IRC log for #asterisk on 20150722

00:04.42*** join/#asterisk fstd_ (~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted)
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02:22.22*** part/#asterisk mjordan (~mjordan@
02:31.32*** join/#asterisk kmyst (~eric@
02:33.01kmystis anything special needed to pass callerid? i'm having a tough time making it do anything :/
02:37.04kmysthuh, all i get is unknown or depending on whatever option i fiddle with pieces of what i set it to
02:38.37WIMPyFrom where to where?
02:39.03WIMPyAnd "pieces" sounds very strange.
02:39.23kmystoutbound asterisk sip call to my cell phone
02:40.08WIMPyAre you allowed to send caller ID?
02:40.40kmystWIMPy: i tried Set(CALLERID(all)="Test User <1234567890>") as called myself and got (234) 567-890
02:41.42WIMPyAssuming your  mobile is located in NA, that looks ok to me.
02:41.44*** join/#asterisk doop (
02:41.47WIMPyWhat do you expect?
02:43.04kmystwait maybe that wasn't right, i've tried so many combos i forget but i did get it to pass that much one time only
02:43.54WIMPyMake sure you use the expected format.
02:44.20kmystok what do you mean by that?
02:44.56WIMPySend it the way your provider expects it.
02:46.32kmystok in that case i know that it's based on the following header fields in order of preference: P-Asserted-Identity, Remote-Party-ID, or From....i tried the first one and nothing and last one and nothing there as well
02:55.15*** join/#asterisk superscrat (
02:59.19kmystwhoa think that test was successful
02:59.35kmystapparently it likes num not name
02:59.35*** join/#asterisk robmal (
03:02.28*** join/#asterisk darkbasic (
03:05.17[TK]D-Fender<kmyst> WIMPy: i tried Set(CALLERID(all)="Test User <1234567890>") <- wrong
03:05.23[TK]D-Fenderquotes only goes around the name
03:05.31[TK]D-Fender<> goes around the number
03:06.48kmyst[TK]D-Fender: ah
03:07.00kmystwell it'll pass the number now but no name
03:07.14[TK]D-FenderPass to where?
03:07.18kmystmy cell
03:07.34[TK]D-FenderYou almost never get to pass a name to the PST at all.
03:07.47[TK]D-FenderAnd I'm not sure about your area, but our cells get no name period
03:07.59[TK]D-Fenderunless you have them in the phone directory
03:08.52kmystyou know, good point...i just thought since i get robo calls showing up with both name and number on my home phone i could do similar
03:16.39kmystok so newb question but what's the cleanest/easiest way to set this once and not have to drop it in every exten prior ti Dial()?
03:18.03WIMPySet it in the device definition.
03:18.48kmystin the sip context?
03:21.03[TK]D-FenderUse macros
03:21.32[TK]D-FenderAnd stop calling dial directly.  Do the dial in the macro alnog with CID setup
03:22.26kmyst[TK]D-Fender: just learning, been at it a few days :)
03:23.03WIMPyMacros are deprecated. Use Gosub instead.
03:23.41[TK]D-FenderWIMPy, in theory I suppose but they aren't going away it seems and I've never really had any consequence
03:23.49[TK]D-FenderWIMPy, but why not :)
03:24.30kmystso to put it in sip.conf as a device definition is the format different or is it still Set(CALLERID....?
03:25.01WIMPyIt's callerid= as shown in the example.
03:25.54WIMPythe sample sip.conf
03:26.43[TK]D-FenderI'd recommend just chaging your dialplan for this
03:27.03[TK]D-Fenderand doing it in a macro and compact the rest of your dialing needs
03:27.08[TK]D-Fender(or gosub)
03:28.11kmyst[TK]D-Fender: agreed but gotta work up towards that, right now learning out of the book and wiki and using barebones files
03:28.37*** join/#asterisk robmal (
03:28.58kmystWIMPy: ah those, yeah i have those squirreled away, with all of them in /etc/asterisk it spewed a bunch of notices and errors all the time
03:29.39[TK]D-Fenderkmyst, PB your dialplan and I'll give yo a quick sample
03:29.51WIMPyThey are smples, meant for reference, not defaults ment to be used.
03:30.37kmystWIMPy: just followed the install on using centos binaries that's what i wound up with installing asterisk-configs but yeah i hear ya that's why i did what i did
03:32.45kmyst[TK]D-Fender: and yeah it looks newbish :)
03:34.46WIMPyThe only thing I find interesting is that you used a variable for your area code, but hardcoded your country code. :-)
03:35.05kmystlaziness :)
03:35.34kmyst1 is less typing than ${blah}
03:35.34WIMPyBut only sometimes?
03:36.03kmystright only sometimes, occasional method to my madness
03:36.33kmystgood point, just wanted to do it
03:37.36kmystso callerid= put into [flowroute] did nada guess i gotta put it into each device entry for phones?
