IRC log for #asterisk on 20150704

00:25.51*** join/#asterisk Robotman321 (
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02:22.21*** join/#asterisk Cyford33_c (
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05:36.06*** join/#asterisk kmyst (~eric@
05:38.08kmysthi, just getting into asterisk and i've just installed it and working my way through the hello world bit of the wiki, my softphone registers, i dial the extension and i can see the right output in the cli but i don't hear the hello-world.gsm file play; it is instaled i see that it's under /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/en so i'm kind of stuck...any suggestions?
05:51.18*** join/#asterisk Frojoe (Frojoe@2a01:7e00::f03c:91ff:fe70:bc74)
06:12.25ChannelZDoes the console say it can't find it or that it is playing it or..?
06:12.30ChannelZ(core set verbose 3)
06:14.34*** join/#asterisk rexwin_ (~rexwin@
06:14.44rexwin_I am getting file.c:666 ast_openstream_full: File hello-world does not exist in any format
06:14.54kmystChannelZ: it says it is playing it
06:15.11rexwin_file.c:957 ast_streamfile: Unable to open hello-world (format 0x4 (ulaw)): No such file or directory
06:15.11ChannelZhow ironic
06:15.43ChannelZrexwin_, it says what it means.  Either the sounds are in the wrong place, or perhaps you have a permissions problem
06:16.17ChannelZkmyst, what softphone?  Is it on the same LAN as asterisk or is the asterisk box remote?
06:16.48kmystChannelZ: express talk softphone, same lan
06:16.51ChannelZMake an extension that does Answer and then Echo, see if you can even hear yourself.  Chances are you've got one-way audio
06:17.37ChannelZalthough it's unusual for a simple LAN
06:17.58rexwin_how to get those sounds? I am using centos 6
06:18.27kmystChannelZ: i think i tried that and i got a pile of NOTICE:res_pjsip errors
06:19.22rexwin_It is empty in  /usr/share/asterisk/sounds and /var/lib/asterisk/
06:19.44ChannelZrexwin_, you installed from a package?
06:19.59rexwin_yes, from epel repository I believe
06:20.17ChannelZthere's probably a separate "asterisk-sounds" one.. possibly "asterisk-sounds-en" or similar for language
06:20.29*** join/#asterisk Panther_Modern (~Panther_M@unaffiliated/panther-modern/x-6168176)
06:20.46ChannelZelse you can just download the sounds from digium,
06:20.47kmysti installed asterisk-now centos repo and installed asterisk-13
06:21.10ChannelZkmyst, would need to know what the errors actually are/say
06:22.54kmyst[Jul  4 01:22:27] NOTICE[2992]: res_hep.c:418 hep_queue_cb: Unable to send packet: Address Family mismatch between source/destination
06:23.33kmystChannelZ: i switched to zoiper and it now throws that up, express talk didn't show the notice
06:23.39ChannelZthat doesn't sound good
06:23.54kmystno :/
06:24.06ChannelZI don't even know what the hell res_hep is
06:24.43*** join/#asterisk K0HAX (
06:24.44kmysti haven't touched a config other than create extensions.conf and sip.conf like in the wiki so i've no idea if any of the umpteen configs in /etc/asterisk are the cause
06:25.02ChannelZoh well that's part of the problem probably...
06:25.37kmystjust followed directions :)
06:25.38ChannelZasterisk 13 has two SIP stacks, the original chan_sip and now pjsip.  Sounds like you're following an old guide that uses chan_sip
06:25.45ChannelZwhich is fine, but you need to totally turn off pjsip
06:26.11kmystwell i also tried deleting sip.conf and making a pjsip.conf
06:26.13ChannelZmake sure you have no pjsip.conf in /etc/asterisk first of all
06:26.15kmystno joy there either
06:26.25ChannelZwell they are two completely different configs
06:26.37ChannelZthat are nothing alike
06:26.54kmystyeah so the wiki mentions on the hello world page
06:27.08kmysteither way using one or the other but not both gives me no love
06:28.30ChannelZwell, do "core set verbose 3", and then if you're using chan_sip, do "sip set debug on" or if you're doing pjsip, do "pjsip set logger on"
06:28.39ChannelZthen make a test call, and pastebin the result
06:32.09kmystChannelZ: fwiw :)
06:35.12ChannelZyour softphone seems to be giving out its external IP and Asterisk thinks it's NAT. Your config is a little messed.
06:35.17*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
06:35.29ChannelZYou also have a permissions problem (see line 469)
06:35.55kmystChannelZ: i noticed the perm bit just now
06:36.30ChannelZSo in your softphone, turn off any STUN/ICE/TURN support
06:36.37*** join/#asterisk superscrat (
06:37.08ChannelZas asterisk is trying to send RTP to rather than the LAN IP
06:37.49ChannelZIn sip.conf your NAT options are probably not quite right either but it's not necessarily fatal.
06:38.31kmystChannelZ: holy crap!
06:38.37kmystChannelZ: you rock :)
06:38.50kmyststun whatever that was was checked in the settings
06:38.59ChannelZYou should set externaddr to your external IP, localnet to, and turn off nat= options for your softphone/whatever other devices are on the LAN
06:40.51kmystlemme ask you this since this is my whole purpose for delving into asterisk: at my job we (for lengthy reasons) get batches of ~500 numbers every month, is there a way to feed these into asterisk and dial them to find out if they are working (should go to voicemail) or not working (disconnects)
06:41.21kmystand get some kind of report? i'm sick and tired of manually checking :)
06:41.37*** join/#asterisk azerus (~badass@unaffiliated/badass)
06:44.12kmysti figured that it was possible but frankly whilst interested in asterisk it's setup being complex as it is has kept me from trying until i finally couldn't stand dialing numbers to check
06:44.15ChannelZIt depends on how you actually can determine an 'active' number from not.
