IRC log for #asterisk on 20141217

00:32.56*** join/#asterisk Hexxis (~Hexxis@2607:fcd0:100:2800:beef:0:59f6:f15c)
01:00.54*** join/#asterisk fstd (~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted)
01:13.19almostworkingi dont know a ton about , VOIP,  however should be able to run a SIP from a unmanaged VPS,  connecting , via VPN ?
01:18.03*** join/#asterisk theron (~theron@
01:18.12almostworkingcool, i might do , that,  and use old cell as softphone,  any good android, paid or free VOIP apps?
01:18.34almostworking( dedicated router handles the VPN part)
01:19.08*** join/#asterisk jasonwert (~jasonwert@
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03:43.25ChannelZalmostworking, CSipSimple is pretty good on Android
03:44.51almostworkingahh, ok cool, thanx, ChannelZ .. .. il add to wishlist now,  ( for addding to old nexus later)
04:39.42*** join/#asterisk aruntomar (~aruntomar@
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07:56.47*** join/#asterisk asteriskbizua (4d5b8405@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
07:57.21asteriskbizuaanybody home :) WHO IS FAMILIAR WITH TLS ?
07:58.54infobot"Does anyone have X or use Y?" is taking a poll, not asking a valid question. Don't do it or our army of rabid weasels will hurt you. Usually, people other than those with the exact same set up can help you and those who have sometimes will not be able to help you. Also see <ask>
07:59.08infobotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
08:06.01*** join/#asterisk evil_gordita (
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08:17.10asteriskbizuaOK THE QUESTION IS -- according this article    they propose to generate client sert ----I dont understand why i need him ----i have only 1 server and 2 softphones ----and they areworking
08:27.50*** join/#asterisk R4v3n (
08:29.08R4v3nhello world :)
08:29.57R4v3nI'm here to ask some questions and chew bubblegum, and I'm all outta gum !
08:30.07ChannelZexit code -12: syntax error
08:30.20*** join/#asterisk ghostlines (~ghostline@
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08:32.57R4v3nI'm using asterisk 1.4.22 with 2 T0 (ISDN) lines (so a total of 4 lines) since 2008, with thomson SIP phones. Everything is running fine. But now I need to add some videoconference via a polycom realpresence group system, with support for SIP (it works) and H323 (it doesn't work very well)
08:33.35WIMPyWow. That's old.
08:34.08R4v3nwhen I try to contact the polycom system using asterisk as a gateway to translate SIP > H323, I join the polycom system via ooh323c but it hang up immedialty
08:34.17R4v3nWIMPy, yep but it works, not connected to the internet
08:34.51R4v3nand when I try to contact do polycom (h323) > SIP phone, it makes asterisk crash immediatly
08:35.25R4v3nI read a lot of topics about ooh323, and I have 2 questions about h323 in general in asterisk
08:36.25*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/chainsaw)
08:36.25ChannelZWell apparently it _doesn't_ work
08:36.31R4v3n1 - Will asterisk (last versions ?) can be used with this kind of system (polycom videoconf) and will let pass the video ?
08:36.42R4v3n2 - is ooh323 the problem, or asterisk ?
08:36.45WIMPyWell, H.323 support is probably limited to if it works for you, be happy.
08:37.09R4v3nChannelZ, for the SIP part only, it works well since 2008 ! :)
08:37.23WIMPyAnd as per usual for limit values of "works".
08:38.21R4v3nWIMPy, so do you think with the last asterisk, I can make the videoconf through h323 work ? Or must I found an alternative like freeswitch or something ?
08:38.50R4v3nlast asterisk/last ooh323 i mean
08:39.15R4v3nmaybe somebody here already used a h323 videoconference system with asterisk ?
08:39.26WIMPyI have no idea. But talking about 1.4 certainly doesn't make sense.
08:40.12R4v3nyep, sure. I'll install the last in a VM, hoping it will be fast to configure, and it has a "great" h323 support
08:43.56*** join/#asterisk CustosL1men (~CustosLim@unaffiliated/cust0slim3n)
08:44.34ChannelZCall from '' ( to extension '.0027218139313' rejected -- . ? That's new
08:45.11WIMPyA PHP fraggle having made a mistake?
