IRC log for #asterisk on 20150813

00:13.03*** join/#asterisk mjordan (~mjordan@
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00:49.00WIMPyiulhk: If you try to ask again in a way that I can parse, I may be able to give some answer.
00:59.42Kattyinfobot: seen jblack
00:59.46infobotjblack <~jblack@> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 457d 18h 44m 40s ago, saying: 'bhavikpatel6842: THey want you to paste your logs to instead of here.'.
01:01.31*** join/#asterisk coppice (
01:02.18Kattyhi coppice
01:02.50coppicehi Katty
01:02.59Kattyhow're you dear
01:03.22coppicealive and kicking
01:03.25Kattygood! :>
01:23.00*** join/#asterisk jasonwert (~jasonwert@
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07:33.09*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/chainsaw)
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08:37.26zekoZekoWIMPy: re our chat the other day: was committed with mount.8 changes :)
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13:09.57stefan27it seems now has more attributes than the wiki says (such as 'listitems' which is same as 'items'?). How can i find out exactly what changed in the manager api since 13.0 to 13.5?
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13:13.37stefan27OK, is the most safe way to browse for all lines containing AMI?
13:14.40*** join/#asterisk exuberocity (
13:17.14[TK]D-FenderThat and the tracker in case they missed anything
13:17.34*** join/#asterisk WangDang_ (
13:23.50*** join/#asterisk cusco (~tralala@2001:41d0:1:6caf::cafe)
13:23.52cuscohi folks
13:24.17cuscoWe're using a queue, and one of its members is a Local/ext and that ext calls another Queue()
13:24.29cuscoboth these queues, have the parameter macro
13:24.49cuscohowever, when the call is answered, macro only runs on the first queue, and never for the second queue
13:25.09cuscoshouldn't it run also on the second Queue()
13:25.37[TK]D-FenderAs always : show us
13:25.47cuscohold on
13:29.07*** join/#asterisk mjordan (mjordan@nat/digium/x-btjmbcrfjrfuulli)
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13:29.28cuscocall log:
13:29.33cuscolet me paste dialplan as well
13:29.34pjensen00Everytime D-Fender says "show us" I keep seeing Laurence Fishburn saying "show me" in the dojo
13:30.52mjordanstefan27: really, that page should have updated by now. We'll have to go poke the script.
13:30.56cuscoI guess dialplan is not needed, its shown in the cli log
13:31.10mjordanGenerally, the CHANGES included with each release contain what was added to AMI between versionos.
13:31.13mjordaner, versions.
13:31.21*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (~brad@
13:31.22mjordanNote that each backwards compatible change will bump the minor version
13:31.44mjordanso if you upgrade and the minor version is different, that's your sign to go look to see what's been added :-)
13:31.49*** part/#asterisk mjordan (mjordan@nat/digium/x-btjmbcrfjrfuulli)
13:32.58cusco[TK]D-Fender: paste line 128 shows call entering 1st queue, and line 171 shows 2nd queue; line 172 is the local exten that has the 2nd queue... and from pasteline 558 is me answering the call from second queue
13:33.56*** join/#asterisk azerus (~badass@unaffiliated/badass)
13:36.33[TK]D-Fendercusco: queue show
13:39.27*** join/#asterisk newtonr (RustyNewto@nat/digium/x-nkhilwmstqdrzprj)
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13:41.59mfuanybody knows how to fix this problem with a  B410 BRI card?
13:42.38mfujust a few hits @google but nothing to find about fixing
13:44.10Chainsawmfu: Check /proc/interrupts and ensure nothing is sharing with the wcb4xxp driver.
13:45.27newtonrmfu, if you can't figure it out - you might give Digium tech support a call. Free support on your card is always a useful resource. :)
13:45.32mfuseems there is nothing or?
13:46.12Chainsawmfu: Indeed, that's fine.
13:47.36mfuhm, seems like i need to call digium :/
13:47.44mfulike newtonr tells :p
13:48.05Chainsawmfu: The only other advice I can give is to update the BIOS to the newest available version.
13:48.20mfujm, some supermicro shit
13:48.22mfulets see
13:49.37mfuChainsaw: do you think its something about sharing IRQ?
13:49.45Chainsawmfu: No, you've just disproven that.
13:49.46mfuor other resources
13:49.52mfuhm, k
13:50.05Chainsawmfu: But it seems that something is keeping the driver from servicing the card correctly. Introducing unnecessary delays.
