05:57.13esaym153see my message*
05:57.26[TK]D-FenderI don't bother with mailing lists
05:57.33*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
05:58.37esaym153[TK]D-Fender: link to post:
05:58.57esaym153of my "now fixed in a hackish way" issues....
05:59.21esaym153got to eat, brb
06:00.14[TK]D-FenderShould have just fixed your peer...
06:12.21tompawGuys, would this be considered an SDP mismatch for a proxy media?
06:12.54tompawThere's Asterisk on one end, Flowroute on another, freeswitch in the middle. And no luck.
06:13.01esaym153[TK]D-Fender: you keep saying 'fix peer', I am not following.... how do you recommend I fix it?
06:13.55[TK]D-FenderThere is no parameter you can set on a dial you can't set in the peer itself
06:15.21esaym153I would love to know which parameter
06:16.20[TK]D-FenderThat's why there is a sample config...
06:16.22[TK]D-Fenderread it
06:16.28[TK]D-FenderAnd on that note I'm off to bed...
06:16.36esaym153ok :/
06:26.04*** join/#asterisk Qwell (north@asterisk/developer/Qwell)
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06:30.19*** join/#asterisk nanoha-sama (
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06:57.36*** join/#asterisk juned (~juned@
06:57.42junedHi all
07:00.05junedI want add custom log file for my dialplan
07:00.16junedHow do i do that ?
07:03.40*** join/#asterisk TurkeyPox (Elite14778@gateway/shell/elitebnc/x-kmudgegkxwyimkvg)
07:10.22*** join/#asterisk evilman_work (~evilman@
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08:10.07*** join/#asterisk K0HAX (~K0HAX@2604:8800:187:1::20)
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10:54.06*** join/#asterisk Demon_VoIP (~demon@
10:57.29Demon_VoIPGood day. Please tell me were there any problems with AMI, which periodically breaks established connections (RST Flag in tcpdump packet). While in debug level 9 no logs about the disconnection or any problems.
10:57.46Demon_VoIPasterisk 11.7.0 (FreePBX)
11:01.26Demon_VoIPused socket connection with keep_alive and without it. No difference. In case of without keep_alive RESET of connection happens when the random next attempt to send the command.
11:11.50*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (~tzafrir@2001:7c0:dc15:72:6267:20ff:fe51:8328)
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12:12.40*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
12:18.09*** join/#asterisk eschmidbauer (~eschmidba@unaffiliated/eschmidbauer)
12:23.10*** join/#asterisk Robotman321 (
12:23.40robmalHi, what happened to ?
12:28.53*** join/#asterisk ryao (~ryao@gentoo/developer/ryao)
12:29.22fileAsterisk was moved to git
12:34.40*** join/#asterisk Dovid (
12:38.49robmalfile: And what happened to the files there? Specifically i'm looking for adaptive odbc backport for 1.4 from
12:39.08filethe SVN server remains up
12:39.34filealthough I have no idea about community...
12:39.37filethat was so rarely used
12:42.23robmalfile: Maybe by chance you've got tilghmans e-mail?
12:42.32fileI do not
12:42.54robmalThat would be too easy ;-) Thanks for the clarification.
12:47.56*** join/#asterisk infina (~infina@unaffiliated/infina)
12:50.48*** join/#asterisk aness (~aness@2a02:fe0:c310:8a0:3c11:31d8:9719:5204)
12:52.21dan_jIt's been a while since I last install asterisk. Where are the jansson devel packages?
12:53.48tompawI usually build it from sources, as per tutorial.
12:53.54*** join/#asterisk newtonr (RustyNewto@nat/digium/x-kmayoijlazvbbrxl)
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12:53.55tompawle me check my ansible files
12:54.17tompawgit: repo=
12:54.33dan_jOk. I'll do that. Thought it might be on a yum repo
12:55.48*** join/#asterisk italorossi (~Adium@
12:56.21tompawDear SDP experts, would this be considered a codec mismatch?
12:56.54tompawI have Asterisk talking to Flowroute via Freeswitch with media proxy. Or rather - trying to talk.
13:06.34*** join/#asterisk sekil (~sekil@
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13:14.41pjensen00oops, this is not a console
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13:15.55tompawI mean, we can all leave if you want ;>
13:16.34pjensen00rm -rf tompaw
13:16.55tompawone day perhaps
13:17.08pjensen00One day... all humanity will be rm -rf'd
13:17.25tompawDOOM SLAYER sounds way more metal.
13:20.34*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (~brad@
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13:42.08dan_jDoes anyone have a script that can take mysql voicemail data and transfer them to imap storage?
13:44.12phpboydan_j: please explain what you're trying to achieve
13:44.44[TK]D-FenderPretty self-explanatory
13:44.59[TK]D-FenderHe has his VM in MySQL ... he want to port it all over to IMAP.
13:45.05*** join/#asterisk Draecos (
13:45.34[TK]D-FenderNow I'm trying to imagine who would have actually written a script for that, let alone actually be in-channel.
