IRC log for #asterisk on 20150410

00:10.56*** join/#asterisk SpeedEvil (~quassel@tor/regular/SpeedEvil)
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02:34.40*** join/#asterisk MaliutaLap (nikolai@unaffiliated/maliuta)
03:11.11*** join/#asterisk greenlanegreb (
03:11.58greenlanegrebhello, when supplying screendumps from sip debug, what information needs to be included and what should I be looking for to make sure all of the relevant information is grabbed?
03:13.29WIMPyThe relevant information. Whatever that is for whatever you're trying to get help with.
03:13.33infobotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
03:15.22greenlanegrebI can't make calls - I am attempting to route calls through my server (the server is inside my home network) outside of it
03:18.08[TK]D-FenderWhat point does it fail at?
03:18.29WIMPyWhat do you use to make calls?
03:19.06greenlanegrebwell, I've just been having a look and neither Phonerlite or Portsip will connect at all atm, they did before
03:19.29greenlanegreb503 error
03:19.39greenlanegrebaccording to Portsip
03:24.39*** join/#asterisk bmurt (
03:27.54*** part/#asterisk monsterco (463336af@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
03:32.33[TK]D-FenderDetails would help...
03:32.39[TK]D-Fenderwhere is the phone relative to your server?
03:32.55[TK]D-Fender"sip set debug on" ,- See any traffic?
03:33.00[TK]D-FenderChecked firewalls?
03:34.35MaliutaLappasses [TK]D-Fender some multi-path routing
03:38.03*** join/#asterisk fstd (~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted)
03:57.45greenlanegrebsoftphone outside of internet network of the server, no traffic recognitio on SIP Debug, checked antivirus and firewall in Windows on client laptop
03:57.53greenlanegreb503 - transport error
03:57.58greenlanegrebclient side
03:58.31greenlanegrebinternal network*
04:07.44greenlanegrebany idea?
04:08.01greenlanegrebno transports left to try
04:12.34*** join/#asterisk Hsilamot (~Hsilamot@
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10:34.44Hsilamothi, anyone here has configured asterisk to run on a port different from 5060? trough TCP, SIP
10:42.57*** join/#asterisk Ice_Strike2 (
10:43.19Ice_Strike2To setup like a Cloud Technology for hosted Asterisks
10:43.36Ice_Strike2What kind of technology can that be done
10:43.53Ice_Strike2vmware like of mulitple ESXi?
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11:31.49ZettenI think this is more dahdi/pri than asterisk, but I'm a complete novice with telephony, so maybe someone here can at least point me in the right direction
11:31.49ZettenWhat could be causing an issue where incoming calls are rejected (unknown number_ when a number is dialed off-hook (i.e. from a dialtone) but succeed when dialed on-hook (i.e. digits dialed as a block)?
11:32.57ZettenFrom my limited debugging ability it seems like PRI is receiving a truncated version of the full number in the off-hook situation, like it's trying to connect too early, e.g. _112204 instead of _11220456
11:45.04*** join/#asterisk Zetten (
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11:57.12steelbrainAnyone up?
11:57.53steelbrainI am quite new to asterisk, and I have just finished creating my callshop, is there a way to check the balance and proceed only if the balance is more than 0, in dialplan extensions?
11:58.52WIMPyZetten: It is both a dahdi and an Asterisk question. You need to take care of overlap dialling in either of them.
11:59.48*** join/#asterisk gusto (
12:01.03ZettenWIMPy: overlap dialing is enabled in chan_dahdi.conf, with no effect
12:02.19WIMPyThe "Immediate"s are important. If set to yes, it has to be done by Asterisk.
12:02.42Hsilamotanyone here has configured asterisk to run on a port different from 5060? trough TCP, SIP
12:04.18infobot"Does anyone have X or use Y?" is taking a poll, not asking a valid question. Don't do it or our army of rabid weasels will hurt you. Usually, people other than those with the exact same set up can help you and those who have sometimes will not be able to help you. Also see <ask>
12:05.34Hsilamotit's not really a poll
12:05.42*** join/#asterisk areski (
12:05.48Hsilamoti need to know if the problem i have is a bug or a config issue
12:08.38*** join/#asterisk sgriepentrog (sgriepentr@nat/digium/x-avgtgrruvdrxteib)
12:09.14ZettenWIMPy: so how would overlaps be handled in Asterisk? the dialplan for incoming calls is pretty simple at the moment:
12:09.47WIMPyIn Asterisk, you use the WaitExten application.
12:10.52WIMPyIt's probably easier to leave it to the driver.
12:11.08Hsilamotwhere should i go to find knowledge or experience on asterisk? besides the normal "google it" channels, since it seems this is not a common issue
12:11.21WIMPyBut the last time, I tried it, I failed to find a combination that worked in all possible cases.
12:11.49*** join/#asterisk danjenkins_ (
12:11.52WIMPyHsilamot: We're still waiting on your description of the problem.
12:12.40Hsilamotwell, i have asterisk listening on TCP port 6506 and same UDP, with internal network
12:13.21HsilamotWhen i make a call in the intranet everything works neatly, but when the call is perfomed on the WAN side, the SIP connection gets broken and the control over the call is lost
12:13.29Hsilamotmeaning, no hold, no transfer, no end the call
12:13.50Hsilamotwhen the remote phone ends the call, the PBX does not know it and ends if after 31 s because of RTP timeout
12:13.51*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
12:14.16ZettenWIMPy: thanks very much, I'll give immediate=no a try in my next test window shortly
12:14.26Hsilamotafter debbuging the SIP packets i found that Asterisk is sending a Contact header
12:14.34Hsilamotwith the port 5060 in it
12:14.55Hsilamotand if i map the port WAN:5060 to PBX:6506 everything works
12:15.36Hsilamotthe fact is that the pbx is telling the phone to change the communication port to another one which isn't even open, or shouldn't
12:19.34*** join/#asterisk CustosLimen (~CustosLim@unaffiliated/cust0slim3n)
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12:24.09WIMPyHsilamot: I might even have read about that one before. Do you use a current version? Otherwise you can always check for bugs.
