IRC log for #asterisk on 20150612

00:01.41*** join/#asterisk spicyramen_ (
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03:35.26*** join/#asterisk dijib (
03:36.01dijibSerious question guys does asterisk have a limit to the number of voicemail users are checking vm simultaneously?
03:36.43WIMPyI can't see where that should come from. Unless you are talking about the same mailbox.
03:37.38*** join/#asterisk vader- (
03:37.53*** join/#asterisk luckman212 (~luckman21@unaffiliated/luckman212)
03:38.26dijibjust a weird question someone had, i couldnt find the answer
03:43.11*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
04:00.43dijibso okay does anyone know of an example asterisk.service file?
04:07.14leftleghello all
04:17.32*** join/#asterisk sparetire_ (~sparetire@unaffiliated/sparetire)
04:19.34leftlegi have 3 asterisk boxes sip trunked. as of a few days ago I cannot dial into the conference bridges on the main pbx. i can still dial the extensions on the main pbc form the other two.. any ideas?
04:47.01*** join/#asterisk xochilpili (~xochilpil@unaffiliated/xochilpili)
04:48.52xochilpilihi all, i was trying to make a trunk between an avaya IPO 500v2 and asterisk with asteriskNOW distro (current), but i never could make it connect each other, does anyone has some experience with this?
04:52.57janicezleftleg: idk,..?
04:53.51WIMPyleftleg: Check your dialplans.
04:54.13WIMPyxochilpili: SIP doesn't connect. What do you have?
04:54.27xochilpiliWIMPy, Hey!
04:56.33xochilpilii have a freepbx asterisknow and so on, now, in the avaya, everyone in "google research" said, that i can make a trunk to connect asterisk and avaya, to call each other by extensions... i have 3 phones as i can research, they are h323 protocol. So i cant make them connect just like sip to asterisk directly, that's why i need avaya (as i can understand)
04:57.27WIMPyYou can use H.323 with Asterisk as well.
04:58.00WIMPyIf you need help with configuring FreePBX, you have to ask in #freepbx.
04:58.16xochilpiliWIMPy, yes, i load the module ooh323 and make the ooh323.conf but i there im lost, between the ooh323 and phones...
04:58.49xochilpilitk-defender told me something that i cant forget; "dont mix up things" (or something like that)
04:59.03WIMPyGood plan.
04:59.31xochilpilione thing, the autoprovisioning of the phones, and the other side; contact with asterisk an users with their extensions
05:00.00WIMPyBut when you use FreePBX, you need to find out how to do things its way instead of writing config files. They will usually get overwritten soon, unless you know exactely what's going on.
05:00.39WIMPyI'd leave provisioning for the next stage.
05:00.52xochilpiliWIMPy, yeah, well...
05:01.11xochilpilischema 1: ASterisk -> h323 -> phones
05:01.22xochilpilischema 2: ASterisk -> trunk -> Avaya -> Phones
05:01.58WIMPyWell, "trunk" doesn't really exist in VOIP, other than in IAX.
05:01.59xochilpilischema 2 is with most info i found in google.
05:02.52xochilpiliWIMPy, are you trying to confuse me? :P
05:03.34WIMPyWhoever uses the term "trunk" confuses.
05:04.29WIMPyBest not to use it. Just like "DID".
05:04.53xochilpiliWIMPy, ah, well, as i can understand, the "trunk" will be something like a bridge between asterisk and avaya, am i correct?
05:06.00WIMPyThat's not the way things work. You can create an account on one side and use it from the other.
05:06.19WIMPyOr in both directions.
05:06.48WIMPyIt can involve registering or you can configure hosts/IPs.
05:08.00xochilpiliby account you meant an extension with user to be auth?
05:08.41WIMPyNo. An extension is somethign you dial. An account is the username/password you need to place a call or to register a peer.
05:09.31xochilpiliin that case, where am i supposed to create that account? Asterisk or Avaya?
