IRC log for #asterisk on 20150518

00:19.42*** join/#asterisk svm_invictvs (~patricktw@unaffiliated/svminvictvs/x-938456)
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04:47.07[gnubie]hi tzafrir..
05:06.43nix8n82What framework for agi, in python or php, is up to date with asterisk 11 and 13?
05:26.04*** join/#asterisk d00gster (
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07:18.11themrrobertnot sure what happened but all of a sudden asterisk stopped putting ice-frag and ice-pwd in the SDP
07:18.33themrroberti recompiled ensuring that all requried prereqs are installed, but no joy. double checked my settings, all correct
07:19.50themrrobertlibuuid, uuid, and the -devel versions, lib-srtp, --with-cryto, --with-ssl, --with-srtp, icesupport=yes everywhere, all clients have dtlssetup=actpass (actpass is showing up in the SDP, just not the ice-xxx ) turnserver + user/pass + stunserver in rtp.conf
07:20.15*** join/#asterisk darkbasic_ (
07:21.06themrrobertonly thing i did between it working and not was: upgrade glibc (minor version upgrade, from x.x.xx-yy to x.x.xx-yyy (only yy changed) and enable better_backtraces and dont_optimize
07:24.23*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (
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07:26.34themrrobertactually it looks like it's not putting a=setup=actpass, maybe just active
07:29.27*** join/#asterisk sekil (~sekil@
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07:36.39themrroberti see in the debug that asterisk is also failing to interpret ice-pwd / ice-ufrag which isn't good
07:40.34themrrobertversion asterisk 11.17.1
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07:55.13themrrobertokay I fixed it. I unziped the tarball for a clean build area and reconfigured/compiled and it worked. idk how it broke as it used to be a working build root, but oh well, it's working now that's all i care about!
07:58.09*** join/#asterisk svm_invictvs (~patricktw@unaffiliated/svminvictvs/x-938456)
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08:10.36EmleyMoorIs there any way to ring two DAHDI channels at the same time with the same ring cadence without specifying them individually?
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09:09.43WIMPyEmleyMoor: How do you specify them at all? I can't remember seing such thing.
09:14.29prouteHi everybody,
09:15.06prouteI try to use visoconference with Asterisk (The last release). It's work fine with 2 phone in point to point mode.
09:15.41prouteNow I want to use visoconf with meetme (conference mode).
09:15.57WIMPyWhat is that thing?
09:16.16prouteDoes Asterisk support visioconf in mutlipoint mode (more than 2 users with video)?
09:16.17prouteIf yes, which module should I use?
09:16.17proutethanks for your help
09:16.41*** join/#asterisk drazoro (~drazoro@
09:17.14WIMPyI guess the question should be the other way round: What does that visioconf thing support. I haven't heard of that so far.
09:23.30*** join/#asterisk proute (
09:24.03prouteHi WIMPy
09:25.10prouteI would like use Asterisk to do visioconf with 5 users for example. And I want to see on my videophone, the others users (For example 4 videos on my screen)
09:25.36WIMPyWhat is that visioconf thing?
09:26.43*** join/#asterisk MadHatter42 (~MadHatter@unaffiliated/madhatter42)
09:27.04proutevisoconference=video conference
09:27.38prouteI would say video conference (sorry)
09:27.54WIMPyErr. Are you just saying visioconf to refer to the general concept of a video conference? It sounded like some sort of product name to me.
09:28.48WIMPyMeetMe cant's do that. It's G.711 only. But MeetMe has been pretty much obsolete for some time. ConfBridge can do it, available since Asterisk 11.
09:29.14WIMPyBut it can't do video mixing. It can only switch video stream to whoever is talking at the moment.
09:29.51prouteWIMPy, yes I try Confbridge whit Astersk 11. And I can't see all users
09:30.06WIMPyNo, only one at a time.
09:31.15prouteIs there a module in Asterisk able to overpass this feature?
09:31.34prouteto see all users on the same screen?
09:31.35WIMPyNot so far.
09:32.03WIMPyThere have been discussions, but I don't think we've heard of anyone actually doing the work.
09:36.01prouteDO you know if an open source solution exists to do this?
09:38.49WIMPyNo. I have no idea.
