IRC log for #asterisk on 20150115

00:00.05*** join/#asterisk nix8n82 (
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03:12.28*** join/#asterisk geek-man (
03:14.35geek-manHi all, I'm having an issue with Asterisk Realtime and SIP registrations, I was wondering if someone could help?
03:15.00geek-manI'm trying to setup a two-node active/active "cluster", and I'm using RT to store SIP registrations for the endpoints.
03:15.08*** join/#asterisk darkbasic (
03:15.21*** join/#asterisk jasonwert (~jasonwert@
03:15.47geek-manI've found that when using cached RT registrations, with qualify configured, registrations from both servers will appear on each node.
03:16.10geek-manAnd only once the qualify timeout expires does the registration become unreachable.
03:17.42geek-manThis is a problem for me because I've written a "clusterDial" subroutine that uses ChanIsAvail to detect if a SIP account is locally registered or not, and if a SIP account has not already had it's registration cached, it gets loaded into memory and temporarily is seen as reachable from the wrong node. This leads ChanIsAvail to incorrect return an available channel to the device.
03:19.15geek-manI was wondering if there's any way I can either 1) prevent registrations against server B from being loaded into memory on server A and vice versa; or 2) When loading registrations into the cache, can they be set to default as unreachable?
03:37.31cyford33i clustered using 2 nfs servers  for all asterisk files, and a central db  with realtime or freepbx-   and opensips to ballance both
03:37.57cyford33opps i mean 2 asterisk  1 nfs nas server
03:39.38geek-manI'm not using OpenSIPs… The registrations of the end devices are going straight to Asterisk. Perhaps that coud be changing my experience.
03:43.00mjordanIt is. In the SIP Proxy + Asterisk deployment, Asterisk generally has little to no knowledge of the location of the endpoints, as the SIP proxy is the registrar
03:43.29mjordangeek-man: you could use Views in your SQL database on the shared table, one for each server
03:43.43mjordanyou'll need to find how you want each server's view to be constructed however.
03:46.59geek-manAh yes. Views is a good idea.
03:47.49geek-manBasically, separate tables is the only way from preventing these false cached registrations from appearing? Aside from offloading registrations to OpenSIPs/Kamilio/etc?
03:49.07geek-manI've thought about using a separate SIP proxy, but using Realtime is already significantly more complex than our existing setup (just static text files), and I want to try and put a cap on the level of complexity -- not too many different parts to the solution.
03:49.46geek-manWould you guys say that something like Kamilio/OpenSIPs is a better/easier solution overall? Or should I just go with table views?
03:54.48cyford33in my setup  even though its 2 servers,  everything was identical and using realtime.   so i believe if u was registered on the one,  u was registered on the other..  and if u was on server a and dialing a extenstion which landed on server b then routing was enabled..
03:55.59cyford33only issue i had needing opensips was to keep it persistant   if a phone registers on A  then all calls need to go to A  server B would shoot Unathorized...
03:56.20geek-mancyford33: That's what I'm aiming for. But it doesn't work right when the device is registered against both system, it tries to Dial locally and fails -- and eventually the "qualify" fails and it becomes unreachable anyway, so I didn't think you COULD have devices registered to both at the same time.
03:56.42cyford33i also used A2billing,    and opensips authenticated using  mysql db that was ran through opensips
03:56.45geek-manAt the moment, I've configured IAX+DUNDi to route calls between both nodes.
03:57.17geek-manAnd I've written a subroutine to replace Dial() calls, which will detect if a SIP device is not local, and then route via DUNDi if it has to.
03:57.41geek-manBut then, this is where I'm running into the issue with ChanIsAvail and Realtime.
03:58.00geek-manI'm thinking about just removing SIP registrations from Realtime entirely.
03:58.13cyford33the server used @Hostname for registrations
03:58.32cyford332 servwers to differnt hostnames in the same db
03:59.10geek-manHrm okay… How dod you do that?
03:59.16geek-manit might be simpler?
03:59.57geek-manI don't believe I'm using "@hostname" for my registrations.
04:00.04geek-manI'm not familiar with that.
04:00.24cyford33it was also freepbx.   i forget exactlly,  but i think there was actually a gui option to use hostname
04:00.32geek-manAh OK.
04:00.35cyford33it was a while back..
04:00.44geek-manI'm just using plain Asterisk 11, I'll have to investigate.
04:00.55geek-manThanks for the pointer though!
04:01.36cyford33if u can use a variable in the db  it will always echo on system correctlly
04:01.56cyford33im thinking ,  but not sure..
04:02.47cyford33i will be at trying to do the same setup very soon
04:04.19*** join/#asterisk spditner (
04:05.07cyford33i think by defualt it uses ip..  and that should work too..   in dialplan if $exten  = @serverB ip  route through trunk to server b
04:06.26geek-manHrm. That's a good idea.
04:07.57*** join/#asterisk MarkSX (~MarkSX@unaffiliated/marksx)
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08:50.45Kunsihm, i've got a question regarding call pickup
08:53.32Kunsii have two contexts, one for internal phones, other for connections via POTS. POTS extension dials SIP/76&SIP/1000 - now i want to pick up that call from internal context - which works if i set __PICKUPMARK and create a dedicated internal extension wo pick up that channel, but i can't use a BLF (SIP/76) on my snom phone wo pick up that call
08:54.51*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/chainsaw)
08:55.01Kunsiwhat i want: POTS is ringing, BLF (SIP/76) is flashing, I press button on my other phone and get the call
08:56.40Kunsicurrently, i have - where snoms use context "internal" and POTS uses "incoming"
09:02.37*** join/#asterisk darkbasic_ (
09:24.17*** join/#asterisk bibz (
09:25.38bibzhey there. I'm using asterisk 11.6-cert2 and I keep randomly getting this problem: there are quite a few calls per day which can't get established and they terminate with the hangupcause: SIP 180 Ringing or SIP 100 Trying..
09:25.53ChannelZKunsi: Well BLF is just an indication.  Presumably the snom has a means to configure what happens when you press the blinking line key (IE dial an extension which in turn performs the pickup)
09:26.37bibzI can provide a trace for one of those calls if its needed..
09:28.30KunsiChannelZ: yes, it has, but if i configure BLF to call *1, i can't pick up SIP/76 via *876 - so i basically want to pick up incoming@PICKUPMARK using *876
09:29.22*** join/#asterisk areski (
09:33.29ChannelZwell if you're wanting to pickup a specific extension (76) it seems to me like you want to make it Pickup(${EXTEN:2}@Softphone)
09:34.36ChannelZor @internal if that's what the peer's context is.  I'm not actually sure if Pickup 'sees through' included contexts
09:40.22KunsiPickup(${EXTEN:2}@internal) is working, yes
09:42.03Kunsibut i thing we're not understanding each other :p
09:44.04Kunsibut after reading a lot of web pages, i understand that it's not possible to do what i want
09:44.23Kunsiunless i put stuff from incoming into internal
09:44.54bibzI wish there would be more documentation out there on asterisk :(
09:45.09ChannelZWell you've said two different things.. that you configured the phone to dial *1 for BLF pickup, and that you want to pickup a specific ringing extension with *8xxx - they're two different extensions in your dialplan that do two different things.
