IRC log for #asterisk on 20150127

00:22.18*** join/#asterisk frek818 (~frek818@
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05:53.53D30D30: testing
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06:24.42ChannelZD30: syntax error
06:25.06D30ChannelZ: sorry i know
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09:30.24mmouckahi everyone I have question. I'm working on web interface for asterisk as my school project. And if try use realtime ps_transports it shows this "Realtime mapping for 'ps_transports' found to engine 'myslq', but the engine is not available" is it possible or I have to you trasports as static realtime?
09:34.31mmouckanvm I see the problem, misspelled mysql.
09:34.52*** join/#asterisk CeBe (
09:52.04*** join/#asterisk bibz (
09:57.22bibzmy peers are becoming "UNREACHABLE" at random times.. I have primarly Siemens Gigaset devices in use.. after a few seconds they become reachable again.. what could that be?
10:27.57*** join/#asterisk MadHatter42 (~MadHatter@unaffiliated/madhatter42)
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10:48.30bulkorokshiddy gigasets
10:48.49bulkorokyou could try with lower reg-expire time
11:09.01*** join/#asterisk marceloamorim (
11:28.15*** join/#asterisk RPerre (
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11:31.22gianyhello, some devices apparently perform unhold by simply issuing a reinvite on the dialog  without an SDP..this makes the call not getting out from there any workaround regarding this?
11:41.26*** part/#asterisk bulkorok (~Benjamin@
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11:59.25bibzI'm looking for a freelancer.. I have problems with my asterisk.. lots of "NO ANSWER" and sometimes even "BUSY" are popping up in my database.. please contact me, if you can help.
11:59.54WIMPyhands bibz a whip
12:00.10RPerreHi. I'm building a Asterisk app using ARI. I have a Stasis application running. Outside of this app, I use ARI to originate to A. When stasis get this channel, inside de stasis i originate to B and create a bridge between the two. I get no sound between them, can anyone help me understand why?
12:00.56bibza whip? what you mean by that?
12:01.28WIMPybibz: To motivate people to actually answer the phone instead of ignoring it.
12:02.56bibzwell, there are lots of "NOANSWER" with "duration" from 0-5 secs.. which I can't explain myself why it happens..
12:03.02skrustywelcome back RPerre
12:03.06skrustystill the same issue?
12:03.30RPerreHi skrusty, yes same issue :(
12:03.32skrustyRPerre, have you answered the first channel?
12:03.42WIMPybibz: A lack of patienc from the caller?
12:04.38bibzWIMPy: it happens to 30-40% of all callers daily.
12:05.03RPerreskrusty, yes.
12:05.45skrustyout of interest, once bridged, does audio work if you play it specifically to the channel and not the brdige?
12:06.03RPerrei'll try that, give me a sec
12:12.22RPerreskrusty. ok, if playback to the first channel the sound passes tru. if i playback to BOTH channels, the sound passes tru. if i playback *just to the second* channel, it doesnet
12:16.27RPerrethis make no sense..
12:16.46RPerre(sorry for the bad english tho)
12:20.58*** join/#asterisk CustosL1men (~CustosLim@unaffiliated/cust0slim3n)
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12:24.41RPerreskrusty, any ideas?
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12:27.24skrustysorry, was on the phone
12:27.25skrustyreading up
12:27.51skrustywhen you say *both* channels, do you mean the brdige?
12:28.12skrustyas play only acts on one channel
12:30.55*** join/#asterisk cbeyerlein (
12:32.02RPerreno, i mean playback in chan1, then playback in chan2
12:32.09RPerrethis works
12:32.23RPerreif i playback just to chan2, it does not work
12:32.49WIMPySo you're saying you can play to chan2 *after* you played to chan1?
12:35.48skrustywtf :)
12:36.09skrustywhat framework are you using?
12:36.13skrustyfor ari
12:36.18WIMPy<skrusty> RPerre, have you answered the first channel?
12:40.26*** join/#asterisk ghostlines (~ghostline@
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12:46.38RPerreWIMPy i did
12:46.49RPerreskrusty, phpari
12:47.23RPerre(sorry for my delay, i'm getting alot of phonecalls)
12:47.46WIMPyPhones are evil.
12:47.52RPerreindeed xD
12:48.15WIMPyAnd we know that you're not working for bibz :-)
12:48.47RPerreno, i'm not :)
12:51.13skrustyone thought, use a rest tool like postman to create the originate and bridge, take it down to basics. If it's still a problem, i suggest maybe there's some underlying issue
12:51.36skrustyif you do the rest calls yourself, you can put them in a pastebin so we can varify them and replicate!