12:25.29Hsilamoti have not found any issues with the Contact header so far, i think it's current,,
12:26.10HsilamotAsterisk 11.16.0
12:26.19WIMPyHave you thought about changing to pjsip?
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12:26.48WIMPySee the channel topic.
12:27.56Hsilamoti'm using freepbx, guess that if it's an asterisk bug i should check versions,.,
12:28.08beanieHello, I think i've been hacked - does this evidence a successful call connection from a hacker? pbx_spool.c:402 attempt_thread: Call completed to Local/s@tc-maint
12:29.48WIMPybeanie: That call was set up using a call file. And we don't know what that extension would do.
12:30.46[TK]D-Fenderbeanie: that is automatic stuff for FreePBX's scheduler.
12:31.14*** join/#asterisk jasonwert (~jasonwert@
12:31.20[TK]D-Fenderbeanie: And remember: just because you're paranoid doesn't mean people aren't still out to get you....
12:31.47[TK]D-Fenderbeanie: tcmaint = Time Conditions Maintenance.
12:32.07beaniethanks [TK]D-Fender :-p is there a file where I can check for any successful dodgy connections by ip so I can add them to my iptables ban list?
12:32.28beanie(either previous success or current success)
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12:34.32beaniethanks WIMPy where abouts is security.log
12:38.54beanieWIMPy, I'm using Centos, will there be one, I just issued a find request but it could not find it
12:40.08*** join/#asterisk Draecos (
12:40.37zekoZekobeanie: logs are somewhere in /var/log most of the time, start looking there.
12:41.36*** join/#asterisk marceloamorim (
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12:43.42eppigyI am Dave
12:48.28beaniejees zekoZeko there's like thousands of entries!
12:48.41[TK]D-Fenderbeanie: Are you running FreePBX's distro?
12:49.01beanieor a distro with freepbx
12:49.03[TK]D-FenderThen it comes with fail2ban already for this
12:49.15[TK]D-FenderAre you using THEIRS?
12:49.25jkroonhi guys, if i'm going to be tampering with voicemail database structures (eg, deleting recordings from a folder etc ...) what are the pitfalls?  For example, let's say there is 5 messages in an INBOX folder, and I want to nuke number 2 - do I need to renumber the msgnum's that's larger to keep it sequential?
12:49.33beaniethis i'm not sure of, it was a while ago I set it up [TK]D-Fender
12:50.09beanie[TK]D-Fender, the system's suddenly not accepting my connections
12:50.40beaniecoming up with a transport error message from one softphone and the other softphone is having no joy, meanwhile there is a string of errors relating to codecs so goodness knows whats going on
12:50.56beanieI can ssh in though and i've checked my antivirus and firewall at client side
12:51.39[TK]D-Fenderbeanie: packets are making it through.  Looking at firewalls & antivirus is a clear waste of time.
12:51.47[TK]D-Fenderbeanie: it is misconfigured
12:52.21beanie[TK]D-Fender, I have a few lines of what might be useful - about 4, should I pastebin them or paste them here?
12:52.29[TK]D-Fenderbeanie: Transport seems pretty clear-cut.... codecs won't amtter if the base call isn't accepted that far anyway.
12:52.55[TK]D-Fenderbeanie: You should have walked in here with a pastebin of the actual errors already prepared....
12:53.29beanie[TK]D-Fender, going back to what you are saying about transport being clear cut
12:53.40WIMPyjkroon: That's what I've been wondering since VoiceMailPlayMsg was introduced. A DeleteMsg would be much more usefull.
12:54.09jkroonWIMPy, i'm contemplating providing my users with a web UI onto the voicemail ...
12:54.30jkroonthe structure of that whole table seems to be pretty nasty anyway.
12:54.31WIMPyMaybe it's Digiums trade secret for their visual voice mail. I started such a thing as well, but scrapped it because of that question.
12:54.41beaniewell, the first thing is that I have had problems with audio for a fair while but I have always been able to log in using a softphone, now I can't log in using softphone at all and i'm getting more codec errors that I hadn't seen before - I nor anyone else has actually done any config work on the errors since I could log in to the softphone
12:54.54*** join/#asterisk wolrah (~wolrah@
12:56.27jkroonWIMPy, i have a friend that says (i'm pretty he got it somewhere else) that winners never quit, quitters never win, but those who never win, and never quit are idiots.  i guess i'm bordering on the latter but so far I've mostly ended up not needing to quit.
12:56.35jkroonjust takes longer some times than others.
12:57.09*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (~brad@
12:57.26WIMPyI have a strong dislike for things that work most of the time.
12:57.49jkroonbut not always ... agreed.
12:57.55WIMPyYou could reverse engeneer what Digium does. But you never know if it might change.
12:58.10[TK]D-Fenderbeanie: There is no verbose in there and no SIP debug.  You should already know that's not good
12:58.52[TK]D-Fenderbeanie: And the call is getting accepted and playing back the kind of message FreePBX does when there is no inbound or outbound route to match whatever is being dialed.
12:59.00jkroonthere was a point where asterisk screwed it's own vm folder structure ... eventually ended up with a vs_remove_repair_vm script that repaired the structure (specifically fixing the numbers to be sequential)
12:59.21WIMPyjkroon: Maybe the best solution would be to do your own VoiceMail and not use the provided splution.
12:59.24beanie[TK]D-Fender, i'm  a bit overwhelmed and not sure what to look into further see and even how to look into those issues further
12:59.39[TK]D-Fenderbeanie: And failing at that for what is either a "sound files are missing", or "codec modules not loaded and can't translate"
12:59.49jkroonWIMPy, yea, possibly - but that really does seem like a LOT of work.
13:00.14[TK]D-Fenderbeanie: "core set verbose 10", "sip set debug on" <- These are the basics and you've been here tons of times.
13:00.21jkroonand the problem got fixed ... haven't needed that script in over 2 years ...