13:50.34Chainsawmfu: That's generally a BIOS issue. Possibly too much code running in SMM, but that's speculation that I can't back up yet.
13:50.41mfuhm, hope it isnt the pci-x -> PCI converter :/
13:50.59mfubecause the board doesnt have a PCI (32bit) slot
13:51.20mfuso i just added a pxi2pci-x
13:52.25mfubut lets see if there is some bios update
13:52.52*** join/#asterisk bulkorok (~Adium@
13:53.52Chainsawmfu: That converter may come under suspicion, if you do contact Digium support they need to know that from the outset.
13:56.51mfuno bios update.. so call..
13:58.09*** join/#asterisk cresl1n (Adium@asterisk/libpri-and-libss7-expert/Cresl1n)
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13:59.02mfuChainsaw: hm, maybe this problem is related to the ISP-Modem connected to the Card?
13:59.23mfubecause there is a "special cable" @this modem
13:59.25Chainsawmfu: No. To the converter you are having to use. The PCIe to PCI bridge.
13:59.58Chainsawmfu: Or a PCIe to PCI-X riser, perhaps. I can't see your setup from here.
14:01.00*** join/#asterisk kharwell (kharwell@nat/digium/x-ekjduzmpyvwqgviu)
14:03.23mfubut lets ask digium
14:16.43*** join/#asterisk camerin (
14:19.37stefan27thanks, what's the CLI command to show manager version? I'm pretty sure the version now is 2.8 and the one before i upgraded was 2.7, but i forgot how to view it from cli
14:22.30*** join/#asterisk tparcina (~tomo@
14:24.30stefan27mjordan 'Note that each backwards compatible change will bump the minor version', do you mean each non-backwards-compatiable change?
14:29.56*** join/#asterisk darkbasic (
14:40.01stefan27nvm it does say Asterisk Call Manager/2.8.0 when connecting
14:41.24cusco[TK]D-Fender: sorry for the delay, here:
14:43.24[TK]D-FenderNotice these items WITHOUT the /n on them
14:43.46[TK]D-Fenderwithout it the outer local channel wrapper "dissolves" and the channel is rebridged
14:43.52[TK]D-FenderYou should be using /n on all of these
14:55.24cusco[TK]D-Fender: ok, got it
14:55.36cuscoI tried reading about the /n
14:55.42cuscobut I couldn't quite grasp the concept
15:00.13seik0I'm too tired or got a very strange issue:
15:00.26seik0I have:
15:00.28seik0exten => _to-pstn-.,1,NoOp(=== CALL TO PSTN ===)
15:00.28seik0exten => _to-avay-.,1,NoOp(=== CALL TO AVAYA ===)
15:00.54seik0when I do
15:00.56seik0exten => _X.,1,GoTo(dahdi,to-avay-${EXTEN},1)
15:01.00seik0everything ok
15:01.03seik0when I do
15:01.11seik0exten => _X.,1,GoTo(dahdi,to-pstn-${EXTEN},1)
15:01.21seik0it says "invalid extension"
15:01.50seik0I tried copying to be sure in typos
15:02.58[TK]D-FenderDo NOT flood in here.
15:03.37[TK]D-Fenderand those are TERRIBLE patterns
15:03.38pjensen00build an ark!  We got water!
15:03.50[TK]D-FenderThose letters in there have MEANINGS you know
15:04.48[TK]D-FenderDitch that naming method and restructure it cleaner
15:06.31*** join/#asterisk bcalhoun (
15:06.56seik0patterns, of course
15:10.11seik0it's not the first time I forget that not only X and . are possible in patterns
15:13.35*** join/#asterisk doome_ (
15:19.10WIMPyzekoZeko: That makes me look back at the days when bugs were fixed at the same speed...
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15:45.12hirogenis anyone good with sim cars working when directly installed into a laptop
15:45.20hirogenthe simcard is from EE provider and its def been activated
15:45.31hirogenbut i have no idea how to run the sim card of the dell laptop
15:49.35*** join/#asterisk haakon_n (
15:50.28[TK]D-FenderAsterisk has no means of using that
15:52.31WIMPyBut I don't think that's the question here.
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16:27.49ChainsawIsn't setting a specific permit on a SIP peer in sip.conf sufficient to make it use that context on an inbound call?
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16:28.28WIMPySetting it on all others should do.
16:30.04ChainsawWIMPy: I'm having an inbound call end up on my default "from-sip" context rather than my more specific "from-itsp-here".
16:30.49WIMPyA permit doesn't make it more specific.
16:30.59WIMPyYou need to set the host to match that.
