IRC log for #asterisk on 20150526

16:21.36*** join/#asterisk infobot (
16:21.36*** topic/#asterisk is #asterisk The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- LTS: 13.3.2 (2015/04/08), 11.17.1 (2015/04/08), (2015/04/08); Standard: 12.8.2 (2015/04/08); DAHDI: DAHDI-linux 2.10.0 (2014/08/13), DAHDI-tools 2.10.0 (2014/08/13); libpri 1.4.15 (2014/06/16) -=- Asterisk wiki: -=- Code of Conduct: -=- Logs:
16:29.31*** join/#asterisk Leseratte (~florian@2001:470:70bc::1)
16:31.35*** join/#asterisk vader- (~Adium@
16:36.00*** join/#asterisk mohamed_linuxat (~mohamed@
16:36.27*** join/#asterisk sawgood (~sawgood@unaffiliated/sawgood)
16:39.12mohamed_linuxathello every body
16:42.57*** join/#asterisk marlinc (
17:02.41wanda_is singing DAHDI daddy cool
17:02.46wanda_daddy daddy coooool
17:03.31wanda_I would like to publish a news about: xivo based on asterisk. because currently we play with raspberry pi 2 :)
17:03.58wanda_our community activities
17:04.13wanda_someone can give me your advices? :)
17:04.33wanda_I'm already register on ML.
17:04.56wanda_ML, I mean
17:05.18WIMPydoesn't have the neccessary language module.
17:10.28*** join/#asterisk BBone_ (
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17:17.56*** join/#asterisk wonderworld (
17:28.56*** part/#asterisk w9sh (
17:32.22*** join/#asterisk WIMPy (
17:37.00*** join/#asterisk CeBe1 (
17:43.30*** join/#asterisk bkruse (~Adium@
17:47.22*** join/#asterisk areski (
18:06.16*** join/#asterisk Panther_Modern (~Panther_M@unaffiliated/panther-modern/x-6168176)
18:22.16*** join/#asterisk sgriepentrog (sgriepentr@nat/digium/x-qyjnmlthontyiflf)
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18:57.44*** join/#asterisk sparetire_ (~sparetire@unaffiliated/sparetire)
19:23.59*** join/#asterisk bkruse (~Adium@
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19:36.28*** join/#asterisk Panther_Modern (~Panther_M@unaffiliated/panther-modern/x-6168176)
19:38.27*** join/#asterisk Panther_Modern2 (~Panther_M@unaffiliated/panther-modern/x-6168176)
19:39.41crypticI'm experiencing a weird issue. When I dial out using my grandstream phone (it's a SIP phone that connects to asterisk), the phone number shows up as something way different. Sometimes it'll say "unknown" and other times it'll be something totally obscure. Is this an issue on my end or with my DID provider?
19:42.17WIMPyWhere does it show up?
19:42.40*** join/#asterisk exuberocity (
19:43.15crypticWIMPy: on my cell phone (verizon)
19:44.21WIMPyDo you use something that generates random data in your dialplan?
19:44.22crypticthe CDR log shows the following info: "My Full Name" <my-sip-username>
19:44.30crypticno, I don't
19:44.50WIMPythen it's probably happening later.
19:44.53crypticat least, not to my knowledge. It'd have to be random data, because sometimes it's "Unknown" and other times it's a random phone number in North Carolina or something
19:45.07WIMPyYou can always check your sip debug to see what's being sent.
19:45.09crypticmy guess is that I'm not correctly specifying the caller id on my end, and is inserting its own
19:45.50WIMPyPossible, but it still shouldn't be random.
19:46.12crypticwhat I'm sending on my end is my SIP User ID (kmm-ny)
19:48.14crypticyou know what, I don't think I'm sending the User=Phone parameter
19:48.18crypticlet's see what that does
19:48.52WIMPyProbably nothing.
19:49.14WIMPyBut there are many ways to send caller ID.
19:49.21*** join/#asterisk bkruse (
19:49.36crypticyeah, I'm noticing that
19:50.35WIMPyJymmm: He, still on that shopping trip? And back to the gateways?
19:51.02JymmmWIMPy: HAven't stopped yet, sadly. Been full circle too =(
19:51.40JymmmWIMPy: This should not be that difficult.
19:51.45WIMPyToo much choice means lots of work :-)
19:52.11JymmmIt's not choice, it's either carrier lock or non-existant in North America
19:52.20crypticthis is so peculiar. it has to be on's side
19:54.28WIMPyDifferent problems in different places ...
19:55.25JymmmWIMPy: You know of any place/resource more cellular centric I could tap by chance?
19:55.52*** join/#asterisk lwizardl (~James@2601:4:1400:8a:c1f6:408e:47c3:5bc3)
19:56.21WIMPyWhat's your preferred solution?
19:58.21JymmmWIMPy: yagi--> quad gsm split out to 1) analog voice and 2) Data (ethernet).
