IRC log for #asterisk on 20150420

00:06.48[TK]D-Fenderphix, "can barely hear" means one (or both) ends of your call doesn't have sane gain levels
00:18.47*** join/#asterisk muanang (~muanang@
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01:03.58*** join/#asterisk evil_gordita (
01:11.20*** join/#asterisk Iamnacho (
01:19.42*** join/#asterisk LemensTS (
01:21.01LemensTSHow does a multi-line polycom work when you put a call on hold? Does it use a line key for each call on held?
01:22.07[TK]D-FenderNo.  A line key does not gfet taken up at THAT point in the process.
01:22.18[TK]D-FenderIf a line key is used, it's from the moment a call is presented to the phone at all.
01:22.25[TK]D-FenderLong before you answer, or put them on hold
01:22.40[TK]D-FenderAnd as to how your line keys work... it depends how you configured them
01:23.17[TK]D-FenderI had an old IP301 that had 2 line-keys... but I only used ONE of them ... and that single line-key supported up to 5 simultaneous calls.
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07:12.32*** join/#asterisk Guest8893 (b92009fa@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
07:13.01Guest8893Looking in extensions.conf I see [public]\n include => from-voip
07:13.17Guest8893what exactly does this mean? Is the context from-voip included in the public context?
07:13.23Guest8893Cause I did not see it defined in sip.conf
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07:28.44r00fGuest8893, yes it is included
07:29.31r00fif it is not present, on dialplan reload you will see a warning that public tries to include non-existing context
07:30.16Guest8893r00f: you mean present in sip.conf?
07:30.29Guest8893Cause I receive no warning with dialplan reload
07:31.30*** join/#asterisk Ian_AU (
07:32.06Guest8893Or can context's be defined elsewhere?
07:34.13*** join/#asterisk cyford (
07:41.26Guest8893Also, can the cdr_mysql function write to two databases? Did not find this in the docs
07:41.57*** join/#asterisk drazoro (~drazoro@
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07:44.49kleszczGuest8893: i dont thins so, you can use replication
07:45.11Guest8893An option I wished to avoid, I'll solve it another way.
07:45.52kleszczhmm or maybe user cdr_odbc ?
07:46.34kleszczi never try, but maybe its possible
07:48.07kleszczyou know what i mean?
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08:01.42Guest8893kleszcz: Nah am good, got my way around it.
08:05.19kleszczso maybe you can tell me waht way you prefer to aroudn it ;)
08:16.54elitashello, how to register a number i sip.conf ?
08:17.29elitasregister => 'phone number'@server ?
08:18.13kleszczregister => user:password@server
08:19.06elitasregister => user:password@server:5060 port required ?
08:19.30kleszczif the port number is dfferent
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09:41.27elitasi got some errors with network when trying to register my acc
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10:24.00haribotecHello all, Linux 6.6  & Asterisk 11 newbie here looking for a little help / guidance. Can anybody give me some hints on how to solve the dependencies for an asterisk 11 install on centos 6.6 (libsqlite3x-devel and gmime22-devel). This shows when I run /usr/src/./install_prereq test
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10:35.24hariboteccan anybody tell me if this room is working ok, I have only seen my own question along side people entering & leaving messages
10:36.16zambachannel is ok
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10:36.37haribotecthanks zamba
10:36.57Chainsawharibotec: Yes, room is working fine. I can compile Asterisk from source, but I've not done so on RedHat/CentOS.
10:37.14Chainsawharibotec: Is there a #centos that you could ask on, now that you know what software packages you need?
10:37.43haribotecgreat idea thanks Chainsaw
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11:14.17*** join/#asterisk Freeaqingme (
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11:14.37FreeaqingmeHi folks. I was wondering how you guys monitor your asterisk installations
11:14.47FreeaqingmeAny ideas on how to verify all is sstill in working order?
11:15.13vjoshcan anyone help with ARI integrations?
