IRC log for #asterisk on 20150618

00:28.42*** join/#asterisk jasonwert (~jasonwert@
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04:09.20zauberfischI am looking for a working example of a music on hold config please.
04:09.38zauberfischmy setup logs "starting music ..." but no sound is played
04:09.58WIMPyLook at the sample configs.
04:10.08zauberfischthey don't seem to be working
04:10.10WIMPyMaybe it just doesn't liek the files you gave it?
04:10.14zauberfischI must be doing something wrong then
04:10.29zauberfischI have setup an asterisk on a raspberry using the pre built image from and removed the freepbx web interface thingy and  configured it manually with config files in /etc/asterisk
04:10.49zauberfischeverything I want is working great so far expect music on hold
04:10.53zauberfischmy config:
04:11.15WIMPyDoes it tell you anything when you increase debug level?
04:11.30zauberfischWIMPy: not sure. possible. I converted an mp3 to ulaw and put it into a custom folder
04:11.40zauberfischWIMPy: but when using Playback() it works
04:12.00zauberfischso I presumed the file is ok. but perhaps Playback() and music on hold work differently
04:12.38zauberfischwith high verbose level asterisk tells me: "-- Started music on hold, class 'default', on ...."
04:12.42WIMPyIt should probably be the same.
04:12.52zauberfischbut doesn't make a sound at all
04:13.01WIMPyDebug is somthing else.
04:13.21*** join/#asterisk joako (~joako@opensuse/member/joak0)
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04:15.05zauberfischoh, I should also mention, my asterisk is version 11
04:16.03zauberfischWIMPy: could you share a link to documentation how I can debug asterisk
04:16.27WIMPy'core set debug <level>'
04:16.51*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~joe@
04:17.05zauberfischoh, damn it. I'll have to do afk for a bit
04:17.10zauberfischWIMPy: thank you so far
04:17.21zauberfischI'll be back in a few hours
04:43.59*** join/#asterisk xochilpili (~xochilpil@unaffiliated/xochilpili)
04:45.49xochilpilihi all
04:46.10xochilpilii have wrote in #freepbx
04:46.13xochilpiliim using sipml5 with freepbx and asterisk, i can make the call, and it rings in the other side, when i answered there's no sound. Does someone have solve this?
04:46.39xochilpilii got some : "SIP/2.0 405 Method Not Allowed"
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08:33.26*** join/#asterisk xochilpili (~xochilpil@unaffiliated/xochilpili)
08:37.02xochilpilii have some audio issues with asterisk and sipml5 in both sides...
08:37.38xochilpiliif i make a call from zoiper to another extension it works, also, calling to sipml5 extension via web, it rings, but no audio
08:38.23xochilpilifrom sipml5 calling to *43 (freepbx) code, to echo test, no hear anything, in the CLI seems to response; from zoiper to *43 works fine
09:20.57*** join/#asterisk linocisco (~linocisco@
09:21.26linociscohow to install asterisk 12 on ubuntu server ! any detail guide like is appreciated
09:35.01*** join/#asterisk pnlarsson (
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09:41.28*** join/#asterisk Dpunkt (
09:43.28DpunktCan someone help me debug some bridging issue when trying to route an incoming call via a different endpoint?
09:44.31DpunktIncoming calls work, outgoing calls work. But when trying to dialout to Provider B when i got a call to provider A i have no Audio
09:44.35linociscohow to install asterisk 12 on ubuntu server ! any detail guide like is appreciated
09:46.31Dpunktit seems to be an issue in the incoming half, when changing provider a with C it works, when changing B to A or C the behavior stays the same
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09:49.24Dpunktthe channels got bridged via simple_bridge but i see no "probation passed"
09:58.13Dpunktwhen using Dial(,,D(123)) it works
09:58.27phixmy dahdi is wack
10:01.05Dpunktit seems asterisk ignores the "direct_media=no" when using the anonymous pjsip endpoint
10:04.03filehave you looked at the RTP to see if traffic is being exchanged in the non-working case?
10:07.56Dpunktwhen usig rtp debug on i see nothing when its not working
10:08.13fileare you behind NAT?
10:08.26Dpunktbut incoming calls work
10:08.38filehave you configured your pjsip.conf transport with your external IP address and also forwarded RTP ports?
10:08.39Dpunkt(to phones direct connected to asterisk)
10:09.20Dpunktports are forewarded
10:09.36phixor is it file.close()
10:09.36Dpunktlocal_net is set, external ip is dynamic
10:09.40phixfile: are you OO?
10:09.53fileexternal IP is dynamic, in that you haven't set it?
