IRC log for #asterisk on 20150430

00:01.28*** join/#asterisk bmurt (
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01:32.07*** join/#asterisk sudharshaw (~sudharsha@
01:37.50*** join/#asterisk ChannelZ (
01:40.20*** part/#asterisk andresmujica (~andresmmu@ubuntu/member/andresmujica)
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03:12.40*** join/#asterisk azerus (~badass@unaffiliated/badass)
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06:33.29*** join/#asterisk MrFidget (
06:34.36ChannelZdid SIPDtmfMode get silently deprecated?  I see the app registered in chan_sip.c but can't actually find/figure out where it does anything.
06:51.55*** join/#asterisk SaintMoriarty (
06:52.29SaintMoriartyAre there any good open source CDR apps anyone has used?
06:54.55*** join/#asterisk hehol (~hehol@
07:09.25ChannelZthat do what?
07:09.50*** join/#asterisk linocisco (~linocisco@
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07:13.36linociscoasterisk on virtualbox has call quality problems using two softphones
07:13.55linociscoit has background noise, not clear voice
07:14.07linociscowhat should we do?
07:14.32*** join/#asterisk jonmasters (
07:17.23*** join/#asterisk azerus (~badass@unaffiliated/badass)
07:19.11*** join/#asterisk Acilim (~ahmet@unaffiliated/acilim)
07:19.33AcilimHello all, I used "Call Forward All Activate" and forward my phone to another extention, using featurecodes. Where in  management/database  I can see forwarded number of extension?
07:21.06*** join/#asterisk zildjian (~zildjian@unaffiliated/zildjian)
07:22.16zildjiananyone sucessfully received SMS/SMSC messages from voip provider vitelity to a DID on an asterisk server? I can't get it to work at all
07:34.35ChannelZI had it working at one point awhile back; they essentially do it as XMPP if memory serves
07:34.45zildjianthat would work great
07:34.49zildjianjust want to receive only
07:35.23*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (
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07:38.29ChannelZYou basically configure xmpp.conf to talk to vitelity, and send it to like an "incoming-sms" context in your dialplan, and then you can use the MESSAGE() function in your dialplan to read them
07:38.58ChannelZNoOp(SMS from ${MESSAGE(from) - ${MESSAGE(body)})    for instance
07:39.43ChannelZAcilim: that sounds like FreePBX.. amIright?
07:40.35Acilimyes thats true
07:40.57zildjianChannelZ: makes sense now
07:41.20zildjianI just logged in via pidgin but no text messages show up despite being SMS enabled on the DID
07:41.31zildjianI will have to log a ticket
07:42.16ChannelZAcilim, that's a feature of FreePBX and not base asterisk, so you'd have to ask them. Probably in some mysql/*sql database the rest of freepbx uses
07:43.22AcilimChannelZ  do you know where in  base asterisk, where these datas stored?
07:43.51ChannelZAs I said 'call forwarding' like that isn't a built-in function of asterisk
07:44.19zildjianI'm using 1.8.32 though so that might be the issue
07:44.52ChannelZis that still Jabber zildjian?  I think I had it working under the old system too
07:45.24ChannelZjabber.conf or whatever
07:45.28AcilimChannelZ, Thank you I understand
07:47.11zildjianI've got gchat still working under the old system
07:47.33zildjianyeah jabber.conf
07:47.49*** join/#asterisk CeBe (
07:48.17ChannelZwell I ask because under jabber it worked differently as far as how things made it in/out from what I can remember.. I think there was like a JabberSend() dialplan function and maybe JabberReceive or JabberRead or something
07:48.42zildjianyeah you are right about that I think.
07:48.55zildjianthough at this point I can't evne get a message to show up in pidgin
07:49.59ChannelZI never tried that :)
07:50.30ChannelZ(and it looks like it was a function, JABBER_RECEIVE() )
07:50.45zildjianI just created this DID so maybe it has'nt been added to the SMSC yet
07:50.55*** join/#asterisk camerin (
07:50.55*** join/#asterisk pchero_work (~pchero@
07:51.25ChannelZoh, you have a short code?
