IRC log for #asterisk on 20150602

00:00.16*** join/#asterisk fstd (~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted)
00:00.43ChannelZI believe you should use the CHANNEL function these days and the different channel types have slightly different things.  See 'core show function CHANNEL'
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00:32.23*** join/#asterisk gk (~gk@unaffiliated/gk)
00:33.31gkhello, I have a problem with asterisk 1.8: it does not reconnect to the upstream SIP server (freeswitch) after that upstream server restart
00:34.02gkI believe asterisk thinks that it reconnected and stops further attempts but it is not registered in upstream and nothing works
00:34.40gkif nothing happens to the upstream SIP server then the session is perfectly OK for days
00:35.15gkno NAT between, no DNS involved (SIP upstream set by IP), freebsd
00:35.55gkis it a known problem? any idea where should I look?
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01:25.29ChannelZHow does the upstream server know the asterisk server?  Does it have a static IP/hostname, are you required to register to it, etc
01:26.32ChannelZIf you have to register, then you'd have to just set yours to periodically reregister.
01:35.22*** join/#asterisk Katty (sid62315@gateway/web/
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11:35.54*** join/#asterisk Erico (
11:37.15EricoHi mates
11:37.29Ericois there a ConfBridge command like the MeetMeAdmin?
11:37.53EricoMute or Kick users from Dialplan?
11:59.36*** join/#asterisk fstd (~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted)
12:09.52*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
12:10.56Ericois this channel even active?
12:12.19mjordanErico: patience. It's kinda early in the US.
12:12.29mjordanAlso: that information is pretty easy to find on the wiki.
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12:14.27mjordanConfBridge takes a slightly different approach to controlling users. Admin users have DTMF commands to control how they manipulate users. That's documented both in the module configuration ( and on the Confbridge page (
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12:15.09mjordanoutside of the admin DTMF menu options - which you create yourself in confbridge.conf - ConfBridge generally wants you to use AMI to control the conference.
12:15.23mjordanHence, most of the analogous commands are AMI actions.
12:15.44mjordanall of which are documented here:
12:16.17[TK]D-FenderOr CLI commands... which you can call from the dialplan
12:16.26[TK]D-Fender(with a few seconds of thought)
12:17.57Ericoalright got it .. so no command like MeetMeAdmin, i will be using AGI/AMI i guess
12:18.42[TK]D-Fenderor CLI
12:19.01[TK]D-Fender"confbridge" <tab>
12:19.26Ericoya but i need it from Dialplan
12:20.52[TK]D-FenderYes and you can GET to it from there too...
12:20.57[TK]D-Fender[08:16][TK]D-Fender(with a few seconds of thought)
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12:41.56mjordanI'm not really sure why AMI is so hard in that context. If all you need to do is run a single AMI action, that's about as hard as invoking an AGI.
12:42.10mjordanor running a CLI command from the dialplan, for that matter.
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12:57.37[TK]D-Fendermjordan: Which is what I suggested
12:57.56[TK]D-Fendermjordan: Mind you that implies shelling out which I'm OK with...
12:58.14[TK]D-Fendermjordan: Mind you we should ahve a dialplan app so save that hackery.
12:58.35mjordanthat would be nice.
12:58.45mjordanalbeit, there are some funky things that could happen there.
12:59.19mjordanpermission escalation issues that the System and SHELL app/function are explicitly noted as having
12:59.27mjordanbut it'd be worth looking into
13:10.11*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (~brad@
13:19.46DivideBy0up-to-date and quality asterisk docs are the wiki and the book. are there any others?
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13:22.59nbjoergreminds me, there was a nice typo in the asterisk book
13:23.04nbjoerg80x24 pixel terminals :)
13:26.16WIMPyIsn't the standard 84x48 pixels on Terminals?
13:29.05[TK]D-FenderDivideBy0: Don't know of anyone else spending time to make a 3rd repository of such information.
13:31.43*** join/#asterisk RobertLaptop (~rmiddle@
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13:37.12mjordanquite a lot of work just trying to keep those two correct and updated :-)
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13:43.10DivideBy0I'm sure. Thanks guys
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15:22.04wasanzyhello, using queue techniques, how can I change the music on hold audio?
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15:23.25[TK]D-Fender"Queue" isn't a "technique"
15:23.33[TK]D-FenderWant to set the MoH?  READ THE sample config
15:24.00wasanzyI want to change the default audio to something else
15:24.19[TK]D-FenderSo change the MoH class.
15:25.50wasanzyunder [general] ?
15:26.10[TK]D-Fenderunder your QUEUE
15:30.01wonderworldhi, i want to use the pickupaexten feature from features.conf. i understand that i would give the calling channel a pickupgroup in the dialplan. what i didn't get is how to assign the extension that wants to pickup an incoming call to that pickupgroup? tnx
15:35.38[TK]D-Fenderwonderworld: Um... could you rephrase what you're actually trying to accomplish?
15:35.50wonderworldok let me try
15:36.56WIMPywonder what the "features" have their place in that.
