IRC log for #asterisk on 20150203

00:15.15*** join/#asterisk CeBe (
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01:21.35spengler1is it necessary to recompile and reinstall asterisk after updating the kernel?
01:22.42WIMPyBut You have to reinstall DAHDI if you use that.
01:22.58spengler1i do and i did ; thanks ; just forgot if i should
01:41.02*** join/#asterisk tm1000 (sid6728@gateway/web/
01:43.20*** join/#asterisk rue_more (
01:43.53rue_moreI need help with a basic logistical error
01:45.25WIMPyFor logistics, try UPS, FedEx or the like.
01:45.33WIMPyBut what's your question to that PB?
01:45.44rue_morenot working,
01:45.55rue_moreit said it couldn't find the timeout
01:46.13rue_morebut it should go back to part 1 of that section
01:46.28WIMPy1. The filename looks funny.
01:46.36rue_moreits just a temp file
01:46.47WIMPy2. There is no Application named ResoonseTimeout.
01:46.50rue_morethat bit works when I stick it in a continious loop
01:47.01WIMPyTake a look at function TIMEOUT.
01:47.18WIMPy3. there is nothing happening after the playback.
01:47.37rue_moreexample 2 is wrong?
01:47.56rue_moreits uspposed to keep recording and playing back toyou till you hit a key
01:48.08rue_moreso I'm using the invalid as the catch-all for a key
01:48.20*** join/#asterisk bmurt (
01:49.37WIMPyI see nothing that waits for input.
01:49.53rue_moresounds like a logistical errror
01:50.07rue_morecan you suggest a fix before I can figure it out?
01:50.47WIMPythere are many ways.
01:51.11rue_morethis sounds like the voice of experience
01:51.33WIMPyYou can use WaitExten, Read, or the right option to Record.
01:52.55rue_morek, workign with that...
01:53.33WIMPyAnd if you want to be able to exit by pressing a key, you may want to use Background or Read instead of Playback. Otherwise you have to wait for Playback to finish before being able to enter anything
01:54.02*** join/#asterisk sgriepentrog (~sgriepent@2602:30a:2ef2:840:20c:29ff:fe4f:cac8)
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01:54.28rue_morehow can.. I make... will background ... how do I make it loop right after the recording is finished?
01:56.08WIMPyRecording? Playback?
01:56.44rue_morethis is where I'm at
01:56.47WIMPyWith Background/WaitExten you do it with extensions t and i like you already have there.
01:56.59WIMPyWith Read, you'd use a GotoIf.
01:57.28rue_moreI want it to loop as soon as the playback is finished if the user hasn't hit an escape key
01:57.28WIMPyThat should work.
01:57.44rue_morethis works, if it can be improved, then all the better
01:58.07WIMPyAs I said, that doesn't work with Playback. That will not accept input while playing.
01:58.15rue_moreyup, I get that
01:59.26rue_morein one hand I'v got background that will play audio while letting other things happen, on the other I'v got a timer that will repeat the loop, but I'd like to wait for the audio to stop before timing out :)
02:00.16WIMPyThe timeout starts after playing.
02:00.38rue_moreso I can use background and make the timeout 0 if I want
02:01.05WIMPyErr, wait. No. If you give the timeout to WaitExten, it starts immediately.
02:01.28WIMPyWith Read it starts after playing.
02:01.41rue_moreso if I use read, .. ok
02:02.14WIMPyThat is you use Read to play the file.
02:03.42rue_moreexten => s,n,Read(junk,cracker,1,1,0)
02:04.14rue_moreput digits in a variable I dont care about to dispose of, play the file cracker, 1 digit, 1 attempt, and 0 timeout
02:04.22rue_moreor does 0 disbale and I need to use 1
02:04.41WIMPyTher's a comma missing.
02:05.03rue_moreoh, option...
02:05.15rue_moreexten => s,n,Read(junk,cracker,,1,1,1)
02:05.26rue_moreexten => s,n,Read(junk,cracker,1,,1,1)
02:05.48rue_more;) its shotgun coding
02:06.09rue_moreI wish I worked with * every day
02:06.17rue_morewait, maybe
02:06.37rue_moreI only work on this poor things every 2 or 3 years
02:06.38WIMPyThink what you ask for. You might get it.