09:46.09Kunsisay, 1000@incoming is ringing SIP/76&SIP/1000 - i now want to pick up that call using SIP/91, but i can't use Pickup(76@internal), because it's a different context and a different extension
09:47.24ChannelZBecause you want to pickup 1000 not 76.  1000 is the extension that got dialed causing SIP/76 and SIP/1000 to be ringing.
09:47.36ChannelZYou're confusing extensions with devices which aren't related.
09:50.21Kunsimisunderstand that
09:50.37Kunsiso Pickup(1000@incoming) should work then?
09:52.09ChannelZIE SIP/76 is not "extension 76" - it's a SIP device you named 76.  "extension 76" is something in your dialplan that you programmed to do something -- possibly dial SIP/76, but extension 76 and SIP/76 don't inherently have anything to do with each other just because they both have 76 in them
09:55.30ChannelZMake it less confusing.  Say you renamed SIP/76 to SIP/Joe.  exten => 76 dials SIP/Joe.  The Pickup extension would be 76, because that's the thing in your dialplan (the extension) causing SIP/Joe (the device) to ring.
09:58.09*** join/#asterisk hehol (~hehol@2001:1438:1009:200:4cb0:63dd:fda3:f086)
09:59.55*** join/#asterisk michael_work_ (
10:01.38bibzI've just set progressinband=never and prematuremedia=no, maybe this will help with my SIP 180 Ringing problem..
10:06.56*** join/#asterisk rhys-h (
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10:13.17KunsiChannelZ: ok, got it now. different question, if i have an extension 1, which uses Goto(2), do i have to pick up 1 or 2?
10:14.57Kunsithank you
10:15.30ChannelZSure. It's ultimately whatever extension executed the Dial application
10:16.26Kunsishould i use Goto() or ChannelRedirect()?
10:17.25bibzis this the right place to look for freelancers? and are there any rules for this channel? if so, where do I find them
10:18.07Kunsihm, i think ChannelRedirect() isn't what i think it is
10:19.27ChannelZChannelRedirect is more for.. well, redirecting arbitrary channels.  Goto is what you want for just general dialplan logic jumping
10:20.07ChannelZbibz, yeah you can try to find help for hires here
10:21.43ChannelZ(see the 'code of conduct' link in the channel topic for general rules to live by :)
10:24.20ChannelZIRC specifics are things like no spamming, no flooding; if you have configs/debugs to share, don't barf 10 lines in here, use pastebins and give the link instead
10:26.03ChannelZgoes to bed
10:26.23Kunsigood night (even if it's 11:26am here in germany)
10:26.34ChannelZ3am for me :)
10:27.13Kunsiso, PST?
10:27.48ChannelZMST for me (Colorado USA)
10:31.55*** join/#asterisk CriminalMinds (~hola@unaffiliated/liuyan)
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10:47.48*** join/#asterisk bsdice (
10:50.10*** join/#asterisk wasanzy (
10:51.18wasanzyis it possible to do something like this? dial 500*12 so 12 is extension under 500, so when it is dial like that, u are taken straight to the extenion 12
10:54.31Kunsiwasanzy: you wnat to call an extension not in your phones context?
10:56.26wasanzyKunsi: I mean I want to be able to dial an extension straight to the system under my phone context.  say the code 500 will take me to the phone context, 500*12 should send me to extension 12 at once
10:56.44Kunsisomething like "exten => _XXX*XX,1,Goto(${EXTEN:-3},${EXTEN:5},1)" may work
10:57.07bsdicemake sure you catch user errors
10:57.11bsdiceboy that is ugly
10:57.27wasanzybsdice: me?
10:57.47*** join/#asterisk FreezingCold (~FreezingC@
10:58.03wasanzymy idea is ugly?
10:58.32bsdiceidea and solution
10:58.43bsdiceokay but maybe it works though :)
11:01.30bsdicemaybe my idea of "extension" is not quite what you think it is; for me, extension is a number not visible from outside of the dialed up pbx, i.e. you can't dial it directly but have to rely on other party's dialplan to be put through
11:02.32*** join/#asterisk realityloop (
11:03.18realityloopI'm having trouble getting inbound calls to work, is anyone able to help me through debugging it please?
11:03.29realityloopoutbound calls are working fine
11:03.46realityloopinbound the call just drops pretty much
11:04.00bsdicecheck on firewall if RTP is getting through
11:04.04realityloopand isn't shown in Call Detail Records..
11:04.31bsdiceor UDP to 5060 for call signalling for that matter
11:06.06realityloopbsdice: ports are forwarded..
11:06.17realityloopthe server is behind nat
11:07.29bsdiceuse ngrep on internal interface "ngrep -d eth2 udp and port 5060" if it is Linux to see what reaches internal asterisk when call comes in
11:07.59bsdiceyou have to learn SIP protocol to understand what might go wrong
11:09.28realityloopwhat does -d do with grep, seems the version I have here doesn't support it..
11:10.07bsdicengrep not grep!
11:10.11bsdicenetwork grep
11:10.15realityloopbox doesn't have ngrep
11:10.29realityloopit's a NAS
11:11.35bsdicedoes "sip show registry" on Asterisk console show Registered ?
11:12.00realityloopbsdice: yes
11:18.11bsdiceyou have to debug your network, maybe your NAS messes with it too much
11:18.29bsdiceyou have to discern if 5060 reliably reaches your Asterisk from outside
11:18.38bsdiceeven after long waits (NAT timeout)
11:19.05bsdiceif that works, you have to debug RTP ports and examine, if RTP is flowing as it should
11:19.11bsdicefrom outside over your NAS to inside
11:21.55realityloopbsdice: wouldn't the fact that I can hear audio properly in both directions on an outgoing call mean that is working?
11:22.26Kunsirealityloop: if you call out, port 5060 is not needed, since you are connecting
11:22.36realityloopKunsi: ah..
11:22.44Kunsiotherwise, firewall or something blocks 5060 incoming
11:23.23realityloopKunsi: I just updated the target IP for my port forward from my working FreePBX server.. so unless it is the NAS specifically stopping it..
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11:54.59realityloopsorted.. it was some config settings on the trunk..
11:55.21realityloopthanks for trying to help bsdice & Kunsi
11:58.09*** join/#asterisk CeBe (
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12:36.45cyford33after a start pjsips crashes  with /usr/sbin/safe_asterisk: line 164:  4482 Segmentation fault      (core dumped) nice -n $PRIORITY "${ASTSBINDIR}/asterisk" -f ${CLIARGS} ${ASTARGS} > /dev/${TTY} 2>&1 < /dev/${TTY}
12:37.16cyford33when a pjsip exten is dialed
12:37.18Kunsiin MixMonitor(name, options, command), i suppose command is an asterisk command!?
12:37.23*** join/#asterisk riess82 (
12:39.22Kunsicyford33: please provide a backtrace of asterisk crash (using gdb and core file asterisk created)
12:39.41wasanzyapart from using read() what other way can I make make asterisk accept more than one digit terminated by #
12:40.26*** join/#asterisk wonderworld (
12:40.59WIMPywasanzy: Make lots of extensions.
