IRC log for #asterisk on 20150512

00:11.12*** join/#asterisk drathir (~kamiljk8@unaffiliated/drathir)
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00:14.24qakhancan we register same ext on 2 devices?
00:15.43qakhani have 1 polycom and 1 ringer to increase the volume of incoming call
00:17.06jeevwhy not make it ring both devices at once
00:21.31jeevyou have two devices, no? they can both register?
00:24.28qakhani have 2 device, both got register but 2nd device (ringer) got priority and rings but phone does not ring or i cannot pickup the call on phone
00:32.42superscratqakhan, it may be worth looking into shared line appearances (if you are trying to use 2 devices with 1 extension)
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00:40.07qakhansuperscrat thanks,
00:40.34superscratqakhan, you're welcome.
00:42.01qakhani was thinking if i create an other ext and group them both
00:42.05qakhanext1 and ext2
00:42.13qakhanit is possible
00:44.16qakhanext3 = ext1 & ext2
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00:50.09superscratyou could accomplish that in the dialplan I suppose
01:05.17netvergentI need to get my system to except inbound calls to a un advertised extention, pin pad to make calls at whole sale rates.
01:05.29netvergenttrying to recall what I did to make this happen a few years ago
01:06.40*** join/#asterisk c0ldg0ld_ (~c0ldg0ld@unaffiliated/c0ldg0ld)
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01:11.27superscratnetvergent, couldn't you just put your extension inside of a context that was unknown to anyone but you
01:13.16*** join/#asterisk superscrat (
01:17.16*** join/#asterisk Sudravirodhin (~Sudraviro@
01:19.36netvergentthere is a feature in freepbx that enables inward dialing and outword calling.
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02:45.33envolutionI'm struggling a bit with determining the source of bruteforce account attacks.  Trouble is nf_conntrack at the router is correctly mangling the sip packets source, since my asterisk server is natted on a local LAN.  Each failed auth basically shows my external IP as source, and internal IP as destination.  Wondering if anyone has suggestions on a fail2ban type workflow or just a way of discerning the correct source
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03:24.32[TK]D-Fenderkill the conntrack
03:31.57envolutionisn't conntrack what is keeping the sip connections healthy TK?
03:32.24[TK]D-FenderAnything you shove inbetween is only going to screw stuff up
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04:26.16nephflI'm trying to select switch hardware and can't really find the objective information that I would like... was thinking maybe I could get some suggestions here
04:35.35[TK]D-FenderYou should probably start with what you're looking for...
04:51.42nephflI am trying to decide on what type of switch to recommend for a project. Right now, they have an amazing number of small workgroup switches and of course, they are having trouble with voip and everything else.  It is a mess, I have them limping. I need to recommend a complete new plan.
04:53.40nephflAt first, I thought Cisco, because nobody usually complains if you recommend cisco...but I'm afraid they will be cheap on labor... so, I was thinking something more like dell...but I need to decide what to offer... I was thinking 3 switches that are layer 3 or 2+ 48 ports with optical sfp+ ports for uplink
04:54.24nephflIt will have to have functioning QoS for voip... and I was thinking PoE wouldn't be a bad idea either...
04:55.02nephflI've dealth with Dell switches and haven't had trouble...I've also had catalyst switches...and done procure switches
04:55.48nephflI want to do optical because there is lots of noise and distance between the main areas...and I think they really like the idea of optical as well
04:56.48nephfli have really been busy and unavailable during the day to try to get a dell person to make a recommendation and really, the usually know much less than I do
04:57.39nephflUnder the hood, their various models do represent various acquired popular brands. I was thinking of dell hardware because I've had good experience with their next day replacement services
04:58.44nephflI've run 100+ extensions on mixed dell switch networks with no trouble...but I would like to have had layer 3 when the domain controller went down once and the switches were pretty swamped...
04:58.59nephflin this case, we are talking less than 50 extensions
04:59.05nephflbut something like 100 drops
04:59.36nephflmany areas have industrial machinery or even electroplating rectifiers that create quite a bit of noise
05:00.22nephfland really, I've really just not developed an opinion of what is "best", just worked with whatever I've had or the vendor specified
05:01.15nephflI was also thinking of dell servers for the hardware to run freepbx/asterisk on... again, because I have had good luck doing it in the past and because of their warranty service
05:02.25nephflI have never even run a sfp/optical cable. I've always had an electrician/cabling company do that and just came in to do the setup and tie in...but I have an option here to do the whole thing
05:03.38nephflAnyway, I thought hearing from you guys would really help as you are all of stronger opinions on hardware than I am
05:05.10nephflanybody hate dell switches? think I just need to go with juniper?