07:51.36zildjianno short code
07:52.06ChannelZoh.. well I think it's relatively instant then, or should be
07:52.22zildjiansomething must be broken on the vitelity side then. I can't explain this
07:54.01ChannelZhaha I just re-enabled my xmpp in asterisk and I had 6 texts that had been queued up at vitelity for god knows how long
07:54.46zildjianwhat do you tell asterisk to do with the messages?
07:55.00ChannelZI just had them NoOp() to the console
07:55.38zildjianah ok
07:55.44*** join/#asterisk D-Boy (~D-Boy@unaffiliated/cain)
07:55.45zildjianI'm probably gonna insert them into a database
07:55.54ChannelZI don't really have a use for it, I just set it up to see how it worked when Vitelity first started offering it a few years ago
07:55.57zildjianthen get them via custom rest api
07:56.23zildjianmaybe I should upgrade my asterisk
07:56.57zildjianoh gosh I'm running
07:57.03ChannelZyou can try turning on jabber debug to see if it's receiving messages it doesn't understand or something
07:57.18ChannelZsee if they're even making it to asterisk in the first place
07:59.59zildjianyeah even with their own web tool on the GUI it's not even working
08:00.02zildjianJust gonna file a ticket
08:00.51ChannelZhmm. I logged in and it said "Offlines messages: 6" and sure enough when I fired up asterisk it barfed them all at me
08:00.56*** join/#asterisk areski (
08:01.34zildjianyeah mine says 0
08:01.45zildjianeven though I've sent the DID like 25 messages
08:03.59zildjianhehe intresting
08:04.18zildjianit's so broken
08:04.49ChannelZhmm. You said you have pidgin running, at the same time as jabber on asterisk?  Maybe it's not delivering to multiple destinations properly
08:05.05zildjiandisabled the jabber in asterisk
08:05.17zildjiani'm connected directly via pidgin now
08:05.27zildjiani can connect
08:05.34zildjianbut can't receieve/send anything
08:10.27ChannelZhmm, interesting. I just logged into mine via pidgin and it added 3 buddies; one of my cell phone (which presumably I'd sent an SMS to a long time ago as a test), one of the number I'd had those 6 queued messages from, and one called 'S.MS Help'
08:10.56zildjianS.MS help just tells you how to add a new number or short code
08:11.41*** join/#asterisk pchero_work (~pchero@
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08:19.06*** join/#asterisk azerus (~badass@unaffiliated/badass)
08:22.45zildjianChannelZ: SMS is working with another DID of mine. I just think this DID I was using before is screwed up
08:23.11zildjianChannelZ: how do you differentiate between a regular call and a SMS based call?
08:23.16zildjianin asterisk
08:23.45ChannelZwell I have jabber/xmpp going into a different context
08:24.08ChannelZ(it's not related to your SIP DID anyway)
08:24.42ChannelZIE I have [xmpp-in] and in it exten => s,1,NoOp(${MESSAGE(body)})
08:24.47zildjianoh that's right
08:24.58ChannelZor in your case NoOp(${JABBER_RECEIVE(accountname)})  (or something like that
08:24.59zildjianasterisk never sees it other than the jabber/xmpp config
08:25.16zildjianso it's essentially just a polling mechnism
08:26.03ChannelZwell not exactly polled, the XMPP message gets sent from wherever to asterisk (which is logged into the server) and then when it receives a message, it passes it along to the dialplan
08:26.47zildjianand then you create a bunch of custom stuff to deal with it there.
08:27.02zildjianlike call all your phones in your house and play michael jackson music on answer
08:27.19ChannelZIf that seems like a useful thing to do, sure :)
08:27.24zildjianhaha ;)
08:27.58*** join/#asterisk MaliutaLap (nikolai@unaffiliated/maliuta)
08:30.11zildjianChannelZ: Is it possible to track down who owns a DID? My cell phone gets spammed continually by autodialers (most likely running asterisk or freepbx).