12:43.51wasanzyWIMPy:  I don't understand, so when I call, I should be able to press 123#
12:45.32*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (~brad@
12:45.47WIMPyMake an extension for every possible length.
12:48.43cyford33Kunsi  where is the core file located
12:48.57Kunsiusually in ~
12:51.50wasanzyis actually a channel number the system will generate automatically, so I will need # as terminator to indicate end of channel number
12:53.14WIMPyWhen/where do you need it? Read() would wait for # by default.
12:53.35*** join/#asterisk MadHatter42 (~MadHatter@unaffiliated/madhatter42)
12:54.06wasanzyoh if read() will wait for # by default, then I think it is the right thing
12:54.45wasanzywhen u dial in, the system will ask u to enter channel number follow by # then u are taken to that channel
12:57.53Kunsihm, i'm getting when trying to compile asterisk 13.1.0
13:00.52*** join/#asterisk fstd (~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted)
13:02.04cyford33Kunsi ,
13:07.43Kunsihm, don't really know much about pjsip, but maybe one of the others is able to help you
13:10.55*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
13:12.35wasanzywhen u dial in, the system will ask u to enter channel number follow by # then u are taken to that channel
13:16.02Kunsiwasanzy: you already said that
13:20.48*** join/#asterisk FreezingCold (~FreezingC@
13:23.52WIMPywasanzy: Make it happen.
13:24.40krappergood morning... how would one prevent asterisk from accepting calls on the default context for clients who aren't registered but are attempting to use as a SIP proxy? We use explicit firewall rules today but I want to create a solution where this box could be open to registrations from any IP. Essentially want to ensure the box is secure from clients that are NOT registered. :-)
13:25.52WIMPyNot possible.
13:26.09WIMPyUse a proxy that supports that.
13:26.45bsdicekrapper put up a stateful firewall that keeps track of outgoing registrations (via IP)
13:27.08bsdiceuse qualify to keep those states open in the firewall
13:27.13bsdiceeveryone else will be blocked
13:27.28bsdicedo you have clients from external sources registering as well?
13:27.39krapperbsdice: all registrations are external sources
13:28.10bsdiceput all abusers in default context, play them a nice message
13:28.13bsdicethen hang up, done
13:28.27bsdicethere will always be abuse attempts on 5060
13:29.22bsdicePlayback(feature-not-avail-line) Playback(goodbye) Wait(1) Hangup(54)
13:30.42bsdicerequires sip.conf context=incoming_guests and allowguest=yes or similar
13:31.12bsdiceyou split guests (default context) and users (not default context) and done
13:31.13krapperwe don't use the default context for anything today.. am i correct in that all abusers attempts will always be directed to the default context... so this is where they are greeted with funny allison?
13:31.40[TK]D-Fenderkrapper: allowguest=no" <- Done.
13:32.03bsdicewhat do you have as context= in [general]?
13:32.18bsdiceusually it is called "default"
13:32.20[TK]D-Fenderkrapperwe don't use the default context for anything today.. am i correct in that all abusers attempts will always be directed to the default context... so this is where they are greeted with funny allison? <- being greeting = dialplan.  THat's for you to create.
13:32.43[TK]D-Fenderkrapper: But you said you just wanted to block them.  So "allowguest=no" .
13:33.03krapper[TK]D-Fender: allowguest=no perfect!
13:33.21krappercorrect.. we don't want to waste anytime with abusers... hehe
13:34.22bsdiceI recommend to test this well
13:34.43bsdicei.e. simulate an abuser
13:34.57bsdicejust to make sure everything works as expected
13:35.16*** join/#asterisk qdel (
13:35.52krapperyup, just did... NOTICE[2212][C-00000058]: chan_sip.c:25357 handle_request_invite: Failed to authenticate device <;transport=UDP>;tag=ea308fds
13:35.54bsdiceI once ran a fake answer and recorded everything the other side said
13:36.54bsdicemy text for default (abuser context) went like "Hello? (Pause) Hello who is this? (Pause) Are you Zaid? From Tel-Aviv, my long lost brother?"
13:37.27krapperthen monitor those channels, funny!
13:37.40bsdiceI scripted it to send me an MP3 of it by email
13:37.55bsdiceinserted long pauses to get a good voice print
13:38.04bsdicenow I am waiting for Google to invent reverse audio search ;-)
13:38.11bsdicelike with pictures only audio
13:38.23bibzstill experiencing the "SIP 183 Session Progress" hangup-cause on random calls, even after setting progressinband to never... any ideas?
13:38.31krappershould have it attempt a SIP device and really speak with them... other then forward on to that for MP3 delivery. hehe
13:39.31bsdicekrapper I thought of that but given those were Chinese, Russian, Spanish and Latino time zones we are talking about here (basically round the clock) I valued my sleep somewhat more
13:39.47*** join/#asterisk creativx (
13:39.49krapperbsdice, right right :-)
13:40.33bsdice"why are you on amphetamins??" "need to stay up all night to talk to asshats trying to abuse my voip server" uhhh - no :)
13:45.55*** join/#asterisk MadHatter42 (~MadHatter@unaffiliated/madhatter42)
13:46.58krapperany pointers on T.38? I'm done a bit of research and still struggling with what I believe would be the reinvite on outbound faxes from simple machines via ATA adapter. (Grandstream HT701) It does appear that the signaling is detected on inbound fax calls and udptl is invoked.
13:47.05*** join/#asterisk CeBe1 (
13:48.38bsdiceno clue, I am using iaxmodem with hylafax for that - works at 14.400bps at times when provider calls in using G.722 wideband
14:09.55Kunsihm, i'm getting when trying to compile asterisk 13.1.0
14:11.27fileyour PJSIP does not appear to have shared libraries which are required for the functionality in Asterisk
14:11.54*** join/#asterisk coppice (
14:12.09fileKunsi, how did you install pjsip?
14:23.15Eric-KI have this strange error popping up on the Asterisk 11 console: Codec mismatch on channel SIP/1234-00001463 setting write format to slin from alaw native formats (alaw)
14:23.31Eric-KStrange because there is no audio problem and alaw works like it should.
14:23.49Eric-KWhy does Asterisk give me this error?
14:24.14*** part/#asterisk rue_bed (
14:28.42wasanzyWIMPy: I am lost of ideas that is why am asking
14:29.11Kunsifile: i didn't
14:29.23Kunsi(or did I? let me check)
14:29.23fileKunsi, it's on your system...
14:30.42Kunsiseems like "compile from source"
14:32.43Kunsifile: compiled from source, default options
14:32.54filethen that would be why
14:32.59filePJSIP by default does not build shared libraries
14:33.05*** join/#asterisk newtonr (newtonr@nat/digium/x-slmwydxluelfftif)
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14:33.23Kunsiso i'd have to --enable-shared in pjsip?
