IRC log for #asterisk on 20150606

00:00.35*** join/#asterisk fstd_ (~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted)
00:21.48*** join/#asterisk sarlalian (~sarlalian@
00:47.34*** join/#asterisk Qwell (north@asterisk/developer/Qwell)
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01:04.36*** join/#asterisk bmurt (
01:06.43*** join/#asterisk italorossi (~Adium@
01:28.29*** join/#asterisk Qwell (north@asterisk/developer/Qwell)
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02:14.02*** join/#asterisk Hyper_Eye (~mwoodj@pdpc/sponsor/digium/hyper-eye)
03:19.39*** join/#asterisk darkbasic (
03:29.07janicez[TK]D-Fender: How are you?
04:00.09*** join/#asterisk babak (uid19622@gateway/web/
04:37.17*** join/#asterisk Chotaire (
05:08.57*** join/#asterisk drmessano (~nonya@pdpc/supporter/active/drmessano)
05:11.57*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
05:54.22janicezChannelZ: same
06:36.20*** join/#asterisk chandoo_ (
06:42.03*** join/#asterisk coppice (
07:12.57*** join/#asterisk Geek-Linux (~GeekLinux@
07:18.56Geek-LinuxHi. I have moved my asterisk server behind firewall but now i am facing the muting issue in SIP calling. I cant receive RTP packets of user on my server. thank you in advance.
07:58.06*** join/#asterisk bkruse (~Adium@
08:05.59*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
08:38.18janicezGeek-Linux: check your firewall settings
08:40.04ChannelZYou need to configure externaddr and localnet in sip.conf; you need to port-forward the range of RTP ports as configured in rtp.conf to the asterisk box
08:40.35ChannelZAnd peers outside the firewall who themselves are behind firewalls need nat turned on for them
08:54.16*** join/#asterisk pchero (
09:36.50*** join/#asterisk darkbasic_ (
09:41.20*** join/#asterisk areski (
09:58.11*** join/#asterisk darkbasic (
10:06.21*** join/#asterisk nilesh (~nilesh@unaffiliated/-nilesh-/x-1644389)
10:07.21nileshanybody using cisco 7940 here?
10:25.51nileshMaliutaLap: do you use chan_mobile?
10:26.03Geek-Linux<janicez>: Firewall is currently natted open for every connection to the server.
10:26.24janicezGeek-Linux: My nick doesn't have <> around it.
10:26.24MaliutaLapnilesh: why would chan_mobile have anything to do with a cisco 7940?
10:26.32janicezGeek-Linux: just type jan and then the tab key
10:27.14Geek-LinuxChannelZ: externaddr is the public ip that has been natted to the server ?
10:27.17MaliutaLapnilesh: usually the 7940 is used with chan_sip (/pjsip) or chan_skinny
10:27.18nileshMaliutaLap: well nothing... this chan_mobile issue has been a PITA for me. I'm unable to hear whatever the other side says on a hardphone, but the same thing works with a softphone.
10:27.36nileshMaliutaLap: given the codec is same on hardphone and softphone (ulaw/alaw)
10:28.17janiceznilesh: uh
10:28.31nileshjanicez: where could be the issue??
10:28.39janiceznilesh: not a clue in hell
10:28.46janiceznilesh: probably a phone side issue
10:28.59janiceznilesh: try calling another extension
10:29.08nileshjanicez: but how two different hardphones can have the SAME issue?!
10:29.17janiceznilesh: bug in their code?
10:29.32nileshjanicez: different brands man, Cortelco and Cisco
10:29.42nileshinter-extension calling works fine
10:29.47janiceznilesh: they may still be the same hardware; do they look nearly the same?
10:29.53janiceznilesh: What version of asterisk are you using?
10:29.57nileshof course not, asterisk 13
10:30.20janiceznilesh: no clue then
10:31.16robmalOh, a problem.
10:31.21robmalWhat's going on?
10:32.03nileshrobmal: no audio on hardphone when used with chan_mobile, but works on softphone. codecs are same (ulaw/alaw)
10:33.04robmalShow me the pcaps
10:33.25nileshI can just hear some noise on the hardphone.
10:33.51nileshwhenever the other side says something
10:33.53robmalAlso, which way are the calls made? From the pbx to mobile or from mobile to pbx?
10:34.02nileshboth way same behaviour
10:34.25robmalAgain, show me the packet captures.
10:34.52nileshyes wait, generating
10:45.45nileshin the dump, is ekiga running on windows machine, and is cisco 7940
10:46.03nilesheverything is clear when I'm using ekiga
10:46.07MaliutaLapSo why is chan_mobile even being used
10:46.19MaliutaLapthey should both be on chan_sip
10:47.02nileshMaliutaLap: because I want outgoing calls to happen via mobile phone?