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10:11.00EmleyMoorWIMPY: DAHDI/xry rings channel x with ring pattern y
10:11.51EmleyMoorI want a way to say DAHDI/(1&2)r3 other than DAHDI/1r3&DAHDI/2r3
10:14.21WIMPyI asked Dr Google in between and couldn't find that feature.
10:43.04*** join/#asterisk Cyford33 (
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10:49.42MadHatter42anyone ?>
10:50.32MadHatter42anyone ?>
10:50.40MadHatter42i was trying to set up a dial plan for chanspy
10:50.44MadHatter42but i'm a bit unclear
11:02.12*** join/#asterisk areski (
11:08.45*** join/#asterisk nix8n82 (
11:17.05nix8n82I know it is a matter of opinion.  What is a good framework/library for agi and ami in php or python?
11:17.31nix8n82That wor
11:18.09nix8n82That is current with asterisk 11 and 13
11:18.12*** join/#asterisk drmessano (~nonya@pdpc/supporter/active/drmessano)
11:18.26WIMPyWhat do you want it for?
11:21.03nix8n82Mainly to access database info and update call routes and endpoints to dial
11:21.33*** join/#asterisk c0rnoTa (~c0rnoTa@
11:22.33WIMPyAnd why do you want something in between?
11:22.51nix8n82I want to be able to failover to a remote server if local goes down or needs maintance
11:23.04MadHatter42chanspy anyone ?
11:23.56nix8n82And somewhat be able to dynamicly add multiple uc to a extension number
11:25.08nix8n82So if a user dials 10 I i
11:25.48nix8n82It rings dev 1 dev2 and dev3
11:26.45WIMPyThat sounds like somethign you could fetch from any database and don't need to talk to Asterisk about.
11:27.43nix8n82Also if they take a dev3 off local net and register remote and it acts like it is on the local pbx
11:28.50WIMPyAsterisk doesnt cae where a decive is.
11:29.35WIMPyUnless you need NAT support, but you still don't have to make a difference.
11:34.30*** join/#asterisk drmessano (~nonya@pdpc/supporter/active/drmessano)
11:40.25nix8n82If I talk to a database and asterisk doesn't need to know what would I use for sip signalli
11:41.14nix8n82And possible media proxy?
11:41.43WIMPyYou would read the database before dialling.
11:42.04WIMPyHow did you plan to do it?
11:42.20*** join/#asterisk thiagoc (~thiagoc@unaffiliated/thiagoc)
11:42.31WIMPyDial()ing that is.
11:42.48nix8n82Through odbc or the internal astdb
11:44.39nix8n82Makes sense
11:46.43nix8n82What about just for fun anyone know of agi and ami libraries that have kept up with asterisk 11 and 13?
11:50.22nix8n82I want to check If the remote has peers registered to it before dialing and include it if it does. And the other way around if the uc is registered to the remote
11:51.55WIMPyThat's what Asterisk will do by itself if you enable qualify.
11:52.03nix8n82Based of uid.ext-number
11:52.21WIMPyWhat's that?
11:52.49*** join/#asterisk drmessano (~nonya@pdpc/supporter/active/drmessano)
11:55.33nix8n82MacorUID.1000 so multiple device claim to have exten 1000 and build the dial string based on all peers ending in 1000
11:57.06MadHatter42i was trying to set up a dial plan for chanspy
11:57.21MadHatter42to listen a specific extension by dialing for exmaple *111+ext
11:57.27MadHatter42any ideas ?
11:57.37MadHatter42i've set it in the from-internal-custom but still its not working
11:58.23WIMPynix8n82: I don't really understand your concept. Those peers need to be predifined anyway.
11:58.47WIMPyMadHatter42: I guess you should look at ExtenSpy instead.
11:59.16MadHatter42WIMPy, let me check that
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12:00.36MadHatter42WIMPy, that looks like exactly what I need
12:00.40MadHatter42any examples on that ?
12:01.31WIMPyThat's what Dr Google is there for.
12:01.51nix8n82They do and based on if they are on our network they go
12:02.05nix8n82To the local pbx
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12:02.46MadHatter42WIMPy, yeah but i'm a having weird results
12:02.53MadHatter42thats why i asked
12:02.56nix8n82Or if they are ont lte or another network not our own. They register to a public server
12:03.28MadHatter42WIMPy, if i wanto do that *111+ext
12:03.37nix8n82Basicly using dns to determine which server they register to
12:04.21WIMPynix8n82: And why do you care? What's wrong with just calling both?