09:02.32*** join/#asterisk Akuma (
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12:20.06stefan27if i launch asterisk with vvvg replaced by vvv it will not create a core-dump file upon segmentation fault?
12:21.56*** join/#asterisk mjordan (~mjordan@
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12:22.16asteriskbizuaANYBODY CAN TELL ME THE TRUTH? why i need to generate second cert while using TLS  &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
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12:29.35WIMPystefan27: Depends on the contents of your asterisk.conf.
12:42.47*** join/#asterisk mjordan (~mjordan@nat/digium/x-dkilycnaaglnkarm)
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13:42.59*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
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13:53.03*** join/#asterisk RadJackson (
13:56.10RadJacksonHello , we have asterisk PBX running on a dedicated Server , our server is starting to get slower, or instance when we a context calls an AGI Script that runs mysql queries , once a huge query lags or get stuck, the calls gets blocked, this was an example , sometimes asterisk process stops due to the huge amount of calls being treated simultenously , we would like to upgrade to a higher
13:56.10RadJacksonsystem, something extensible that can be upgraded easily as our IPBX keeps receiving more and more calls , we were about to get a better server , but we may have the same problem in the future, and it takes a lot to migrate the whole system (trunks , sips configs to a new server). What would you suggest for us ? thanks
13:59.51[TK]D-Fenderget another server at the same host with direct connectivity for your DB's to run off of.
14:00.39RadJacksonThe problem is not only related to my mysqldatabase , sometimes asterisk process is running 90% of CPU , its the whole system. I would like to upgrade to a better server in every way not only db
14:01.42[TK]D-FenderAnd what are you running specifically?
14:03.13RadJacksonsometimes we receive 2000 simultenous calls , every call runs an AGI script (thru PHP) so sometimes even apache consumes a lot of CPU , and every PHP call has a mysql connections with a couple of query being runned , so its the whole server getting slower ...
14:03.27RadJacksonthe idea is to have a better server that could be upgraded easily without migrating
14:04.19[TK]D-FenderAgain, what are you running exactly?
14:04.35RadJacksonSorry ,what do you mean by running ?
14:06.04RadJacksonPHP 5.3.3-7+squeeze19 with Suhosin-Patch
14:06.48RadJacksonMYSQL 5.1.49-3
14:06.52[TK]D-FenderYour are tragically outdated.   5 entire branches behind current.  Do you know how many stability and perfomance improvements there have been since then?
14:07.33[TK]D-FenderThat system has a number of staggering vulnerabilities as it is and that branch is not supported
14:07.51[TK]D-FenderThis is an automatic strike to your running platform
14:07.52WIMPyIf you have issues with calling AGIs, optimize your AGIs or try to move some functionality to something else.
14:08.15RadJacksonIn case i upgrade to the last Asterisk version , do i risk some DialPlan Problems?
14:09.12WIMPyunlikely, yet possible.
14:09.23[TK]D-FenderAnd if you still have too many calls, distribute them between servers
14:11.06RadJacksonOk , so upgrading to the last Asterisk version , optimising AGI scripts , may be migrating DB to another server at the  same host , and in the end dispatching calls between multiple servers.
14:11.19RadJacksonI will try this , Thanks you [TK]D-Fender & WIMPy
14:12.00RadJacksonOne last question, is there a CLI command to upgrade asterisk ,or should i install the new version
14:13.26*** join/#asterisk evilman_work (~evilman@
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14:18.20RadJacksonWhat about VPS ? cloud virtual private servers, they can be upgraded easily , would it be a good idea to run asteirsk on such servers ?
14:19.52WIMPyA pretty common thing.
14:21.10RadJacksondo you have any idea about virtualisation softwares? Proxmox VE3 , Windows Hyper V Server or Microsoft Azure ? any idea about the best between these?
14:22.16*** join/#asterisk darkbasic (
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14:25.42[TK]D-FenderRadJackson: First 2 both run very close to bare-metal speeds, but it still depends how they are provisioned
14:25.57[TK]D-FenderRadJackson: I don't know of Azure at all.
