IRC log for #asterisk on 20150521

00:03.10*** join/#asterisk fstd (~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted)
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02:01.20*** join/#asterisk OurRoyalGabe (
02:06.10Kattyi recommend chocolate.
02:06.21Kattymaybe some chocolate syrup.
02:06.30Kattyon top of a chocolate cupcake.
02:08.00*** join/#asterisk [Consultant]C-As (
02:18.09*** join/#asterisk mjordan (~mjordan@
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02:26.57[Consultant]C-Ashi,  i am having issues actually disconnecting a call.. the Hangup()  emediattly brings me to the h extenstions  but the caller on the other ends does not get a disconnect.   i have tested it on alot of differnt phones,   what on asterisk can cause it..  seems to be only on external trunk calls ,   through any provider
02:27.29[Consultant]C-Asits getting in the way of my origination()
02:44.50*** join/#asterisk andresmujica (~andresmmu@ubuntu/member/andresmujica)
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09:57.14tparcinaSometimes my phones (if not all, than most of them) lose connection to the Asterisk server.
09:58.43tparcinaIn notice I see that they are Lagged, TOO LAGGED or UNREACHABLE, and after short period of time (form few seconds up till one minute), they connect again.
09:59.53tparcinaThey usually louse connection (or become lagged) in period of several seconds, and they usually reconnect around the same time (most of them in the same second).
10:00.07tparcinaServer is virtual on XenServer.
10:00.36tparcinaHow to check is the problem in GNU/Linux server, XenServer or network itself?
10:48.18*** join/#asterisk italorossi (~Adium@
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11:02.55sekilis there any way to play with auth parameters when challenged on INVITE, in the dialplan?
11:10.46wdoekesplay? no, but you can pass user/pass in the Dial string
11:11.40wdoekesand can use the auth= parameter in sip.conf to set different responses based on the realm
11:12.55sekilwdoekes: I have single trunk...but I'd like to send different user/pass when challenged "catching" them from db
11:13.18sekilwdoekes: the alternative is to create many sip trunks in sip.conf which bores me ..and it's not nice
11:14.20*** join/#asterisk Quo-fan (quofan@unaffiliated/quo-fan)
11:14.45Quo-fanI have asterisk set to listen to my servers public ip on udp port 5060
11:15.15Quo-fanbut nmap -sU -p 5060 ip says the port is open|filtered
11:15.27Quo-fanwhat the hell is wrong with it
11:17.11Quo-fanok this is not working
11:17.17Quo-fanthx for nuttin
11:17.22*** part/#asterisk Quo-fan (quofan@unaffiliated/quo-fan)
11:18.09WIMPyConnection status information shouldn't be trusted on UDP ports for obvious reasons.
11:20.45*** join/#asterisk Draecos (
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11:41.58*** join/#asterisk RadJackson (
11:42.25RadJacksonHi ,is there any cool desktop software or web app to write dialplan code? other than Virtual DialPlan.
11:45.00sekilwdoekes: to what were you referring about auth in Dial?
11:47.51*** join/#asterisk elguero (~miguel323@2001:470:1f06:12c4::2)
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12:00.45*** join/#asterisk YellowS4 (~Jason.Gan@
12:00.52YellowS4Hi everyone!
12:01.54YellowS4I wasn't able to find if it was possible to have a trunk to multiple IPs in asterisk
12:01.58YellowS4can we?
12:04.19*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
12:04.45YellowS4s/trunk/SIP trunk/
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12:24.50[TK]D-FenderYellowS4: Multiple IP's for what?
12:25.28YellowS4[TK]D-Fender, Multiple IPs for the client of the trunk
12:26.16[TK]D-Fenderfor INBOUND matching sure.  not sure about outbound.
12:26.24[TK]D-FenderAnd that's only using chan_pjsip
12:28.28fileFun fact: chan_pjsip also has the ability to associate an inbound call with the registration and direct it accordingly, without doing IP based matching - although it's dependent on the remote server not modifying your Contact header, but not many do
12:29.25YellowS4The asterisk is a gateway between trunk clients and SIP Transit providers, one of the clients might be set up as an active HA cluster with a different IP on each node of the cluster, but all nodes MUST have access to the trunk at the same time
12:29.55YellowS4but if it doesn't work we'll just rely on datacenter HA and Virtualization to achieve the HA
12:30.38sekilfile: peer line in register string can't help with associating inbound call?