11:15.40Freeaqingmevjosh, just ask hwatever questions you may have. If someone knows, you might just get the answers you're looking ofr
11:15.54vjoshok thanks
11:16.45vjoshSo I have build a stasis app in ruby which interacts with asterisk server. But my problem is I bridge both the channel when the call is picked up
11:17.12vjoshbut if its a wrong number or busy then it doesnt work
11:18.20vjoshso how do I pass the information to my incoming channel if other one is busy/wrong no etc
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11:37.51*** join/#asterisk Moggie (
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11:39.46MoggieHi, just to check that I understand this correctly. If Asterisk fetches SIP users from a database, it cannot support subscriptions, voicemail waiting notifications, or NAT keep alive to maintain registrations?
11:40.38MoggieI'm been reading various docs and may have confused myself slightly. If someone could please clarify, that would be great, thanks.
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12:11.37*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
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12:28.20skyroveRRHas anyone used chan_celliax module before?
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12:45.39skyroveRRIs there a way to interface cell phones with asterisk using only GSM? No SIP or mobile internet...
12:50.18[TK]D-FenderClarify "interface cellphones"
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12:53.23skyroveRRI'm trying to do the following: <SIP> -- <HOME_CELL_PHONE> -- <CELL_PHONE>; I have a spare cell phone that I don't use much, and it is AT compatible, I'd like to make and receive phone calls from the internet through that spare cell phone onto my actual phone, but without using VoIP. I came across chan_celliax, but I was unable to succeed at doing what I just said, is there some other way of doing it?
12:54.09skyroveRRI basically want to proxy all the calls through the home cell phone.
12:54.40[TK]D-FenderI don't see any service provider in there anywhere.. or Asterisk
12:55.15[TK]D-FenderDraw a proper and complete chain for your next example.
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12:56.19skyroveRR<internet> <----> <home_phone_with_internet enabled> <----> <current_phone_without_internet>..
12:56.53[TK]D-FenderStill vague about what is used for what, and where * sits in there...
12:57.09[TK]D-FenderAnd how they actually talk between each leg
12:58.29skyroveRRThe home phone is interfaced using a USB cable to the computer, so it's a basic modem, and the computer runs asterisk... I want asterisk to handle all the calls signalled by that phone.
12:58.33[TK]D-FenderI asked for a basic description from YOU.
12:58.40[TK]D-FenderNot some guide that may describe something else
12:59.34[TK]D-FenderI know of no method for using that over USB.
12:59.53[TK]D-FenderThree is chan_mobile for talking to a cellphone over BLUETOOTH
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13:00.58skyroveRR[TK]D-Fender: can it handle phone calls?
13:02.21skyroveRROR only sms?
13:03.16*** part/#asterisk mjordan (~mjordan@
13:06.36skyroveRR[TK]D-Fender: is chan_celliax supported anymore?
13:06.45[TK]D-FenderNo idea.
13:07.30[TK]D-FenderWhat does their site say?
13:07.43[TK]D-FenderBecause that isn't part of the actual * package
13:07.55skyroveRRTheir site is inactive since 2011..
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13:08.15skyroveRRBut their github page looks current.
13:08.54[TK]D-FenderTheir webpage times out
13:09.00[TK]D-FenderThat is old crap....
13:09.07[TK]D-Fenderchan_mobile <-
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14:14.58elitasafter sip reload i got message "chan_sip.c:32005 reload_config: Failed to bind to Address already in use"
14:15.06elitashow could i fix it ?
14:16.36*** join/#asterisk MadHatter42 (~MadHatter@unaffiliated/madhatter42)
14:17.01Chainsawelitas: That normally means you've got multiple Asterisk instances running.
14:17.08Chainsawelitas: Or you are competing with some other SIP daemon on the host, of course.
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14:25.55rexwin_[2015-04-20 10:24:53] NOTICE[25876]: res_pjsip/pjsip_distributor.c:250 log_unidentified_request: Request from '"rex" <sip:512@>' failed for '' (callid: ZTA2MmE0NjAyMmUwZGI0ZTk3MDRkMjI4OTdlNDAwYTE) - No matching endpoint found
14:26.16rexwin_I am getting when tring to register my softphone to freepbx server.