03:38.13WIMPyYes, it's for incomming calls.
03:38.39WIMPyBut you can use templates.
03:39.02kmystyeah i did use it in template for phones
03:39.20[TK]D-FenderMerry Christmas
03:40.33kmyst[TK]D-Fender: ty :)
03:41.30kmystthat only took me two evening and 36 test calls
03:43.57kmystugh and now all my internal numbers show up the same
03:48.33[TK]D-Fenderthe same where?
03:48.54[TK]D-Fenderwere you looking for your phones to have THEIR outgoing calls look different?
03:49.46kmystwell i haven't used the macro thing yet i was referring to when i put callerid= into the template for phones in sip.conf
03:50.18kmystand yeah i guess i was looking for if it's outgoing tag it with callerid i set else if it's internal don't
03:53.03[TK]D-Fenderok, show me that line you set.
03:53.23[TK]D-Fender(one of them)
03:53.28[TK]D-Fendersince you did for multiple
03:53.38kmystno just set one
03:54.03[TK]D-Fenderpate it
03:54.17kmystcallerid=<my number>
03:54.42kmystin a template for phones so all my phones inherit that
03:55.53*** join/#asterisk superscrat (
03:56.28[TK]D-Fenderis that what you want?
03:56.32[TK]D-Fenderoh wait...
03:56.39[TK]D-Fenderthat kills INTER PHONE CID too
03:56.47[TK]D-Fenderwould be nice to set it for OUTBOUND
03:56.51[TK]D-FenderSo, do thisL
03:57.27[TK]D-Fendersetvar=outboundcid="Test User" <1234567890>
03:57.39[TK]D-Fenderin each for whatever you want their outbound to be.
03:58.00[TK]D-Fenderyou don't HAVE to do this but I'll give you a sample that takes advantage if you did
03:58.18WIMPyYes, setvar is very hand, where available.
03:59.26kmystcan i set that once for all in the template?
03:59.33[TK]D-Fenderyou COULD
03:59.46[TK]D-Fenderyou won't have to.
03:59.56[TK]D-Fenderwatch my new sample
03:59.57*** join/#asterisk rewzn (
04:04.18WIMPyNo need for a GotoIf if you use ExecIf.
04:04.52kmystoh thats awesome
04:05.20*** join/#asterisk ganbold (~ganbold@
04:06.45[TK]D-FenderWIMPy, too lazy to look up the syntax, but yes,
04:06.45[TK]D-Fendercould ahve been smaller
04:06.54[TK]D-FenderkyBut you should be getting the idea about to abstract your setup
04:07.18kmystyes i am
04:07.44kmystslowly :)
04:10.32*** join/#asterisk protem (~protem@unaffiliated/protem)
04:11.09kmysti have that definitive asterisk book, while very good and heavy in detail it is kind of lacking in certain examples of stuff like "set callerid"
04:12.12kmystbetween that and the wiki thats how i got that dialplan going to the point i did
04:16.43infobotfrom memory, asteriskwiki is
04:16.53[TK]D-FenderSERIOULSY keep to this one.
04:17.06kmysti am
04:17.14kmystgot like 5 tabs on it open :)
04:17.19[TK]D-FenderThere is a decript old one whose information is dated and is often vague about what versions any given sample is for.
04:17.23infobotit has been said that wikis is VoIP Wiki covering FreeSWITCH, TrixBox, SER, OpenSER, sipX, CallWeaver, and YATE. (c) Arte Marketing Inc / CommPartners.  For Asterisk, see ~asteriskwiki
04:17.26[TK]D-FenderThis one
04:17.31[TK]D-FenderTread lightly there
04:17.49[TK]D-Fenderuse it to supplement what you can't find elsewhere and take witha  grain of salt
04:18.01kmystyeah i've learned that too
04:21.31kmystactually i've noticed a lot of what is out there is out of date relatively speaking
04:22.02kmysti figured the book i got covering version 11 and i'm running 13 was a good jumping off point to learn with
04:24.02kmystbut since i'm not concerned with voicemail, sql, etc. at this point in time i was like wtf trying to work out this callerid
04:24.20kmystshould probably spend a few nights reading those sample files
04:27.00snadgewhat determines whether a peer is lagged or unreachable?
04:27.19snadgei understand qualify = yes means 2000.. but apparently the lag time can go well beyond that.. is there a formula for that or something?
04:27.56WIMPyThat IS the limit for lagged.
04:28.05learathargh phonepower!  Why do you hate me!
04:29.25bhansHow do I know if I configured my Asterisk properly in CentOS 6.6
04:29.37learathDoes it work?
04:29.46WIMPyBy trying if it does what you want.