19:59.10lwizardlI was wondering if using asterisk if there is a way to allow cell phone networks to work through the system? I'm thinking using a femtocel connected to the system but not sure if that would work
19:59.59WIMPyHmm. The Ethernet part ist tricky. Usually it's either voice or IP, but not both, and IP is usually not wired, but just converting to wifi.
20:00.56JymmmWIMPy: Well, the ethernet is just a bonus, If it's available, bmight as well bring it out
20:01.16WIMPylwizardl: That depends massively on the hardware you're trying to use, but I think it's safe to say that Asterisk won't be enough to make it work.
20:01.22JymmmWIMPy: USB modems dont' have ext antenna jack for yagi
20:02.16WIMPyJymmm: Actually most of them do, but most of them don't have the hole in the case to allow you to access it. But if you drill a hole...
20:02.40JymmmWIMPy: Ah.
20:03.19JymmmWIMPy: Do you know of any GOOD ones? I could pull up the FCC test data/photos
20:04.21WIMPyWell, most don't have voice support. So unless it explicitely says it does voice, stay away from it. Apart from that I don't expect much difference in that area.
20:05.03*** join/#asterisk exuberocity (
20:07.33JymmmI can't tell what that is
20:07.48*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (
20:07.51JymmmGSM to SMS/DTMF ?
20:08.32WIMPyA special part for some alarm system?
20:08.40JymmmActually has a ip address
20:09.21Jymmm(I wasn't sure if it was just using RJ-45/CAT5 cabiling, but not ethernet(
20:10.58WIMPyMight be a fun hacking project, but I don't see any practical value there.
20:11.33JymmmYeah, I think it's PSTN/GSM/LAN to control panel thingy
20:11.58JymmmI thought it might of had analog voice
20:12.47JymmmSo, I can get gsm to data, gsm to sms, gsm to voice, but not all three combined
20:12.57Jymmmor two, whatever
20:13.35WIMPyI can't remember having seen such a combination other than the thing you found.
20:13.57JymmmI like that you can display sms on (supported) CallerID displays =)
20:14.47WIMPyI don't see how that would work.
20:15.53JymmmIt's one of the signalling protocols for some devices on how CallerID  is sent
20:15.59WIMPyBut then I don't see much sense in having a device that does both data and voice as you most probably wouldn't be able to use both services simultaneousely.
20:16.23WIMPyYes, but SMs can be much longer than caller IDs.
20:16.41JymmmI know, but I think it's funny thatit's supported.
20:17.01WIMPyIs SMS still being used?
20:17.13Jymmmyou dont' text?
20:17.56Jymmmyeah, it is
20:18.08WIMPyAnd I don't kow anyone who still does. Everyone uses the internet, i.e. whatsapp etc.
20:18.32WIMPySMS is far too expensive.
20:18.55JymmmWIMPy: Where you at on the planet?
20:19.35JymmmEastern EU ?
20:19.37WIMPyData is still expensie here, but still a lot cheaper than SMS.
20:20.06WIMPyCentral (DE)
20:20.25JymmmIn USA you can get actual unlimited voice/text, but they play games on the data
20:21.13JymmmLike $50/mo for 5GB of 4G speed, then they drop you down to 50Kbps speed =)
20:21.34Jymmm(basicaly dialup)
20:22.30WIMPyThey probably do so everywhere.
20:27.36JymmmWIMPy: But, I'd be happy with just gsm to analog voice. the SMS would just be nice when I receive carrier messages
20:28.00Jymmm"Yo, pay your damn bill"  lol
20:28.59WIMPyCheck the chinese offers on ebay.
20:29.32JymmmWIMPy: This kills me...
20:31.53*** join/#asterisk jmetro (32fe06a1@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
20:31.56WIMPySounds like what you want.
20:32.26Jymmmno longer available
20:32.55crypticis this the correct way to set caller id in extensions.conf? this appears in the outgoing calls context: exten => s,n,ExecIf($["${EXTEN}" = "kmm-ny"]?Set(CALLERID(all)="My Name" <2345678901>))
20:33.48jmetroIve noticed on [Configuring DPMA without Multicast] it says to use Option 66 as "option boot-server "";" but the following text is a little confusing on what needs to be replaced - I'm assuming something like is appropriate but wanted to double check
20:33.59WIMPyIIRC there shoudn't be " around tha name.
20:35.40jmetroReally just the box with the Checkmark in it confused me, as I'm not sure what its referencing with user:pass
20:51.27WIMPyData via GPRS doesn't make much sense, does it?
20:52.49JymmmWell, it's not REAL data, just like dialup (email, irc) =)
20:53.39Jymmmwait, you said GPRS.... I'm not EXACTLY sure where data fits into that.
20:54.20WIMPyThat's GSM PSD, not UMTS or more.
