IRC log for #asterisk on 20150216

00:00.11mjordanputting more business logic into Asterisk rarely makes anyone happy.
00:00.13jmordicaProprietary sip extensions?
00:00.32mjordanThere's a *very* closed issue in the issue tracker for them.
00:02.05mjordanregardless, it's far easier to build these kinds of features treating Asterisk as a media application server, than it is to write all of this in C.
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00:30.33*** join/#asterisk Valduare (
00:30.41Valduarehi guys
00:30.57Valduarehow tough would it be to setup asterisk to handle a phone verification system
00:31.18Valduareie new user registration - asterisk calls them by number provided and asks to enter a verification code
00:32.12ChannelZI guess the main question is "triggered by what", but in general. probably not very
00:33.39Valduaresite is php based
00:35.32ChannelZWell ARI would be your friend if you're on a new enough Asterisk.  But there's many ways to skin this cat.. AMI, a call file that does some dialplan/AGI perhaps
00:37.02Valduarei dont have asterisk yet very new to this idea
00:37.05Valduarewhat are these abreviations
00:41.30ChannelZARI is the Asterisk REST Interface where you can tell it to do just about anything with HTTP GET and PUTs etc.
00:42.07ChannelZAGI is a means to launch a script from the dialplan and let it control things from there
00:42.18[TK]D-Fenderum..... Don't jump the shark here
00:42.21ChannelZIn either case you can write in just about any language you're comfortable with
00:43.00[TK]D-FenderEverything you probably need is basis func_odbc <-
00:43.42[TK]D-FenderValduare, So yes, * can interact with DB's on a basic leve right in the dialplan.  Then there are other outside scripting possibilities
00:45.19Valduarecan I do this through a google voice number atm to learn on
00:45.30[TK]D-FenderGorget GV.
00:45.41[TK]D-FenderThey're about to finilize the teardown of XMPP support
00:45.56[TK]D-FenderYou don't need any kind of number to learn *
00:46.16Valduarethought they already stopped xmpp support long time ago but it was still working
00:46.16[TK]D-FenderGet a softphone and a machine to run * on and you can learn how to do it all from there
00:52.15*** join/#asterisk infernix (nix@unaffiliated/infernix)
00:57.59Valduareit looks like asterisk runns on pretty small hardware requirements heh
00:58.52[TK]D-FenderEverything depends on what you're doing.
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01:52.54phixValduare: yup
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08:25.13phixhai ChannelZ!  I am still having issues with incoming calls
08:27.06ChannelZPer yesterday- did you get a message "Peer 'xxxx' is now UNREACHABLE!" on the console? (you are running with some verbose yes?)
08:28.12*** join/#asterisk jeev (~j@unaffiliated/jeev)
08:28.21phixChannelZ: nope, I didn't get anything logged
08:28.48phixAsterisk thinks everything is fine
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08:29.09ChannelZSays what?
08:29.28phixIt doesn't error out and sip show registry shows it is valid
08:29.31ChannelZWhat does 'sip show peers' show?
08:29.42phixI will look at that
08:32.13phixoh hai their juanmapalad!
08:32.37juanmapaladwhat resources/material can you suggest for a beginner like me to learn about asterisk?
08:33.03infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 4th Edition (ISBN 1-4493-3242-0) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and a version is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
08:33.09infobotNew to asterisk configuration? Check out this primer to get started.
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09:06.41ChannelZshrugs and goes to bed
09:08.09phixChannelZ:  OK (28 ms)
09:08.28phixand I cannot dial the number, there is no ring tone, after about 10 secs I get a line busy
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13:41.41rexwin_hi where is issues with vonage supported?
13:46.42rexwin_well, is there an irc channel which can support broadly
13:47.12[TK]D-FenderVonage a consumer product
13:47.16[TK]D-FenderThey do sit in chat rooms
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14:56.54Onyx47hello, does anyone know if there is a way to force Asterisk into T.30 mode while sending / receiving fax? I keep getting T.38 negotiation timing out (expected, service provider does not support T.38). It was fine when I had an ATA connected to a fax machine, but I'm trying to push it through IAX modem now.