04:30.10bhansI'm figuring out if it works or not :-/ I just followed how-to-install
04:30.34bhansBut now, im hanging from testing if it works
04:30.43bhansHow could I test this out?
04:31.02kmysttry the hello world example?
04:31.24kmystwhich STUN tripped me up on that for an hour
04:34.02*** join/#asterisk mbecroft (
04:36.35[TK]D-Fender<bhans> How could I test this out? <_ you use it.
04:36.45[TK]D-Fenderbhans, There is no "test"  things happen in REAL TIME
04:36.53[TK]D-Fendertesting = doing
04:37.25bhansI don't know how to do it
04:37.52bhansThat's why I am asking you.. I tried connecting to it using ZOIPER but it wont connect
04:38.00bhansWhat am I missing here?
04:38.10[TK]D-FenderDon't know how to do what?
04:38.14[TK]D-FenderYou configured your server
04:38.16[TK]D-FenderPLACE CALLS
04:38.22[TK]D-Fenderthat is "using your server"
04:38.34kmystbhans: i had to disabled STUN on zoiper for it to start working
04:38.47[TK]D-Fenderif it won't connect... well something is wrong.  What is the reason for "no connect"?
04:38.58[TK]D-FenderAre packets making it to your server?
04:39.02bhansI'll try that kmyst.. thanks!
04:39.10[TK]D-FenderWhere are these 2 devices relative to one another?
04:39.11bhans[TK]D-Fender: I really don't know
04:40.21kmystnot saying that's the problem just know i had that issue one i started testing
04:40.57[TK]D-Fender[TK]D-Fender> Where are these 2 devices relative to one another?
04:50.08bhans[TK]D-Fender: can you give me a guide on how to setup this thing? I'll try to setup from scratch again.
04:52.32[TK]D-FenderI just asked you a question.
04:53.04[TK]D-FenderThings have to match your circumstances.
04:53.16[TK]D-FenderSo start from the beginning
04:53.20bhansWhat you mean by 2 devices?
04:53.29bhansMy PCs?
04:53.46bhansrelative to one another: they are in the same network
04:54.25[TK]D-FenderServer and Zoiper
04:54.46bhansim using windows for zoiper and installed asterisk to centos
04:55.03bhanswhich are in a different computers but in the same network
04:55.27bhansI'll just start from the beginning, please guide me
04:56.33bhansI have CentOS 6.6
04:56.40bhansAny asterisk version is ok with this?
04:58.39kmyst[TK]D-Fender WIMPy: thanks for the help
04:58.54kmystbedtime calls
04:59.03*** part/#asterisk kmyst (~eric@
05:00.16[TK]D-Fenderbhans, Any can run.
05:00.23[TK]D-FenderYou'll want 11 or 13 only though
05:00.28[TK]D-Fender13 preferred
05:00.36[TK]D-Fenderbut 11 will do
05:00.41[TK]D-Fenderyou already have this
05:00.46[TK]D-FenderSo it's LOCAL LAN, right?
05:00.53[TK]D-FenderHow did you install *?
05:00.55[TK]D-FenderIs it running?
05:01.55bhansI just uninstalled everything
05:02.12bhansand got a fresh CentOS too
05:02.29bhansSo, we'll do * 13
05:02.49*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (
05:04.21[TK]D-FenderYou trashed in these past 7 minutes?
05:10.09bhansi just ran back-up
05:10.37bhansCan we start now?
05:12.55bhans[TK]D-Fender: yuhoooo
05:13.38bhansdo I need to install PJSIP too?>
05:13.45[TK]D-Fendersure just get things wher you thought they should be.
05:13.54[TK]D-Fenderdisable that for now
05:14.05bhansI have asterisk-13.3.2
05:14.55bhansam I lacking something else or there's useless on that list?
05:15.36[TK]D-Fenderlooks fine
05:15.41[TK]D-Fenderso get your configs in place
05:15.54[TK]D-FenderAnd verify that * is runing and your peers are loaded, etc
05:16.02[TK]D-Fenderand check your FIREWALL on it
05:16.09[TK]D-Fendermany stock settings may filter it
05:16.14bhansgot it
05:19.34bhansconfigure is successful
05:19.41bhansill do make now
05:23.02bhansI have error with 'PRI'
05:23.20bhansPRI dependency was previously satisfied but is now unsatisfied
05:25.53*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
05:28.38*** join/#asterisk elitas (~elitas@
05:34.21bhans[TK]D-Fender: installation complete
05:34.26bhansWhat to do next?
05:37.35[TK]D-FenderSetup your stuff
05:37.41[TK]D-Fenderinstalling != configuring
05:37.47[TK]D-FenderSetup your zoiper peer
05:37.51[TK]D-Fenderset up your dialplan.