05:10.03WIMPyOn both.
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05:10.30xochilpilithe same account in both sides?
05:10.41WIMPyThis is P2P, not client/server. Unless you want to use registrations.
05:10.58WIMPyBut only for that detail.
05:12.22xochilpiliagain, please. I have to create the same account in both places?
05:12.48WIMPyYes, they need to match.
05:14.48xochilpiliIn anyplace of this; freepbx or IPO v2 manager tells any of ips when i create an account
05:15.12xochilpiliwhere am i supposed to declare who is connect with?
05:15.43WIMPyThere is no "connection".
05:16.02WIMPyEither you specify the peers hostname/IP or you register one to the other.
05:16.07WIMPyTwo different concepts.
05:18.31xochilpiliwait, im going to reset this thing (avaya) and start over...
05:26.11*** join/#asterisk elitas (~elitas@
05:36.27*** join/#asterisk xochilpili (~xochilpil@unaffiliated/xochilpili)
05:36.31xochilpiliWIMPy, still here?
05:38.51xochilpilii reset the avaya to start over
05:39.37xochilpiliand i create a vlan in the switch only for voice, in there i have just the asterisk and the avaya, and no internet
05:42.16xochilpilithe thing that is not plenty clear is; once created the same account in both sides,  where should be the registration settings?
05:44.03WIMPy1st of all, how are they going to talk to each other? SIP or will it be H.323 as well?
05:44.24WIMPyBecause I assumed that part would be SIP.
05:45.29xochilpiliwell, lets asume they will be SIP
05:46.11xochilpilias i read in the manual of this avaya, the phones should be h323 and the avaya supports SIP
05:46.54janicezlol wat
05:47.01xochilpiliso, i create an user in avaya; called avaya, with no extension
05:47.41WIMPyhas no idea what that thing might support.
05:48.58WIMPyBut I'm sure it would make a difference between an account used for a phone and one used as an uplink ("trunk").
05:51.48xochilpiliwell, where should be created the user in freepbx? add user?
05:54.43xochilpiliwell, it's done...
05:57.34WIMPyFirst call made?
05:57.44xochilpiliWIMPy, i create the same user in both sides, but i where should be registered?
05:57.57xochilpilino, there's no extension
05:58.37WIMPyYou always have to specify a host one one side. Then either you register to the other or specify a host there as well.
05:58.38xochilpilishould i create a "trunk" in freepbx?
05:59.48xochilpiliWIMPy, when i create that user, there's no option to specify a host (in both sides)
05:59.51WIMPyI don't think so, but I don't know much about it. Ask in #freepbx.
06:00.20WIMPyIf you can't specify a host , that would imply that the other end has to register.
06:00.51WIMPyOr that you can only receive calls via that account.
06:07.00*** join/#asterisk johnny_|_ (~johnny@unaffiliated/johnny-/x-2623418)
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06:18.38xochilpiliWIMPy, i can't make it
06:20.15WIMPyWell, I'll try some other annoying thing: Get some sleep.
06:21.43*** join/#asterisk D30 (~D30@
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06:36.54xochilpiliWIMPy, im lost
06:37.52xochilpilii created a user, and two extensions, in the avaya there's a part to make a "Line" that i can put a ip/host but i dont receive anything in CLi
06:49.05*** join/#asterisk _abc_ (~user@unaffiliated/ccbbaa)
06:49.37_abc_Hello. Asterisk question: Is there a way to limit incoming and or outgoing simultanous connections through a sip trunk or iax trunk without scripting?
06:50.05_abc_I could not find anything of the kind, I would like to limit simultanous calls through a vpn between 2 *'s.
06:53.16*** join/#asterisk Panther_Modern (~Panther_M@unaffiliated/panther-modern/x-6168176)
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07:50.28ChannelZ_abc_ you can mess with callcounter/busylevel in sip.conf
07:51.14*** join/#asterisk sarlalian (~sarlalian@
07:52.35_abc_ChannelZ: Not at dialplan level?