12:51.45skrusty(to a degree)
12:54.19*** join/#asterisk marceloamorim (
12:55.48RPerrei've solved it
12:55.53skrustygo on?
12:55.59RPerrethe problem is not on asterisk nor ari
12:56.08RPerrei have a TELCO mediagateway
12:56.17RPerrewich has a firewall bug
12:56.23skrustyheh :)
12:56.38RPerreif i dont pass it a RTP packet
12:56.50RPerreit does not iniciate RTP session
12:57.07RPerreso, this playback on the first channel does the trick
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12:57.19RPerrei have to passit a empty sound
12:57.26RPerreso the channel has RTP
12:57.33RPerrei'm so happy right now
12:57.46RPerreskrusty and WIMPy, thanks for your help
12:57.52RPerrelove you guys
12:58.13skrustyyou're welcome :)
13:00.55*** join/#asterisk fstd (~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted)
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13:08.16cbeyerleinHeya, I need some advise on PJSIP behaviour: Call comes in via Endpoint EP1, Asterisk sends code 100 to EP1. Dialplan does "Dial(PJSIP/EP2) and Asterisk instantly sends 180 Ringing to EP1, even before sending out INVITE to EP2...
13:08.42cbeyerleinthis doesnt look right to me, call to EP2 could be rejected, or timeout or whatever, but EP1 sees "Ringing"
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13:27.58*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
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14:07.30*** join/#asterisk CyberBob (
14:07.36CyberBobHi All.
14:08.24CyberBobI'm using ISDN PRI line connected with Digium TE133 card but system is not detecting hangup if the other party hangup the call.
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15:39.50wasanzyam still not getting OBDs working. I cat this error when I copy the call file to outgoing
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15:42.09[TK]D-Fenderwasanzy: [2015-01-27 15:36:44.889] WARNING[14016]: chan_sip.c:4024 retrans_pkt: Retransmission timeout reached on transmission 484019823df9bba404a4d34869538801@ for seqno 102 (Critical Request) -- See
15:42.18[TK]D-Fenderwasanzy: And you aren't looking at the SIP DEBUG for your call attempt
15:42.59[TK]D-Fenderwasanzy: And we clearly see stuff isn't getting responded to there.
15:43.15wasanzylet me get the sip debug paste
15:47.12wasanzythst is the sip debug
15:48.19*** join/#asterisk Raden (
15:48.32Radenruns and jumps and gives Katty a huge hug
15:48.45Kattyhugskwishes Raden
15:48.51RadenHow ya been ?
15:48.56Kattygood :>
15:48.59Kattyhow're you?
15:49.12Radenbusy as a bee
15:50.05Radenhow have u been my dear ?
15:50.50[TK]D-Fenderwasanzy: You're sending out invites and not getting any answer from the other side...
15:50.57[TK]D-Fenderwasanzy: Go look at what you have it pointed to.,
15:51.43wasanzydo I really need an invite?
15:53.10[TK]D-Fenderwasanzy: .... that's your CALL
15:53.37[TK]D-Fender- Attempting call on SIP/+2349096852432@outgoing for start@obd_promo:1 (Retry 1) <---------------
15:53.47wasanzyinsecure = invite
15:54.01[TK]D-FenderINVITE is the pactet that starts a SIP CALL
15:54.06[TK]D-FenderYou are doing a SIP CALL there.....
15:54.26wasanzyyes using call file
15:54.42[TK]D-FenderYes, and that call you are making is failing
15:54.45[TK]D-FenderThe otehr side is not answering
15:54.54[TK]D-FenderAnd by that I mean NO response at all
15:55.08[TK]D-FenderNot "I'm busy", or "I don't like this request".  NOTHING
15:55.30[TK]D-FenderGo look at where it is sending the call, verify netwoking, software, etc
15:55.32*** join/#asterisk gusto (~gusto@2a02:810d:8640:248:8219:34ff:fecf:17f0)
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16:03.25cbeyerleinsomeone an idea how to prevent Asterisk/PJSIP from transmitting 180 Ringing even before sending out INVITE?
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16:16.32newtonrcbeyerlein, what about just answering the calling channel?
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16:19.53cbeyerleinnewtonr: I can't.. we are building something like a Class4 switch, so I must report the call-results from the B-leg back to the A-Leg...
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16:20.20cbeyerleinso if B-leg is busy, A-leg should receive Busy too. and not indicate Ringing that is not actually happening on Destination of B leg
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16:21.09cbeyerleinalso messes up call statistics seen on A-side like "average ringing duration"
16:22.09[TK]D-FenderPJ shouldn't be doing that... chan_sip wouldn't in the same scenario...