14:34.36Eric-KKunsi, I configured PJSIP on Debian 7 x64 as follows (might be of help): ./configure --prefix=/usr --enable-shared --disable-sound --disable-resample --disable-video --disable-opencore-amr CFLAGS='-O2 -DNDEBUG'
14:34.55Eric-Kmake dep, make, make install, ldconfig
14:35.53fileyou need to remove your old pjproject or install in the same place, otherwise you'll have two installs on the system and it'll go wonky
14:36.08Kunsiyeah, i know that ☺
14:36.31*** join/#asterisk sruffell (sruffell@asterisk/the-kernel-guy/sruffell)
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14:39.03hfor:D AlarmReceiver() is awesome. :)
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15:09.20michael-iHi all. Just curious if anyone has a working sip peer+user for a Ring Central manually provisioned phone. I'm having trouble mapping their SIP Domain, Outbound Proxy, Username, Auth ID and password into a valid setup. Currently registration works but inbound/outbound calls fail.
15:14.18*** part/#asterisk LiuYan (~hola@unaffiliated/liuyan)
15:15.06Kunsiokay, pjsip works now, but i get another error:
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15:21.59newtonrKunsi, I have no idea what is going on there, but did you try the install_prereq script to get all the prerequisites installed?
15:23.29Kattyi has query.
15:23.38Kattyso if something was monitor your linux box for process asterisk.
15:23.44Kattyat say, a client
15:23.53Kattyand for whatever reason, it stopped running. how quickly would you want to know?
15:29.38Kunsiif it's a production system, as fast as i can get it, if "something" is sure there's a problem
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15:50.00michael-ivictory! (*0.5) inbound calls work, still working on outbound
15:50.03Kobazwas there anything special to enable SIP_CAUSE on 1.8
15:50.22Kobazi totally forgot about how that works
15:55.28Kobazthere it is
15:56.00*** join/#asterisk jiuweigui (~jiuweigui@unaffiliated/jiuweigui)
16:02.30clinet2I have a freepbx 12 w/ asterisk 11 and digium PRI card.  Using the fax pro module for configuration.  The pri is running super clean and the volume levels seem good.  I can send and recieve faxing the UCP at full speed with up to 50 pages to all of my test sites.  However when I send to about 40% of the destination numbers we have tried, I can't get even 1 page to go.  I get the error, no response after sending a page.  I have trie
16:06.53*** join/#asterisk andresmujica (~andresmmu@ubuntu/member/andresmujica)
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16:10.03infobot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there
16:16.03clinet2I'm in there too.  This certainly feels like a spandsp related issue.
16:16.49clinet2At this point I'm looking for any feedback on testing and debugging this issue in asterisk, and in freepbx.
16:19.43*** join/#asterisk jmetro (490924dd@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
16:19.45Kobaznot too many low-level people here
16:19.54jmetroAnyone have a good replacement for the Aastra 6757i?
16:19.58Kobazspandsp would be a good mailing list question
16:20.27*** join/#asterisk sgriepentrog (sgriepentr@nat/digium/x-ngbhikbpnoxgtmix)
16:20.41KobazDigium D70
16:21.58jmetroare those easily provisionable?
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16:22.17Kobazor you can do a polycom 550
16:22.25Kobazbut from what you pasted, it sounds like you want a screen with lots of buttos
16:22.50jmetroI just liked the Aastras huge screen, easy provision, great sound =/
16:23.17jmetrogoing to miss all that room for text.
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16:24.01Kobazi don't like aastra buttons
16:24.08Kobazfeels like a tv remote
16:24.34jmetroTrue, but very simple provisioning and formatting the screen
16:24.49Kobazhah yeah, the cfg is like 5 lines
16:24.53Kobazversus polycom
16:25.01jmetropolycoms i dont want to touch provisioning that
16:25.08Kobazbut once you get the hang of polycom, you'll be happy you have like 500 things to configure, when someone asks for something custom
16:25.24Kobazi've never been disappointed
16:26.12jmetroE4 suggested some color screen Aastra as a replacement and my experience with the color screen phones is "dont do it"
16:26.51Kobazthe polycom 650 is nice
16:27.02Kobazstay away from the vvx
16:27.10Kobazthey look pretty, but they are crazy slow
16:27.17Kobazi would never deploy them in a real office
16:27.20coppicedo you have a mix of audio and T.38 FAXes?
16:27.21Kobazpeople would get pissed at me
16:27.38jmetroKobaz : that was my exact experience XD
16:27.52jmetroBeautiful display, can type about 1 digit per minute.
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16:29.09coppiceclinet2: do you have a mix of audio and T.38 FAXes?
16:29.45jmetromaybe i can get a few 6757i's that havent been sold yet..
16:32.12*** join/#asterisk slav3_kitten (~frankthet@unaffiliated/slav3-kitten/x-0866809)
16:38.05clinet2No we just have the PRI faxing.  All in and out are running through our PRI.
16:39.18coppicestrange results over PRI is usually cause by the PRI being incorrectly sync'ed
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16:47.03jmetroDoes Digium offer any phones with a wifi connector rather than eth?
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16:52.53jmetromjordan danke
16:54.11WIMPyCan someone explain what "Exceptionally long voice queue length" really means?
16:54.49mjordanWIMPy: every channel has a queue of frames that are supposed to be serviced by some thread. That message occurs when the queue has gotten very long - which typically implies that nothing is reading frames off that channel
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16:55.28WIMPyI sometimes see it on IAX channels.
16:55.47WIMPyAnd it's always the last gasp before locking up completely.
16:55.48mjordanWIMPy: that would imply that something (the IAX driver) is pushing frames onto the channel, but nothing is trying to read the frames off
16:56.18mjordanWIMPy: The bad thing about that message is that it is generic - it can happen to any channel that gets itself into a bad state. The trick is finding the cause.
16:56.59WIMPyThere was a time when I could reproduce it by transferring a call.
16:57.40WIMPyAnd I'm positive it must have something to do with timestamps.
16:58.16WIMPyDoes it happen at some stage where unexpected timestamps could cause a queue to build up?
16:58.53mjordanI'm not sure how that would occur, but it could be a weird IAX thing
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16:59.25WIMPyAny idea how to dog deeper if I encounter such a thing again?
16:59.38mjordanget the iax debug enabled, and a debug log
16:59.47mjordanthat's usually about the only thing you can do
16:59.54mjordanas the rest is trying to analyze why a thread stopped servicing it
17:00.45WIMPyBad unless you have a way to reproduce. But the one I knew doesn't seem to exist any more.
17:02.13kj22594Hey everyone, wondering if anyone has used WebRTC in unison with Asterisk, and if so do you have any suggestions as to how to implement it?
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17:02.25WIMPyIt must be some weird evil bug anyway. It started with 11.7.1, but there was no change from 11.7.0 that could be related in any imaginable way.
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17:12.15bmurthi guys & gals... are older versions of asterisk (1.4) bugs available to be searched/browsed online?
17:12.34bmurtjira goes to 1.8, but we have an older instance that im trying to research
17:13.08wasanzythis will accept 3 digits terminated by #? Read(chanel,,3)
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17:14.21WIMPy3 digits OR teminated by #.
