IRC log for #asterisk on 20150403

00:07.22*** join/#asterisk superscrat (
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01:27.20joecoolprobably offtopic
01:27.54joecoolbut i have a cisco 3550 PWR 24 switch and it just seems to not want to power some polycom ip-501's
01:28.11joecoolanyone familiar with this?
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02:01.57ChannelZnot specifically.. but I had some cheap Netgear desktop switches that were under-powered
02:02.53ChannelZyou couldn't use all the PoE ports at the same time as the load was too much. It was only rated for so much
02:06.01*** join/#asterisk superscrat (
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02:22.05[TK]D-Fenderjoecool, those only support Cisco's proprietary pre 802.3af PoE standard.  You aren't going to get those phone running on that.
02:22.17joecoolfml -_-
02:22.28joecooljust picked up 5 of these polycoms
02:22.46joecooli have a cisco 7940
02:23.27joecoolwell damn guess imma have to flip this worthless switch then and find one that handles the standard
02:37.53*** join/#asterisk darkbasic (
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03:27.00Synthase_joecool: You can change the inline power settings and likely get it to work. Have one on my desk that I've tested this with.
03:28.19joecoolyeah i mean i'm reviewing polycom's literature
03:28.36joecooland they specifically say the phone is compatible with cisco pre-standard PoE
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03:30.22Synthase_I have Polycom sound point something & Digium phones working on it, but all just bootlooped previously till changing interface power settings.
03:30.36joecooli don't even get a bootloop
03:30.42joecoolit doesn't even show signs of powering
03:30.48joecooli've tried different cables, you name it
03:31.16joecoolthe only thing it even shows signs of powering is my swissvoice (that's dead), but the inline power light comes up
03:31.34joecoolimma bring in a cisco 7940 tomorrow
03:31.44joecooland see if it powers that, if not i'm blaming the switch
03:54.40*** join/#asterisk cyford (
03:59.21phixCISCO is the worst
04:00.10*** join/#asterisk zapata (~zapata@2001:470:1f0b:11bc:29bc:5f29:2788:2528)
04:15.41*** join/#asterisk Micc (
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04:17.39MiccDoes asterisk 13 have a way to redirect current calls to another server? Say if I wanted to shut down the server but I didn't want to wait for calls to complete, could I pass those calls off to another server? Maybe with a script that did a reinvite on each channel or something?
04:18.53MiccI suppose that wouldn't really make sense, as there is application state that wouldn't transfer.
04:21.21MiccI guess it would be fine to leave those old calls on there until they were done. Like a core stop gracefully and redirect new calls to another server.
04:21.59MiccOk, I think I've got it. Thanks for the help guys. ;)
04:28.36joecooli think i figured it out, i think the polycom needs a special pinout to work with cisco in-line power
04:30.37joecoolyeah that's prob it
04:30.44joecoolugh, guess i'm making new cables tomorrow
04:30.53joecoolbetter than buying new switch and/or phones though i suppose
04:35.31*** join/#asterisk king1337-2 (
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04:59.03phixMicc: Any time
05:20.34[TK]D-FenderMicc, "core show application transfer"
05:24.59*** join/#asterisk elitas (~elitas@
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09:20.30slavonHello all
09:22.36slavonPlease look to
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10:35.09slavonin topic "11.16.0". now 11.17.0
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12:07.19rachohello, i'm experiencing rtp clock drifts between two asterisk is running 11.7.0 and the other after resyncing with adjtimex and restarting the ntpd daemons on both machines i still get severe chopping in the beginning of the audio stream followed by delay from callee to calle. any ideas what can cause that aside from network status/connections?
12:09.54*** join/#asterisk crocodilehunter (79d3f545@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
12:13.08crocodilehunterHi Everyone. I have spent hours compiling, recompiling and searching Google for an answer, to no avail!! When I check the status of asterisk: #sudo service asterisk status; I get "asterisk dead but subsys locke"; It seems to be quite common but none of the solutions offered online seem to work.... Any help would be appreciated. I am running Asterisk 12.2.0 on a CentOS 6.5 (32 BIT)..