10:10.07filebecause what's probably happening is that both ITSPs are waiting for you to send media to them
10:10.40fileor they are sending it and it isn't reaching you because of the wrong IP address
10:11.17Dpunktwhen i set my dialplan to ring a local phone when got a incoming call it works
10:11.33fileD(123) works because that causes Asterisk to send DTMF, which then allows the remote server to send you media, which gets forwarded to the other server, which then since it has received media starts sending media
10:11.54filebut if both sides are either sending media to the wrong address or waiting until you send media...
10:11.57filethen you got nothin'
10:12.49Dpunktso they "correct" their wrong ip address when they receive media from a different adress?
10:13.29fileit's a common way to help with NAT, send it to the IP address+port you receive it from
10:13.34Dpunktok, so setting external_ip wound resolve the issue
10:13.40filedunno! maybe
10:13.58filedepends on what the underlying problem is - all I can do is guess/offer suggestions as I don't control the equipment at your providers
10:14.30Dpunktthe old sip stack had "external_host" which was pretty handy to me to get the external ip
10:14.59fileexternal_signaling_address and external_media_address accept hostnames
10:15.16Dpunktare they re-lookuped any time?
10:15.27filenot currently
10:17.00Dpunktim trying setting the external_
10:17.09Dpunktadresses to see whats happening
10:17.19phixfile: for i in file: <3
10:17.45fileand now I think I'll take my dog for a walk
10:18.39phixfile: or talk to me ;)
10:18.53phixfile: then again, can you take my dog too?
10:19.03phixfile: her name is Charli
10:19.05fileI can not
10:19.05phixshe is awesome
10:19.11Dpunktthanks for help
10:19.18phixshe will try and bite you though, cause she does what she wants
10:19.31filemy dog is... independent, but loyal
10:19.45fileruns off
10:19.46phixfile: sounds just like Charli :)
10:20.13phixshe is napping on my bed with her ass in my pillow just like I told her not to
10:32.38*** join/#asterisk areski (
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10:49.30fileand now I exist again
10:50.18eirirsfile file
10:55.23phixfile: so what are you? open(file) or
10:56.05phixfile: Illegal!
10:56.31phixfile: You cannot "classify" simple requests like that
10:56.38filesure can
10:56.49phixYou live in NL or US?
10:59.56phixI like you more then
11:24.27*** join/#asterisk troyt (
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11:38.36probonicShould Asterisk be remotely bridging when the two sides of the bridge have different codecs?
11:39.01phixprobonic: if you want to
11:40.06probonicwell it is, and I'm not getting any audio as a result.  If it is remotely bridging the two sides when they have different codecs, how does that work?
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12:55.35newtonrprobonic, probably want to file a bug if you can reproduce it. you'll need to attach a packet capture, debug logs and configuration with it.
12:58.52*** join/#asterisk Fira (2edae5ac@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
13:00.59*** join/#asterisk darkbasic_ (
13:01.15FiraHey guys :) Looking for some suggestions
13:01.49FiraI have N users in M mixing bridges in an ARI application. Let's say i want to bridge them together /temporarily/
13:02.01FiraIs there a better option than moving everyone back and forth :/ ?
13:02.49FiraI tried looking into the snooping functions but you can only snoop on channels, not bridges, so that'd involve M+N snoop channels. This'd also mean people would hear themselves... and there's a recently filled bug about snooping killing CPU altogether on the bugtracker
13:03.40FiraOr N*2 snoop channels to have everyone snoop to and from a common bridge...
13:05.41FiraTL;DR: I'm looking for a way to do something similar to Mumble's Channel Linking
13:06.47*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (~brad@
13:06.49FiraWhat i've been doing so far is save the position of every channel, move them to a common bridge, then move them back -- but this sounds really messy to me
13:10.34filethat is the only mechanism
13:10.40fileand fundamentally what would end up happening anyway
13:10.46newtonrFira, I don't have an immediate answer to your question, but you may want to cross-post in #asterisk-ari
13:10.56newtonrand I just saw file's response
13:11.27RicoI've got a lot of T38 faxes which arrives incomplete (tiff is not A4 format) but asterisk res_fax_digium module show them as result: 'SUCCESS' (FAX_SUCCESS)
13:11.38Ricoanybody here with a similar problem ,
13:11.54Firafile: newtonr: Hmm, alright, thanks
13:16.33coppiceRico: if they are not A4, what size are they?
13:17.07Ricowidth is the A4 one, but height is not, as if the fax was cut in middle of transmission
13:17.16Ricosometimes I have 4 cm, sometime half page, ...