07:52.43ChannelZfor IAX I dunno. Generally you implement in the dialplan.
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07:54.47ChannelZsee function GROUP, GROUP_COUNT...
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08:01.54*** join/#asterisk johnny_|_ (~johnny@unaffiliated/johnny-/x-2623418)
08:09.35_abc_ChannelZ: thanks that was what I was looking for, I think
08:15.47*** join/#asterisk Fira (2edae5ac@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
08:22.10FiraHey there, I'd need a hand with generic multi-PBX architecture questions...  Let's assume i have a bunch of Asterisks across the place, and want to be able to phone from one to another. They can't neccessarily be fully meshed. How to achieve that ? Is it possible to route calls through multiple SIP Trunks, or do you need some kind of softswitches to handle that ?
08:23.05FiraI've been searching for examples but most of the Trunking scenarios I can find on the Internet are simple trunking to a SIP Provider :/
08:23.41*** join/#asterisk tparcina (~tomo@
08:28.24ChannelZIt's not really any different.
08:28.38ChannelZYou make a peer on each side and dial one from the other.
08:29.02ChannelZHow you write the dialplan to make sense is up to you
08:30.33*** join/#asterisk bmurt (
08:32.08FiraOh great :) That's what I hoped... Thanks, i'll experiment with em'. Sadly that'd be to run a home-made ARI application so I fear it might take some extra work to properly adapt it... But that should fun :D. Thanks a lot.
08:32.41ChannelZSure good luck
08:45.24*** join/#asterisk eschmidbauer (~eschmidba@unaffiliated/eschmidbauer)
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09:23.45_abc_How come everyone asks about trunking 10 hours after I asked? Haven't seen a trunking question here in days, or weeks.
09:23.51_abc_Excepting my own
09:34.24*** join/#asterisk darkbasic_ (
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10:16.59wonderworldCalling mom sounds best with the familiar G.711 encoded representation of her voice.
10:26.46*** join/#asterisk iulhk (~iulhk@
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12:15.35*** join/#asterisk Rico (~rico@unaffiliated/rico29)
12:15.52Ricodoes chan_dahdi has a relation with system clocksource ?
12:15.59Rico(tsc, hpet, ...)
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13:01.09Ricowhere do I find mysql schemas for asterisk 13.4 ? nothing about sip peers in contrib/realtime/mysql/
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13:09.58Riconeed help about that please
13:10.02Ricodoes chan_dahdi has a relation with system clocksource ?
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13:25.18Ricodoes chan_dahdi has a relation with system clocksource ?/j #centos
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14:18.46newtonr"As long as the dahdi module is loaded, it will provide timing to Asterisk either through installed telephony hardware or utilizing the kernel timing facilities when separate hardware is not available."
14:21.29Riconewtonr:  ok thanks
14:22.04Ricomi kernel timer is "jiffies", it seems to be the worst one
14:24.23*** join/#asterisk superscrat (asanders@nat/digium/x-bvtjhgaukhhwhisv)
14:33.02Ricoany idea about mysql schemas for asterisk 13 ?
14:33.07Ricowhere can I find it ?
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15:01.51Riconewtonr:  thanks
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15:12.38*** join/#asterisk russlevy (d539e73c@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
15:14.06russlevy[TK]D-Fender: you suggested a couple days ago to "Go call an external script in M() off your dial " -- you mean macro right?
15:17.16WIMPyMacros are deprecated. Use Gosub if you write something new.
15:18.14russlevyWIMPy: trying to implement monitoring of an opus channel at a higher khz, and monitor only does it at the bridged rate, 8khz
15:19.55*** join/#asterisk iulhk (~iulhk@
15:20.08WIMPyOh, that was to trigger someting to start the monitor via AMI, right.
15:20.24russlevyshould i theoretically be able to do it through ARI in python/node?