14:26.21[TK]D-Fender(aside from being sure I've heard the name a few times with no idea what it was)
14:28.06fileit's the name of Microsoft
14:28.18fileMicrosoft's cloud services stuff - virtual machines and other stuff
14:29.27*** join/#asterisk sruffell (~sruffell@asterisk/the-kernel-guy/sruffell)
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14:29.33RadJacksonWhat about VMWare ?
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14:37.42[TK]D-FenderESXi is good
14:38.43[TK]D-FenderRadJackson: However you keep talking about performance issues.... and now you're talking about sharing that physical hardware with OTHER THINGS.  Are you actively trying to fail?
14:40.39*** join/#asterisk ChkDigit (~u388mw@
14:41.09marceloamorimguys, there is some way to put "or" on pattern like _[9|99]XXX to accept 9XXX or 99XXX?
14:42.07WIMPyGood point.
14:42.28WIMPymarceloamorim: No, only for single digits.
14:42.43marceloamorim=( thx WIMPy
14:43.31sekilis SLA supported nowadays on *?
14:45.24[TK]D-Fendermarceloamorim: No
14:45.34[TK]D-Fendersekil: No
14:48.16RadJackson[TK]D-Fender the reason i asked about Virtualisation is not for the current server , but may be a better extensible server , i'm speaking precisely about this :
14:48.20Kattyhello my asterisk does not work at all how to fix pls is urgent thx.
14:50.30[TK]D-FenderRadJackson: Yes, and that implies your host could be over-provisioned and you're screwed.  If you're willing to risk that then I don't think you're taking your solution too seriously
14:52.40RadJacksonOk , There are too many solutions on the internet , reason why i am asking...
14:53.26filethere are options, they may or may not be solutions to the problem
14:53.27[TK]D-FenderRadJackson: And you are looking at things that cut into performance while mentioning issues you have.
14:53.59RadJacksonI dont recognize the best solution, yet the most extensible, i will stick to the solution you have suggested, two servers , one frontal for asterisk and another for DB being hosted at the same host
14:54.04RadJacksonThanks a lot :)
14:54.33[TK]D-FenderRadJackson: Not just that.... mulktiple * servers and split the calls up
14:55.53RadJacksonby multiple servers you mean asterisk being installed on each one ?
14:56.16[TK]D-Fender"Multiple Asterisk Servers" is pretty clear...
14:56.33[TK]D-FenderMore than 8 server running Asterisk.  Split your calls between them
14:56.36RadJacksonhands [TK]D-Fender a beer
14:56.52RadJacksonOk i will think about that. sounds a good idea
14:56.56[TK]D-Fender"Too much for 1 machine to handle?  GET ANOTHER"
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15:09.10RadJackson[TK]D-Fender sorry one more question :-) , Suppose i have two asterisk servers, and i split the calls everytime to a server , for such example both servers have to be synchronised , especially extensions.conf DialPlan code , no ? is there a way to synchronize both servers ? I do not care about DB as it will be hosted on a 3rd serveur same host
15:13.39*** join/#asterisk sgriepentrog (~sgriepent@nat/digium/x-bedhfdydvnfwsjzi)
15:16.42RadJacksonslaps [TK]D-Fender around a bit with a large trout
15:21.31[TK]D-FenderRadJackson: You would think they would process calls the same way, wouldn't you?  Why would this even be a question?
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15:24.46RadJacksonMay be there is some technology that would let me sunchronize dialplan automatically , instead of editing the two servers and reloading dialplan for every modification
15:24.56*** join/#asterisk webmonkey (~clint@2607:fcc8:b7c5:9600:38a7:3359:b393:28d1)
15:30.12[TK]D-FenderRadJackson: Are you a server admin at all?
15:31.08[TK]D-FenderRadJackson: I'm getting a strong impression of "no" from every point in this conversation so far...
15:33.56RadJacksonwell , i am, and i am able to synchronise files as a "linux server admin" , but my question is from VOIP and ASTERISK point of view, instead of synchronizing every folder every agi script i thought MAY BE you would suggest me a technology , as there are several ones for instance "kamailio" that would do it automatically without linux server knowledge
15:34.28tuxx-wow. :D
15:34.32RadJacksonanyway thanks for the help
15:36.16*** join/#asterisk mjordan (~mjordan@nat/digium/x-jhmumhhzngfoinau)
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15:37.26*** join/#asterisk Ibrahim22 (57d5e366@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
15:38.58Ibrahim22Hi, how would one scale an ARI application (running on node). Node has the ability to create workers (node-cluster), but creating websocket connection for each worker would not work, as they would all connect to the same events and just process every event n times with n being the number of workers.
