IRC log for #asterisk on 20150123

00:23.13*** join/#asterisk Cubber (
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01:00.55*** join/#asterisk fstd (~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted)
01:03.02*** join/#asterisk Katty (uid62315@gateway/web/
01:07.29*** join/#asterisk mjordan (~mjordan@
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01:12.58Kattyso much quiet
01:29.36*** join/#asterisk mjordan (mjordan@nat/digium/x-fntemjrenitzcdol)
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01:43.48newtonrKatty, sound!
01:44.49*** join/#asterisk cargill_ (
02:06.14*** join/#asterisk CeBe (
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02:45.35*** join/#asterisk sgriepentrog (~sgriepent@2602:30a:2ef2:840:20c:29ff:fe4f:cac8)
02:51.33kemmlerI'm probably doing this wrong but I've got mysql cdr set up. I'm trying to toss some custom values in there and I see the command being ran in the asterisk log. I'm using this exten => h,n,set(CDR(username)=${username})
02:52.40kemmleri'm passing ${username} to the dialplan externally, just need to figure out why it's not getting written
02:56.19*** join/#asterisk bmurt (
03:12.35*** join/#asterisk Slackology (~chris@unaffiliated/quintux)
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03:44.55*** join/#asterisk hariom (31cfa809@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
03:47.28hariomHi, I have shared my remote directory over ssh (sshfs) which contains prompts. But streamfile gives following output 200 result=-1 endpos=0
03:47.58hariomWhat is the meaning of 200 result=-1 endpos=0 ?
04:03.53mjordankemmler: what is the value of endbeforehexten in cdr.conf?
04:10.23*** join/#asterisk fling (~fling@fsf/member/fling)
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04:23.08kemmlermjordan, setting it to no fixed the inability to pass the vars but broke billsec and duration
04:45.06mjordanwhich version are you using?
04:45.22mjordanbtw, "broke billsec and duration" isn't specific enough for someone to understand what you're running into
04:48.13*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (
04:56.31kemmlerI was retarded. I set the CDR stuff before the dial and didn't need to use the hangup exten
04:56.38kemmlerso it's all working now
05:10.24*** join/#asterisk TriJetScud (
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05:18.26*** join/#asterisk hariom (7aa98d3d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
05:20.16hariomI am getting streamfile result as: 200 result=-1 endpos=0
05:20.19hariomWhat could be the reason?
05:20.56hariomIt means failure but why is it failing? File is accessible on the path provided to steamfile. But that directory is mount from remote system
05:36.54ChannelZBad file? What codec?
05:37.17*** join/#asterisk lbazan (~LoKoMurdo@fedora/LoKoMurdoK)
05:37.26ChannelZAnd remote system.. NFS?
05:40.06*** join/#asterisk gryphon (~gryphon@
05:45.10hariomChannelZ: sshfs. File is .gsm
05:45.34hariomChannelZ: same file I am able to play with streamfile if provided from another directory which is not mount.
05:45.55hariomChannelZ: not sure why it is not able to read file from the mounted directory. I am see the files in the dir
05:46.41ChannelZBarring anything dubious about sshfs (which I've never used) does your asterisk run as root or some other user?  If the latter, can that user actually read the file?
05:46.43hariomChannelZ: That directory is own by "nobody:myuser" and asterisk runs as another user "asterisk". But I have given 'r' permission to user group and others
05:51.50hariomChannelZ: btw, if NFS is used, how do you secure it? I am on LAN but can't say it can not be misused. Its in cloud
05:54.59hariomChannelZ: sshfs seems to have permission problem. Without mount, asterisk is able to read from that directory
05:56.52ChannelZI just installed sshfs and tested playing a sound and it worked here
05:59.26ChannelZAnd sorry I don't have any experience with NFS over WAN
05:59.56hariomChannelZ: Was the user different? On local system I have "myuser" and "asterisk" as users. Asterisk is running as "asterisk" but the sshfs is mounted in the home dir of "myuser" which has 777 permision. Remote server has completely different users
06:00.25hariom"asterisk" won't be able to enter into directory after it is mounted by "myuser"
06:03.30ChannelZWell should be readable by everyone.  Does the user you're sshing to the remote system as have access though?