12:04.25nix8n82And far as the user is concerned it is the same thing
12:05.10nix8n82I guess nothing really
12:05.12MadHatter42am I doing this right ?
12:05.57nix8n82I just dont want to hard code it in my dial app
12:06.17MadHatter42#exten => *111xxxxxxx.#,n,ExtSpy(sip/${EXTEN:6},q)
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12:06.27MadHatter42is it the correct way ?
12:07.00nix8n82Kind of why I want to see if they are reachable before dial
12:08.24WIMPynix8n82: Can I safely interpret this as There's no reason, just educational purposes?
12:09.38WIMPyMadHatter42: That's just comments and they don't look like they would so sonething sensible if they weren't.
12:09.59nix8n82More educational than practical at this point..hopefully practical latte
12:10.04nix8n82Later on
12:10.14WIMPyThe extension is not a pattern and wouldn't make sense as a pettern, either. And the number of cut off digits doesn't match, either.
12:10.15MadHatter42WIMPy, i set them coments for the moment but if i remove the comments would that work ?
12:10.55nix8n82Unless there is a better way to do what needs to be done
12:11.01themrrobertMadHatter42 no
12:11.07MadHatter42any more tangible examples ?
12:11.25MadHatter42exten => 1234,1,ExtenSpy(399709,q)
12:11.26WIMPyRead the chapter about dialplan basics in the
12:11.31infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 4th Edition (ISBN 1-4493-3242-0) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and a version is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
12:11.45themrrobertMadHatter42 first of all, it's ExtenSpy, so that's the wrong app. 2nd of all, ChanSpy uses TYPE/Extension , ExtenSpy uses exten@context
12:11.57WIMPyWithout those you won't get very far.
12:12.16MadHatter42for instance if i dial 1234 to hear 399709 would this work exten => 1234,1,ExtenSpy(399709,q)
12:12.20themrrobertalso chanspy is chanprefix, so you can rotate multiple different channels with the same prefix MadHatter42
12:12.21WIMPyYes, the parameter has wrong syntax as well.
12:12.47WIMPyFar to many errors.
12:12.49MadHatter42WIMPy, any pdf ?
12:13.03nix8n82Was the book for me?
12:13.26WIMPyCheck the links infobot gave you. The latest edition is not available as pdf for free IIRC.
12:13.37MadHatter42i'm not asterisk guru WIMPy i'm just stuck with asterisk for the moment
12:13.43WIMPyNo, the book is for MadHatter42.
12:13.44themrrobertGoogle is your friend in that regard MadHatter42
12:13.47MadHatter42i would like to learn it
12:14.12themrrobertdefinitely read that book first, it's where i started
12:14.31WIMPyThat's what it's there for.
12:14.40themrrobertofc i went out and bought it from the store because my new job featured it lol
12:14.45themrrobertwell old new job
12:20.48nix8n82I have been up for way too long. WIMPy, thanks for talking with me I appreciate it.
12:22.38nix8n82Good night or morning.  Im idling
12:23.21WIMPy2pm here :-)
12:27.51themrrobertu in UK area WIMPy?
12:28.08themrrobertor Germany/France depending on which side of 2pm you're in
12:29.48*** join/#asterisk jgornick (jgornick@2600:3c00::f03c:91ff:fedf:72b4)
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13:19.55leffeladHi, Anybody had any luck with monitoring tools with asterisk for parsing the logs and SIP messages, everywhere I look online seems to be content that was last edited at the turn of the millenium
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13:33.45joakoIn my sip.conf I have two identical peers, except for the name, callerid, and secret. I configure these as line1, and line2 to the same phone. When I place a call from line1 it shows the callerid, but when I place a call from line2 it shows unknown.
13:34.33joakoIn extensions.conf I add: Set(CONNECTEDLINE(name,i)=CID: ${CALLERID(number)}) and then for line1 the phone shows the callerid number, but on line2 it shows the SIP username
13:40.02leffeladjoako, nobody seems to be replying today
13:40.47joakoleffelad, thats normal. But im an idiot, I had calerid = ....
