IRC log for #asterisk on 20150211

00:07.04Kattyprops file back up.
00:07.24Kattychecks for signs of life
00:08.16Kattyrestores a previous file version
00:08.43Kattyreverts to previous snapshot
00:20.17*** part/#asterisk kharwell (kharwell@nat/digium/x-mucwrazngzbafmhj)
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01:08.13*** join/#asterisk fstd (~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted)
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01:25.58b6is "from-trunk" a special official magic context?
01:29.11[TK]D-Fenderin Asterisk, no.  In FreePBX, yes
01:32.04b6i see. i use asterisk, but followed some instructions that said to append a [from-trunk] to sip.conf. does it make sense that my from-trunk context would still work somehow in asterisk?
01:32.58[TK]D-Fenderthat is a device definition.... not a trunk
01:33.08[TK]D-Fenderthat is a device definition.... not a CONTEXT
01:33.25b6i see, sorry, still catching up on terminology.
01:33.28[TK]D-Fenderand "some instructions" is dangerously vague
01:36.03b6sorry again, i mispoke. i added my dialplan under [from-trunk] in extensions.conf. it's effective, but i wasn't sure what if anything was special about the name from-trunk.
01:38.36[TK]D-FenderNo, the name itself is not special.  There are only 3 places in extensions.conf that are: [default], [globals], and [general]
01:46.26b6i see, thanks.
01:46.43*** join/#asterisk CeBe1 (
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02:56.45*** join/#asterisk retentiveboy (~retentive@2001:558:6011:78:157:3142:bcbc:6bc9)
03:02.11sbrathWell I'm back to my timing issue from this morning, Asterisk 11 on a HP DC5800 workstation, when I do a voicemail recording, and play it back it sounds like I'm fast forwarding it at 4x speed.... I checked timing test, and I get "1019 milliseconds and 51 ticks" .. is that good?
03:05.43*** join/#asterisk retentiveboy (~retentive@2001:558:6011:78:157:3142:bcbc:6bc9)
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03:23.44sbrathWhat's interesting is that if I call in to the system over VoIP and leave the message, it's normal.   If I call in from an onsite phone, it's garbled?
03:23.52sbrathethernet card maybe?
03:28.14sbratheveryone must be sleeping :)
03:38.28*** join/#asterisk JeffC_NN (32cad19e@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
04:00.26*** join/#asterisk JerJer (~Adium@asterisk/original-h323-guy/JerJer)
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04:27.40ChannelZusing what timer?
04:41.06sbrathright now dahdi
04:41.20sbrathBut I had all 3 enabled, and it was the same thing.
04:59.52*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
05:04.07WIMPySo what's the difference between those phones?
05:05.53sbrathWell the system only has 1 yealink T28 on it, and a 24 port wildcard.
05:06.50WIMPySo it's either dahdi or sip?
05:06.52sbrathIf I call in from the yealink ( that I know is good as I just used it elsewhere and it was fine ) and dial *4000 to go direct to voicemail, leave a message.  It's super fast.
05:07.09WIMPyLeaves us with 4 options for record/playback.
05:07.22sbrathIf I call in over the internet via voip-provider then the recording is normal.
05:07.46sbrathIt seems like it can't figure out what codec to use with the phone and it's going from "unknown" to ulaw.   and then something about slin.
05:07.56sbrathMaybe it's doing a wierd transcoding?
05:09.09WIMPyOk, so you have 3 options? A SIP phone, a SIP ITSP and dahdi?
05:10.00WIMPyAnd what combinations of recording and playbak works/doesn't work?
05:10.48sbrathIf I call in on the SIP phone, and leave a message... Then check my voice mail on the phone, it's garbled.
05:11.07sbrathIf I call in via voip provider, and leave a message. And then check the phone's voice mail, it's fine.
05:11.44sbrathI can try to call in via the DAHDI.    let me try that.
05:12.24WIMPyAnd all pre-recorded propt play fine all the time?
05:13.18sbrathpre records are fine.
05:13.53sbrathOk, called in via dahdi and I get no audio, so something is wrong with that...  This is a PRI connected to a Toshiba CTX-100 in dumb mode.
05:15.31WIMPySo it's probably recording that fails.
05:16.52WIMPyOh, BTW: If you repeatedly do 'timing test' do you frequently get odd numbers?