05:06.25nephflAlso, I need to make a recommendation to the company for an ongoing support contract with someone on a vendor level...
05:07.00nephflI have paid for support hours with what was schmooze...and I have bought tons of hardware from digium
05:08.56[TK]D-FenderYou've described a very petty office....with no need for SFP+ or huge switches.
05:09.16[TK]D-Fendernothing you can't do on 2 budget PoE switchs for your phones
05:09.51[TK]D-FenderRemember the puny bandwidth of VoIP.....
05:10.40nephflvery true, but this company is moving from being a literal petty office to something different... they have changed management... they are a production plant and the locations are separated by a fair distance and , as I said, span noisy areas... They will be going from no network, to exchange, AD, etc...and they will be moving all of their data (CAD, etc, to a more central location)...
05:11.20nephflmy reasoning for layer 3 was to be able to isolate traffic by department and they tend to have more options for putting in management interfaces and replicating traffic etc for troubleshooting
05:12.04nephflThat way, I can replicate ports to something like voipmonitor for analysis and to do IDS, etc
05:12.04drmessanoA single Layer 3 at the core, maybe.. but the edge switches don't need to be L3
05:12.12nephflmakes sense
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05:13.07nephfland has everyone pretty much sorted voip QoS.... I mean it really isn't a comparison but on the network they are on now...someone looped back a patch cable and killed the entire plant for several days (until they called me)
05:13.34drmessanoDont use Dell, dont use Cisco Small Business switches.   We use tons of Cisco 3750s, 2960s, 2950s... New, can be expensive, but if you get refurb with contracts on them, they're a good value
05:13.51nephflhaving a switch that will detect that type condition or at least fail safe rather than permissive would be nice
05:14.15drmessanoWith IOS you can configure all of that..
05:14.29drmessanoHell, most managed switches can do something that basic
05:14.37drmessanoLike keep a looped cable from killing it
05:14.37nephflI'd like to give them a good quote on new hardware...and basically tell them take my options or get the other guy...I don't really want to dick around with these people
05:15.22drmessanoQuote them a 3750G with as many ports as you need in a core, then a bunch of 2960s with PoE.   Done
05:19.21nephflso, you think the 3750 for servers and switches then the 2960s remote... but all copper?
05:20.48drmessanoYep, get the gigabit versions, obviously
05:21.00drmessanoHow many users?
05:22.19nephflfairly few, they mostly have lots of devices...they are <50 usually at computers. ... very small engineering team... small customer service dept... then admin...
05:22.40drmessanoSo why "but all copper"?
05:22.46drmessanoI still dont see the volume here
05:22.55nephflbut I was thinking lots of ports is a good idea so they dont get back in that silly switches everywhere thing...
05:23.19nephflI found several in ceilings and very strange places...
05:24.03drmessano2960Gs with 48 ports are cheap.. Max them out on ports.  Place the edge switches in strategic places, and over buy
05:25.16drmessanoSet up the network so only endpoints can connect to the switch ports, sans the core.  Then they CANT plug in silly workgroup switches
05:25.34nephflmakes sense
05:28.43nephfllast I spoke with Cisco support, they were very helpful (with paid contract)...but they certainly didn't seem end user level friendly... is that still the type support they offer?
05:33.48drmessanoThey expect you to understand how to configure a switch.
05:33.58drmessanoand will lead you to water, but not help you drink it
05:34.16drmessanoUnless your google foo is terrible, you can find most things online
05:35.12nephfllol, I don't have a problem with that...  but they may be looking for less expensive support options than me or a cisco guy
05:35.29nephflthat is why i was leaning toward something like dell
05:38.30nephfldo you have a suggestion for the firewall/router/etc
05:39.14nephflI used the pix for small offices a million years ago and have had one of the asa's but it was annoying because it was pretty crippled
05:40.13drmessanoThis is where I would go the geek route and get a Miktotik or an Edgerouter.  An ASA may be more consistent with the build out though
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05:47.34drmessanoI guess this goes back to support level.. Im not a CCNA.  Im more of a CCGP, and finding "Why does my SIP not work on an ASA blah" is better than "Why doesnt my SIP work on a Cisco 871" etc
05:49.58nephflI'm looking at the ASAs, last time I just bought minimum because the specs looked like it would do the basic work but I ran into a routing limitation (something like it doesnt)
05:51.50drmessanoI havent played a lot with the ASA's.  I own one I deploy once a year for an event we do at a Childrens Hospital, but all of our routing is 2800 series enterprise stuff
05:52.39nephflI think I wanted to set up multiple routing policies for seperate target inside interfaces over the different outside that I could fail over to the second connection to test it without switching the device's default outbound connection over
05:53.38nephfland cisco said that you couldn't do policy based routing like that in that basically only allowed 1 egress at a time
05:54.44nephfland i could see that capability as very handy...not only for testing for failover but also to use the secondary link for traffic you don't want clogging the main connection
05:54.52drmessanoI seem to remember the same limitation on the 871s? I think they were
05:57.56nephfllan lite lan base ip lite? lol...they really want to maximize tiers for software options
05:59.22*** join/#asterisk areski (
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06:09.34drmessanonephfl, no kidding
06:10.19drmessanonephfl, we get them maxed out.. but we have some crazy licensing
06:10.54drmessanoMy ASA has pretty much every option and maxed out user licenses.. We got it for like $600.   I know that's not retail :)
06:11.41nephflit is really annoying to try to put together pricing ... guess that is how it is designed, so that if you invest the time in learning the intricacies, then you will charge more and do a better job....i guess
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06:52.32SaintMoriartyI wanted to see if anyone can help me with a AMI action that would dial a outbound number and connect it to a extension
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12:03.19madduckdoes asterisk allow me to service two separate offices à la virtual hosting, from one asterisk instance?