06:09.14*** part/#asterisk dralezero (~drale@unaffiliated/drale)
06:29.54*** join/#asterisk infobot (
06:29.54*** topic/#asterisk is #asterisk The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- LTS: 13.1.0 (2014/12/15), 11.15.0 (2014/12/15), (2014/11/20); Standard: 12.8.0 (2014/12/15); DAHDI: DAHDI-linux 2.10.0 (2014/08/13), DAHDI-tools 2.10.0 (2014/08/13); libpri 1.4.15 (2014/06/16) -=- Asterisk wiki: -=- Code of Conduct: -=- Logs:
06:32.36*** join/#asterisk jhlavacek (~jirka@
06:37.46kemmlerCan someone elaborate on the Realtime_Field function? I'm trying to do "Select minutes from users where name=$username" this is the code i'm using exten => 30,1,Set(mins=${REALTIME_FIELD(users,name,${username},minutes)})
06:38.17kemmleri dont see any errors and mins = nothing in the asterisk cli log
06:44.14*** join/#asterisk tparcina (~tomo@
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06:56.04PenguinYou don't have to mount your sshfs target with your local user's login name.  You can use it just like you'd use ssh with non-matching user names.
06:56.52Penguinsshfs otheruser@remotehost:somedir localmountpoint
07:16.51*** join/#asterisk pouledodue (
07:16.59*** join/#asterisk xochilpili (~xochilpil@unaffiliated/xochilpili)
07:17.04xochilpilihi all
07:17.32xochilpiliwho does dial patterns work?
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07:46.07wdoekes*how do dial patterns work? --
07:46.11wdoekesweak, he left
07:52.41*** join/#asterisk riess82 (
07:53.42wdoekesmorning indeed
08:05.39alexisesabout my yesteday problem, My collegue had make some test yesteday,
08:06.27alexisesWe have a numeris line that use cpe_ptmp and not ptp, in France to make ptp we should have a numerise+ line that can make boths
08:07.16alexisesmy problems seens to come from a biavior from the local telecom provider that shut down bri line when not used to save energy according to the
08:07.49alexisesthanks to the digium support that don't help us in this case by providing us wrong config ^^
08:08.35alexisesto deal with it, we should set the layer1_presence = ignore on chan_dahdi.conf
08:08.42alexisesif it's could help someone ^^
08:08.51*** join/#asterisk MadHatter42 (~MadHatter@unaffiliated/madhatter42)
08:09.17alexiseswe expect all the config is ok :)
08:11.10wdoekesnot sure what you're saying. are you saying digium support didn't help you adequately? are you saying the sample config in the configs/ folder is wrong?
08:13.23alexiseswe have bought the analog card from digium that provide a free installation support
08:20.30wdoekesif digium support didn't help you adequately according to your expectations, it's best to write them a mail explaining so
08:20.56wdoekesthe chance that your particular bri issue is picked up by someone with the same problem on irc, is about 0%
08:21.17wdoekesif you want it to help someone else, filing a bug report is better
08:21.59wdoekesperhaps a request for documentation enhancement
08:28.16*** join/#asterisk sekil (~sekil@
08:37.55*** join/#asterisk mort_gib (
08:53.56WIMPyOh. Does that mean, dahdi still can't sensibly handle power saving? Like in the ooooold mISDN1 days?
08:54.54WIMPyalexises: What's the situation you got then? Incomming calls working and outgoing only if you were fast enough?
08:55.06WIMPyHow did they fail, when they failed?
09:07.23*** join/#asterisk deranged (
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09:26.47*** join/#asterisk linocisco (~linocisco@
09:26.59linociscohi all
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09:37.55alexisesWIMPy: it's work with the proper option ;)
09:39.00alexisesit's why the option whan added ;)
09:41.17linocisco is REAL?
09:44.44WIMPyalexises: Yes, but what's the characteristics of the issue when that option is required?
09:46.25WIMPyI gave my test box a nw kernel recently so I can't test DADHI at the moment.
09:46.25alexisesIt's related to french telecom provider, you should have a numeris installation (I'm not sure if it's also related to numeris+)
09:47.00*** join/#asterisk babak_ (uid19622@gateway/web/
09:47.08WIMPyIt's pretty standard to have power saving on ptmp lines.