13:00.24beanie[TK]D-Fender, At the moment I can't connect in with my softphone to trigger any errors...
13:00.31WIMPyjkroon: Might be less than trying to figure out how to make it water tight with th existing one.
13:01.17jkroonWIMPy, so how do you go about building your own "sensible" voicemail?  do you write yet another app_myvoicemail.c thing?  Or is there components you can misuse?
13:01.53ZettenWIMPy: immediate=no doesn't seem to resolve my truncated number problem :(
13:02.04WIMPyWhy make it an application? It souldn't be too hard to do it in the dilplan with the simpler applications.
13:02.28WIMPyYou just might have to use something external to sort the messages.
13:03.40*** join/#asterisk ghostlines (~ghostline@
13:04.41jkroonthat's the problem, it's not exactly simple either.  i've thought about it before.  but there is a lot of things to deal with ... and the existing system deals with everything i need/want, except for some sensible web ui interface.
13:04.45WIMPyZetten: Did you restart Asterisk?
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13:04.58jkrooneven if for now I only do a "read-only" interface thing...
13:05.11[TK]D-Fender[09:00]beanie[TK]D-Fender, At the moment I can't connect in with my softphone to trigger any errors... <- what is that CLI output you showed me?
13:05.14WIMPyjkroon: Same here.
13:05.38beanie[TK]D-Fender, Here's me trying to connect in to Asterisk with my softphone and not getting in -
13:05.51beanie[TK]D-Fender, the stuff before was just appearing on it's own in sip set debug
13:06.10[TK]D-Fenderbeanie: there is nothing in there... there is NO SIP debug from ANYTHING at all... which I should be seeing...
13:06.13ZettenWIMPy: I did a full restart of asterisk, yes
13:06.41[TK]D-Fenderbeanie: I do NOT see you enabling SIP debug in there.
13:07.07WIMPyZetten: Hmm. :-( Well, maybe just try the other way riond with immediate=yes and placing a WaitExten in your dialplan.
13:07.42jkroondoes anybody know what the flag column in the voicemail table represents?
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13:10.51beanie[TK]D-Fender, There you go
13:10.53beaniethanks :)
13:12.58*** join/#asterisk D-Boy (~D-Boy@unaffiliated/cain)
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13:22.42[TK]D-Fenderbeanie: No matching peer for '510' from ''
13:23.23beaniethats a hacker
13:23.28[TK]D-Fenderis it?
13:23.41beanieyep, not my client ip, not the server ip and there's noone else
13:23.51beanieboth client and server external IP's are static
13:23.52[TK]D-FenderSo firewall them off
13:24.07beaniei'm forever doing it - I'm getting bombarded with the buggers!
13:24.45ZettenWIMPy: Just to make sure I'm getting this right (WaitExten docs seem a bit sparse, and I'm hardly proficient at dialplans or any of this), could you please check my context?
13:24.47beaniedoes it shed any light on my connectivity issues [TK]D-Fender
13:26.59[TK]D-Fenderbeanie: Packets are coming in from outside your LAN... so there's that...
13:27.14[TK]D-Fenderbeanie: And you still haven't told us where your softphone IS
13:27.41beanie[TK]D-Fender, The softphone is on my laptop which is outside of the network the server is in
13:27.49beanieso i'm in Coventry, Server is in Manchester
13:27.53beanieboth are at "home"
13:28.07beaniehome being both of my homes
13:28.45*** join/#asterisk CustosLimen (~CustosLim@unaffiliated/cust0slim3n)
13:29.02[TK]D-Fenderbeanie: Apparently packets make it from the outside to your server from these hackers.  Means that half is fine.
13:29.07[TK]D-Fenderbeanie: Guess which half is left?
13:29.51[TK]D-Fenderbeanie: [some/every]thing on your client side is at fault
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13:30.53WIMPyZetten: You will see in you logs where te call goes. Depending on the switch it can be the fixed part of your numbers or it could be noting which is the s extension for Asterisk.
13:31.13beanie[TK]D-Fender, How would you suggest I investigate further, I have checked Firewall and Antivirus at Clientside..
13:34.04*** join/#asterisk DivideBy0 (~DivideBy0@unaffiliated/divideby0x0)
13:35.20[TK]D-Fenderbeanie: How about their ROUTER.  Check the ip/host you put for the server.  Check the DNS.  Check your routing.
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14:07.03*** join/#asterisk maddawg2 (~maddawg@
14:07.56maddawg2hey all... first time using asterisk and i had a couple questions regarding setting up an asterisk server in a business environment
14:08.17maddawg2currently our company s using asterisk 1.8 at other locations and are using SIP trunking over T1
14:08.34maddawg2I'm looking at replacing an aging avaya system with astersk
14:09.02maddawg2we do have a T1 line with SIP trunking with our carrier but i was looking at something called broadvoice... does anyone ave experience with this?
14:09.11maddawg2they claim to do SIP trunking on any internet connection
14:09.19maddawg2we have a 100mbps symmetrical fiber line
14:09.34maddawg2but it's with verizon fios and they dont do SIP Trunking
14:10.23maddawg2can someone explain to me which options is best for a place with about 60 phones
14:10.29maddawg2each with a DiD
14:11.07maddawg2secondly if I decide to go with asterisk over broadvoice for the business.. can I use a Virtual Machine for that
14:11.12maddawg2or do I need special cards?
14:11.30maddawg2i'd be using linksys SPA phones and a couple polycoms
14:11.46maddawg2i think SPA942s.... could be wrong about model number
14:12.14beanie[TK]D-Fender, Everything client side is fine
14:12.22maddawg2i'd like to dump our T1 line as it's a bit pricey
14:12.29WIMPyYou only need real hardware if you want to connect real hardware, like lines or phones.
14:12.29beaniei'm currently SSH'ing in Client Side
14:12.50maddawg2WIMPy, was that directed at me?
14:12.55lvlinuxmaddawg2: virtual machine is fine if you don't have/need hardware.