12:31.07filein chan_sip? no, it doesn't have the functionality I'm referring to
12:32.14sekilfile: so what is peer for then? to use the user/password/auth parameters from peer config?
12:32.23sekilfile: in the registration
12:32.38YellowS4file, you are saying that it would be able to send an invite to multiple IPs when it receives an Inbound call on a trunk that has to be redirected to an other trunk which is used by multiple nodes ?
12:32.42[TK]D-Fendersekil: Registration has nothing to do with matching an inbound call
12:33.04[TK]D-FenderYellowS4: There is no such thing as "redirect".
12:33.37sekil[TK]D-Fender: ok..
12:33.44fileYellowS4, oh you mean outgoing? anything can do that if you configure stuff... in the case of chan_sip that's multiple peer entries
12:34.06YellowS4[TK]D-Fender, I used the wrong term, send an invite to multiple nodes and bridge to the one that answers the call
12:35.11sekil[TK]D-Fender: "If you want to control where the call enters your  dialplan, which context, you want to define a peer with the hostname of the provider's server"
12:35.20sekil[TK]D-Fender: is this what is peer for?
12:35.23[TK]D-Fenderfile: PJSIP can dial multiple contacts associated with a "peer" automatically, right?
12:35.30YellowS4file, It has to handle incoming and outgoing calls, since it is used only as gateway for trunks and there's no end devices directly registering to it
12:35.35file[TK]D-Fender, if you use the dialplan function - yes
12:36.02[TK]D-FenderYellowS4: So PJSIP can do what you're looking for
12:36.05fileor chan_sip can if you create multiple peers
12:36.12YellowS4[TK]D-Fender, multiple contact is not the solution, it's one contact with multipleIPs
12:36.24[TK]D-Fenderfile: YellowS4 Each IP *is* a contact
12:36.26filethat's not what a contact is
12:36.38fileyes, each target is a contact
12:39.34YellowS4but only one trunk account for all the nodes, defined by domain name
12:40.12[TK]D-FenderYellowS4: Yes.  Now go read up on PJSIP and get working on it
12:40.34YellowS4[TK]D-Fender, ok thanks :)
12:43.01*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (~brad@
12:43.02sekilwonders about peer in register
12:43.28[TK]D-Fenderthere is no 'peer' is 'register'.
12:43.33[TK]D-FenderThey are separate
12:43.48[TK]D-FenderI can register to a server and have NOTHING defined to match and ID them when they send me a call
12:44.07[TK]D-FenderI can have a peer defined so that I can dial them, and match them when they send me a call and NEVER register
12:44.19[TK]D-Fenderthese are 1000% separate things
12:45.09sekilyes I agree...I'm asking about the peer in register line string in the example in sip.conf
12:45.32sekilis there some use of it and if is what is it?
12:45.53sekil; Format for the register statement is:  Â Â Â Â Â Â register => [peer?][transport://]user[@domain][:secret[:authuser]]@host[:port][/extension][~expiry]
12:49.09[TK]D-Fendersekil: Unsure.  On a guess I might think that it would use the settings of a defined peer for the registration.
12:49.46sekil[TK]D-Fender: which helps a lot...I don't have to put the params twice then..thank you..will test it
12:50.23YellowS4[TK]D-Fender, only in the asterisk world, on other PBXs you can define  who can access a trunk by registration AND hostname/IP
12:50.57[TK]D-FenderYellowS4: You are mixing terms & context up
12:51.04[TK]D-FenderYellowS4: Those are all CONTACTS
12:51.21[TK]D-FenderYellowS4: And do not say "access a trunk".  This is already a bad term to start with
12:51.50[TK]D-FenderYellowS4: You are MATCHING an inbound contact.  How many you can have, and how they are defined is an entirely different matter
12:53.11YellowS4[TK]D-Fender, what defines a contact then?
