IRC log for #asterisk on 20150331

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01:47.34zekoZekoi'm playing some early media to notify the caller if their operation was successful (without answering the line and burning precious minutes for the user :). The action that gets done is called through System() and takes a few seconds. Is it possible to play early media while this is done? Currently Background(file,noanswer) blocks for me...
01:48.57*** join/#asterisk Synthase_ (uid63346@gateway/web/
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05:18.14wowi42Good morning
05:19.34wowi42little question: is that possible, through the ARI, to receive all the events for the entire asterisk ? or do I need to use the AMI ? (for example, to calculate the hold time)
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06:04.41jzu_do I need seperate VoIP number for fax or can I use my existing number?
06:05.27ChannelZonly if you want a "fax only" number for some reason
06:05.38jzu_nah, no need for fax only :)
06:05.53jzu_seems like Localphone = Voxbone = T.38 support, so it should work.
06:06.59*** join/#asterisk king1337-2 (
06:07.00jzu_by the way, my CID issue was resolved by switching from Sonetel to Localphone \o/
06:07.13jzu_I immediately got CID showing up on outgoing calls
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07:29.56krefikdoes anyone got problems with asterisk in docker (centos 6.6 + asterisk 11.16.0 builds from digium)?
07:30.10krefikI've got regular segfaults (3 to 8 daily)
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07:58.35imihaylovhere i post the sip debug
07:59.32imihaylovthe problem was that a call was initiated again and again instead of going to voicemail when there is a М(call-macro) in the Dial option
08:00.52sarvikI don’t undestand the Dialplan syntaks.
08:00.52sarvikExample: exten => _5X.,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN}@provider)
08:00.52sarvikFirts number _5X. Is the incomming call. And in parentheses, where comming the ${EXTEN} variable value.
08:02.36imihaylovoutput from the cli
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08:03.07imihaylovhere is the dialplan itself:
08:05.54wdoekesimihaylov: that SIP log ( ) contains 0 calls
08:06.43imihaylovI just rang the phone for over 30 seconds
08:06.51imihaylovand that was the debug info
08:07.03imihaylov(allong my call there were some other)
08:08.20wdoekesimihaylov: those OPTIONS are ping/keepalive packets
08:08.33ChannelZsarvik: _ means "this is a pattern."  It then matches the number 5 followed by anything (X) any number of times (.)  ${EXTEN} represents whatever extension was dialed that matched the pattern
08:09.03wdoekes"followed by anything (X) any number of times (.)" <-- no
08:09.19wdoekesX = any digit, . = 1 or more "something"
08:10.24imihaylovthats strange... isn't it supposed to show info from ringing ? As I debugged before it does.
08:10.48wdoekes_X. would match "55", "9abc" and "123", but not "9", "a" or "a9"
08:12.40wdoekesit's not regex
08:13.20wdoekes"_X." (dialplan) == "^[0-9].*$" (regex)
08:14.32wdoekesimihaylov: poke around some more to get the needed info. if it says "CSeq: .. OPTIONS" or "CSeq: .. NOTIFY", it's not of interest to us right now
08:20.07sarvikOK Thanks
08:26.43*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/chainsaw)
08:31.10sarvikAnd when and where this pattern is _X5. used. I've undestand that dialplan extension is registered in sip.conf files. Is it meane that _5X. is registered in sip.con like 5somethink. Example: 56789
08:44.03*** join/#asterisk Iamnacho (
08:44.58wdoekesI can't parse that last sentence of yours, but _5X. will indeed match 56789
08:46.48sarvikhmm. OK
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09:32.40sarvikWhat is wrong in thes sentenence? I read the Asterisc dock ( and try undestand :-)
09:54.23sarvikExample: I was registered SIP phone in provider (123456) and I need to receive incomming call to another phone, like mobile phone (56789).
09:54.24sarvikIs right when i wrote exten dialplan like:
09:54.24sarvikExten => 123456,1,dial(SIP/56789)
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10:17.15zekoZekosarvik: you probably want Dial(SIP/provider/56789) if you want this to go out the SIP trunk.
10:17.36mic_did anyone go through asterisk11 -> asterisk13?
10:18.22mic_features in asterisk13 are great - I am just thinking whether asterisk11 is more suitable for small-enterprise deployment.
10:20.30ChainsawI haven't tried 13 yet. I generally wait until X.4.0 before trying a new branch.
10:20.46ChainsawSince 13 is only on 13.2.0 I will leave it to the early adopters for the moment.
10:25.58wdoekesI can tell you that 13.1 gave me a pjsip module ordering headache; that may have been fixed in 13.2
10:34.25mic_so in general
10:34.51mic_some balanced skepticism is pretty much in place.
10:35.30mic_or in other words - for serious adoptions -> be conservative and run with asterisk11.
10:36.16mic_one more option would be to go for 1.8, but its EOL is approaching.
10:54.43Chainsaw11 is a safe bet.