13:45.36*** join/#asterisk SFJulie1 (
13:45.45[TK]D-FenderI'd the odds are incredibly low.
13:46.00*** join/#asterisk darkbasic (
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13:48.36dan_jThought it would be worth a try.
13:48.43dan_jThanks anyway
13:49.06*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (~tzafrir@2001:7c0:dc15:72:6267:20ff:fe51:8328)
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14:03.35[TK]D-FenderI'd say*
14:04.08*** join/#asterisk azerus (~badass@unaffiliated/badass)
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14:25.56dan_j[TK]D-Fender: In your opinion, whats the best method for sharing VM data between load balanced asterisk servers? I'm not happy doing it with mysql.
14:26.18*** join/#asterisk happy-dude (uid62780@gateway/web/
14:26.35dan_jOh, the asterisk servers could be relatively far from each other.
14:28.32*** join/#asterisk Dovid (
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15:18.30robmalfile: Any chances you've got backups of svncommunity in some underground vault? Tilghman wrote in an e-mail he doesn't have any, since it was backuped on svn better than he could. Or maybe there is some other way to use custom fields in cdr mysql on ?
15:18.47fileI do not know
15:18.50filemjordan may
15:18.57robmalmjordan: Ping.
15:19.14filewell, he may know
15:19.37robmalI'll keep my fingers crossed.
15:35.08*** join/#asterisk asteriskATmarmuD (~mu@
15:40.33asteriskATmarmuDwe get a lot of dialstatus congestion now, even before the call is placed on the carrier. so asterisk seems to block and return "congestion" because of some limitation. still on "Asterisk" here. will be updated, but we need a solution for now. any hints?
15:41.14[TK]D-Fender"look at the actual call
15:41.19WIMPyMaximum system load exceeded?
15:41.22[TK]D-Fender"some limitation" tells us nothing
15:44.30*** join/#asterisk Plixic (
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15:45.58mjordanrobmal: Hm.
15:46.32mjordanI'm trying to recall where that SVN server was
15:47.22asteriskATmarmuD[TK]D-Fender: I know, I me neither :) I need to get to know the possible limitations
15:48.13igcewieling1I didnt follow the whole conversation, but
15:48.18mjordanrobmal: are you looking for something other than
15:50.05asteriskATmarmuD[TK]D-Fender: that could cause such a behavior. or such a load. we added some IAX channels and more encoding has to take place. but this should not be a problem for the hardware
15:50.54igcewieling1asteriskATmarmuD: a pastebin of the asterisk CLI showing the issue might be a good place to start.
15:51.05igcewieling1If it is freepbx I can't help, but maybe someone else can.
15:53.04*** join/#asterisk jasonwert (
15:53.13[TK]D-Fender[11:47]asteriskATmarmuD[TK]D-Fender: I know, I me neither :) I need to get to know the possible limitations <- this is USELESSLY vague.  "Could there be a thing doing stuff?!?!!"
16:03.41asteriskATmarmuD[TK]D-Fender: will hoepfully be back  after further investigation
16:05.05*** join/#asterisk bipolar (
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17:30.19robmalmjordan: Only that, yes, i need to add custom fields to my CDRs in mysql on 1.4.25 and afaik cdr_mysql didn't support that until 1.6 so Tilghmans backport of cdr_adaptive is a game saver for me.
17:30.38*** part/#asterisk asteriskATmarmuD (~mu@
17:36.54babakHi, I want to play announcement you are connecting to number(say real number..). and Dial at same time, is it possible ?
17:43.22babakI can make a wav file for my custom announcement, so the question is , is it possible to play custome wav file and Dial simultaneously ?
17:44.47robmalThe easiest way i can think of is dialing SIP/1&SIP/2 where SIP/1 is 1,playback(tt-monkeys) and SIP/2 is queue(infinite-wait)
17:48.01igcewieling1babak: you could set custom hold music if you want something played back DURING the dial.  It is trivial to announce the number BEFORE the dial.
17:49.25igcewieling1We use the same method to play international ringback when customers call internationally.
17:51.21babakigcewieling1: thx , I want more dynamic messages every call voice messages is different
17:53.38babakrobmal : thx ,you mean SIP/1 plays my custom voice message without answer (early media) and SIP/2 is real destination? why queue ?
17:55.06robmalBecause that's how i have it set up, my brain ignored your suggestion ;-)
18:03.19*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/chainsaw)
18:14.25*** join/#asterisk jayka (6c1db782@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
18:16.01jaykaHello everyone! Does anyone have any experience tuning the linux kernel to optimize the Asterisk throughput? I am interested in interrupt frequencies, RTC, preemption...
18:26.08*** join/#asterisk jetlag (
18:34.51igcewieling1jayka: I've never needed to.
18:35.39WIMPyThat should be part of the basic installation.