05:37.55[TK]D-Fenderstart testing
05:39.39bhansI was asking you how to set it up correctly
05:39.48bhansI don't even know how to do the account stuff
05:40.42[TK]D-Fenderthen there was nothing to test
05:40.55[TK]D-FenderZoiper can't magically connect when you didn't set up an account for it to auth on
05:41.13[TK]D-FenderAnd it can't dial anything if you didn't configure a dialplan to process calls it will place
05:41.20bhansThat's my point, I don't know where do I set the account
05:41.35[TK]D-FenderSounds like you had expectations of this coming with something FUNCTION to test with
05:41.40[TK]D-FenderToss that idea mostly out the door
05:41.46bhansYou are not really helping.
05:41.50[TK]D-FenderAnd you need to learn how to configure *
05:41.53[TK]D-FenderGot that book?
05:41.57bhansYou're just being an asshole.
05:41.57[TK]D-FenderYou need to start reading NOW
05:42.01bhansbye asshole
05:42.03*** part/#asterisk bhans (~briguer20@
05:42.04[TK]D-FenderNo, thiws is important
05:42.23*** join/#asterisk bhans (~briguer20@
05:42.46[TK]D-FenderI am not being an asshole.
05:42.58[TK]D-Fenderthere is nothing of any real usability to "test" in there
05:43.27[TK]D-FenderYou need to understand those basics to set up your ssytem
05:46.08bhansnah.. I know you're better than this. You just aint helping me.
05:46.25[TK]D-FenderIt isn't "help" if you're starting from zero
05:46.42*** join/#asterisk tparcina (~tomo@
05:46.45[TK]D-Fenderit's me typing out full configs and you still not understanding any of it unless I type out al that explanation as well
05:55.34[TK]D-FenderAh the joy of impatient entitlement.....
05:59.49*** join/#asterisk tpdmoore (
06:00.57*** join/#asterisk rrittgarn (
06:14.58*** join/#asterisk CeBe (
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06:24.22ChannelZICYMI: the domain is available
06:24.41*** join/#asterisk hehol (
06:24.59[TK]D-FenderWell that answers my silent suspicions on that ;)
06:26.13ChannelZHmmm.. some other good ones..
06:27.22ChannelZjesus the number of TLDs are insane
06:46.49*** join/#asterisk bulkorok (~b.tietz@
06:52.25*** join/#asterisk tapout (~tapout@unaffiliated/tapout)
07:03.11*** join/#asterisk Zogot (
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07:14.03MaliutaLapI want the domain - so much potential for $$$'s selling subs
07:18.09*** join/#asterisk tapout (~tapout@unaffiliated/tapout)
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07:37.16*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/chainsaw)
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07:53.18dadrc"Contact me at" <3
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08:19.22*** join/#asterisk angryuser (
08:19.26*** join/#asterisk rl1 (~Darwin@
08:19.34rl1Hi guys. Need yer help.
08:19.35rl1[Jul 22 10:57:15] DEBUG[1333][C-00016522] chan_sip.c: ** Our capability: (ulaw|alaw) Video flag: False Text flag: False
08:19.36rl1[Jul 22 10:57:15] DEBUG[1333][C-00016522] chan_sip.c: ** Our prefcodec: (g729)
08:19.57rl1why does asterisk select g729 when I explicitly allowed only PCMA/PCMU?
08:21.34rl1it doesn't even have support for g729, why the hell does it prefer g729 over g711
08:24.36*** join/#asterisk jetlag (
08:29.08ChannelZWhat did the remote end request?
08:38.48rl1ChannelZ, here's the sdp of the calling party's INVITE
08:40.33*** join/#asterisk darkbasic (
08:47.10rl1ChannelZ, see, the remote end also supports PCMA
08:47.31rl1now, why the hell, why the hell does asterisk prefer g729 over g711?? :(
08:47.52rl1as it is not installed, asterisk drops the call afterwards
08:48.05rl1saying that it could not translate the path
08:51.24ChannelZI'm not actually sure what that debug is meaning.
08:54.31rl1ChannelZ, as i understand it, asterisk is trying to use g729 with the calling party, but then, as the codec is not installed neither supported by the sip provider, it drops the call with " No path to translate from SIP/pstn-000055b3 to SIP/101-000055b2"
08:55.07ChannelZin the sip debug, look for a line like "Capabilities: us - (ulaw|g723|alaw|gsm|g726|g726aal2|adpcm|slin|slin|slin|slin|), peer - audio=(ulaw)/video=(nothing)/text=(nothing), combined - (ulaw)"
08:55.18*** join/#asterisk K0HAX (~K0HAX@2604:5800:5:f005::20)
08:59.42*** join/#asterisk war9407 (
08:59.56ChannelZor.. what 'allow'/'disallow' lines do you have in sip.conf, exactly? in [general] and the peer?
