IRC log for #asterisk on 20150423

00:01.01*** join/#asterisk diegoviola (~diego@unaffiliated/diegoviola)
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02:06.42TheZealousHi all! I am looking for a latest version installation instruction guide for Elastix. Does anyone have it ? please share it if you have it
02:06.51TheZealousI am using CentOS 6.6
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03:01.06carrarTheZealous: somethng like this?
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03:15.01drmessanoThe only problem with an Elastix install guide is that when you're done you have Elastix
03:19.38*** join/#asterisk Garibaldo (~smuxi@
03:22.47flingAre there any similar to CALLERID variables for an ongoing call? Something containing info about DIDs and everything
03:33.08drmessanoAnyone here tweaked WIFI settings for VoIP?  I'm trying to wrap my head around the Beacon Interval and DTIM and how they relate to UDP latency
03:33.14drmessano(If at all)
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04:22.30WIMPyfling: EXTEN unless/until you change that. And off course te CONNECTEDLINE function.
04:23.04WIMPydrmessano: The beacon is only for detecting the AP. I'd have to look up DTIM.
04:23.37flingWIMPy: I also found DNID
04:24.28WIMPyThat one is probably linked to the REDIRECTING function.
04:24.54WIMPyBut documentation on all the caller ID stuff is rater thin.
04:27.09flingWIMPy: I want to have a variable with what DID actualy dialed from the start.
04:27.34flingWIMPy: I will use this variable for monitor. Looks like DNID what I want.
04:27.38WIMPyThat's a little vague as well. The one you got the call on?
04:28.09drmessanoWIMPy, Beacon becomes relevant because DTIM is tied to the Beacon interval.. So something like a DTIM of 3 with a Beacon Interval of 100 means it's 300ms because DTIM transmission.. But the more I dive into this, it seems like DTIM applies to Multicast/Broadcast
04:28.50flingWIMPy: umm two dids. first one is 'from', second one is 'to'; I get first one from callerid
04:29.06WIMPyDefine "to".
04:29.32flingmy did is 100 I call 200. from is 100 and to is 200 :P
04:29.49WIMPyThe one you got the call on? Or the one that was actually dialled?
04:29.59flingThe one I dialed
04:30.11WIMPySave EXTEN before you do any Goto()
04:30.32flingWhat if I will save it to DNID variable? bad idea?
04:30.37WIMPyThen it's the REDIRECTING function or it might be DNID.
04:33.06*** join/#asterisk Garibaldo (~smuxi@
04:36.19flingWIMPy: Don't I edit DNID variable?
04:36.52WIMPyYou should read it. Writing it doesn't make much sense.
04:39.33flingWIMPy: but looks like it is just better to save EXTEN to some variable, right? I can create my own like ADDID something.
04:40.08flingI can't decide do I need a new variable or is it sufficient to just use DNID.
04:40.33WIMPyDepends on what you want to know.
04:40.57WIMPyEXTEN can change depending on your dialplan.
04:41.32flingWIMPy: but if I save EXTEN to a variable at the very beginning…
04:41.52WIMPyThat's what I suggested.
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04:42.59WIMPyBut that is the number you received a call for. That's not neccessarily the one the user dialed.
04:43.21WIMPy(but probably what you want)
04:43.40WIMPyAnd it might even be the only reliable one.
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04:56.39flingWIMPy: thanks, I will use this one.
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05:15.18flingWIMPy: can I also set MONITOR_EXEC as a global variable?
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05:35.07flingWIMPy: This is how it looks now ->
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05:47.32flingEven simplier now ->
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06:36.11flingDoes this look good? ->
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07:15.24jzu_oh yes, now I'm able to access FreePBX Phonebook through Cisco phone's Directory
07:19.51jzu_aaaand wrong channel once again !
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07:29.24rl1Could you please help me debug an issue were Asterisk won't ACK on BYE and hence won't drop the call
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07:32.34ChannelZWon't ACK from who? A device, an ITSP..
07:33.21rl1a SIP gateway if that matters. It sends a BYE to Asterisk but Asterisk doesn't seem to send ACK and then 200 OK and clear the call
07:34.20rl1the gateway just sends BYE over and over again waiting for an ACK in return
07:35.33ChannelZAnd is asterisk saying anything about ignoring bogus SIP messages?  Without seeing any SIP debug, a random guess is to set pedantic=no in sip.conf and see if it works; could be the gateway is messing up the call tag and asterisk can't match it to an active call
07:36.03rl1nah i checked the tags and CallID they all match the initial tags in INVITE
07:36.12rl1okay give me a min
07:39.19*** join/#asterisk [gnubie] (~gnubie]@
07:40.04[gnubie]we have a shoretel sg60/12 and because we need more extension, we plan of trunking it with asterisk. is it possible? how do i do that?