13:17.47coppiceare you sure that's not how they were sent? most FAX machines are capable of sending short pages
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13:25.13Ricoi'm sure :
13:25.16Ricoexemple :
13:26.54coppiceIt says 2 pages. were both pages cut short?
13:27.32Ricofirst page is cut
13:27.45Ricosecond is complete
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13:28.48Ricoreally strange
13:29.45coppicewell, its not uncommon for VoIP systems to cause the modem to lose sync mid page, but that should be noted in the final outcome
13:30.11coppicedoes spandsp perform better than the digium module in this context?
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13:30.25RicoI've never test spandsp
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14:50.16*** join/#asterisk aquaguy (
14:52.53*** join/#asterisk rogersja (~rogersja@
14:54.10rogersjaI’m having issues with the orientation of received faxes in asterisk, any ideas or experience with this?  I’ve tried sending test faxes from different fax machines (brands, models, etc)
14:54.46aquaguyHello, I'm a noob in the PBX world. I've installed asterisk and I'm trying to make internal calls (calls between two local extensions located in the same network). I've created a Dial Plan with a "internal" Outgoing calling rule matching the pattern _6XXN. I've downloaded  Asterisk COnnect from the play store and configured it. I'm trying to check the voicemails calling 0000 from the app but nothing happens at all. It shows c
14:55.11rogersjaall faxes are received in landscape orientation, even though the content is not rotated.  Such that it just squishes the 8.5” x 11” fax to 11” x 8.5”
14:55.33rogersjaI’ve tried different viewers and image converters
14:56.19rogersjathis doesn’t happen all the time, but does happen a majority of the time.
14:57.03[TK]D-Fenderaquaguy: You're typing too much and it cut you off at "It shows c"
14:57.43aquaguyIt shows call in progress, 0000 Callback and the black phone image wiggles but there is no sound at all. Anyone can help me?
14:58.42[TK]D-FenderWe don't support whatever that app is here, but for the * side, show us what it's doing
14:58.51infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
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15:29.08flam_is it possible to pass sip headers to an AGI script?
15:30.40[TK]D-FenderThre is effectively no such thing as "passing" at all
15:30.44[TK]D-FenderAGI = dialplan processing
15:31.16[TK]D-FenderYou can read all the same vars , call all the same applications & functions....
15:31.55flam_so all headers are readable there?
15:32.19[TK]D-Fender[11:31][TK]D-FenderYou can read all the same vars , call all the same applications & functions....
15:32.22[TK]D-FenderSays it all
15:32.27[TK]D-FenderAGI = dialplan
15:32.44*** join/#asterisk andresmujica (~andresmmu@ubuntu/member/andresmujica)
15:34.35DodewapwapI'm trying to make calls from SIP phones go to an XMPP account, and for that it looked like I should use res_xmpp and chan_motif
15:35.07DodewapwapBut currently it isn't working, and everywhere I look people use these only for Google Voice
15:35.33DodewapwapSo can anyone confirm I'm on the right (or wrong) path ?
15:45.43DodewapwapOk, so I guess it'll be ok to continue the way I started
15:51.05*** join/#asterisk monsterco (
15:51.34monstercoI am working on a high volume of calls system, how can I turn verbose to 9 for a specific extension?
15:53.08[TK]D-Fendermonsterco: You can't
15:53.33monstercocan I use grep and pipe using tail -f with asterisk full log?
15:53.55*** join/#asterisk Panther_Modern (~Panther_M@unaffiliated/panther-modern/x-6168176)
15:54.08[TK]D-Fendermonsterco: It's a text file....
15:54.30monstercowish this was a feature of asterisk CLI - very handy
15:58.02monstercoI am trying to send a fax and I am getting the following errors (this is a SPA2111):
15:58.05monsterco[2015-06-18 11:57:16] NOTICE[31171] chan_sip.c: FAX CNG detected but no fax extension
15:58.05monsterco[2015-06-18 11:57:22] WARNING[2530] chan_sip.c: Unsupported SDP media type in offer: image 4812 udptl t38
15:58.05monsterco[2015-06-18 11:57:22] WARNING[2530] chan_sip.c: Failing due to no acceptable offer found
15:58.19monstercoI looked at ATA and enabled/disabled t.38 and in both cases it fails
15:58.32monstercoit is not a fax machine issue because it works on another voip line just fine
15:58.49monstercowhere should I look for the problem?
16:00.50[TK]D-Fendermonsterco[2015-06-18 11:57:22] WARNING[2530] chan_sip.c: Unsupported SDP media type in offer: image 4812 udptl t38 <- this is very clear
16:01.04[TK]D-FenderUDP received and not allowed by your config
16:01.30[TK]D-FenderYou set another one up properly.  You set this one up wrong
16:01.43monstercohmmmm, so when I call the fax line I hear the fax tone - I guess this is one way audio issue?
