IRC log for #asterisk on 20150319

00:06.29*** join/#asterisk superscrat (
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00:12.34x1fa47Hello, good night. Is this the appropriate place to make a small question about ForkCDR?
00:20.55robmalI might not know the answer but i'd like to know the question.
00:24.56*** join/#asterisk andresmujica (~andresmmu@ubuntu/member/andresmujica)
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00:36.47v0ip-wolfHello, would anyone be able to help me out with a tls issue?
00:42.56*** join/#asterisk bkruse (~Adium@
00:48.07x1fa47Well, the question is... when I use ForkCDR to create a new CDR, then if I set the userfield with Set(CDR(userfield)=hello), then, the two CDR entries take the value hello for the userfield
00:48.39*** join/#asterisk UncleKiwi (~Kiwi@
00:48.52x1fa47so all the CDRs created using the ForkCDR (3, 4 or n CDR entries) get all the same value with just one Set(CDR(userfield)=hello) instruction
00:49.09x1fa47(I am using asterisk 13)
00:50.00x1fa47and what I want is to have forked CDRs with their custom userfield value, a different userfield value for every CDR, and not all the CDRs created with ForkCDR inheriting and sharing the same values
00:51.12x1fa47because for now, ForkCDR behaves in a way that it only creates exact copies of the same CDRs, having the instruction Set(CDR(userfield)=hello) an effect that affects all the CDRs, and not the one lastly forked
00:51.37UncleKiwihey guys, I have my asterisk server registered with my sip profiver from behinf a firwall using NAT ie no port forwarding in to the server. Anyway i got a pesky telesales thug that i was trying to block using the sip providers blacklisting tool and the calls keep comming in - they are saying that its not getting in via them
00:52.38UncleKiwibut i cant see how it would be gettin in - espechally seeing they were going throgh them until i black listed the number - then it just dissapeared from their call logs but the phonewas still ringing
00:52.58UncleKiwithey insist the calls are not comming in via them
00:53.14UncleKiwihow do i prove it where it came from
00:53.28x1fa47can you use the CDR for that?
00:53.39UncleKiwiyeah i have cdr logs
00:54.03UncleKiwibut i dont have detail regarding provider etc
00:54.08UncleKiwijust scr and set numbers
00:54.11UncleKiwidate and time
00:54.37x1fa47but you also have the channels, so you can see which provider was coming the call from by looking at the entry channel
00:54.55UncleKiwicrap i mayhev disabled that
00:55.06x1fa47are you using odbc?
00:55.16UncleKiwinah just files
00:55.18x1fa47I use adaptive odbc with mysql
00:55.37x1fa47the two fields that you need are "channel" and "dstchannel"
00:56.04UncleKiwido you think they could have come in direct
00:56.14x1fa47channel will codify a string that you can check to identify the provider that is comming with that call you want to block
00:56.33x1fa47what do you mean by "direct"?
00:56.58UncleKiwithe caller sends a call directly to my public ip address
00:57.27x1fa47you never allow unregistered access to your asterisk, so it should be a registered phone or provider
00:58.18x1fa47your provider or your users must be registered, and you must reject any other case
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00:58.33UncleKiwiyeah i believe i have that configured
00:58.45x1fa47do you use SIP?
00:59.08x1fa47in sip.conf, it's something like allowguest=no
00:59.24UncleKiwiyeah i know - ill dounble check
00:59.39UncleKiwibut you would think i would have to have portfrowarding enabled
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01:01.07x1fa47you need port forwarding so that incoming calls that go to your router, will know where to send that
01:01.41x1fa47I think portforwarding is for the call, but you have a different problem here
01:01.59x1fa47your calls are working, the problem is that there are some "unblocked calls entering your system"
01:02.10x1fa47try adding those fields to your CDR
01:02.28x1fa47they will tell you which channel is the originator of the undesired calls
01:02.36UncleKiwii have found a cdr with thoes quality bits of info
01:02.41UncleKiwiim checking it now
01:03.25x1fa47the format of that field is something like <technology>/<identifier>-<some random number>
01:04.00x1fa47this is from my cdr database -> "SIP/<a local telephone number here>-00000002"
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01:21.46UncleKiwiwhere is the /var/log/asterisk/cdr-csv/Master.csv configured at
01:22.17UncleKiwimaybe that is the raw data
01:22.20UncleKiwifor cdr
01:24.22robmalCDR night...
