IRC log for #asterisk on 20150317

00:01.55*** join/#asterisk tparcina (~tomo@
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05:00.03*** join/#asterisk Leseratte (~florian@2001:470:70bc::1)
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09:02.13freemanlsHello guys, I have an audio loss in the middle of the call, could it be from NTP not configured on Cisco SIP phones?
09:02.24*** join/#asterisk Cust0sL1men (~CustosLim@unaffiliated/cust0slim3n)
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10:30.39*** join/#asterisk yun1989 (5f5c784c@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
10:31.25yun1989hello all
10:31.34yun1989i have one problem in asterisk 13
10:31.44yun1989do you know why it's happen ?
10:37.10*** join/#asterisk Draecos (
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10:37.54WIMPyMight help if you write what you've got a problem with, so people know if that pastbin might contain something they know about.
10:49.48*** join/#asterisk spicyramen_ (
10:52.05*** join/#asterisk kchehab (~kchehab@
10:52.23*** join/#asterisk Brokennoze (
10:53.04BrokennozeHi all. Is anyone aware of an issue with Asterisk 11.5 and IAX2? every 50th call or so Asterisk deplays send of the VoiceFullFrame
11:00.52kchehabi am using asterisk with chan_mobile ,i follow all instructions ( and 1st mobile conected and works perfecly but when i attach another bluetooth device with same mobile   brand to pair  the mobile is paired but not connected as i can see it as headset in mobile search results and second mobile always recieve invites to connect to hci0 while its paied to hci1
11:00.55kchehabkindly advise
11:07.22*** join/#asterisk MadHatter42 (~MadHatter@unaffiliated/madhatter42)
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11:58.57*** join/#asterisk Demon_VoIP (
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12:06.09*** join/#asterisk RPerre (
12:06.37RPerreAnyone know any TTS software that is free and multi-lang? (I'm aiming Portuguese)
12:07.18*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
12:15.11ChainsawRPerre: It looks like the "mbrola" project has portuguese voices.
12:15.18ChainsawRPerre: You can use that through the festival engine.
12:16.08ChainsawRPerre: However, potentially awkward licensing: "This synthesizer is provided for free, for non commercial, non military applications only."
12:16.26RPerrenon commercial
12:16.34RPerrethanks for your input Chainsaw
12:16.54ChainsawRPerre: Any time.
12:20.11RPerreChainsaw, I've found this:
12:20.52ChainsawRPerre: That just gives me a 503 Varnish error.
12:21.23RPerrenot me :o
12:21.42WIMPygets a 104 Connection reset by peer
12:22.19RPerreoh, the download page gives me a 404
12:37.53*** join/#asterisk theron (~theron@
12:46.47*** join/#asterisk Leseratte (~florian@2001:470:70bc::1)
12:48.50zambaon a LAN, which audio codec should be used for the best quality?
12:49.03zambacurrently using alaw, but maybe there's an ever better codec?
12:49.06*** join/#asterisk mjordan (~mjordan@
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12:49.31Chainsawzamba: G722a is probably the most wideband codec that's still well supported.
12:49.44*** join/#asterisk slackology_ (~slackolog@unaffiliated/quintux)
12:49.45Chainsawzamba: Polycom brands that as "HD Audio".
12:49.53Chainsawzamba: Or "HD voice", even. Sorry.
12:49.58Chainsaw(Laptops on the mind)
12:51.30zambaChainsaw: if i don't specify which codec to use, will the client automatically negotiate the best possible codec?
12:51.50Chainsawzamba: In a perfect world, yes.
12:52.01zambaChainsaw: our clients are polycom phones
12:52.29zambawe interface with lync for the outside communication.. apart from that all communication is internally on the asterisk server
12:52.40Chainsawzamba: I've specified allow=!all,ulaw,alaw,g722 for ours.
12:52.49Chainsawzamba: They are IP670 & IP7000, if that helps. On the UCS firmware train.
12:53.10zambaand then the phone will automatically select the best?
12:54.11*** join/#asterisk hehol (~hehol@2001:1438:1009:200:7555:6753:e60c:503)
12:54.11zambais g711a a better protocol to use than ulaw/alaw, for instance?
12:54.23Chainsawzamba: G711a -> aLaw. G711u -> uLaw.
12:54.35Chainsawzamba: It's actually the same thing, just written out differently.
12:55.12Chainsawzamba: It's worth leaving ulaw & alaw specified for when you want to talk to the plain old telephone system over ISDN, in which case that's the best audio quality you're going to get.
12:55.13zambaand the client will select codec on a call-by-call basis, right?
12:55.19Chainsawzamba: Correct.
12:55.36Chainsawzamba: As I said, in an ideal world both ends will select the best codec they have in common.