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15:30.57imihaylovHi! Can someone point me how to add calling *30 from extension gives the opportunity to add callerid to the blacklist? I have Asterisk 1.8.
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15:34.54ChannelZThat's something you have to build
15:40.27ChannelZDo you want them to have to enter the number to add?  Or do they have to do *30 while on the call they received they want to block?
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16:32.00imihaylovThey will enter the number after dialing *30
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17:42.11AbuAbushould I see h264 in core show translation?
17:44.40mjordanno. Asterisk doesn't transcode video.
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17:58.35KattyOR DOES IT.
17:58.54WIMPyWhat is OR?
17:59.05Kattya conjunction
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18:55.20jab416171I'm having a problem adding my google voice account to asterisk. I keep getting the error "Too many created bindings per day."
19:06.38mjordanthat's coming back from Google.
19:07.50jab416171xmpp show connections just says 'Retrieving roster'
19:08.18mjordanGoogle rejected your request.
19:08.52mjordanMost likely, you've violated the limits set upon the account you are using.
19:09.00jab416171can I disable xmpp? I'd rather not delete and readd the account if I don't have to
19:09.29mjordanXMPP is how Asterisk interoperates with Google Talk/Voice, so no.
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19:09.41jab416171then can I turn off google talk?
19:09.51mjordanthe fact that this works at all still is actually rather shocking, given that Google announced aeons ago that they were moving away from XMPP.
19:09.54PenguinDelete and re-add?  Google does not allow that.
19:09.56jab416171I guess I could just turn off asterisk
19:10.02jab416171Penguin, delete and re-add from asterisk
19:10.17PenguinIt doesn't work that way.
19:10.30PenguinJust unload the module temporarily.
19:10.49jab416171is that modules.conf?
19:11.02jab416171which module?
19:11.25Penguinmodule show like xmpp
19:11.56PenguinLooks to me like it's
19:12.05Penguinmodule unload
19:12.35jab416171and then module load
19:12.45PenguinWhen you're ready to use it again, yes.
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19:12.59jab416171if I restart asterisk, it will reload the module, right?
19:13.02PenguinOr it'll also load up the next time asterisk starts.
19:13.15gustohi Penguin
19:13.21PenguinIf you don't want it to load ever, set it to noload in modules.conf
19:13.24gustoPenguin, how are your mirrors?
19:13.50jab416171even if it says noload in modules.conf, can I still load it from the command line?
19:14.13gustomodules.conf only defines what is being loaded automatically on bootup
19:14.17PenguinYes.  The noload setting is for autoloading of modules.
19:14.19jab416171got it
19:14.29gustoI do it other way round
19:14.43gustoI do disable autoloading of modules and then explicitly LOAD the ones I need
19:14.47Penguinautoload yes, noload specific modules
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19:49.35minghagsHello! Im in need of little help if anyone can help :) Im getting this notice: NOTICE[3053]: chan_sip.c:22109 handle_response: Failed to authenticate on BYE to '<;user=phone;CPC=Ordinary>;tag=SDdu8i501-snl_004195XX18_NSN_CLIENT'
19:49.59minghagsIm using two trunks and its sends back the wrong username
19:50.13minghagsis there anything I can do about it?
19:50.34minghagsthis is the whole "article"
19:50.40minghagsthanks in advance
19:51.16[TK]D-Fenderminghags: pastebin your sip config for those masking only the secret
19:51.47minghagsok 1 sec
19:54.52minghagsthis is trunk config
19:55.32[TK]D-FenderThat is going to fail
19:55.43[TK]D-Fendertype=peer will match By IP/HOST
19:55.51[TK]D-FenderAnd the first one will ALWAYS get hit for inbound
19:56.11[TK]D-FenderIt does not take the username into account in order to determine which to use
19:56.22[TK]D-FenderIt then picks the first every time and then runs into an auth failure
19:56.30[TK]D-FenderYou need to be using type=friend
19:56.39minghagson both?