08:30.23zildjianis there some kind of registry for who owns specific DIDs
08:30.35zildjianI'm guessing not
08:31.39ChannelZI'm sure there is on the telco side but nothing public-facing that I personally know of, besides punching it into Google and seeing if it shows up on one of the sites like etc
08:31.57zildjianfigured I'd ask
08:37.56*** join/#asterisk bulkorok (
08:39.21*** join/#asterisk D-Boy (~D-Boy@unaffiliated/cain)
08:43.03linociscohia ll
08:43.17linociscoi have problem with background noise on softphone
08:43.35linociscoBlink and zoiper also
08:44.33ChannelZhard to diagnose. Maybe the audio settings on the computer? Or what codec is being used? Can you define "background noise" better?
08:46.10linociscoi can hear other side but it is like talking outside in the wind even though we are talking in office.
08:52.09ChannelZDoes it sound digital in nature? Do you have a recording?
08:52.16*** join/#asterisk ghostlines (
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08:58.05linociscoChannelZ, what do you mean?
08:59.40ChannelZWell, does it literally sound like wind or does it sound like a distortion.. popping, clicking, phasing, etc.  Do you only hear it when talking or is it there even when you are silent?
09:00.23ChannelZdo prompts from asterisk (voicemail menu, anything) sound bad as well or only when you're connected between softphones?
09:00.34ChannelZAnd again, what codec(s) are being used in the call?
09:08.52*** join/#asterisk infobot (
09:08.52*** topic/#asterisk is #asterisk The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- LTS: 13.3.2 (2015/04/08), 11.17.1 (2015/04/08), (2015/04/08); Standard: 12.8.2 (2015/04/08); DAHDI: DAHDI-linux 2.10.0 (2014/08/13), DAHDI-tools 2.10.0 (2014/08/13); libpri 1.4.15 (2014/06/16) -=- Asterisk wiki: -=- Code of Conduct: -=- Logs:
09:13.52*** join/#asterisk Cust0sL1men (~CustosLim@unaffiliated/cust0slim3n)
09:20.01*** join/#asterisk azerus (~badass@unaffiliated/badass)
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09:37.00linociscoChannelZ, i guess it is double echo cancellation. I know how to turn off echo cancellation from softphone but I dont know how to from Asterisk side
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10:36.16drathirits normal obtain [Apr 30 12:30:39] NOTICE[20051]: res_pjsip/pjsip_distributor.c:256 log_unidentified_request: Request from '"1801" <sip:1801@server_external_ip>' failed for 'random_ip_adresses:5092' (callid: 2e11ec5-f27160a-XXXXXXX@server_external_ip) - No matching endpoint found
10:37.27drathirthe 1801 isnt used in any config file...
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10:58.52*** join/#asterisk RoyK (~roy@
11:02.30RoyKhi all. I have a little thing I'd love to make, preferably small using a raspberry pi, for instance. I want to connect an old, analogue phone to this thing (to an FXO?) and connect the "thing" to my cell phone with USB
11:02.55RoyKmeaning when someone call my cell phone, then I can pick up the rotary phone, using that as a "handsfree"-like unit
11:03.08RoyKanyone seen something like this?
11:11.09*** join/#asterisk italorossi (~Adium@
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11:32.10sysop2question is there any way I can use asterisk to make a normal phone into one of those dial a number automatically phones when it goes off hook? usually they are for 911 but I have seen other uses. normally its in the phone. but can asterisk detect when an old school ananlog phone hooked up to a analog to sip converter goes off hook and act accordingly
11:33.23sysop2also if I got one of those automatic dial 911 phones could I reroute 911 just for that one extension?
11:34.04sysop2I want to put a phone on the front of my house that when picked up it will connect to my sip phone.