05:18.09sbrathif you mean Odd as in not-even numbers, I did when I was forcing it to use only the dahdi timer.   But now it says it's using the timerfd and it 1000 ms and 50 ticks
05:18.50WIMPyThat's not a good thing.
05:19.14WIMPyIf you have dahdi, that should be your timing source.
05:19.33*** join/#asterisk slav3_kitten (~frankthet@unaffiliated/slav3-kitten/x-0866809)
05:20.46sbrathshould I force it to dahdi?
05:20.55sbrathI'm the clock master for dahdi
05:21.41WIMPyI'm not sure at all that's realated to your issue, but it's not good, either.
05:21.41WIMPyMaybe you need to check for shared IRQ.
05:22.12*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
05:22.21WIMPyStill the cards timer should be better than any software version.
05:23.02WIMPyAnd if it isn't, that would be an issue.
05:25.45sbrathI switched to dahdi, and now my timer test is like 1019 ms with 51 ticks
05:26.12sbrathhow do I check the IRQ
05:26.28WIMPyYou should run the dahdi tests from the system shell.
05:26.40WIMPycat /proc/interrupts for a start.
05:27.31WIMPyTroule is you can have shared IRQ without seeing them if you don't have a driver loaded for the other device.
05:27.53sbrathdahdi_test -vvv    almost 100% all the time.
05:28.48WIMPyIt should be very close to 100.
05:29.08sbrathall APIC on the /proc/interrupts
05:29.59sbratheth is on 27 and wcte11xp is on 20 ??
05:30.19WIMPyAnd they are alone?
05:30.34sbrathbunch of USB devices on each of them
05:30.45sbrathwell eth0 is alone
05:30.56sbrathand wildcard is sharing with usbb 2,3,6
05:31.00WIMPyThat is not good.
05:31.19sbrathok, what do I do?
05:31.38WIMPySo how close to 100% did the test get?
05:31.46sbrathalmost 100% everytime
05:32.02WIMPyI still think the main issue must be some transcoding/resampling thing.
05:32.02sbrath99.996 or better
05:32.21WIMPyThat should be ok, I think.
05:32.32sbraththis is on a HP DC5800 workstation, if that makes a difference.
05:33.23sbrathin a previous build I had a problem that hdparm -t /dev/sda returned poor numbers and there was a busmaster issue, on another box like this one.
05:33.24WIMPyDid you build it yourself?
05:33.27sbrathbut this one seems ok.
05:34.00sbrathAs in did I load Asterisk myself on the box.. Yes.
05:34.06sbrathvia --- PIAF
05:34.26WIMPyThat would be a no.
05:34.44sbrathI could rebuild asterisk.
05:34.55WIMPyThis alls seems rather strange to me.
05:35.14sbrathme too, as I've built MANY boxes and non have done this.
05:35.21WIMPyBut maybe you shoudl try to get dahdi working first, so you have one more option for comparison.
05:35.47sbrathwinder why I wouldn't have audio on it one way?
05:36.26WIMPyYes. One way audio is easy with SIP, but really hard with dahdi.
05:36.43WIMPy(really hard = not normally possible)
05:38.18*** join/#asterisk gryphon (~gryphon@
05:40.23sbrathI think I'm going to grab a working asterisk 1.8 box tomorrow, and replace the asterisk 11 box here and see if the known working install works...
05:40.36sbrathThen I can eliminate the card / server / install / et al.
05:41.31WIMPyIt always helps to eliminate as many unknowns as possible,.
05:50.56sbrathfor grinns... I setup the voicemail to email, and played the resulting wav, and it's super fast.
05:51.03sbrathI can forward it to you if you'd like to hear :)
05:52.28WIMPyNot that I take anythign for granted. But I think that playing faster than it should is a description I can trust :-)
06:05.34*** join/#asterisk Synthase_ (uid63346@gateway/web/
06:13.19WIMPyDamn. What I wrote there is a clear indication that I shold go to sleep.