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17:18.04mjordanbmurt: contains the old bug reports from Mantis
17:18.12mjordanbmurt: so any issue from the 1.4-ish era is there as well
17:18.25mjordanbmurt: now, anything new reported against unsupported versions is simply closed, as... well. Unsupported.
17:18.30bmurtahh, i guess i just can't filter off of 'affected version'
17:19.02mjordana lot of times in the olden, dark days, people didn't fill in the version field
17:19.48bmurtburn them at the stake
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17:22.30bmurtty mjordan
17:40.16wasanzyWIMPy:3 digits but I want # should be the terminator
17:40.45[TK]D-Fenderwasanzy: Then you'll have to do it yourself digit by digit
17:41.21WIMPyThen you you want to have to enter #, you have to allow more than 3 digits.
17:44.25wasanzyI also want to validate the input, so I want something like Gotoif($[ "${LEN(${digit})}" == "3"]?success:nosuccess) is that correct?
17:45.03wasanzy[TK]D-Fender and WIMPy, am a bit lost
17:45.35wasanzyhow do I do it digit by digit?
17:45.40[TK]D-Fenderwasanzy: What is there to be lost over?
17:45.54[TK]D-Fenderwasanzy: in the DIALPLAN.
17:46.22[TK]D-Fenderwasanzy: Read 1 digit.  Are you done?  Read MORE digits.  Got a "#"?  Is it at the end of the 3rd digit?  deal with it either way
17:46.28WIMPyyou need to start.
17:46.44wasanzyis this example here what you are mean I should do?
17:47.48WIMPyWe have already been that far yesterday.
17:47.59WIMPyStart using it.
17:48.13wasanzyWIMPy: ok
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17:51.01*** join/#asterisk gusto (~gusto@2a02:810d:8640:248:8219:34ff:fecf:17f0)
17:51.28wasanzyis this line necessary? exten => s,1,Set(wait=2) can I change it to exten => 1,1,Set(wait=2)  ?
17:52.05[TK]D-Fenderwasanzy: Do you understand extensions at all?
17:52.21WIMPyMaybe you should start with the dialplan basics in the
17:52.23[TK]D-Fenderwasanzy: It's "s" because it's "s".  You can do whatever you want so long as you calls land on the right place
17:52.26infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 4th Edition (ISBN 1-4493-3242-0) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and a version is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
17:54.33wasanzyI know dialpan. I was confusing myself
17:57.27[TK]D-FenderRead the digits one at a time yourself to get the effect you want
17:58.04WIMPyWell, i guess, I'd get confused as well, when looking at that detail for a whole day.
17:59.37bsdicewasanzy Debugging a dialplan is twice as hard as writing one. That is, if you are writing your dialplan as good as you can, you are, by definition, not smart enough to debug it.
18:00.01bsdicewasanzy So don't be nutty about perfection, leave some flaws and bugs in there. ;-)
18:00.08jmetroDebugging dialplan is easy UNLESS youre trying to look into the scattered mess that is freepbx
18:00.48WIMPyNo need to debug. Just do it right from the start :-)
18:03.08bsdiceto fully appreciate Asterisk, I recommend starting with 0 config files. That's what I did, then see what it wants and continue writing every config file, by hand, one by one. :-)
18:03.40bsdicefreepbx appears to lead people the other way round into its configuration pile
18:04.46[TK]D-FenderFreePBX isn't really "bad".  FreePBX USERS usually don't bother really learning * regardless, or just enough to poitn at every single line of debug and ask "Is that line the problem?!"
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18:15.35drmessano[TK]D-Fender, is that like resolving kernel issues by removing the kernel?
18:16.03drmessanoFreePBX has its own distro, so why do I need Linux on here?
18:16.22[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: No.  Removing the kernel takes actual effort.  FreePBX users would have none of it! ;)
18:16.33drmessanoExcellent point
18:16.51drmessanoJust make sure you update too often and dont test
18:17.38drmessano"I upgraded my box to 1.2.3 RC1, and everything was fine, so I waited a week and rolled out to all my customers"
18:17.54[TK]D-FenderNo, not RC.... ALPHA
18:18.21drmessanoThe ALPHA worked FINE, so why would anything PAST that not work???
18:18.28drmessanoU PEOPL JUST DUNNO
18:19.45WIMPyReminds me of famous error messages "Deleting the utility module is foolish".
18:20.09drmessanoThats good stuff
18:20.28WIMPyUtilitymodule being the name of the RISC OS kernel.
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18:20.45drmessanoOh.. badass
18:22.32drmessanoI dont know what Mozilla and Google are trying to prove, but who the hell came up with the whole versioning scheme for each
18:22.47drmessano"Chrome 39" is totally useless to me
18:23.16WIMPyJust use a date.
18:25.14drmessanoSay what you want, but 14.10 and 12.04 not only identify the Ubuntu release, but give me an idea of age
18:25.30drmessanoSo why not go with something that easy
18:27.39[TK]D-FenderBecause they've already reached 39.  Putting out 15.01 would feel like it's an OLD version :)
18:27.58drmessanoChrome NG?
18:28.08fileI would argue every major update is NG
18:28.33drmessanohands file a bridge
18:28.47fileis it an Asterisk bridge? can I connect channels together using it?
18:29.26Qwellfile: yes, but it's through a non-optimizing local channel bridge.
18:29.35fileQwell, ouch
18:29.54drmessanoapp_troll sits under the bridge and interrupts channels randomly
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18:32.51drmessanoWouldn't surprise me if in Asterisk 69 there was an app_troll which attaches to a bridge, which means for the last 15 years Asterisk has been the build up to one gigantic punchline
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18:34.17drmessanoMuch like my theory that Windows 13 or so will be the 3D version of Microsoft Bob, which proves that coders never stop trying to make people use their code, even if we didnt like it the first time
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18:35.43drmessanoYou'll turn on the machine, enter your "home" and Rover will be sitting there.. a little more grey and the years having caught up with him, but he will be waiting for you like you never left
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18:44.23kj22594Has anyone used WebRTC in unison with Asterisk, if so any suggestions on how to implement this?
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18:52.17cyford33how do i fix presence issues :     res_pjsip_pubsub.c:608 subscription_get_handler_from_rdata: No registered subscribe handler for event presence.winfo
18:52.44filethat event type has no implementation, there is nothing you can do about that
18:52.56wasanzyI have written a simple dialplan to accept a max 4 digits and take the user to another context. This is not working,  find dialplan and log here:
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18:55.10[TK]D-Fenderwasanzy:     -- User entered nothing.
18:55.24cyford33(( )
18:56.21[TK]D-Fenderand   same => n,Gotoif(${chanel}?exist:noexist) <- this gotoIF makes no sense  That is not a proper test
18:57.45WIMPyAnd a Goto to a Goto doesn't make too much sense, either.
18:58.51cyford33same => n,GotoIf(${ISNULL(${SIPPEER(${EXTEN},codecs)})}?:100)
18:59.21cyford33something like that?
18:59.46[TK]D-Fendercyford33: No.
19:00.21[TK]D-Fendercyford33: Your test is nothing like what he'd be testing for.  Why would you think yours would serve as a basis?