11:34.38r00fi don't know about hook (personally i never saw any events in dahdi, relate to that), but as for different routing for one extension - yes
11:35.06r00fexten => _911/101,1,Dial(SIP/phone)
11:35.15r00fwhere 101 is your extension number
11:51.12*** join/#asterisk hehol (
11:53.25AcilimHello all, I am newbie in asterisk. When I am testing outbound calls I realized that, when I make outbound call, even its not answered(just ringed) I see answered status in my cdr. Anyone has any recommendation with this?
11:59.37*** join/#asterisk fstd (~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted)
12:12.58*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
12:14.30r00fAcilim, there can be different causes. it may be something in your dialplan telling asterisk to Answer() before dialing out
12:15.09r00for, some sort of FAS on receiving end
12:15.29r00f[TK]D-Fender for sure knows better
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12:22.07drathirall opinions are welcomed i guessing...
12:22.56GreenlightIn "sip show channelstats" how does it calculate the lost% for send? And is it always accurate?
12:23.38eirirsdunno if you got some sort of numbering of UDP packets
12:23.49[TK]D-Fenderdrathir: What's to guess at?  You are getting random connection attempts from hackers across the net.
12:25.31GreenlightSo the remote side sends details of the packets it didn't get based on the number?
12:25.56GreenlightI could understand the receive side, based on the seq number, but was unsure about the send
12:26.03eirirsGreenlight: the remote side have no idea of which udp packets you were receiving
12:26.27GreenlightSo how does channelstats calculate the "send" stats?
12:26.44eirirsmaybe by how much it's actually sending?
12:26.55GreenlightIt shows lost%
12:27.15GreenlightI'm seeing some lost% of 15% and trying to see if it's a real figure or not
12:27.42eirirsmaybe something at any layers above udp layer that calculates this
12:29.40drathir[TK]D-Fender: thanks, but that opinion was about 14:15 < r00f> [TK]D-Fender for sure knows better
12:30.57[TK]D-Fenderdrathir : its normal obtain [Apr 30 12:30:39] NOTICE[20051]: res_pjsip/pjsip_distributor.c:256 log_unidentified_request: Request from '"1801" <sip:1801@server_external_ip>' failed for 'random_ip_adresses:5092' (callid: 2e11ec5-f27160a-XXXXXXX@server_external_ip) - No matching endpoint found
12:31.01[TK]D-Fenderdrathir: ^^^^
12:31.16[TK]D-Fenderdrathir: I was answering YOUR question from earlier
12:31.59[TK]D-Fender[08:22]drathirall opinions are welcomed i guessing... <- thios was not worded in a way that is suggestive that you're talking about someone else's situation
12:35.49drathir[TK]D-Fender: oh thanks a lot too im appreciated, that kind of activity are often happen or is fare thing?
12:36.20[TK]D-Fenderdrathir: At any point your system may get contacted by scanners out there looking for boxes to exploit
12:38.09War_BearIs it possible to get nano seconds in asterisk?
12:38.41*** join/#asterisk sekil (~sekil@
12:38.45War_Bearlike date +%N
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13:55.09drathirsomeone sayin somethin like ? it isnt any "default" config pointing? beter ask before report abusive behaviour...
13:59.46*** join/#asterisk azerus (~badass@unaffiliated/badass)
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14:15.20X-Rob^^^ for anyone who's interested.
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14:21.57redrookhi, everybody
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14:22.51redrookquestion: does asterisk 13 works with webrtc for video calls (like sipml5). spend days and can not make ut work.
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14:36.39gugauaHello, I have got a "problem" with asterisknow... call recordings page is showing a blank page since my clean installation... does anyone know about this problem?
14:38.24*** join/#asterisk redrook (488f38d2@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
14:39.23redrookanybody here with info about asterisk 13+ webrtc + video ?