12:53.32*** join/#asterisk aross42 (
12:53.34[TK]D-Fender[08:40][TK]D-FenderYellowS4: Yes.  Now go read up on PJSIP and get working on it <---
12:53.48[TK]D-FenderAOR <-
12:55.50*** join/#asterisk doobeh (
12:55.59YellowS4[TK]D-Fender, it begins to make sense, step by step
12:58.03doobehmy system is having a bit of an issue detecting when the remote caller hangs up, I'm using an astribank via FXO ports, any suggestions where to look?
13:00.02tzafrirDoes the line have any type of disconnect supervision?
13:00.56doobehI'm not sure to be honest-- but that I guess is a country/provider specific thing, so I'll have a dig into the settings relating to that-- thanks :)
13:01.42*** join/#asterisk Dovid (
13:04.17sekil[TK]D-Fender: works fine
13:04.31sekil[TK]D-Fender: takes the credentials from the peer configured
13:05.54sekil[TK]D-Fender: so one don't need to specify username and secret in the string
13:09.46*** join/#asterisk jasonwert (
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13:10.16wdoekessekil: SIP/username[:password[:md5secret[:authname[:transport]]]]@host[:port]
13:11.11sekilwdoekes: thanks
13:14.59[TK]D-Fenderwdoekes: that's Dial syntax....
13:16.03*** join/#asterisk sgriepentrog (sgriepentr@nat/digium/x-tjmyiuctaxtwdhez)
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13:28.22madduckwith the automixmon feature beautifully working, I wonder how people handle this in a multi-user-scenario? Ideally, if an extension starts it, I'd like the result to be available in their voicemail or mabe sent as an email to an address associated with the extension?
13:28.45*** join/#asterisk andresmujica (~andresmmu@ubuntu/member/andresmujica)
13:31.38[TK]D-FenderE-mail is your job as is moving it to some other folder like voicemail as well as creating the .txt file it requires as well...
13:31.58[TK]D-Fendermadduck: Recording itself has nothing to do with anything else without you coding all of it
13:33.00madducki know recording is not sending, hence I wondered how other people handle it
13:33.07*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
13:33.21madduckfor a start, I
13:33.25[TK]D-Fendermadduck: Call a script to send an e-mail if that's what you want to do
13:33.35madduckI'd wonder how to reliably identify the SIP entity that initiated the recording.
13:33.44[TK]D-FenderMany people jsut leave the files in whatever folder they told it to save in in the first palce
13:37.59*** part/#asterisk mjordan (~mjordan@
13:38.22wdoekes[TK]D-Fender: am I allowed to answer questions? like 13:45 < sekil> wdoekes: to what were you referring about auth in Dial?
13:39.11[TK]D-Fenderwdoekes: Of course.  Everyone can ask whatever they want.
13:43.23*** join/#asterisk wonderworld (
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14:09.15madduck[TK]D-Fender: but it seems not possible to set the save location for the automixmon feature from the dialplan, eh?
14:09.49WIMPyJust set a full path.
14:10.47*** join/#asterisk rmudgett (rmudgett@nat/digium/x-jxlnzazbxdhmhuyp)
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14:13.36madduckWIMPy: except automixmon doesn't seem to be configurable at all. I am talking about features.conf, not the application
14:13.59WIMPyAh, well.
14:15.20*** join/#asterisk mjordan (mjordan@nat/digium/x-wajqgortyfjcxpne)
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14:18.23madduckmaybe I can make a dynamic feature that spawns the MixMonitor app
14:18.25madducksince it has:
14:18.26madduckm - Create a copy of the recording as a voicemail in the indicated mailbox(es) separated by commas eg. m(1111default,…). Folders can be optionally specified using the syntax: mailbox@context/folder
14:18.51madduckand also support for a command
14:19.17madduckbut i somewhat doubt that the dynamic feature has access to the variables in the context of the dialplan.
14:20.00[TK]D-FenderThere are channel variables you can set for the name...
14:21.02*** join/#asterisk kharwell (kharwell@nat/digium/x-qrgvdojggvnggwxc)
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14:23.59madduck[TK]D-Fender: seems to be a v12 addition :/
14:24.06madduck:/ since Debian stable has v11
14:24.21[TK]D-FenderGlaciers are VERY stable ;)
14:24.35*** join/#asterisk wonderworld (
14:24.43cbeyerleinI was just wondering why asterisk complains about not found include file... looks like #include<file> in asterisk.conf only works with absolute path, whereas in all other config files it works relative to astetcdir?