16:31.53ChainsawWIMPy: That explains a lot, yes. Can I set multiple host entries?
16:31.58[TK]D-FenderChainsaw: Don't call a peer a "context", and permit allows in combination with the deny.
16:32.09[TK]D-FenderChainsawWIMPy: That explains a lot, yes. Can I set multiple host entries? <- no
16:32.10Chainsaw[TK]D-Fender: WIMPy already gave the correctd answer.
16:32.18WIMPyYou need one peer per host.
16:32.23ChainsawWIMPy: Thanks.
16:33.34[TK]D-Fenderpjsip allows multiple AOR
16:33.41[TK]D-Fenderchan_sip doesn't
16:39.15ChainsawWIMPy: Explains my problems, all fixed.
16:39.22Chainsaw[TK]D-Fender: Never called a peer a context.
17:28.10cuscowhat is AOR?
17:29.15*** join/#asterisk cresl1n (Adium@asterisk/libpri-and-libss7-expert/Cresl1n)
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17:29.41*** join/#asterisk hardwire (~hardwire@2604:a880:1:20::191:e001)
17:33.26rmudgettAddress Of Record
17:47.24cusco[TK]D-Fender: I just changed queue members to have all /n
17:47.32cuscothe behaviour did not change howefver
17:47.52cuscoupon being answered, second queue, is not going trough the macro
17:49.27*** join/#asterisk Hyper_Eye (~mwoodj@pdpc/sponsor/digium/hyper-eye)
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18:21.23mfunewtonr: just for info problem solved :)
18:24.28mfuit was a "hardware problem"
18:24.51mfuon the PCIe -> PCI converter was 4Pin power-sockel
18:25.01mfuthere was no power cable connected :D
18:25.02WIMPyIf there's a PC involved, there's always a hardware problem, I guess.
18:25.17mfunot really can be a driver problem
18:25.23WIMPyBut at least that's easy to fix.
18:25.27mfubut it wasnt
18:25.38mfuyeah.. if you know "where"
18:27.58newtonrmfu, awesome
18:28.43*** join/#asterisk airjump (
18:29.38WIMPyLess trouble if you have hardware that fits directly.
18:39.20*** join/#asterisk doome_ (
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19:11.05mfubut now another problem..boa.. the link LED flash red... i think the cable to the adtran 6540 modem is erm.. strange
19:16.17WIMPyIn the Adtran 6540 sepcification I don't see a BRI option for it, only PRI.
19:16.36WIMPyAnd oc fourse uding TDM interfaces for VOIP is .....
19:17.29mfuWIMPy: hm?
19:17.37mfuyou mean i need a PRI card, no BRI
19:18.29WIMPyThat's what it looks like to me.
19:23.26mfufu*** vodafone
19:23.43WIMPyHelps if you know what you ordered.
19:24.07WIMPyWhy didn't you order a straight VOIP account?
19:24.40mfuthats the problem, i doesnt ordered the adtran modem, vodafone tells "its working with the digium bri card"
19:25.02WIMPySounds interesting.
19:25.11mfuot does
19:25.24WIMPyThe two PDFs I found seem to disagree.
19:25.24mfuso.. now i look for a PRI card
19:27.41WIMPyMaybe you should find out what you actually got and if it is what you ordered.
19:28.12mfuWIMPy: i just ordered the BRI card, the modem.. comes from vodafone.. without any chance to choose
19:28.20mfuso.. there is no question, i just need antoher card
19:28.33WIMPyWhat you ordered from Vodafone, obviousely.
19:30.18mfuWIMPy: i ordered just a s2m connection, the hardware comes from vodafone without any question of "what is needed for.."
19:30.50WIMPyOk, then you got what you ordered. You ordered a PRI.
19:32.55WIMPyBTW: You're not related to MCS from Dortmund, are you?
19:33.14mfunope :)
19:36.21*** join/#asterisk CassiusS (~cassius@
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22:28.58TagorI'm having problems with * and my grandstream phone. My setup has worked for years but suddenly I cannot make calls longer than 17:30 minutes. It just drops the line after that time. * only says 'Spawn extension (inter, 123, 2) exited non-zero on 'SIP/501-00000004''. I tried with a soft phone from the same internet connection and that seems to work fine. I haven't changed any configs. The
22:28.58Tagoronly thing that changed is that I updated * a few weeks ago. Anyone got a clue what's causing this?
22:39.41TagorBy the way, this only affects calls from the grandstream phone. Incoming calls work fine
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