12:23.39*** join/#asterisk cyford (
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12:28.21*** join/#asterisk avb (~avb@
12:29.03avbhey all
12:29.06avbfrom queue show with realtime configuration: member 1031^avb (SIP/1031 from SIP/1030) (ringinuse disabled)
12:29.33avbi had member interface set to SIP/1030 and after changed it to 1031
12:29.45avbbut queue still trying to dial 1030
12:31.02avbqueue reload is not fixing that, only asterisk restart
12:54.47*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (~brad@
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14:25.41phonesimongood morning. i could use some help with the voicemail application if anyone's willing. VoiceMail() is recording messages left by G722 users in 8k wav format
14:25.56phonesimonthis is OK if that's all it can do,
14:26.12*** join/#asterisk kharwell (kharwell@nat/digium/x-bduzlyktwtqedusz)
14:26.19phonesimonbut when the g722 users go to check voicemail from the device, asterisk won't transcode the 8k wav for them
14:26.41phonesimonideally I would like the vm app to record in g722 and then transcode to lower quality if endpoints need it
14:28.46phonesimonwhat it does now when a g722 user goes into voicemailmain() is attempts to play back the file, looking for a g722 extension and then gives up when it does not find it
14:30.11*** join/#asterisk king1337-2 (
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14:46.09*** join/#asterisk rmudgett (rmudgett@nat/digium/x-akrwwsngtjabkhvf)
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15:45.48pjensen00No.  That is not acceptable.
15:49.35phonesimoni'll offer PB crackers to whoever can answer the question i posed
15:49.45phonesimonthat's cheap payment for (correct) advice
16:06.52*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~joe@
16:07.14*** part/#asterisk Kunsi (kunsmannf@unaffiliated/kunsi)
16:08.34[TK]D-Fenderphonesimon, it didn't record in g722 because you didn't tell it to in voicemail.conf
16:08.57phonesimonlet me check
16:09.01phonesimoni did not see where that was set
16:09.15phonesimononly format= for wav, wav49, gsm
16:09.23[TK]D-Fenderphonesimon, because it wasn't, otherwise you'd be getting g.722 versions as well
16:10.12[TK]D-Fender* will transcode from the best format available when playing them back.  if native is available it will be chosen
16:13.56phonesimonOK, I could use a hint then. I don't see the option to specify recording formats.
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16:15.04zekoZekophonesimon: you can try wav16 for format.
16:15.18[TK]D-Fender<phonesimon> only format= for wav, wav49, gsm <--- this IS IT
16:15.55[TK]D-Fenderno.. that IS the place to SPECIFY them
16:16.00[TK]D-FenderAnd you did NOT say g722
16:17.43phonesimonDid I miss a previous answer to my question? yes, I wrote earlier that I want to record g722 format.
16:17.52phonesimonand want to play it back in the same format.
16:18.00[TK]D-Fender<[TK]D-Fender> <phonesimon> only format= for wav, wav49, gsm <--- this IS IT <-----------------------
16:18.05[TK]D-FenderGo. Set. It. There.
16:19.21phonesimonOK, i'll try it. Other information I saw said that those were the only options that could be specified (wav, wav49, gsm)
16:19.55[TK]D-Fenderwhere do you see this?
16:20.43[TK]D-FenderClearly not in the sample config which contradicts this premise you've been running on.
16:21.11phonesimon vs.
16:21.30[TK]D-FenderLine 23 right there <-
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16:22.43[TK]D-FenderAnd that is a SAMPLE.  It is not a list showing every possible combination, espcially for things like codecs where there are a dozen different possible values.. and then multiple that by how many different combinations you could make.
16:23.28[TK]D-FenderIf thsoe were the only values that could be set then it also wouldn't even be an option.  It'd just be a hard coded constant in the code and not in the config at all.
16:24.15*** join/#asterisk Vutral (~ss@mirbsd/special/Vutral)
16:26.37phonesimonOK, great. That works. Do you know why Asterisk was unwilling to transcode the 8khz wav file?
16:27.24phonesimonyou mentioned "* will transcode from the best format available when playing them back.  if native is available it will be chosen" — should not be a problem to transcode wav, right?
16:27.27[TK]D-FenderWhat did it play instead?
16:28.49[TK]D-Fenderand it isn't a question of "problem".  it is a question of transcode priority
16:29.12phonesimonNothing. It skipped the message. Unable to open /var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/default/8274/Old/msg0000 (format (g722|h264)): No such file or directory
16:29.34phonesimonmsg0000.wav is there
16:30.04[TK]D-FenderWhat version are you running?