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14:51.26jeffspeffin my dialplan, i have exten=fax,n,Set(FAXOPT(maxrate)=9600)   and    exten=fax,n,Set(FAXOPT(minrate)=9600)     yet when you look at the packet capture, it shows a bitrate of 14400
14:55.05*** join/#asterisk ZX81 (~Adium@
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16:20.50*** join/#asterisk afournier1 (~admin@
16:24.54afournier1I've been following the Patch Contribution Process on the wiki, and i cannot connect to Gerrit... it looks like my account was automatically created on, but with no password. When trying to reset the password with Gerrit, i receive a mail that links to http://yooden.digium.api:8095/crowd/console/resetpassword.action => unknown host. what should i do ?
16:25.57mjordanafournier1: did you sign a CLA?
16:26.13mjordanafournier1: when you click sign in, does it take you to
16:26.45mjordanyour password should be the same as JIRA
16:26.47afournier1i signed the CLA 10 minutes ago
16:26.53mjordanit hasn't been accepted yet
16:26.55afournier1i see
16:27.02mjordanit has to be reviewed
16:27.09afournier1i'll wait then, true i did not receive an e-mail after i signed the CLA
16:27.20mjordansoon as you get that, you should be able to login
16:27.24mjordannp, sorry for the confusion
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16:48.00*** join/#asterisk PHunter (
16:48.30PHunterHow well does Asterisk work with saving voicemails on a remote server?
16:48.40PHunterDoes it 'stream' it to the file?
16:48.52PHunter(aka doesn't buffer then save..)
16:49.01[TK]D-FenderYou should have read up on the backend =storage options.
16:49.08[TK]D-FenderDatabse / IMAP / file
16:49.20PHunterVoicemails in DB?
16:50.01infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 4th Edition (ISBN 1-4493-3242-0) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and a version is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
16:50.01PHunterThe default is /var/lib/asterisk/spool
16:50.20[TK]D-FenderThere is no such thing as "default"
16:50.21PHunterIf i Link that to another server, should I expect garbled/cutoff messages
16:50.24[TK]D-FenderThey go where you configure.
16:50.30PHuntercomes out of box
16:50.32[TK]D-FenderWhat you have in your configs your business...
16:50.50[TK]D-FenderAsterisk make have SAMPLE configs... but those are SAMPLES, not "default"
16:51.08PHunterlets say its /folderA
16:51.16PHunterif folderA is actually a network share
16:51.19[TK]D-FenderThen files are files
16:51.29PHuntershould I expect an issue with garbled/cutoff messages?
16:51.33[TK]D-FenderNo storage metho involves transmitting raw audio that can get lost
16:51.42[TK]D-Fenderthere is no such thing as "garbled" at the point of storage
16:51.51*** join/#asterisk Vutral (~ss@mirbsd/special/Vutral)
16:52.04PHunterOk. So what could cause garbled/cutoff messages?
16:52.13[TK]D-FenderCrappy SOURCE
16:52.28PHunterCompiler Flags maybe?
16:52.30[TK]D-FenderThe channel you are recording is bad
16:52.36[TK]D-Fenderyour CALL is bad
16:53.04PHunterThen a significant amount of calls have been bad over the last few weeks
16:53.25[TK]D-FenderYou will probably want to do something about that...
16:53.46PHunterA guy sitting 10 feet from me, can call my phone, leave a voicemail, and it sounds like fast forwarding, jumping, and ends early.
16:53.52PHunterServer is ~40ms away
16:53.54PHunterno NOT
16:54.24PHunterServer: no NAT, Endpoints: NAT.
16:54.33PHunterThis is not the only scenario.
16:56.29[TK]D-Fender40ms doesn't mean the packet flow isn't jittery garbage, or that CPU timing isn't bad
16:56.50[TK]D-FenderIt has precisely zero to do with the storage however
16:57.06PHunterOkay, so its the connection to asterisk, and not asterisk to storage?