07:41.09ChannelZYes-ish. I don't know anything about that system specifically, but you can generally bridge an old PBX via T1/etc or if by some chance it speaks SIP already..
07:41.25rl1 okay here's the trace
07:41.28ChannelZThe question is if you can program it in any sensible manner
07:42.48[gnubie]ChannelZ: i’m trying to understand this old shoretel sg-60/12 how i can trunk/extend it to an asterisk box so that the additional extensions will be provisioned by asterisk..
07:44.24ChannelZI don't know, as I said I don't know anything about that system.  Which I just googled and it's not a system, it's a device...
07:44.41ChannelZ...which looks like it speaks MGCP which I know even less about
07:46.44rl1call-id matches, tags match i don't know what's wrong with it =(
07:47.39drmessano[gnubie]: junk it and buy something useful (Read: SIP)
07:48.11ChannelZwell I only see half of the conversation, from the Crisco to Asterisk presumably..
07:48.40ChannelZoh wait a min my window somehow came up scrolled
07:48.42rl1it's the full calltrace
07:49.42[gnubie]drmessano: i wish it’s easy to do that. :D
07:50.13drmessano[gnubie]: You're talking about implementing an extinct piece of equipment
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07:52.02rl1and there's nothing on debug log about malformed BYE's whatsoever
07:56.31ChannelZI'm a little confused by a couple things, the Crisco seems to send 'session progress' twice in a row
07:56.47rl1yeah that confused me too...
07:57.40rl1they seem to be identical
07:58.27ChannelZare the packets actually making it to asterisk?  This capture was done outside of asterisk
07:58.57rl1yes. the capture was taken from the machine where asterisk is running
08:00.01ChannelZbut not sip debug inside asterisk, this looks like some captured/processed elsewhere like wireshark or whatnot
08:02.04rl1yeah this is a tcpdump capture.
08:02.21rl1I'm gonna try the sip debug
08:02.33ChannelZand set verbose to 3
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08:04.57rl1stupid me, meh
08:05.17rl1I forgot to allow the packets in INPUT chain :|
08:05.42rl1nevermind the problem's solved. ChannelZ thanks for your assistance
08:05.54ChannelZthat's why I wanted to see what asterisk was actually seeing.  Glad you figured it out though
08:06.22rl1that's why the cisco was sending session progress twice
08:06.45ChannelZamong others :)
08:06.59*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/chainsaw)
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08:26.51HydrosineSo i have set stunaddr and turnaddr in rtp.conf to support ICE per device. But when i turn stun debug on i see every call this message(and someothers) : "Dunno what to do with STUN message 0101 (Binding Response)"
08:27.03Hydrosineseems to introduce some load
08:27.20Hydrosinewhat is the way to only have asterisk do something when icesupport is yes on device?
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09:46.50jzu_Anyone willing to code Name lookup based on the phone number if I provide API specs?
09:47.26jzu_OpenCNAM is for USA/Canada only, I'd like to have number-->name lookup form Finnish provider with API
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09:51.58[gnubie]drmessano: thank you..
10:04.05*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/chainsaw)
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10:42.44Cust0sL1menCan asterisk do DCCA to other systems ?
10:43.19Cust0sL1menI want asterisk to process call and use DCCA to another system to charge
10:44.13eirirswhat are dcca
10:44.22eirirsno hits in google
10:44.47Cust0sL1mendiamter credit control application
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11:23.46Cust0sL1menfor reference
11:23.57eirirsjust googled it up, thank you
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11:55.23Ricois there a way to "kill" a call launched by a .call file, with retry=3
11:55.38Ricothe call make asterisk crashing (fax sending)
11:55.52RicoApr 23 13:51:30 centrex3 kernel: asterisk[25933]: segfault at 0 ip (null) sp 00007f4c0432d4a8 error 14 in asterisk[400000+1d7000]
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12:03.34eirirshuh, fax crashing asterisk? thats new to me
12:06.28Ricoeirirs:  yes, to me too
12:06.46Ricobut each time I get a segfault, last asterisk logline is about sendfax
12:07.24RicoI'm looking for a way to debug that
12:07.35*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
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12:13.07eran322need help
12:13.21infobotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
12:13.40eran322i using freepbx 12. i have queue with 4 users. when call come in the queue, and no get answered, i see in the cdr database that the call in the queue is answered and the extentions in the queue didnt answer. the problem is that i want with php script to get the list of the numbers that are didnt answered for call back them. is there any way to do that?