15:39.54*** join/#asterisk andresmujica (~andresmmu@ubuntu/member/andresmujica)
15:40.03mjordanIbrahim22: there's a number of ways you could approach it. Are you looking to scale out Asterisk, or scale out the node.js app?
15:42.37pabelangerSCALE ALL THE THINGS
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15:44.10mjordanpabelanger: yup, but different solutions for each side of that equation :-)
15:44.21pabelangermjordan, indeed
15:44.35mjordanso, speaking very generally, if you want to scale out your node.js apps, you'd want to proxy/farm out the work from each websocket connection
15:44.59mjordanthat is, have a node.js app that pulls information off the websocket, figures out where it's supposed to go, and then dispatches that to another node.js process/app for handling
15:45.05pabelangerIbrahim22, we've had some good success running an ARI proxy on the local asterisk box, which converts events over a messagebus to our ARI cluster (apps).  Seems to be working well
15:45.15pabelangerbut ya, some sort of ws proxy could work too
15:45.36pabelangernginx has support for a ws proxy
15:45.44pabelangerusing it with kamailio right now and webrtc
15:45.50mjordanyay HTTP and HTTP-related friends
15:45.56pabelangersince I need wss
15:46.47*** part/#asterisk jwr___ (~quassel@
15:47.11[TK]D-FenderRadJackson: Asterisk is just a bunch of configuration files, and wherever you do your AGI's from.  You should already know how to move those around.  Asterisk doesn't know anythiing about anything unless yous et it up to., and syncing files isn't part of what it does.
15:47.33mjordanpabelanger: just to clarify - Asterisk supports WSS. Do you need nginx for WSS with Kamailio?
15:48.01pabelangermjordan, ya.  I don't use websockets at asterisk, it just processes SIP
15:48.22mjordanpabelanger: 1.8 FL? ;-)
15:50.22[TK]D-Fender1.8 EOL :D
15:50.55pabelangermjordan, indeed
15:51.03pabelangerworking on 13 testing now
15:51.13pabelangerbut, likely be a few more months before I migrate
15:51.16Ibrahim22@mjordan I'm looking to scale ARI
15:51.47pabelangerIbrahim22, what are you building?
15:51.53pabelangermostly curious
15:52.12Ibrahim22I'm creating a replacement for app_queue and app_agent_pool
15:53.06pabelangerwelcome to the future
15:53.23[TK]D-FenderNo, this is the present.
15:53.28[TK]D-FenderWhen will then be now?
15:54.02mjordan[TK]D-Fender: +1
15:54.53Ibrahim22Haha, I'm frustrated with the secrecy that app_queue and app_agent_pool runs on, no customization, so ARI is perfect to build my own implementation :) if it works well in production, i'll publish it on github for scrutiny and severe criticism :)
15:55.38Ibrahim22@mjordan what are the ways to scale ARI then?
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15:56.29Ibrahim22@pabelanger I already thought of a proxy that retransmits events, but the bottleneck still exists at the proxy...
15:57.00pabelangerIbrahim22, we're doing a queue app too, for python.  For scaling out ARI, we decided not to worry bout scaling that part.  Basically, we do a think ARI proxy on running on each asterisk box.  Which, we exposed over a messagebus to our backend.  Everything in our apps is already externalized into redis / database so if one app goes down, another is there to fetch the data.
15:57.06pabelangerI think I have a diagram around some place
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15:58.47Ibrahim22But you have several (of the same?) apps running, each connected to websockets? How are you then preventing duplicate tasks being run?
