IRC log for #asterisk on 20150411

00:00.37*** join/#asterisk fstd_ (~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted)
00:00.49JeffC_NNAlmost worked TK, but Asterisk is too smart for my laziness: WARNING[23910]: loader.c:840 inspect_module: Module '' was not compiled with the same compile-time options as this version of Asterisk.
00:00.58JeffC_NNwill not be initialized as it may cause instability.
00:01.28[TK]D-FenderNot sure you were "lazy"
00:02.02[TK]D-Fenderthat's a mismatch in compile options.  like as though perhaps your primary install was off of packages and you tried to compile and hope they were done the same way
00:04.39JeffC_NNhmm. I showed you my version string above "built by root", and it's the same folder I compiled in last time.... not sure what's different
00:06.04JeffC_NNwhatever. after reboot of * it's fine :)
00:24.35*** join/#asterisk bkruse (~Adium@
00:41.38*** join/#asterisk almostworking (~almostwor@unaffiliated/almostworking)
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01:01.37*** join/#asterisk bmurt (
01:31.51*** join/#asterisk superscrat (
01:59.29*** join/#asterisk bmurt (
02:08.00*** join/#asterisk almostworking (~almostwor@unaffiliated/almostworking)
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03:01.09*** join/#asterisk bkruse (~Adium@
03:06.10*** join/#asterisk joecool (~joecool@no-sources/joecool)
03:11.05*** join/#asterisk superscrat (
03:15.12*** join/#asterisk darkbasic (
03:19.31*** join/#asterisk HidalgoRionda (~Hsilamot@
04:20.48*** join/#asterisk bipolar (
04:43.45*** join/#asterisk fstd (~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted)
05:00.07joakoI use IMAP voicemail and my antivirus adds a header to emails. Before that header is added everything works fine, but when that header is added Asterisk doesnt playback the message and gives an error: app_voicemail_imapstorage.c:8560 play_message: No origtime?! but when I go back to the message headers all the X-Asterisk-VM headers are present.
05:13.14*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
05:34.26*** join/#asterisk FunkyGMT (
05:34.28*** join/#asterisk Hsilamot (~Hsilamot@
05:36.52*** join/#asterisk Xadof (
07:16.54*** join/#asterisk joecool (~joecool@no-sources/joecool)
07:33.44*** join/#asterisk D30 (~D30@
07:33.52*** join/#asterisk davlefou (~davlefou@unaffiliated/davlefou)
07:37.45*** join/#asterisk Leseratte (~florian@2001:470:70bc::1)
07:59.33*** join/#asterisk D30 (~D30@
08:25.18*** join/#asterisk Draecos (
08:41.41*** join/#asterisk dontdieych (~a@
08:41.58*** join/#asterisk areski (
09:08.19dontdieychHello, I have question about patching ubuntu asterisk package with opus patch. Plz drop me any clue about this.
09:28.36*** join/#asterisk bobbymc456 (
09:29.03bobbymc456hi room, im getting this error for some reason and i believe its a ivpv6 issue
09:29.04bobbymc456ast_sockaddr_resolve: getaddrinfo("fd5c:f364:1e69::6185:e18e:ad4:5759", "(null)", ...): Address family for hostname not supported
09:29.35bobbymc456this is actually the set or errors that happen right after
09:30.38bobbymc456any help would be greatly apprichiated
09:38.22*** join/#asterisk F-G0z (
09:41.12F-G0zHello huys. I'm setting up asterisk with the IAX2 protocol, and since I build from source (before I installed the package manager version), asterisk does not longer answer. Wireshark capture requests, but there is no answer of my server. The console Asterisk does not show errors and neither connecting attempts. My firewall is disabled. What could be the reasons? Any ideas? :)
09:41.45robmalcore set verbose 10
09:42.03robmalAlso, install dahdi.
09:42.16*** join/#asterisk joako (~joako@opensuse/member/joak0)
09:44.03F-G0zVerbosity is already set to 10 and dahdi modules are loaded.
09:45.01F-G0zIsn't there a dahdi module that must be activitated in modules.conf for asterisk?
09:45.33bobbymc456anyone knows why im getting these errors?
09:45.49bobbymc456dahdi is its own process
09:45.50*** join/#asterisk darkbasic_ (
09:45.55bobbymc456and uses dahdi dummy if u have no hardware
09:46.16bobbymc456new version of dahdi has dummy build into it which uses the kernel as a timing device
09:48.17F-G0zDahdi dummy is one of the driver that need to be activated when I type make menuselect?