06:14.45*** join/#asterisk D-Boy (~D-Boy@unaffiliated/cain)
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06:33.54ChannelZrblsmtpd: pid 30373: FROM:<>
06:34.02ChannelZAmorican Express.. sounds legit
06:43.41[TK]D-Fender<WIMPy> Yes. One way audio is easy with SIP, but really hard with dahdi. <- had it happen once.  Early Sangoma Otasic HWEC buffer got caught and swallowed up everything :)
06:44.14*** join/#asterisk tparcina (~tomo@
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13:25.14*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
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15:16.57*** join/#asterisk phpdave11 (
15:21.32phpdave11i want to try out asterisk on a linux virtual machine. what's the best distro for asterisk?
15:21.50wanda__hullo o/
15:22.39kleszczphpdave11: debian and centos
15:22.46kleszcz4me ofc.
15:23.05phpdave11ubuntu server a good choice?
15:23.31phpdave11based on debian
15:24.02[TK]D-Fenderphpdave11: Whichever you can properly manage
15:24.33[TK]D-Fenderphpdave11: * doesn't care what you run it on as long as you satisfy its dependencies
15:24.59phpdave11ok, thanks!
15:30.26*** join/#asterisk SpaceInvaders (
15:31.20SpaceInvaderswhen evaluating SIP service providers (within the US) do I need to be concerned with geographic location of POPs (TTL, latency)?
15:32.44*** join/#asterisk stkoch (58d12049@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
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15:39.39stkochhi WIMPy thanks for the local channel trick, it works now fine. configuration:
15:40.45stkochThe warning at too much packet loss Exceptionally long voice queue length queuing ... is now not for TAPI, it's for Local
15:41.14stkochI can hear the jitter, but the call is no more terminated
15:46.36*** join/#asterisk gusto (~gusto@2a02:810d:8640:248:82fa:5bff:fe0a:dfef)
15:53.33solmstedHello, anyone using UniMRCP and speech recognition? I can set MRCP params globally in a config file. Is there any way to set them during a call? Ideally I'd like to be able to call Asterisk's SpeechBackground application with custom MRCP values.
15:55.27*** join/#asterisk rmudgett (rmudgett@nat/digium/x-zlubhacysctbhaqf)
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15:59.48nokoHello guys. I need such scheme:
15:59.50nokoexten => s,1,Queue(myqueue,tT,,,20)
15:59.50nokoexten => s,2,Answer()
16:00.31[TK]D-Fendernoko: I don't see a point in the Answer following your Queue there...
16:00.50[TK]D-Fendernoko: It will already answer the channel.
16:01.02nokoI want ring in queue without answer and if queue is timeout the answer
16:01.30nokono! My queue don't answer unit somebody answer in queue
16:01.34[TK]D-Fendernoko: "core show application queue" <-
16:01.38noko* until
16:02.39WIMPystkoch: Well, at least you've got a workaround then.
16:03.20noko[TK]D-Fender, i need to answer only when queue in not answered and exiting by timeout
16:03.58[TK]D-Fendernoko: "core show application queue" <-
16:04.04nokobut now I get "Spawn extension (menu, s, 1) exited non-zero on..."
16:04.28noko[TK]D-Fender, give me a hint, please
16:04.29*** join/#asterisk danjenkins (anonymous@nat/digium/x-gruvspixtwmygvry)
16:04.55[TK]D-Fendernoko: Hint : read the instructions.  They tell you what to do to have it not answer the channel
16:06.42nokon: No retries on the timeout; will exit this application and go to the next step.
16:06.45nokoyou mean this?
16:07.35*** join/#asterisk gusto (~gusto@2a02:810d:8640:248:82fa:5bff:fe0a:dfef)
16:08.05noko[TK]D-Fender, still the same.
16:08.22[TK]D-FenderNo, that clearly says nothing about answering the call or not.
16:08.38*** join/#asterisk sawgood (~sawgood@unaffiliated/sawgood)
16:10.09noko[TK]D-Fender, are you sure that this option exist in asterisk 1.8.13?
16:10.26nokomaybe option "C: Mark all calls as "answered elsewhere" when cancelled."?
16:10.38[TK]D-Fendernoko: pastebin the instructions.....
16:13.23[TK]D-Fendernoko: And a call attempt from CLI....
16:16.59nokoqueue working as i expect, it ringing without answering
16:17.46nokobut it hangup when timeout and not go to the next step
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17:05.49[TK]D-Fendernoko: pastebin your actual dialplan
17:11.25*** part/#asterisk stkoch (58d12049@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
17:33.49*** join/#asterisk Xaviertoor (~jerson.ju@
17:34.16XaviertoorSomeone already made ​​Siemens HiPath 4000 integration with Asterisk ?