10:47.16nileshoutgoing / incoming, basically trying to set up PBX using a mobile phone
10:53.33robmalOk, anything happening in dmesg?
10:53.45robmalAnd if you have, paste your asterisk log.
10:56.10nileshrobmal: Bluetooth: hci0 SCO packet for unknown connection handle 1 | lots of such messages
10:56.13nileshin dmesg
10:58.27robmalDo you have any other usb dongles you could check?
11:00.12nileshnothing interesting in asterisk logs :
11:00.26nileshrobmal: I have two usb dongles of the same model, I even tried alignmentdetection=yes, but doesn't help
11:00.38nileshthe only thing left now is to try this on a laptop
11:01.49robmalYe, looks like some kind of driver issue, try it on a laptop.
11:02.44nileshI don't think the BT dongle can be an issue because the things get recorded fine! and also if it was a dongle issue how does a softphone work?
11:02.58nileshso that rules out the dongle issue
11:03.10nileshthis is something to do with codecs
11:03.22nileshI don't know how to debug this :(
11:04.10nileshrobmal: you found anything interesting from the pcap?
11:05.37robmalNope, both invites are sending the same codecs.
11:07.10nileshthis is frggin ridiculous. Same codec, same bt dongle, same mobile. But works with softphone and doesn't work with hardphone.!??!?
11:07.53MaliutaLapnilesh: is there anything different with the SIP config for the cisco vs ekiga?
11:07.59nileshMaliutaLap: nope
11:08.15nileshIn fact I had to disable authentication and use identify by ip for cisco
11:08.27nileshotherwise it wasn't registering
11:08.44robmalDid you try using ext 11 on cisco?
11:09.07nileshrobmal: what do you mean?
11:09.45nileshif you are just pointing to a different extension, then it won't make any difference because the configuration is a template for endpoints
11:10.42robmalAny other hardphones available?
11:11.09nileshno, only these two. In fact I ordered cisco because I thought the cortelco ones I had were bad.
11:21.27*** join/#asterisk CeBe (
11:22.29*** part/#asterisk Geek-Linux (~GeekLinux@
11:24.25nileshlet me give a shot on the mailing list
11:58.45*** join/#asterisk zz_mzb (
12:00.38*** join/#asterisk fstd_ (~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted)
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13:26.50*** join/#asterisk chandoo_ (
13:27.38*** join/#asterisk chandoo__ (
13:42.17*** part/#asterisk LiuYan (~hola@unaffiliated/liuyan)
13:52.21*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~joe@
14:54.03*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
15:05.24*** join/#asterisk areski (
15:06.52robmalHmm, any of you tried running an old rotary phone with a voip gateway?
15:13.08[TK]D-FenderI've known others who have
15:14.27robmalDid they make their own pulse to dtmf converters or did they buy them?
15:36.08*** join/#asterisk robl^ (~robl@pdpc/supporter/active/robl)
15:37.21[TK]D-FenderThe ATA they used did it for them
15:37.28[TK]D-FenderDon't recall for sure which.
15:40.03robmalI hope it was PAP2t
15:40.04coppicewhy would a converter be needed?
15:41.06robmalRotary phones sent the number by pulses (pauses in the voltage) not by tones (changes in amplitude)
15:43.24coppiceyes, we know, but why would a converter be needed?
15:48.42*** join/#asterisk babak (uid19622@gateway/web/
15:53.51robmalBecause most gateways don't understand pulse and those who do not always work properly afaik.
15:54.39coppiceI haven't met a gateway that won't work with pulse dialing, although there are probably some where they just don't test it well enough these days
15:55.24coppiceits just so easy to do that it makes no sense to leave it out
15:56.01coppicenot everything bothers to provide pulse outdialing these days
16:00.11*** join/#asterisk aness (~aness@2a02:fe0:c310:8a0:14a2:87ba:d69f:3e97)
16:04.44*** join/#asterisk Robotman321 (
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16:19.48*** join/#asterisk brc007 (~brc007@
16:21.39*** join/#asterisk krenel (~krenel@
16:26.02krenelwe just started using dpma and loaded a custom logo, but now we get "Digium Asterisk" at the top... is there a way to change that to the users actual name?
16:42.41*** join/#asterisk jzaw (
16:43.52*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~joe@
16:53.20*** join/#asterisk robink_ (~quassel@unaffilated/robink)
17:16.00*** join/#asterisk Robotman321 (
17:16.10*** join/#asterisk wonderworld (
17:25.19*** join/#asterisk gusto (~gusto@2001:4c50:62f:f213:8219:34ff:fecf:17f0)
17:46.40krenelnobody talks in here?