13:41.37leffeladjoako, ah lol, good stuff that its sorted
13:47.10*** join/#asterisk retentiveboy (~retentive@2001:558:6011:78:15bb:26b2:fa3e:fdd4)
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13:54.34*** join/#asterisk polysics (
13:55.30polysicswe have this interesting quirk that maybe someone can help me solve
13:56.07polysicstwo channels are bridged, with a call coming in from a DID, other leg getting "originate"d out, then they get bridged and start chatting
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13:56.35polysicsevery 15 minutes, the DID provider sends a reINVITE. That causes the bridge to break.
13:57.08polysicsbut if I change the dialplan so instead of going through Adhearsion, the call just Dial()s the other peer, the reINVITE still comes but nothing happens
13:57.14polysicsdoes my explanation make sense? :)
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14:11.31polysicsis there anything I could go get that helps figure out what is going on?
14:12.11*** join/#asterisk Sudravirodhin (~Sudraviro@
14:12.44carrarSounds like you fixed it already
14:12.58polysicscarrar: not sure I understand :)
14:13.27carrarYou said you used dial and "nothing happens" aka it hangs up
14:13.44polysicsthen I mis-expressed myseld
14:13.55polysicsI mean "the reinvite comes in but hte bridge does not break"
14:14.02carrarwhich is what you want
14:14.15polysicsyeah, but I need to use originate in the actual application
14:14.44carrarSounds like you need to be asking the people who wrote Adhearsion
14:15.15polysicswhich would be about 30% me, by the way
14:15.38carrarSince it works if you use dial
14:15.55polysicsyou are fundamentally right
14:16.17polysicsthis is probably something that needs to be fixed either in Ahn or with an SBC
14:17.06carrarWhat is it you are thinking should happen that isn't happen when you use dial to create a new call out?
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14:19.33carrarOr are you really looking for a SIP PROXY device?
14:19.51polysicsI am not sure at this point. Ahn sees the INVITE as a new offer and breaks the bridge
14:20.22polysicsKamailio could certainly just eat that INVITE
14:20.29*** join/#asterisk italorossi (~Adium@
14:21.07carrarSounds like to you need to find out what your stuff in Adhearsion is doing differently then when you use dial
14:21.57carrarsince a re-invite is normal
14:22.08carrarmaking sure the call is valid
14:22.08polysicsyes, it took me a while but I found out that
14:22.32polysicsand it's not controlled by directmedia=no or session-timers settings
14:22.37polysicsbecause it is actually neither
14:23.21carrarI've not used Adhearsion, perhaps someone else has
14:24.18carrarJust out of curiosity, what are you using Adhearsion for in your specific case?
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14:28.48polysicsit's a complex call center situation where a call comes in and is routed to agents based on time of day, actually being logged in, and a few other factors
14:29.03polysicsplus calling them on cell phones out of hours but only for certain callers, etc
14:29.07carrarthat sounds like basic asteirsk
14:29.22polysicsplus recording calls, logging the calls, POSTing to a web app that pops a screen, etc
14:29.23carrarnot something that needs some external complicated software
14:30.02carrarweb app and screen pops would be external
14:30.38polysicsI agree in principle, but it's how it is. It grew out of the outbound call center software which is way easier to grok in Ruby
14:30.51polysicsthis got started before ARI, mind you :)
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15:34.23SudravirodhinDoes anyone know how the implementation of Attended Transfers works in terms of channel Tech, etc.?
15:34.32SudravirodhinThat is, the features.conf atxfer.
15:34.50[TK]D-FenderHas nothing to do with tech...
15:35.31Sudravirodhin[TK]D-Fender: I plead ignorance, could you go over what happens during an atxfer?
15:35.46[TK]D-FenderWhat is there to explain?
15:36.04[TK]D-Fender* is sitting waiting for the DTMF from the channel and it simply redirects to somwhere else in the dialplan.
15:36.39Sudravirodhin[TK]D-Fender: Where in the dialplan? I know it's a core function so seeing what it does in the dialplan would be a great help if it is visible.
15:36.52[TK]D-Fender"does in the dialpln"?
15:37.02[TK]D-FenderIt just sends that channel to the extension dialed
15:37.30[TK]D-FenderThere is a channel vairable to force the location of where those will land as well.