09:03.38rl1ChannelZ, Capabilities: us - (ulaw|alaw|g729), peer - audio=(gsm|ulaw|alaw|speex|ilbc)/video=(nothing)/text=(nothing), combined - (ulaw|alaw)
09:04.09rl1eer, the peer is not the same, so it doesn't have g729 in the capabilities
09:04.20ChannelZyeah, but you do.
09:05.44Chainsawwould write that as allow=!all,alaw,ulaw
09:06.01rl1i like to do it the old way
09:07.25ChannelZI don't know why g729 is even listed there if that's true
09:09.20rl1sip show settings shows:
09:09.21rl1Global Signalling Settings:
09:09.23ChannelZwhat does 'sip show settings' show for Codec under the Global section?  What about for 'sip show peer xxxx'
09:10.28rl1in the sip show peer:
09:10.44ChannelZyeah so.. fix that..
09:11.13rl1by explicitly setting allow/disallow on the peer?
09:11.18ChannelZyou're either using a template that has it in there that you're not realizing, or it's flat out set that way
09:11.25*** join/#asterisk evil_gordita (
09:11.37ChannelZOr removing the allow/disallow for the specific peer so it uses the globals... whatevs
09:14.21ChannelZbed time
09:14.21rl1well, we use realtime asterisk with database
09:14.44ChannelZI was going to ask that. Or if it was FreePBX
09:15.17rl1nah it's pure asterisk
09:16.00dan_jrl1: As far as I'm aware, if both sides of the call are using g729 and asterisk doesn't have to re-encode the call, no g729 license is required. That may be a possible reason why it's trying to accept g729 and then failing when it discovers that the other side is not g729.
09:16.32ChannelZYeah but the capabilities of the peer don't say g729 which is the weird part
09:16.52ChannelZ>> Capabilities: us - (ulaw|alaw|g729), peer - audio=(gsm|ulaw|alaw|speex|ilbc)
09:17.09ChannelZOut of curiosity what version of asterisk?
09:17.17dan_jFrom experience, asterisk isn't clever enough to work it out and then ends up dropping the call.
09:18.09dan_jrl1: Find the column for that peer thats called disallow and put 'all'. Then find the column that says allow and put 'alaw,ulaw' (remove any reference to g729 from the allow column)
09:18.48dan_jRemember that in 'real time' the SIP Peers are cached so when you make that change you have to prune and reload that peer to get the new settings.
09:19.32dan_jsip prune realtime peer {SIP PEER NAME}
09:19.55dan_jsip show peer {SIP PEER NAME} load
09:20.20dan_jYou will also lose the sip registration when you do that so you'll either need to wait for the sip phone to re-register, or restart the sip phone.
09:21.52rl1thanks guys
09:21.55rl1found the problem
09:22.10rl1in the sippers table it says "allow g729, alaw, ulaw"
09:22.20rl1how could i be so stupid
09:30.33dan_jI'm sure we've all been there once in our asterisk lives. Good luck.
09:53.39esupraHI, I have an issue where not even google seems to be my friend
09:53.53esupra[Jul 22 11:18:38] WARNING[6292] res_config_mysql.c: MySQL RealTime: Failed to update database: Lost connection to MySQL server during query
09:53.53esupra[Jul 22 11:18:38] ERROR[6292] res_config_mysql.c: MySQL RealTime: Ping failed (2006).  Trying an explicit reconnect.
09:54.07esuprahappens average 180x per day
09:54.10esupraasterisk 11.8
09:55.11dan_jCheck your mysql server is ok and check the connectivity to it is stable.
09:55.19dan_jDoesn't look like an asterisk issue
09:56.01dan_jTry switching to odbc and see if thats more stable.
09:56.26esuprarunning cdr updates to main db server with odbc no issues
09:56.43esuprait is only when sip_regs do update that this happens every once in a while
09:57.00dan_jIf odbc is working fine for cdr, then switch realtime to odbc too.
09:57.48dan_jI stopped using res_config_mysql a while ago, and moved to res_config_odbc.
09:57.48esuprawill test and see if it helps
09:57.51dan_jI cant remember why
09:58.24dan_jI think res_config_mysql is deprecated.
09:59.00*** join/#asterisk kolko (~kolko@
09:59.08esuprathink so too, this was installed by somebody else though, ubuntu apt-get, so I think it might be issue with the ubuntu version
09:59.36esupracompiled 13 from source, but it has a bug in it that crashes on blank channel transfer on
10:00.08esupraso that dont help much, since it runs on clustered with around 6000 extensions on it
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10:00.18esuprabut will try odbc and see what it does tonight
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12:09.12DivideBy0esupra: I know I'm late to the party, but that reconnect message is because your mysql timeout is very low. Look for "wait_timeout" in my.cnf
12:09.36DivideBy0a db admin probably lowered it to expire stale connections, but went too low
12:09.42esuprasweet, thanx, seen it, was set to 10seconds
12:09.57DivideBy0so that means every connection will timeout in 10 seconds of inactivity
12:10.09esuprabut with 6000 registrations happening every 2 min, it was bound to cause hickups,
12:10.13DivideBy0which sounds sorta-right with 6000 extensions, but
12:10.16esuprathanx, will up it tonight and restart the sql
12:10.29esuprathanx for help
12:10.31DivideBy0I *think* you can change it on the fly with a set global
12:11.28DivideBy0yeah, you should be able to change it without a restart
12:11.43DivideBy0but remember, if it works, to change it in my.cnf or you'll lose it on restart (I've done this too many times)
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12:36.22sekil6k regs on asterisk..