12:04.17WIMPyYou can speretae your dialplan ans much (or as little) as you like.
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12:06.16madduckbut all in one file, eh? I was kinda hoping to have e.g. a separate dialplan/sip/iax conf for each site…
12:06.32madduckseparate voicemail spaces are possible, i know that
12:06.41WIMPyYou can also make as many files as you like and #include them.
12:07.23madduckok, i will read up on this
12:07.26madduckthanks for the pointer
12:08.00WIMPyYou can even "#include dir/*".
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14:20.33nfi|ermesI'd like to convert a phisical asterisk PBX to a virtual one. I have 3 ISDN line entering to the pbx. To convert thos tlines i need a ISDN/SIP gateway . On internet i found this product: Patton SN 4120 2B . Anyone knows and/or suggest another product ?
14:21.21WIMPyYou could do that.
14:22.14WIMPyBut no matter which way you go, connecting the lines directely to your Asterisk will work a lot better.
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14:39.57nfi|ermesthx WIMPy
14:40.32nfi|ermesbut if i want vmotion between esx hosts i think it is the only way
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14:46.33WIMPyThen get rid of the lines. Using a gateway doesn't make sense.
14:47.08[TK]D-Fendernfi|ermes: Patton is "OK" on average.  Not always the easiest to work with, but I haven't heard anything about them being bad specifically
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15:24.45the-dukehi, incoming calls to sip phones are dropped frequently for unknown reasons - i recorded the call setup with asterisk debug flags - anyone an idea what could be the issue?
15:25.19the-duke in raw for better reading
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15:27.00[TK]D-FenderThat shows nothing of a call "dying"
15:27.08[TK]D-FenderWe see a cancel sent and no mention as to why
15:27.18[TK]D-FenderYou'd need to show full verbose & SIP debug
15:28.08the-dukewho send the cancel
15:28.12the-dukeasterisk or the phone?
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15:31.19[TK]D-FenderOnlly part we see is Asterisk so far
15:31.30[TK]D-FenderThis is poor debug and I don't want to take even this part as-is
15:32.06the-dukeok thank you for having a look at it
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17:44.42eppigyI am Dave
17:44.55[TK]D-Fenderyou are
17:45.01eppigythank you
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17:45.12eppigyhow are you this fine day, [TK]D-Fender?
17:45.31[TK]D-FenderSame old, same old...
17:45.33[TK]D-FenderGetting stuff done
17:45.56eppigyDid you see the news of mounting evidence that our reality is merely a projection?
17:47.13[TK]D-FenderYou'd think the lesson of those pigs would teach a lesson about straw-based construction....
17:48.25eppigyI guess you have to accept that all theories about our universe are currently straw based structures
17:48.35eppigyso you can be free to enjoy each one.
17:48.49eppigycurrent theories
17:48.58[TK]D-FenderThre are many other theories that are better than straw
17:49.17eppigyplease enlighten me
17:50.14[TK]D-FenderWell there are all of the previous theories we are currently running on.
17:50.43[TK]D-FenderThis #d in 2D plane is a singular brand new paper by one guy
17:51.46eppigywell it springs from scientists trying to resovlve why the previous theories have holes or conflict
17:52.07eppigyso the previous theories are just pieces
17:52.20eppigyof a puzzle
17:52.27eppigyPOSSIBLY A 2D PUZZLE
17:53.16[TK]D-Fenderwell this is the very first attempt to actually provide anything to back it up.  it hasn't seen the onslaught of the rest of the scientific community yet :)
17:53.28eppigythat is true
17:53.30[TK]D-FenderIt may as well still be a hypothesis :p
17:53.54eppigyI enjoy reading about reality and what it might be
17:54.06eppigyI'm sure it is something more strange than we can imagine.