16:57.19[TK]D-Fender[12:56][TK]D-FenderIt has precisely zero to do with the storage however
16:57.22*** join/#asterisk gusto (~gusto@2001:4c50:62f:2800:8219:34ff:fecf:17f0)
16:57.34PHunterI get it. Just verifying.
16:57.51[TK]D-FenderThat didn't leave anything to interpretation
16:58.00PHunterI ask questions because obviously I don't know the answer. No need to be agressive.
16:58.22[TK]D-Fenderjust saying it should 100% from that
16:59.05PHunterWell the issue is that I have a boss who isn't all there and If I don't cross my T's and dot my I's on Everything, The ship sinks.
16:59.38PHunterSo forgive me for verifying what your saying.
16:59.45PHunterbows down.
16:59.57[TK]D-FenderI wasn't yelling here...
17:00.16[TK]D-Fenderll good....
17:00.46PHunterNo but the way you 'said' it, shows a bit of snideness.
17:01.45PHunterI appreciate all the help I can get. But I didn't chose to the DCAA. I was gifted the system. Im doing the best I can, with what I have.
17:02.30*** join/#asterisk philfry (
17:02.31PHunterOverworked, underpaid, and nobody else has a clue whats going on. Im up until 1am troubleshooting crap.
17:02.36PHunterand back at work at 8.
17:08.59Cyford33PHunter  does the call sound fine if yall talking from exten to exten?
17:15.42PHunterCyford33: Yes the audio sounds fine when calling between extensions. Its purely voicemail thats the issue.
17:16.53Cyford33i am guessing you didnt have any voicemail formt changing scripts right,  like formatting it in mp3 of something like that
17:19.56*** join/#asterisk JuStIcIa_ (~JuStIcIa_@
17:21.04PHunterNo its gsm wav and ulaw.
17:23.37PHunterjust standard gsm and wav and the text file are generated.
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17:24.43Cyford33im guessing codec is gsm and voicemails are wav
17:24.55Cyford33i sec though
17:25.32[TK]D-FenderVoicemail records the raw stream, phones may be doing PLC to cover up the crappy connection
17:26.00[TK]D-FenderPacket Loss Concealement
17:26.13[TK]D-FenderJitter Buffer can play in as well
17:26.44PHunterOkay. Constructive. Is there a way to check on that?
17:26.52PHunterWhen I get money Ill buy the book.
17:27.10PHunterBut until then, I have 86 endpoints jumping up and down.
17:29.53PHunterIll be right back I have to reboot my subpar workstation.
17:31.44*** join/#asterisk riess82 (
17:34.01GreenlightI've an install where I'm seeing: "channel.c: Didn't get a frame from channel SIP/...." It then hangs up the channel. Why is this?
17:35.29GreenlightSeems odd that not receiving a single frame would be cause for hanging it up
17:36.02filethat is one of the mechanisms used to signal hangup
17:36.40GreenlightOh, from the remote endpoint?
17:37.17fileit can be what a hangup received from the outside is translated into within the core
17:37.37*** join/#asterisk overyander (~Jeff@
17:37.39overyanderI'm getting this error  FAX CNG detected but no fax extension  but I have a fax extension.   can someone point me in the right direction on this please?
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17:38.00GreenlightHmm.. okay. My clients are complaining of random call drops, and that's all I can spot of merit in the debug log ;/
17:40.36Cyford33[TK]D-Fender  also heard garbled voicemail from wav audio players trying to play the WAV file without converting it.. plays good in phones,  but not the acuall audio player,  unless changing WAV into wav  or mp3
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18:09.31overyanderwhat's the proper way to detect a fax from a voice call prior to dialing the sip peer/extension?
18:28.19sgriepentrogoveryander: answer, play ringback for ~6 seconds, then dial.  If your fax detect is enabled on the channel, it will jump to the fax.
18:29.35overyandersgriepentrog, thanks, i added the answer() and it started working.
18:29.52overyandersgriepentrog, are you familiar with faxing in asterisk?
