IRC log for #asterisk on 20150217

00:05.24*** join/#asterisk cyford (~junkmail@
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00:13.03*** part/#asterisk kharwell (kharwell@nat/digium/x-dfesczxhszgjerqx)
00:13.59filetick tock
00:44.08*** join/#asterisk JerJer (~Adium@asterisk/original-h323-guy/JerJer)
01:00.50*** join/#asterisk fstd (~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted)
01:09.22phixfile: sup?
01:10.03phixfile: Are you opened or closed?
01:13.49*** join/#asterisk jasonwert (~jasonwert@
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03:19.42ganbold_how to enable h235 authentication with cisco gk using ooh323?
03:37.28*** join/#asterisk darkbasic (
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08:22.39ChannelZWell you need to just write some dialplan to do it.  Play a prompt, use Read() to get the number, then store it somewhere like the AstDB
08:23.03ChannelZThen you'll need to check the blacklist on your incoming calls and respond accordingly
08:30.04ChannelZVery simplistic starter:
08:31.15*** join/#asterisk rox (
08:32.35roxI am using  1.8 LTS version, and when monitoring SIP-SIP bridged calls, monitoring sometimes breaks off during call, so I am left with a partial call recording
08:32.57roxhas anybody heard of such an issue?
08:33.48*** join/#asterisk MaliutaLap (nikolai@unaffiliated/maliuta)
08:34.21roxoh, and it's not when transferring calls
08:36.44*** join/#asterisk CeBe1 (
08:38.01*** join/#asterisk CeBe (
08:38.18imihaylovthank you! I'm already using blakclist function but I had to enter them into cli.
08:42.19ChannelZno prob
08:45.57*** join/#asterisk woleium (
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08:58.18*** join/#asterisk skrusty (~skrusty@
08:58.26imihaylovwhat is the function to remove number from blacklist
08:58.41imihaylovI want to use it in dialing *31 for example
08:59.46imihaylovexten => *31,n,Set(DB(blacklist/${NumToBlacklist})=1)
08:59.57imihaylovset to be equal to 0 ?
09:01.18*** join/#asterisk CustosL1men (~CustosLim@unaffiliated/cust0slim3n)
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09:08.53ChannelZthere is the DBdel application
09:09.32ChannelZexten => *31,n,DBDel(blacklist/${NumToBlacklist}) for instance
09:10.07ChannelZActually, do you have the DB_DELETE function in 1.8?
09:10.43ChannelZcore show function DB_DELETE
09:28.45*** join/#asterisk bipolar (
09:30.12*** join/#asterisk AbuAbu (~AbuAbu@2a02:908:ee80:1ec0:6cd8:a525:5b82:8230)
09:31.58roximihaylov: you can DB_DELETE() the number
09:32.21imihaylovI have DB_DELETE
09:34.20imihaylovthank you
09:34.48roxRegarding my Monitor cutting the calls short - I have found 3 related bugs on but none on Asterisk 1.8. Has anyone ever heard of such an issue on Asterisk 1.8?
09:34.55imihaylovI have strange behavour
09:35.03imihaylovmy asterisk extensions are not ringing
09:35.06imihaylov[Feb 17 11:33:57] WARNING[5411]: chan_sip.c:4210 __sip_autodestruct: Autodestruct on dialog '11-36884747-54E30AB50006C2BB-0B440700' with owner SIP/ in place (Method: BYE). Rescheduling destruction for 10000 ms
09:35.20imihaylovand I am getting all bunch of that
09:38.15*** join/#asterisk darkbasic_ (
09:45.14imihaylovIt was vtiger asterisk connector fault
09:49.45imihaylov[Feb 17 11:49:32] WARNING[6025]: app_db.c:129 del_exec: The DBdel application has been deprecated in favor of the DB_DELETE dialplan function!
09:50.09imihaylov[Feb 17 11:48:26] WARNING[6010]: pbx.c:4458 pbx_extension_helper: No application 'DB_DELETE' for extension (cc, *31, 2)
09:50.15imihaylovwhat now
09:51.47wdoekesimihaylov: you're calling it as an app, not as a function
09:52.11wdoekesSomeApp() vs. Set(SOMEFUNCTION([parameters])=value)
09:52.18imihaylovexten => *31,n,DB_DELETE(blacklist/${NumToBlacklist})
09:53.35imihaylov[Feb 17 11:53:17] ERROR[6133]: pbx.c:3974 ast_func_write: Function DB_DELETE cannot be written to
09:53.38imihaylovwhen i use
09:54.36imihaylovsyntaxis is DB_DELETE(family/key)
09:55.53wdoekesaccording to the [Description], it *returns* a value
09:56.29wdoekesi.e. you'll call it like this: NoOp(${DB_DELETE(blacklist/${NumToBlacklist})})
09:56.39wdoekesor this: Set(return_value=${DB_DELETE(blacklist/${NumToBlacklist})})
09:57.45*** join/#asterisk bipolar (
09:58.33imihaylovthank you very much!
