IRC log for #asterisk on 20150228

00:17.00*** part/#asterisk kharwell (kharwell@nat/digium/x-jhbjhkazaxwikdse)
00:24.19*** join/#asterisk bmurt (
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00:59.37*** join/#asterisk jasonwert (~jasonwert@
01:00.51*** join/#asterisk fstd (~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted)
01:01.31*** join/#asterisk Vutral (~ss@mirbsd/special/Vutral)
01:20.47*** join/#asterisk RPerre (~RPerre@
01:21.51*** join/#asterisk happy-dude (uid62780@gateway/web/
01:42.02*** join/#asterisk bmurt (
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02:06.21*** join/#asterisk jasonwert (~jasonwert@
02:18.56*** join/#asterisk jasonwert (~jasonwert@
03:14.15*** join/#asterisk jasonwert (~jasonwert@
03:36.06*** join/#asterisk FreezingCold (~FreezingC@
03:44.33*** join/#asterisk darkbasic (
03:51.18*** join/#asterisk Chotaire (
04:01.18*** join/#asterisk jasonwert (~jasonwert@
05:31.44*** join/#asterisk fstd (~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted)
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09:38.26*** join/#asterisk FreezingCold (~FreezingC@
09:49.15*** join/#asterisk AL13N (~alien@2001:470:1f15:199e:4216:7eff:fe22:3b24)
09:50.00*** join/#asterisk pchero_travel (
09:50.33AL13Ni have an asterisk at home, and i have a sip account somewhere... i would like to connect my asterisk to the sip account, instead of having 2 sip accounts on my client
09:50.50AL13Nhow can i connect my asterisk to the remote asterisk with a sip registration?
09:51.36AL13Nhuh, wait, i can just do as if it's a remote trunk
10:13.56pchero_travelAL13N: Do you have remote trunk? And do you want to register it Asterisk to Trunk provider?
10:15.06pchero_travelMay this link can help you.
10:25.36*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (
10:32.15AL13Nthx! i'll go read
10:39.13pchero_travelAL13N: Once you done config, you can check it using "sip show registry". :)
10:54.29*** join/#asterisk CeBe (
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11:35.24*** join/#asterisk pchero_travel (
11:38.19*** join/#asterisk CeBe (
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11:41.30*** join/#asterisk davlefou (~davlefou@unaffiliated/davlefou)
12:11.46*** join/#asterisk ldc (
12:12.23ldchello! since I've changed my router I have one single phone that doesn't work, all the others work fine
12:12.29ldcthat single phone seems to register then it becomes unreachable
12:12.45ldcit's the only phone different from the others (grandstream vs cisco)
12:12.53ldcany hints?
12:13.09ldcphones are behind nat with pbx outside
12:24.47pchero_travelHave you checked STUN config?
12:26.44ldchmm I've never used STUN on the other phones
12:33.03pchero_travelldc: Using SIP protocol with NAT, it needs STUN config.
12:38.06ldcpchero_travel: adding a stun server seems to have fixed it, thanks :)
12:38.16ldcodd, since all the other phones work fine without one
12:39.17pchero_travelWell, magic? It supposed working with STUN, if it worked inside of NAT..
12:52.17*** join/#asterisk evilman_home (
13:00.47*** join/#asterisk fstd (~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted)
13:05.20*** join/#asterisk bmurt (
13:10.23*** join/#asterisk ThatDamnRanga (~wiretap@unaffiliated/wiretap)
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13:42.37*** join/#asterisk cargill_ (
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14:07.38*** join/#asterisk Kilo`byte (~kilobyte@
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15:07.10*** join/#asterisk MadHatter42 (~MadHatter@unaffiliated/madhatter42)
15:20.02*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~joe@
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15:29.51*** join/#asterisk volga629 (~bendersky@
15:31.03volga629Hello Everyone, having issue with where asterisk not save record route from proxy when received SUBSCRIBE  and send NOTIFY
15:32.14volga629based on loose route it save and send NOTIFY with record routes based from SUBSCRIBE
15:42.21AL13Ndoes asterisk have starttls support on SIP?