01:25.55robmalUncleKiwi: module show like csv
01:28.50UncleKiwiany idea why the times in my cdr files seem to be out of wack
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01:29.20robmalold batteries
01:29.21UncleKiwione is perfect but the other is not
01:29.28UncleKiwisame box
01:29.39UncleKiwilittle bit odd
01:29.44UncleKiwishow the same calls
01:29.55UncleKiwijust the time is wrong
01:30.28robmalShow me.
01:31.21UncleKiwiactually its exacly 1 hr out
01:32.24robmalNon soviet countries have a thing called daylight saving time.
01:32.34robmalIt's on right now.
01:33.01robmalWait a few days, it should be ok by the end of the month.
01:33.03UncleKiwiprobably is that
01:33.39UncleKiwiim just trying to confirm a call was recieved from my voip provider
01:33.47UncleKiwiand it seems it has been
01:34.17robmalMeh, i skipped a part of the backlog, but can you confirm on which channel you recieved the call?
01:35.19UncleKiwiyeah i can see it followed by a number ( not a phone number )
01:35.57UncleKiwilike that
01:36.29UncleKiwiis this enough to confirm that the call came in that channel
01:36.46robmalIt's enough to confirm that it came from a sip peer.
01:36.58robmalThe rest is in the cdrs.
01:38.01UncleKiwii can see this info by looking at this file /var/log/asterisk/cdr-csv/Master.csv
01:38.42UncleKiwiand the line that the number is on is the one that contains the sip channel stuff mentioned
01:39.46robmalWe had a situation a few days ago when the support/warranty help number for a major electronics seller was directed to our pbx. No configuration on our side changed, just pickup all, just the destination numbers were odd. Maybe check there?
01:45.22*** join/#asterisk bbryant (
01:45.26infobot[~itsp] An ITSP is an Internet Telephony Service Provider (or VoIP telephone company). They allow you to either SEND calls to the PSTN (this is called termination), RECEIVE calls from the PSTN (called origination), or both. Some offer fixed rates, others $/min. Enter ~itsplist-us (USA) or ~itsplist-ca (Canada) for a listing of popular ITSPs.
01:45.38infobotHere are some popular ITSPs (USA) starting with the more respected ones:,,,, and
01:46.08robmalMeh, as expected.
01:46.50robmalDamn, we have ITSP on the east side of the globe as well!
01:50.38*** join/#asterisk SpeedEvil (~quassel@tor/regular/SpeedEvil)
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01:55.17UncleKiwirobmal what part of the east are you from
01:56.17robmalIt's as eastern as NY is western.
02:00.22UncleKiwiso whats the best way to make money with asterisk
02:02.02bbryantUncleKiwi, run a call center maybe?
02:02.15bbryantI don't know
02:02.18bbryantI've never thought about it
02:02.35robmalFind people who pay shitloads of cash for outgoing calls. Show them VoIP. Convince them to use it. Make their rates 100x lower. Convince them they need IP PBX. Sell them asterisk on some old dell server. Convince them they need IP phones. Polycom. Support. Repeat.
02:03.06mutilatorthat sounds exhausting
02:03.07UncleKiwii have been using it in people businesses to save them money . Yep robmal thats what I have been doing
02:03.40robmalThere are other ways, when your ITSP pays you for incoming calls...