02:07.26WIMPyI hope there are some upgrades in between.
02:07.37rue_more... no
02:08.02rue_moreConnected to Asterisk
02:08.06rue_morewhats current?
02:08.37MaliutaLaprue_more: current as in current long term support? or current current
02:08.50WIMPyYou missed 1.6.1, 1.6.2, 1.8, 10, 11 and 12.
02:08.53rue_morebleeding edge current
02:09.21rue_more2 thru 9 appear to be missing?
02:09.26WIMPyI hope it's not reachable from the internet.
02:09.41rue_moreits not
02:09.43rue_moreits all analog
02:09.57rue_morepots->t1 channelbank
02:10.06rue_moret1 channelbank -> phones
02:10.13rue_more*->t1 channelbank
02:10.38WIMPyI still wouldn;t want to use anyhting <1.8 and there's not really any excuse for using anythign <11.
02:11.08rue_moreall the config formats changed, I think, I dont want to rewrite them and everything works
02:11.33WIMPyThere hasn't been much change since 1.4.
02:11.38MaliutaLaprue_more: didn't take too much effort to get things up to scratch
02:11.56rue_moreI realize that I dont have the latest apps like FlushTiolet() and MakeTea(), but thats ok, I'm not a person who wants my pbx to do those things
02:12.07WIMPyNot to the old stuff that is. Lots of new stuff, however.
02:12.49MaliutaLapI still have to migrate to pjsip
02:13.06MaliutaLapwaiting until I get some hardware I'd lent out back
02:13.49rue_morehmm that didn't work
02:15.44WIMPyYou want EITHER Background or Read.
02:16.03rue_moreits commented
02:16.07WIMPyAnd with Read you need a GotoIf instead of the t and i extensions.
02:16.17WIMPyOoops, right.
02:16.21*** part/#asterisk andresmujica (~andresmmu@ubuntu/member/andresmujica)
02:16.37rue_moreah, gotoif to check if a key was pressed?
02:16.53WIMPyEither you check READSTATUS or junk for being empty.
02:20.07*** join/#asterisk ldc (
02:20.12ldchi! anyone here with a spa122?
02:20.39infobot"Does anyone have X or use Y?" is taking a poll, not asking a valid question. Don't do it or our army of rabid weasels will hurt you. Usually, people other than those with the exact same set up can help you and those who have sometimes will not be able to help you. Also see <ask>
02:20.54ldcah, I was trying to figure out whether it could be used as a ATA only
02:21.00ldcinstead of ata+router, before buying
02:21.39WIMPyNow, that's a question. But none I can answer.
02:22.13MaliutaLapldc: what does <search_engine> say?
02:22.38ldcMaliutaLap: cisco doc appears, and it's unclear
02:23.00ldcBridge: Bridged mode is used if the ATA is acting as a bridge device to another router.
02:23.16ldcI guess, by doing this the "WAN" port becomes a standard switchport?
02:23.39*** join/#asterisk frek818 (~frek818@
02:24.07WIMPyUncertain, but it surely looks like you can use it as an ATA only.
02:25.28MaliutaLapLooking at the docs I'd say it's similar to some of the WAP's I use - if you don't configure the internet ports, and only configure the the LAN it should be fine
02:25.57ldcokay thanks
02:26.06ldcfor 27 eur it's worth trying out then
02:26.22WIMPyI have seen routers that wouldn't even try to register or call if they didn't think they were "online".
02:26.48WIMPyBut on most of them it's no problem.
02:28.10rue_moreexten => s,n,GotoIf($[$["$READSTATUS" = "TIMEOUT"]]?1:${Origin},s,1)
02:28.24rue_morethat took a lot of educated guesswork, is it right?
02:28.34WIMPyBut does it really make sense to give 27 EUR to be able to connect an ancient phone?
02:29.15WIMPyNo. Why do you have two []? and where are the {} around the variable?