09:48.47robmalmodules show like dahdi
09:49.08robmalIf it's not there: module load blahblahblah
09:52.11bobbymc456its build in
09:52.23bobbymc456it auto loads if no hardware timing source is used
09:52.30bobbymc456at least on the latet version of dahdi
09:52.48bobbymc456dahdi_dummy does not exsist in the latest dahdi source
09:53.02bobbymc456but if it does try modprobe dahdi_dummy
09:56.12F-G0zsudo modprobe dahdi_dummy does not return error, so I must exist. On the other site when I type lsmod, dahdi_dummy is not among the loaded modules.
09:56.20F-G0zso it must exists*
09:58.29F-G0zWait, I'm just stupid. I executed the command on my local computer. lol
09:59.38F-G0zOk, in fact I was just confused, what I said before is still valid.
10:01.15*** join/#asterisk bobbymc4_ (
10:01.32F-G0zWhen I type: core show applications, MeetMe is returned. Since app_meetme use dahdi, dahdi should be well installed, right?
10:05.11ChannelZWhy do you care about DAHDI
10:10.26F-G0zI'm not familiar with asterisk at all. Otherwise I can desinstall asterisk, dahdi, delete all the config files and try again the procedure of installation.
10:12.07ChannelZI just scrolled back.. you said it "no longer answers", as if it did before?
10:12.50F-G0zYes, at the beginning I installed asterisk from the package manager.
10:13.02ChannelZAre you setup for IAX2 from your ITSP or something? Or what exactly are you testing with?
10:13.12F-G0zBut one module (app_meetme) was not installed so I builded from source.
10:14.08ChannelZMeetMe is for conferencing and it's old (deprecated I think), use ConfBridge instead
10:14.13F-G0zThis is particular, I test with fgcom that is supposed to implement the IAX2 protocol. I don't know how it works exactly.
10:15.07F-G0zIf i change to ConfBridge, I must change the code of the client, it's not what I want. And what is ITSP?
10:16.03F-G0zAh yes I see Internet Telephony Service Provider, no I don't use it all!
10:16.45ChannelZInternet Telephony Service Provider.  Asterisk is typically used for phone calls. I just looked up fgcom
10:18.59ChannelZHaving no idea how it works or what it does.. did you configure iax.conf, set up a peer?  Does "iax2 show peers" on the console do anything?
10:20.19F-G0zNo peers When I type iax2 show peers, normal I think since the server does not respond. And yes I configured iax.conf. I'll upload it on pastebin
10:21.24F-G0ziax.conf :
10:21.43*** join/#asterisk babak (uid19622@gateway/web/
10:22.09F-G0zmodules?conf :
10:23.16F-G0zextensions.conf :
10:24.08F-G0zfgcom.conf :
10:26.11F-G0zAnd the log when I reload :
10:27.20F-G0zI must go, I'll be back in 30min max, I stay connected. Thanks for trying to help me. :)
10:28.12ChannelZwell if 'iax2 set debug on' doesn't show anything when you attempt to make a call (or whatever it might be called) from your application, then you 've got some other network hiccup
10:29.46ChannelZyou can double-check asterisk is listening by doing 'netstat -alpn |grep asterisk' in a shell and see if it's bound to port 4569
10:30.02ChannelZunfortunately I must go to bed
10:34.56*** join/#asterisk linuxgeek (~linuxgeek@2a03:b0c0:2:d0::5f:2001)
10:35.47*** join/#asterisk CeBe (
10:41.29*** join/#asterisk infobot_ (
10:41.29*** topic/#asterisk is #asterisk The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- LTS: 13.3.2 (2015/04/08), 11.17.1 (2015/04/08), (2015/04/08); Standard: 12.8.2 (2015/04/08); DAHDI: DAHDI-linux 2.10.0 (2014/08/13), DAHDI-tools 2.10.0 (2014/08/13); libpri 1.4.15 (2014/06/16) -=- Asterisk wiki: -=- Code of Conduct: -=- Logs:
11:01.13F-G0zok, 'ias2 set debug on' shows nothing and asterisk is well bound to port 4569. I think I'll do a proper reinstall.