14:25.06cbeyerleinand more strange, if you #include<relativefile> in asterisk.conf, the complete asterisk.conf will be ignored
14:25.17cbeyerleine.g. stuff you set in [directories]
14:25.33cbeyerleinthats not very straight-forward...
14:25.54*** join/#asterisk josecapurro (
14:28.23[TK]D-Fendercbeyerlein: Because * doesn't assume asterisk.conf is IN astetcdir.
14:29.00[TK]D-Fendercbeyerlein: Otherwise it wouldn't even have to be a setting... if * was already reading asterisl.conf from somewhere it's just assume that for the others.  But since it's a setting it clearly isn't an assumption
14:29.25cbeyerleingood point!
14:29.44cbeyerleinbut what about this one:
14:29.46cbeyerlein[root@fravocmg05t asterisk]# asterisk -C /opt/etc/asterisk/asterisk.conf -rx "core restart now"
14:29.46cbeyerleinThe file 'include/config/' was listed as a #include but it does not exist.
14:29.46cbeyerleinUnable to open specified master config file '/opt/etc/asterisk/asterisk.conf', using built-in defaults
14:30.02cbeyerleinit still ignores the complete asterisk.conf when it has an relative include :D
14:30.13cbeyerleinand even says "unable to open"...
14:30.14GreenlightI see calls from witheld numbers come in with a callerid of "anonymous" -- I should be able to pattern match on my extensions with this to treat these calls differently, right? eg exten => 0123456/anonymous,1,Hangup()
14:30.36[TK]D-FenderPASTEBIN all the actual backup for this...
14:31.26sgriepentrogcbeyerlein: don't use -C with -r - put it on the initial non-r (non-remote) start of asterisk.
14:36.38[TK]D-FenderGreenlight: Depends.
14:37.01Greenlight[TK]D-Fender: On ?
14:37.12[TK]D-FenderGreenlight: Where it is
14:37.31GreenlightIt doesn't appear to be working, and I was wondering if "anonymous" was a special CallerID or something
14:37.43[TK]D-FenderGreenlight: Lets look at the actual call....
14:37.51[TK]D-FenderAnd actual config while we're at it.
14:40.26cbeyerleinsgriepentrog: yes, my real error was usage of relative include in asterisk.conf.. but ignoring the complete asterisk.conf when the include cannot be found is cumbersome
14:41.39*** join/#asterisk davlefouAMD (~davlefouA@
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14:47.33Greenlight[TK]D-Fender: Server's a little busy to capture any useful output at the moment.. pushing 20cps or so. Will see if perhaps a GoToIf using the ${CALLERID} variable works any better
14:47.46*** join/#asterisk Kunsi (kunsmannf@unaffiliated/kunsi)
14:48.07[TK]D-FenderGreenlight: That isn't a variable that has been relevant since before * 1.2
14:48.24[TK]D-FenderGreenlight: And you aren't looking at what's actually coming in....
14:48.54WIMPyGreenlight: Usually it is "". I don't know if exten => exten/,1,bla() works again.
14:49.14[TK]D-FenderWIMPy: Highly doubtful
14:49.49WIMPyIt used to work. But some time, a long time ago, it was broken. Haven't tried since.
14:50.22GreenlightAhh okay, cool, I'll give that a shot,thanks!
14:50.58GreenlightHmm... no joy
14:51.32[TK]D-FenderGreenlight: Go look at the actual call....
14:52.41GreenlightA SIP trace?
14:53.30WIMPyOr just a Verbose(${CALLERID(num)})? or (pres)
14:53.59*** part/#asterisk Kunsi (kunsmannf@unaffiliated/kunsi)
14:56.03GreenlightI'll see what I can do.... getting like 1000 lines a second in verbose output
14:58.25WIMPyTurn down the verbose level?
14:58.58GreenlightOoo, forgot Verbose takes a level arg
14:59.23WIMPyYes. My line was incomplete.
14:59.35WIMPySorry, if that was confusing.
15:01.46*** join/#asterisk markusl (~markus@2001:8d8:924:5b10:b8a9:8bff:fe08:fd08)
15:02.56markuslI'm currently porting extension monitoring stuff from pull based to a push based approach.