02:31.01rue_morethat expalins why it wasn't working right
02:32.06*** join/#asterisk frek818 (~frek818@
02:34.47ldcWIMPy: it's an italian designed ancient phone. :p
02:35.04[TK]D-Fender<ldc> ah, I was trying to figure out whether it could be used as a ATA only <- yes
02:35.12rue_moreok! I got it working good 'nuff!
02:35.20WIMPyldc: Take it apart and put something else inside :-)
02:35.26rue_morethanks for your help WIMPy
02:36.14WIMPyHe. It already says SIP. Make that real.
02:36.32WIMPyWhat's RP?
02:37.46ldcWIMPy: redial last
02:37.58ldcR is hold
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04:16.57hebberIn cdr_adaptive_odbc.conf there is a filter function to discard CDR's: filter src != 456. This doesn't seems to work. In manager.conf it has this format: eventfilter=!Channel: DAHDI*
04:17.12hebberIs the conf files up to date?
04:18.56[TK]D-Fender!= is not =! either
04:22.03hebberactually, could be correct, but in the context of manager.conf I don't think its _either_
04:25.43[TK]D-Fenderodbc requires a 100% match
04:25.59[TK]D-Fenderwheras manager is partial
04:26.30[TK]D-Fenderso " filter src != 456" should get all except 456
04:27.03hebberok, thats what I need - will try and test some more - thanks Fender
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05:07.34hebberUsing asterisk 11.15.0: on an originate call using AMI I'm not able to set user defined parameters in ODBC adaptive CDR. The Set(CDR(userfields)=something) get discarded.
05:08.09hebberOn a normal call I can set any value with no problem
05:09.16hebberthe problem is limited to CONGESTED originated calls and the cdr.conf unanswered=yes
05:12.56hebberBasically want to discard ODBC adaptive CDR records which are not ANSWERED.  The setting cdr.conf unaswered=yes must be included.
05:14.07[TK]D-FenderShow us exactly how you're placing the call and the odbc config and table to back it
05:14.42[TK]D-FenderThat filter sounds like it might work...
05:16.13hebberagree, but the value is not set, so the filter is rendered useless. It works on a normal call as I just tested it.
05:17.15hebberYou want to take a look at the whole dialplan? It got very complex to support what's needed.
05:21.35[TK]D-Fenderno, the Originate, configs, and CLI for now
05:23.49hebberThe originate commands in dialplan:
05:28.38hebbersending command to AMI to originate:
05:29.58hebberMost of the dialplan's complexity was to be able to send variables back and forward between legs, to be able to capture the parameters at the end.
05:32.05[TK]D-FenderI think I see why it isn't getting set....
05:32.41[TK]D-FenderYou're using a Local channel to place the call-out, but when it gets answered the local channel (which is what had the vars set against it) gets optimised away
05:32.59[TK]D-FenderYou need to call it with /n so it stays in the chain.
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05:36.09hebbercould be, but I'm sending a LOCAL...@autodial_call_out/n. So the LOCAL channel should stay in the chain?
05:36.24hebberCode here:
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05:38.18hebberand in this case the problem is when the call is not answered and unable to use Set(CDR(userfield)=blabla) or NOCDR()
05:40.30[TK]D-FenderI think I missed scrolling a bit there..
05:40.50[TK]D-FenderAnd it's stil hitting CDR?
05:41.54hebberyes, as with a disposition value other than "ANSWERED" it creates a CDR record using adaptive CDR
05:42.58hebberstarted with NOCDR(), commented it out then tried a filter using userfield!=nocdr and set the userfield=nocdr in the call. Non works
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05:43.45hebberto be sure I set the CDR values everywhere in the dialplan, still not working.
05:44.20hebberapart from the overuse of CDR records the system works like a charm :)
05:47.36[TK]D-Fender1 solution...
05:48.03[TK]D-FenderSince the problem is with it not answering.... ASNWER IT.
05:48.19[TK]D-FenderBut set variable before you do and check for it on the  other side's dialplan
05:48.23[TK]D-FenderAnd you can call it there.