11:14.36*** join/#asterisk jasonwert (~jasonwert@
11:27.16*** join/#asterisk Draecos (
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12:00.28*** join/#asterisk fstd_ (~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted)
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12:26.38*** part/#asterisk F-G0z (
12:31.19*** join/#asterisk danjenkins (
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12:36.13*** join/#asterisk greenlanegreb (
12:37.41greenlanegrebHello all, I've whittled down my issues with neither of my softphones logging in to my server as an issue relating to Windows (somewhere along the lines) I need to rule out whether my dual boot of Fedora will cause the same problem, first I need a softphone and I'm not great with Linux :-) Any recommendations of one someone knows well :-)
12:52.24*** join/#asterisk bmurt (
12:55.37*** join/#asterisk darkbasic (
13:06.31*** join/#asterisk darkbasic (
13:12.28*** join/#asterisk D-Boy (~D-Boy@unaffiliated/cain)
13:17.42dontdieychgreenlanegreb, do you connect to server on same machine with softphone
13:21.20dontdieychQ: How can I find option name for `menuselect/menuselect --enable ??? menuselect.makeopts` without `make menuselect`?
13:23.06dontdieych`make menuselect` depends on `./configure`, and it needs so many *-dev pkgs to be installed. So I'm wondering is there another way to figure out optionn names.
13:35.03greenlanegrebdontdieych, no I don't sorry I didn't see you yet I'm having the devils own job grabbing Zoiper atm!
13:35.27greenlanegrebi downloaded it using GUI and can't navigate to it in command line to issue Sudo privileges
13:41.57*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
13:54.05dontdieychI tried with sflphone and linphone. Both worked well. But if you running asterisk on same machine, you should change softphones default port number. It confilcts with server.
13:56.35*** join/#asterisk Draecos (
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14:23.36greenlanegrebdontdieych, got past that, now it's on to the horrible, horrible issue i've had for the last year that it would make my week to sort out!
14:24.03greenlanegrebI know i'm going to need to do some pastebin stuff but my calls are dropping both coming in via the trunk and internally i'm getting no sound either way
14:24.26greenlanegrebcalls coming in via trunk do get sound both ways but drop after about a minute or two
14:26.35*** join/#asterisk CustosLimen (~CustosLim@unaffiliated/cust0slim3n)
14:33.46*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~joe@
14:37.13greenlanegrebHi [TK]D-Fender are you well?
14:41.19greenlanegrebHello peeps, open question, I have two audio issues, likely to be connected. The first is in respect of internal calls where i'm getting no audio either way and the call is dropping, the other is when calls come in off the trunk, I am getting audio both ways but the call is dropping. This is the sip debug where verbose is set to 10: I'd be grateful of your help in finding out and resolving what is wrong please?
14:45.43*** join/#asterisk mamal72 (~mamal@
14:46.32mamal72Hi. I've got a question. What's the differences between 'core show channels' and 'sip show channels'?
14:47.15doopfirst shows all channels, second shows only sip channels
14:47.49WIMPymamal72: core.. shows all open channes, sip... shows only challes of chan_sip. And the details differ as well.
14:48.24mamal72Ty. I've a sip channel in 'sip show channels' that I don't recognize. Actually it's not from my asterisk server. What's this channel?
14:48.53mamal72I'm using a SIP provider which is very bad in support and I'm suspected about them...
14:48.57WIMPySip channel don't have to be voice channels.
14:49.54WIMPyYou will also see other dialogs there if you look ate the right moment, like registrations, subscriptions, like MWI or even qualifies.
14:50.15[TK]D-Fender"sip show channels" shows every recent COMM period.  Not just active VOICE channels
14:51.25mamal72Should I see the channels on the main SIP provider? I mean, it's weird. This channel is connected to a local phone number in my country. :/
14:51.57mamal72I think they are using my SIP account. Can it be this?
14:52.13mamal72+ The peer IP is their IP too.
14:52.35WIMPyThere are tons of bots out there scanning for SIP devices they can abuse.
14:52.48WIMPyBut your description is rather vague.
14:53.13[TK]D-Fendergreenlanegreb, Got me off /ignore today, do you beanie?
14:53.13WIMPyWhat does "see the thannel on the main SIP provider" even mean?