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12:57.30RicoI have problem with incoming calls on asterisk 13 (pjsip)
12:57.39Ricomy pjsip.conf looks like this :
12:57.44Ricosip trunk is registered
12:57.55Ricowhen doing an incoming call by this trunk I have this error message :
12:58.40Rico[Jul 22 13:40:35] NOTICE[1676]: res_pjsip/pjsip_distributor.c:256 log_unidentified_request: Request from '"067697abcd" <sip:067697abcd@x.x.x.x>' failed for 'y.y.y.y:5060' (callid: 7e5c-466-6222015114035-JANGO-1-x.x.x.x) - No matching endpoint found
13:02.54[TK]D-FenderRico: I see no AOR in your config
13:03.02Rico[TK]D-Fender:  I'm fixing it
13:03.08Rico(trying to)
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13:05.33Rico(just broke my register) :D
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13:06.52Ricoseems that asterisk don't like if auth section has name identifier than registration section... strange
13:07.14fileAsterisk doesn't care, many endpoints do
13:07.47fileyour underlying problem is that there is nothing in your PJSIP configuration to match the above request
13:08.00fileah you're using line support
13:08.04Ricojust changing [1004] to [1004_auth] (and outbound_auth=1004 to outbound_auth=1004_auth) fixed the register problem
13:08.10filewhat is the request?
13:08.21[TK]D-FenderRico: You also seem to have registration settings under the endpoint and not in a proper registration section
13:08.33fileyes, that too
13:10.17Rico[TK]D-Fender:  I've clean it, let me pastebin the new one
13:12.22Rico[TK]D-Fender, file :
13:12.45filewith that configuration there is nothing to match that incoming request to an endpoint
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13:15.08fileyou will either need to create a match section which matches based on source IP address, or use line support which may work (depends on how the remote server behaves)
13:15.45Ricofile:  ok, I'll take a look at that, thanks
13:16.29*** join/#asterisk davlefouAMD (~davlefouA@
13:18.24Ricolooking for doc about "line"
13:19.06Rico"If you would like to enable line support and have incoming calls related to this registration go to an endpoint automatically the "line" and "endpoint" options must be set.
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13:27.57[TK]D-Fenderthat should be THEM, not YOU iirc...
13:33.21rl1ehm... How do I turn on verbosity in logs on 11 asterisk?
13:33.48rl1there now seems to be two verbosity settings which are  Root console verbosity, Current console verbosity
13:34.05ganboldcore set debug on, core set verbose on
13:34.06rl1in the old version (like 1.6) there was only one verbose setting
13:35.00rl1ganbold, core set verbose on is an invalid command
13:35.21ganboldwell I meant similar command
13:35.53ganboldor you can maybe run asterisk like -gcvvvvvv
13:36.32rl1it's already running, so i can't run it with -c
13:37.21rl1if i core set verbosity to any level, it only applies to the current console and not for the logs
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13:37.54rl1DEBUG NOTICE WARNING ERROR VERBOSE DTMF FAX i have this in logger.conf
13:38.14rl1debug is working but verbose not :(
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13:46.48rl1should i set verbosity on the root console to make it apply for the logger?
13:47.46ganboldmaybe, I didn't test much
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14:12.02Ricofile:  do you have doc about 'line" and 'match' options in pjsip ?
14:12.16fileum it would be on the wiki
14:12.54fileI know match is part of the example configuration on the wiki for doing ITSP connection
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14:24.58Ricofile:  can you explain me that :
14:25.09Rico-> why is auth 'trunk_sbc' not found ?
14:25.14Ricocan't understand
14:25.45fileyou generally don't want to authenticate calls from an ITSP because they won't authenticate
14:26.00fileand I don't know - look at your console logs at startup and it will say why
14:26.10Ricono but I want to authenticate myself to my trunk provider
14:26.34filewell, look at your console output at startup
14:27.39fileand have you tried following the example for this?
14:27.57Rico[Jul 22 16:27:07] WARNING[1353] config_options.c: Cannot update type 'identify' in module 'res_pjsip' because it has no existing documentation!
14:28.35Ricofile:  yes I have, and
14:28.45fileyour installed documentation doesn't match your installed set of modules
14:29.10Ricowhat what what ?