05:48.36[TK]D-FenderLeaves all the work on the "answer" side
05:51.10hebberhmm, AMI ORIGINATES a call to a context, the context answers it instead of make a DIAL?
05:51.46hebberANSWER before or after the dial to callee?
05:53.24hebberOr continue with the DIAL, if the disposition is CONGESTED, then set the variables and finally answer the call?
05:54.51[TK]D-FenderNo, do your dial.... but on failure to answer, set a variable the ANSwser it hard and wait.
05:55.14[TK]D-FenderOn the other side see if that variable got set.  If so, set the CDR to nocdr
05:55.45[TK]D-Fenderbasically it's going to answer no matter what... just if it's "dead" it'll let you know
05:56.36hebberokey, will try that - but that I can't change with 30 concurrent channels, need to test it out tonight. Will let you know
05:56.44hebberI think that may work :)
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07:42.11woopstarAny reason why the scripts shipped for alembic with Asterisk 13 is not containing queue_log , when you want to use realtime?
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09:06.52ipalmerHi all something really simple for someone, I'm trying to replace a string one,\,two,\three to one&two&three I'm using the replace function to do this, I can replace the comma but not the backslash, can anyone help, the pastebin of my code is here
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09:11.47eirirsescape backslash with another backslash
09:12.37eirirslike ,\\,
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09:15.51MaliutaLapleaning trees
09:16.36ipalmereiris: thanks, trying that now but it doesn't seem to work
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09:18.49eirirsipalmer: sorry, I meant ,/\/\,
09:18.59eirirsare escape character, not \
09:19.17eirirsalways is confused between / and
09:19.46eirirsno wait
09:19.55eirirspicks another cup of coffee
09:20.31ipalmereirirs: lol wakey wakey
09:21.11MaliutaLapslash or diarrhea - I mean backslash
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09:23.32ipalmereirirs: so what was the outcome?
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09:36.46eirirsipalmer: it's \\ , and if it aint working, what exactly are you coding? dialplan?
09:40.36MaliutaLapwould depend - scp/ssh needs a double escape foo\\\ bar
09:42.17ipalmereirirs: I've tried 2 different things 1 and 2 in my pastebin
09:44.32eirirsipalmer: use double quotes, this way \ won't be parsed, but read as string
09:44.46eirirsin asterisk dialplan if I ain't wrong
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09:50.21ipalmereirirs: nope, I'm going to extract the function away from the rest of the dialplan in case something else I'm doing is causing it, I'll be back
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09:52.51tparcinaI have been asked to achieve this functionality:
09:53.22tparcinaOn incoming phone calls, we play some welcome message.
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09:55.04tparcinaThen we try to connect the call to some of users.
09:55.35tparcinaIf none of them is available, we send the call to the voice mail.
09:56.19tparcinaIf caller waits until it hears voice mail greetings, then we receive the mail with his details.
09:56.28tparcina(phone number, time of the call...)
09:56.59tparcinaBut, if the caller hangs up some time before, we don't get any notification about that call.
09:57.37ipalmereirirs: sorted it, we need to do \\\\
09:57.59eirirsso were were somewhat at correct path, already
09:58.07eirirswe were*
09:58.15tparcinaNow, I need to send e-mail for every phone call that wasn't connected to our users, and didn't leave the message in voice mail-
09:58.18eirirsmore coffee, bbl
09:58.27tparcinaJust I'm not sure how to do that.
09:58.34ipalmerkind of, we needed to use backslash just not sure how many lol
09:58.58eirirslol yeah
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10:17.21stevenmIs there something (or a product that uses Asterisk) of having mulitple PBX's that can all be configured from one interface?    i.e. kind of like a stack/cluster of switches with on UI - but in this case PBX's
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10:54.19taplaptapanyone have an ip 601?  when you setup phone<mac>.cfg, does the file have to be lowercase?  the phone takes so long to reboot :(
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12:24.26pawieckiHello! Is there any reason to use so called hunt groups, instead of just using a simple queue? I'm confused about these two. Could someone explain why theese two options are used?