14:54.07mamal72Hm.. Something like their own channels (Which does not make sense)
14:54.07[TK]D-Fendermamal72, "channel" means an actual voice comm IN PROGRESS
14:54.27[TK]D-Fendermamal72, Do not mix up the terms "registration", "peer", and "channel"
14:55.31mamal72[TK]D-Fender: I think I understand their diff.
14:56.26mamal72Depending on IP which is their and the channel phone number (Local mobile number), I think they are abusing.
14:56.36[TK]D-Fender<mamal72> Ty. I've a sip channel in 'sip show channels' that I don't recognize. Actually it's not from my asterisk server. What's this channel? <- you haven't shown us anything... we don't know what it says   09182855988      56f0d4d84xxxfb5  0x0 (nothing)    No       Tx: ACK                    4030
14:57.46mamal72It's the channel I suspect. Their IP with a local mobile number.
14:57.53WIMPyNo CODEC, no call.
14:58.10[TK]D-Fenderlooks like the ending comm of their last attempt
14:58.27[TK]D-Fender"sip set debug on" <- look if they are still trying to do something with you
14:58.50drmessanoI hate shady providers that try to protocol you
14:59.30mamal72Yes they are still sending requests :|
15:00.12mamal72I told them about these problems. They asked me money to check server. :|
15:00.36[TK]D-Fendermamal72, What kind?
15:00.39*** join/#asterisk mjordan (mjordan@nat/digium/x-cvkzneqoilbswexr)
15:00.39*** mode/#asterisk [+o mjordan] by ChanServ
15:00.46mamal72Even when their server is down, they say "No U have the problem! In our side, everything is OK!"
15:05.19*** join/#asterisk riess82 (
15:05.20mamal72[TK]D-Fender, This is what I saw at log.
15:05.51mamal72? :-s
15:06.00[TK]D-FenderWhose IP is that ?
15:06.11mamal72From IP is their
15:06.11[TK]D-FenderAlso this ios YOUR server responding to an OPTIONS request.
15:06.34[TK]D-Fender<--- Transmitting (NAT) to --->
15:06.38[TK]D-FenderWhose is THIS?
15:06.51mamal72It's their
15:06.59mamal72And the is ours.
15:06.59[TK]D-FenderWhy are you masking someone who you says is attacking your server?
15:08.17mamal72[TK]D-Fender, I don't get it. Can U explain?
15:08.21drmessanoInnocent until hands chopped off?
15:08.56[TK]D-Fendermamal72, you said that some unrecognized channel was "abusing" you.  Why are you hiding their IP in your debug?
15:09.13[TK]D-Fendermamal72, And you are showing your server's ANSWER to their request and not even the request they sent you
15:09.41mamal72What should I show U? I just hided IPs and SIP user. :-?
15:09.51mamal72U need their IP? :D
15:10.17mamal72Let me find req.
15:11.04[TK]D-Fendermamal72, Why are you protecting THEM?  They are the ENEMY.  When you start masking we're all here thinking you are hiding YOUR IP's
15:11.42mamal72Sry. I always consider being good with anyone. Even the bad ones...
15:14.43*** join/#asterisk sgriepentrog (
15:14.43greenlanegreb[TK]D-Fender, yes I do, you were bombarding me with things I hadn't done without recognising that I didn't know how to do them, I got further forward with a calmer approach, rather than to get wound up or fall out with you, yes, I put you on ignore to be frank, yes - since you asked. I did try and make peace with you earlier.
15:16.36[TK]D-Fendergreenlanegreb, You told me I never asked for anything.  I gave a very specific list, several times.  If you don't know how, it was on you to say.  Then again you said your client side was Windows and you know how to manage that well.  This kills the credibility of your claim to knowledge.
15:16.58[TK]D-Fendergreenlanegreb, And then even if you didn't know how, you didn't say so, you didn't ask, and you showed nothing.
15:18.03greenlanegreb[TK]D-Fender, you can be very impatient, yes, you are incredibly skilled and you have a gift but I don't think you have any idea how your bluntness and impatience can really come across quite hurtfully. I'm not going to get in to another row over what I know and what I don't know and that's an example of what I've just said..ok?
15:18.16[TK]D-Fendergreenlanegreb, Your unwillingess to simply say "I don't know how" isn't anyone else's problem.
15:18.49greenlanegrebi'm just going to revert to what i've said above :-) I'm sorry for any confusion on my part - we do sometimes speak at cross purposes.