17:59.20superscrateppigy, are you talking about the holographic universe theory?
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18:06.01eppigysuperscrat: yes
18:08.40superscrateppigy, I read about that on Friday night. It's interesting to me because I remembered reading an article about how the brain stores information and there is a theory that the brain stores data in the same way as a holographic storage network
18:09.28eppigythat is pretty cool
18:12.17superscratThat thought reminded me of something one of my college professors was researching. So, I then diverged into reading about the fractal-holographic universe theory. There certainly has been quite a lot of thought in this area. And, like you said, the math working out when you remove the third dimension, at the least, makes it an interesting idea.
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19:10.09DivideBy0I just found a couple sangoma usb timing sticks. Are they useful at all? maybe for vmware?
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19:25.28superscratSaintMoriarty, hi there =)
19:25.59SaintMoriartycan anyone help me with a AMI action that will do a outbound call and connect it to a extension?
19:35.25SaintMoriartyI was looking at this yesterday
19:35.46superscratI believe there are many examples in our testsuite, also, if you need a working example to use for reference.
19:36.06SaintMoriartyso the channel is the outbound and extend is where it will connect?
19:39.30superscratSaintMoriarty, Yes. By chance, do you have access to the testsuite?
19:39.37SaintMoriartyI do not
19:39.50SaintMoriartycan you point me to obtaining access
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19:43.15superscratSaintMoriarty, I am working on it... give me one more min
19:45.40superscratSaintMoriarty, our asterisk source is now on git at: There is a mirror also on github if you want to just look at the testsuite source.
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19:47.07superscratSaintMoriarty, an example of an AMI originate call is in lib/python/asterisk/
19:48.01*** join/#asterisk c0rnoTa (~c0rnoTa@
19:48.04superscratAround line 271, def __spawn_call_callback.
19:51.48[TK]D-FenderDivideBy0: USB timer = worthless now.  Everything has moved to internal timing....
19:52.46SaintMoriartysuperscrat, thanks let me look
19:54.12superscratSaintMoriarty, no worries. I usually find that a working model serves as the best reference. The testsuite is chock full of them, too. It's a very good source of information.
20:01.38SaintMoriartysuperscrat, do you know of a good Call Recording web interface?
20:03.05*** join/#asterisk Cyford33_u (
20:08.45superscratSaintMoriarty, sorry for the delay. No, I honestly do not have any knowledge of Web APIs for Call Recording. I am sure there are lots of them out there. Are you on #asterisk-dev?
20:09.07SaintMoriartyno let me see
20:12.13*** join/#asterisk iulhk (iulhk@
20:12.44superscratSaintMoriarty, I was just informed that #asterisk-dev is limited to discussing issues with the asterisk source code itself. And as such, the topic of a web api for call recording may be a bit too vague to receive any meaningful help from the participants in that conversation. I apologize for misdirecting you O.O.
20:13.52SaintMoriartyits k thank
20:29.26iulhkable to get udp packets at server but unable to get hit on asterisk server when trying to make video call, can anybody take look pls ""?
20:53.53*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~joe@
20:58.41iulhkanybody tehre
20:58.51iulhki mean there ?
21:42.20*** join/#asterisk Cyford33_u (
21:46.13marceloamorimhow could I use func_odbc instead the appl
21:46.44marceloamorimapp_mysql when I should insert one entrie on my sql
21:47.17marceloamorimlike func_odbc to insert, I just found examples to update but I don't have the "where" part
21:49.16*** join/#asterisk avb (~avb@
21:49.55avbguys, any idea why queue after dialing an agent via Local/ interface calling h extension right after the call were answered
21:50.19avbthis is on asterisk 11
21:52.10SudravirodhinMaybe it can't read the state and assumes the device hung up.
21:52.31*** join/#asterisk drewber (~drewber@2605:a000:c040:2600:c806:9b18:3a3f:91be)
21:52.38avbSudravirodhin: let me see
21:52.54avbSudravirodhin: yes, callcounter=yes
21:53.10[TK]D-FenderMaybe we shouldn't be guessing about this
21:53.17[TK]D-FenderMaybe we should be LOOKING at a call.....
21:53.25SudravirodhinFair enough.
21:53.30Sudravirodhinbacks away.