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14:10.47t4nk152hello all
14:10.57t4nk152i have one problem with my asterisk
14:11.35t4nk152when exist one call between two extension
14:11.53t4nk152one another try to make a call for one this
14:12.02t4nk152i don't receive the busy song
14:12.14t4nk152any ideia for this ?
14:16.10Xaviertoorcall limite=1
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14:24.31[TK]D-Fendert4nk152: Ever had call-waiting on an analog lin from a telco before?
14:25.03[TK]D-Fendert4nk152: Ever been on a call on a cell and had a 2nd call ring in that you could answer?
14:26.12t4nk152@Xaviertoor in extension.conf ?
14:26.14[TK]D-Fender[09:17]Xaviertoorcall-limit=1 <- very bad idea.  What if this person needs to check their voicemail while on a call?
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14:26.24[TK]D-Fendert4nk152: Not a good approach
14:26.45[TK]D-Fendert4nk152: Check the device state before dialing them.
14:27.02t4nk152how check this ?
14:27.14[TK]D-Fender"core show function DEVICE_STATE"
14:27.42[TK]D-Fender"core show application chanisavail"
14:28.35[TK]D-FenderStill not a good idea in general
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14:46.46t4nk152exten => s,1,ExecIf($[ ${DEVICE_STATE(SIP/${EXTEN})} = INUSE ]?Busy)
14:47.00t4nk152i put this line in my extension.conf
14:47.15t4nk152but the result is the same
14:47.55*** join/#asterisk retentiveboy (~retentive@2001:558:6011:78:157:3142:bcbc:6bc9)
14:50.06[TK]D-FenderBecause there a several mistackes in there
14:50.57[TK]D-FenderWrong application, wrong variable, incomplete expression, etc
14:53.07*** join/#asterisk Katty (sid62315@gateway/web/
14:54.03t4nk152the default configurations allow this ?
14:57.21[TK]D-Fenderwhat "default"?  This is the dialplan.. there is no such thing as "default".
14:57.41[TK]D-FenderThere is only what you make.
14:59.24t4nk152the default extension.conf
14:59.53[TK]D-Fender[09:57][TK]D-Fenderwhat "default"? This is the dialplan.. there is no such thing as "default".
14:59.59[TK]D-Fenderthis is YOUR dialplan.
15:00.01[TK]D-FenderYOU make it.
15:01.18[TK]D-FenderIf you're referring to the SAMPLE CONFIG, that is just a syntax guide, and as "inspiration".  It is effectively garbage that is not meant to be used.
15:01.39*** join/#asterisk albercuba (
15:01.58albercubahello everyone. Can i set up two phones with the same extension???
15:02.45albercubahello everyone. Can i set up two phones with the same extension??? if i want to have a desk phone and a wireless phone and they both answer to the same number
15:03.21[TK]D-Fenderonly chan_pjsip supports multiple registrations.
15:03.41[TK]D-FenderOtherwise you'll have to set them up as separate devices and simply dial both in your Dial() command
15:03.56albercubano, the idea is to have the same number on both
15:04.26[TK]D-Fenderboth work
15:04.37[TK]D-Fender"have same number" doesn't necessarily mean anything
15:04.46albercubaok let me explain myself
15:05.02[TK]D-FenderIf you want to call 2 at the same time... you can dial 2 at the same time.
15:05.26[TK]D-FenderIf you need the SAME ACCOUNT for login purposes.. then that is only supported unduer chan_pjsip
15:05.34albercubai want that if i have a desk phone and a wireless phone, and someone calls my number, they both answer to that number
15:05.48[TK]D-FenderEither can show as the same callerid and have access to dial the same things
15:05.53albercubaok yes they both need to answer to the same account
15:05.58[TK]D-Fendereither can work
15:06.17albercubaok i will take a look at chan_pjsip
15:06.42[TK]D-Fender[10:05]albercubaok yes they both need to answer to the same account <- No.  Call processing is DIALPLAN.  having the same account on both is NOT a requirement.  Dial() can call MULTIPLE devices simultaneously regardless of type
15:07.25*** join/#asterisk CeBe1 (
15:07.51[TK]D-FenderIt's a lot less work to simply create another peer than to implement an entirely new channel-type if you aren't using it already
15:07.54albercubasorry i am a noob with asterisk so i don't really understand too much about it yet
15:07.58[TK]D-FenderAlso pjsip is only 12+
15:08.23albercubawhat do you mean with 12*
15:08.32[TK]D-FenderAsterisk 12 and higher<-------
15:08.36albercubaa ok
15:10.09[TK]D-Fender"core show application dial"
15:10.15infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 4th Edition (ISBN 1-4493-3242-0) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and a version is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
15:19.12t4nk152@[TK]D-Fender when i show the dialplan my macro dial
15:19.32t4nk152i see this
15:20.12[TK]D-FenderThat is some pretty broken code to start with
15:20.42[TK]D-FenderBut go on...