19:01.02cyford33it looks like if checkin if channel exsist  then go new context
19:01.07WIMPyAnd we have no idea, what input would be valid.
19:01.18[TK]D-Fendercyford33: He isn't.
19:01.37[TK]D-Fendercyford33: No idea how you'd have come up with that thought.
19:01.39wasanzyI wanted to check and make sure the digit entered is 4 digit.
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19:02.15[TK]D-Fenderwasanzy: well just chossing the variable before the "?" is not a TEST
19:02.57WIMPyAnd certainly not for a length of 4.
19:05.22wasanzyGotoif($[ "${LEN(${chanel})}" == "4"]?4:100)  is this correct?
19:07.33wasanzysame => n,Read(chanel,,4)  also doesn't seem to be getting the input
19:07.36litnhey guys, I have two network interfaces, with different public IPs. I would like to have some redundancy here where if one goes out then we still have phone connection, however, I must change my sip_nat to the other IP address whenever this occurs.
19:07.43litnhow can I set this up so that it will work automatically?
19:09.21drmessanolitn, script it
19:09.31cyford33WIMPy exten => s,n,Read(get,"silence/1",,,,,${wait})
19:09.39litnthat's the only way? I was going to but I wanted to make sure tehre wasn't something already built into asterisk
19:09.43litna setting I overlooked or something :)
19:09.52litnso in this case, will I drop calls no matter what?
19:10.02litnI was thinking about how it may be able to use both network connections
19:10.29litnthe phones are registered through a third nic that I am not worried about, and the SIP provider will take connections from either public IP on sip registration
19:10.47litnhowever I can also set it to route by ip and have a failover or secdonary route instead of sip registration
19:10.50WIMPycyford33@ Are you trying random examples now?
19:11.18[TK]D-FenderLooking like...
19:11.42cyford33why u say that
19:11.53cyford33u ask to capture 4 digits right
19:12.13cyford33with asterisk 1.8+ that should work
19:12.54WIMPyI don't see where version matters.
19:13.15cyford33it wouldnt work in 1.2
19:13.37WIMPyThat's prehistoric.
19:13.49cyford33wouldnt work on 1.6 ether
19:13.51*** join/#asterisk Greek-Boy (~Greek-Boy@
19:14.06[TK]D-Fender[14:09]cyford33WIMPy exten => s,n,Read(get,"silence/1",,,,,${wait}) <- where does this limit to 4?  Why are you passing QUOTES with a filename to play?  Why are you changing the VARIABLE NAME he's reading into?  Where did you come up with this ${wait} variable you're including at the end?
19:14.40[TK]D-FenderPretty much every piece of that is wrong...
19:14.45WIMPyRandom examples?
19:15.15[TK]D-FenderAnd didn't bother following at least the syntax of the code he's working with in using "same"
19:15.16Greek-BoyI'm trying to setup asterisk behind pfsense. I opened all necessary ports. (SIP 5060 and RTP 10000 to 20000). When an external user calls the pbx everything works fine (Echo test, etc) but when users try to call each others extensions no audio.
19:15.28drmessanoIt was copy pasted from the Wiki article.. which makes no sense to me, because the only thing its helping the OP with is that we use Read()
19:15.39cyford33captures 4 digits
19:16.00[TK]D-Fender[14:09]cyford33WIMPy exten => s,n,Read(get,"silence/1",,,,,${wait}) <- what part of THIS says "4 digits"?
19:16.34cyford33WIMPy exten => s,n,Read(get,"silence/1",X,X,X,X,${wait})
19:16.38[TK]D-Fenderand still... quotes = BAD, and that "wait" variable... he doesn't HAVE one named that.
19:16.45WIMPyThe imaginary one :-)
19:17.10cyford33it came from wiki i didnt make it
19:17.12[TK]D-FenderAnd you're reding into a DIFFERENT variable name than he was.
19:17.25WIMPys/he/you/ ?
19:17.39[TK]D-Fendercyford33: You're proposing it as a sample.  It's crap and no piece of that looks like anything he should be doing
19:18.25cyford33i am asking him would that work
19:18.26WIMPyMaybe it's like that game where two people say random words until they say the same.
19:18.30drmessanosame => Read(derp,,,,,,,,) would have been more accurate
19:18.31wasanzyI don't know why the Read is not getting the input digits
19:18.34cyford33i didnt propose anything
19:18.42WIMPyWe give random examples until two of them match.
19:18.46[TK]D-Fendercyford33: He doesn't have a clue, and no, that's horribly broken
19:18.53cyford33if it dont work a sipple no is fine lol
19:19.29cyford33its on an wiki site,
19:19.39WIMPywasanzy@ Well, if your DTMF is broken that's a completely different matter.
19:19.43cyford33ok  ill freaking make one and test it
19:19.50cyford33or you can just correct it
19:20.46drmessanocyford33, you pasted one line from a complete example of a specific task from an outdated wiki site, and the snippet you posted does little more than illustrate Read() with the rest being useless and requiring discard.  I think that's the problem
19:21.17drmessanoContinue to apply blue to face while holding breath, but it wont become less wrong over time
19:21.39wasanzy   I have modified the diaplan but still getting " -- User entered nothing."
19:21.55[TK]D-Fenderwasanzy: Stop using BACKGROUND first
19:22.16[TK]D-Fenderwasanzy: this is not something you can background.  Read() has an option for a prompt to play first
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19:22.45[TK]D-Fenderwasanzy: Fix this then show us a new call.  BTW... WAIT until the prompt is finished before entering anything
19:22.55cyford33exten => _X.,n,WaitExten(4)
19:23.00[TK]D-Fenderwasanzy: If you still have nothing... your DMTF mode is wrong
19:23.11[TK]D-Fender[14:22]cyford33exten => _X.,n,WaitExten(4) <- NO.
19:23.52[TK]D-Fendercyford33: So much wrong with that I'd rather not start...
19:24.00cyford33waits for 4 digit dtmf
19:24.11drmessanoWaits for an extension to be entered; gives the caller the opportunity to push a new extension onto the stack
19:24.25drmessanoFrom the famous outdated Wiki
19:24.39drmessano4 digits of DTMF != new extension
19:25.01WIMPyAnd the Parameter is not a number of digits.
19:25.19drmessanoThat too
19:25.34drmessanoYoure just making shit up now
19:25.43WIMPywaits for someone to suggest DISA next.
19:25.56drmessanoYES, DISA
19:26.13drmessanoor it's big brother WaitGotoDISA
19:26.28[TK]D-Fendercyford33: taht assumes you already are ON an exten matching a 2+ digit extn (WTF?) and then waits 4 .. SECONDS for input.  THat has NO implication on how many didigts to read
19:26.44[TK]D-Fendercyford33: And that depends on other EXTENSIONS existing in that context.  Horribly wrong.
19:26.54cyford33i see now lol
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19:27.16[TK]D-Fender? book
19:27.18drmessanoThat should work
19:27.22infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 4th Edition (ISBN 1-4493-3242-0) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and a version is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
19:27.23[TK]D-FenderREAD IT ^^^
19:27.34drmessanoWIMPy, LOL
19:29.40[TK]D-FenderX ~MAYBE 10 <- ILLOGICAL operators
19:29.49[TK]D-Fendercyford33: Just stop....