17:43.56*** join/#asterisk jeffspeff (~Jeff@
17:44.14phpdave11it's possible to place an automated test call from my asterisk box to a SIP URI, isn't it?
17:45.05WIMPyXaviertoor: "Integration"? dould mean anything.
17:46.15*** join/#asterisk JeffC_NN (32cad19e@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
17:46.54JeffC_NNAnyone know why ##XXX wouldn't match ##122 in the dialplan?
17:47.16JeffC_NNif I specify ##122, it works, but if I use the pattern X, it doesn't
17:47.36mjordanwhat is your actual extension in the dialplan?
17:48.59JeffC_NN;call subscriptions/pickupsexten = _##XXX,hint,SIP/${EXTEN:2}) exten = _##XXX,1,PickUp(${EXTEN:2}@default)
17:49.13phpdave11i'm trying to place an automatic test call by creating a .call file but i'm getting this error message: Call from '' ( to extension '' rejected because extension not found in context 'public'.
17:49.52JeffC_NNthe underscores are a new test I'm trying
17:50.34[TK]D-FenderjeffShow us the actual call attempt
17:50.39[TK]D-FenderJeffC_NN: Show us the actual call attempt
17:50.47filethe underscores are required or else it won't be considered a pattern match
17:51.40JeffC_NNIt's a subscription and a call, 2 pieces
17:52.06[TK]D-FenderJeffC_NN: Show us
17:53.33[TK]D-Fendernoko: Look at the SIP debug to prove which side dropped it.
17:53.39*** join/#asterisk JBITX (~jbl@
17:55.57noko[TK]D-Fender, maybe you can say what queue option you mean earlier?
17:56.07JeffC_NNHmm. seems to be a problem with how my softphone handles # in speed dials
17:56.56doopJeffC_NN lots of equipment interprets # as "i'm finished dialing so put my call through right now" -- maybe you should use *
17:57.55JeffC_NNaha! I should pay closer attention to the warnings when I reload the dialplan. I had a syntax error. :)
17:58.42JBITXhi guys... 2 or 3 times a day my asterisk stop accept new calls but remains responsive for some commands
17:59.00JBITXsip show peers ok... but core show channels no
17:59.07JBITXany ideia?
17:59.21mjordanJBITX: what version of Asterisk?
18:00.07JBITXi have same problems in 1.8.15 cert2, 1.8.31 and now with 11.15
18:00.12JeffC_NNHow do I have strings/arguments that contain semicolons in dialplan? ex: exten => _X.,1,SIPAddHeader(Call-Info: sip:  ;answer-after=0)
18:00.38mjordanJBITX: most likely, you have a deadlock of some sort.
18:01.12mjordanUse the instructions here to gather information:
18:01.18[TK]D-Fendernoko: Right now I can't prove that it's not working fine.  We need to see the call
18:02.08XaviertoorWIMPy, Interconnection using Digium E1 ISDN
18:03.13WIMPyXaviertoor: Off course you can connect them.
18:06.45JBITXmjordan, when i compile asterisk with debug flags, minutes later my sip peers goes to unreachable
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18:12.58JBITXthe problem only happens with a high volume of calls, with transcoding (GSM>G729 or GSM>ISDN). Which is a high volume to you?
18:13.47JBITXmjordan, some deadlock on different versions? something on dialplan? Is the same on all installs
18:14.04JBITXsame deadlock...
18:15.08*** join/#asterisk generalhan_ (~tester@about/windows/staff/generalhan)
18:19.45mjordanJBITX: there's no way I can speculate on what might be causing the issue without any evidence.
18:24.40noko[TK]D-Fender, here is the part where call hangup'd
18:28.26noko"c - Continue in the dialplan if the callee hangs up."
18:28.37nokowow, i don't see this option in my asterisk
18:34.04*** join/#asterisk killfill (~killfill@
18:34.29killfillanyone knows if its possible to connect this phone to asterisk?
18:34.35killfillit doesnt seem to be SIP, right?