09:47.53alexiseshum, it's also related to another contry
09:47.56WIMPyI'd like to add this to the usual issues section, but I need the if.. part.
09:48.13alexisesto detect it, you have warning about D channel not available
09:48.20WIMPyIt's definitely the same in Germany. And probably elsewhere as well.
09:48.21*** part/#asterisk c0rnoTa (~c0rnoTa@
09:48.27alexisesand when you pass a call all line are busy
09:49.07*** join/#asterisk FreezingCold (~FreezingC@
09:49.45alexisesI think the lack of information on the internet is due to telecom provider that won't to comunicate them to purpose some additional maintenance services provided by her proffesionnal division
09:51.18WIMPyBefore Asterisk you would have trouble to find equipment that cared.
10:00.21*** join/#asterisk Draecos (
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10:23.58q_a_z_steveWhat's the easiest way to test necessary functions on say a RasPBX before going out and putting an ATA on the production phone?
10:26.01*** join/#asterisk sekil (~sekil@
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11:27.31*** join/#asterisk Draecos (
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11:48.48necronianI know I keep harping on the same question in here, but I still can't get it working the way I want. I have 1 ata, so only one line in and out of asterisk. After someone leaves a voicemail I want asterisk to pick up the line and senddtmf to the analog phone system to notify the user there is a message.
11:50.08necronianYesterday I was told that originate can help me, but it doesn't work because the channel I'm in and the channel I want to originate on are the same... so it's busy
11:50.56*** join/#asterisk HeN (uid3747@gateway/web/
11:52.23necronianI have a stupid solution using system to execute a shell script I wrote on hangup, the script waits 5 seconds and then puts a call file into the outgoing queue
11:52.48necroniansometimes it works, sometimes the sip channel is still busy so nothing happens
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16:02.17BarthezZHi Guys, I'm having a weird problem on Asterisk 1.8.latest.. A call is delivered on a peer with sendrpi=no and trustrpid=no, globally send- and trustrpid's PAI/yes... When a call comes in with the PAI header, and goes out to a trunk... the "original" PAI-header is still there
16:08.14*** join/#asterisk gusto (~gusto@2a02:810d:8640:248:8219:34ff:fecf:17f0)
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16:20.08*** join/#asterisk Jacoby6000 (
16:20.50Jacoby6000is there an asterisk dialplan pattern for something like exten=>_([ub])|manage,1,app(appdata)?
16:21.05Jacoby6000where the string will match on u, b, or manage?
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16:29.09[TK]D-FenderJacoby6000: No, you'll require multiple extens
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17:03.21vomitHello. Some of my phone system users are experiencing issues when calling out some Cell phone numbers. Instead of voicemail they get a fast busy signal and this is happening intermittently.
17:03.25vomitI have performed a troubleshooting, didn't find any issues, call is passed to the service provider. Provider's records show that the call was passed to their other provider and call ended with a NOANSWER state, which is correct as the caller got a fast busy signal and no voicemail. Re trying usualy allows to reach voicemail of the other party, the call is marked as ANSWERED then. We observerd this behavior with two providers: and Twilio.
17:03.31vomitDid anybody experienced anything similiar or have any clues what may be causing this?
17:05.20*** join/#asterisk xeroxss (~xeroxss@
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17:37.44Penguinjacoby6000: While you can't do the | for OR, the [ub] part does work for u or b.  So you'll need two extensions for that configuration.
17:43.10*** join/#asterisk SpeedEvil (~quassel@tor/regular/SpeedEvil)
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18:03.14PenguinCan I not use $[${ISNULL(varA)} & ${ISNULL(varB)}] to check that both variables must be null for the expression to be true?
18:04.46PenguinAnd I actually mean $[${ISNULL(${varA})} & ${ISNULL(${varB})}]
18:04.47[TK]D-Fender&& IIRC
18:06.10Penguin*shrug* I use a single | for an OR in the expression, so I would have expected a single & for an AND.
18:06.45PenguinOh... but I wasn't using ISNULL() before.
18:06.54PenguinI was comparing a string to a null string.
18:07.00PenguinThose could very well be completely different.
18:07.09[TK]D-FenderDidn't match your sample here?
18:07.11[TK]D-FenderThat would be silly
18:07.17[TK]D-FenderAnd it does look like & not &&
18:08.52PenguinI've changed the ISNULL()s to string comparisons to see if that makes the difference.