16:30.37[TK]D-FenderYou may not have the format module loaded.
16:30.41[TK]D-Fendergo verify
16:34.27phonesimonformat_wav, yes.
16:35.02[TK]D-Fenderand codec formats for 722
16:35.49phonesimonfor 722.1
16:37.52phonesimoni do not see anything else appropriate — all are loaded
16:37.59phonesimoncodec_g722 loaded also.
16:45.02*** join/#asterisk Vutral (~ss@mirbsd/special/Vutral)
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17:25.27*** join/#asterisk CGMChris (
17:27.05CGMChrisI've got two seperate asterisk installations, both using the same SIP trunking provider.  One works, the other does not.  I'm trying to figure out why.  On one installation, the provider seems to be appending a port number to the Call-ID, and I suspect that's the reason things aren't matching up.  Does anyone know enough about how the packets are matched to confirm this?
17:29.11*** part/#asterisk roramirez (~rodrigo@
17:32.38CGMChrisAnd by doesnt work, I mean that inbound calls come into the PBX, hit the Answer() line, and then hangup as we are bombarded by the provider as it attempts to reroute the call through another of it's IPs.
17:35.54CGMChrisAs is illustrated here:
17:41.00CGMChrisScratch that, bad example, I had peers commented out.  The real example @
17:48.47phonesimonif something is changing the call-id, that something could be a SIP ALG on the router
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18:00.34CGMChrisphonesimon: I've removed the router from the equation and my PBX is now plugged directly into the cable modem.  I suspected ALG myself but that's not it.
18:06.32phonesimoncan you connect to any other provider?
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18:23.28CGMChrisphonesimon: Yes, we just ported to a new provider today.  Everything was working fine until today, and we use the new provider on several other asterisk installs already with zero issues.
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18:36.40mic_can you recommend a good call generator? something in the form of "StarTrinity SIP tester" - so that it is possible to simulate some weird loads and play different songs on certain connections.
18:40.26mic_robmal: I was checking it - but last time I was looking at it, RTP was something "very new" ;(
18:42.34*** join/#asterisk D-Boy (~D-Boy@unaffiliated/cain)
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19:50.00bobbymchi room, im trying to help this customer have better audio by tweaking the jiter settings for iax without effecting others on the same system
19:50.12bobbymcthe are in mexico and have about 21ms avg jitter
19:50.59WIMPyDoesn't sound like much. But you shouldn't use jitter buffers in transit. They should be at the very end of the transmission and ONLY there.
19:51.04bobbymcanyone has any config suggestions? im not very comfortable tweaking them, there are 2 modes fixed and adaptive and a few others
19:51.30bobbymcthey all have iax extentions
19:52.07bobbymci know i can set the jitter buffer globally or on indevidual extentions right?
19:52.30WIMPyThe only situation where a JB on IAX makes sense if you receive calls via IAX and pass them on to TDM hardware.
19:53.27bobbymci see, they are limited in bandwidth, i currently use ilbc for the codec
19:53.38bobbymca lot of their calls sound like robots
19:54.02WIMPyMaybe that's more of a packet loss issue?
19:54.30bobbymci think so, but they cant upgrade the internet anymore then they already have, just trying to find any other way to help
19:55.52WIMPyThe issue with packet loss due to low badwidth is as follows: You can increase packetization to save a little badwidth, making PL less likely. The catch is that the impact of a lost packet will be
19:56.18WIMPyDo you have trunk mode enabled?
20:08.54*** join/#asterisk SpeedEvil (~quassel@tor/regular/SpeedEvil)
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23:43.42EOIPHi Everyone. Is this 'Asterisk is dead but subsys locked' a problem? It comes and goes. The only evident problem is it sometimes says that it fails to shut down but the Asterisk console seems to work. I suspect it's from SSHing to the Asterisk box from different machines... (Asterisk 12.2.0 on 32 bit centOS 6.5)
23:44.43EOIPSorry,  'Asterisk is dead but subsys locked' gets printed when I do #sudo service asterisk status
23:57.21robmalPoor asterisk. Did you check /var/log/asterisk/messages for the death certificate?
23:59.50*** join/#asterisk fstd (~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted)

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