18:44.26Xaviertoornoko, use option q of queue_app
18:45.50Xaviertoornoko, sorry, c - Continue in the dialplan if the callee hangs up
18:46.14nokoXaviertoor, i'm already try option "c"
18:46.24nokowith the same result
18:48.03*** join/#asterisk adoodle (
18:50.24adoodlei'm using the ODBC connector to connect to an Oracle DB and am trying to execute a package procedure which takes in and out it possible to execute that kind of a procedure from the asterisk dialplan? i've tried using an anonymous block; but i can't get that to fails after the begin statement
18:51.46adoodlethe skeleton definition for the procedure looks like: procedure getBackendNum(idnum in varchar2, ilang in varchar2, itermcode in number, retcode out number, benum out number);
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19:11.30phpdave11can anyone tell me why my outgoing test sip call fails?
19:15.34adoodlephpdave11: Failed to authenticate on INVITE to 'asterisk' ....
19:15.47adoodlephpdave11: so your auth fields are off..
19:16.22*** join/#asterisk sparetire (~sparetire@unaffiliated/sparetire)
19:17.20phpdave11i see... so in order to place a sip call from my asterisk server to a callcentric account, i must set up auth fields?
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19:21.29funtriacocan i execute an shell script or perl script from an agi script inside agi-bin?
19:22.44WIMPyThat' swhat AGI is there for.
19:23.57funtriacocurrently doing a shell_exec, but doesnt seem to be doing anything.
19:24.59funtriacoso the mainscript.php gets executed from the extensions.conf and theres a line in the mainscript.php that needs to execute a perl script.
19:25.49WIMPyAh. That way. Still a clear yes. You can do whatever you want, as long as you have permissions.
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19:29.42adoodlefuntriaco: are you calling your perl script via full path, or relative path?
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19:40.59funtriacoadoodle: full path..
19:41.08funtriacofound.. there was actually an error on the script.. sorry
19:41.13adoodleah ok
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19:48.40solmstedHello, anyone using UniMRCP and speech recognition? I can set MRCP params globally in a config file. Is there any way to set them during a call? Ideally I'd like to be able to call Asterisk's SpeechBackground application with custom MRCP values.
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20:19.57eppigyi am dave
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20:22.47[TK]D-Fenderyes you is
20:22.51*** part/#asterisk killfill (~killfill@
20:24.52eppigythank you
20:25.04eppigyhow's life [TK]D-Fender?
20:25.39[TK]D-FenderStill breathing. SSDD
20:26.05*** join/#asterisk webmonkey (~clint@2607:fcc8:b7c5:9600:dce1:f772:ee3a:aadb)
20:29.38averythomasany way to get a free VOIP number to work with asterisk?
20:30.23webmonkeyI am having an issue using the MixMonitor command. The call recording works just fine, but I am trying to use the "command" option to execute a script when the recording has completed. The script works from the command line as the Asterisk user, and there do not seem to be any file permissions issues. Any advice on where I can find error output?
20:30.52webmonkeyI see in the console that it is trying to call the command: == MixMonitor close filestream (mixed)
20:34.06webmonkeyI cannot find any errors even when enabling debug logging.
20:45.10[TK]D-Fender* doesn't pipe any output back to the console.
20:45.21mbowieWith the demise of the Asterisk GUI project, is there something comparable worth looking at for adding a general UI to Asterisk 11? (Adding users, extensions and such)
20:45.24[TK]D-FenderAny logging has to be done by your script itseld
20:45.46[TK]D-FenderFirst to think about is PATHS.  Don't assume the folder it is executed from when referencing other files
20:46.22[TK]D-Fendermbowie: Pretty much everything out there is a "full service" GUI, for which FreePBX is the most mature, featured, and free
20:48.08mbowie[TK]D-Fender: Thanks, I'll give it another look. My only encounter with it previously has been as it's own distro, rather than layering it over a clean * install.
20:49.57[TK]D-Fendermbowie: it has always been a "bolt-on" that is separately downloadable and installable over you current server
20:50.10[TK]D-Fendermbowie: Them providing a distro is a new OPTION
20:50.19[TK]D-Fendermbowie: They have a tarball w/ instructions
20:50.41mbowieRoger that... will get into it and get educated. Gracias!
20:51.11*** join/#asterisk andresmujica (~andresmmu@ubuntu/member/andresmujica)
20:54.43mbowieOuch... it has a dependency list that makes an addict look good.
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20:59.17[TK]D-Fenderno worse than * itself...