12:15.32[TK]D-FenderQueue Log <-
12:18.00eran322i didnt see the queue log in the database
12:18.35eran322i see it in the log folder, but i didnt understand how do i use it
12:19.54[TK]D-FenderMost freePBX system log it to a separate database in MySQL
12:20.05[TK]D-Fendernot in the the DB that holds FreePBX itself
12:20.13[TK]D-Fenderasteriskcdrdb <-
12:23.06eran322yes, i look it in
12:25.10eran322but it show that the queue was answered.... i want to know if non answer, but the queue always answer even if the extensions didnt answer\
12:25.27*** join/#asterisk sarthor (~sathor@unaffiliated/sarthor)
12:25.45[TK]D-Fendershow us
12:26.01infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
12:26.13sarthorHI I am having this error on my pfsense box. running asterisk on the same machine. " Unable to open Asterisk database '/var/db/asterisk/astdb': No such file or directory ".. any Help please.
12:29.05[TK]D-Fendereither the file is corrupt (at which point delete it), or * can't open it with write privs
12:31.08*** join/#asterisk wasanzy (~wasanzy@
12:32.52wasanzyfor some reason, am doing do configure CDR_Custom to log the source and destination parameters for me when doing OBD calls but unfortunately it is rather logging both source and destination as the same number
12:33.05[TK]D-Fendereran322: that is NOT the queue log.  That is CDR.
12:33.19[TK]D-Fendereran322: Forget about CDR completely
12:33.36[TK]D-Fendereran322: Go read the queue log like I told you.
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12:39.00wasanzyhere is my config and output:
12:39.32wasanzythe source is the same as destination. is not logging the phone number the call is being made to
12:41.07[TK]D-Fenderwasanzy: No, there is no dst in there
12:41.33[TK]D-Fenderwasanzy: Count your columns
12:42.26[TK]D-Fenderwasanzy: And you very specifically formatted that field differently than all the others
12:42.39[TK]D-Fenderwasanzy: today's magic word : CONSISTENCY
12:44.00wasanzy[TK]D-Fender: I don't understand
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12:44.19[TK]D-Fenderwasanzy: Look at your config and COUNT the colums in order
12:44.33wasanzyI have that in there
12:44.45wasanzyis that not correct?
12:45.07[TK]D-FenderMaster.csv => ${CSV_QUOTE(${CDR(clid)})},${CSV_QUOTE(${CDR(src)})},${CSV_QUOTE(${CDR(dst)})},${CDR(dstchannel)},${CSV_QUOTE(${CDR(start)})},${CSV_QUOTE(${CDR(answer)})},${CSV_QUOTE(${CDR(end)})},${CSV_QUOTE(${CDR(duration,f)})},${CSV_QUOTE(${CDR(billsec,f)})}
12:45.28[TK]D-Fenderwasanzy: One of those does NOT have ${CSV_QUOTE
12:45.28eran322can i put the queue log in mysql????  i dont know to read files
12:45.46[TK]D-Fendereran322: Have you proved it's not there already?
12:46.01[TK]D-Fendereran322: Show us your database list.
12:46.31wasanzybut is that what prints the destination number?
12:46.46[TK]D-Fender"08099954883","08099954883","start",,"2015-04-23 12:34:31","2015-04-23 12:34:41","2015-04-23 12:36:51","140.932379","130.093101"
12:46.57[TK]D-Fenderwasanzy: DST is your 3rd parameter on your config
12:47.09[TK]D-Fenderwasanzy: In here the 3rd parameter is NOT the same
12:47.35eran322datalist:  asterisk, asteriskcdrdb
12:47.48[TK]D-Fendereran322: Looks like it's there so far
12:47.50wasanzyyes you are right. does it mean the DST is not set well?
12:48.06[TK]D-Fenderwasanzy: I think you should go back to the book....
12:49.13[TK]D-Fender[08:20][TK]D-Fendernot in the the DB that holds FreePBX itself
12:49.15[TK]D-Fender[08:20][TK]D-Fenderasteriskcdrdb <-
12:49.29[TK]D-Fendereran322: I told you half an hour ago....