18:10.21PenguinI guess I don't really care if I have to use string comparisons for this rare occasion.  I've mostly given it up for ISNULL() though.
18:12.08PenguinNow I'll just wait for the next call that hits that extension and we'll see what it does.
18:18.19*** join/#asterisk robl^ (~robl@pdpc/supporter/active/robl)
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18:21.26ryan_turnerHey, trying to troubleshoot an issue connecting two asterisk servers via IAX; right now, if there are multiple entries in iax.conf on one of the servers, that server rejects calls
18:21.38ryan_turnerWhen we remove the other entries, so that single IAX trunk is the only one in the file, it works fine.
18:21.53ryan_turnerIn both situations, the one server can call the other fine
18:22.04PenguinShow us the file with the multiple entries.
18:22.33*** join/#asterisk d1gital (~d1gital@fsf/member/d1gital)
18:22.47ryan_turnerPenguin, here you go!
18:23.11PenguinThere I went!
18:23.19ryan_turnerTroubleshooting between this server and w6kwf; we can call w6kwf fine. When we comment out hamwanpsdr and allstar, they can call us.
18:23.25[TK]D-Fenderryan_turner: Type=friend = FAIL
18:23.43[TK]D-Fenderfriend can auth on username alone
18:23.56[TK]D-Fenderif ou have IP's .. stick with that mand make all type=peer
18:24.23ryan_turnerOk, so both ends need to be changed to type=peer? Would that actually potentially resolve my problem, or just solve a security risk?
18:25.49Penguinuser=  ?
18:25.59Penguinuser isn't a valid setting to my knowledge.
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18:27.01ryan_turnerAh, so user needs to be changed to username
18:28.01PenguinI also notice that you are allowing a codec on a couple of those peers, but you haven't disallowed anything prior to that.  On the other peer, you aren't disallowing or allowing any.
18:28.21*** join/#asterisk jasonwert (
18:29.30ryan_turnerOk, so I just updated the gist with the username and allow changes
18:30.03PenguinI don't see that the disallow has been added anywhere.
18:30.34ryan_turnerOk, do I need to put disallow somewhere?
18:30.58PenguinIn order to utilize only a single codec, you must first disallow all codecs and then allow only the codec you want.
18:31.16PenguinThe disallow can be done in general or in each peer.
18:31.59ryan_turnerOk, updated again to include that --
18:32.22ryan_turnerStill encountering the same odd issue -- I can call them, they cant call me until I comment out hamwanpsdr and allstar
18:33.05PenguinNow that the config has been improved, let's take a look at some call detail to see what is happening.
18:33.30ryan_turnerWhat would you like to see? When they attempt to call, CLI doesnt show anything with verbosity at 5
18:33.42ryan_turnerthe only troubleshooting so far thats given us hints have been packet dumps from their end
18:33.53PenguinCan you turn on iax debug?
18:34.15PenguinIt's been quite some time since I used IAX, so I don't remember the exact commands to do it.
18:34.41PenguinProbably iax2 set debug on, I'd guess.
18:35.00ryan_turnerEnabled, Ill have him call.
18:36.20ryan_turnerits in the comment
18:36.35ryan_turneroh damnit
18:37.00ryan_turneryay password...
18:37.32ryan_turnerSo, its trying to user username hamwanpsdr instead of w6kwf :/
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18:41.16PenguinSo the [memphis] peer entry on the other side has a username of w6kwf?
18:41.55ryan_turnerPhirePhly can confirm, probably would be easiest for him to share his conf
18:42.34PenguinIs that Ken?
18:42.51PenguinSorry, Kenneth.
18:43.56PenguinIt does have that username specified.
18:44.17Penguinbut the comment for it is misleading.
18:47.47*** join/#asterisk darkbasic (
18:48.14PhirePhlyok, so getting everyone correctly set to username fixed it
18:49.13*** join/#asterisk moke (~moke@unaffiliated/moke)
18:49.35PhirePhlygosh it would be nice if Asterisk had a conf parser
18:50.03PenguinWhat do you expect it to tell you?
18:50.14PhirePhly"user" unknown parameter
18:50.34PhirePhlyPenguin: but seriously, thank you. Been driving us up the wall
18:50.34PenguinI would have thought it would tell you that when you load the iax module.