16:11.31*** join/#asterisk monsterco (
16:17.56FiraHmm hey
16:18.32FiraI'd need a way to add/edit/manage/remove users on-the-fly to Asterisk... Is there a better way than writing a config parser/writer and reloading ?
16:18.51FiraI see some sql modules around for logging but nothing quite like it for the SIP config
16:19.40[TK]D-FenderFira: Realtime <-  well documented in the BOOK
16:19.42infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 4th Edition (ISBN 1-4493-3242-0) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and a version is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
16:19.51[TK]D-FenderAnd I still wouldn't call it "better".
16:20.13FiraHmm, i'll have a look still, thanks for the info :)
16:22.17Fira[TK]D-Fender: Well, it's not so 'realtime' so i see what you mean, but it's still better than writing your own config parser :S...
16:24.02Firaoh, i was looking at the static variation :)
16:30.16monsterco[TK]D-Fender - I am not sure ; just speculating; I checked and it seems all good. Do you mean this is a codec issue or a NAT and no UDP transfer at all?
16:30.28[TK]D-FenderIt's a NEGOTIATION issue.
16:30.44[TK]D-FenderThey insist on T.38.  You don't support it.  Fail.
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17:06.12monsterco[TK]D-Fender - hmmm, thanks. I though T.38 is an optional thing. So, does T.38 happen on the ATA or on the Fax Machine?
17:06.37[TK]D-FenderIt happens at some conversion point
17:07.12monstercoSo, there is ITSP, then FreePBX (Asterisk), then ATA, then Copier Fax machine
17:07.25monstercothe only options for T.38 I have is on the ATA (SPA2111)
17:07.54monstercowhich I have played with and didn't make a different. Since canreinvite = no, I thought all voice will go directly to fax machine without any manipulation
17:08.17monstercoso I don't know where T.38 gets invovled
17:08.37[TK]D-Fenderthe side the call is coming from.
17:16.47monstercoSo, if T.38 is a common thing and everyone is asking for it then I should have support for it. Would this be an ITSP issue or simply my end of equipment like ATA and Fax machine?
17:16.56monsterco[TK]D-Fender ^^^
17:20.05monsterco[TK]D-Fender - I also connected the same fax machine to another voip line and it works just fine so i guess it is supporting T.38...
17:21.56Milencohey guys
17:22.00Milencojust a random question
17:22.19Milencodoes it matter in what order a context gets loaded?
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17:22.41Milencowhen including extensions.d/*.conf i mean
17:23.18Milencoi define the list of extensions in entensions.conf and include extensions.d/*.conf from there.
17:23.33Milencodoes it matter which context gets loaded first from that folder?
17:23.46Milencoit shouldn't right?
17:23.56[TK]D-FenderIt can.
17:24.03[TK]D-FenderIf you are defining constants
17:24.24[TK]D-FenderAlso depending on the other contexts that are getting included.
17:24.52[TK]D-FenderIf 1 file ends with a context name and you want a specific file to continue to ADD to that same context... then the order clearly matters
17:25.02Milencoif i link to a context from another context, and that context isn't loaded yet, then the config would fail to load?
17:27.09MilencoI currently have it like this:
17:29.32*** part/#asterisk aquaguy (
17:30.08Milencolets assume 04_iax.conf isnt there and every context has it own file, could i strip the 00_, 01_, etc?
17:31.39WIMPyNot sure if I get that right, but the whole dialplan is loaded before it is used.
17:32.17WIMPyAnd is that paste literal? The empty contexts that is?
17:32.40Milencoyes, i add to the contexts from within the files
17:32.59Milenco01_incoming.conf starts with [incoming](+)
17:33.03WIMPyThen do it there and only there.
17:33.40Milencoi've just tested removing some of the prefixes and reloading asterisk on a testserver works fine
17:34.43Milencoit seems the order only matters when adding within the same context, the order doesn't seem to matter for contextes(?) as a whole
17:34.49Milencois that correct?
17:38.22WIMPyThe order of contexts doesn't matter either way.
17:38.30Milencocontexts, thanks :P
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17:38.48Milencooke, thanks :)
17:38.53WIMPyBut the order within a context also only matters for include and switch statements.
17:39.04Milencohmm it does..?
17:39.21Milencois that why dialplan show shows it alphabetically?
17:39.41WIMPyExtensions within a context will be sorted to have a most specific type matching.