12:49.56wasanzy[TK]D-Fender: why should I go back to the book? am not sure that is why am asking
12:50.01[TK]D-Fendersoscratch that
12:50.29[TK]D-Fendereran322: dump the table list from both DB's
12:50.50eran322in the asteriskcdrdb i just have: cdr,cel
12:50.57[TK]D-Fendereran322: Ok, not in there.
12:50.58eran322both of them didnt help me
12:51.04[TK]D-Fendereran322: PB the other one
12:52.02[TK]D-FenderPASTEBIN the list for the other DB
12:52.43eran322cel? or the main asterisk db?
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12:54.01[TK]D-Fendereran322: I said to dump the table list for the other DB.
12:54.23[TK]D-Fendereran322: "cel" is a table, not a database
12:55.23wasanzyI have added this ${CSV_QUOTE(${CDR(dstchannel)})} but the same ouput
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12:59.54eran322how i dump it to file?
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13:00.09eran322mysqldump --all-databases
13:00.48[TK]D-Fendereran322: I asked for a TABLE LIST
13:00.54[TK]D-Fendereran322: "show tables;"
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13:03.24[TK]D-Fendereran322: yup, no queue long in there
13:03.47[TK]D-Fendereran322: So if you want * to do this "live" you'll have to configure logging to your DB.  Go read the book for that.
13:04.26[TK]D-Fendereran322: To just get your current log in there, just convert the text file from "|" as a delimiter to "," and upload the CSV
13:06.53eran322how can i do that the queue log get in the database?
13:07.03eran322is there any module that do it?
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13:08.06RicoI have a problem with sendfax :
13:08.14Ricoanyone can tell me what's wrong ?
13:10.51[TK]D-Fendereran322: I just told you to change the delimiter so that it's CSV.  There are tons of guides showing how to import that into a table
13:10.57[TK]D-FenderErAnd has nothing to do with Asterisk
13:11.38[TK]D-FenderRico: [Apr 23 15:04:40] ERROR[11089]: res_fax.c:2121 sendfax_exec: 'modems' setting 'V17,V27,V29' is incompatible with 'minrate' setting 2400
13:11.53[TK]D-FenderRico: Pretty clear as to what it's complaining about...
13:12.03Ricominrate is set to 4800 in res_fax.conf...
13:12.14Ricoas shown in pastebin
13:13.12Ricoif I set "modems=v29" it seems to pass
13:13.30Ricoif I set "modems=v29,v27,v17" : same error
13:14.45[TK]D-FenderRico: And V.27 alone?
13:14.58[TK]D-FenderRico: I'd enable debug and confirm what the other side is asking for as well..
13:14.59Ricomodule was not loaded with modems=v29 only :
13:15.07Rico[Apr 23 15:14:37] ERROR[11256]: res_fax.c:2754 set_config: 'modems' setting 'V29' is incompatible with 'minrate' setting 4800
13:15.11Ricolet me try with v27
13:15.37[TK]D-FenderRico: V.27 is the only one that supports 2400
13:16.38Rico[Apr 23 15:15:30] ERROR[11261]: res_fax.c:2761 set_config: 'modems' setting 'V27' is incompatible with 'maxrate' setting 14400
13:17.00eran322can i tell asterisk to execute php file when miss call in queue?
13:17.03Rico[TK]D-Fender:  I don"'t have this problem on asterisk 1.8.26
13:18.21[TK]D-Fendereran322: Since you're using FreePBX your only option is to make a program that monitors the AMI events for it.
13:19.05[TK]D-FenderRico: Same configs = no isuue?
13:19.13Rico[TK]D-Fender:  yes
13:19.27Ricono issue when using sendfax, no error when loading module
13:19.41wasanzythe funny thing is that, for other calls, the cdr is printing all the coulumns :  """8187325958"" <8187325958>","8187325958","s","voicemenu-thankyou","SIP/","","Hangup","","2015-04-23 13:18:48","2015-04-23 13:18:55","2015-04-23 13:19:16","28","21","ANSWERED","DOCUMENTATION","","1429795128.19665",""
13:19.44[TK]D-FenderRico: Well so far it's either roll-back to a lower version that works, or remove V.27 from the list
13:20.03Ricoor open a bug report on jira
13:20.04eran322i know hot to use in ami. what is the event the those missed calls?
13:20.17[TK]D-Fendereran322: Tim to read...