14:13.03WIMPymaddawg2: yes
14:13.04maddawg2well i do have phones
14:13.10maddawg2they are IP based phones
14:13.18maddawg2and POE switches
14:13.24lvlinuxhardware as in T1 stuff
14:13.27maddawg2oh i see
14:13.33lvlinuxdo your switches support QoS?
14:13.34WIMPyYou only need a network connection for them.
14:13.40maddawg2lvlinux, yes
14:13.51lvlinuxthen the whole thing should be good.
14:13.53maddawg2also in regards to calling outside
14:14.13maddawg2should i stick with T1 or do you think using an exisitng FiOS or cable connection is good
14:14.25maddawg2on one site we have a 20mbps upload and 150mbps download
14:14.29maddawg2other location has a 100/100
14:14.34maddawg2both with static IP
14:14.59lvlinuxas long as your connectoin is good then it should work fine.
14:15.00maddawg2right now they both also have a T1 line
14:15.10maddawg2but what about QoS outside ?
14:15.23maddawg2does QoS exist on the internet lol
14:15.34lvlinuxhaha yes and no, but mostly no
14:15.58maddawg2so it could be troublesome then with 60 phones then i imagine
14:16.00WIMPyI would definitely keep any real lines for as long as possible.
14:16.33maddawg2cuz i do have  machine i can use as a server and I happen to have an extra digium T1 card
14:16.33lvlinuxIt might be difficult to get tuned up properly, but should be fine once you get everything set.
14:16.58maddawg2but i was gonna try a VM first with broadvoice and see how it performs
14:17.04lvlinuxYou can keep your T1 for now, add VoIP, and test.
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14:17.20lvlinuxSimwood offers QoS on their network.
14:17.34maddawg2what's that?
14:17.38lvlinuxBut they are pricey.
14:17.49lvlinuxIt's a voip provider like broadvoice.
14:18.03maddawg2ah ok
14:18.15maddawg2yea i'm kinda just figuring out the whole billing thing
14:18.25maddawg2broadvoice needs to know how many minutes we use outgoing
14:18.28*** part/#asterisk mjordan (mjordan@nat/digium/x-opqkhjoqfvesayjl)
14:18.29maddawg2so I have to calculate that
14:18.39maddawg2plus the fact that i want international
14:18.57maddawg2and DiDs for every phone
14:19.01lvlinuxhmm, you maybe should check out other providers too. There are many good and reputable ones.
14:19.14lvlinuxlook at Flowroute
14:19.16maddawg2nice good idea
14:19.22maddawg2see this is why i came here :-)
14:19.23zekoZekomaddawg2: you don't need to use the same provider for outgoing calls that you use for your DIDs
14:19.44zekoZekomaddawg2: or you can mix&match based on rates for the destination you're calling
14:19.45maddawg2really zekoZeko ?
14:19.54zekoZekomaddawg2: really.
14:19.57maddawg2that sounds complicated
14:20.00maddawg2but cool
14:20.02lvlinuxnot really
14:20.07zekoZekoit sounds flexible to me.
14:20.17maddawg2good to know
14:20.19lvlinuxjust simple dialplan stuff mostly
14:20.31lvlinuxi mean not complicated---it _is_ cool :-)
14:20.34maddawg2i'm going to try a VM first i guess
14:20.43maddawg2since that's easy to spin up
14:20.55maddawg2and set up a VoIP carrier
14:20.59lvlinuxgo for it.
14:21.28maddawg2so next... has some created an asterisk 13 virtual appliance or should i just build one from scratch?
14:21.38maddawg2other locations use a ubuntu 14.04LTS box
14:21.46maddawg2dedicated hardware with dedicated T1 card
14:22.02maddawg2if it works out using VoIP here we may switch everyone else out over the course of the next 2 years
14:22.10lvlinuxI would do scratch
14:22.15lvlinuxbut that's me
14:22.20maddawg2thanks for the help guys :-)
14:22.32maddawg2i will try that today then :-)
14:22.33zekoZekomaddawg2: get some books to read, it will get you up to speed fastest.
14:22.43[TK]D-Fender[10:12]beaniei'm currently SSH'ing in Client Side <- doesn't prove there isn't a firewall issue against VoIP, or that you put the right IP in the first place, or that their WAN connectivity isn't filtered/buggered up somehow, etc
14:22.49maddawg2books??? what are these things you're talking about?
14:22.57maddawg2you mean I cant use the google?
14:23.08[TK]D-Fenderbeanie: Your server gets traffic from hackers.  that means packets work on it's side.  Whatever the failure is, it's on the client's side
14:23.12zekoZekoyes you can, but there's a buttload of outdated advice out there
14:23.21[TK]D-Fenderbeanie: Including their internet connectivity
14:23.24beanie[TK]D-Fender, what checks can I do to eliminate that - i'm 99% sure it's not the issue
14:23.43beanieinternet connectivity on the client side is not the issue, the client side is my laptop that i'm in front of, the server is up north
14:23.45maddawg2got any book recommendations... seems like books would be outdated pretty quickly since they dont get updated like the interwebs does
14:24.00[TK]D-Fenderbeanie: Also prove what you have firewalled on your server, and that GW inccase something DID cause it to get blocked specifically
14:24.15infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 4th Edition (ISBN 1-4493-3242-0) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and a version is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
14:24.27lvlinuxget _the_ book ---it's freee so no excuses :-)
14:24.31beanieI'm alright with Windows [TK]D-Fender it's just Linux I struggle with :)
14:24.37maddawg2oh free
14:24.45maddawg2that's etter then my school books for sure
14:24.51maddawg2my math book was close to $400
14:25.31lvlinuxhaha yep i freak out whenever I go to a bookstore---the prices are insane. Thank God for used boookstores!
14:26.52*** join/#asterisk LooserOuting (
14:27.14zekoZekomaddawg2: there's also Asterisk cookbook which is not as much a reference, but it can give you some ideas on what can be done...
14:27.45lvlinuxyes that one is good too.