15:03.29markuslso what i've done before is poll a script that queries ExtensionState on the AMI.
15:03.48GreenlightAhh okay, I see why it wasn't working now. The callerid is indeed "anonymous", but I was doing a GoTo first, and trying to match with /anaoymous after that, apparently that doesn't play ball with the callerid match. Doing it at the context it first comes in to works a treat though
15:03.52GreenlightThanks for your help!
15:04.04markuslNow I want to have a persistent AMI connection and consume ExtensionStatus events right when they happen.
15:05.21markuslIt looks like those events are only emitted when there are 'watchers' registered on the extension state (see core show hints)
15:06.16markuslI'd love to connect to AMI and say 'yo asterisk, watch this extension for me and give me ExtensionState events for it'
15:06.19markuslhow to do that?
15:06.37markusl(we're using patterns to generate hints on request)
15:06.51WIMPyJust sit there and listen.
15:07.01WIMPyAh. That would be an issue, I guess.
15:07.10GreenlightHmm.. maybe not quite working then, seems it rejects non-anonymous calls now too. How odd.
15:07.14markuslI mean ExtensionStatus events. ExtensionState is what you request.
15:08.10WIMPyGreenlight: Are you using / or GotoIf now?
15:08.46WIMPyAnd do you have the priorities right?
15:10.50GreenlightJust swapped over to using GoToIf instead -- all working good now
15:11.02GreenlightGuess the pattern matching as some oddities
15:11.17GreenlightRejecting anonymous calls, and allow the rest. All good
15:11.50GreenlightAs much fun as it was having some annoyed customer calling in and conferening two of the call centre agents together....
15:12.27WIMPyInteresting idea :-)
15:13.47GreenlightSome of the call recordings are still funny on the 10th play...
15:13.54*** join/#asterisk vader- (~Adium@
15:18.49markuslok. I solved my problem. Looks like I receive ExtensionStatus events once the hint is added by querying ExtensionState.
15:21.39*** join/#asterisk Sudravirodhin (~Sudraviro@
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15:48.55qakhani am using page app to dial 5 extension. is there any way i can check which extension are registered when using page app.
15:53.16[TK]D-Fenderqakhan: No.  Page does not check.  It simply dials.  YOU can check BEFORE calling Page
15:53.28[TK]D-Fenderqakhan: "core show function DEVICE_STATE"
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16:03.46*** part/#asterisk markusl (~markus@2001:8d8:924:5b10:b8a9:8bff:fe08:fd08)
16:08.42qakhan[TK]D-Fender here is my pastbin
16:08.48qakhani am getting invalid
16:09.16[TK]D-Fenderqakhan: Who said you pass MULTIPLE items ot that function?
16:09.59[TK]D-Fenderqakhan: Read the instructions
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16:14.20qakhan[TK]D-Fender i need to check exten which are not registered
16:14.55[TK]D-Fenderqakhan: And I just gave you the function and the means of getting the instructions on how to use it.
16:17.11*** join/#asterisk wonderworld (~ww@
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16:27.40qakhan[TK]D-Fender i can check single ext state
16:28.26qakhanthese ext can be 100 and i have to write 100 lines to check their state
16:29.13*** part/#asterisk josecapurro (
16:29.54qakhancan we get multiple ext state and save "UNAVAILABLE" state exten in db
16:30.07[TK]D-Fenderqakhan: You aren't going to have 100.  Especially for that method because a dialplan line can't even be long enough to support it
16:30.34[TK]D-Fenderqakhan: You see what that command does.  That is ALL.
16:30.48[TK]D-Fenderqakhan: You'd better be capable of understanding what you have to do with this....
16:34.57qakhan[TK]D-Fender it is true i will have 100 even more.
16:35.25qakhanso you are telling me that dialplan will not support 100 ext?
16:39.05[TK]D-Fenderqakhan: You won't be able to pass that much as DATA to an Application
16:49.10qakhanok how many data we can pass?
16:51.11[TK]D-Fendera LOT less.  Something under 255 byes IIRC
16:54.26qakhanso how many exts we can dial?