18:51.08PhirePhly[Jan 23 10:50:58] NOTICE[18100]: iax2-provision.c:558 iax_provision_reload: No IAX provisioning configuration found, IAX provisioning disabled.
18:51.15PhirePhlythats it
18:51.54PenguinWas that for a reload or a cold load after having unloaded (such as would be with a fresh restart of asterisk)?
18:52.18PhirePhlyiax2 reload
18:52.48PenguinI quit using IAX2 a few years ago, so I've forgotten a few of the things it does or doesn't do.
18:52.57ryan_turnerPenguin, how have you replaced it?
18:53.19ryan_turnerDont some view IAX2 as superior to SIP for trunking?
18:53.26ryan_turner(I am a noob)
18:53.37nigelvhIAX2 is significantly better in terms of firewall friendliness
18:53.38PenguinConsidering SIP does not trunk, I would imagine they do.
18:53.45ryan_turnerPenguin, :)
18:53.52PhirePhlywell that's one thing to consider for our system... we won't have any firewalls.
18:53.56[TK]D-Fender[13:53]ryan_turnerDont some view IAX2 as superior to SIP for trunking? <- I see dead people....
18:54.15ryan_turner[TK]D-Fender, I'm such a noob
18:55.57PhirePhlyso IAX is firewall friendly, SIP exists, is there anything else we should consider for PBX to PBX interchange?
18:56.10PenguinI wouldn't.
18:56.30PhirePhlyand when firewalls arent an issue, youd go with SIP?
18:56.34PenguinIf you can make IAX2 work, use it.
18:56.36PenguinIf you can't, use SIP.
18:56.50PenguinI don't have problems with SIP and firewalls.
18:57.08ryan_turnerPenguin, thanks much for your help.
18:59.01*** join/#asterisk MarcoZink (~marcozink@
19:00.08*** join/#asterisk chatran (~chatran_@
19:00.35chatranhi, can someone give me an idea on how to make a call if the serveer receive an e-mail?
19:00.56chatrani need make a call if asterisk server receive e-mail from my nobreak
19:01.50[TK]D-Fenderchatran: To make Asterisk call out look up "AMI Originate" and "call files"
19:01.54rrittgarngetting the email to execute a script would be step 1. Once you have that you could just write a script that creates a call file
19:02.09rrittgarnFender wins for speed and accuracy
19:02.13[TK]D-FenderChaNow getting it to do that based on an e-mail condition is scripting YOU will have to do.  This is not *'s job
19:02.24[TK]D-Fenderchatran: Now getting it to do that based on an e-mail condition is scripting YOU will have to do.  This is not *'s job
19:04.49JaniceKitten[TK]D-Fender, you see living people :^)
19:05.13[TK]D-FenderJaniceKitten: Highly transient
19:05.19JaniceKittenviews IAX2 as superior for the normal user
19:06.57JaniceKittenbecause the normal user is usually behind NAT upon NAT upon NAT nowadays
19:07.17[TK]D-FenderHardly the norm.
19:07.34[TK]D-FenderA few idiot doing tests behind triple NAT thinking they have a clue... sure.
19:07.36PhirePhlyis one of those users behind NAT-NAT
19:07.56JaniceKittenI'm behind one NAT, and I suspect many people East of the Atlantic are behind 2
19:08.02[TK]D-FenderAlso a few tragic victims of circumstance...
19:08.06JaniceKitten[TK]D-Fender, That wasn't to be taken literally...
19:09.39PhirePhlyI'm hoping our final deployment doesnt involve NAT, but that depends on getting everyone set up with OSPF/BGP
19:10.40PhirePhlysoooo yeah, I need to plan on dealing with NAT
19:10.47PenguinMy asterisk is behind a NAT, my clients are behind NATs... I use SIP.
19:11.37gustoPenguin, I ll break your mirrors for it
19:12.24JaniceKittenMy asterisk is behind one 1:1 NAT, I'm behind another, and my friend is behind a third NAT. All of these NATs are one-level. I use IAX2 in the c2s direction.
19:14.48chatran[TK]D-Fender yes my job write the script i just want know if this can be made, and a way to do. thanks a lot !