14:26.48eppigyI am Dave
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14:37.49[TK]D-Fendereppigy: You... are dave
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14:51.36ChkDigitI'm sorry Dave, I'm afraid I can't do that.
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15:10.18trurlChkDigit: open the pod bay doors!!1
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15:37.19nickaugustdoes anyone know how I disable the damn call waiting beep on a polycom 550? the docs show *71 for disabling on a per-call basis but I can't see how to make it permanent
15:37.58nickaugustI think most people use rollover lines I'm not sure why this is the default. and there's no setting I see in the web ui
15:38.21PHunterPolycom is weird compared to others. :/
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15:39.11PHunterAt least from what I have seen.
15:43.25PHuntercdr_mysql -> cdr_adaptive_odbc.. where do you specify the remote addr?
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15:51.26[TK]D-Fendernickaugust: Where do you see this?
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15:55.21qakhani have exts on polycome lines like line2 = 1002, line3 = 1003, line4 = 1004 etc.... when i need to dial an ext i just press line number. is there any way when any ext already on call that line number on my phone start blinking.
15:55.54qakhanlike if ext 1003 is on call then line 3 start blinking on my phone.
15:56.24[TK]D-FenderYou said you "have them" on your phone.  have them HOW?
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15:58.07qakhani want to see on my phone if an ext alreay on call before i call them
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15:59.15[TK]D-FenderYou said you already "have them" on your phone.
15:59.18[TK]D-FenderHave them HOW?
15:59.29anonymouz666watches [TK]D-Fender
15:59.47[TK]D-Fenderhands anonymouz666 a spoon
15:59.53qakhani added then as speed dial on polycom
16:00.39[TK]D-Fenderenable Buddy Watch on them, and have hints set up in the dialplan
16:01.11qakhanis buddy watch in asterisk or polycom phone?
16:01.18[TK]D-Fenderon the phone
16:04.05qakhanthanks [TK]D-Fender. i will check it
16:07.51anonymouz666netflix is studying to use https to secure the media streams
16:08.02anonymouz666what about admin's that caches the content?
16:08.03anonymouz666he he
16:09.07anonymouz666nice to know that freebsd is still rock solid and being heavily used by many sites
16:09.17anonymouz666my last contact with fbsd was in 2002/2003.
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16:45.32skyroveRRI'm trying to setup a minimal asterisk configuration, I can't get to the asterisk console for some reason, am I forgetting a console module? Here's my modules.conf file
16:45.46skyroveRRI'm using asterisk -c command.
16:47.06[TK]D-FenderskyroveRR: You have disabled autoload and you aren't loading enough to get anywhere
16:47.48skyroveRROk. I uncommented that line. Even then, I can't get a console.
16:48.16[TK]D-FenderYou also haven't shown us an ATTEMPT
16:48.30skyroveRRLet me paste the output.
16:51.07[TK]D-FenderError loading module '': /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/
16:51.11[TK]D-FenderYou are missing modules
16:51.16[TK]D-FenderYou have a messed up install
16:51.27[TK]D-FenderUnable to load config skinny.conf, Skinny disabled.
16:51.32[TK]D-FenderAnd missing configs
16:51.35[TK]D-FenderThis is just a mess
16:51.48skyroveRRI have
16:52.40[TK]D-FenderNot in the right state in the place it is looking
16:53.44tzafrirskyroveRR, for starters, you don't need all of those "noload" lines
16:53.50skyroveRRI'd just like to load the celliax module by getting the prompt.
16:54.02tzafrir(if you don't use autoload = yes)
16:54.52tzafrirWhat you miss are enough -v-s
16:55.08tzafrirasterisk -vc , maybe?