10:56.13mic_thanks a lot.
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11:52.43elitashello, how to increase the size of my history in bash
11:53.40zekoZekonot really an asterisk question, is it? HISTSIZE variable is your friend.
11:54.21elitasin asterisk 13
11:56.16elitasyeah, ok thanks
11:58.05freemanlselitas: nice joke man
11:58.15freemanlsis what u'r looking 4
11:59.02freemanlsor as zekoZeko suggested could be HISTSIZE :D
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12:01.50zekoZekoit seems he wants a longer command history in asterisk console.
12:03.29zekoZekodon't think bash settings will change it, but i might be wrong. Would have to check readline docs (i guess it uses readline, but am not sure)
12:03.59*** join/#asterisk MadHatter42 (~MadHatter@unaffiliated/madhatter42)
12:06.23elitasyes zekoZeko, i wanna longer command history in asterisk console
12:13.55zekoZekoelitas: don't know how to set in it asterisk console, sorry. quick search also didn't return anythin useful.
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14:24.41anonymouz666master-of-ari has joined asterisk
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14:28.16anonymouz666in the past was master-of-queues
14:31.28anonymouz666i am really impressed about what whatsapp did. even in poor 3g networks the voip calls seems to be at least reasonable
14:35.23coppicewhatsapp does VoIP?
14:35.48anonymouz666to work in brazil 3g networks it does magic.
14:36.45anonymouz666some people here still talk about g729... this codec is some years out-of-date
14:37.48coppicewhen did G.729 become out of date?
14:38.09drmessanochecks the expiration date on his ATAs
14:38.18anonymouz666nice joke
14:38.38anonymouz666coppice: when there are better choices to make
14:39.15anonymouz666OPUS? SILK?
14:39.44anonymouz666OPUS is the right way to go
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14:40.31coppicewhen most phones support OPUS it will be a good choice. today its niche. SILK is dead
14:40.56anonymouz666coppice: I hope we got this support soon
14:41.00coppicebut at 8kbps OPUS is really no better than G,729
14:41.17anonymouz666you mean MOS?
14:42.09coppicefor anything other than MOS G.729 wins easily on technical grounds. Less memory. Less compute
14:42.59coppiceOPUS isn't really about replacing G.729. its about pushing things to wideband
14:43.12anonymouz666what about the quality in poor networks?
14:43.18anonymouz666G729 sucks at that
14:43.30coppiceOPUS is worse
14:44.44Chainsawanonymouz666: If your network is terrible enough to make G729 unable to cope...
14:44.48coppicewhen you talked about VoIP over whatsapp, were you talking about the push to talk stuff?
14:44.50Chainsawanonymouz666: Why bother running SIP over it at all?
14:45.01anonymouz666coppice: no, whatsapp can make voip calls.
14:45.09anonymouz666not ptt.
14:45.17WIMPyWell, with G.729 low packet loss has high impact.
14:45.43ChainsawWIMPy: Because of high compression, yes. Something's gotta give.
14:46.02anonymouz666coppice: they are thinking to develop something that could work even in 2G networks.
14:46.05WIMPyBecause the packets aren't self-contained.
14:46.20anonymouz6663G here in Brazil sucks big time and most of whatsapp call just works.
14:46.21ChainsawWIMPy: I can still get legible G729 down circuits that wouldn't cope with uLaw/aLaw stutter-free.
14:46.34anonymouz666ok, it can jitter buffer a little bit but people are getting used to this
14:46.39WIMPyThat doesn't make sense.
14:47.15anonymouz666coppice: could you think about the impact in the big telcos?
14:47.17ChainsawWIMPy: It's about bandwidth. The 3G network doesn't have very much of it.
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14:47.37anonymouz666telcos these days don't talk about minutes
14:47.43anonymouz666they talk about bytes
14:47.45coppicehow do you get whatsapp to do VoIP?
14:48.17WIMPySure, you're less likely to loose a packet, but you will loose more that one packet due to the CODEC, not due to the network.
14:48.20anonymouz666coppice: I got you in my contact list and I call will (assuming you have the latest whatsapp) and then will active the voip feature
14:48.41drmessanocoppice, they just pushed it out for Android.. IOS to follow.  It's new
14:49.11anonymouz666coppice does not seem to use IOS, heh
14:49.21anonymouz666drmessano: do you?
14:49.30drmessanoI do
14:49.45drmessanoI was just being thorough.  Doesnt matter to me what anyone uses
14:50.20drmessanoI never found much use in WhatsApp.
14:50.34drmessanoIt seems redundant
14:50.52Chainsawdrmessano: It's very popular here. On the Underground, you get WiFi coverage about every other station.
14:51.17anonymouz666People seem to know what WhatsApp is, but doesn't know the economy minister name
14:51.18Chainsawdrmessano: But no mobile signal whatsoever for most of your journey. So it wins over SMS.