14:30.23Ricofresh install, only install one version of asterisk, which is the one running
14:31.01filelet me put your config in mine...
14:31.09filewhat is the complete console output at startup?
14:31.17Ricolet me pastebin it to you
14:31.35RicoI'm redoing aé "make all && make installé
14:31.52Ricoslaps infobot
14:34.01*** join/#asterisk marceloamorim (
14:34.19fileI just put your entire posted config in my Asterisk and it loaded fine
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14:34.59fileexcept registration, let's see...
14:38.03fileoh, lack of transport
14:38.06fileotherwise it loads fine
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14:39.08Ricofile:  I did not put transport in pastebin but it is present in my conf file
14:39.31filedo you have the full console output yet?
14:39.52Ricosee MP
14:40.09fileI don't accept private messages
14:40.21Ricodo you accept notices ?
14:40.36fileno - any help I give is public
14:40.58RicoI would prefer to not pastebin all the logs in public chan because of public IP addresses etc...
14:41.16filethey can be removed
14:43.00Ricofile:  here it is:
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14:44.47learathanyone rolled centos7 rpms?
14:44.54filewhat does "pjsip show auths" show?
14:46.14learathanyone familiar with PhonePower and Asterisk 11.7.0?
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14:47.33Ricofile:       Auth:  1004_auth/1004
14:48.22filewhat else did you leave out of the pastebin?
14:48.49Ricommh the things I have in my config does not match the things CLI is showing... restarting
14:49.46Ricofile:  nothing
14:49.56Ricojust changed ip addresses and hostnames
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14:52.51Ricofile:  got my trunk registered back, but still can't have incoming calls
14:52.57Ricolet me make another pastebin
14:53.09Ricowith everything inside
14:59.13*** join/#asterisk ak77_ (c12e4b04@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
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15:00.46Ricofile:  and logfile :
15:01.32ak77_how to debug locking issues ? (asterisk-chan-dongle locks up)
15:01.48fileif your documentation (which is located at /var/lib/asterisk/documentation/core-en_US.xml) does not include documentation for the "identify" type then the configuration won't be read in, that seems to be what is happening
15:02.00filethat is done as part of the build process - it's extracted from everything
15:02.14filewhy it didn't do it for you, I'm not sure, but it's likely environment specific
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15:03.22bochhi all
15:05.24yoggI have a strange problem with asterisk "". I have created some debug outputs. One for the callerid: "### Callerid all: "012345678901" <0012345678901>". But in the sip debug I see this: "From: "Anonymous" <sip:Anonymous@anonymous.invalid>;tag=as686af854"
15:06.22yoggHas someone an idea why asterisk sets anonymous when the caller id is set to an number?
15:06.56WIMPyBecause the presentation was set to inhibit?
15:07.32WIMPyCan't remember if 1.8 already used CALLERID(pres) or the old way.
15:07.39Ricofile:  think I'm getting closer :
15:07.49RicoCommand 'module load res_pjsip_endpoint_identifier_ip' failed.
15:08.14*** part/#asterisk aandrew (
15:08.25yoggWIMPy: pres is set to "### Callerid num-pres: prohib_not_screened"
15:08.41fileRico, you have to restart
15:08.47WIMPySo that's the explanation.
15:09.51Ricofile:  Ive done it about 150 times
15:10.09Ricomaybe I have to force load in asterisk.conf
15:11.49Ricofile : PJSIP IP endpoint identifier             0          Not Running          core
15:12.26yoggWIMPy: I have this on all my asterisk boxes. Normaly this works without an problem. What else shoud I set here?
15:13.13WIMPyWhat do you mean? It works as expeced.
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15:17.33yoggWIMPy: ok I think I don't understand this option right. I have to set the  "Callerid num-pres" to allowed?
15:18.32WIMPyYes. "prohib" means it must not be displayed.
15:19.37yoggWIMPy: ok thats strange. I have a second box with exact the same options set and here the number is displayed on the phone. But thanks I will try that
15:20.40WIMPyWhere does the caller ID come from? Does your phone set the flag?
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15:25.00yoggNo I get an call from external. On the external side I see that "from" is set to the right value. But If the call goes to the internal phone the "from" header is set to anonymous. But I curently try to  set "Set(CALLERID(num-prob)=allowed;"
15:26.06WIMPynum-pres, I hope.
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15:35.36yoggWIMPy: typo on my side: Debug: "### Callerid num-prob: allowed" -> From: "Anonymous" <sip:Anonymous@anonymous.invalid>;tag=as24773951    Something is strange
15:36.53yoggand I hve the typo also in my debug messages -.-
15:40.31yoggWIMPy: thx found it. There is "num-prob" and "prob". I have now both on allowed and it seems to work now.