13:20.19infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 4th Edition (ISBN 1-4493-3242-0) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and a version is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
13:20.32[TK]D-Fendereran322: Or use the official Asterisk WIKI
13:21.12wasanzy[TK]D-Fender: I picked configurations from the book
13:21.25wasanzyI already have a pdf version
13:21.40[TK]D-Fenderwasanzy: That wasn't for you....
13:22.29wasanzyam posting my obd call file, maybe it could be the reason
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13:23.21Rico[TK]D-Fender:  if I'm using T38, does modem type has an importance ?
13:23.54[TK]D-FenderRico: Not sure, but I have a feeling it should be "no".
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13:32.48[TK]D-Fendereran322: You have ONE other option : configure * to directly log to MySQL and execute a stored procedure on an ADD for the appropriate kind of record
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13:33.45[TK]D-Fendereran322: Would probably be easier that dealing with an AMI monitoring script
13:33.46wasanzymy call file
13:34.29wasanzyso +2349096852432 should be seen in the cdr as destination
13:34.37wasanzybut it is not.
13:35.36[TK]D-Fenderwasanzy: In the first PB you gave us it was START <-
13:35.38[TK]D-Fenderwasanzy: Extension: start
13:35.59[TK]D-Fenderwasanzy: dst is the DIALPLAN destination, not a bridged channel
13:37.23wasanzy[TK]D-Fender: oh ok. now I understand better. so how do I get the bridged channel? because I tried ${CSV_QUOTE(${CDR(dstchannel)})} but it didn't show
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13:37.41[TK]D-Fenderwasanzy: Where do we see it actually Dial anything?
13:38.16wasanzy[TK]D-Fender: I don't understand the question please
13:38.29[TK]D-Fenderwasanzy: voicemenu-thankyou <--- sounds like you are just doing other call processing, not dialing another party
13:38.47[TK]D-Fenderwasanzy: You don't get a dstchannel unless you DIAL something in your call processing
13:39.35wasanzythe OBD is dialing +2349096852432
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13:42.19wasanzyok I think I understand
13:43.00wasanzyI was reading this page to see if I can set a dial function in the call file but didn't find anything
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13:56.52[TK]D-Fenderwasanzy:There is no "dial function".  that channel is only if you DIAL somehting else once the channel is executing
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14:02.22eran322i cant undestand why there is no sample way to get missed calls, it is very basic needs
14:02.43[TK]D-Fendereran322: It would be simpler... if you weren't using FreePBX <-
14:03.11[TK]D-Fendereran322: And queues are not "basic", let alone scripts for when an agent doesn't answer
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14:06.52eran322i 3cx system its very simple
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14:14.56[TK]D-Fendereran322: You're welcome to go use it.  But if you want queues, then you'll have to get the paid PRO version
14:15.44[TK]D-Fendereran322: and I don't see anything as to what level of scripting hooks you are capable of doing.
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14:40.26eran322paid pro? of asterisk? i now using 3cx for some years but now i want to move to asterisk
14:40.46[TK]D-FenderEr3cx with call-center capabilities is only in their PRO version
14:40.51[TK]D-Fendereran322: 3cx with call-center capabilities is only in their PRO version
14:41.20[TK]D-FenderCall Center Features = Pro
14:41.48eran322i have it and paid for it
14:42.23[TK]D-FenderSo what caused you to start looking elsewhere?
14:42.29*** join/#asterisk kannan (~chatzilla@
14:42.35eran322but after i see the asterisk opsions like api, i want to move to it
14:43.17[TK]D-FenderGuess 3cx is as closed as it looks...
14:43.49[TK]D-FenderWell I gave you 2 options for getting what you want.  Neither is necessarily that hard
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14:44.47[TK]D-FenderAssuming you have some pretty nominal coding skills for AMI, or even basic admin skills for the stored procedure option
14:45.00eran322I need a quick fix for it for my bussness
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14:47.03[TK]D-FenderGo hire a consultant to do it for you then.
14:48.04infoboti guess hafc is hire a freaking consultant.  Look, if you're having difficulty understanding what you're doing and need a solution soon, you will be far better off hiring a competent consultant than continuing to pull your hair out.
14:48.08Qwellhey, it works
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15:07.11jeffspeffi'm trying to setup a new sip connection with a new provider. their instructions show to use a register command in sip.conf for inbound peer. can I just use the same information and acutally make a sip peer in my sip database? or will it not work like that?
15:10.06Qwelljeffspeff: realtime database?