14:51.26coppicewhy whatsapp appears to be up to date, and I can't find any VoIP stuff?
14:51.46Chainsawdrmessano: That's just the messaging feature though, can't speak for any voice options.
14:51.58anonymouz666coppice: you have to receive a voip call through whatsapp to enable it
14:52.27coppicethat's weird
14:52.28drmessanoMost of my friends have iPhones, and we use them exclusively at my workplace.  So we all have iMessage.  I guess thats part of the redundancy
14:52.49anonymouz666drmessano: what is great about IOS is the facetime, very straight forward
14:53.10anonymouz666coppice: that's simple
14:53.50drmessanoWith iMessage, I can message from multiple devices.  Put down my main iPhone, and pick up the one I keep plugged in next to the bed and continue messaging.  I hated that WhatsApp could only be signed in on one device
14:54.11drmessanoEven Facebook messenger does that better
14:55.10coppiceooh, a little telephone handset has appeared in whatsapp. i'm not sure what triggered it to appear
14:55.36drmessanoGranted, iMessage is a single platform closed island, but you would think something as simple as messaging from multiple devices would be a no-brainer
14:55.52anonymouz666coppice: yeah that's it
14:57.32anonymouz666coppice: I know you love SIP but they don't use it
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14:59.32anonymouz666SIP is too complex to make something simple
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15:11.23anonymouz666coppice: are you having fun with whatsapp calls?
15:13.08anonymouz666for those still interested in integration with telephone systems and whatsapp, there's a lib python called "yowsup".
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15:17.53coppiceI just gave it a quick try talking to my children. huge delays, but it works
15:18.18coppicewifey has an iphone
15:19.45anonymouz666coppice: what I said
15:19.57anonymouz666what network did you use?
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15:20.19coppiceI used LTE. the children were on the home wifi
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18:23.45ipengineerIf I try to transfer to an invalid extension in asterisk the transfer fails and the active call stays on the line. This is good.. Is there a CMD in asterisk to kick a call back to the transferer? Say I transfer to exten=>1234, that extension is valid but for some reason I dont want the transfer to go through. Is there a way to cancel the transfer and allow the call to continue?
18:26.42*** join/#asterisk mattsl (
18:26.54mattslI am trying to work with a new provider who wants to verify that our server is online by sending OPTIONS messeges periodically. However, it appears that our server is not responding to them. Anyone know how to make it respond?
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18:27.09anonymouz666ipengineer atxfer?
18:27.17ipengineeranonymouz666: Blind Transfer
18:28.29anonymouz666why don't you handle the exten => i,n, and Dial() back to the source
18:29.34ipengineerI guess that is an option.. I just wasnt sure if there was a way to do it where the call never disconnected until the transfer was assured
18:32.12ipengineeranonymouz666: Maybe this will help.. I may have some errors since I just through it together but maybe it will better convey the point.
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19:35.37bobbymc4_question about the meetme application, there is a option called G that allowes specifying the intro audio file, im not sure how to set that in the configurations, can anybody help me? thank you
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22:48.36braden80hi - is anyone successfully using chan_sip and PJSIP in asterisk? I am getting a "Failed to bind to Address already in use" and wondering if one is blocking the other?
22:48.56braden80trying to register my trunk wth the server.
22:59.06smkellyfile: POOF!
22:59.41filesmkelly, kaboom
22:59.54filebraden80, you can't bind them both to port 5060
23:00.37smkellyFUN FACT: While Frank Welker is credited with doing the voice for Fred on Scooby Doo, that was actually file.
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23:06.09braden80figured as much.  so if i disable the PJSIP registration the sip registration should go through right
23:07.29filea registration does not define what binds, those are called transports in PJSIP world
23:08.04fileif you define no transports then PJSIP won't work, but chan_sip will continue to - the other option is to run each on different ports
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23:29.32braden80@file: OK so i've reverted back to SIP only, rebooted and sip reloaded. the extensions have registered ok.  sip trunk still not working but i'm seeing the following when i sip reload: "'tcp' is not a valid transport type when tcpenable=no. If no other is specified, the defaults from general will be used."
23:29.40braden80isn't that a PJSIP setting?
23:29.53filethat's chan_sip.
23:30.26braden80where is that setting set? (i'm using freepbx too)
23:30.37fileI don't know FreePBX
23:31.07braden80ok it's somewhere in the sip.conf files
23:31.18fileyes, but they'll just get overwritten if you change it
23:31.26braden80i'll look for the gui.
23:31.39braden80what should it be set to? tcpeable=yes ?
23:32.25fileif it is using TCP, then TCP has to be enabled
23:37.23braden80k i added tcpenable=yes to the conf
23:37.35braden80do i also need tlsenable? (now seeing that error)
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23:45.08cyberfab007what up people
23:45.59braden80@file any comment?
23:49.25cyberfab007hey , if I have to differnt carriers that require two differnt dialione ng out patterns, how do I make one fall over to the other
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