02:03.51UncleKiwiyeah that helps
02:04.33*** join/#asterisk alexw (~textual@unaffiliated/alexw)
02:05.22UncleKiwii have been putting it into motels and hotels
02:06.38robmalSo, convince your client to pay a monthly fee up front, after a few months you'll know how much of it is not used, then talk with some itsp to pay you directly for incoming calls...
02:07.21UncleKiwiyeah i get paid by my itsp
02:07.34UncleKiwii should really make a monthly fee tho
02:07.38UncleKiwithat would help things
02:08.44*** join/#asterisk fstd_ (~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted)
02:10.11robmalIt's usually win-win for the client. He gets a monthly fee with lower fees per minute as long he's below the limit... doesn't use all the minutes... so you can :-)
02:10.46UncleKiwiis this what you do for your job ?
02:11.03UncleKiwihow do you market - do you just knock on doors
02:11.53robmalI wish. My friends are doing this, i just support them to add new features to asterisk so i can eat old bread.
02:12.00robmalWith whiskey.
02:16.22*** join/#asterisk jasonwert (~jasonwert@
02:26.25Penguinrobmal: If you know of ITSPs in those regions/countries, feel free to list them.
02:27.16PenguinThe requirement is that they don't suck, though.
02:27.37robmalYou'll check that, right?
02:27.55robmalBecause, tbh, i prefer girls.
02:29.29robmalBeside that, how can i confirm/verify that to add them to the list?
02:30.00PenguinUsually experience with such companies helps.
02:30.22robmalOk, what next?
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07:09.13crocodilehunterGreetings Earthlings
07:09.44crocodilehunterAnyone want to talk about Cisco Voice certification?
07:09.48ruben23hi guys i have an existing dialplan for all extension i have to a voip trunk...but wanted to add 1 single extension then separate the trunk for it so i can monitor the usage of that extension this possible somehow..?
07:14.12*** join/#asterisk ghostlines (~ghostline@
07:15.19eirirscrocodilehunter: cisco voice don't use asterisk. :)
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07:15.34eirirscrocodilehunter: I believe #cisco would be appropiate place for that
07:16.47ChannelZyes ruben23 just make an extension for it like anything else
07:17.16eirirsChannelZ: are you saying you can have two trunks to same sip provider? :P
07:17.55ChannelZMaybe I misunderstand what he's asking.. but also yes, you could
07:18.38eirirsyes, and how would you then separate incoming calls? will it come in at both trunks, so you can setup patterns to match?
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07:24.01crocodilehunterActually, I love VOIP and I my original game plan was to study Cisco to get an idea of the competition, and then cut their grass with asterisk. Unfortunately they've pulled the voice certification so I was thinking about doing the DCAP certification..
07:24.10ChannelZWell to start he made it sound like outgoing calls (but who knows until he comes back and clarifies).  For incoming, asterisk would only ever match one peer, presumably whichever it found first
07:27.14eirirscrocodilehunter: im running both cisco and asterisk, and personally I prefer asterisk, as cisco are alot less flexible
07:27.21eirirsjust some annoynaces
07:28.13ruben23ChannelZ:  sorry late reply, yes two trunk with same voip provider but different account, the dialplan is where im stock, anyone can help..please
07:28.29eirirscrocodilehunter: like, if you have extensions 90-99, and you call outbound numbers 900000000, cisco callmanager just calls 90, and I HAVE to set outbound call prefix, eg 0, and dial 09000000000 for it do call properly. I don't have the issue with Asterisk
07:28.37ChannelZYou need to explain what you mean
07:28.50ChannelZWhat "extension" are you wanting to track?  The local extension someone calling in is dialing?
07:30.43crocodilehunterI am certain that asterisk will blow cisco out of the water, one of the major advantages with asterisk is having complete access to the shell, but I was wondering about Digium certification. Will it teach me the fundamentals about gateways, signalling, etc.. or is it just from a asterisk perspective?