15:38.27themrrobertSo asterisk segfaulted in the middle of a free(), i'm not sure what the wiki means when it says that means memory corruption. does that mean the memory is bad or that asterisk is corrupting the heap/stack?
15:39.31themrrobertany way to determine which one? It's on AWS so i can't do a real memtest, though i did a userspace memtester and it didn't find any errors
15:39.57Sudravirodhinthemmrrobert: I think he was answering my question.
15:40.09Sudravirodhinthemrrobert: Sorry for overlapping your question.
15:41.10Sudravirodhin[TK]D-Fender: Say I create a context to route my call where I wish, why would setting a callerid be ignored by the atxfer? I know I've asked variations of this question before but I'm still baffled Asterisk would outright disregard a variable just because of atxfer.
15:41.33themrrobertSudravirodhin np at all
15:42.16[TK]D-FenderSudravirodhin, an attended transfer starts as a NEW call by the channel starting it.
15:42.33[TK]D-FenderSudravirodhin, So if you have a SIP device on your side doing it then that is a new call on their behalf
15:42.40[TK]D-Fenderand that is THEIR callerid
15:42.45[TK]D-Fenderthat is what attended implies
15:42.56[TK]D-FenderYou see the transferrer's callerid, not the transferee.
15:43.08Sudravirodhin[TK]D-Fender: Implying no inheritance, then. So I can't change the callerid in any way (forced or not).
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16:34.47paWIMPy, so now i have the mISDN_dsp module loaded with dmtfthreshold=200
16:34.50pait goes better
16:35.06pabut with a few specific people i still have the same problem
16:35.24palike if they are pressing buttons on their phones while speaking
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17:00.20WIMPyHi pa. Well, As far as I remember 200 is the maximum accepted value.
17:01.08WIMPyThe only thing that would really help would be if someone who understands it would take a closer look at the source code.
17:02.10WIMPyI'm pretty sure that level does not work as intended, but I'm not a methemtician.
17:03.51*** join/#asterisk JeffC_NN (32cad19e@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
17:06.00JeffC_NNI have voicemail storage in ODBC, but it keeps silently falling back to file storage. odbc show all shows:
17:12.47JeffC_NNvoicemail.conf is
17:16.43JeffC_NNI have debug/verbose both on 10, nothing at all shows up about odbc or voicemail (besides dialplan and recording)
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17:43.47themrrobert2nd segfault of the day, this time address out of bounds
17:45.38mepholicthemrrobert: is it possible
17:45.42mepholicthat you're running selinux
17:45.44mepholicor something?
17:45.59themrrobertdefinitely no selinux
17:46.36themrrobertIt's AWS / amazon linux, so selinux is available but completely deactivated
17:47.16themrrobertactually it may not even be available, the /selinux directory is there but its empty
17:47.28themrrobertand theres no /etc/selinux or /etc/selinux.conf
17:47.34mepholicodd lol
17:48.05mepholicI was just thinking, maybe a kernel security module is denying asterisk access to a certain region of memory
17:48.10mepholiccausing it to poop itself
17:48.16themrroberti have a JIRA up with backtraces
17:48.32themrrobertearlier it faulted on FREE
17:48.35themrrobertinvalid pointer
17:48.55themrrobertdefinitely stack/heap corruption, i'm thinking buffer overflow somewhere
17:49.04jeffspeffi'm trying to compile asterisk 13.3.2. i have enabled mp3 option in menuselect and i ran ./contrib/scripts/ however, make fails with the error "format_mp3.c:39:24: fatal error: mp3/mpg123.h: No such file or directory"
17:49.32filethere's been memory overwrite issues within OpenSSL itself and there also seems to be a problem within the res_rtp_asterisk of it itself, noone has as of yet narrowed it down exactly
17:49.36jeffspeffi can see the file exists in "/root/asterisk-13.3.2/contrib/scripts/addons/mp3/mpg123.h"
17:49.50mepholicjeffspeff: simple
17:49.55mepholicuse a better codec than mp3
17:49.56themrroberthey , 3rd crash of the day. This time not segfault, but "Aborted"
17:50.19jeffspeffmepholic, i don't plan on using mp3 much, but i want the ability in there in case it is needed.