15:10.32jeffspeffQwell, yes
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15:25.29jeffspeffQwell, can i just set the info up as a user or does it have to be a register string?
15:25.54QwellI don't recall how register strings get converted for realtime.
15:26.27jeffspeffok, but a register is the same as a user correct?
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15:32.47jeffspeffQwell, did this actually make it to a release?
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15:50.05mjordanjeffspeff: Qwell was never involved with that review
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15:51.00mjordanjeffspeff: and no, it never made it in. oej objected (although I'm not sure what e-mail was referred to there).
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15:51.02jeffspeffok, I don't know everybodies real names, wasn't sure. thanks
15:51.33mjordanjeffspeff: handles can make things confusing :-)
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15:52.13jeffspeffthat just got bookmarked!
15:53.06Qwellmjordan: that reminds me!  Simon has no name in that file
15:53.15jeffspeffmjordan, do you know if you can use a sip user in place of a register string or was that rejected proposal the attempt to accomplish such?
15:53.15mjordanQwell: Simon...?
15:53.15Qwellsimon.perreault <>
15:53.26mjordanQwell: interesting. I would have had to have gotten him in the Git migration
15:53.32mjordanconsults his local file
15:53.40filerefuses to answer
15:53.40Qwellhe's there, just has no name field
15:53.56mjordanyeah, I got him when I moved it over to GIt
15:54.09mjordanbut I had to reformat the file for gittness anyway
15:54.24mjordanof course, now that we have moved over to Git, that file is only so useful :-P
15:55.34filegit with the times
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17:34.22nnyhaving issues getting fail2ban to work with 1.11-cert6. This is my config files as well as output of /var/log/asterisk/security. Thoughts appreciated
17:35.29nnyoh.. wait
17:36.08nnymy ignore ip is, which is what that host falls under. Let me adjust
17:37.01nnyand.. fixed. Derp
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18:27.37mbowieMy * process dies a couple of times a day... which I'm trying to debug. I'm passing "-g" in the params to get a core, but it isn't producing one. Besides "make dont-optimize", is there anything else I need to do to shake out something I can debug from?
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18:31.00jeffspeffis there a way to specify a context for a register command? I see the last portion of the command has a /exten switch but I need to specify a context other than the default context specified under [general]
18:34.29[TK]D-Fenderjeffspeff: No such thing
18:34.46[TK]D-Fenderjeffspeff: Registration is registration.. when a call comes in it is matched against your peers & users
18:34.55Synthase_mbowie: Hopefully you're on a recent LTS release
18:37.14jeffspeff[TK]D-Fender, so, the extension I specify at the end of the register command doesn't have to be an exten in the default context, it can be any other peer specified in my sip realtime db?
18:38.59[TK]D-Fenderjeffspeff: that just tells the place you are registering to what they should send when contacting you back.
18:39.09[TK]D-Fenderjeffspeff: It will look based on the context of the matched peer
18:39.19[TK]D-Fenderjeffspeff: Assuming they even RESPECT that request
18:39.33mbowieThanks Synthase_. Pretty sure I've followed those to the T, but I'll go through them again and see if I'm mis-stepped. Cheers. :-)
18:39.39[TK]D-Fenderjeffspeff: it's the Contact: header in the register packet
18:41.34jeffspeffdoes it make sense to register and have an outound peer for the same provider?
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18:55.47[TK]D-Fenderjeffspeff: Of course
18:56.29jeffspeffi'm not familiar with the register setup. my other providers use a direct peer connection.
18:57.25jeffspeffto clarify my understanding... register is for inbound connection and then i would use a manually specified sip peer for outbound correct?
18:57.45[TK]D-Fenderwhat is "manually specified" supposed to mean?
18:57.52[TK]D-FenderRegistration just tells them where to send calls
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18:58.09jeffspeffa sip peer that i defined in sip.conf or sip rt db
18:58.17[TK]D-Fenderit doe not prove what auth they send with the call, or from which of their servers it will be coming from.
18:58.43[TK]D-FenderSince there is no such thing as "automatic", there is also no such thing as "manual" in this case
18:58.58[TK]D-FenderRegistration is completely separate from handling the incoming call
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19:11.49jeffspeff[TK]D-Fender, so if the extension specified at the end of my register command is 1234, where in extensions.conf does it try to find 1234?
19:12.15[TK]D-FenderWhen the call comes in * will attempt to MATCH it to your peers & users
19:12.26[TK]D-FenderWhoever it matches against will be whose context it looks in
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19:14.01jeffspeff[TK]D-Fender, so if i'm using the setup described here then i need to set the exten of the register command to nat_babytel and add a context to that peer. correct?