17:52.11*** join/#asterisk pchero (
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17:56.47gustoI have a good question
17:57.07gustohow can I tell asterisk to register with the port that he is connecting with?
17:57.29gustoor maybe rport on the other-side's asterisk?
17:58.44[TK]D-Fendergusto, Your logic is backwards
17:58.52[TK]D-Fenderfirst, what is "he"?
17:59.07gustoI have two asterisks over TLS connected with each other
17:59.11[TK]D-FenderAnd "hes" is connecting... so why is ASTERISK registering?
17:59.31gustoone is server and one is client, so far so good
17:59.43[TK]D-FenderAlso, "connect" is too vague a term
17:59.50gustobut, the client is connected over a high port to a 5061 port of the server
17:59.52[TK]D-FenderBoth are clients
17:59.54infobotwell, b2bua is a Back 2 Back User Agent. Additional information is available on wikipedia:
18:00.11gustoyes, that's the problem that they are both clients and both servers
18:00.35gustobut with a cisco ata or a snom telephone it is not the case
18:00.59gustofor example my cisco ata is connecting with some high port and accepts also replys on that port
18:01.55gustowith the asterisks it is not the case, it is always from a high port to a low port (5061) no matter who is what
18:03.15gustoso there are two connections for "one" connection
18:04.40gusto here
18:04.41[TK]D-FenderNo, ALL are effectively "clients"
18:04.57gustotake a look at that paste
18:04.58[TK]D-FenderATA's can have MULTIPLE ports because they are MULTI-PORT to begin with
18:05.06[TK]D-FenderLike those wth 2 ports.
18:05.16[TK]D-FenderSo Each has to be addressed SEPARATELY
18:05.54gustoof course
18:06.26gustoata's working perfectly
18:06.37[TK]D-FenderAnd you're still talking about other things that don't matter
18:08.03gustowell, I understand that asterisks may get more connections over time, but I only need one connection from one asterisk to another asterisk, so is there a way how to get that asterisk to send the port he is running with?
18:08.15gustorunning that concrete connection with
18:08.44gustoor maybe is it the case that the atas and phones do not send any port? that can also be the case... i have to check that out
18:12.20*** join/#asterisk areski (
18:16.14[TK]D-Fenderkrenel, relatively few people have Digium phones.  Even fewer use DPMA with them.  Fewer still are going to be on during the weekend
18:16.50krenelNP I just wanted to make sure my messages were actually going through!  :)
18:17.02krenelSo DPMA isn't widely used, you'd say?
18:17.10[TK]D-Fenderkrenel, You will probably have to check in once more people likely to have your answer are around.  Like around Digium's working hours would be best
18:17.51[TK]D-Fendergusto, You are failing to understand that TLS being TCP has a SOURCE PORT and a DESTINATION port.
18:18.08[TK]D-FenderWhen the sender starts the connection, since each one is unique... that it will have a different SOURCE port
18:18.19[TK]D-FenderYou CAN"T make them all the same otehrwise a system couldn't support multiple connections
18:19.43*** join/#asterisk GameGamer43 (sid5533@gateway/web/
18:19.52*** join/#asterisk c|oneman (cloneman@2605:6400:2:fed5:22:0:3b06:3913)
18:19.52*** join/#asterisk Chex (
18:20.03gustowell, rport seems to do the trick
18:20.18gustoi have to test it as well
18:20.29*** join/#asterisk robink_ (~quassel@unaffilated/robink)
18:22.26gustohm, it works
18:23.04gusto[TK]D-Fender, there was never multiple connections
18:23.47gustohere in this paste the first two connections were actually one connection only one was sending and the other one for recieving and i wanted to have that both in one port
18:23.56gustoin one ESTABLISHED: ESTABLISHED
18:24.06gustoin one TLS connection not split into two
18:26.12gusto*** this is cool, it works
18:26.39gustocomplex problem simple solution
18:27.16gustoand I am all day watching traces trying to figure out wtf is he doing
18:28.09gustoi already tried that rport, but i forgot to make sure that registrations disappear, so that was a false negative
18:28.43gustonow i kicked the peers out and as soon as they did re-register they had the "right" port on
18:28.56*** join/#asterisk Chex (
18:29.29*** join/#asterisk c|oneman (cloneman@2605:6400:2:fed5:22:0:3b06:3913)
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22:30.08*** join/#asterisk rrittgarn (
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