15:19.33greenlanegrebAnd, thank you for your help in the past
15:19.45drmessanoIf you dont know how to do something and continually ignore requests for information rather than saying "How?"  or "I dont know", you appear stubborn or unwilling to work to resolve your own issue.
15:20.18[TK]D-Fendergreenlanegreb, You played "secret squirrel" to the bitter end and hsilamot also confirmed after another hour or more with him that you even had the IP wrong in your client even though you assured us a dozen times "I did everything right".  You refused to show us and wasted everyone's time.
15:21.10drmessanoThe onus falls back on you as the requester of the information.  If you cant ask how to do something, youre making it difficult/impossible for the helper and worse, appearing as a help vampire
15:21.14[TK]D-Fendergreenlanegreb, Also shortly after you apparently put me on ignore I got direct proof MYSELF that your server was fine but had blocked of even the chance at getting this knowledge.  My effort was wasted
15:21.49greenlanegreb[TK]D-Fender, well that's not true, the I changed the IP for security and, as Hsilamot will confirm, it was a Windows issue
15:22.03greenlanegrebI knew what the IP was and I knew it wasn't relevant
15:22.22[TK]D-FenderYou fought tooth and nail to show as little as humanly possible.
15:22.37[TK]D-FenderI suppose I should care accordingly.
15:23.23drmessanogreenlanegreb, you can't decide what is and isn't relevant when asking for online help.  If you had the answer, you wouldnt be here.   You should examine rules of etiquette for making online help requests.   The second YOU decide "You dont need that.. thats not the problem", YOU become the aggressor
15:23.32greenlanegreb[TK]D-Fender, you hadn't said you were looking into that but thanks for doing it. The issue is far from resolved, i've just gone and installed Zoiper with some difficulty in Fedora which I've got as a dual boot
15:23.49greenlanegreband at least it connects to the server, Windows does seem to be the problem
15:24.23greenlanegrebor at least my install of Windows which is knackered and I can't do a reinstall due to a feud between Asus and Microsoft where the 8.1 update destroyed the backup partition
15:24.52greenlanegreband Windows want me to purchase a new version!
15:25.02mamal72[TK]D-Fender, Sry again.. Is it their request? Actually, I'm a little new in VoIP and Asterisk and does not know a lot. :(
15:25.16greenlanegrebsorry mamal72 our convo is flooding the room
15:25.43WIMPymamal72: Yes, and they are only checking if you are reachable.
15:25.49mamal72greenlanegreb, NP man. I always enjoy reading others conv. <3
15:26.02mamal72WIMPy, Oops. What should I do now?
15:26.14WIMPymamal72: Nothing.
15:26.35[TK]D-Fendermamal72, I take it "dtsw" isn't a name you recognize?  This is an unusual thing to see hitting your server like that "OPTIONS"
15:27.01[TK]D-Fendermamal72, Most attacks are direct authentication requests like registration ro calls
15:28.36mamal72"dtsw"? No I don't. Can U give me a little more info. Actually I'd like to learn this topic. What's that "OPTIONS"?
15:28.53mamal72So my VoIP provider is attacking me?! :/
15:28.57[TK]D-Fendermamal72, look at the packert you just gave us
15:29.03[TK]D-Fendermamal72, is that your PROVIDER?
15:29.17mamal72Yes -_-
15:29.25mamal72That's their IP. -_-
15:29.27WIMPymamal72: >> they are only checking if you are reachable.
15:29.28[TK]D-Fendermamal72, You are not being clear about WHO this person is.
15:29.47[TK]D-FenderIf that is your provider then they are jsut checking to see if your server is STILL THERE
15:30.05[TK]D-FenderAnd isn't "abuse", or an "attack"
15:30.36mamal72[TK]D-Fender, Yes that's my Provider. So what about that channel?
15:30.48mamal72Can I debug only those packets?
15:30.56[TK]D-Fenderthat is just a trace of this OPTIONS request
15:31.07[TK]D-FenderOr is that something else entirely?
15:31.25[TK]D-FenderI can't tell if you are talking about 2 entirely different things at this point.
15:31.59mamal72[TK]D-Fender, This is result of executing "sip show debug on" and copying the requests which are from their IP.
15:32.26[TK]D-FenderYou say "they", and you are not using NAMES.
15:32.46mamal72It's local man. I'm living in Iran. They name is Dourantel.