19:17.05ChannelZ-WkHi-larious! is down
19:25.35PenguinI guess they host that site themselves.
19:26.25*** part/#asterisk PhirePhly (
19:27.35ChannelZ-WkYeah. And it's even more ironical since I'm trying to hit it using their service.
19:28.03ChannelZ-WkI think someone let some air pressure out of the inter-tubes.
19:28.14ChannelZ-Wk(topical NFL rimshot)
19:31.13mbowieLooks like it's back now.
19:31.19mbowieAfter a reboot.
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20:17.14JeffC_NNIf I wanted to store a call's jitter/dropped packets/etc to my db using an AGI, how could I access this? I'm thinking I could modify my AGI that runs on hangup, but I don't know if the stats are still set on the channel by then, or how I'd get them...
20:26.15JeffC_NNLooks like ${RTPAUDIOQOS} might be a clue...
20:29.29JeffC_NNthis blog looks like it has the answer if you're interested:
20:47.17*** join/#asterisk frek818 (~frek818@
20:48.57jeffspeffi'm looking to setup something that will not only foward a voicemail to a users e-mail, but also provide a transcript of the voicemail as well. any suggestions?
20:51.48JeffC_NNNone that I know about. Might be worth checking this page out:
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20:59.24JeffC_NN@jeffspeff Here's a good link I just found
21:00.20JeffC_NN(though that may be for real-time conversion)
21:00.44jeffspeffthanks, i'll check it out. adding real-time conversion would make my boss happy too.
21:01.08jeffspeffit's almost the end of our fiscal year, which means review time. the happier the boss is, the happier my bank account is.
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21:53.32JaniceKittenAnyone here I can talk to?
21:54.14Synthase_All 204 of us.
21:54.34infobotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
21:54.59JaniceKittenI'm not asking to ask. I'm asking to have someone call my conference service so I have someone to talk to.
21:55.04QwellWIMPy: we prefer they go down the channel list, asking each person individually.  That way, file gets to answer everything.
21:55.25WIMPyQwell: Handy
21:55.39JaniceKittenfile, are you able to make SIP calls at this time?
21:55.45QwellWIMPy: see?
21:56.20JaniceKittenalso... i used to be known as j4jackj...
21:57.43JaniceKittenQwell, hi.
21:58.08drmessanoOMG A WOMAN
21:58.17JaniceKittenstares at drmessano
21:58.30fileI could originate a call to echo, does that count?
21:58.35JaniceKittenfile, oh pls
21:58.47JaniceKittenIRL people still see me as a male... :/
21:59.04JaniceKittenshouldn't be dragging transition drama here :/
21:59.16Qwells/transition //
21:59.22JaniceKittenQwell, good point
21:59.33JaniceKittenQwell, are you able to make sip calls at this time?
21:59.43JaniceKittendrmessano, pls
21:59.53mjordantt-monkey all the things
21:59.59JaniceKittenmjordan, wat
22:00.16mjordanwhat is the SIP URI? I'm curious if this thing I have works.
22:00.17JaniceKittenif anyone wants to call me, crank or otherwise, i'm
22:01.59drmessanoUnder my Umbrellix-ellix-ellix, eh, eh
22:01.59JaniceKittendrmessano, wat
22:01.59*** part/#asterisk JaniceKitten (
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22:01.59JaniceKittenand unpoof
22:01.59drmessanoYou missed all the fun
22:02.17JaniceKittenI was that weirdo who used to run a PBX from her home connection. :p
22:02.31JaniceKittenOh how fucked up I was then, and still am now
22:02.59Qwellyeah, none of us would ever run a PBX at home...  that would be totally weird...
22:03.18drmessanoor put Asterisk on a Pi and have a PBX in our car
22:03.36JaniceKittencan someone call, crank or otherwise, my SIP URI that I pasted before I parted
22:03.41Qwelldrmessano: sadly, I could name at least 2 other people that have done that.
22:04.15drmessanoQwell, but did they transfer calls from the front seat to back seat?
22:04.42Qwelldrmessano: worse, it was probably the passenger that they transferred.
22:04.44drmessanoI also did that all-page
22:04.48JaniceKittenQwell, wat
22:05.04*** join/#asterisk funtriaco (
22:06.30funtriacoAny suggestion on how to retain the Original  Caller ID when transfering a call? Caller ID is 786-222-3333 and call is answer by extension 100, then its transfer to extension 101... How can i get to the original caller id?