16:55.55[TK]D-Fender"I just" doesn't help.  * is reporting an inability to load modules.  Common regular ones.  Your install is broken
16:57.06skyroveRR[TK]D-Fender: which are the common ones?
16:57.25[TK]D-FenderThose channel driver modules it's failing to load
16:57.55[TK]D-FenderAnd you're missing a LOT of configs
16:58.15[TK]D-FenderThis is in "major screwup" territory
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17:02.54skyroveRRI took a complete backup of all the config files, let me restore them and let you guys know :)
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17:06.45babakHi, how to update asterisk 13.0 to13.1 ?
17:09.50[TK]D-Fendercompile.  Install over.
17:10.27skyroveRR[TK]D-Fender: ok. Restored the files. Got the command line :)
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17:42.08Kobazwhat's a good way to get the device name from a channel
17:42.18Kobazyou have say SIP/foo-bar-baz-000203ab
17:43.01Kobazin my own platform i have generated set vars on all the devices for convenience, so my sip realtime db generates a SetVar=ExtenDevice=SIP/foo-bar-baz
17:43.12Kobazbut i'm working on a pure-asterisk system that doesn't have my facnyness
17:45.44[TK]D-FenderYou can do that with the regular configs just the same...
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17:49.57Kobazi know you can do that in regular configs
17:50.08Kobazbut is there a way to not have to do a setvar on 5000 peers
17:50.21Kobazis there a channel function i don't know about, that'll get the base device name?
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18:13.57someone7SEND onyx47 I am around when you are, i'll look out for you in the #asterisk channel :-)
18:17.04Kobaz[TK]D-Fender: i guess i can add a function for it
18:17.29[TK]D-Fender"core show function SIPPEER"
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18:54.46Kobaz[TK]D-Fender: oh
18:54.58Kobaz[TK]D-Fender: you need to  know the peername, but that put me on the right track
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18:56.08[TK]D-Fenderyeah, that's where I was heading...
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19:19.35ChkDigitAre there any tricks to having presence hints move through an IAX2 trunk?
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20:15.21[TK]D-Fenderfunny they put that bar in the way that makes it especially hard for fat people to take the escalator as it suggests ;)
20:17.11MaliutaLapMaybe it's to prevent ram-raiding
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22:18.14maddawg2i thought you meant a bar that served booze :-(
22:18.20maddawg2i was like "This I have to see"
22:18.49maddawg2but those are there to prevent people from trying to take baby strollers up them
22:18.52maddawg2or wheelchairs
22:19.00maddawg2people actually try that shit and fall down all the time
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22:40.19LemensTSTKD-Fender: Ok, sorry just now replying on the line keys. Would I be able to use the polycom line keys as held lines with programming then? I never use hold, I am used to parking lots
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23:00.24[TK]D-FenderLemensTS, No.  They are not RESERVED to just indicate held calls
23:00.34[TK]D-FenderLemensTS, They arepresent CALL APPEARANCES
23:00.59[TK]D-Fenderthat means as status indicators of being forwarded, NOT inuse, on-call, etc
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23:05.59[TK]D-Fenderheads out for a bit
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23:14.30PHunterNOTICE[29063][C-000014dc]: res_rtp_asterisk.c:4367 ast_rtp_read: Unknown RTP codec 72 received from 'x.x.x.x:x'
23:14.50PHunterI know its low severity, but how would i go about solving that?
23:15.08PHunteronly 1 or 2 endpoints experience it.
23:15.14PHunterBehind NAT
23:16.03filewhat is there to solve?
23:16.27PHunterApparently the call is not making it to the endpoint due to lack of RTP connectivity after spamming that for 30 seconds.
23:17.27PHunterIll have to poke at their devices a bit tomorrow and see what their setup is like.
23:17.51PHunterI have 85 endpoints and only 1 or 2 at their location is experiencing that.
23:17.55*** part/#asterisk kharwell (kharwell@nat/digium/x-krpxcphtlwltjgeh)
23:18.33PHunterMaybe someone changed the media types..?
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