15:59.47rrittgarnuse filters on what you're processing in node
15:59.52rrittgarnhave each process do something different event wise
15:59.56rrittgarnand then handle it all together
16:00.00rrittgarn(or bring it back together)
16:00.15rrittgarn(how we handle stuff listening to AMI events with multiple Node servers)
16:00.31pabelangerIbrahim22, no
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16:00.56pabelangerwe have multiple apps running
16:01.06pabelangerthen, using the messagebus to round robin messages to each app
16:01.33pabelangerthen use that to transmit / receive info
16:02.02pabelangerIbrahim22, from the WS point of view
16:02.13pabelangerwe only have 1 connection per asterisk box we have
16:02.20Ibrahim22Ah, okay, I see
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16:03.15Ibrahim22Your proxy receives all the events, and sends the messages down to the apps (round robin wise)
16:03.31Ibrahim22But if your proxy fails, your entire infrastructure fails, am I right?
16:04.14pabelangerwell, there is always points of failure
16:04.16pabelangerbut yes,
16:04.25pabelangerwe cluster the proxy
16:05.15Ibrahim22How can you cluster your proxy/messagebus, wouldn't every worker receive the same event that it needs to send out to the apps ?
16:05.31pabelangerpersonally, I think it is easier to make services redundant (redis, rabbitmq, mysql) then dealing with it in your application
16:06.17pabelangerIbrahim22, here is the diagram I was talking about:
16:06.30pabelangerlittle old, but the basic concept of our queue
16:08.58Ibrahim22Okay, so it is only 1 proxy per box
16:09.40pabelangerwe bind to localhost for our WS
16:09.48pabelangerand if our WS is down, or not connected
16:09.59pabelangerwe 302 redirect traffic to another asterisk gox
16:10.01Ibrahim22It is easier, but is it production ready. What if your proxy has a segmentation fault or a memory leak or god forbid unhandled exception
16:10.15pabelangerthen, remove said box from the incoming route
16:10.43Ibrahim22Hm, okay, so you scale by box and not by app
16:11.05pabelangerIf something happens to our box, for what ever reason
16:11.13pabelangerwe destroy it and create a new one
16:11.20Ibrahim22Is that the only way to scale ARI ?
16:11.26pabelangerdeal with troubleshooting later
16:11.40pabelangerthis is the way we choose to do it. there is many ways to scale
16:12.07pabelangerARI is still young, so you'll likely have to do alot of work yourself and see what works
16:12.11Ibrahim22Can you tell me about the others ? :) I would like to learn them, I can't seem to find info on the wiki or even Google
16:13.08pabelangeryou are better to ask on the mailing list:
16:13.28pabelangerlast time I talked to people, there are only a handful of people doing ARI
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16:14.05pabelangerI know digium is doing a ARI voicemail application, mjordan likely has more information on it.  But not sure what their plans are for scaling it up is.
16:14.45Ibrahim22I'm glad that is the case, it means we are the early adopters generations from now will talk about in awe and envy
16:15.44[TK]D-FenderOr will simply serve as a lesson to others!
16:16.17[TK]D-Fender(for clarity)
16:18.22pabelangerIbrahim22, There are a handful of people interested in ARI queue apps.  I'd love to get everybody together and agree on some common format between apps.; like events / rest API.  But, everybody has their own purpose for there apps, so going to be hard to coordinate.
16:19.05*** join/#asterisk sekil (~sekil@
16:19.32infobotit has been said that collectdebug is a method of collecting logs allowing others help troubleshoot an issue.  Refer to
16:20.39Ibrahim22Maybe start a thread on the asterisk-app-dev mailing list to coördinate?
16:21.46sekil[TK]D-Fender: sorry you said that shared line appearance is not supported? the sla.conf stuff is then just a little hack I guess
16:22.18pabelangerIbrahim22, I won't paste here (don't want to flood channel with info [not cool]), but PM if you want some more info about what we are trying to do.
16:22.53*** join/#asterisk klonstein (~klonstein@
16:24.39[TK]D-Fendersekil: "Little" is not a word I've used historically, but might serve for now.
16:25.34[TK]D-Fendersekil: If you think you're setting "SLA" as an option on your phone you will be greatly disappointed
16:27.57klonsteinhi, what is the best way to enforce transcoding without negotiate a large pool defined into sip.conf
16:28.35[TK]D-Fenderklonstein: Your question is unclear, please rephrase.
16:32.39sekil[TK]D-Fender: I hear support for that presence enhancements Call-ID etc.