14:28.02LooserOutingHi. Can you use res_hep with chan_sip or only with pjsip ?
14:28.25fileonly with pjsip
14:28.54LooserOutingthank you for the quick answer
14:29.22maddawg2lol oreilly charges nearly $50 for a free book
14:29.29maddawg2for the downloaded edition
14:29.58*** join/#asterisk darkbasic (
14:31.02trurlmaddawg2: the pdf/book has been TeXed
14:34.13beanie[TK]D-Fender, Nothing is firewalled on the server
14:34.30beanieclient side, i've just knocked down Windows Firewall and AVG to see if it made a difference - negative
14:35.21[TK]D-Fenderbeanie: Well unlkess you've got a buried firewall on your server side... OTHER stuff from the outside makes it in.  That only leaves some piece of your client side being at fault.
14:36.55beanieWell, I'm pretty much convinced that this issue is server side
14:37.12beanieskype works fine on client side making using of voip and steady internet traffic
14:37.40beanieive ruled out that it is an issue with one softphone by trying an alternative
14:37.51[TK]D-FenderSkype is a totally different protocol, I've heard nothing of what router they are using
14:38.13[TK]D-FenderPackets MAKE IT to your server  from the outside already.  So shit ain't arriving at the door.  that is the CLIENT's problem.'
14:38.26beanieand I have these issues with audio codecs that I suspect have something to do with it
14:38.39[TK]D-FenderCodecs don't magically make packets NOT ARRIVE
14:38.52beanieturning to the router config - the router was set up at a time the system worked, at least to establish a connection between softphone and remote server and hasn't been changed since
14:38.55[TK]D-FenderIt isn't arriving at all to be refused so far
14:39.29*** join/#asterisk Synthase_ (uid63346@gateway/web/
14:39.39Hsilamotnote* QoS tagging can make the packets to drop
14:39.46[TK]D-Fenderbeanie: Do you understand the concept of "empiracal evidence"?  Hackers can get packet packets to your server.  If you can't do the same from your location... then that's the faul of where you are and what you're using.
14:41.05[TK]D-Fenderbeanie: Comparing to Skype doesn't mean a single thing when maybe their router is screwing you over on SIP.  Or their provider.  Or something else you've missed.  I still have no proof the softphone is set up right.  Or that packets make it out of the PC itself.  Where's the trace?
14:42.31beaniecould the issue be anything to do with port forwarding?
14:42.45[TK]D-FenderThat's routing on the client side...
14:43.02beanieand your saying that the issue is likely to be client side?
14:43.03[TK]D-Fendergo prove things from the very start of the chain
14:43.46[TK]D-FenderAm I somehow not abundently clear?
14:44.09[TK]D-FenderIf packets from SOMEWHERE on the internet DO make it to your server ... and YOURS don't ,.... it's just YOU
14:45.15[TK]D-FenderStart getting PROOF from the start of the chain.
14:45.36*** join/#asterisk tparcina (~tomo@
14:47.29beanie[TK]D-Fender, does port forwarding need to be configured on client computer or is it not necessary?
14:47.39[TK]D-FenderPort forwarding is INBOUND
14:47.52[TK]D-FenderDoesn't stop that first packet of a request from going OUT.
14:48.19Hsilamotbeanie: what are you trying to do i'm half aware of your trouble
14:48.48[TK]D-Fenderbeanie: Go get proof.  NOW.
14:48.49beanie[TK]D-Fender, so I can have a working Asterisk install that does it's job with the client side being able to place calls without port forwarding being set up at all on the client router?
14:48.56[TK]D-Fenderbeanie: You are wasting time for nothing
14:49.20beanieHsilamot, Softphone won't connect to remote asterisk server
14:49.30Hsilamotbeanie: that affirmation is correct
14:49.41[TK]D-Fenderbeanie: Clients don't need forwarding if the other side has a keep-alive.  And that's only for the the idea of sending a call TO the client.
14:49.58[TK]D-Fenderbeanie: this has nothing to do with your client sending OUT a request to the server.
14:50.04Hsilamotbeanie: i give my clients Physical phones which they put in their office or home and just plug it into the network and electricity and the phone does the rest
14:50.42[TK]D-Fenderbeanie: No trafdfic = your side's fault, not the server
14:50.57beanieOK, so specifically [TK]D-Fender what are you asking me to do, you've been very generic
14:51.18[TK]D-Fenderbeanie: Stop giving assurances, and start providing PROOF or you are wasting everyone's time.
14:51.26[TK]D-FenderI don't see your SOFTPHONE config.
14:51.31[TK]D-FenderI don't see firewall dumps on the PC
14:51.37[TK]D-FenderI don't see traceroutes being run
14:51.42[TK]D-FenderI don't see their router config
14:51.47[TK]D-FenderI don't have the MODEL they are using.
14:51.57[TK]D-FenderYou have shown NOTHING <---------------
14:52.15beanieThat's because you are asking for new stuff now
14:52.23beaniesome of that, yes you did.
14:52.38[TK]D-Fender[10:43][TK]D-Fendergo prove things from the very start of the chain
14:52.40Hsilamotbeanie: so start by the beggining, you use TCP or UDP on your server?
14:52.43[TK]D-Fender[10:45][TK]D-FenderStart getting PROOF from the start of the chain.
14:52.50[TK]D-Fender[10:41][TK]D-Fenderbeanie: Comparing to Skype doesn't mean a single thing when maybe their router is screwing you over on SIP.  Or their provider.  Or something else you've missed.  I still have no proof the softphone is set up right.  Or that packets make it out of the PC itself.  Where's the trace?
14:53.04[TK]D-Fender[10:37][TK]D-FenderSkype is a totally different protocol, I've heard nothing of what router they are using
14:53.21[TK]D-Fender[10:23][TK]D-Fenderbeanie: Also prove what you have firewalled on your server, and that GW inccase something DID cause it to get blocked specifically
14:53.22beanieHsilamot, i'm not sure whether I'm using TCP or UDP?