16:54.33qakhansame time
16:54.38[TK]D-Fendersame answer
16:54.46[TK]D-Fenderthis is a DATA limit
16:54.51[TK]D-Fendernot an "extension limit"
16:55.06fileThe site is now back online.
16:55.07[TK]D-Fenderie: how much crap can I put on 1 line of text
16:55.29fileafter part of the rack lost power and then a surge seemingly killed a disk and BIOS
16:58.17qakhan[TK]D-Fender so how can we page around 100 exts as time,
16:58.38[TK]D-Fenderqakhan: Break it into local channels
17:01.44qakhanhint please :)
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17:20.56[TK]D-FenderThat WAS a hint.
17:21.17[TK]D-Fenderqakhan: In fact a very implicit usage.
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17:53.32qakhan[TK]D-Fender i can dial 110 exts in dialplan
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17:53.57[TK]D-FenderShow us
17:57.05[TK]D-FenderGuess the limit is bumped.  What version are you on now?
17:58.14[TK]D-FenderThat might do it.  Sure seems to.  So you are paging that many....
17:58.34[TK]D-FenderSo you just have to build up the list of which ones to actaully call.
17:59.59qakhani have to dial all of them either they are registered or not, but i want to log those exts which were not registered
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18:16.26qakhan[TK]D-Fender any suggestion on unregistered exts log
18:21.11[TK]D-FenderDo it yourself
18:21.23[TK]D-FenderYou don't seem to understand that ALL of this is your job in the dialplan
18:21.33[TK]D-FenderAll these concepts are things you invent in your head
18:21.40[TK]D-FenderAnd you have to code.
18:22.02WIMPyqakhan: Just listen for state changes on AMI and log the state when you execute that Dial or Page.
18:27.02[TK]D-FenderWIMPy: Wondow how identifiable that would be... or if it is really visible since you won't see a "new channel" event since * won't even try
18:28.28WIMPyYou would see the dialpan priority being executed.
18:29.18[TK]D-FenderWIMPy: but he's dialing them as devices within a page.
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18:29.22[TK]D-Fenderthat 1 call to 100 devices
18:29.23WIMPyMy initial idea was to save the sates continousely.
18:29.30[TK]D-Fenderno way to catalog individual failures to dial
18:29.46[TK]D-FenderIf you're playing the "gap" method... EW!
18:30.09WIMPyBut you could also just take the argument of that Daial or Page and remove eveything you see a newchannel event for. Then you have the unreachable ones left at the end.
18:30.12[TK]D-Fender"See a PageAll, subtract tracked non-regs = PAIN
18:30.30[TK]D-FenderJust poll device_state for all it's worth! ;)
18:30.39[TK]D-FenderBetter that a persistent tracker.
18:30.53[TK]D-FenderLess crap to blow up and you can do it in pure dialplan
18:31.23WIMPyEats lots of resources.
18:32.00[TK]D-Fender100 lines of non-lookup dialplan.  Should execute somewhere on the scale of "instant".
18:32.19[TK]D-Fendereverything stays within the core
18:32.35WIMPyIf you do it via AMI it would execute in parallel.
18:33.06[TK]D-Fenderbut susceptable to race conditions, tracked states, extra code.
18:33.23WIMPyis a self confessed friend of the nanoseconds :-)
18:33.25[TK]D-FenderFar more complicated.  I doubt the load could amtter at all in the grand scheme
18:34.02WIMPyI find it much easier than doin a humongous dialplan.
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18:34.18WIMPyBut that's obviousely a personal thing.
18:34.56[TK]D-FenderWIMPy: He can't even handle the basics.... I'd hate to imagine him having to do something "serious" like that....
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19:03.28qakhan[TK]D-Fender thank you
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19:18.03Scunizimaking a google voice call through asterisk on Raspberry PI2b results in garbled voice on the asterisk end. The called number voice quality is excellent. Any solutions?
19:23.33[Consultant]C-Asif i enter a X.,n,hangup()  on a channel  does it send a bye emidiatlly or does it   wait to the h channel is completed?
19:28.33gustowhat is going on? someone already has the raspberry pi2?