20:54.32*** join/#asterisk azerus (~badass@unaffiliated/badass)
20:54.38JymmmHmmm, DB9 (serial port)
20:56.10JymmmGPRS Packet data, multi-slot Class 10 (up to 86.2 Kbps)*
20:56.22Jymmm"Were surfin now"
20:57.27WIMPyThat's like a POTS modem.
20:57.54Jymmmyep =)
20:58.05JymmmNot even ISDN
20:58.20WIMPyWell, maybe.
20:59.08JymmmBy the time you add tcp/ip overhead, it'll be dialup speeds again
21:00.39WIMPyAnd you never know how much bandwidth you get.
21:01.19JymmmWell, irc kinda works at 300 baud
21:01.31Jymmmgreat at 2400
21:02.11WIMPyDon't flood
21:02.25Jymmmsorry, I could lag the chars on a single line
21:02.37WIMPyWe're a little off topic already anyway.
21:14.23*** join/#asterisk andresmujica (~andresmmu@ubuntu/member/andresmujica)
21:16.13crypticwhere's the best place to set caller id?
21:16.21crypticI'm having a really hard time with the outgoing dialplan
21:16.37crypticI just want to set the phone number based on the SIP User Id I'm using
21:16.39WIMPyDepends on what you want.
21:16.59WIMPyThe calling device configuration might be a good place.
21:17.50crypticin the calling device, I have the sip user id set to my initials. in sip.conf, I have a context based on that; the calling device logs in using the secret contained in that file
21:18.25WIMPyYou can also set the callerid in the peer configuration.
21:18.56WIMPyBut that won't be much use if you want different caller IDs depending on where you call.
21:19.14crypticand then I was using ExecIf("$[{CALLERID(number)}" = "kmm-ny"]?Set(CALLERID(all) = "My Name" <${NYC01}>)) where NYC01 is a global set to that phone number and kmm-ny is the context described in sip.conf
21:19.21crypticbut that's extremely cumbersome
21:20.35crypticI guess I could do it from sip.conf? callerid=mynumber
21:20.39WIMPyYou could even define it in the config for your ITSP.
21:20.47WIMPyBut it all depends on what YOU need.
21:23.17crypticyeah, I know. I should take a day or two to figure out what I need and then go from there
21:25.10*** join/#asterisk bkruse (
21:43.35*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~joe@
21:45.42WIMPyHow long does it take to compile Asterisk on an RPi?
21:46.48*** join/#asterisk BBone_ (
21:48.14malcolmdquite a while, the time time i attempted it
21:48.26malcolmdeven running the configure script it tedious
21:48.57malcolmdit might have been 1+ hour
21:48.59WIMPyWell, that is even true on a decent PC.
21:49.13WIMPyI'm actually just reading your text.
21:49.25*** join/#asterisk Robotman321 (
21:50.01WIMPyasks google about using distcc with a cross compiler.
21:52.45*** join/#asterisk bkruse (~Adium@
21:57.39*** join/#asterisk Mohamed_linux (~Mohamed_l@
22:01.48*** join/#asterisk Mohamed_linux (~Mohamed_l@
22:10.21Mohamed_linuxhello every body
22:19.07Mohamed_linuxit seem like no body use asterisk now daytimes
22:20.35crypticI do
22:20.38crypticand I'm a lawyer
22:20.49crypticI use asterisk because it's better than anything available commercially
22:20.58crypticI'm able to incorporate it into my practice management software
22:21.07crypticand automatically bill for phone calls
22:21.52crypticwhat's great is that a 10 second phone call costs $30
22:29.45*** join/#asterisk robink_ (~quassel@unaffilated/robink)
22:30.55Mohamed_linuxi used asterisk since 2011
22:31.05Mohamed_linuxno more devolopment
22:33.58filewhat do you mean?
22:34.41Mohamed_linuxno new features devoloped
22:34.50*** join/#asterisk superscrat (
22:34.56*** join/#asterisk Dovid (
22:35.16Mohamed_linuxit remind same since 2011
22:47.19*** join/#asterisk exuberocity (
22:49.26WIMPyDoesn't even compile without distcc :-(
22:51.53*** part/#asterisk kharwell (kharwell@nat/digium/x-vhlcfbqicrkkztwa)
22:55.08*** join/#asterisk superscrat (
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23:09.00*** join/#asterisk happy-dude (uid62780@gateway/web/
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23:17.37*** join/#asterisk bkruse (~Adium@
23:21.15*** join/#asterisk MadHatter42 (~MadHatter@unaffiliated/madhatter42)
23:31.23*** join/#asterisk asteriskmonkey (
23:32.11WIMPyAh, 20 minutes. Not that bad.
23:32.35asteriskmonkeyis ari blocking?
23:33.34fileARI is asynchronous
23:36.23janicezfile: hi
23:38.07[TK]D-Fenderis it me you're looking for?
23:47.36*** join/#asterisk superscrat (
23:51.09*** join/#asterisk jasonwert (~jasonwert@
23:59.37*** join/#asterisk fstd (~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted)

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