14:53.28[TK]D-FenderI've asked for TONS of things
14:53.43Hsilamotbeanie UDP it is then
14:53.47[TK]D-Fenderis it?
14:53.58[TK]D-FenderI don';t see the SOFTPHONE setup to prove what IT is configured to use
14:54.11Hsilamotif he hasn't changed the server's default configuration it should be
14:54.19[TK]D-FenderDon't care about the server right now.
14:54.22[TK]D-FenderSever GETS calls
14:54.23beanieok :-)
14:54.49Hsilamotbeanie how about the phone you are using? model?
14:55.31beanieI've used two softphones, the first is Portsip, the second is phonerlite - neither with success recently - I've got an unexplained problem that has come about - the softphones used to connect without issue although I've always had severe audio issues
14:55.48beaniei've not done any config changes and nor has anyone else
14:56.03[TK]D-Fendermoves on to more productive matters
14:56.06Hsilamotwhen they did stop working?
14:56.36beaniei'm not sure exactly as the system has been pretty useless over the last year but I was trying to access the system last week and first become aware
14:56.55Hsilamotwhen was the last time you could access the system successfully?
14:57.19*** join/#asterisk rmudgett (rmudgett@nat/digium/x-sawlyzznicbwpada)
14:57.22beaniei've never been able to make calls successfully but I was able to log in through softphone a couple of months ago
14:57.28beanienow I can't even do that
14:57.44Hsilamothave you changed any router or hardware in that time?
14:57.46beaniei'm getting a 503 error on Portsip - transport issue
14:57.50beanieno hardware changed
14:58.20Hsilamotthe Server has a public IP or a LAN IP?
14:58.24beanieI do have lots of errors with codecs which [TK]D-Fender appears to feel are irelevent to this specific issue :-)
14:58.28*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
14:58.43Hsilamotyeah, codec error are common on the console
14:58.50beanieHsilamot, just to give you an idea of the config
14:59.00beanieI have a server at my flat in Manchester
14:59.09beanieI'm currently 100 miles South at my Mum's old place
14:59.14[TK]D-Fenderbeanie: No packets are ARRIVING at your server.  How can't Asterisk tell you to "get lost" if the REQUEST never even arrives?
14:59.37Hsilamotok, but that locations for now, don't seem to help
14:59.39beaniemy "client" laptop is behind a router, the server is also behind a router, both have external static IPs
14:59.47[TK]D-Fenderbeanie: No packets = 100% client-side failure
14:59.51Hsilamotthe question is if the Server is connected directly to the Internet or has a Router in the middle
15:00.02[TK]D-FenderHsilamot: that server GETS packets from the outside
15:00.03beaniea router in the middle (sorry I was just getting there) :-)
15:00.10[TK]D-FenderHsilamot: Told you this isn't worth it.
15:00.20HsilamotHow about the Server's Router's Port Forwarding
15:00.24[TK]D-FenderHsilamot: IT WORKS
15:00.29beanienone of that has been changed
15:00.37[TK]D-FenderHsilamot: IT GETS calls from the outside
15:00.47beaniealthough I should double check that the router has not lost the port forwarding details
15:00.48[TK]D-Fenderjust not from his client.
15:00.50beaniepowercut etc
15:00.52[TK]D-Fender1005 client-side
15:01.32*** join/#asterisk mjordan (mjordan@nat/digium/x-xuahzibjztepzreq)
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15:01.32Hsilamotcould you check the current ports being forwarded at the server's side?
15:03.33[TK]D-FenderServer is fine
15:03.43[TK]D-FenderHacker attempts arrive <-
15:03.54[TK]D-Fenderno packets from YOUR client = your clien'ts problem
15:04.05[TK]D-FenderDiscussing further is a supreme waste of timee
15:04.47farmorgHi all, having a problem with MixMonitor on 11.17.0. It creates the files but never writes any audio to them. Anybody seen this before?
15:05.31beanieHsilamot, Sorry i'm just having a few issues with remembering how to port forward
15:06.14Hsilamotbeanie are you unable to check it?
15:08.45*** join/#asterisk ghoti (~paul@
15:08.58beanieI can if I can remember how to do the tunnelling so I can log in to the router back at home
15:10.07Hsilamotbeanie will it take long?
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15:10.32marceloamorimguys, I paste the configs, I'm getting this message on my var/log/asterisk/messages  - > "[Apr 10 11:57:42] ERROR[11992] cel_odbc.c: Unable to query database columns on connection 'asterisk'.  Skipping."
15:11.31beanieHsilamot, Do you know how to do port forwarding on putty so I can get the router up
15:11.34beanieto answer your question
15:11.39*** join/#asterisk blinky42 (
15:12.22Hsilamotbeanie wut? can you explain what are you trying to do exactly?
15:12.39Hsilamotyou want to open a SSH tunnel?
15:13.51Hsilamoti only remember how to open a SOCKs tunnel with ssh...
15:14.12beanieahhh - im a bit stuck then - it's been so long since i've done it
15:14.22Hsilamotssh -L
15:14.30beaniebut anyway...if I can ssh remotely into my server
15:14.39beaniesurely the port forwarding up there is working?
15:14.57beanieas the router is having to route my remote request to ssh in the first place..
15:15.13Hsilamotyou are seeing the SSH login?
15:15.29beanieyeah, i've got a remote terminal window open in Putty
15:15.56Hsilamotso your router's admin interface is a Web GUI?