17:50.33mepholicjeffspeff: asterisk has to re-encode anything that's not using the codec the phones are using
17:50.49mepholicso it's just better to take your source content and re-encode it for asterisk
17:50.50jeffspeffi've never had this issue with pervious versions of asterisk. not sure what i'm missing or what's wrong this time.
17:50.52mepholicto g711 or g722
17:51.11mepholicwill prevent asterisk from doing extra work each time
17:51.24mepholicand you don't have to compile in 'propriatary' bullshit
17:51.34WIMPyjeffspeff: Why don't you use a free codec?
17:51.58mepholicmost free codecs sound better than mp3 anyways
17:52.06jeffspeffi don't plan on using mp3 much, but i want the ability in there in case it is needed.
17:52.20WIMPyYes. I see not point in using mp3 at all.
17:52.23mepholicit won't be if you just pre-encode the files to something that doesn't suck
17:52.27themrrobertthis time it crashed in the ssl module
17:52.31mepholicI agree with WIMPy
17:52.52mepholicjeffspeff: if you >need< mp3 support in asterisk, you're doing something wrong
17:53.20mepholicyou can achieve the same thing by converting an mp3 to a raw pcm file or, g711 with ffmpeg
17:53.34jeffspeffmepholic, if that's the case then why is it even a supported feature to begin with?
17:53.47mepholicbecause of people that "need" mp3 support
17:54.05mepholicit's a highly less than ideal feature to use
17:54.15WIMPySince when do the fact that sometinh is supported mean that it makes sense?
17:54.31mepholici mean
17:54.36mepholiclook at ALL of mongodb
17:54.37WIMPyUgh bad typing again today :-(
17:55.41*** join/#asterisk thiagoc (~thiagoc@unaffiliated/thiagoc)
17:56.13themrrobertactually probably was a invalid pointer passed to openssl that caused the crash, so it's still memory corruption
17:56.25mepholicare you using ECC?
17:56.35themrroberti'm using AWS. i'm firing up a new instance
17:56.42themrrobertand starting from scratch
17:56.48mepholicthird time you've said that
17:57.12themrrobertuserspace memtester found no issues, so not too hopeful of a new instance solving anything, but worth a shot
17:57.20themrrobertits definitely not the same as a kernel space memtest
17:58.29infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 4th Edition (ISBN 1-4493-3242-0) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and a version is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
17:59.00jeffspeffjust checking to see if they'd released a newer book yet.
17:59.56WIMPyAs we heard that's very unlikely to happen.
18:01.46JeffC_NN(forgive the copy/paste, but I got no response earlier)   I have voicemail storage in ODBC, but it keeps silently falling back to file storage. odbc show all shows: voicemail.conf is I have debug/verbose both on 10, nothing at all shows up about odbc or voicemail (besides dialplan and recording)
18:02.43JeffC_NNversion is: Asterisk 13.0.1 built by root @ sip on a x86_64 running Linux on 2015-04-11 00:26:17 UTC
18:04.30JeffC_NNLooking for any ideas regarding how I can test ODBC storage, and where to look for logs/errors, etc
18:06.45jeffspeffWIMPy, why's that unlikey?
18:07.32WIMPyBecause writing books aparrently doesn't pay the rent.
18:08.44jeffspefflol, true
18:08.46themrroberti look at nearly a dozen backtraces, and had tunnel vision. couldn't see past the first items... digium guy takes 1 look at it and instantly knows where it is. Having seen what he said, it's not obvious..
18:09.07filethere's like 5 other issues open for the same thing
18:09.28themrroberti gotta get back into c programming, never really got that far into it, spent more time on assembly than c.
18:09.51themrrobert@file I swear i checked first, I didn't know what I was looking for. I have a much better idea what to look for now
18:11.12filebecause it's memory corruption they also occur in different ways, but it's all memory corruption
18:16.29filenewtonr, we really should have one ticket for DTLS related memory corruption/crashes
18:18.39newtonrfile, i can round them up and link them to an issue
18:18.51*** join/#asterisk sparetire_ (~sparetire@unaffiliated/sparetire)
18:18.52newtonri thought we had one actually
18:19.04fileI don't think so
18:19.10newtonri'm probably thinking of an older issue
18:32.27paWIMPy, oh i see. Well thanks, i guess this is the best result then :)
18:32.38pabut does it happen to you too? as far as i understood you also use mISDN
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18:34.49WIMPypa: Yes it does. But 200 seems to work ok for me.