22:06.47drmessanowrites down funtriaco's phone number
22:07.00funtriacoafter the transfer the caller id becomes 100
22:07.07funtriacodrmessano: you can call anytime :)
22:07.17JaniceKittenpokes drmessano
22:07.40JaniceKittendrmessano, what are your preferred pronouns?
22:08.17drmessano"What" makes my eyes bleed less than "wat" and "wut", that is all
22:09.05mjordanfuntriaco: what version of Asterisk are you using?
22:09.11drmessanoBut wateva
22:09.12funtriacoreads his question looking for 'wat' and 'wut'
22:09.42funtriacomjordan: Asterisk
22:09.58drmessanoOoooh Retro
22:10.13funtriacomjordan: im so close from finishing my popup project.. lol and this is killing me as it requires the oringinal caller id to show the pop of the caller
22:10.18mjordanyou most likely need to use connected line.
22:10.29funtriacoconnected line?
22:10.39JaniceKittendrmessano, don't make jokes based on my choice of domain name. It's a very old choice I hardly remember, and I'm thinking of phasing it out some day.
22:11.15mjordanEither that, or just cache off the CALLERID in the AstDB and restore it when it is transferred
22:12.17drmessanoJaniceKitten, Syntax Error in process 'drmessano' error code 0x1000069 DOES_WHAT_IT_WANTS
22:12.21funtriacomjordan: hmmm
22:12.25JaniceKittendrmessano, so?
22:12.40JaniceKittendrmessano, I don't want people to make jokes... :/
22:12.52JaniceKittendrmessano, can you call me on that thing I pasted that you joked on?
22:13.06drmessanoI'm unable to at this time
22:13.20WIMPyfuntriaco: Maybeit wasn't like that in 1.8, but at least in 11+ it happens automagically. At least in chan_sip.
22:13.25JaniceKittenWIMPy, hai
22:16.40JaniceKittencan someone call ? I'm desperately in need of someone to talk to.
22:18.08JaniceKittenwaits for the flood of crank calls
22:18.34JeffC_NNCall from '1003' to extension 'janicez' rejected because extension not found in context 'DLPN_Default'.
22:18.38JeffC_NNHeh, apparently not
22:18.43JaniceKittenJeffC_NN, umm
22:18.57QwellJeffC_NN: ...that would be your end
22:19.07JeffC_NNyep :D
22:19.22JaniceKittenJeffC_NN, so like, can you create an extension "janicez" that points to Dial(SIP/
22:19.45JaniceKitten(or something, I'm still not familiar with Asterisk having only used it a few years back)
22:20.17JeffC_NNexten = janicez,1,Dial(SIP/
22:21.15*** join/#asterisk frek818 (~frek818@
22:21.22JaniceKittenJeffC_NN, try again, but don't make two calls at once
22:21.25JaniceKittenI use pcmu
22:21.37JeffC_NNmy office has a crazy firewall. we don't usually do sip externally
22:21.44*** join/#asterisk sgriepentrog (~sgriepent@2602:30a:2ef2:840:20c:29ff:fe4f:cac8)
22:21.57JeffC_NNI take it you could hear me then. :)
22:22.00JaniceKittenJeffC_NN, yep
22:22.19JaniceKittenJeffC_NN, do you have your own PBX you can setup IAX using?
22:22.29JeffC_NNif the fw would let me out, yeah, lol
22:22.32JaniceKittenI apologise for my desperate micwhoring
22:22.45mjordanconnected line should be in Asterisk 1.8.
22:24.44WIMPymjordan, funtriaco: Yes, I guess it was like that in 1.8 already. Probably just the used phone not supporting it.
22:28.08*** join/#asterisk u0m3_ (~u0m3@
22:28.11funtriacoWIMPy: i'm trying to pull the Original CID in the extension file
22:28.45funtriacoIm trying to run a script before dealing every extension and the script requires the original caller id
22:29.01funtriacoThe script is a pop up.
22:29.12funtriacothat shows the callers information.
22:29.30funtriacomjordan: unless im looking at the wrong thing, i'm not having much luck with connected line
22:29.49funtriacobtw, this is a FreePBX system.. if that matters
22:30.17fileis it an attended transfer?