15:37.21wonderworldpickupexten feature in features.conf.....
15:37.29wonderworldshould allow me to do that
15:37.50wonderworldi can set the pickupgroup for incoming calls in the dialplan with a channel variable
15:38.15WIMPyI have no idea what that could be good for. Usually you have an extension to do a pickup.
15:38.16wonderworldbut how would i set the pickup group for the peer that would like to "steal" the call?
15:38.41WIMPyUsually as Paramerter to The Pickup Application.
15:39.15wonderworldthis is what i am refering to:
15:39.47[TK]D-Fenderwonderworld: no such thing as setting the incoming group for incoming calls.
15:39.52[TK]D-Fenderwonderworld: ALL calls are incoming
15:39.58[TK]D-Fenderwonderworld: that is PER CHANNEL
15:40.01wonderworldi want to do this: Requesting to pickup a call is done by two basic methods.2) by dialing the pickupexten configured in features.conf.
15:40.44wonderworldso the wiki article tells me how to set the pickupgroup on the channel
15:41.13wonderworldbut i don't know how to set the pickup group for the person that dials *8 on the phone to pickup the call
15:41.47wonderworld(as configured by the pickupexten feature in features.conf)
15:43.15*** join/#asterisk Sudravirodhin (~Sudraviro@
15:43.29[TK]D-Fenderclarify the timing you are expecting to do this in
15:44.25wonderworldsorry, didn't get you...which timing?
15:44.46[TK]D-FenderDescribe your USAGE scenario
15:44.55[TK]D-FenderEXACTLY where are you where you intend to trigger this,.
15:45.06[TK]D-FenderWhat else is happening just PRIOR, and what do you exect to do AFTER?
15:46.00wonderworldok. everyone in the office should be able to answer calls from their own phones, even if another phone is ringing. they should be able to pickup the calls for colleagues who are not there without walking to their phones.
15:47.11wonderworldphone b rings, person sitting in front of phone a should be able to pickup the call for b
15:47.28[TK]D-Fenderthat doesn't sound like features.conf material at all
15:47.42wonderworldmaybe is misread the wiki article?
15:47.55[TK]D-FenderAnd all you should have to do is have the incomiong channel have that value set and the group already set on your other devices
15:47.59wonderworldit says: 2) by dialing the pickupexten configured in features.conf.
15:48.32WIMPywas serious about his question. Why does pickup exist as a "feature"? It doesn't make any sense to me.
15:48.34wonderworldok, thats my problem. how do i set this pickup group on the other device?
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15:49.09[TK]D-Fenderdial an extension that calls the Pickup application
15:49.10WIMPy'core show application Pickup'
15:49.25WIMPyMake an extension, not a "feature".
15:49.58wonderworldwhat would be the downside of using the "feature" method?
15:50.19[TK]D-Fenderfeatures.conf = crap you do while on ANOTHER call.
15:50.20WIMPyYou need to be on a call already to use "features".
15:51.03wonderworldok thanks. so the wiki article is wrong? or would it work while being in another call?
15:51.15WIMPyWhen did I last mention that "features" is a really really bad name for a feature?
15:51.55wonderworldpickupexten isn't even listed as an option in my dist features.conf file
15:52.15WIMPyThat what we just told you, but even if you are on a call already, I don't see any sens in using "features".
15:56.32[TK]D-Fenderwonderworld: We are not talking about features.conf at all.
15:56.36[TK]D-Fenderwonderworld: Stop looking there.
15:56.43[TK]D-Fenderwonderworld: DIALPLAN apps....
15:56.52[TK]D-Fenderyou are doing a NEW call from your phone to do the pickup
15:57.00[TK]D-Fendermake an extension accordingly.
15:59.15wonderworldok, will do. tnx
16:03.34*** join/#asterisk generalhan_ (~tester@about/windows/staff/generalhan)
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16:16.40polysicshello! dev question: is there any way to set the BridgeuniqueId on brdiges on Ast 12+?
16:21.08mjordanpolysics: bridges created through ARI can have their uniqueID set on creation.
16:21.22mjordancan't recall what version that went in on; probably an early 13 or very late 12.
16:21.36polysicsmjordan: no way to do that through AMI? even indirectly, like setting BridgeCreator or something?
16:21.38rmudgettIt was a very late 12 but before 13
16:21.49mjordanpolysics: you can't create bridges directly in AMI.
16:22.23mjordanBridge AMI action kind of tries to provide that, but only in a very limited way.
16:22.34mjordanand no, it doesn't expose an attribute for that.
16:23.33polysics"kind of" or "not at atll"? :D
16:26.00polysicsthe ability to set any kind of identifier over AMI Bridge would greatly help
16:26.12polysicsbut if it's not htere, it's not htere :)
16:26.18polysicsalso double typo.
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16:40.34[TK]D-FenderSomewhere I'm sure...
16:40.47drabover the rainbow
16:41.16drabwhat are people looking for self-manged asterisk hosting normally get? like for a "normal" linux server you can either get a VPS from say Linode, put your machine in some DC or maybe go in the cloud...