07:31.15eirirscrocodilehunter: I started with asterisk, and I recognized alot when I jumped on the cisco boat
07:31.24eirirs(no certifications here)
07:31.28eirirsat least in voice
07:32.24eirirscrocodilehunter: but ofcourse I had to figure out how to kick cisco call manager at the proper spot before it got working
07:34.37crocodilehuntereirirs: I can't believe how much money cisco charge for their products and licenses!! You're looking at $15,000 for <100 users...
07:35.15ruben23ChannelZ: i got extension 100-150 doing dialout and got incoming calls with no issue, they are set on the 1st account of my asterisk. user/pass registration
07:36.14*** join/#asterisk ghostlin_ (~ghostline@
07:36.18ruben23now i got 160 special created extension should be same capability inbound/dialout but i need to trace the cost of this extension particularly so i createed a new account on our voip trunk, but how do i separate the call of this dialout/inbound that it will pass to the second trunk
07:36.27ruben23or second account fo my voip i created
07:37.14eirirscrocodilehunter: that main reason im recommending asterisk for my customers
07:37.15ruben23without disturbing the existing dialplan
07:37.30eirirscrocodilehunter: or, one of the main reasons. :)
07:37.32ChannelZWell it depends what you mean by "track".  The CDR logs will tell you who called what, in either direction.
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07:38.04ChannelZWithout having to create a separate path
07:38.10eirirscrocodilehunter: if you are new, maybe you want to have a look at freepbx, its asterisk made easy with gui, maybe easier to start on
07:39.02ChannelZAssuming your "extension 160" device has a set caller ID, you can qualify extensions with /num like so:
07:39.08crocodilehuntereirirs: My One of my dreams is to offer open source solutions to customers! How are you doing with business? Much interest?
07:39.29ChannelZexten => 12345/160.1.NoOp(This is extension 160 dialing 12345)
07:39.42eirirscrocodilehunter: im like a potato, im offering anything, voip, network, servers,
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07:40.02ChannelZFor incoming calls that dial extension 160, just add whatever logging/tracking/whatever in your existing extensions that cause whatever device 160 is to be dialed.
07:40.21ChannelZYou should already have dialplan for that
07:41.03ruben23yes create a new set of dialplan just for extension 160
07:41.14ChannelZBut honestly if you're just trying to track usage and don't need to actually do something specific with the calls, just look at the CDR log. It tells you everything you want to know.
07:42.05ruben23yes i already sugested that but they want separate account for the particular extension 160 since the rate for voip is also different
07:42.17ruben23do you hvae some sample config as guide somehow
07:42.31ChannelZWell just put that one device into a separate context that does whatever you want.
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08:29.51roxI have a ZAP outside line and I have a number of office telephones also connected on ZAP. In my dialplan, when i get inbound calls from the outside line, I dial particular office telephones. For some reason, Asterisk has stopped forwarding the ALERTING message to the outside line, so callers don't get the ring tone. Does anybody have an idea, why would Asterisk not forward ALERTING message? The internal line does send the ALERTING message, there i
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12:44.48Demon_VoIPChildren's question. How to escape text passwords in pjsip.conf? Found:  Double quotes make password incorrect.
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12:49.27ipalmerHi all, a nice easy one for someone, I'm using * 1.8 and strying to cut a variable but it doesn't return anything, can some tell me what's wrong with this exten => s,1,NoOp(${CUT(123#456,#,1)}) loaded?
12:54.50ipalmerhow would I check that?
12:55.14ipalmerI can see it when i do a core show functions
12:57.00Demon_VoIPmodule show like func_cut
12:58.25ipalmeryeah, appears to be loaded
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13:03.54WIMPyipalmer: CUT takes a variable name, not a string as argument.
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13:06.30ipalmerWIMPy: thankyou, I was using a variable name but had it surrounded with ${xxxx} removed the ${} all ok cheers
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13:31.53Demon_VoIPIs there a way to escape text passwords in pjsip.conf?