10:16.36*** join/#asterisk CustosL1men (~CustosLim@unaffiliated/cust0slim3n)
10:25.58*** join/#asterisk u0m3 (~u0m3@
10:38.11*** join/#asterisk wizbit (~wizbit@unaffiliated/wizbit)
10:39.16wizbiti have these errors in my asterisk messages log:
10:39.22wizbitare they anything to worry about?
10:41.11*** join/#asterisk darkbasic (
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10:51.18kleszczcheck /etc/asterisk
10:51.30*** join/#asterisk Tuju (
10:51.32kleszczand then check /etc/asterisk/asterisk.conf
10:52.00Tujui'm having trouble with this fromdomain doesn't work with outbound INVITE
10:52.04kleszczastetcdir => /etc/asterisk
10:52.25Tujuall my outbound invites have ip-address instead of FQDN.
10:52.58Tujuand hence my trunk lines and contexts get mixed at receiving end, again :-/
11:06.28*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/chainsaw)
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11:58.09*** join/#asterisk yun1989 (5f5c784c@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
11:58.14yun1989hello all
11:58.34yun1989i have one problem some times asterisk put the CPU to 95% usage
11:58.43yun1989any ideias for this problem ?
12:01.16Tujui manged to get partial fix to my problem by removing 'invite' from insecure setting, hence putting all invites under digest auth --> realm setting is used.
12:01.39Tujubut invite messages still appear to appear with ip-address, something that i find filthy.
12:02.19Tujucalls work (if my bookkeeper would answer) - but it's not perfect yet.
12:02.45*** join/#asterisk hehol (~hehol@2001:1438:1009:200:b111:4b:e7f2:db3e)
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12:35.03*** join/#asterisk stefan27 (~stefan27@
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12:35.54stefan27i disabled coredumps some time ago and now i dont remember how to get them back... If i do 'asterisk -c -vvvg' from /tmp and then "core stop gracefully" isn't asterisk supposed to produce a coredump file in tmp?
12:36.10*** join/#asterisk wonderworld (
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12:44.24*** join/#asterisk AbuAbu (~AbuAbu@2a02:908:ee80:1ec0:6cd8:a525:5b82:8230)
12:44.48imihaylovis there any way to make a script that calls some number pointing to asterisk
12:44.48imihaylovand asterisk automatically pickups and hang after 10 seconds,
12:44.48imihaylovand returns success as result or failure if anything goes wrong.
12:44.48imihaylovThe script would be at other asterisk server.
12:46.16fileeverything required to do it exists
12:46.20filein pieces.
12:56.13wizbitdoes my iax.conf look secure:  ?
13:00.49*** join/#asterisk fstd (~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted)
13:03.56stefan27im completely lost... why won't asterisk produce core dump files, I tried starting it as root with asterisk -c -vvvg
13:04.12stefan27ive produced tons of core dumps in the past
13:06.48*** join/#asterisk AbuAbu (~AbuAbu@2a02:908:ee80:1ec0:6cd8:a525:5b82:8230)
13:17.27roxis there a real difference between monitor with m flag and mixmonitor?
13:17.38*** join/#asterisk AbuAbu (~AbuAbu@2001:67c:1350:106::3)
13:17.39roxstefan27: check your ulimit
13:24.18*** join/#asterisk Rad (
13:25.25RadHi , i've created a sip trunk for one of our customer, with a call limit feature , i'm not using the sip.Conf "call-limit" parameter , instead i am using the Group() commands . When my customer reaches the limit , i want to send "Call Limit Reached", how can i do that ?
13:29.06stefan27ulimit -c unlimited didn't help, was that what you meant?
13:30.25Radstefan27 sorry , are you trying to answer my question ?
13:31.28*** join/#asterisk evilman_work (~evilman@
13:32.00stefan27Sorry, i was asking rox, he was helping me :D
13:32.19stefan27I can't answer your question :/
13:32.40Radits ok.
13:40.03*** join/#asterisk happy-dude (uid62780@gateway/web/
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13:40.39Radhi ?
13:46.22*** join/#asterisk D-Boy (~D-Boy@unaffiliated/cain)
13:46.24*** join/#asterisk Apteryx (~maxim@
13:47.02ApteryxHello! I was wondering if there was a way to quickly switch between chan_sip and pjsip using the modules.conf file?
13:47.50WIMPyApteryx: Exactely that.