15:21.07t4nk152what is the better solution for this case ?
15:21.42t4nk152thanks for your help
15:22.38t4nk152when i solve this problem i join you to drink one beer :D
15:24.05[TK]D-FenderBefore thinking "better solution" you should ask yourself "what is my code really doing?  What is that desing meant to accomodate?  Why was it written that way?".
15:24.36[TK]D-FenderSo far I'm getting a feeling like you have just copies some other little pieces over and are running on recycled code you don't fully understand
15:25.35t4nk152actually I did not. I 'm trying to fix what was done
15:25.42[TK]D-FenderAnd so far .... we don't have an actual "problem".
15:25.56[TK]D-FenderI just see some sloppy code
15:26.08[TK]D-FenderSo go try and proper integrate what I told you into it.
15:26.24[TK]D-Fenderjust can't type these days...
15:28.04t4nk152my problem is that the asterisk not signals when user is  in Call
15:28.43[TK]D-Fendert4nk152: because it doesn't care and neither does the device you're calling
15:29.01[TK]D-Fendert4nk152: I gave you the commands to LOOK at what it's doing so you can coose to act DIFFERNTLY <-
15:29.05*** join/#asterisk BKhan (ca7d90e3@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
15:29.34BKhanHi . There is an issue in call transfer need help about it
15:30.59BKhaninbound call (person P) ---> receive by caller A ---(transfer to)----> Caller B  ( issue is caller B and person P can not hear voice)
15:31.15t4nk152I have multiple extensions. do you think I should set up one by one ?
15:31.56[TK]D-Fendert4nk152: Doesn't matter so long as it does what you want.
15:41.14*** join/#asterisk WHiZZi (
15:41.44WHiZZigoodday everyone
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15:44.28WHiZZiI have a challenge here with sip peers who are acting weird as far as we can tell
15:45.34WHiZZisip peer = user-500
15:45.53WHiZZinothing fancy else, canreinvite=yes, secret set and a call-limit
15:45.59WHiZZiuser can log in perfectly fine
15:46.11WHiZZibut, when I do a 'sip show peer user-500'
15:46.27WHiZZi* Name : user-500
15:46.59WHiZZiReg. Contact : sip:user-500@ip:5060;transport=udp
15:47.22WHiZZiDef. Username: banana-123
15:47.27*** join/#asterisk Xaviertoor (~jerson.ju@
15:48.04WHiZZiwhy is the def. username not matching the sip-peer name/reg. contact ?
15:49.03WHiZZiand it doesn't matter if there's a [banana-123], even without this account, the Def. Username doesn't match the sip-peers name
15:50.23dan_jHi, Where can I find the definition of Status in this AMI event?
15:50.33dan_jIE, what does Status mean?
15:50.52[TK]D-FenderUsual.  INUSE, RINGING, ETC
15:51.08[TK]D-FenderShoud be same values as for presence
15:51.42dan_jLooking at sample data, Status is a digit.
15:51.58dan_jCan I assume it means the same as v13?
15:54.01[TK]D-FenderShould be
15:55.39WHiZZiok, before I have to read the Asterisk source perhaps somebody can tell me where Asterisk stores it's Def. Username value since it's not coming from a config-file whatsoever?