16:22.30*** join/#asterisk calum_ (
16:25.00wasanzy[TK]D-Fender: I have taken a tcp dump of the request, can I send it to you for assistance?
16:25.03*** join/#asterisk Mission-Critical (~MissionCr@unaffiliated/missioncritical)
16:25.40[TK]D-Fenderwasanzy: We alrady see the SIP debug.. what more is there to see?
16:25.47[TK]D-Fenderwasanzy: Request goes out ... never comes back.
16:25.52cbeyerlein[TK]D-Fender: so it could be a bug? How would I properly report this? via Or better have a discussion first on e.g. asterisk-users?
16:27.03*** join/#asterisk vassilux (
16:27.04[TK]D-Fendercbeyerlein: Could be.  As this is a Digium supplied moduleI'd say you should be able to take it up on their support forums, etc
16:27.54wasanzy[TK]D-Fender: in the tcpdump, am seeing some 404 not found error that is why am confused
16:28.08[TK]D-FenderPB it
16:28.27[TK]D-Fendercbeyerlein: bad aim, sorry
16:28.45wasanzy[TK]D-Fender: me?
16:28.50[TK]D-Fenderwasanzy: PB IT
16:29.04vassiluxI have to implement call routing from T2 to a modem V92 attached to my FXS module. It works well with the fax modem but I get some trouble with Multitech V92 modem. Any idea ?
16:29.29newtonrcbeyerlein, post your trace on the asterisk-users forum first and see if someone can identify an issue there
16:29.52*** join/#asterisk jiuweigui (~jiuweigui@unaffiliated/jiuweigui)
16:30.10cbeyerleinnewtonr: k, will try that first
16:31.03wasanzyCan't I attached file to pastbin?
16:31.25newtonrcbeyerlein, asterisk-users mailing list.  Still asleep!
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17:27.37bibzexten => _+.,n,GotoIf(${DIALSTATUS}= CHANUNAVAIL | ${DIALSTATUS} = CONGESTION | ${DIALSTATUS}=BUSY]?mw1-warteschlangen,${EXTEN},1)
17:27.44bibzwhy isnt this line working?
17:28.10[TK]D-Fenderbecause you didn't balance out your expression
17:28.14[TK]D-Fendercount your braces
17:28.57bibzoops, one missing
17:30.29[TK]D-FenderYour spacing is also inconsistent across all 3 and have no protections against the variable being blank.  Not that those are "current" problems....
17:34.37bibzexten => _+.,n,GotoIf($[$["${DIALSTATUS}" = "BUSY"] | $["${DIALSTATUS}" = "CONGESTION"]]?mw1-warteschlangen,${EXTEN},1) should do the trick now
17:35.28WIMPyOh, actually, yes.
17:35.36bibzwhy not? "BUSY" = "BUSY" not?
17:35.46*** join/#asterisk smash` (
17:35.48bibzoh ok :)
17:35.56WIMPyThere are so many brackets to count...
17:41.36*** join/#asterisk MadHatter42 (~MadHatter@unaffiliated/madhatter42)
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17:44.14[TK]D-FenderAnd they're bad
17:44.22[TK]D-Fenderno need to nest like that
17:46.40drmessanoI told my ex wife the same thing
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17:54.12bibzhow is it possible for "NOANSWER" to exist with 0 seconds duration ?
17:54.44[TK]D-Fenderbibz: Lets see the call
17:54.56WIMPySomeone cancelled the call after less than a second.
17:58.19[TK]D-FenderThat wouldn't respond "noanswer"
17:58.26[TK]D-Fenderthat' come back "busy", etc
17:58.37[TK]D-Fender"noanswer implies a timeout/fail
18:00.28WIMPyCANCEL rather. So the timeout is the only answer?
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18:32.34dan_jSorry for the rookie question but i dont usually get involved with ISDN lines. When connecting to a public ISDN line, do I need a BRI or PRI card?
18:33.13WIMPyThe one that fits your line.
18:34.05WIMPyBRI=2 B-Channels, PRI=30 B-Channels or 23 or 24.
18:34.26*** join/#asterisk Kilo`byte (~kilobyte@
18:35.13newtonrdan_j, what country are you in?
18:35.40newtonrAh okay, yeah you might have either there.
18:36.10WIMPyDid you order isdn2e oder isdn 30?
18:36.18dan_jWIMPy: Ah, I thought PRI and BRI refered to whether you were connecting to a PSTN or to another digital device.
18:36.32dan_jNo, they are standard isdn2e lines.
18:36.39WIMPyNo, that NT/LT or TE.