15:41.32yoggwhat the hack is wrong with my fingers -.-
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15:57.22learathargh.  anyone know how to fix "SIP/2.0 403 From: URI not recognized" from Phonepower?
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16:14.46Ricofile:  here ?
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16:34.57WIMPyis in a hacking mood today. What do I break next?
16:40.18learathwell.  that sucks
16:40.30learathWIMPy: want to figure out why the Android default sip works fine, while Asterisk fails? :P
16:42.59WIMPyNo. I consider failure the normal behaviour for SIP.
16:43.09learathlol :)  it's not that bad.
16:43.35WIMPyYes, but that's pure chance.
16:44.06learaththe android client worked perfectly first try :(
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18:13.40learathhmm.  how can I suppress tags in sip registration?
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19:23.35mbowieHey folks... appreciate that this seemingly isn't an * thing, just hoping someone here might have come across something similar... we have a volume of Cisco 79x1 running SIP firmware, which have started generating static / crackle during calls. There is no disruption or visible issue on the wire (the stream sounds perfect in playback) so it seems to be with the handsets themselves.
19:25.24mbowieI don't believe we ever had reports of it under 1.8, but don't see why it would just occur on the device if it's not in the RTP stream. Until this began, we were quite happily using the 8.5(4) release, and have tested all the way to 9.4(2SR1), and it persists.
19:25.33learathCan I disable sip tags?  (<>;tag=as7fd2768d)
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20:17.07malcolmdmbowie: we once had a similar audio problem with polycom conference phones that had older power supplies.  the supplies had degraded and began affecting the phones audio.
20:28.20DivideBy0software guy blames the hardware :)
20:28.27learathIs there a recommend sip trunk provider?
20:30.45DivideBy0learath: I use flowroute over fios like you. I've seen other people here recommend sipstation
20:32.02learath26$/mo seems high
20:35.05bkruseCurrently use flowroute - support has gone downhill, but it's basically level 3 - no real problems with them :)
20:36.11DivideBy0I pay by the minute. I've never actually tried to figure out what would be cheaper - channels vs minutes
20:36.43DivideBy0we're really bursty for a few hours a day, so I was nervous about limiting that by # of channels
20:41.24mbowiemalcolmd: Good thinking... will investigate that angle! These are all on campus PoE switches, with plenty of load available... but that doesn't mean the phone side rectifier isn't aging poorly. Good tip! :-)
20:43.21DivideBy0hmm, looks like I'm a complete idiot for paying by the minute
20:45.46mbowieDivideBy0: When it comes to idiocy, I'd say that to be termed as complete would be ultimate achievement. ;-)
20:46.24eschmidbauerit is level3
20:46.38eschmidbauer(flowroute) the IPs in the SDP are Level3's
20:46.40DivideBy0actually, those virtual-pris are only for inbound, nevermind. I'm back down to only partial idiocy
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21:28.07garym_000Hello #asterisk, I could really use some help here. I have an asterisk/freepbx system in a small medical office that's been going for about 5 months, they are losing calls after they are placed on hold and I can not figure out why. There is just too much stuff going on in the asterisk console with verbosity set to 1 to even keep track. How can I debug this issue?
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21:53.54bkruseeschmidbauer: not exactly level 3 - as the problems I have had have been when flowroute's primary switch goes down, but level 3 is still up - "like" level 3
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22:06.31RobertLaptopEvening I am attempting to install Asterisk 13 on Centos 6.6 but I am getting a package conflict pjproject-2.3-0.digium3.1_centos6.x86_64 & pjproject-2.3-5.el6.x86_64
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22:26.19learathflowroute active and tested, nice.
22:26.27learathhopefully not horribly more expensive.
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23:34.37axisysI have a OpenVox A400P 4-port analog card and I compiled dahdi-linux-complete- and seeing tons of this error message real fast!
23:34.40axisys[1108507.468857] TDM PCI Master abort
23:34.48axisysany suggestion what I am doing wrong?
23:36.06WIMPyAnalog is evil!
23:36.28WIMPyLooks lik a PCI issue to me.
23:37.08axisysI am just hobbist .. playing with this cheap openvox card on cheap old ibm hardware.. lspci -vvvv shows it sees the card
23:38.51axisysI am on ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS running linux kernel 3.13.0-57-generic
23:38.57axisysWIMPy: in comparison
23:40.43WIMPyCould be a BIOS thing. Do you have something else to test with?
23:41.29axisysWIMPy: no
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23:44.49axisyswhen I stop dahdi .. no more of TDM PCI Master abort
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23:51.46axisysaccording to lspci -vb this card is sharing IRQ with the audio controller and usb controller
23:52.39WIMPyTry another slot.
23:56.57axisysI am trying to see if I can disable audio and usb controllers as I dont use them with this server
23:59.36*** join/#asterisk fstd (~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted)

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