16:41.41draba bunch of googling shows lots of cloud or things like rentapbx, sort of c-panel like things, all managed
16:42.03[TK]D-Fenderdrab: Those are CLOSED solutions
16:42.11[TK]D-Fendertypically with restrictive GUI's
16:42.16drabI couldn't find something along the lines of a VPS that I could manage myself with a barebone system but instead of just a network card also had FXO
16:42.20drabright, I want none of that
16:42.21[TK]D-FenderVPS = whatever you want it to be
16:42.49mjordanif you want an analog card, you're probably going to not find much.
16:43.14[TK]D-Fenderdepends on a point of view there....
16:43.23[TK]D-Fenderdefine your actual needs... then start looking
16:46.03drabneeds a pretty simple, non profit here, so $$ is a huge factor, with a bunch of centers in diff places. Need to talk from center to center and have a bunch of public phone numbers for ppl to call in, voicemail, a couple conf bridges, IVR and a rollover, pretty standard I'd say
16:46.13drabthe major thing I don't have a clue is actual hw rec
16:46.26drabas Id on't quite understand when/how intensive transcoding are and how much bw is used per call
16:46.29doopdrab: you can do all that without POTS
16:46.37doopuse an ITSP
16:46.46drabI've seen some offerings advertising number of CPUs = number of calls
16:46.56draband warning about compression and bw
16:47.11drabtryign to read up on that and run some measuraments locally and play with codecs
16:47.16doopdrab: what's your maximum number of simultaneous calls?
16:48.15drabdoop: 4x bigger centers, 1x smaller ones
16:48.32[TK]D-Fenderdrab:  4 calls?
16:48.33drabconf calls would get bigger tho, since they'd pull in small centers
16:48.34doopdoes that mean four calls for the bigger centers?
16:49.01drabyes sorry,4 simultaneous calls, ie 4 people from diff departments making calls for different purposes
16:49.31doophow many centers do you have?
16:49.35drabpart of the limit depends on costs really, they could do with more, but those are min rec based around the price of ~$24/m I've sen for a trunk
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16:50.14drab7, 2 big, 5 small ones
16:50.44doopso about 13-24 calls out to the PSTN simultaneously?
16:51.27doopor do your numbers include calls between centers
16:51.33drabroughly yeah
16:51.39drabno, wasn't including calls between centers
16:51.50doopyou'll be fine with a VPS and an ITSP
16:52.08drabI assumed those could be "free" as Asterisk to asterisk, ie don't need to go via the trunk. Am I mistake?
16:52.22doopthe ones within your centers can be "free" yes
16:53.46doopi would try g.711/ulaw before trying any codecs with lots of compression -- see how that works for you
16:54.10doopunless your centers are on super slow DSL or something
16:54.46doopbut yeah you'll be fine
16:57.18mjordanprobably could get by with the cheapest server from digital ocean
16:57.24mjordanbut that's just my 2 cents.
16:57.39fileI'm a fan of myself
16:57.47DivideBy0any reason not to choose amazon for one of those servers?
16:57.59doopamazon is pricier?
16:58.08mjordanfile: $6??? Mr. Money-Banks.
16:58.19mjordanalthough, for that extra dollar, you do get 1GB of RAM
16:58.23mjordanso, touche
16:58.46mjordanyeah, that's actually a much better deal than digital ocean. I should have asked you again before I panicked and decided I needed a server for a demo.
16:59.19filethe $8 tier is useful because there's a "powerboost" which adds an additional 2 CPUs/VPS, 4GB of extra RAM, and 30GB of space
16:59.35fileso if you need a large instance - fine, if you need a few smaller ones, fine
16:59.37filesame price.
17:00.08filedoes not work for them
17:00.24filearguably works for mjordan
17:04.49mjordanonly arguably.
17:04.56mjordantechnically, you don't
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17:53.21cuscoI have been using ovh, for nearly 2 years now, a cheap dedi unmanaged
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18:18.33Jaykahello everyone!
18:20.17JaykaI am having an issue which I was hoping someone can advise me on how to solve. When calling some endpoint, and then cancelling the call right away while it is still ringing I see that Asterisk is sending Bye instead of Cancel, despite the fact that the call has not been established. This is causing the endpoint to continue ringing indefinitely. Any workarounds?
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18:26.43[TK]D-FenderJayka: Show us the actual call...
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22:31.15monstercodo you know of any AGI file that send basic call details? I don't want to spend time coding one. I want basic caller ID and other call details to be sent in a POST request
22:32.22WIMPyWhat about using curl directly?
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22:56.34jmetroAny opinions here on best conference phone? I'm partial to polycom starfish's but wondering if there are other options that sound as good / pick up audio as good as those.
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23:07.36WIMPyThat's what Polycom has been know for, but there's also the Snom MeetingPoint now.
23:09.22jmetroI was pondering a Digium conference phone but I dont even see those on my voip suppliers catalog. I had a good experience with Snom in the past though
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23:13.59jmetroGotta go, thanks though.
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