16:32.52sekil[TK]D-Fender: thanks
16:38.45R4v3nWIMPy, hey, with asterisk 12 and h323plus, I got H323 voice calls, but no video, do you know it a little or not at all ?
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17:00.19WIMPyR4v3n: I have never tried video.
17:00.55R4v3nok. I've the feeling i'm the only one who tried to do things with videoconferencing systems :x
17:01.28WIMPyDefinitely not.
17:08.25*** join/#asterisk f0ner00t (
17:09.18f0ner00tHello.. I am getting the following error when loading can someone help me?  Module '' was not compiled with the same compile-time options as this version of Asterisk.
17:10.21[TK]D-Fenderf0ner00t: recompile with the proper oiptions then.  You did a broken combo install
17:10.40WIMPyYour asteris and the chan_sip module are not from the same install.
17:10.44*** join/#asterisk Frojoe (Frojoe@2a01:7e00::f03c:91ff:fe70:bc74)
17:16.09f0ner00t[TK]D-Fender: or WIMPy How do I fix ?
17:16.33WIMPyCorrectly install Asterisk.
17:16.59WIMPyMaybe you have multiple versions installed. If so, remove them.
17:17.08f0ner00tI am thinking thats it
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18:13.33klonstein[TK]D-Fender: I'm trying to force setup codecs between 2 legs, is only to get a clear dialog without a large pool of codecs
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18:18.26[TK]D-Fenderklonstein: So set your codecs properly in each peer
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18:24.58klonstein[TK]D-Fender: currently I have a different setup for the same ip / I mean: [xx] ip: 1,2,3,4 allow: g729^ulaw ... [yy] ip: 1,2,3,4 allow: g723 ..... this setup is for outboubd purposes , so , I'm trying to avoid this setup
18:26.01[TK]D-Fenderklonstein: For outbound you can force the codec to be used via SIP_CODEC
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19:36.53ChannelZ-WkHmm. I'm pretty sure ChanSpy screws up RTCP stats.
19:37.46fileI don't see how it... would...
19:39.34ChannelZ-WkWell I need to do some more tests to be sure that's what is causing it, but:
19:39.40ChannelZ-WkChannel Stats: ssrc=141577309;themssrc=1888495861;lp=0;rxjitter=0.000000;rxcount=1761;txjitter=0.000193;txcount=22106;rlp=126358;rtt=0.156046
19:41.06ChannelZ-Wkrlp=12635 ?  I don't think that could possibly be.
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19:42.39ChannelZ-WkActually several things about that don't make sense to me, rxcount seems wrong (that's received voice packets right?)
19:43.00filepoints at mjordan
19:43.43ChannelZ-Wklooks at the call log...
19:47.55ChannelZ-WkMaybe I don't know what those counters mean.  A call that just ended had an rxcount of 212 and a txcount of 0 yet it was a ~3 minute call
19:48.31*** join/#asterisk Cuzner (~ccuzner@
19:48.49ChannelZ-WkBut if those were RTP packets, 212 would only be ~4 seconds (20ms packets for ulaw aren't they?)
19:49.26CuznerWho knows Polycom Digitmaps well? I think I may have stumbled across a bug, and I want to ensure it's not just a misunderstanding I have with how digitmaps work...
19:50.29*** join/#asterisk jormungandr (~jormungan@
19:50.43CuznerWhy would dialplan.digitmap="" allow me to off-hook press as many keys as I want without sending, but dialplan.digitmap="*8T" send immediately on a single keypress unless it's *8 (then it waits the default timeOut of 3 seconds).
19:51.40fileChannelZ-Wk, this is stuff I have put into long term storage
19:51.47file(the knowledge, that is)
19:52.28[TK]D-FenderCuzner: because *8 is explicit and when you fail the explicit...
19:52.31ChannelZ-WkCuzner, I imagine because 'nothing' means 'anything', whereas 'something' means whatever it is.
19:52.42[TK]D-FenderCuzner: when it's blank... well.. no rule = no wrong.
19:52.51ChannelZ-WkDoes it actually send the call through or fail with the *8T when you don't dial *?
19:53.00[TK]D-FenderChWhen you do anythign ELSE
19:53.21Cuznerso if I specify at least 1 pattern or more, I have to create a map for everything.