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19:19.10[TK]D-FenderYou seem to be overcomplicating this
19:19.22[TK]D-FenderRegister is 5000% separate from EVERYTHING else
19:19.44[TK]D-FenderThat only tells them where to contact you and what you want them to send as an exten
19:19.47[TK]D-FenderThat is all
19:20.01[TK]D-FenderWhen that call arrives * will amtch the caller against your peers and users
19:20.26[TK]D-FenderIf one of them DOES match then it will look for whatever extension they are ACTUALLY sending in whatever context that particular entry points to
19:20.31[TK]D-FenderThe End.
19:20.43Synthase_Registration is like me moving houses in real life, and then sending a letter to you with my new address so we can send letters.
19:21.11[TK]D-FenderSynthase_: Except that when that delivery arrives they may still ask for prrof of identity, etc.
19:21.37Synthase_Right, a certified letter that you have to sign for.
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19:22.55Synthase_We're obviously grossly oversimplifying this so the general concept comes across. Some people need a real world reference to visualize.
19:24.07[TK]D-FenderWell he alredy has peers defined, and a register as well...
19:24.13[TK]D-Fenderso he provided those
19:24.31[TK]D-FenderIt the inbound call MATCHES one of thos peers, then that is the conetxt the call will fall in
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19:58.33jeffspefflet's say my registration string ends with /1234. in my general settings in sip.conf i have context=void. when a call comes in from the provider i'm registering to, it tries to go to extension 1234 in the void context. without changing the void context defined in the general section of sip.conf, how can i get the call to go to extension 1234 in random_context ?
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20:00.17[TK]D-Fenderjeffspeff: If the call lands under the context specified by [general] then that should mean that it FAILED to match a peer if you had set a context differently for each.
20:01.48zekoZekojeffspeff: create a sip peer for your provider and set the default context for that peer there.
20:02.27zekoZekojeffspeff: if i understood, you only have a register line for your provider.
20:02.51[TK]D-Fenderhe doesn't
20:02.58[TK]D-Fenderhe has 2 peers
20:03.50[TK]D-Fenderjeffspeff: [nat_babytel] ; This context permits calls from babyTEL SBC <- you didn't set a context for this peer
20:04.03[TK]D-FenderOR the other
20:04.08[TK]D-FenderYou didn't specify one at all.
20:04.08jeffspeffI just added that it worked.
20:04.18[TK]D-FenderSo far the only thing we have to go on is [general]
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20:30.16[TK]D-Fenderpacks up to head home
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20:34.45seik0_Hi everyone!
20:35.25seik0_Does somebody know of any critical issues of running DAHDI (dynamic eth dahdi) in XEN virtual server?
20:35.56seik0_We have problem of hanging in asterisk, probalb in
20:36.15seik0_with pri_cpe signalling, if it matters
20:37.02seik0_so asterisk continues after hanging, for example "sip show peers" returns ok, but "core show channels" hangs the CLI
20:37.25seik0_and, of course, no incoming on dahdi (e1) after hanging
20:37.42seik0_(did not checked of SIP intercalling, though)
20:38.26WIMPyThat's the Redfone things?
20:38.28seik0_hanging may occure in 10 seconds after restart, of after an hour
20:38.45infobotrumour has it, collectdebug is a method of collecting logs allowing others help troubleshoot an issue.  Refer to
20:38.46seik0_no, not the Redfone
20:39.27seik0_I know about debug, for first I try to get to know maybe I am missing something simple
20:40.02seik0_because if it is case to debug we need to find another production asterisk
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20:40.40seik0_and one more thing: while not hang it looks dahdi misses some frames
20:40.50seik0_looks like yellow alarm on every channel for a moment
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20:41.04WIMPyHave you contacted your vendor about it?
20:41.27seik0_with 30 simultaneous channels it happens more often, but does not cause hanging more often though
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20:41.46seik0_not yet. As always, we try to find problem on our side first
20:42.06seik0_btw, which vendor?
20:42.09WIMPyWhat kind of thing is it you have?
20:42.13seik0_hardware? telco?
20:42.23j-fishfor the people who are using Vicidial here a question : i'm trying to dial directly from the softphone to a number but no matter what caller-id i put it shows up as unknown.
20:42.29WIMPyThe Interface you've got trouble with.