19:29.49WIMPyYes. Let's make app_tardis.
19:30.08[TK]D-Fendercyford33: that has nothing to dow ith limiting the size of input, or validating it...
19:30.11WIMPyAnd seconds again.
19:30.26cyford33can i see an example
19:31.03cyford33WIMPy  this is digit
19:31.03drmessanoWIMPy, introduces WibblyWobbly() which does rand ..... things.... to the dialplan.   Also SonicScrewdriver() which fixes everything in any prior lines of dialplan
19:31.07[TK]D-Fendercyford33: You don't understand any of the dialplan basics.... what's the point?
19:31.18WIMPycyford33: no
19:31.24cyford33why u say that
19:31.29[TK]D-Fendercyford33: If you don't understand the individual commands you're even looking at, what's the point of pasing a TON of them?
19:31.34cyford33i understand alot after seing it
19:31.48wasanzy    still didn't work
19:31.54drmessanoThe book is full of words
19:32.04wasanzyI took out the background
19:32.20cyford33well im not the one that really needs its it
19:32.20[TK]D-Fender[14:29]cyford33last guess lol ; exten => s,4,Set(TIMEOUT(digit)=4) <- Where does your guess show how it is that you "understand" this to being a way to limit # of digits entered "somewhere"?
19:32.31drmessanocyford33, actually, you do need it.. a lot
19:32.35WIMPywasanzy@ Not in that PB.
19:32.57[TK]D-Fenderwasanzy: I just told you to get rid of that Background and do the playback in your Read()
19:33.25cyford33i am asking out of criousity,  WIMPy  needs ity
19:33.46[TK]D-Fendercyford33: No, WIMPy is more than qualified to do this 5 different ways.
19:33.48wasanzy[TK]D-Fender: does the Read need playback to work?
19:33.55[TK]D-Fenderwasanzy: No.
19:34.10[TK]D-Fenderwasanzy: Use Read() to play that prompt back, not Background()
19:34.35wasanzyok but I took out the background, so nothing is play anymore
19:34.40cyford33[TK]D-Fender  why read a book on a function  app i dont need
19:34.46cyford33i finished my projects
19:35.11cyford33i may not be on another asterisk projkject
19:35.11WIMPyDid that project involve some sort of spam?
19:35.14[TK]D-Fendercyford33: You're proposing things to others to "help" them and you don't seem to have a clue.
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19:35.50[TK]D-Fendercyford33: Random copy/paste is not "help"
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19:36.01cyford33i may be wrong at times and u are too
19:36.03[TK]D-Fendercyford33: And you seemed to have "belief" that it was right
19:36.11WIMPyGiving wrong suggestions is usually not considered helping.
19:36.27[TK]D-Fendercyford33: You don't know what any of those commands even do from what you gave him.
19:37.02cyford33yeah i didnt know they where wrong lol  and im sorry for wasnt yall freakin time lol
19:37.24drmessanoThis has to be some kind of trolling.. because this level of serious is just dangerous
19:37.37cyford33i remember i created and ivr  ike 5 years ago ,  was trying to look it up for him
19:38.04cyford33that dialplan i am sure i can fix in 30 mins though if needed
19:42.27drmessanoI'm henry the 8th I am, henry the 8th I am, I am
19:42.46wasanzysame => n,Read(chanel,${GETHEARD_WLC},4)  the audio was played, but still after entering 4 digits, it tells me  "User entered nothing."
19:43.37WIMPyThen you need to fix your DTMF.
19:44.10[TK]D-Fender[14:19]WIMPywasanzy@ Well, if your DTMF is broken that's a completely different matter.
19:44.16[TK]D-Fender[14:22][TK]D-Fenderwasanzy: If you still have nothing... your DMTF mode is wrong
19:45.24wasanzy[TK]D-Fender: how can I deal with the DTMF
19:45.33[TK]D-FenderFIX THE MODE
19:45.43[TK]D-FenderIt isn't matching whatever the other side is using
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19:47.32wasanzyI have no idea about DTMF mode
19:48.13WIMPyLet's start at the beginning. You are using a SIP phone?
19:48.38wasanzyam using Hand Set
19:48.43[TK]D-FenderON WHAT?
19:48.52WIMPyConnected to what?
19:49.42wasanzyAm using Sangoma card, which I insert a GSM SIM in it and attached it to the Asterisk server
19:50.02[TK]D-FenderShow us the call
19:50.41[TK]D-FenderIt's DAHDI
19:51.04wasanzyyea am using DAHDI
19:51.11[TK]D-FenderThere is no "mode"
19:51.29[TK]D-FenderI'm not sure how that card presents it.
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19:51.45[TK]D-Fenderwasanzy: Check your sangoma configs for hardware DTMF decode
19:51.50WIMPyOr if the card does.
19:51.58[TK]D-Fenderwasanzy: Read their docs to find out wherer that is an make sure to enable it
19:52.04WIMPyOr its driver or dahdi...
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19:53.28WIMPyBut one thing is for sure: GSM is not the best precondition for DTMF.
19:53.48ChainsawWIMPy: I bet it fares like the violins on your average hold music track.
19:54.45WIMPyWell, it's most probably not the GSM CODEC you know from the VOIP world. That's been dead for like 15 years and for a good reason.
19:54.57WIMPyBut still...
19:55.20[TK]D-FenderIt's have to be OOB
19:55.41wasanzyI think I should use SIP phone and see if that will work first
19:55.52WIMPyI don't think that exists.
19:56.13WIMPyBut it was possible even with the original GSM FR CODEC.
19:56.40WIMPyMy first GSM phone had built-in voicemail. That worked.
19:56.48wasanzyWIMPy: me?
19:57.11WIMPyIt's a good idea to use another phone.
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20:12.11drmessanoIs users.conf still a real thing?
20:12.27[TK]D-Fenderit technically exists.
20:12.34[TK]D-FenderAnd the stupid thing still gets parsed.
20:12.38[TK]D-FenderLet it DIE man....
20:12.45wasanzyHmm, using a sip phone, Read is able to read the digits entered now
20:12.59drmessanoI was actually thing it would be perfect for a project
20:13.21drmessanoI kinda need its stupidity
20:13.22wasanzyso I think the problem is from DTMF as you said earlier
20:17.14drmessanoI want to build a basic switch.. Add/del users, everyone can call everyone else.  No PSTN.
20:17.26drmessanoSimple and easy dialplan
20:18.30drmessanoLooking at users.conf though, I can't decide if it's less work or more work than using sip.conf and extensions.conf and templates
20:20.33drmessanobasic GUI for extension and secret
20:20.59drmessanoMight be a fun weekend project
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20:29.20[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: remember the key is the extra crap itt creates including dialplan.... you'd certainly not want to get stuck in that paradigm
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20:47.14drmessanoyes true
20:47.57drmessanoI guess I was thinking from the config standpoint, but from the actual created diaplan standpoint, yeah that's a mess
20:53.14[TK]D-Fenderthat;s what it does... using single parms to set up things like voicemail, etc.