18:35.40jaykaigcewieling1: Initially the kernel was compiled with the default 250 HZ and Voluntary preemption, and the cyclictest is currently showing a maximum latency of 5859, which is fine, but not optimal. Ideally, I'd like to have it under 3000, and that's why I decided to dig deeper.
18:36.03igcewieling1I find the best solution to spending hours and hours optimizing a few percent more performance is to buy a better server and go so something useful 8-)
18:36.25jaykaShouldn't it be 1000 HZ with CONFIG_PREEMPT=y ?
18:36.47igcewieling1jayka: I suspect most people use the kernel from their distro (in my case CentOS)
18:37.32igcewieling1jayka: what problem are you trying to solve?
18:38.58jaykaigcewieling1: we have a pretty big server farm, with many Asterisk boxes working as backends for our Kamailio cluster. I am just trying to cut the fat where possible, and make sure that our latencies don't degrade as we expand further
18:39.20WIMPyIt's always a good idea to remove stuff you don't need. Size does matter!
18:40.20igcewieling1what exactly is "cyclictest"?
18:41.02igcewieling1Ah, OK.
18:41.08igcewieling1I thought you were referring to
18:41.35igcewieling1I thought you were referring to 'timing test' or 'core show translation'
18:42.14igcewieling1I any case, I wish you the best of luck.
19:05.16SFJulie1jayka, have you tried playing with syscontrol?
19:05.40SFJulie1stuff life tcp behaviour, memory_overcommit, swappiness?
19:06.15SFJulie1would profile asterisk before finding to optimize, but /me is not a sip person
19:11.38igcewieling1What system load do you usually see on the asterisk boxes?
19:14.19igcewieling1system load of around .25 with 50 active calls, though they are all sip and we use hardware for transcoding.
19:17.57jaykaSFJulie1: no, haven't tried those. any particular suggestions that have proven beneficial for throughput?
19:19.47jaykaSFJulie1: AFAIK 1000 hz + preemption  is a pretty common setting for telephony apps, so decided to start with the basics
19:22.05SFJulie1jayka, I honestly don't know the profile of your application (I am much more a backend dev of SIP) there are sysctl that can decrease latency by changing the behaviour of network stack (scaling, buffer cache, slab allocations), of memory management (favouring swappiness) ...
19:22.53SFJulie1I use a lot of measure for our asterisk and I have custom probes (open fd, interrupt, ctx swithc) per class of process) for in case we need more measures
19:36.34*** join/#asterisk kplong (
19:37.03kplongIs it possible to enable SIP  debugging on 1 or 2 extensions only,  logging these messages to a unique log file
19:43.08[TK]D-Fender1 yes, 2 no
19:43.10*** join/#asterisk nanoha-sama (
19:43.22[TK]D-Fenderand not to "unique" log
19:45.49robmalWhy not? If you sip set debug peer 123 and in logger.conf set debug to some file you'll only get that peers sip trace.
19:46.39[TK]D-FenderThat's not a "unique" log", and that is only ONE
19:48.10robmalI love how you cling to choice of words.
19:50.25[TK]D-FenderSomeone asks for A you don't give them B instead and try to pawn it off.
19:51.07robmalSure, maybe my not-so-perfect answer will lead him somewhere.
19:51.23robmalMaybe his question was not-so-perfect ;-)
19:51.44[TK]D-FenderOr maybe your suggestion doesn't give him what he wants.
19:52.09robmalThat's an option too.
19:52.25[TK]D-FenderSo far it's what we've got with his words and your words.
19:54.00robmalWell, at least i hope he's shifting from 'not possible' to 'maybe i want too much at once'
19:56.15[TK]D-Fenderhow does that even work?
19:56.41[TK]D-FenderBeing possible and "too much" do not intersect beyond the precise point of being "not possible".
19:56.53[TK]D-FenderWhich makes the other redundant.
19:58.40robmalSure, but 'too much' with clarification where 'this isn't too much, just debug one peer at a time' is on the line between 'not possible' and 'sure' is usually enough for someone to start asking the right question.
19:59.32[TK]D-FenderI fail to see how his question is wrong.
19:59.47robmalAnd again.
19:59.53robmalWell played ;-)
20:00.01[TK]D-FenderWho is to judge that his expectation is "too much".
20:01.08robmalWell, the question is not wrong, the interpretation is subjective, so for you it's 'not possible', for me it's 'try making smaller steps'
20:01.27robmalAnd nobody is wrong.
20:02.18[TK]D-FenderHe asked for multiple specific peers.  that is not happening with Asterisk.  The feature list is documented.  It's not there.  That's pretty much final.  The code we have does not do it.
20:02.50[TK]D-FenderThere are no smaller steps.  The pieces don't combine for this.
20:06.11*** join/#asterisk nanoha-sama (
20:06.27robmalWell, there are options you don't want to acknowledge. He can set sip debug on, then remove debugs from extensions he doesn't want to debug. He can tcpdump with specific hosts. If it's not a production site he can just force unregister the peers he doesn't want debugged.

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