15:16.01beanieyeah :)
15:16.08Hsilamoti see
15:16.52beaniei seem to remember doing something using but not sure what port it is for the router GUI
15:17.01beanieI would access it normally
15:17.40beaniewhich section of putty do I input it in
15:18.07Hsilamotwait i have never done that
15:18.16Hsilamotus normal people use VPN's
15:18.24Hsilamotgo to Connection SSH Tunnels
15:18.26Hsilamotin putty
15:19.05Hsilamotopen a new putty i mean
15:19.14*** join/#asterisk cyford (
15:20.14Hsilamotthere in source port put 8080
15:20.28beanieive found tunnels i just need to know what to put in source port and eestination
15:20.29Hsilamotin destination put
15:20.34[TK]D-Fenderbeanie: Your server is getting traffic fine
15:20.38[TK]D-FenderThere is NOTHING wrong with your server
15:20.43[TK]D-FenderStop wasting time looking at it
15:21.15[TK]D-FenderIt gets MY packets
15:21.20[TK]D-FenderYour CLIENT side is the problem
15:25.09*** join/#asterisk c0rnoTa (~c0rnoTa@
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15:27.17beanieHsilamot, I'm not sure whether i'm connected to my local router or remote one
15:27.30beaniethey both are the same manufacturer
15:27.38Hsilamothow about seeing the Status page?
15:27.42beaniei've accessed via
15:27.54[TK]D-Fenderbeanie: *I* connect fine.  You server is fine. Stop wasting everyone's time
15:27.55Hsilamotyou should be connected to the remote one
15:28.07beaniestatus tells me nothing to diffrentiate
15:28.15HsilamotMAC address of the router
15:30.53*** join/#asterisk darkbasic_ (
15:31.38marceloamorimyeah, I couldn't find anything that I understand and help me remove this error
15:34.49beanieHsilamot, right, after a lot of faffing
15:34.55beanieport forward is set up on the remote router still
15:35.05Hsilamotwhich ports?
15:35.31beanieUDP is set to forward on port range from 5059 - 5061
15:35.45Hsilamotonly thoose ones?
15:36.05beanieit's forwarding under a separate rule on Port Range 1000-2001
15:36.15beanieand 4568 - 4570
15:36.26Hsilamot1000-2001? not 10000-20001?
15:36.40beaniethe second :)
15:36.45beaniesorry missed a '0'
15:36.55[TK]D-FenderDoesn't matter
15:36.56Hsilamothow about the configuration on the phone you are trying to connect?
15:37.08beanieit's not very complex leaving me not much by way of options
15:37.14beaniePortsip has always just worked as it's set up
15:37.28[TK]D-FenderNo excuse not to prove settings
15:37.35[TK]D-Fenderor any of the rest of that side
15:37.39[TK]D-FenderServer = fine
15:37.42[TK]D-FenderThat is proven.  Twice
15:37.55Hsilamotcan you provide the current settings?
15:38.28beanieit's got the range of ports for audio RTP Channel as 5060 - 5060
15:39.29Hsilamotcan you take a screenshot?
15:39.29beaniebut phonerlite is configured differently out of the box, I have not changed the settings for it
15:39.33beanieyeah sure :-)
15:39.41[TK]D-Fenderonly asked a dozen times is going slow
15:41.54*** join/#asterisk ChkDigit (~u388mw@
15:42.37Hsilamotchange that to 10000 - 20000 and take a screenshot of the other tabs ?
15:43.10Synthase_So you're expecting SIP on 5060-61 at the server but have the phone expecting RTP on that range instead?
15:43.42Synthase_Look at your phone config again.
15:45.10Hsilamotthe opther tabs?
15:46.39Hsilamotchange the RTP port range and try again
15:47.09beanieHsilamot, I have done, still the same issue, bear in mind that Phonerlite also cannot connect
15:47.15beaniedifferent softphone
15:47.34beanie want to see any more tabs? :-)
15:47.55*** join/#asterisk jasonwert (
15:48.07Hsilamoti need to see the one with connection details
15:48.26beanieThere's the router -
15:48.50*** join/#asterisk jiuweigui (~jiuweigui@unaffiliated/jiuweigui)
15:49.20Synthase_What happened to this: 10:33:26 <beanie> UDP is set to forward on port range from 5059 - 5061
15:49.28Hsilamotwhen you add the account to the softphone what do you have in that tab?
15:49.40HsilamotSynthase_: it seems he has already changed it
15:49.42beanieThat's the second Router bit -
15:49.50beanieHsilamot, nothing in that tab
15:49.57beaniei'll show you as best as I can with another screenshot
15:49.59Hsilamotcan you show me?
15:50.25Synthase_Sure, but everything needs to play nice. The Asterisk config is unknown, so if he's listening on 5060, what's the point?
15:50.51HsilamotSynthase_ the server receives calls from the outside
15:51.35Synthase_Set to register? SIP debug.
15:51.45beanieignore the "logout" option - the softphone isn't greatly designed, it's not actually logged in
15:51.55Synthase_No point poking in the dark, find the problem first.
15:52.06Hsilamotcan you please verify the IP address of your server?
15:52.26beanieI just changed the ip address as I was publishing it
15:52.28beaniethe ip is deff correct
15:52.38beanieit's static
15:52.58Hsilamotwhat's in advanced
15:53.46beanieadvanced where?
15:53.59Hsilamotbottom left of that config window
15:55.02beaniein the softphone? Do you mean MISC
15:55.38Hsilamottha last screenshot
15:55.41Hsilamothad an advanced button
15:55.52Hsilamotgoes to attend the door
16:05.09beaniein Phonerlite, how do I display the debug information
16:08.11*** join/#asterisk darkbasic (
16:14.25[TK]D-Fendergrabs some popcorn
16:16.18Hsilamotdo you have access to your pbx server?
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16:19.52Hsilamotdestination is your server's local address and port
16:23.31*** join/#asterisk zekoZeko (~b@
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16:31.26Hsilamotdo you see "TEST STRING" on the logs'
16:56.43*** join/#asterisk SpeedEvil (~quassel@tor/regular/SpeedEvil)
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17:07.40marceloamorimyeah, I tried other things here and nothing =(
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17:29.16beaniehello, i'm still testing about my previous issue, does anybody know of a softphone in fedora that works well
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17:48.59marceloamorim could you guys put me on the right path =)
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17:50.04F-G0zHello guys. I'd like to display a html page containing callers name for example. I think I'll use PHP. I'm really a newbie. How to proceed with Apache?
17:50.15[TK]D-Fendermarceloamorim: I don't see any error message in there anywhere...