13:47.58ApteryxUp to now I was maintaining a custom modules.conf for trying both
13:48.40ApteryxWIMPy: but in order to load pjsip, there does not appear to be a single line, I need to load tens of res_pj_*. I hope I'm wrong.
13:49.38WIMPyNo. That's correct. But you can write two versions of modules.conf that you replace.
13:50.13ApteryxWIMPy: ok! So if I'm using autoload, what happens? Won't pjsip clashes with chan_sip?
13:50.29WIMPyIt will.
13:50.46Apteryxok. So the default config is to load pjsip or chan_sip?
13:51.00WIMPyBut you can use both if you configure them correctly to not interfere.
13:51.29WIMPyThe default is to load wht exists. That would probably be both.
13:52.01ApteryxWIMPy: ok. Thanks for the explanation.
13:53.05ApteryxIs there a bare minimum example somewhere as to what is required to be minimally in modules.conf and why?
13:54.19ApteryxI got something working by trial and error, but a nice example would still be nice :)
13:54.45*** join/#asterisk theron (~theron@
13:55.22stefan27nevermind my problem im an idiot i mixed up (misread) the kill signals
13:55.36stefan27kill -11 was for forcing core
13:56.50Radany idea how to inform a specific trunk that it has reached the limit of outbounded calls ?
14:02.23*** join/#asterisk Valduare (
14:10.34WIMPyApteryx: No it depends on what YOU need. You couls also still use autoload an some noload's.
14:11.23*** join/#asterisk mjordan (~mjordan@
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14:11.49roxI am having problems, Monitor does not record entire calls, it stops recording randomly in the middle of call. If I replace Monitor with MixMonitor, can I reasonably expect the problem to go away?
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15:46.56jamicqueHi, while using asterisk with webscoket I get an error in console "No DTLS-SRTP support present on engine for RTP instance '0xa7c0eb4', was it compiled with support for it?" It happnes on my asterisk 11 compiled on lenny, on ubuntu 14.04 everything is ok, do you have any ideas what is wrong or which lib am I missing?
15:46.56*** join/#asterisk u0m3 (~u0m3@
15:48.10fileOpenSSL has to have DTLS-SRTP support, and libsrtp has to be present
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15:49.21jamicqueI tried to compile the openssl from source to be sure it has DTLS-SRTP support, libsrtp is present
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15:49.45jamicquein make menuselect I see that module res_srtp is present
15:54.02*** join/#asterisk AbuAbu (~AbuAbu@2a02:908:ee80:1ec0:6cd8:a525:5b82:8230)
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16:01.01yun1989hello all
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16:01.03mutilatoranyone use the snom870 w/ openvpn?
16:01.20yun1989any ideias for this problem ?
16:01.42yun1989hello how are you ?
16:02.16[TK]D-FenderSorry, can't help you on this one...
16:03.06JerJermeep meep
16:07.34*** join/#asterisk coppice (
16:15.21stefan27When NEWCIDNAME="test1,test2", I execute Macro(set-callerid-name,"${NEWCIDNAME}") but in context set-callerid-name ARG1 is not "test1,test2" as expected but just test1
16:15.45*** join/#asterisk DivideBy0 (~DivideBy0@unaffiliated/divideby0x0)
16:15.58stefan27how can i escape "," in calls to Macro app
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16:20.51stefan27It seems like even with exten => _Y.,n,Set(NEWCIDNAME="test1\,test2") and exten => _Y.,n,Macro(set-callerid-name,"${NEWCIDNAME}") . ARG1 in set-callerid-name is still test1\
16:21.49stefan27I want ARG1 to refer to "test1,test2" if NEWCIDNAME has the value "test1,test2"
16:24.07stefan27is there any other general way to escape , in app-calls
16:24.46[TK]D-Fenderpass it the variable name instead of the value
16:30.16*** join/#asterisk Defraz (~Defraz@
16:31.00stefan27Yeah I guess that works, if ${ARG1} is a variable-name - ${${ARG1}} is the value?
16:33.33*** join/#asterisk linocisco (~linocisco@
16:33.49linociscohi all
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16:46.13linociscohow can we setup aseterisk for sending Fax from computers and receiving fax from shared network drives or NAS drive?
16:47.14linociscoinstead of receiving Fax via email attachement
16:58.42*** join/#asterisk sawgood (~sawgood@unaffiliated/sawgood)
16:59.08*** join/#asterisk ChannelZ (
16:59.08[TK]D-FenderAsterisk doesn't do "e-mail"
16:59.47[TK]D-FenderIt's your dialplan, do whatever you want with it.