19:57.24minghagsok will give it a shot
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20:01.14minghagsits the same thing
20:03.53[TK]D-FenderGet rid of the "insecure" as well then
20:04.01[TK]D-FenderAnd I'll need to see the changes
20:06.44minghagsif i get rid of insecure tag the call doesnt get to pbx :/
20:07.10minghagsim connecting to trunk through ipsec if this is anything
20:08.09minghagsthis is config now
20:10.13[TK]D-FenderChang username to "defaultuser"
20:10.32[TK]D-Fendercanreinvite=yes <- that should be "directmedia=no"
20:10.50[TK]D-Fendercanredirect=yes <- I don't recall this beign valid at all
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20:11.10[TK]D-Fendernat=yes <- Also virtually no provider ever should be NAT'd
20:15.10gustocanredirect is an option when you have a PBX for example in between so that it can redirect to a phone for example, when it is a phone it SHOULD NOT redirect
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20:15.31gustoor was it reinvite?
20:16.28minghagsif i dont specify insecure call doesnt get through to PBX
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20:16.37gustolooks to me like reinvite is when i forward a call and redirect is when I am already on a call and want to redirect the RTP stream to another device
20:16.39minghagstcpdump show something
20:16.44[TK]D-Fenderput the insecure back then...
20:16.56[TK]D-FenderAnd use * SIP debug, never external
20:17.15gustoinsecure is quite normal for sip providers, they will not authenticate to you
20:18.23gustoinsecure=invite ;-)
20:20.33minghagsthis is the debug of call and new conf
20:20.47minghagsany more ideas? and thanks guys byw
20:20.57gustoI have insecure=invite everywhere, because to me not even phones are authentificating themselves, I am autentificating them only by IP address and port
20:21.34gustothis simobil is your sip provider?
20:21.56gustoyou are from slovenia
20:22.01minghagsyop :)
20:22.09gustoI am from Slovakia
20:22.21gustowell, let's start
20:22.33gustosimobil is a peer -- not your friend!
20:22.40gustothey do not have an account to you
20:23.04gustoinsecure=invite -- but not =port!! because their port will NOT change!
20:23.36gustoyou are in Slovenia = Europe - you do NOT use ulaw ... only alaw
20:24.00minghagsoh we are working with slovakia company Inoteska :)
20:24.11minghagsthanks for helping ;)
20:24.11gustodtmfmode = info , who said that the peer supports it? I would go with the RFC default
20:25.13gustowhy do you have 4 configurations for the same host?
20:25.20gustoone configuration is enough
20:25.32gustoand where do you register to your simobil?
20:25.49gustohow does simobil know that you are online? I am not seeing the register => part
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20:26.13minghagsim connecting through ipsec
20:27.27gustoaha, you have 4 different numbers?
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20:27.38minghagstwo trunks
20:27.48minghagsbut i setup user and peer
20:28.09minghagsfor each trunk
20:28.18gustowhat is "trunk"?
20:28.38minghagssip trunk
20:28.57gustothere is no such thing as sip trunk, that's only available on IAX2
20:29.27gustoand why do you need the ipsec btw? because you are doing it over 3G or sth like that?
20:29.27jamicqueHi, lately I'm working with launching asterisk with SIPML5 via websocket. I have configured asterisk as in manual in However, I see that I don't get any audio. Nor on Chrome or Firefox and Safari. I have verified if libuuid is compiled into rtp engine, ane it is... In rtp debug I see that there is only one way audio (via ICE). There is no audio from browser. Any ideas wat can be wrong? Does anyone has wo
20:29.27jamicquerking interface with sipml5 and asterisk?