15:55.37*** join/#asterisk war9407 (
16:22.29*** join/#asterisk CustosLimen (~CustosLim@unaffiliated/cust0slim3n)
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18:04.07*** join/#asterisk Vutral (~ss@mirbsd/special/Vutral)
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18:15.19*** join/#asterisk FreezingCold (~FreezingC@
18:23.51*** join/#asterisk Vutral (~ss@mirbsd/special/Vutral)
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18:32.31*** join/#asterisk panamark (
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19:29.27*** join/#asterisk pchero (
19:35.22*** join/#asterisk roswell (
19:36.05roswellhello everyone. is there a way of setting a custom sip header in a peer definition, like with setvar?
19:38.35[TK]D-FenderYou should be able to set the function using that.
19:42.49roswellthought so, but all i've found related to this, was SIP_HEADER , which seems not to let setting, only retrieving. just decided to ask
19:44.25*** join/#asterisk bkruse (~Adium@
19:48.10ChannelZare you talking about SipAddHeader() ?
19:53.04[TK]D-FenderYup, looks like its only the application that adds them.
19:55.58roswellright, i figured that prior to asking here, just wanted to know whether someone had some workaround for a peer definition
20:21.41*** join/#asterisk shootbird (
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20:27.33*** join/#asterisk bmurt (
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20:48.41*** join/#asterisk evilman_home (
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21:20.58*** join/#asterisk D-Boy (~D-Boy@unaffiliated/cain)
21:24.48*** join/#asterisk ChannelZ (
21:27.54*** join/#asterisk mjordan (mjordan@nat/digium/x-moifucuzvddmvakb)
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21:34.51*** join/#asterisk CeBe (
21:40.56marlincWhat's the highest quality codec supported by Asterisk for media files
21:41.14marlincMusic on hold, sounds, etc..
21:41.15*** join/#asterisk sommarnatt (~sommarnat@
21:42.09WIMPysigned linear 192Ks/s
21:42.13roswelladpcm perharps
21:42.28*** join/#asterisk rmudgett (rmudgett@nat/digium/x-ptrqfbrgmoosxwze)
21:49.16marlincOkay.. lets find out more about those
21:49.41roswellWIMPy was more correct however. slin192
21:50.53marlincSo if I wanted to for example use 'slin192', would it be possible to convert files using for example avconv or what would be the usual way of doing so
21:52.07WIMPyI doubt you will find any sources for that quality.
21:52.52WIMPyOr any phone that can make use of it. As far as phones go, G.722 is usually as far as it gets.
21:54.29marlincOkay I've got no idea what to use and I don't have any knowledge about any of the codecs so I'm just going with what you're saying for now
21:54.38marlincNow I just have to find out how to create G.722 sound files right?
21:55.45WIMPyYou don't have to. Just use slin16 (or even more). Asterisk will transcode on demand.
21:56.14WIMPyIf you want to save resources, you should have the files in the format that is most likely used by your phones.
21:56.30marlincOkay that's nice, so what format would you suggest (that has the highest quality) for music on hold files
21:56.34marlincResources are no problem
21:57.28WIMPyUsually you wil have your music in 44.1 or 48 Ks/s, so just keep it that way. But convert them to mono.
21:57.47panamarkSorry to cut in but am not a fan of transcoding. So i would sugget to convert your sound files to your prefered codec. You can read more at:
21:58.47marlincWhat's your reasoning for disliking transcoding, because it has to transcode on the fly?
21:59.19WIMPyIt's repeating the work for each single call instead of once for all.
21:59.25panamarkYes, and resources might not be a problem as we speak but it can be in the near future
21:59.38panamark+1 for WIMPy
21:59.49panamarkits a repeated process you are wasting resources
22:00.38WIMPyBut the advantage is that you don't have to know what CODECs will be used on the calls and always get optimum quality.
22:01.04panamarkmoreover g722 is low complexity codec
22:01.09WIMPyBut you can also save your files in multiple formats.
22:01.59marlincIs there a way to see what codec is being used on a call? In older Asterisk version it was possible to see using 'sip show channels'
22:02.13marlincBut now I'm using pjsip and the same command for pjsip doesn't show the codec
22:03.09panamarkyou dont have access to asterisk cli?