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14:10.28freemanlsDemon_VoIP: database ? md5hashing in the C code?
14:10.41freemanlsor salting with sha-256 ofcourse
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14:16.09Demon_VoIPfreemanls, md5 means that I know realm. I do not always know it
14:17.39Demon_VoIPi have plain text password for endpoint with outbound registration. My task to write it in pjsip.conf.
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14:27.33freemanlsi have looked into the pjsip.c
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14:29.54freemanlsuser/pass: pastebin / freeswitch
14:30.08freemanlsDemon_VoIP: there you can see the snippet from pjsip c code
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14:36.19Demon_VoIPfreemanls, Of course I read it. Because it helps to understand whether there is a possibility of escape characters in the password?
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14:44.36freemanlsDemon_VoIP: i believe it will accept anything once it is md5hashed
14:44.52freemanlscause basicly any string md5hashed doesnt need to be escaped
14:44.57freemanlsif that is what you mean
14:48.03Demon_VoIPfreemanls, md5 source format: "username:realm:password". In general case of endpoint with outbound registration I do not know his realm :(
14:49.10freemanlsi am not really sure what realm standsfor here
14:49.18freemanlscant help with that
14:50.57freemanlscould be asterisk by default
14:51.55Demon_VoIPfreemanls, This realm is not realm of my server. I think it is realm of foreing sip server
14:52.19freemanlseven if that is so, you could always try asterisk
14:52.26Demon_VoIPWith endpoint/devices i can write md5. It is not probrlem
14:53.26Demon_VoIPfreemanls, I do not think so :) Md5 is irreversible encryption (hash).
14:53.55freemanlsyes kind of
14:54.08freemanlsbut the remote site is hashing with something
14:54.11freemanlsif they are hashing with asterisk
14:54.14freemanlswell you got it.
14:54.35freemanlsyou might be surprised if realm is somekind of configuration option that is defaulted to 'asterisk'
14:54.49freemanlson almost every asterisk configuration
14:54.50freemanlsi guess
14:55.10Demon_VoIPI almost never met such servers :)
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14:55.16freemanlsi see
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15:22.15v0ip-wolfHello, can anyone help me on a tls issue, netstat -tupln does not show 5061, only 5060 not sure what I am missing.
15:22.15v0ip-wolf  (sip.conf)
15:28.00freemanlsv0ip-wolf: it sounds very strange to me to define ports in sip.conf
15:28.31v0ip-wolfI tried leaving the bindaddr =
15:28.44v0ip-wolfand asterisk still does not listen on port 5061
15:28.55PenguinGive me one minute and I'll help you with it.
15:29.18freemanlscould it be that you have not setup a certificate ?
15:29.46PenguinYou don't need to define the ports unless you are using NON-STANDARD port numbers.
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15:30.40v0ip-wolfeven when i dont define ports, netstat does not show 5061 as open, firewall is disabled
15:31.49PenguinYou need to specify and provide tlscertfile and tlsprivatekey.
15:32.15PenguinI see you have the cert file, but not the private key.
15:32.45v0ip-wolfI put the key and cert into one pem file
15:32.53PenguinYou have to DEFINE it in sip.conf.
15:33.10v0ip-wolfi followed this
15:33.44PenguinClean up that stuff and reload the sip module.
15:33.48v0ip-wolfit says you can cat file.crt > asterisk.pem  then cat file.key >> asterisk.pem
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15:34.03v0ip-wolfok I will try that aslo
15:39.47v0ip-wolfupdated, softphone not able to register with tls and netstat -tupln does not show 5061 open.
15:40.36v0ip-wolfis there a way to check if asterisk has tls enabled? I am currently using centos6, and installed asterisk with "yum install asterisk"  (asterisk v 1.8)
15:41.03PenguinOn the asterisk CLI, run:  module unload
15:41.13PenguinThen run:  module load
15:41.20PenguinAnd pastebin EVERYTHING that comes out.