17:41.08Milencoi've inherited this asterisk setup some time ago and noticed that external parties could potentially make outsides calls, so looking in to fixing that, but that means redoing the contexts
17:43.20Milenco(i'm still thinking it out in my head :P)
17:43.27WIMPyIf you always use explicit priorites (i.e. no n) you could have all the lines of a context in random order. Would make it completely unreadable but Asterisk would sort it anyway.
17:44.43Milencoare there any best practices for setting up these contexts to allow for security and stuff, like only let local clients make outside calls
17:45.10WIMPyUse includes.
17:45.23Milencoyeah i think i got a setup in mind
17:45.38Milencothis setup already uses some includes, but in a not so thoughtful way
17:45.49WIMPyMake contexts per allowed functions and include them to contexts assined to the peers.
17:45.54Milencoeverything is linked together basically for all parties
17:46.20Milencobe it external voip companies offering us pbx trunks, other sites, etc.
17:46.56Milencothere hasn't been any abuse yet from outside parties and i manage all the internal things for all sites, but i rather restrict and redo the contexts
17:47.28Milencoone question remaning (maybe 2) :P
17:48.27Milencocan i differentiate incoming iax calls based on a default user and everybody else?
17:49.05Milencoi have a external party offering us calls and i dont want them to reach internal clients directly, while keeping this option open for other parties
17:49.27WIMPySure. Just the same as with sip. Theres a general context and one per peer.
17:49.27Milencolike, other site locations
17:50.01Milencoall my own managed server are using the same iax credentials for internal traffic
17:50.31Milencoso i would like to give them some extra permissions while not doing so for all the others/default
17:51.24WIMPyThat's what the contexts are there for.
17:51.34Milencohmm my iax.conf is stripped down, let me grab a default one
17:51.48Milenconvm i see it
17:52.04Milencodidnt figure iax had the same concept of contexts as sip
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17:53.44WIMPyIt's the same in most channeltypes.
17:53.46*** join/#asterisk kfife (
17:54.39Milenconow that you say this i think, of course, you are right, how could i miss this :P
17:54.46Milencoi've configured this for dahdi as well multiple times
17:55.09*** join/#asterisk CeBe1 (
17:55.10Milencoim doing asterisk as i go but havent really taken much take into deepening myself with the sbject
17:55.55Milencohmm, basically i only need 4 contexts i think
17:56.26Milencointernal_calls, external_calls, incoming_trust, incoming_untrust, voiphints
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17:56.56Milencoin the pastebin above i would also need a clicktocall context
17:57.34Milencoof course, i would need other function specific contexts, but in essense i think i could do with that
17:57.43Milencoany thoughts/things i might be missing?
17:59.44WIMPyThat's pretty specific top your setup. But the basic idea look right.
18:01.59Milencook, thanks again :)
18:02.55Milencolast question is about the order: lets say i have this on line 1: "exten => 1[234]X" and line 2: "exten => 1[456]X"
18:03.11Milencowould the order in which the config is loaded matter when i call 140?
18:03.58Milenco(there might be other situations where there is an even match in exactness)
18:04.29WIMPyNo. It's always sorted.
18:05.22WIMPyIn this case the first one would match due to them being equally specific, but literally before the other.
18:09.00rmudgettMilenco: See
18:09.12Milencosimplifying configs is hard.. :P
18:09.45Milencothanks rmudgett, reading now
18:10.25*** join/#asterisk darkbasic (
18:11.16[red]Milenco: if you're more comfortable with using a specific programming language, asterisk AGI works very nicely
18:11.22[red]or you can play around with lua
18:11.31[red]i enjoy using lua a lot rather than .conf
18:11.50Milencoyeah, i've been using AMI for some things
18:12.01Milencoshould still look into AGI
18:12.29kfifeMaybe a dumb question, but what's the benefit of using same => vs. exten =>?
18:12.31Milencobut i'm trying to master the asterisk config style rather then doing it externally
18:12.40kfifebesides one character ;-)
18:12.45Milencosame => saves the hassle of writing it again
18:12.55Milencoalso its easier when moving stuff around when working on something
18:12.58kfifehassle of writing exten?
18:13.04Milencosame => n, is what i use mostly
18:13.27WIMPyNo, the extension.
18:13.28kfifehow's that different than exten => n,
18:13.31Milencoyeah, sometimes you want multiple extensions doing partly the same thing
18:13.39[red]other than a preferred syntax, there's no real difference
18:13.46Milencono it works the same
18:13.51WIMPyexten needs an extension. same implies the last one.
18:13.54Milencoits just for confenience
18:14.09kfifeso it's the savings exactly of one character?