15:20.30WIMPyMaybe you already got enough information without doing anything?
15:21.11russlevyWIMPy: what do you mean?
15:21.16WIMPyI think the bridge event would occur after a Macro or Gosub finishes anyway.
15:21.47WIMPyVia AMI you get very detailed information about what's going on anyway.
15:21.57russlevywould ARI be the way to go? and create the bridge there? i.e. combine with or something
15:22.05russlevy(make my own bridge, as well as make my own recordings)
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15:22.42WIMPyActually you wouldn't have to wait for the bridge ass long as you already know the name of the channel, so that might be ok.
15:22.56WIMPyYes, you could do it that way as well.
15:23.12*** join/#asterisk Iamnacho (
15:26.34russlevyWIMPy: last question: via ari (python) can i control a confbridge?
15:27.20WIMPyI have not looked in to ARI at all. I find the interface too ugly.
15:27.32russlevyok :) thanks
15:28.41russlevyit seems overly complicated, but looks miles better than AGI and dialplan macros (which I used years ago)
15:28.59WIMPyWell, that's the idea.
15:29.09*** join/#asterisk riess82 (
15:29.32WIMPyEverything you can do via AGI or AMI and a little more in one.
15:30.05russlevyyah -- maybe just need a v2 cleanup with a nicer interface
15:30.30WIMPyBut juggling with multiple sockes doesn't look reliable to me.
15:31.27iulhkThrough AGI, best way to check sip peer status, online or offline, i am getting data from sippeers.lastms from sippeers table, is there a better way to check either sip peer is online or offline ?
15:32.53russlevythanks WIMPy -- have a great weekend
15:34.25*** part/#asterisk riess82 (
15:35.22Resnikis asterisk 13 ok to try/use?
15:38.25hatlessmanI've been using 13 in production for a month or so. Its pretty stable.
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15:57.36Resnikis there a way to check if there are any changes in specific app between 12 and 13 asterisk version?
16:04.41malcolmdthe UPGRADE[-x].txt files in the tarball should describe the changes.  you can peruse them to see if there's a change to an application you're curious about
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17:37.30hatlessmanHas anyone actually used chan_pjsip and websockets?
17:37.56hatlessmanSo far its been a nightmare for me. Segfaults, DTLS setup failures
17:38.25hatlessmanWS + chan_sip works great.
17:42.35dijibdoes anyone have an example of a working systemd script to start asterisk13 on a 2015 arch
17:44.20ChannelZis dreading systemd
17:53.31ChannelZAnd yes on pjsip, no on websockets
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20:09.04K0HAXIs there a reason to use pjsip over sip?
20:13.05superscratK0HAX, here is an old blog post from mjordan:
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20:25.47xochilpilihi all
20:25.59superscrathowdy, xochilpili
20:26.18xochilpilican anyone give me a hand with asterisk and avaya IPO 500 v2?
20:26.46xochilpilii can't make them connect each other...
20:31.58[TK]D-Fenderheads home
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20:45.39hatlessmanK0HAX: PJSIP has 100rel
20:46.20hatlessman100rel allows ICE to start early on webrtc calls.
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23:44.28xochilpilihi all
23:45.07xochilpilii have created a trunk from asterisk to an avaya IPO 500 V2, i followed this guide :
23:46.04xochilpiliand all the outputs in there, i have them, i create 2 extensions one: 1001 in asterisk with freepbx and 8000 in avaya
23:46.39xochilpilii have an avaya h323 phone connected and logged in to this avaya, and i have a zoiper soft phone connected to asterisk
23:47.23xochilpiliwhen i try to call from extension 1001 to extension 8000 using the prefix "7" in outbound route; i got this error in Cli: Unable to create channel of type 'OOH323' (cause 0 - Unknown)
23:47.42xochilpiliplease, can anyone give me a hand?
23:59.27[TK]D-FenderShow the full call attempt

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