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15:46.09PenguinWhat's that IP address on the last line?
15:46.22zekoZekohi everyone. I'm using touch monitor on * 11 to record phone calls. The problem I have is that even G.722-using calls get saved at 8kHz sample rate instead of 16. I thought touch monitor just saves the RTP traffic it passes without any re-sampling. How can I fix this?
15:47.44v0ip-wolfhhmmm , not 100%, might be gateway
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15:51.16drjfreezeI'm needing to track incoming calls from a PRI. I thought that the number being called would be tracked in the CDR, but it doesn't appear to be.
15:51.36drjfreezeIs there a quick way to get the original number dialed into the CDR?
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15:54.25WIMPyUse th CDR function.
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16:06.22pankidI need a gateway that will have 4 analog phones, and 3 sip phones. It will send traffic through an IAX to another asterisk server, but will have a failover route through a POTS carrier. What company should I be looking at? I asked digium, and they apparently do not have gateways that convert to POTS, only to sip.
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16:51.15litnso we have a couple peers who go to voicemail that the phone is in use. I checked the peer status and everything looks fine. IP of the phone is reachable from the server. The phone can make calls out OK.
16:51.57litnbut when trying to call it it goes to voicemail. I compared settings to working extension and it's the same. I did a sip debug on it and it looks like the phone server never reached out to the phone, so it's not the phone itself
16:52.01litnanywhere else I can check?
16:52.15WIMPyA phone can be in use without you knowing.
16:55.01litnactually, I see that the ext isn't lsited in core show hints- could that be it?
16:55.05PenguinMaybe the phone is not registered.
16:55.07litnit's in sip show peers, but not in core show hints
16:57.05litnPenguin: if they are in peers, then they should be registered, right?
16:57.21litnWIMPy: but I didn't see any SIP traffic go to the phone, wouldn't that need to occur to see if it is busy?
16:57.33litnbut besides we have call waiting etc. and the phone is not in use
17:01.10WIMPyThen you need to look at the call.
17:03.23paulcIs the phone behind NAT? (and the router dropped the NAT mapping, so Asterisk can't "see" the phone when it tries to send a call that way?)
17:03.52litnit is behind a NAT but this is an internal to internal call
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17:09.59litnWIMPy: is there any verbosity setting I can use to see if it's checking a DND-like database or something?
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17:10.25litnI verified the ext isn't in the DND db but maybe there is something similar going on
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17:14.47litnwell I did database show, to get everything, and didn't see anything alarming about those extensions
17:15.10litnWIMPy: when you say look at the call, you mean RTP? I thought it sends SIP first?
17:16.57PenguinI'm sure he means look at the sip debug.
17:21.02litnyeah, so, I did look at sip debug, and it never reaches out to the other phone or says anything about why it would go to voicemail
17:21.41PenguinTurn up core verbose and enable sip debug.  Make a call to that phone.  Pastebin the entire output.
17:21.44litnlooking in our registry database there are a few things askew, some of the people are mismatched, and we're having some issues where calling one person is going to a different person, and I can see where its mismatched, /SIP/Registry/665                                 :
17:21.53litnthe 278 part should be 665
17:22.06litnwe just restored from a backup and we're having these issues so it could all be intertwined
17:22.58PenguinYou can delete that entry from the database and then restart asterisk.
17:23.44PenguinThe backup can store old (potentially wrong) information in the db.
17:24.42litnwould I actually need to restart asterisk? we have hundreds of people on the phone
17:24.53litncould I just delete any entries related to that person, and then restart their phone?
17:25.13PenguinThat might work.  It certainly won't hurt to try that.
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17:43.28litnPenguin: definitely something funky going on with the database, it looks like deleting keys isn't working. It says removed, but when I get it again it shows the old value.
17:43.39litnare these dbs stored on the filesystem? it's sqlite right?