21:53.56avb:) second, i will upload some logs
21:55.09drewberI have two servers connected via a T1. One of the servers is running FreePBX and has an analog Sangoma card that is connected to the PSTN. I have the link between the servers working. But I cannot seem to get the call to dial out. It calls, rings, and answers instantly but then hangs up.
21:55.14drewberAny ideas?
21:55.57drmessanoCan anyone explain to me the significance of libuuid and uuid in later Asterisk releases?
21:56.09marceloamorimnervermind, I can use insert , just need to be the right syntax. sorry about that
21:56.18[TK]D-Fenderdrewber, No ideas.  Show us the actual failure and maybe we'll develop some
21:56.36drmessanoI think I just discovered a case where I was building with libuuid-dev (Ubuntu) but didn't have the uuid package installed.. and all my paging was hosed
21:56.40avbSudravirodhin: [TK]D-Fender:
21:56.44drmessanoand Asterisk would sit at 100% CPU
21:56.50avbSudravirodhin: agent is a cell phone
21:57.04avbwhich im dialing via the sip trunk
21:57.52[TK]D-Fenderavb, No SIP debug, no debug of the call PRIOR to that point.  This reveals nothing
21:59.07[TK]D-Fenderdrewber, -- Requested transfer capability: 0x10 - 3K1AUDIO
21:59.41[TK]D-Fenderdrewber, Where are you located?
21:59.52drewberThe server is NY, NY
22:00.11[TK]D-Fenderdrewber, This is very off for the audio format, and is highly suspect right now.
22:00.28[TK]D-Fenderdrewber, show us your dahdhi configs
22:00.48drewber[TK]D-Fender: BTW, the server initiating the calls is a fax server running HylaFax. So that might by the reason
22:01.12[TK]D-Fenderdrewber, can't see how that'd factor in....
22:02.59avbSudravirodhin: [TK]D-Fender:
22:04.23drewber[TK]D-Fender: /var/log/wanrouter
22:04.28drewberIs that what you were looking for?
22:06.23[TK]D-Fenderavb, I'm not seeing that SIP call end, and I see nothing for the cahnnel that started this all off
22:10.54WIMPydrewber, [TK]D-Fender: 3K1Audio is the ONLY correct format there. So that's not the issue.
22:10.54avb[TK]D-Fender: because call were not ended
22:10.54avbthats why you do not see it
22:10.54avbbefore this log, there is ivr entries
22:10.54[TK]D-Fenderdrewber, I see no mention of mulaw for wanpipe2
22:10.54WIMPyShow us where it ends.
22:10.55[TK]D-FenderWIMPy, If you can carry him further at this point, I'd be much obliged :)
22:10.55[TK]D-Fenderavb, I can understand the local channel disappearing because of the outer channels getting bridged <-
22:10.55WIMPyIt's one of the common mistakes when trying to send faxes with Asterisk. Using Speech BC will fail if the called party has ISDN and is configured correctly.
22:10.56[TK]D-Fenderavb, This is normal unless you prevent them masquerading directly back to each other
22:10.56avb[TK]D-Fender: how i can do that?
22:10.56avbindeed, first channel were Local/5405504121@out-000000a5;1
22:10.57avband second real hangup were is Local/5405504121@out-000000a5;2
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22:11.11drewber[TK]D-Fender, WIMPy: I am a bit confused as to what my next step should be on troubleshooting
22:11.20[TK]D-Fenderyour memebers should be "local/number@context/n" <-
22:11.33[TK]D-Fenderthe /n prevents them from dissolving
22:11.48avb[TK]D-Fender: let me try
22:11.49avbthank you
22:12.06WIMPydrewber: The *CLI output of a failed call. And if that doesn't tell you what's going on, the next one is enabling pri debug.
22:12.54drewberWIMPy: I can enable pri debug. Not sure what *CLI output means
22:13.49WIMPyThe verbose output from the Asterisk console.
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22:27.23avb[TK]D-Fender: thank you, thats clear things out
22:27.35avbi completely forgot about /n
22:29.25[TK]D-Fenderavb, Glad it's working the way you want it to now...
22:30.16avb[TK]D-Fender: the worst part if the if I remembered this flag couple weeks earlier that could save me hours and hours of work :)
22:30.47[TK]D-Fenderavb, Hindsight is 20/20
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22:34.05SudravirodhinHow difficult is it to coax an Asterisk feature (atxfer) into changing its outgoing caller ID?
22:34.32SudravirodhinWould it be easier to code a context for attended transfers for the applicationmap?
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22:38.54avbwere about to play with atxfer ami call tomorrow
22:40.54*** join/#asterisk Hsilamot (
22:49.02iulhkable to get udp packets at server but unable to get hit on asterisk server when trying to make video call, can anybody take look pls ""?
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