12:55.48Chainsawzamba: In the real world... sometimes you have to help things along a little.
12:56.06zambahehe, ok
12:56.07Chainsaw(So I'd supervise that first dance between your Polycoms)
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13:07.37WIMPyChainsaw: In practice, probably. But the ISDN has supported G.722 from the very beginning.
13:08.44ChainsawWIMPy: Not seen it used.
13:10.01WIMPyFrom what I've read, some CAT-iq bases can make use of it.
13:15.12*** part/#asterisk mjordan (~mjordan@
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13:25.21*** join/#asterisk ThomasKeller (
13:28.23ThomasKellerI am using mysql for CDR logging. It seems, the connection to mysql times out after some time
13:28.37ThomasKellerI often see following errors in my log:
13:28.39ThomasKellerres_odbc.c: SetConnectAttr (Txn isolation) returned an error: HY000: [MySQL][ODBC 5.1 Driver]MySQL server has gone away
13:28.39ThomasKellerres_odbc.c: SQL Execute error! Verifying connection to MySQL-asterisk [MySQL-asterisk]...
13:28.39ThomasKellerres_odbc.c: Connection is down attempting to reconnect...
13:28.39ThomasKellerres_odbc.c: Connecting MySQL-asterisk
13:29.22ThomasKellercan somebody advice how to fix this ?
13:32.38*** join/#asterisk tgrman (~jcmoore@unaffiliated/tgrman)
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13:51.56yun1989hello all
13:52.14yun1989last day I install the asterisk version 13
13:53.03yun1989and I tried to make a call between sipml5 and "microSIP" sofphone
13:53.38yun1989I followed this link
13:53.49yun1989but I don't have sucess in this adventure
13:55.18yun1989the sofphone respond with " Everyone is busy/congested at this time"
13:55.33yun1989anyone know what is happen ?
13:59.08[TK]D-FenderNo.  Yo need to actually llook at thee complete call deebug
13:59.52*** join/#asterisk CeBe (
14:09.04yun1989@ [TK]D-Fender
14:09.21yun1989It is the complet call debug
14:09.58*** join/#asterisk marus (~ialami@
14:10.06[TK]D-Fender"sip set debug on" <-
14:11.41*** join/#asterisk kharwell (kharwell@nat/digium/x-igrrhkztzmdlmaoe)
14:12.00yun1989I don't receive any event in softphone
14:12.17*** join/#asterisk tparcina (~tomo@
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14:14.15[TK]D-FenderSIP/2.0 488 Not Acceptable Here
14:14.22[TK]D-Fenderbecause it doeesn't like what * is offeereing
14:15.01*** join/#asterisk wonderworld (
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14:17.15yun1989@TK]D-Fender it's possible softphone don't support this ?
14:17.52[TK]D-Fenderthey don't agree.
14:17.56[TK]D-FenderMake them agreee
14:22.56*** join/#asterisk Akuma (
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14:28.28yun1989I see this link and currently I have call WebRTC to sofphone but i think don't have audio
14:31.50*** join/#asterisk sgriepentrog (sgriepentr@nat/digium/x-chyvqwzabhswdpvv)
14:34.01*** join/#asterisk u0m3_ (~u0m3@
14:34.21fileyou don't appear to have pjproject installed or ICE enabled
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15:39.08*** join/#asterisk SamDaMan (
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15:42.41SamDaManso im running an onsite pbxtra server from fonality (not my choice) I found out that it is running asterisk 1.6.0 .. would like to get it up to at least 1.8, has anybody had any experience with this or have any advice?
15:43.22filejust FYI - 1.8 is in security fix only status
15:44.48sruffelljamespass: Did anything ever shake out about the RTP jitter?
15:44.57SamDaMan1.6.0 has had no support for almost 5 years, I'll take what I can get
15:45.59SamDaManfigured the shortest version jump would better keep compatability
16:00.34*** join/#asterisk ipengineer (
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16:10.28y_ateyaHow much packet loss can codec g729 handle in asterisk?
16:19.28*** join/#asterisk Chotaire (
16:24.37ChannelZHow much Cylon do you speak?
16:25.06pjensen0011000101  00010101 1101000 1000110101
16:25.07[TK] ;)
16:25.15[TK]D-FenderDomo arigato!
16:25.38pjensen00Como estas?
16:30.10*** join/#asterisk SpeedEvil (~quassel@tor/regular/SpeedEvil)
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17:03.48*** join/#asterisk notze (
17:04.09notzehey guys i successfully installed a asterisk server, now i need the easiest way to setup 20 users that can call each other.
17:04.32notzeis there any tutorial on this, i was trying just to add them to sip.conf, but now they need to be in a context and and
17:05.11*** join/#asterisk D-Boy (~D-Boy@unaffiliated/cain)
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17:08.10Penguinnotze: You won't set up users.  You'll set up phones.