18:35.32WIMPyBut it certainly could go higher als real DTMF is still detected reliably even at low volumes.
18:36.06jepperlHey there :) i have this issue where, when i dial into a parking space (say 2025) and the ParkedCall() application runs to unpark the parked channel, a weird scratching noise is played to the parked channel. Have anyone experienced something like that? There really isnt anything special going on, im just unparking a guy, and he hears a scratching n
18:36.15paWIMPy, well i think the situation improved now, but there's one specific person's cellphone that still triggers it as much as before
18:36.20pano idea what phone that is
18:36.49pai think with everybody else it's pretty much gone
18:37.11pai could try 300
18:37.14pamight help
18:37.28paso the risk is that i could be unable to dial buttons once in call?
18:38.01WIMPypa: Well, as I said, I think it's a bug in the DTMF detection regarding minimum levels. But That's for someone who understands that part.
18:38.32WIMPyYes, but I think we're far away from that risk even at the highest possible setting.
18:38.39paoh i see
18:38.44paso i could try to increase
18:38.53paand then maybe stop when i can't dial anymore
18:39.20WIMPyI'm not sure. 200 might be the maximum already.
18:39.33paso i would have to at least rebuild the module
18:40.00pawell might be not a big deal. I use it from the svn anyway (the kernel one can't be patched for hfc-s)
18:40.22marceloamorimguys, I had this warning "Can't send 10 type frames with SIP write" when I call from CISCO 7960. Do you know why?
18:42.03WIMPypa: Just looked and it takes values from 20 to 500.
18:43.42WIMPyActually I used 400.
18:44.50*** join/#asterisk areski (
18:45.49paah i see
18:45.54pathanks :)
18:45.57pai'll try to increase
18:46.08WIMPySo you just need to reload the module.
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19:43.28billzetaI'm having problems using PJSIP -- I routinely get the following error: res_pjsip_registrar.c:505 rx_task: Unable to bind contact 'sip:nicole@[public_ip_address]:51285;rinstance=1cb863ba21faaa6f' to AOR 'nicole'. I can call out fine with the extension and it shows registered in the SIP client, but asterisk shows the endpoint as unavailable and is unable to recieve inbound calls. Everything
19:43.28billzetaworks fine when using chan_sip, just not with PJSIP.
19:51.25*** join/#asterisk talntid (
19:51.43talntidanyone know of a DID provider who has actual 1-800-#'s? I need a 1-800-# for a DID
19:51.47talntidnot 855, not 888
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22:48.34Kobazis there a highres channel start time? ie: like CDR(start)
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22:57.40Kobazoh sweet
22:57.42Kobazthere's a u option
22:57.48Kobazfor unparsed.. so the raw time value
23:05.15Kattyinfobot: seen jforde
23:05.17infobotKatty: i haven't seen 'jforde'
23:05.27Kattyinfobot: seend jaytee
23:05.33Kattyinfobot: seen jaytee
23:05.33infobotKatty: i haven't seen 'jaytee'
23:05.40Kattyinfobot: useless!
23:05.40infobotACTION starts crying and hides from katty in the darkest corner of the room. :(
23:05.46Kattyinfobot: good bot
23:05.46infobotaw, gee, Katty
23:05.49Kattyinfobot: botsnack
23:05.49infobotaw, gee, Katty
23:10.25Kobazit's katty
23:10.33Kattyshh, don't tell :>
23:10.36Kattyhugs Kobaz
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23:11.29KobazThis warped Beatles LP sounds pretty good actually
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23:14.34Kobazneed to get some glass pieces to flatten it
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23:21.06*** topic/#asterisk is #asterisk The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- LTS: 13.3.2 (2015/04/08), 11.17.1 (2015/04/08), (2015/04/08); Standard: 12.8.2 (2015/04/08); DAHDI: DAHDI-linux 2.10.0 (2014/08/13), DAHDI-tools 2.10.0 (2014/08/13); libpri 1.4.15 (2014/06/16) -=- Asterisk wiki: -=- Code of Conduct: -=- Logs:
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