22:03.15marlincI do
22:03.39marlincI do have acces
22:06.25ChannelZThe channel knows.  'core show channels concise' and then 'core show channel XXXX'
22:07.32marlincWriteTranscode: Yes (slin@8000)->(ulaw@8000)
22:07.42marlincThose are the two codecs
22:11.35panamarki thought 'core show channels concise' was deprecated
22:13.00ChannelZIt is but stupidly 'verbose' cuts off the channel name in most instances too, so I'm not sure what you're supposed to do once 'concise' goes away
22:13.28WIMPyUse the Tab key.
22:13.30ChannelZIf you have verbose console on you'll see the channel name a bunch of times as the call goes through the dialplan, but still..
22:13.46marlincI just tabbed and it autocompleted
22:14.59panamarkconcise is overated. when it goes away we will sniff packets :D
22:15.01ChannelZIt's kind of a pain for 'trunks' like incoming/outgoing ITSP if you have a lot of calls happening simultaneously, to find the one you actually want, but..
22:16.07panamarkDoes anyone use grandstream phones?
22:16.16ChannelZI don't know why the columns are so artificially small.  Should probably be re-worked to try and find the longest channel name first and then create the columns accordingly, but oh well.  There's other things to worry about :)
22:17.16WIMPyOh yes
22:28.09pcheroDoes anybody know why "module reload" doesn't work?
22:28.15pcheroin cli?
22:28.36pcheroActually, it's working, but it returns error.
22:28.58pcheroNo such module ''
22:29.18ChannelZthen it probably wasn't working in the first place
22:29.45ChannelZ(or maybe it's statically built?  Rare but not impossible)
22:30.06pcheroI just looked chan_sip.c file
22:30.24pcheroBut, I couldn't find reload_module()
22:31.02pcheroNot implemented? or wrong usage? Hm..
22:31.40pcherobut "sip reload" working fine.
22:32.16pcherobut problem is when do the "sip reload", it doesn't send Event: Reload AMI..
22:32.17ChannelZWhat does 'module show' say?
22:32.48pcheromodule show like
22:33.07ChannelZhmm.. well module reload works here.  What version of *?
22:33.21pcheroI just downloaded from svn
22:33.30pcheroto test for this.
22:33.43pcherosvn checkout asterisk
22:34.00pcheroAsterisk SVN--r432405 built
22:35.11pcherotechnically, working fine. But the message is problem. It says no such module. Even AMI message code set to "2" which is "no such module"..
22:37.30marlincIf I get the following
22:37.30marlincNo joint capabilities for 'audio' media stream between our configuration((g722)) and incoming SDP((ulaw|gsm|alaw|g729|speex|g726|g726aal2))
22:37.45marlincAre the codecs listed in the last part the ones supported by my provider?
22:37.55[TK]D-Fenderus VS them
22:38.07WIMPyWhatever you're talking to.
22:38.08[TK]D-Fenderthey don't allow g.722
22:38.18[TK]D-FenderAnd that's all you allow
22:38.24ChannelZHuh. Never seen a provider do speex
22:38.27marlincThey do advertise with that's what they have
22:38.39marlincThey so say they allow g722
22:38.53[TK]D-FenderPerhaps you need your account set up especially for it
22:39.06[TK]D-FenderOr it could allow that only between account on the same service, etc
22:41.12marlincOkay so which one of the ones they provide would be the highest quality? Because g722 appears to be the 'HD' codec
22:43.01marlincOkay, I think I'll contact them
22:43.17ChannelZ722 is nice for internal phones or perhaps through a provider where you're calling another number who uses them as a provider as well, assuming both of you even have wideband phones
22:44.07ChannelZBut for the majority you're never going to get a wideband call from a regular person
22:45.15ChannelZSpeaking of which, anyone notice with Vitelity if you are calling Vitelity-to-Vitelity, the Caller ID is destroyed?
22:47.05ChannelZOoh, maybe they fixed it.. it's working now
23:07.18*** join/#asterisk bkruse (~Adium@
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