19:28.33gustowell, I have the same problem with that "garbeled sound" but it is not through raspberry pi causing this
19:28.33gustoit is when the codecs change
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19:33.42[TK]D-FenderTrnacoding = CPU killer... and you don't ahve much to spare on a Pi
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19:57.53tm1000newtonr: ping
19:59.40newtonrtm1000, hay
20:01.06tm1000newtonr: see your pm
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20:45.21ScuniziFYI - Yate client-Google Voice-Asterisk I've had audio issues with. Switching to SFLphone fixed all audio issues for me.
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23:14.05Get_The_FishSo I am trying to use the python pyst2 framework to issue originate commands to the AMI. I am getting the super helpful RequestNotAllowed response when issuing the originate. Is there any way to debug this AMI session?
23:14.58Get_The_FishWhen I do it by hand with a telnet session to port 5038 it works.
23:16.47kplongIn a fairly "default" scenario, day you have 2 sip phones and an asterisk server. When they call eachother, does both the audio data and the SIP signalling traverse through the asterisk server? Or is RTP/SRTP data going directly phone-to-phone
23:17.15[TK]D-Fenderkplong, no real such thing as "default".
23:17.26[TK]D-Fenderkplong, There's something in your configs, and you are responsible for that
23:17.35Get_The_Fishkplong, it depends on the value of the setting "directmedia" in sip.conf when using the chan_sip stack
23:17.40[TK]D-Fenderkplong, did YOU tell it it could, or could not reinvite?
23:18.01[TK]D-FenderAny DTMF feautres allowed in a Dial will also keep * in the way
23:18.07[TK]D-FenderAs will transcoding, recording, etc
23:18.22Get_The_Fishkplong, for this to work properly you will also need "canreinvite=yes"
23:21.06Get_The_Fishso using the command "manager set debug on" I dont see anything new coming across the console. Am I doing something wrong here?
23:21.37[TK]D-FenderNot looking at the raw AMI comms
23:22.02[TK]D-FenderTCPDUMP the whole thing and see what the actual call/response is looking like
23:22.59kplongWhat I am really trying to ask is for SRTP specifically -  are keys exchanged between phones or between each phone and the asterisk server.  For example if I have encryption enabled on the extension but then I call a phone which does not,  or a phone in the outside world,   is SRTP still being used for the first leg between the origin phone and asterisk
23:23.10Get_The_FishI am getting garbled packets when I do that. I see some of the text but not all.  Suggestions on the optimal tcpdump cap would be appreciated.
23:23.37Get_The_FishI am using "sudo tcpdump -i lo -s 0 -w /vagrant/c2c.cap tcp port 5038" as the command
23:24.45Get_The_Fishkplong in the the case of srtp you would need to use direct media. Keys are only exchanged between the endpoint and the asterisk server.
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23:26.09kplongGet_The_Fish - are you saying that I would need to use directmedia if I wanted keys to exchange directly between phones,   or that i would need directmedia to use SRTP at all
23:26.36kplongI dont want phones connecting directly to eachother at all. I do however want to make certain my SRTP is working.  I think it is finally though
23:27.20kplongSo SRTP is a secure connection for RTP between the endpoint and the server,  not some kind of encryption negotation between endpoints
23:27.36kplongI think ZRTP does that which is why I figured it worked that way.
23:27.41Get_The_Fishkplong, then disable direct media and enable srtp.
23:27.51Get_The_FishI cant speak to zrtp.
23:28.05kplongI have to directmedia setting and canrevinite=no on all extensions
23:28.19kplongso there should not be any phones connecting with eachother other than through asterisk, I hope.
23:28.29kplongno directmedia setting in my config I mean.
23:29.35[TK]D-Fender<kplong> I dont want phones connecting directly to eachother at all. I do however want to make certain my SRTP is working.  I think it is finally though <- Then just LOOK at your call
23:34.36kplong[TK]D-Fender that would be great to do.  I don't see anything in my "full" log that actually says anything about SRTP now that I think it's working
23:34.43kplongif a call is active can  I check it from the asterisk CLI or somethin?
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23:45.24[TK]D-FenderYou should have been watching the SIP DEBUG
23:45.51[TK]D-Fenderjust saying "full log" doesn't actually mean anything as to what gets in there
23:45.54[TK]D-Fenderlogs= trash
23:46.04[TK]D-Fenderfull CLI with proper things being debugged = real
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