20:59.50*** join/#asterisk andresmujica (~andresmmu@ubuntu/member/andresmujica)
21:00.35mbowieWe can install * totally without depends, or with speex. I think that's pretty light by comparison.
21:03.23WIMPyAnd Asterisk certainly doesn't require PHP.
21:04.13mbowieYeah, this is basically an AMP stack with a few extras.
21:05.04mbowieDon't get me wrong, but coming from using what was basically a bolt-on GUI, this is significantly more surface area etc.
21:05.16WIMPyAnd no mysql or apache, either.
21:06.12mbowie(That's the "M" and the "A" in AMP. ;-) )
21:10.59*** join/#asterisk andresmujica (~andresmmu@ubuntu/member/andresmujica)
21:13.57webmonkeyokay thank you [TK]D-Fender, I will check that out.
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21:27.04webmonkeyThis tells me my filepath is accurate: == Executing [/var/spool/asterisk/monitor/]
21:28.09[TK]D-Fenderwebmonkey: I'm talking about once it's RUNNING
21:28.32[TK]D-Fenderwebmonkey: If your script is attempting to touch files... that those paths had better bee absolute in your script
21:28.51webmonkeyah! Thank you for clarifying.
21:29.27[TK]D-Fender[15:45][TK]D-FenderFirst to think about is PATHS. Don't assume the folder it is executed from when referencing other files
21:30.34webmonkeySpecified absolute filepaths in the script; still doesn't work.
21:33.55*** join/#asterisk andresmujica (~andresmmu@ubuntu/member/andresmujica)
21:40.21drmessanowebmonkey, that funky monkey
21:41.07drmessanowebmonkey, junkie, that funky monkey
21:41.14webmonkeyha. The funky webmonkey is currently ticked at what is probably a stupid simple issue.
21:42.05drmessanoIf its permissions, chown, if you can't execute, sudo.  For all the rest, reboot
21:50.23*** join/#asterisk generalhan (~tester@about/windows/staff/generalhan)
21:51.04webmonkeyPretty much ruled all that out; it's like Asterisk isn't actually launching the script for some reason...
21:51.24webmonkeyTrying this on two different systems and am having the same problem on each.
21:51.38webmonkeyAll I want is a hint in a log somewhere...
21:54.17[TK]D-FenderMight not happen
21:54.29[TK]D-Fenderverify permissions on the script, the files it's supposed to work on, etc
21:58.18*** join/#asterisk andresmujica (~andresmmu@ubuntu/member/andresmujica)
22:02.32webmonkeyeverything in question is owned and writable by asterisk.
22:02.46adoodlewebmonkey: but is it executable by asterisk?
22:04.19webmonkeyeffing balls *facepalm*
22:04.57[TK]D-Fendersenses a One D Ten Tee error :)
22:05.52webmonkeyI told ya it was probably stupid simple ha
22:06.08webmonkeyStill, you would think Asterisk would through an error when it can't run it.
22:06.29webmonkeyThanks adoodle and [TK]D-Fender !
22:06.56[TK]D-FenderYou're welcome
22:10.25webmonkeyI think I was testing a different script when I ran it as the asterisk user with success previously... oh well, doesn't matter now.
22:11.17[TK]D-FenderMistake discoverd and fixed.  That's what matters.  And it didn't even take all that long
22:29.24*** join/#asterisk andresmujica (~andresmmu@ubuntu/member/andresmujica)
22:31.10webmonkeyYay, the real script works now too :-)
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23:49.08siptippingIs anyone here familiar with Elastix 3.0 MT and can provide Inbound/Outbound route support?
23:50.12*** part/#asterisk kharwell (kharwell@nat/digium/x-czukuaednqkfwarm)
23:53.39infoboti heard elastix is a full linux distro that includes FreePBX and other 3rd party add-ons. It is all this extra stuff which makes Elastix VERY difficult to support, and is not supported in #asterisk. Try asking in #Elastix or on their forums at
23:54.49siptippingthanks for being a smartass though much appreciated....
23:54.57siptippingnobody is active in that channe
23:55.39WIMPyWell, Asterisk doesn't knwo such things as inbound/outbound routes. Is that of more help to you?
23:57.59WIMPyMaybe you could try #freepbx. Not sure how they see elastix.

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