18:14.15kfifeor is it
18:14.21Milenconormally you'de do:
18:14.26Milencoexten 1234,1,....
18:14.29Milencoexten 1234,2,....
18:14.31Milencoexten 1234,3,....
18:14.32WIMPyIt saves the extension plus two chars.
18:14.37Milencoetc, but with same its like this:
18:14.43Milencoexten 1234,1,....
18:14.46Milencosame => n,...
18:15.22WIMPyWhere using the n priority has nothing to do with same. It can be used the other way round as well.
18:15.26Milencoyou could still do same => 2,... if youd like btw
18:15.26[red]yeah, it's less typing than exten => 1NXXNXXXXXX,1,Answer() lol
18:15.36Milencotrue WIMPy
18:17.10kfifeso for exten => s,1,Noop(Hello)
18:17.51kfifeis same => s,n, noop(world) != exten => s,n,noop(world) ?
18:18.05Milencono, its the same
18:18.05kfifeI get it.
18:18.08kfifeI get to drop the S
18:18.13kfifeas well
18:18.17Milencoyou can use same and n independent from each other
18:18.20Milencosorry for the confusion
18:18.27[red]s is techically an extension
18:18.29WIMPyYes, no repeating the extension.
18:18.34Milencoyeah, same => s,n, its the correct syntax
18:18.38kfifeGot it.
18:18.39[red]so when using same => drop the 's'
18:18.41kfifeMakes sense.
18:18.56kfifeI knew it had to be something. :-)
18:19.01Milencoman i confuse everything/everybody now
18:19.06Milencobetter get a drink
18:19.20[red]5 o'clock somewhere
18:19.30kfifeYes, get a drink.  Water is necessary for good health
18:19.36kfife(tee hee..._
18:22.05*** join/#asterisk airjump (
18:23.16kfifeAny opinions on a the best open-source MCU for asterisk and video conferencing?
18:25.54Milencohaha just got a coke (cola)
18:26.13Milencowhats a MCU :P
18:26.43Milencoohw, an asterisk video conferencing end-point?
18:26.48Milencono, sorry :P
18:26.52suYincrashed today one of our customer server... because of shift + g.. the "g" was live in line 1 :(
18:31.38TazzNZkfife, we are using the Polycom CX5500's
18:31.55TazzNZthey are pretty good, but they do have quite a high $$$
18:42.22*** join/#asterisk airjump (
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18:46.29Milencoyeah those video conferencing endpoints are pretty expensive
18:46.41Milencowe are using lifesize here
18:47.01Milencodidn't like the original product that much, many firewall traversal issues and such
18:47.18WIMPyGet a RPi with camera module and instal a SIP client?
18:47.20Milencobut we've upgraded to lifesize cloud (with the same hardware) and thats working out pretty nice
18:47.45Milencoraspberry pi?
18:47.49WIMPyRaspberry Pi
18:48.05Milencothen you're probably not the one needing to educate your users
18:49.05Milencocorporations dont have that much time on there hand designing these things with little hassle and nice featured gui's
18:49.13WIMPyDo they need to know somethign they don't need to know to operate any other phone?
18:49.33Milencolifesize cloud costs us 6000 euro yearly for 25 users, including conference rooms
18:49.47WIMPyOh, I always thought tiome doesn't matter. The employees are payd anyways.
18:49.47Milencoyou'd think you'd be way easier off installing skype
18:49.53Milencoor doing something else
18:50.08Milencobut these corporate guys want all the nice things and no hassle and such
18:50.32WIMPyOr at least the promise thereof.
18:50.47Milencohaha true, but employees are expensive as well
18:50.53Milencoat least, it people where i work :P
18:51.01WIMPyHow many of these no hassle solutions are really hassle free?
18:51.21Milencoi believe, or almost none
18:51.44WIMPyThat's what I found.
18:51.48Milencobut little hassle is still less expensive then lots of hassle when doing it yourself :P
18:52.20WIMPyMaybe, maybe not. It's a gamble.
18:52.29Milencoin our case its also a thing of employee shortage
18:52.50Milencowe can't let someone work on it for a few months
18:53.09Milencowe've been/are short on people for years :P
19:00.10TazzNZMilenco, we did they skype thing
19:00.21TazzNZwe offer the corp. a "$200" solution
19:00.31TazzNZand they took it over the "$10k" solution
19:00.49Milencohow did it work out?
19:00.50TazzNZturns out - it was shit
19:01.03TazzNZproblem with skype is BW
19:01.08TazzNZand you can't control it
19:01.24TazzNZat least with Asterisk I can say - that IP to this IP is high prio.