17:08.15infobotNew to asterisk configuration? Check out this primer to get started.
17:08.23infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 4th Edition (ISBN 1-4493-3242-0) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and a version is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
17:08.45Penguinnotze: Yes, they will need to be assigned a context.
17:10.48notzePenguin, i assigned the sip phones a context, but now i get to extension '1002' rejected because extension not found in context 'interna
17:11.08Penguinnotze: Then you didn't create extension 1002 in that context.
17:11.49Penguinnotze: I guess you wrote the context, but did you forget the extension?
17:13.46notzePenguin, i added to extension.conf the [internal] section from the link you gave me. i created 2 sip entries 1001 and 1002. now i actually search howto assing them to the context
17:14.11Penguin1001 and 1002 are not very good names for phones.
17:14.28PenguinBut you still have to create the extensions within the internal context.
17:15.05notzePenguin, i try exactly this:) i need 20 phones so they need to be numbers
17:15.23PenguinThey should be something unique to each piece of hardware.
17:15.23infobotDevices, extensions, and people should be entirely abstracted.  Extension numbers are applied to people, and people are applied to devices.  This means you should name your devices something unique to each device, such as an ID tag or asset tag number, or a MAC address.
17:16.13PenguinWe always use the MAC address.  I recommend you do the same.
17:17.37*** join/#asterisk jiuweigui (~jiuweigui@unaffiliated/jiuweigui)
17:21.14Penguinnotze: It simplifies administration to have a good plan going in.
17:23.28*** join/#asterisk sekil (~sekil@
17:24.31notzePenguin, basically its working now.
17:24.34notzestill i have no voice
17:27.06notzenow its getting bad
17:27.11notze[Mar 17 17:25:42] WARNING[27350]: chan_sip.c:4204 retrans_pkt: Hanging up call QmQk2WOeJdA4fdQ.jjcZ2YHQXHljA1rn - no reply to our critical packet (see[Mar 17 17:26:24] WARNING[27350]: chan_sip.c:4175 retrans_pkt: Retransmission timeout reached on transmission
17:27.40notzei think it can be the reasong that this server has a virtual ip 10.0.0.x which is natted to the outgoing.. its an openstack setup
17:28.18notzePenguin, sadly your link ends here :D
17:31.55*** join/#asterisk danjenkins_ (anonymous@nat/digium/x-jmixieygswkdtjlo)
17:34.05Penguinnotze: You're saying The Book doesn't address NAT settings?
17:34.13PenguinI find that extremely hard to believe.
17:34.34notzeThe part of the guide is still under construction but will be available soon.
17:35.06notzePenguin, this is what i meant :D
17:35.46*** join/#asterisk areski (
17:36.01Penguinnotze: You should probably consult the book, which I also showed you.
17:36.13notzePenguin, doing it right now :D
17:38.44*** join/#asterisk jiuweigui (~jiuweigui@unaffiliated/jiuweigui)
17:40.44infobot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring Asterisk + SIP behind NAT: otherwise check the wiki at .  Typically, you MUST configure these settings with appropriate values in the [general] section of sip.conf: nat, directmedia, externhost or externaddr, and localnet.
17:40.59PenguinThis could use some updating, but it is generally accurate.
17:45.45*** join/#asterisk nny (
17:46.11nnycan someone poke my addled brain and remind me which variable shows the SIP peer who initiated the channel?
17:46.33nnyguess I can use channel and strip the id off
17:46.58notzePenguin, got it working :DDD JUHUHUHUHUHUHU
17:47.59notzePenguin, thx
17:48.04nnyoh duh, SIPPEER
17:48.05nnykill me
17:48.51pjensen00Is there any way to grab all of a channel's variables?
17:49.00nnycore show channel
17:49.17nnyooh or that
17:49.25pjensen00oh duh!  Thanks!
17:49.26nnydoes core show channel show all as well?
17:49.31pjensen00I don't think so
17:49.39PenguinI don't think it shows any.
17:50.05pjensen00Also, I get annoyed when core show channel truncates the channel name.  If you do the "concise" flag you get a csv and it's not truncated
17:50.08nnyit does but I think only contrext based ones
17:51.07nnyand CDR variables
17:59.40*** join/#asterisk riess82 (
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20:24.49jeevany suggestions how to best debug iax2 calls? i have iax2(C) to iax2(B), to iax2(A) to dahdi having break up issues but iax2(B) to iax2(A) to dahdi is fine.. i don't see anything up at C though
20:25.49*** join/#asterisk lorsungcu_ (uid65806@gateway/web/
20:26.05lorsungcu_anyone know if the DPMA requires dnsmasq?