15:55.56*** part/#asterisk mjordan (mjordan@nat/digium/x-mmexdtelivsljofo)
15:57.04[TK]D-FenderWHiZZi: Show us the actual config and peer dump
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15:58.22WHiZZisure, hold on
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16:03.22WHiZZibananax2d-202 used to exist on the server, but doesn't exist anymore (is deleted from all config-files)
16:05.36[TK]D-Fender* can keep stuff cached...
16:05.41[TK]D-FenderHave you restarted * since?
16:06.04WHiZZi2 weeks at this moment
16:06.32WHiZZiproblem was there before, restarted the whole server and even upgraded to a later version of Asterisk. Problem still existed afterwards
16:07.28WHiZZisame extensions, there are multiple extensions with this problem showing currently around 4 different 'Def. Usernames'
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16:08.41WHiZZiPeers are registered on different ip's (different ISP's even) and there's no relation between the customers
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16:09.24WHiZZihappens with different clients as well (phones, softclients)
16:09.47WHiZZithe only thing I can imagine at this point, is that the internal db of Asterisk is corrupted in some way
16:10.14WHiZZiI do see a lot of duplicate entries when I do a 'database show'
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16:11.12WHiZZifor example, 81 entries of:
16:11.22WHiZZiSIP/Registry/hmgv2c-106                          :
16:12.17WHiZZihmgv2c-106 has a correct Def. Username though
16:13.04WHiZZi106 database entries of hmgv2c-106
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16:23.34WHiZZiso I guess I'll remove the astdb? What do you think [TK]D-Fender
16:23.58[TK]D-FenderThat's an idea...
16:24.14WHiZZiI love to hear other ideas ;)
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16:29.50WHiZZiwell, I'll try that. Thanks for reading and confirming
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16:56.55echo083res_fax_spandsp.c: In function ‘spandsp_v21_new’:
16:57.00echo083res_fax_spandsp.c:487: error: ‘MODEM_CONNECT_TONES_FAX_CED_OR_PREAMBLE’ undeclared (first use in this function)
16:57.48echo083how to build res_fax ?
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17:10.29BKhaninbound call (person P) ---> receive by caller A ---(transfer to)----> Caller B  ( issue is caller B and person P can not hear voice)
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17:10.42BKhanis any solution of it
17:12.18[TK]D-FenderStop allowing reinvites
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17:28.24BKhanThanks D-Fender actually it is previously stop. canreivnit=no
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17:29.40[TK]D-FenderBKhan: pastebin your actual peers
17:31.34filefalls over
17:33.08BKhanD-Fender: Please check it is for local peer
17:33.51[TK]D-Fendercanreivnit=no <- SPELLING
17:34.49fileFun fact: In chan_pjsip that wouldn't have allowed the endpoint to be created.
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17:35.13[TK]D-Fenderfile: awesome.
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17:36.09BKhanD-Fender:  Ohhh sorry let me check :)
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18:01.06BKhanD-Fender: I made change but still same. Actually on our server we have two interfaces one with public ip and second with private
18:02.03*** join/#asterisk AnonGirl (
18:03.19BKhanI observed with wireshare. when call tranfer to agent C , his voice come to server but not come to person who is dialing inbound
18:05.02[TK]D-FenderI'm not seeing your "fix"
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18:37.27DivideBy0When setting a channel variable through the ARI, I can immediately retrieve it, but when I try to get it later, in a hangup request event, I cant see it. Shouldn't the variable last until the channel is destroyed or the var is explicitly unset?
18:37.45*** join/#asterisk PaybackTony (~Adium@2601:7:700:7fa:793f:c888:ccc8:65f4)
18:39.57DivideBy0actually, it looks like the channel is already gone in the ChannelHangupRequest event?
18:40.45[TK]D-FenderuSE A HANGUP HANDLER
18:40.59[TK]D-FenderBecuase yes.. that can be an issue
18:41.37DivideBy0[TK]D-Fender: Thanks I have a handler on the ChannelHangupRequest event through the ARI. Where is the right place I should have one?
18:41.49[TK]D-FenderNot sure about ARI
18:42.00[TK]D-FenderWas thinking raw dialplan terms there for a sec
18:42.20DivideBy0ok. I'll figure it out. Thanks as always.