19:53.31ChannelZ-Wk(IE when you press a key you probably get a busy, but did it actually place a call or fail locally on the phone?)
19:53.52CuznerChannelZ-Wk: If I press *# other than 8, it will send immediately
19:54.00Cuznerinstead of waiting for the 3 second timeout
19:54.18ChannelZ-WkOh OK that's different.  I thought you meant you were dialing like 4 or something random
19:54.31CuznerChannelZ-Wk: that too
19:54.38Cuznerany other single keypress will send immediately
19:55.02ChannelZ-WkWell that one I don't understand then
19:56.13Cuznerno, i honestly think you've unknowingly pointed me in the right direction
19:56.14ChannelZ-WkSounds like a strange default fallthrough behavior.. but I don't know anything specifically about how Polycoms behave specifically
19:56.55Cuznerthese are explicit rules, and I don't have a rule that covers the pattern I'm trying to dial
19:57.08[TK]D-FenderCuznerinstead of waiting for the 3 second timeout <- because the timeout is if you DO match.  You do not.  It is therefor and INVALID dial, and has its own handler
19:57.17[TK]D-FenderCuzner: Read their admin guide
19:57.18Cuznerif I create 1 rule, i have to create a rule for every type of dial pattern.
19:57.41Cuzner[TK]D-Fender: yeah, been reading through this
19:59.02CuznerMy original problem was that a user opened a support ticket stating that they couldn't off-hook dial more than 5 digits, unless 0 was the first keypress. They were using this digitmap: <dialplan dialplan.digitmap="*8T|*xxxT|*xxxx|**xxT|**xxxx|#xxxT|#xxxx|112T|[2-9]11T|0T|00xxx.T|0[1-9]xxxxx.T|xxxxT">
19:59.55[TK]D-Fenderindeed they can't.  So don't complain when it's following the rules
19:59.58CuznerThere is no rule to send after 5 keypresses, but I think because xxxxT should be xxxx.T, this is what's causing it.
20:00.12filephone digit maps: black magic
20:00.43Cuzner[TK]D-Fender: yes, in the end i believe it's because i misunderstood the default behaviour when there is no match.
20:00.48ChannelZ-Wkphone numbers/extension crossovers are hard
20:00.51[TK]D-Fenderfile: Or in the case of Polycom : clearly documented and does what it says.
20:01.08filestill black magic
20:01.16Cuzneromg it's SO CLEAR
20:01.31Cuznerso clear i felt the need to come in here and spam your channel even.
20:02.26[TK]D-FenderOne pattern has a "." and allows whatever length... the other doesn't and fails.  #empiricalevidence
20:04.37*** join/#asterisk rrittgarn (
20:05.14Cuzner[TK]D-Fender: thanks man... you might be a condescending prick 99% of the time, but you always point me in the right direction in a timeley fashion.
20:05.37*** join/#asterisk c0ldg0ld (~c0ldg0ld@unaffiliated/c0ldg0ld)
20:06.47c0ldg0ldI haven't yet been able to google any information about this but perhaps I'm using the wrong keywords.  Are templates allowed in res_digium_phone.conf?  If so what's the syntax?  Same as sip.conf?
20:07.24c0ldg0ldAfter just a few phones you repeat a lot of stuff that apparently can't be global (like timezone) and I'd like to be able to clean up my conf files
20:08.19[TK]D-FenderCuzner: Not quite so bad!  I have made no real swipe at you here.  Chill...
20:08.32filec0ldg0ld, it uses the same config framework as everything else - so templates will work
20:08.47c0ldg0ldfile: excellent.  Thanks
20:09.05Cuzner[TK]D-Fender: oh, no offense intended my friend :)
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20:15.09CuznerThat's what's doing it, set it to "2" and on these "invalid" strings people dial, it will wait for the user to hit Send
20:20.33[TK]D-FenderI allow absolutely everything + wait on all of my phones and let my PBX do it's own thing
20:20.33Penguin[TK]D-Fender: its
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20:42.05Cuzner[TK]D-Fender: so I proposed both solutions to the powers that be, they prefer xxx.T over impossiblematchhandling=2 :P
20:43.22[TK]D-FenderCuzner: I also do both.  It's the "STFU And Do It Dialplan"
20:45.47Cuznerour dialplan is nightmare inducing
20:46.34Cuzneri'm 99% certain we have the largest asterisk dialplan in production, globally.