17:50.40[TK]D-FenderF-G0z: We don't do Apache support here.  Try in #apache
17:50.47marceloamorim[Apr 10 11:57:42] ERROR[11992] cel_odbc.c: Unable to query database columns on connection 'asterisk'.  Skipping.
17:51.05*** join/#asterisk CeBe (
17:51.22[TK]D-Fendermarceloamorim: Where are the * odbc configs?
17:51.49marceloamorimone sec, I'll paste bin
17:51.53robmalI'm pretty sure you need to give full path to .so in odbcinst.ini
17:52.27[TK]D-Fenderrobmal: I'd suspect the same...
17:53.01[TK]D-Fendermarceloamorim: You show yourself directly connecting to MariaDB, but not via ODBC there as well
17:56.10*** join/#asterisk sparetire (~sparetire@unaffiliated/sparetire)
17:56.45F-G0z[TK]D-Fender: In fact my issue is not really related to Apache. It's just whether AGI can be used with any php script? It's not really clear to me.
17:57.11marceloamorimwhen I use the odbc show all the connected yes isn't mean that I try connect via odbc?
17:57.33[TK]D-Fenderyour PHP script has to respect the use of the interfaces AGI uses.  What it does beyond that does not matter.
17:57.48[TK]D-FenderF-G0z: And that'd be a PHP issue, not an Apache one at all.
17:58.31robmalmarceloamorim: isql -v dsn username password
17:58.32[TK]D-Fendermarceloamorim: Please show what was requested
17:58.55[TK]D-Fendermarceloamorim: robmal just gave you the syntx for part of it.
17:59.46marceloamorim[IM002][unixODBC][Driver Manager]Data source name not found, and no default driver specified
17:59.46marceloamorim[ISQL]ERROR: Could not SQLConnect nice
17:59.57marceloamorimI could go from there
17:59.59marceloamorimthx guys
18:00.59marceloamorimactually, was my syntax error haha sorry
18:01.34marceloamorimI could connect using this syntax
18:04.20qakhani have call transfer problem, when i use t option in Dial() it does not work. but when i use t with m option then call transfer works.
18:04.55qakhanexten => _30XX,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN},25,t) does not work
18:05.08qakhanexten => _30XX,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN},25,tm) works
18:06.17qakhanhere is config
18:06.26qakhan works
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18:37.35qakhanany update?
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20:28.37robmalAny heavy polycom users who would like to test my little support webapp?
20:33.54robmalAlso, is there any way to find out which position in the menu is the ScreenCapture feature?
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22:49.06JeffC_NNHow can I achieve Auto Gain Correction (or any volume leveling) on G711 ulaw or siren14?
22:49.46JeffC_NNoops, g722 not siren14
22:52.28JeffC_NNI thought Function_AGC only worked on speex?
22:53.28[TK]D-Fenderis that .. a question?
22:53.51JeffC_NNhave you experienced it working on non-speex codecs?
22:53.57[TK]D-FenderI'm not sure what there is to "think" about there.  It says very explicitly what it does
22:54.34[TK]D-Fender" It is primarily intended for use with analog lines," <-  NOthing about this looks vaguely like speex
22:54.59JeffC_NNI know is officially denounced, but I saw this there and it concerned me:
22:56.11JeffC_NNI'll begin testing with AGC on various codecs. Thanks for your help!
22:56.59[TK]D-FenderCreated by: JustRumours, Last modification: Thu 30 of Apr, 2009 (14:30 UTC)
22:57.19[TK]D-Fender5 year old crappy page on a questionable resource.
22:57.33JeffC_NNheh. very true
22:57.55[TK]D-FenderAlreays refer to the OFFICIAL Wiki and docs
22:58.01JeffC_NNvery specific (albeit old) rumors, heh
22:58.26JeffC_NNJust wish the official ones were a little..... more descriptive. oh well. If i'm not contributing I shouldn't complain
22:59.02JeffC_NNThanks again for your help!
23:00.32[TK]D-Fender<[TK]D-Fender> <- very descriptive
23:00.55[TK]D-Fender" It is primarily intended for use with analog lines, but could be useful for other channels as well." <- not just "work, but implied as "useful"
23:02.44JeffC_NN[Apr 10 16:02:21] ERROR[23920][C-00000bd1]: pbx.c:4390 ast_func_write: Function AGC not registered
23:03.12JeffC_NNAsterisk 11.8.1 built by root @ Asterisk on a x86_64 running Linux on 2015-02-21 19:01:08 UTC
23:03.45JeffC_NNmaybe I missed it in menuselect?
23:04.56JeffC_NNI do see that PITCH_SHIFT and VOLUME are registered though. I'll check my menuselect....
23:06.49JeffC_NNhahaha!! I can't install "func_speex" since speex isn't installed. Looks like AGC and "noise reduction" depend on speex and speex_preprocess
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23:08.53[TK]D-FenderSo depends on CODE included with it... but whose use isn't related to actual use of the codec in your channel;
23:09.15JeffC_NNyep. confusing, huh!
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23:16.29JeffC_NNI glanced at the installation pages of the Asterisk book, and I didn't see this covered, so I'm wondering if I can run `make install` with Asterisk running and then restart the service? or will `make install` fail and I should stop it first?
23:17.12[TK]D-FenderShould work fine
23:17.36JeffC_NNyay! Thx for the tip. Linux rocks! :)
23:18.13[TK]D-FenderI prefer to think of this as Lazy Asterisk Coding ;)
23:18.49JeffC_NNconvenient laziness!
23:20.07JeffC_NNIn my ignorance of the inner workings of Channel Functions I optimistically ran 'core reload', hoping I could avoid an interruption to calls, but alas it didn't work, heh.
23:26.56*** join/#asterisk Navion (~Navion@rivendell/users/navion)
23:28.58[TK]D-FenderNo way any good can come from that :)
23:29.07[TK]D-FenderI said you should be able to INSTALL over it
23:29.23[TK]D-FenderThen you'd still just manually load the "new" modules that weren't currently running
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