20:43.27seik0_DAHDI/dyn - Cronyx E1-to-ETH (don't remember model exactly) - ISDN/E1
20:44.25seik0_DAHDI/dyn via pure ethernet
20:44.26WIMPyNever heard of before.
20:44.55seik0_some Russian vendor
20:45.17WIMPyWhy did you buy in to that experiment?
20:45.39seik0_we are using one for years, but without xen virtualisation
20:46.36WIMPyDoesn't sound health if the virtualization has issues with 2mbit over ethernet.
20:47.18seik0_how to check if virtualisation is not the issue?
20:47.45WIMPyTheir english pages doen't work. :-(
20:47.50seik0_it maybe some hard to notice timing issues
20:48.09WIMPyCount frames with wireshark?
20:48.36seik0_will try
20:48.56seik0_it has English site map to the left ^.^
20:50.14WIMPyOh, yes, that works.
20:52.24seik0_while during day (and for today - months) peak it takes few second for asterisk to hand. Now it is night and I'm experimenting and it took 3 hours to hang
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20:53.15seik0_that's why I think that that may be XEN issue, when paraller servers are also under load
20:53.45WIMPyThe joys of shared hardware.
20:53.53WIMPyNot ideal for realtime applications.
20:54.00seik0_of course
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21:10.06marceloamorimguys, should I consider this error ? "Identifier 0, identifier_type 2 not found in identifier list"
21:10.22marceloamorimI use the app mysql to insert into table
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21:28.20seik0_WIMPy, btw, some pages are strangely English =)
21:28.59seik0_*may be correctly switched to English
21:29.29seik0_btw, that is a box we are successfully using for years
21:31.28WIMPyWell, they seem to have some interesting hardware, but manuals in Russian only are a bit of an issue.
21:37.10seik0_Does DAHDI dynamic natively supports UDP ?
21:39.26WIMPyFrom wwhat I read it doesn't use IP usually.
21:42.21seik0_some old patches said to add support for UDP:
21:42.46seik0_but likely they now need adoption
21:45.06seik0_not very old, though
21:49.18seik0_much easier to read in wiki:
21:54.09WIMPyThat looks both pretty old and specific to some other hardware I haven't heard of before.
21:59.05seik0_pretty old, yes
22:00.18seik0_main benefit of udp is to pass data over routers
22:00.46seik0_but i'm not sure if it is a good idea. at least mainly
22:00.55WIMPyWhich doesn't seem to be a good idea for the timing requirements.
22:01.34WIMPygets the impression that it would be best to use a dedicated link.
22:04.08seik0_here is 1 a.m., good time to call clients to say that we need dedicated link just right and just now =)
22:09.36WIMPyOr a good time to go to bed, wich is what I will do.
22:10.48seik0_me too
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22:33.15mrc3hey, anyone well versed in ao2_callback around?
22:37.11rmudgettmrc3: What do you need to know?
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22:38.09mrc3i'm having a hard time gdbugging xmpp_resource_immediate(), as it seems to return null all the time
22:38.28mrc3that leads to ASTERISK-23510
22:39.30mrc3rmudgett, ^^
22:40.28rmudgettxmpp_resource_immediate() is a callback function passed to ao2_callback().
22:41.31mrc3rmudgett, right. the null being returned is not from xmpp_resource_immediate() itself but from the callback after it evaluates the arguments and does its magic
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22:43.09rmudgettThe only two places that function is referenced is to get a resource out of the buddy->resource container.  Since the callback always returns a match that means the container is empty.
22:44.03rmudgettActually, the OBJ_NODATA flag says to not return any data matched so it will always be NULL.
22:44.46mrc3hmmm... i can try changing that flag and quickly test if that works
22:45.07rmudgettChange the flag passed to 0
22:45.18rmudgettThe code that is there is just wrong.
22:47.24mrc3dpkg-buildpackage will take 5 more minutes, let's see if that 0 helps
22:54.09mrc3alas, no joy: "Resource (null) of buddy [...] was not found."
22:55.31rmudgettWhatever "xmpp show buddies" shows for resource is what you can put for the resource parameter of JABBER_STATUS.
22:56.12mrc3rmudgett, the expectation is to use the bare jid instead
22:57.13mrc3i.e.: instead of, because there's a variety of xmpp clients used at the organization: some use gajim, i prefer psi+, then there's the ones on mac, and so on
22:57.40mrc3i'll give it another shot tomorrow
22:57.44mrc3rmudgett, thanks for the pointers!
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