20:53.38[TK]D-FenderSo much easier to start from scratch the FreePBX way of generating complete config segments you can "include" in
20:53.49[TK]D-FenderRather that try a "parsed" approach
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21:00.00cyford33how can i find out the status on making it possible to get the pjsips registry in the dialplan ?
21:05.06rrittgarnhaving an issue where callers get dropped mid conversation. Looking at debugs i see called (obj->txf = (nil)) right before the hangup (hangup events at:  Any thoughts as to if this is a bug, or a misconfiguration / resource issue? Or how i can continue troubleshooting? I dont even know what caused it...
21:17.21[TK]D-Fendercyford33: Has a ticket actually been opened to add that functionality?
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21:19.26wasanzyam seeing something there
21:21.26cyford33[TK]D-Fender  a cupple weeks ago when i was looking for a way,  i was told it didnt exist  but should be available in a cupple weeks..  i am guessing there was a tkt on it
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21:21.41[TK]D-FenderThen go look for it
21:21.53cyford33thats what i am doing
21:22.21cyford33i cant find it
21:22.38cyford33but maybe im lookin wrong,  where should i be lookin
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21:26.31[TK]D-FenderWhere ARE you looking?
21:28.29cyford33google  and here
21:31.44mjordanwell, that isn't talking about the registry
21:31.50[TK]D-FenderThat loks like your submission
21:32.16[TK]D-Fendermjordan: partly
21:32.28[TK]D-Fenderthis is the other part of what's he's looking to do
21:32.37[TK]D-Fenderfirst is the fact it fails outright
21:33.16[TK]D-FenderThen someone (you?), or file, etc seemed like they were going to take up the issue of not being able to query the reg string from the dialplan like you can for chan_sip via ASTDB
21:33.29[TK]D-FenderRight now he's loking for status on that part
21:33.34[TK]D-FenderI don't see the ticket yet...
21:33.49[TK]D-FenderMind you his issue PREVENTING him from registering makes that a moot point.
21:33.55[TK]D-FenderAnd on that note... checkout time...
21:34.23mjordanwell, I can go comment on that issue again, but that log file doesn't appear to show an error
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21:37.55mjordanand I don't think it's a bug anyway
21:39.47cyford33no error anymore
21:40.15cyford33i can register,   it just doesnt send the extra header to aor
21:40.31cyford33it strips some of the uri
21:41.02cyford33so when there is a way to quiry it ,  ill only get a little bit of it
21:42.14cyford33cuts it off here X-PUSH-URI=
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21:48.09PaybackTonyHey guys, having a little issue perhaps someone can point me in the right direction. Got 11.15 compiled and trying to get WebRTC working (SIP.js). ICE was compiled with it. The issue I'm having is no audio on WebRTC calls. The odd part is that when turning on RTP debug, asterisk is attempting to send RTP (via ICE) packets to the same IP that SIP.js says it was using (ICE / Stun). SIP messages flow fine (hangup, etc), but the RTP pack
21:49.03PaybackTonyFor non-webrtc calls everything works fine.
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21:57.30cyford33WOW  yall closed it
21:58.38drmessanoWhy wouldnt they?
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22:03.11cyford33becuase it is not working as it suppose to
22:03.19drmessanoIts not a bug
22:03.33drmessanoAs mjordan clearly stated, it's something not implemented
22:03.38drmessanoA feature request, at best
22:03.49cyford33it doesnt cut of the head
22:04.04cyford33it seems more like a character limitation
22:04.13cyford33and it works with sip_chan
22:04.39cyford33not allowing this will not let push notifications work with pjsip
22:05.19cyford33and pjsip is the new defualt
22:10.51[TK]D-FenderNo, it isn't
22:11.01[TK]D-FenderDo not call it "default".  That is not at all the case
22:11.06[TK]D-FenderIt is still new & growing
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22:12.14cyford33ohh on freepbx it is sorry
22:12.47cyford33if u do defualt freepbx 5060 is pjsip
22:13.25[TK]D-FenderMeans nothing here
22:13.47cyford33before i upgraded pjsip to 2.3  i couldnt even register,
22:14.04cyford33now i can register and case closed
22:17.59rrittgarndoes [2015-01-15 15:19:18] DEBUG[22720] res_odbc.c: odbc_release_obj2(0x1e762e8) called (obj->txf = (nil)) imply there is an issue that needs further investigation, or is it just a red herring in my troubleshooting process?
22:19.05fileit's a debug message, it doesn't mean there's a problem
22:19.49rrittgarnI should clarify that i am trying to track down a problem. Specifically right after that message a call unexpectedly ends
22:20.19rrittgarnthe part specifically that makes me think it is something to chase is that it is referencing an object that is (Nil)
22:21.47filethat's a transaction, it means whatever ODBC thing occurred did not involve a transaction
22:25.54rrittgarnok that makes sense
22:28.26wasanzyhmm am still struggling with this DTMF thing
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22:30.10rrittgarnwhat does audiohook.c do?
22:32.29rrittgarnscenario is as follows: Digium TE133 PRI card to Sip endpoints. Getting reports of a lot of dropped calls. Went through debugs for a reported dropped call, found that in the SIP capture, the PBX initiates the hangup. The PRI doesn't. The phone doesn't either. Trying to find out why it ended the call
22:33.45WIMPySo Asterisk terminates both calls?
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22:35.11cyford33plus yall the  ones advised me to open a my first bug on this
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22:35.41rrittgarni am using mixmon to record the call and do hear the conversation just drop out in the middle
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23:22.34*** topic/#asterisk is #asterisk The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- LTS: 13.1.0 (2014/12/15), 11.15.0 (2014/12/15), (2014/11/20); Standard: 12.8.0 (2014/12/15); DAHDI: DAHDI-linux 2.10.0 (2014/08/13), DAHDI-tools 2.10.0 (2014/08/13); libpri 1.4.15 (2014/06/16) -=- Asterisk wiki: -=- Code of Conduct: -=- Logs:
23:25.15WIMPyWhat do you guys use to detect Asterisk being locked-up?
23:26.09pawieckiWell, all I need for now is to make sure, that after caller hear all the introduction and call would proceed to another person - the recording is set and ready to catch the call.
23:26.21pawieckilocked up? What do you mean?
23:26.35WIMPyGo for MixMonitor then.
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23:27.00WIMPyIf Asterisk just sits there as if everything is ok, but it won't process calls any more.
23:28.06pawieckiWIMPy: it's easy - clients will call with lot's of warm and friendly words to tell you ;)
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23:28.30WIMPyYes. I'd like to optimize that a little.
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23:30.36pawieckitest accounts, and some kind of custom script to run every few minutes or so would be good
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23:32.12pawieckifor example if test account foo can't contact bar - send warning, sms. Or even better - send some kind of a messages when all is ok, but whene there's no messages for 15 minutes - raise alarms
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23:33.06pawieckii'm not sure how to implement it practically but the basic idea is there
23:38.31WIMPyThe touble is that it's likely not dead enough to not reply at all.
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