19:01.34Milencomaybe its better now that they have launched skype for business
19:01.38TazzNZ(we running cross-country VC's)
19:01.47TazzNZMilenco, sadly, we are going that route
19:02.03Milencosame here :), although i dont know what a VC is :P
19:02.06TazzNZbut they will still be front ended with Asterisk :)
19:02.14TazzNZVideo Conf :)
19:02.29Milencothe lifesizes were already in place when i was there, recently been bought/configured
19:02.41Milencoi always hated them because they were so expensive and didnt even work really well
19:02.52TazzNZand btw Milenco - good luck with that freaking install of "Skype for Business" - aka Lync 2015
19:02.58Milencoand thought we could do way better just using skype or something like that
19:03.19TazzNZI must say though - our problem was more device related
19:03.32Milencobut earlier this year i was tasked with finding a succesor for our current solution and figured i could do way better
19:03.33TazzNZ"cheap" web cam in a big room doesn't work
19:04.15Milencoturns out all the cheap options dont by far meet all the corporate requirements, and the once that do are super expensive (10k+ invest per site conference room)
19:04.22TazzNZimho, you need good sound/lighting/camera - then worry about the medium to carry it :)
19:04.43TazzNZMilenco, yip - welcome to my project :D
19:04.47Milencolifesize got us covered for about 6k per year now without needing to upgrade our devices
19:05.01Milencoso id like to think i did well, since it works pretty oke now
19:05.29Milencobut it was quite a surprise for me that skype and asterisk sip and such were in shape for these corporate things
19:05.36Milencowere not*
19:05.56TazzNZI disagree with you there :)
19:06.08TazzNZAsterisk conf. is pretty much up there
19:06.14MilencoAsterisk may have all the technical requirements, indeed
19:06.26TazzNZit's the wrapper that you are missing
19:06.27Milencobut it doesn't offer good endpoints
19:06.31Milencofor conference rooms
19:06.46TazzNZuhm, that CX5500 is a SIP phone
19:07.02TazzNZI got the same quality via Asterisk as I did via Lync
19:07.35Milencoohw, you mean using third party endpoints with sip support with your own asterisk
19:07.45Milencoyeah that could work out pretty nice :)
19:08.08Milencoour lifesizes dont offer nice video sip conference options unfortunately
19:08.12TazzNZyeah - other than the Digium phones you only get third party :D
19:08.13WIMPySee where te RPi might fit in?
19:08.23Milencono i still dont :)
19:08.56WIMPyIt could be the video phone for Asterisk. Full HD in and out if you want.
19:09.20Milencoi mispoke when i said asterisk wasnt up for the corporate video conferencing task
19:09.27Milencoi meant asterisk/digium alone
19:09.31TazzNZthe bigger thing that is missing, imho, is the "how do I setup a meeting" - Lync does this *very* well. The just added a button to Outlook and people can make a meeting without thinking
19:09.54WIMPyWell, usually people miss video mixing capabilitioes from Asterisk.
19:09.58Milencoyeah lifesize has the same thing
19:10.05Milencoa plugin for outlook and such
19:11.48Milencoah well, if i had to do it all over i'd considered involving asterisk more
19:15.04WIMPyDidn't you say you have a lack of man power? How does using Asterisk fit in there?
19:15.45Milencoasterisk has always been the companies choice
19:16.06Milencoand the maintenance isnt that bad, we got complex and extended needs
19:16.28Milencoso a normal pbx solution wouldnt be able to manage everything we do
19:16.34Milencoor would at a very high price
19:16.37TazzNZMilenco, there is a hybrid world, where you use Lync for the conf. room and Asterisk for the normal telephony
19:16.39Milencoperhaps we could switch to freepbx
19:16.53Milencoyes we use asterisk for our normal telephony and callcenters
19:17.10Milencoand a different video solution
19:17.32WIMPyOk, so for that task it's ok to pay people insted of vendors, but for video it's the other way round?
19:17.58Milencono, its a matter of cost
19:18.12Milencowhich is also the reason we are still with lifesize
19:18.13WIMPyLooks a little random to me.
19:18.33Milencoi understand why i may seem that way
19:18.44Milencobut our asterisk base config dates back years
19:18.57Milencowe've been rapidly extending for about 3 years now
19:19.28Milencoits cheaper for us to maintain asterisk and spending some hours every here and thing to improving/updating things
19:19.41Milencothen to switch entirely to a new system
19:19.59Milencoa non asterisk based system that is
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19:50.46iulhkusing asterisk-13.0.0 Error: "res_config_mysql.c:631 update_mysql: MySQL RealTime: Failed to update database: Incorrect integer value: '' for column 'port' at row 1", any idea please ?