20:30.34*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/chainsaw)
20:32.01newtonrsgriepentrog ^
20:33.20newtonrjeev, I'd start with packet captures looking at jitter, latency, loss, etc. Then you might go on to looking at the logs for each system.
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20:39.56sgriepentroglorsungcu_: do you mean to ask if DPMA requires active dns resolution to be functioning, or if it has a dependency specifically on that dns caching solution?
20:42.45lorsungcu_sgriepentrog: I should preface this with this being a freepbx system, but can't find any documentation regarding this.
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20:43.25lorsungcu_sgriepentrog: in regards to your question, the former, i think; I've got a single system with DPMA, and it has a ton of reverse lookup requests. Only thing different from anything else is that it's using DPMA and for whatever reason, dnsmasq is running.
20:45.03sgriepentrogThat's interesting.  Can you detail the reverse lookups?  Is it looking up the system's ip, phone's ip, or something on internet?
20:47.50sgriepentrogBTW, dnsmasq is installed by default on (at least recent) freepbx distro.
20:49.04sgriepentrogI'm testing it now and not seeing any traffic to/from dnsmasq.
20:49.08jeevnewtonr, is seeing LAGRQ a possible issue ?
20:49.35sgriepentrogHow & on what port are you seeing lookup requests?
20:51.56lorsungcu_sgriepentrog: sorry, one second.
20:52.48lorsungcu_sgriepentrog: dnsmasq is installed, but not running on latest distro
20:53.03lorsungcu_on my DPMA install, it's running and listening
20:53.26lorsungcu_I'm not entirely sure what it's looking up
20:53.36lorsungcu_I can send you a capture, though
20:53.52lorsungcu_mind if I PM?
20:53.53sgriepentrogyes please.
20:58.02*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~joe@
21:00.03jeevnewtonr, i looked at the other end of the call and jitter is at 20000ms ..
21:00.27jeevi dont even know how
21:28.48*** join/#asterisk alexw (~textual@unaffiliated/alexw)
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21:29.54notzewhats the best sip phones for asterisk
21:32.15[TK]D-FenderPolycom > All
21:33.09robmal[TK]D-Fender: About that, is there a way to change the sort order of the contact directory?
21:35.08[TK]D-FenderYes, there is even a magical index field RIGHT THERE
21:35.10PenguinIt won't arrange by penis.
21:35.46robmalYou mean speed_index, but that's not the same.
21:36.01[TK]D-Fenderfunctionally it is
21:36.08pjensen00First in, first out.  Heyooo
21:36.09robmalI want speed index to be arranged by the user, but the directory to be arranged by extension, not the last name.
21:36.59robmal(because people with last names beginning with 'z' are never important, sorry)
21:37.57robmalTypo ;-)
21:41.41robmal[TK]D-Fender: Also, what's the difference between BLF and buddy watch? I'm new to this contact directory world.
21:42.14robmalExcept 'BLF can blink the light green, and buddy watch can't'
21:42.44[TK]D-Fenderbuddy watch = presence = blf
21:43.06robmalBut buddy watch can't blink the light green afair.
21:43.51[TK]D-Fenderit does
21:44.04*** join/#asterisk shadebob (~shadebob@
21:44.51robmalGood to know.
22:16.01*** join/#asterisk justdave (~dave@unaffiliated/justdave)
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22:40.43*** join/#asterisk calum_ (
22:46.28pjensen00is it possible to execute dialplan applications through the ARI?
22:46.40pjensen00I see the option to execute functions, but I'm missing applications.
22:46.47fileit is not
22:46.56pjensen00ah ok
22:49.04pjensen00what's the difference between functions and applications anyways?  I never thought to ask the question until recently.
22:50.13*** join/#asterisk jab416171 (
22:50.40pjensen00newtonr: thanks
22:50.55newtonrpjensen00, np!
22:53.37*** join/#asterisk hyperized (~Hyper@unaffiliated/hyperized)
23:09.21*** join/#asterisk MaliutaLap (nikolai@unaffiliated/maliuta)
23:22.51*** join/#asterisk happy-dude (uid62780@gateway/web/
23:22.55pjensen00I'm assuming the reason why applications aren't allowed is because ARI is supposed to give you the tools to do applications on your own?  That's 100% cool, though is there a way to replicate DumpChan then?
23:23.12pjensen00it's not mission critical, but it's something I'd like in my toolbox for troubleshooting
23:23.16*** part/#asterisk kharwell (kharwell@nat/digium/x-igrrhkztzmdlmaoe)
23:39.15newtonrpjensen00, I'm not sure, you might want to E-mail the app-dev list.
23:39.18newtonrI've got to run!
23:42.37*** join/#asterisk _zerick_ (~zerick@

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