18:37.23overyanderis canreinvite deprectated in version 11.2?
18:41.29sgriepentrogoveryander: fax: some.  canreinvite still exists in chan_sip, but is different in pjsip (although that's 12+)
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18:47.54overyanderi'm trying to refer any incoming faxes to a new number with a different provider. The error i'm getting is  SIP transfer to <sip:11235551234@MYPROVIDER.IP.ADDY> failed, REFER not allowed.
18:48.58overyanderi have allowtransfer set to yes and promiscredir set to yes as well
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18:59.11GreenlightI'm seeing a hangup with cause 64, but can't see that on is there somewhere else these could be documented?
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19:06.56sgriepentrogoveryander: I'd do a sip packet capture to make sure, but it sounds like the provider you're trying to send REFER to is failing it - likely because they're not willing to support that.
19:09.10sgriepentrogGreenlight: sounds like somebody invented their own code.  64 is not valid afaik.
19:33.50*** join/#asterisk sparetire (~sparetire@unaffiliated/sparetire)
19:37.14GreenlightHmm ... so my hangup issue looks like some odd race condition between bridging and mixmonitor. The cause 64 is AST_SOFTHANGUP_UNBRIDGE
19:56.33mjordanGreenlight: that is weird, as that isn't an actual hangup. That's a special "soft" hangup (which is an odd concept) that is just supposed to remove a channel from a bridge.
19:56.41mjordanGreenlight: in what circumstance are you seeing that?
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19:57.03GreenlightIt seems to be when I request a bridge via AMI
19:57.08GreenlightThey start to get all bridged up
19:57.17GreenlightAnd then I start a MixMonitor on one of the channels
19:57.25GreenlightThen I see that SoftHangup, and then a proper hangup
19:57.37GreenlightAll in the same second ofc
19:58.01GreenlightI'm guessing it's trying to native bridge the two channels (same codec etc) ?
20:00.51GreenlightIt's not occuring every time I do this, but enough that I've 15 emails listings from a customer, each one listing 5-10 customers that have been "disconnected"
20:04.14GreenlightI'm half wondering if I just comment out the block in channel.c that checks for no nomonitors or audiohooks before attempting a native bridge
20:06.07GreenlightSince I know that I *will* be attaching an audiohook to each bridge, even it's not quite been attached yet
20:06.34GreenlightI realise it's a bit of a hack, but might that help me?
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20:10.02mjordanGreenlight: that should have been fixed
20:10.05mjordanGreenlight: what version?
20:10.19mjordanGreenlight: I know that was a bug in early 13, but I'm pretty sure we fixed that in 13.2 or 13.3.
20:11.07GreenlightI've not had the time to change my app for the AMI changes with 13 yet ;/
20:11.16GreenlightIs the fix back-portable?
20:12.53mjordanI'm not sure why that would actually even be a bug in 11
20:13.32mjordanreally, the soft hangup is there to break a native bridge, otherwise your mixmonitor will get no audio
20:13.36mjordannative bridge => no media flowing
20:13.51mjordanwhy that would hangup the channel is beyond me. It shouldn't be doing that. Are you sure you aren't getting a BYE request?
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20:17.43GreenlightOh, I thought the native bridge was the one where it avoids the core (packet to packet bridging is it?)
20:17.59GreenlightAnd yes, no BYE request from what I can see in DEBUG log
20:19.07mjordanGreenlight: yes, that is native bridging. If you need to record media, media has to flow through the core. That's what the soft hangup flag is attempting to do.
20:19.28mjordanGreenlight: it is a bug in 11 if nothing else. That soft hangup flag shouldn't cause a channel to be hung up.
20:20.00GreenlightPerhaps a race condition between the mixmonitor attaching the audiohook and the native bridge starting?