06:45.35kmystChannelZ: well when all is right it goes straight to voicemail if the voip provider did their job, doesn't always ring though....if they botch it i either have a circuit busy signal or it just disconnects
06:46.00ChannelZAre they telco disconnected numbers? Via SIP if you get a CONGESTION or something back it's simple.  You can just make call files and let it dial out all day and then sift through the call logs.
06:47.42kmystChannelZ: don't get me to lying...all i know is i request X amount of numbers in specific area codes, they email me the list of numbers they assign me for the month and i manually check them since they tend to misconfigure things from time to time and using them in our application when they don't work causes me no end of extra work
06:50.01ChannelZwell the short answer is yes.  The 'how exactly' is more nebulous
06:50.22kmystso i got the bright idea of using asterisk to possibly autodial and log the results, check the report, if good use the new batch, if problems kick it back to voip provider but seeing as i know  little of asterisk i'm out of my realm
06:51.09kmystyeah i just need some kinda point in direction of how exactly and fumble my way thru
06:51.59kmystif it wasn't nebulous it wouldn't be fun :)
06:52.04ChannelZDo you just want it to autodial your softphone so you can hear what's going on, or you want this to make its own determination completely?
06:53.26kmystideally? feed it a list of numbers, auto dial, log results, parse log into something readable saying number X went to voicemail and number Y didn't do squat, etc.
06:53.33kmysti don't gotta listen
06:53.43kmysti just want to know the result
06:54.24ChannelZwell "number X went to voicemail" is the hard part, because that has no meaning to asterisk
06:54.51kmystok how about number X connected?
06:54.55ChannelZThere's an answering machine detection app but it's prone to false positives, a "this number has been disconnected" from a remote telco can trigger that
06:55.11ChannelZBut whether a call went through or was rejected by your provider is simple enough
06:55.53kmystyeah no in my case it's either voicemail=working, or immediate disconnect=broken, rarely it just circuit busys which is also broken
06:56.39ChannelZin any event, you could potentially do it with call files, little text files you write into asterisk's spool directory to make it fire off calls.. have it just do a Playback of 'hello-world' if you want.. and then look at the call logs afterwards to see the channel status.
06:57.10ChannelZfor 'immediate disconnect' it might be enough for you to see the call duration and make that determination.
06:57.32kmystat this point that's kind of what i was thinking i might have to do
06:58.13kmystyeah because if it does go to voicemail that's like say 15 seconds of blah blah blah beep
06:58.40kmystanything that's like say 1 sec would denote bad number config
06:58.43ChannelZSince you're running asterisk 13, there's ARI which is asterisk's REST interface that you could build an app out of
06:58.51kmystor that's my 30,000 ft view of the problem
06:59.23kmystlol programmer i am not, bash scripts and some C for sysadmin stuff sure :)
07:00.09ChannelZwell then look at
07:00.37ChannelZit's the easiest way I can think of. Write a script to read the numbers from wherever they come from and generate callfiles from it
07:02.41ChannelZWhat I can't remember is I think asterisk tries to fire off any/all files if their dates are now/past.  And for calling out SIP at some point your ITSP will either get pissed at you, or fail the calls..
07:03.33ChannelZso it makes sifting through the lots a bit more complicated.  Although actually it writes status into the call files when it's finished with them, so you could actually parse those instead... hmmm
07:03.35kmystso use iax instead of sip?
07:03.57kmystdont want them getting pissed
07:04.34ChannelZwell IAX would do the same thing.  Basically you'd like to keep only a few active channels at once, whatever their limit might be.
07:04.47kmystah i see what you mean
07:05.00kmystfiring off ~500 at once bad
07:05.47ChannelZyeah.  I mean you can modify the timestamps some seconds apart to schedule them in a manner
07:06.04kmystyeah that sounds easyish
07:08.50ChannelZso like I said originally, "probably" :)  There's several ways to approach it, and you'll have some logic things to figure out based on your situation.
07:09.31kmystthanks for the input, i'll take probably any day :)
07:09.44kmystwhat's the worst that can happen? :)
07:10.07kmystbesides, always found asterisk from the little i've heard/read about it to be interesting
07:10.23ChannelZit's fun to screw with to be sure
07:11.01kmystprefer network administration and system administration but hey i could see digging this software
07:11.53ChannelZwell good luck/have fun, I need to toddle off to bed
07:11.59kmystmy ultimate goal is to virtualize this puppy and make it dummy proof enough i can offload the whole thing to support and let them deal with it but baby steps first
07:12.07kmystyeah same here
07:12.15ChannelZno prob
07:12.46*** part/#asterisk kmyst (~eric@
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16:56.12Cyford33_cwhts the best way to see how many calls your box can handle?
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17:01.25[TK]D-FenderThrow calls at it until you see failure
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17:49.45carrarCyford33_c, setup SIPp traffic generator and test your box
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20:26.21*** join/#asterisk gmbs (
20:26.50gmbsI have about a dozen SFLphone clients connected to an Asterisk box using SIP. All are configured identically (with different extensions). A few are not receiving inbound calls. These same few are failing SIP channel prodding from the Asterisk server. They are OK outbound. Ideas?
20:27.02*** join/#asterisk joako (~joako@opensuse/member/joak0)
20:30.46gmbsSFLphone 1.3.0 Asterisk 11.17.1
20:31.25gmbsping times under 200ms
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21:20.26lvlinuxgmbs: sounds like firewall issues, or a SIP ALG.
22:09.15*** join/#asterisk darkbasic_ (
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22:25.23*** join/#asterisk antranigv (~antranigv@
22:26.33antranigvhay! in short- in which part of the doc/wiki is the configurations for the SIP? I'd just like to create 2 SIP accounts and make a test call.
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