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18:46.29DivideBy0also file said "it's documented in the API - the script which turns that into wiki documentation just may not be smart enough to reflect it" so I thought that meant  but I don't see what we were talking about - it was where the docs for the list of playback controls were. Does anyone know where the right doc for the API he's talking about? (I
18:46.30DivideBy0haven't seen him online)
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19:03.10marceloamorimguys, I'm trying to install dahdi but I'm getting this messages - Can't read private key - anyone solve this problem?
19:09.19WIMPyWhat key?
19:09.53marceloamorimCan't read private key like this
19:11.26WIMPyI can remember having disabled that part in the past.
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19:38.07DivideBy0if I originate a channel (out to the pstn via sip) into my ARI/stasis app's bridge, is there a way to hear ringing/busy/etc, or do I have to do that myself somehow?
19:40.08filethere is currently no ability for ARI originated channels to be bridged before they are answered
19:41.54DivideBy0I add the channel to the bridge right after originating it, and I can hear once they pickup, but you're saying I'm unable to hear anything before that, right?
19:42.41DivideBy0also, they other day, you answered my question about playbacks saying "its in the api, but the wiki script hasn't picked it up yet" - where is the api documented? I thought it was doxygen.asterisk.something?
19:43.22fileyou can't add an originated channel to a bridge until it has been answered, if that is working for you then the channel is answered immediately and it should work
19:44.17fileARI is documented using an older version of, you can explore the API using swagger-ui - for example head to and use as the URL at the top and test:test as the API key
19:45.04DivideBy0wow. Thanks! I would have never found that myself.
19:45.48fileit's useful for easily playing about
19:46.04filethat's also what is used to create the documentation on the wiki
19:46.25DivideBy0yeah. it's really neat and fills in the holes for sure
19:46.34AnonGirlfile, hi
19:47.34DivideBy0last sorta related question - when the ARI event ChannelHangupRequest is emitted, the channel seems to be already gone. is that a bug or a feature? I was trying to read the channel details or a channel var
19:49.14fileas that event is sent in an asyncronous fashion it's entirely possible for the channel to already be gone by the time you get it and try to act on it
19:50.59fileit should go ChannelHangupRequest -> ChannelDestroyed, but even then it can happen so fast that it's gone
19:52.31DivideBy0aha. that makes complete sense. thanks again! (I'm digging the swagger)
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20:38.33talntidI have an odbc while loop. from inside that while loop, i am calling another odbc function. when that second one runs, it is resetting ${ODBCROWS} and the initial loop gets broken... solution?
20:38.47talntidwill making the internal function into a macro break it out of that scope?
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21:30.43echo083what is the trunk dahdi/g0 please ?
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21:31.40echo083it was automatically created
21:31.46echo083should i remove it ?
21:32.07infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 4th Edition (ISBN 1-4493-3242-0) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and a version is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
21:34.20echo083me ?
21:34.27echo083you are providing these information for me ?
21:34.59echo083i partially know what is dahdi g0 trunk but i wanted to know if i should remove it or keep it ?
21:37.18WIMPyIt's just a variable definition.
21:37.40echo083WIMPy, should i remove or keep dahdi/go trunk which was automatically created ?
21:37.52WIMPyAnd the sample configs are more documentation that meant to be used.
21:38.13WIMPythat means, that you should create your own file.
21:39.35echo083WIMPy, ok then i'll remove it
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21:40.14echo083WIMPy, for conferencing should i use app_meet or app_confbridge ?
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21:48.35jmetroDo you guys know if Digium phones have bluetooth? my silly spec sheet is way basic
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21:57.32WIMPyecho083: ConfBridge is the new one with all the new features.
21:57.59WIMPyjmetro: No. I think it was thought of as an option, but I don't know if that exists, yet.
21:59.13newtonrjmetro, nope, no bluetooth.
21:59.43jmetroWIMPy: Looks like it isnt, atleast according to the documentation on the digium wiki. Now looking at the Phone Compatibility list.. im surprised theres only 3 plantronics hones on the EHS Support.
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