20:20.26*** join/#asterisk j-fish (~Redneck@unaffiliated/j-fish)
20:21.35mjordanno idea without seeing a log. Please do file an issue with a log
20:22.12Greenlight <-- That's the log, grep'd for just the two channels (otherwise it's massive)
20:22.43GreenlightIt's strange; I've had other boxes running with the same setup for ages without this problem
20:25.15GreenlightBuuut if I just comment out that native bridge part, will it just always bridge through the core?
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20:53.58MasterChenhi all
20:56.16MasterChenquick questiona bout sound files. I uploaded a custom greeting for an IVR into /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/custom/, and while the file is present and acknowledged in the CLI, it is not playing. I get dead air. I already chown'd asterisk:asterisk. The permissions were 644. I tried changing it to 755, but that didn't seem to work either
20:56.31*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~joe@
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21:10.52RoyKhm... seems finding something like a USB-FXS adapter may be hard. How hard would it be to rip out the guts from an old rotary phone and replace it with a pi and some electronics do the rotary dialing thing and then bridge between chan_alsa and chan_mobile?
21:11.27RoyKcan't seem to find chan_alsa on this pi (just apt-get install of asterisk 1.8)
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21:17.26WIMPyTher are USB-FXS adaptors. But I have no idea how hared (or possible) it would be to get the driver working on raspbian.
21:18.24RoyKI guess that's another issue :P
21:18.42RoyKWIMPy: do you know where I can find those? I googled a bit and found almost nothing
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21:19.13RoyKon the other hand - ripping out the guts of an old phone and replacing it with a pi and a small battery now seems like a rather good idea
21:19.28WIMPyI can't remember what the vendor was called. But maybe someone else remebers.
21:20.59RoyKI searched ebay and found just one USB FXS, and it turned out to be FXO
21:21.04WIMPyIt took me a whole long day (night) to get an USB-BRI adapter working of Raspbian. It's the Bastard OS From Hell :-((
21:21.30RoyKdoesn't surprise me
21:22.18WIMPyIt was not because the PI isn't the fastest.
21:23.31RoyKcompared to what?
21:23.49WIMPyA standard PC.
21:23.52infobot<Gremlin> It's okay, but I was hoping to save some money with a soldering iron and a bunch of sound cards.
21:24.02RoyKWIMPy: well, it's not, obviously :P
21:24.32RoyKWIMPy: a PC wouldn't work too well on 5 watts of power
21:24.54WIMPyBut I spent most of the time trying to find out what packages need to be installed in order to get anything going on the Raspbian shit.
21:25.16WIMPyI would definitely try Arch next time.
21:25.59WIMPyNot sure how much better it is, but it can't be worse.
21:26.39RoyKlooks like Jessie might work directly on the pi2
21:26.46RoyKmust try :D
21:26.59WIMPyUpgrading to Jessie was part of it, yes.
21:27.09RoyKnot raspbian - debian
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22:12.40zekoZekoi recommend installing asterisk from raspbx on raspbian
22:12.51zekoZekoworks like a charm for me
22:13.11WIMPyHow is that going to help you with building drivers?
22:13.21zekoZekobut all it does is lookup the CID and pushes a button over GPIO if the number matches :)
22:13.41zekoZekooh sorry, wasn't reading thoroughly enough
22:20.44RoyKdebian jessie (not raspbian) on rpi2 - now let's see if it survives the initial dist-upgrade :)
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22:34.22Hsilamotis there a channel for openvox cards or dahdi ?
22:34.43WIMPyNo other than this one.
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23:50.20sysop2hey found the answer to my question, how do you make an analog phone into a hotline/autodial phone. just use a $51 dollar converter and setup hotline in the web interface.  pretty cool.
23:51.15sysop2hope someone finds it useful. I am putting an armored phone on the front of my house setup to ring my sip phone when someone picks it up.
23:55.38[TK]D-Fendersysop2, Cisco ATA 186's are rather rare to see out in the field.  All of the Linksys/Siprura/nowCiscoAgain SPA series support this as well, and are available new and used for cheaper.
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