20:30.06minghagsipsec because its there requirement :/
20:30.30gustomaybe so that providers do not filter it out
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20:30.41gustoi do not think that ipsec is enough
20:30.48gustoyou have to still make register => to them
20:30.55jamicqueI'm back - I've got disconnected
20:31.20minghagsSimobil-peer2/3868330183                                              5060     OK (36 ms)
20:31.24minghagssimobil-peer/3868330113                                              5060     OK (36 ms)
20:31.24gustoipsec is on the level of operating system, there is no way asterisk can know what it was about
20:31.30gustoyes, there are your peers
20:31.44gustobut give me sip show registrations
20:31.49gustoor whatever it is calles
20:32.06gustosip show registry
20:32.08gustothat one
20:32.11minghagslix*CLI> sip show registry
20:32.11minghagsHost                                    dnsmgr Username       Refresh State                Reg.Time                     N      3868330183          45 Registered           Mon, 16 Feb 2015 21:31:30                     N      3868330113          45 Registered           Mon, 16 Feb 2015 21:31:30
20:32.23minghagssorry for pasting here :/
20:32.28gustonow we have something
20:32.52*** join/#asterisk airjump (
20:33.35gustono problem
20:33.41Penguin<gusto> insecure is quite normal for sip providers, they will not authenticate to you    <----- Asterisk won't even expect them to authenticate to you unless you have secret defined (which you should not have defined).
20:34.18PenguinIf you must authenticate to them but they will never auth to you, use remotesecret not secret.  This is probably your mistake.
20:34.26gustoPenguin, I have that feeling that I have lust to go to McDonald's
20:34.48PenguinI have no idea what that means.
20:35.13gustoyes, I forgot about that ... of course REMOTESECRET is *always* good idea
20:35.27gustoPenguin, that means that I am hungry
20:35.33gustoPenguin, you are from the USA, right?
20:35.47PenguinI ate lunch an hour ago, so I'm not hungry.
20:35.51PenguinYes I am in the USA.
20:35.53gustoPenguin, we have now a teacher from the USA
20:36.02minghags[2015-02-16 21:35:44] NOTICE[14439]: chan_sip.c:22109 handle_response: Failed to authenticate on BYE to '<;user=phone;CPC=Ordinary>;tag=SD9m56601-snl_0041976156_NSN_CLIENT'
20:36.07gustoyes, but here it's 9 30 PM
20:36.08minghagssame :/
20:36.38gustothat is interesting
20:37.28gustowhy is fromuser different from defaultuser?
20:37.42gustotry to set fromuser to the same as defaultuser on all peers
20:37.48PenguinBecause they do totally different things!
20:38.03gustoI kow
20:38.05gustoI know
20:38.29gustobut he seems to have more numbers to one provider
20:38.29minghagsthey require it like this fromuser=phonenumbe
20:38.45minghagstwo block of numbers
20:39.42PenguinHow could you possibly define two blocks of numbers in a fromuser setting?
20:40.15gustolast time I seen these proxy auth parts, to telefonica voip
20:40.23gustoI solved it over auth= setting
20:40.35gustomaybe it is not a SIP server you are authenticating to
20:41.04gustoso, now I go get something to eat
20:42.15minghagsPenguin: 38683301130-9 and 38683301130-9 on two different accounts
20:43.05minghagssorry the second one was meant: 38683301830-9
20:45.20jamicqueHi does anyone have got sipml5 working with asterisk?
20:48.20[TK]D-Fenderdefaultuser = outbound auth user name.  fromuser = changes the "From:" header user
20:49.56minghagsi got this answer if its true im in deep crap :P
20:50.18[sID]has anyone here A2Billing? based on Asterisk?
20:53.44*** join/#asterisk linuxfool (
21:05.04linuxfoolFor those of you who have fielded an Asterisk system, what's the largest number of extensions you had to work with?
21:06.19cyfordyes yes [sID]
21:06.54cyfordlinuxfool  i worked with about 500
21:09.01rrittgarn1across all my systems i total around 2000 extensions... not all have physical handsets, but that wasnt exactly the question
21:09.14*** join/#asterisk andresmujica (~andresmmu@ubuntu/member/andresmujica)
21:10.47[sID]cyford: you ?
21:11.18[sID]While we talk?
21:12.05cyfordyes,  i managed a  6 schools and locations across us
21:12.40Penguin-= 734 extensions (2843 priorities) in 189 contexts. =-
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21:51.40bbryanthey, how do I setup an asterisk environment that doesn't have dahdi hardware to use meetme?
21:51.50bbryantI've read there's fallbacks written into the driver now
21:52.15WIMPyNo driver. Asterisk.
21:52.27WIMPyAnd it's not new any more.
21:52.36bbryantI haven't used it in a few years
21:56.47bbryantnvm, I figured it out
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