15:32.52[TK]D-Fenderare we talking about just ONE person, and that is your PROVIDER?
15:33.21[TK]D-FenderI can't tell if you were talking about two DIFFERENT things communicating with your server
15:34.10mamal72It's a small to normal company which gives me a SIP user with 5 channels.
15:34.18[TK]D-FenderYou are not answering my question
15:34.45[TK]D-FenderAre ALL of these SIP comms we're talking about ONLY from, and concerning, your SIP provider?
15:35.15mamal72Yes. All of that is about them.
15:35.32[TK]D-FenderFine, then it is perfectly normal
15:35.49[TK]D-Fender<[TK]D-Fender> If that is your provider then they are jsut checking to see if your server is STILL THERE
15:35.49[TK]D-Fender<[TK]D-Fender> And isn't "abuse", or an "attack"
15:36.21mamal72And again (and sry -_-)... the channel? Is that normal too?
15:36.35[TK]D-Fenderthat is the leftovers of the OPTIONS request
15:36.39[TK]D-Fenderit is not a call.
15:36.58mamal72And no codec, no call, right?
15:37.26mamal72Thank you so much. You and the others were very helpful.
15:37.30[TK]D-Fenderno "voice" anyway
15:37.37drmessanoI wasnt helpful at all
15:37.38mamal72Sry about being such dumb. -_-
15:38.24mamal72How not? You were answering me all the time.. Ty man..
15:38.42mamal72And one more thing! Can I get my channel limit count?
15:40.44[TK]D-FenderAsk your provider
15:40.55[TK]D-FenderOr place a lto of calls and see if they start rejecting you
15:41.18mamal72Hm.. Makes sense. Ty again. Good luck. ^^
15:46.15*** join/#asterisk konu (
15:48.22konuI want to use the Monitor application documented here: I cannot find information on allowed values for the file_format input argument.
15:51.45[TK]D-Fenderkonu, "core show modules like codec"
15:52.09[TK]D-Fenderkonu, Any format * can transcode.  wav, WAV, gsm, ulaw, etc....
15:53.29konu[TK]D-Fender: Thank you. "core show modules like codec" seems to give an error.
15:54.18[TK]D-Fender"module show like codec"
15:54.25[TK]D-FenderForgot the syntax change.....
15:56.08[TK]D-FenderYou'll see samples of this in other places that record a file, ie: voicemail.conf.sample
15:56.27greenlanegrebI've got issues with internal calls and external calls coming in via SIP Trunk. With the SIP Trunk, there is sound but the calls are dropping within a minute or two, with internal calls there is no sound and they are subsequently dropping. This is the sip debug which I believe is better being read from the bottom -
15:56.34greenlanegrebthanks :-)
15:58.01konu[TK]D-Fender: "module show like codec" works. It prints lines such as: " A-law and Mulaw direct Coder/Decoder", etc.
15:59.07konu[TK]D-Fender: wav and WAV don't seem to be listed, but maybe they are included by default.
16:00.17[TK]D-Fenderthose are under "format", not "codec"
16:00.23WIMPy'core show file formats'
16:00.55[TK]D-FenderWIMPy, THAT ... I had never seen before!
16:01.35WIMPyfeels like king of the day, telling the fender something new ;-)
16:02.59[TK]D-FenderWIMPy, It isn't every day, but it isn't "blue moon" material either :)
16:03.40konuWIMPy: I will add 'core show file formats' to my notes on how to use the Monitor command. Thank you!
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16:04.11[TK]D-FenderWIMPy, I am inlikely to ever reach your level of awareness around BRI/PRI :)
16:12.33drmessanoEspecially BRI
16:12.58drmessanoTrips me out that BRI is such a specialized application here and across the pond it's so common
16:14.49drmessanoLike, we had BRI (or as we generically refer to it, ISDN) for 112k internet circuits years ago, and then I ran into it in broadcast for multiple audio paths
16:15.33drmessanoBut even that's being retired.  AT&T shoves a BRI fake-out box on a piece of fiber and calls it a duck
16:15.57drmessano"Yes, thats the same thing as a duck.. No, its not a chicken with a nose glued on.. it's a duck"
16:16.52drmessanoAnyone here have good apache foo?
16:17.26drmessanoTrying to do something that may or may not make sense on a box I built running FreePBX and some other things
16:18.00drmessanoThis is how much I really know about apache ---> 80
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16:32.56WIMPydrmessano: Why do you make a difference between BRI and PRI? :-)
16:36.17MaliutaLapdrmessano: my apache foo is pretty good, what do you need?