22:30.42funtriacoi just tried a blind transfer and didnt work either.
22:31.07funtriacophones are Cisco SPA504G not sure if that matters as well.
22:34.03JeffC_NN@funtriaco have you tried ${BRIDGEPEER}
22:34.09JaniceKittenJeffC_NN, hi
22:34.31JeffC_NNJaniceKitten, hello
22:35.06JaniceKittenJeffC_NN, how crazy is your office's firewall? Does it allow UDP 4569 through?
22:35.18funtriacoJeffC_NN: no... let me try that.
22:36.21JeffC_NNit may not be exactly what you want. If your sip peer is ABC, it will be BRIDGEPEER=SIP/ABC-00002202
22:36.54funtriacoJeffC_NN: it was empty
22:37.06*** join/#asterisk pouledodue (
22:37.10JeffC_NNoh. I'm on a different version. Sorry
22:37.19funtriacoso far what i'm trying
22:37.20funtriacoexten => 297,1,NoOp("BRIDGEPEER: ". ${BRIDGEPEER} ."" ${CONNECTEDLINE(num)} ."". ${CALLERID(dnid)} ."". ${CALLERID(num)})
22:38.06JeffC_NNLooks like BRIDGEPEER was introduced in Asterisk 12
22:39.30JeffC_NNI just did a "core show channel xxx" after the transfer and looked at what vars were available
22:39.36lvlinuxno I'm pretty sure BRIDGEPEER has been around for a good while now
22:40.02lvlinuxat least since 11
22:41.07lvlinuxactually I believe i used it on v1.8
22:41.58JeffC_NNOh, I was basing my statement on this, which shows new behavior of BRIDGEPEER, but doesn't explicitly call it new.
22:44.06lvlinuxyes they made it be a comma separated list with multi-party stuff---used to it was "the other end of the line" :-)
22:45.54JaniceKittenJeffC_NN, does your Asterisk PBX have guest access?
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22:58.43JeffC_NNJaniceKitten, nope. We're a call center with not much of a "fun side"
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23:00.15JaniceKittenJeffC_NN, try changing that janicez extension to Dial(IAX2/
23:01.46JeffC_NNah, we have IAX2 disabled ever since we reported (which was fixed a few days ago)
23:01.59phixPeople still use IAX2?
23:02.06phixI thought it was all SIP now
23:02.18JeffC_NNIAX2 is fantastic for firewalls
23:02.41phixso I have heard, but none of the VoIP providers I use support it
23:02.47phixIt is either SIP or skinny
23:02.49JaniceKittenphix, I use IAX2... :P
23:03.15phixJaniceKitten: Can I connect to you via IAX2? :)
23:03.25JaniceKittenphix, if you want to contact me, make an extension whose application is Dial(IAX2/
23:03.29JaniceKittenphix, why?
23:04.10phixWell making a connect to you would be my only use for IAX2
23:04.18phixNowhere else I know of uses it
23:04.52JaniceKittenphix, call me via IAX2/ and we'll talk.
23:05.06phixtk, you from NZ?
23:05.08JeffC_NN(so he can get free trunking in Tokelau, hehe)
23:05.14JaniceKittenJeffC_NN, lol
23:05.27JaniceKittenphix, no... I'm in Canada. .tk is one of those freedomain stupidities
23:05.36phixlike .nu
23:05.51phixwhich is also owned by NZ
23:06.02phixwell, not really owned but you know what I mean :)
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23:12.55technoid_Would I be able to run a single voip phone (2 channel) asterisk on a VPs with 256mb?
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23:15.29technoid_I would like to setup asterisk for a single single voip phone starting out, but was wondering what the minumum requires would be
23:24.06newtonroh you are asking about the system hardware requirements?
23:24.28newtonrto run a single call you don't need much of anything.. whatever you are trying to run it on will probably run it
23:25.14[TK]D-Fendertechnoid_, My watch can handle that ... and it's analog...
23:25.26technoid_newtonr: Thanks. I have ran asterisk before (years ago though) and just trying to figure out the size of the VPS I need to host it.
23:26.07technoid_[TK]D-Fender: must be an expensive watch
23:26.49technoid_Instead of encrusted diamonds yours have network ports?
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