18:36.49WIMPyThat's a BRI then.
18:37.44dan_jIn short, i need a card that can receive 2 ISDN connections (4 lines), and then a 3rd ISDN connection to connect to a fax server. Fax calls are routed through Asterisk to the fax server.
18:38.13WIMPySo a quad BRI card.
18:38.27dan_jWIMPy: So if I spec sheet says 'Supports 2 to 4 ports. Mix TE and NT modes, as required'. That will do?
18:38.39WIMPyWhy don't you use your Asterisk box as fax server?
18:38.58WIMPy2 to 4?
18:39.26dan_jIts an annoying client. I'd prefer to keep the setup as similar to the current setup as possible.
18:40.49WIMPyThen just get a quad BRI card and keep it as is.
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18:44.03dan_jPerfect. Thanks for clearing that up.
18:44.58WIMPyAnd get a generic card.
18:45.06WIMPyThat way you have free choice of drivers.
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19:21.29bibzregarding the 0 second  "NOANSWER" calls...
19:23.08WIMPyIf it wasn't german, I would thing that's FreePBX.
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19:24.52bibznope, the whole dialplan (2000lines) was being written by some old dude who left the company.. and after 6 months I'm still fixing errors ..
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19:25.23[TK]D-Fender[2015-01-27 20:06:44] VERBOSE[9105][C-0000031a] app_dial.c:     -- Called SIP/pbx3-out/+43664xxxxxxxx
19:25.25[TK]D-Fender[2015-01-27 20:06:46] VERBOSE[9105][C-0000031a] pbx.c:   == Spawn extension (mw1-rauswaehlen, +43122xxxxxx0305, 7) exited non-zero on 'SIP/pbx3-0000043c'
19:25.26[TK]D-Fendercall aborted
19:25.39[TK]D-FenderYou'd have to look at SIP debug for a better reason
19:26.37WIMPyOr add some Verbose after that Dial.
19:26.57bibzwhat do you mean, verbose after dial?
19:27.46WIMPyThe dialplan ends after trying to Dial(). You could add an Verbose() to show things like DIALSTATUS, HANGUPCAUSE, etc.
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19:28.05bibzoh okay. thats a good idea actuallz.
19:29.46WIMPyLooks like the h extension found out the last message was "100 Trying".
19:31.04*** join/#asterisk sparetire (~sparetire@unaffiliated/sparetire)
19:32.24[TK]D-FenderSIP DEBUG.
19:32.27[TK]D-FenderAccept no substitutes
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19:34.42bibzI'm trying to figure out how to get the SIP debug of that call, since its not in /var/log/asterisk/full...
19:36.06bibzwell.. it was a customer who called, so I can't ask him to retry.. probably it would work by now..
19:36.51WIMPyWell, if you don't have the information...
19:37.26[TK]D-Fender"probably" and an empty sack is worth the sack....
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21:44.10AnonGirlAnyone here know what is?
21:50.17WIMPyLooks like a domain name.
21:51.25newtonrI concur
21:52.05*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~joe@
21:56.11AnonGirlI mean, I think I saw it trying to SIP phreak me
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22:03.18Kattyhugs Qwell
22:03.48[TK]D-FenderKatty, Mew.
22:03.58Katty[TK]D-Fender: herro.
22:04.09MaliutaLapwonders who else Katty is trying to rope into the squirrel conspiracy ;)
22:04.23KattyMaliutaLap: who told you to say that?!?! why did you want to join?
22:04.52MaliutaLapKatty: no, I'm the one outing the conspiracy - remember? ;)
22:04.58AnonGirland now for the fun part
22:05.31KattyMaliutaLap: oh. right. what if i give you a cookie?
22:05.42KattyMaliutaLap: if you're busy eating, you can't talk.... right?
22:06.34MaliutaLapKatty: Oh, I'll take the cookie (it's possible I'm related to Cookie Monster). I can eat and type at the same time :P
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22:26.08AnonGirlprods malcolmd
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22:27.45VisageSIP ...phreak? Did we just have a collision of past and present realities? I think I just heard the space-time continuum scream.
22:28.20AnonGirlVisage, *giggle*
22:29.18AnonGirlmalcolmd, you might remember me as the weirdo who at 11 or 12 tried to run an Asterisk server out of their bedroom.
22:29.47malcolmdi don't recall, sorry :)
22:29.50AnonGirlI'm now 14, and now running a YATE server out of some datacentre in France.
22:29.54AnonGirlmalcolmd, ok
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22:39.49malcolmdand...that's better :)
22:40.04PenguinFeels exactly the same to me.
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23:52.42AnonGirlmalcolmd, and what's better?
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