17:43.59*** join/#asterisk jetlag (
17:44.46PenguinThe DB is stored on the file system.  /var/lib/asterisk/astdb.sqlite3
17:53.50litnPenguin: something is definitely messed up with the database. So, doing "database show sip registry", there is no ext 512, right. If I do database get on it, it does return a value, the one that I had deleted,
17:54.09PenguinExtensions are not listed in the database.
17:54.26litnand if I look in with sqlite3 on the db file, it shows an entirely different value for that registry
17:54.44PenguinI did say to delete the value and restart asterisk.
17:55.43PenguinI know you said there are lots of calls in progress.  What is a typical call duration?
17:56.10litnI know. But that is an interesting descrepency, right? That there are different values in the sqlite3 table itself, in a DATABASE GET, and in a DATABASE SHOW
17:56.32litncall durations are around 3-10 minutes or so, it varies, this is a big office
17:56.42PenguinI don't think it's that odd.  If you had restarted asterisk and then it showed different values, I'd think that was odd.
17:57.10litnwould a sip reload not suffice at all?
17:57.29PenguinYou can't unload chan_sip if it is being used by the phones.
17:57.54PenguinThere's always the option of restarting gracefully.  It will not interrupt existing calls, but it will prevent new calls until all existing calls have stopped and then asterisk will restart.
18:00.00PenguinAnother option is restarting when convenient.  Existing calls will not be interrupted, new calls will be permitted.  If there is a moment when there are no existing calls, asterisk will restart.
18:01.24PenguinBut for a dreaded mid-day restart, I prefer graceful so it is more likely to happen sooner.
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18:08.32WIMPySounds evil.
18:08.46WIMPylitn: Do you have anything in the database, you want to keep?
18:09.36WIMPyTo be on the safe side, I'd stop Asterik, kill the entire DB and then restart it.
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18:11.03PenguinThat's ideal if there's nothing important in the db.  I couldn't do that, though, because my device-extension association is in the astdb.
18:13.21litnWIMPy: I don't think so. When you say kill, if you move the file (like to .backup), asterisk will automatically recreate it?
18:13.37litnmy extensions and stuff are all in dialplan
18:13.42*** part/#asterisk v0ip-wolf (
18:14.05WIMPyYes, it should create a blank one.
18:14.08litnthis keeps happening to more people- another person just reported noone can call them now, even though about 10 minutes ago they were working
18:14.20WIMPyJust as if you start it for the 1st time.
18:14.57litnI just wish asterisk showed me some kinda info about why it can't reach them
18:15.14litnwhether it's a db issue, phone issue, whatever, there's no information in the sip debug or normal log stuff
18:15.39WIMPyThat should mean that it has no idea where too look.
18:18.27litnone thing in common is these extensions aren't listed in dialplan hints (core show hints), but they are in peers
18:19.30PenguinIf there's no hint showing, then there's no hint configured.
18:20.50PenguinDid you ever increase the core verbose level, turn on sip debug, and then put a call to the problem phone?  I don't remember seeing the pastebin of it.
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20:06.45dlynesIs there a freenode channel for Switchvox support?
20:07.12[TK]D-FenderNo, it's a closed corporate product they only support directly
20:07.35dlynes[TK]D-Fender: Thanks.
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20:47.48zekoZekoshouldn't Monitor on a G.722 call record 16kHz sample rate WAVs?
20:48.19zekoZekoi just checked and it always saves at 8k.
20:48.46WIMPyIt records the format you tell it.
20:49.27zekoZekoi'm using default - wav. I see now, might try wav16.
20:49.58zekoZekoI thought it just records raw audio, depending on codec.
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20:50.17WIMPy'core show file formats'
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22:37.11zekoZekowhen using wav16 format I had to set MONITOR_EXEC and write an external script to merge the recordings
22:37.25zekoZekoit seems sox doesn't know what to do with "wav16" output format
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