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17:57.46yun1989hello all
17:58.05yun1989it's possible to connect asterisk to this
18:01.28yun1989@[TK]D-Fender i have one problem some times asterisk put the CPU to 95% usage
18:01.48yun1989thanks for your help one more time
18:01.53*** join/#asterisk Tom-M (
18:02.19yun1989do you have any ideia why ?
18:03.00[TK]D-Fender[11:02][TK]D-FenderSorry, can't help you on this one...
18:04.02*** part/#asterisk AbuAbu (~AbuAbu@2a02:908:ee80:1ec0:6cd8:a525:5b82:8230)
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19:08.15h8hi everyone
19:09.12h8running asterisk 11 on a gentoo machine, I'm getting the following error: chan_sip.c:23028 handle_response_invite: Received response: "Forbidden", where's the catch, what is the usual issue here? I've tried going through NAT problems, opened the server up totally, same problem, the call goes out through a SIP Gateway, if I connect to the gateway through a softphone it works, through asterisk it doesn't
19:11.04[TK]D-FenderBecause it's authing wrong
19:11.37cyfordyep just what i was about to say lol
19:13.08h8so it's auth issues, okay, I'll look in to that
19:15.44*** join/#asterisk d00gster (
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19:56.33talntidi have timeout=10 in a queue, and the queue is setup as ringall
19:56.49talntidafter 10 seconds i'd like it to continue down the dialplan... am i doinitwrong?
19:59.21rrittgarn1timeout in a queue is how long to ring a queue member. unless you do it in the Queue() call
20:10.14talntidso since they are ringall, they all ring at once
20:10.36*** join/#asterisk JerJer (~Adium@asterisk/original-h323-guy/JerJer)
20:10.41talntidso 10 seconds later, it should fall through, or does it do 10 * [number of queue members] ?
20:15.00[TK]D-Fenderthat is the inter-agent dial timeout, not the TTL of the call staying in the queue
20:15.11[TK]D-Fender"core show application queue:" <--
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20:21.52talntidroger that
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21:45.33jab416171ugh, I keep getting this error from google:
21:45.35jab416171Too many created bindings per hour.
21:48.01PenguinMaybe you should pastebin your configuration.
21:50.57ChannelZ-WkMaking lots of calls?
22:07.14*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~joe@
22:12.21gustojab416171, how do you connect asterisk to google? XMPP?
22:12.48jab416171ChannelZ, not making any calls, it's "disconnected" in the UI
22:12.53jab416171gusto, I guess so... whatever asterisk does by default
22:12.55jab416171using Motif
22:12.58jab416171Penguin, which file is that?
22:21.39*** join/#asterisk Marquel (~Marquel@fuchsfanclub/allerdings/marquel)
22:22.52jab416171it's working now
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23:34.35jamicquewhich rtp engine has the DTLS config and what dependency is required to enable it? First time getting this message:  ERROR[31285][C-00000001]: chan_sip.c:5701 dialog_initialize_dtls_srtp: No DTLS-SRTP support present on engine for RTP instance '0xa4181a4', was it compiled with support for it?
23:35.02jamicqueOpenSSL 1.0.1i 6 Aug 2014 and SRTP installed
23:35.13jamicquebut no luck :(
23:49.45ChannelZ-Wklibsrtp probably
23:50.35*** join/#asterisk ndb (~ndb@
23:50.40jamicquelibsrtp is in version 1.4.5
23:50.49ndbI wanna build a new module with libcurl deps, how do I add a -lcurl?
23:50.55ndbon compilation flags*
23:51.53jamicqueduring the configuration of sources i get in config.log - conftest.c:291: undefined reference to `SSL_CTX_set_tlsext_use_srtp'
23:52.19jamicqueI guess that's the point, any solutions?
23:53.18ChannelZ-WkSSL_CTX_set_tlsext_use_srtp seems like an openssl thing
23:53.31ChannelZ-WkYou have the -dev of both installed?  Not just the libs?
23:54.42jamicquejep, however it might be something wrong with the package
23:54.47jamicquebecouse it's on lenny
23:55.07jamicquedo you think thah compiling openssl from source will solve the issue?
23:56.07ChannelZ-Wk?  FWIW I have libssl-dev 1.0.1-4 and libsrtp0-dev 1.4.4 and res_srtp builds OK
23:57.45jamicqueon lenny normally was package 0.9.8
23:57.56jamicquethe one 1.0.1 is backported it might be corrupted
23:58.30ChannelZ-Wk<- Ubuntu 12.04 (precise)
23:58.36jamicquei might tre installing openssl 1.0.1 from source, maybe this will help, or do you have any other ideas?
23:58.47jamicque12.04 is newer than lenny :)
23:59.32[TK]D-FenderGLACIERS are newer than Lenny...
23:59.37[TK]D-Fender... and faster

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