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16:36.49MaliutaLapWIMPy: one starts with a "B", and the other with a "P" :P
16:37.25WIMPyTrue. And that's already a big part of the difference :-)
16:37.54MaliutaLapdrmessano: AT&T aren't using the Monty Python reference to ducks and witches burning?
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16:49.53[TK]D-FenderI got better!
16:51.32MaliutaLap[TK]D-Fender is oppressing me, come and see the violence inherent in the system!
16:51.56MaliutaLap[TK]D-Fender: how'd you get that job then?
16:53.28[TK]D-FenderStrange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government!
16:55.04tuxd00dApparently I don’t have my compiling mojo today.  I can’t seem to make libsrtp 1.5.2 play nice with certified-asterisk-13.1-cert2.  Even when libsrtp is compiled with CFLAGS=-fPIC, Asterisk still complains “checking for srtp_init in -lsrtp... no” and “checking for srtp_shutdown in -lsrtp... no”.
16:56.07mjordantuxd00d: do you have the development package installed?
16:56.41tuxd00dmjordan: build-essentials?
16:57.15tuxd00dmjordan: oh, for libsrtp?
16:57.31mjordanhonestly, I'd use the SRTP library on github
16:57.40mjordansince they've fixed some things that could charitably be called security vulnerabilities
16:57.56mjordanand I'm not sure what version those went in, or if the packages have them
16:58.18MaliutaLapWe're an anarcho-syndicalist commune. We take it in turns to be a sort of executive officer for the week ...
17:00.48tuxd00dmjordan: I grabbed it from
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17:15.47tuxd00dmjordan: is cisco’s github repository the one I should be using?  certified-asterisk-13.1-cert2/contrib/scripts/install_prereq pulls it from there.
17:19.51eirirscisco? skinny sccp + asterisk?
17:20.25drmessanoCisco "owns" it
17:20.47drmessanoI wonder if thats my Asterisk 13 issue
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17:25.26mjordanyes, Cisco created libsrtp.
17:25.54WIMPyThe follow-up to Cisco challenges networkingL
17:26.03WIMPyCisco challenged telephony.
17:27.21tuxd00dmjordan: drmessano: I did “make shared_library” on libsrtp.  I think that worked.  I found the option in the Makefile.  Asterisk configured with it.
17:28.59drmessanotuxd00d, i'm using the package in Ubuntu.. Built a new box and tried something different.  Asterisk build it, but I think something is awry
17:30.29tuxd00ddrmessano: I’m using Ubuntu Server 14.04.2… the package didn’t work for me… but I forgot why.
17:46.54tuxd00ddrmessano: mjordan: Thanks Matt and Danny.  It compiled.
17:52.36tuxd00dAre there preferred STUN and TURN servers?
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18:06.41drmessanotuxd00d, I want to say CounterPath offers theirs for public use
18:09.01drmessanotuxd00d, defintiely
18:11.18[TK]D-FenderI've never seen a need for it
18:11.20tuxd00ddrmessano: I was planning to operate my own.  Any particular one that is popular?
18:11.27[TK]D-FenderAnd several where it jsut screws you over
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18:12.19tuxd00dI’m having one way audio issues now… working fine for years… then I can’t hear when I call out.
18:16.44tuxd00ddrmessano: I just switched over to and now I have two way audio. :)
18:17.18tuxd00dI’d still like to run them in-house though.
18:18.06drmessanoBut if you can't reliably determine your IP address programmatically then how can you run a stun server?
18:18.33drmessanoIf your server isn't happy you can't just install a stun daemon to tell it lies
18:18.52tuxd00ddrmessano: Sever is located in a data center
18:19.17drmessanoWould it be on the same box?
18:19.23drmessanoOr same data center?
18:20.27tuxd00dIt’s the phones in the wild, behind nasty NATs, that are the problem.
18:21.10drmessanoYou added stun to the endpoint and resolved the issue?
18:21.22tuxd00dyes sir
18:21.33drmessanoOk. That makes more sense
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18:35.34drmessanotuxd00d, stunman sounds cool
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19:45.18greenlanegrebwell i've resolved the connectivity issues by setting the ip to public for some odd reason that worked even though the ip is static
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