19:51.38rrittgarnyour column type is wrong would be my guess
19:51.42rrittgarnin your db
19:52.10rrittgarnchange to varchar or allow null on that column
19:54.17iulhk<rrittgarn>: null was already allowed , i changed type to varchar and its fine , thank you
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20:06.07rajcan asterisk be used as a sip phone like gizmo5?
20:08.16iulhkcan anybody help me to figure out, call file by using MessageSend "" ?
20:08.22newtonrraj, there are console drivers to let you use the mic and speakers on the host system
20:09.24rajnewtonr, so what features did gizmo5 have that asterisk doesn't?
20:11.18newtonrraj, I don't know anything about gizmo5
20:12.11WIMPyAsterisk is not a phone, but it can be used as one.
20:12.21rajI see
20:17.52[TK]D-FenderAsterisk would make a shitty phone....
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20:19.52raj[TK]D-Fender, ok thank you, that's kinda what I was looking for
20:19.52malcolmdlack of built-in acoustic echo cancellation would be one problem :D
20:20.07raj[TK]D-Fender, can you suggest something better?
20:20.43[TK]D-Fenderraj: Anything.  Asterisk is NOT meant to be a "phone"
20:20.47infobot[~softphone] A soft-phone is a program that lets your computer use a compatible audio interface (usually a speaker&mic, or headset), and optionally a webcam, to place VoIP calls with a given protocol (SIP/IAX/H.323/MGCP/etc). For links enter ~zoiper , ~xlite , ~twinkle , ~bria , ~eyebeam , ~ekiga
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20:21.51WIMPyHe, why do they have to be voip calls?
20:22.30WIMPySoftphones have even existed for modems, haven't they?
20:25.16[TK]D-FenderHe was comparing to another softphone, that's why
20:26.03WIMPydoubts that infobot knew about that.
20:26.54*** join/#asterisk sjeijk (
20:27.43[TK]D-FenderAnd ... checkout time, BBL
20:27.53sjeijkhi all, i’m making a telephione installation and was wondering if someone could tell me if this idea is possible in asterisk
20:28.11sjeijkthe idea is:
20:28.41sjeijki’m going to send someone a telephone and when it arrives i’m gonna call that number
20:29.03sjeijkwhen he/she picks the phone up, i have a callcenter sound installation programmed in c++
20:29.36sjeijki want to stream that over voip, i have a sip available
20:30.18WIMPyWhat's a "callcenter sound installation"?
20:30.32WIMPyAnd what does "i have a sip available" mean?
20:31.07sjeijkis this the asterisk pbx irc?
20:32.08sjeijkwith callcenter sound installation i mean, we have a scripted voice menu where people can navigate thru
20:32.10*** part/#asterisk mjordan (mjordan@nat/digium/x-oyjnukcyygklqfxx)
20:33.00iulhkcan anybody help me to figure out, call file by using MessageSend "" ?
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20:59.03kfifeIs the Features.conf 'automixmon' function able to insert a tone into the media stream?
20:59.46kfifeI know that in 1.x it couldn't, but not sure if that's been changed.
21:00.28*** join/#asterisk sparetire_ (~sparetire@unaffiliated/sparetire)
21:08.52Milencohmm WIMPy, are you sure you can set a default context for iax?
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21:38.14kfifewhat's the best way to insert a courtesy tone into the media stream when automixmon is invoked?
21:38.51kfifeI can't find a straight answer at Google University.  I think I'm missing a concept.
21:39.47kfifeI have automixmon working,
21:40.09kfifeIs that the same as Touch Monitor?
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23:46.51iulhkhow to read info messages in dialplan, receiving from caller and send to callee? WARNING[28297][C-00000080]: chan_sip.c:21765 handle_request_info: Unable to parse INFO message from 430f4513-9d9f-3675-afcc-ebcf985ed883. Content-Type:manylink/camera-status?
23:51.09[TK]D-FenderYou can't
23:53.12iulhkhow to add custom sip header, i just want to pass "Content-Type:manylink/camera-status" from caller to callee, or callee to caller ?
23:54.00[TK]D-FenderYou can only add to an INVITE you are placing
23:54.01iulhkmy client already sending this header, i just want it should pass through asterisk ?
23:54.11[TK]D-Fender"core show applications like sip"
23:55.11iulhkso during the call, is there any posibility ?
23:56.02*** join/#asterisk JuStIcIa_ (~JuStIcIa_@
23:59.04iulhkok, one more, caller sending invite audio call, at receiver-end after answer the call, video screen opened automatically, how to stop this?

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