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20:53.15jvwjgameshow do i how do i add speech recognition to asterisk
20:53.22jvwjgamesand elastix
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21:04.17jvwjgamesanyone here to help
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21:16.31[TK]D-FenderGo pick an engine and install it.
21:17.08[TK]D-Fenderjvwjgames: Elastix is its own mess.  Getting that GUI to accept and give you GUI options is something to take up in their support channel.
21:27.38*** join/#asterisk gp (
21:29.15gpAny recommendations for figuring out why srtp encryption causes 1-way audio for the encrypted endpoint?  2-way audio for both endpoints without srtp
21:32.02[TK]D-Fendercheckout time, heading home...
21:33.49jvwjgamesGP how did you setup srtp
21:33.59jvwjgamesi want to know how to set that up
21:35.40gpWell it isn't working 100% atm for me.  It also depends on your linux distro and environment
21:36.08gpHere is a quick summary that I posted to a message board:
21:36.13jvwjgamesi have asterisk 1.8 centos
21:36.22jvwjgamesusing elastix
21:36.29gpThis is helpful:
21:37.01*** join/#asterisk wonderworld (
21:37.25jvwjgamesalso what about speech recognition
21:37.44gpUnfortunately I am still in the learning phase =(
21:44.26jvwjgamesdo you use a gui
21:44.45jvwjgamesor what do you use for your asterisk administration
21:47.27Cuznervi and sublime :)
21:47.42*** join/#asterisk FreezingCold (~FreezingC@
21:47.57Cuznerthough I really wish sublime had proper asterisk dialplan syntax highlighting, but that's asking way too much.
21:48.47jvwjgamesgp: what do you use for asterisk administration
21:49.17gpCurrently IncrediblePBX11.4 on CentOS6.5. It is very quick to get something up and running.  I would consider myself a beginner at this though so I don't know if you should take advice from me.  But I don't think this channel is about that though.
21:50.29gpThis forum has helpful people for getting started with it:
21:50.30Cuznerjvwjgames: you don't like elastix? it has a gui front end, no?
21:51.22CuznerFreePBX is another one... It used to be just a front-end to asterisk, but i think they pitch it as an integrated "distro" now.
21:51.50gpIncrediblePBX11.4 uses the FreePBX GUI.  It just adds a lot of helpful apps out of the box
21:52.07jvwjgamesi like elastix
21:52.18gpI think in Version 12 they swap GUIs though
21:52.27Cuznerthe only thing I know about elastix is that it's german
21:52.31jvwjgamesbut it doesn't have the awesome freature codes or voice recognition i want
21:53.26gpjvwjgames: IncrediblePBX is very easy to work with.  Maybe you would like it better.  The tutorials for getting up and running are fairly comprehensive
21:54.35jvwjgameswhere is the direct link you donloaded it from
21:55.18gpThe link I posted to nerdvittles is the blog of sorts that the developers post releases and tutorials on.  I linked you directly to the one I used
21:55.44gpI must afk for a bit
21:58.15*** join/#asterisk ghostlines (
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22:15.29BaylinkQUERY: Does Dahdi stuff have its own channel?  2.10.1 (in PIAF-Green/FPBX11/Asterisk11) is throwing me "FXO PCI Master abort" errors after boot with 1 or 3 cards installed; ABit mobo. wcfxo module only; Ambient clone cards which were working in an older release.
22:16.06f0ner00tAny ideas why when I set up streaming MOH I get this error in my CLLI monmp3thread: poll() failed: Interrupted system call
22:16.26f0ner00tSorry Full Error:  res_musiconhold.c:695 monmp3thread: poll() failed: Interrupted system call
22:30.53*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~joe@
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22:37.36newtonrBaylink, if you are using a GUI to administrate Asterisk, then it is best to ask about your DAHDI issues in that forum/channel as the troubleshooting steps will likely involved use of your management interface.
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22:45.49BaylinkIn fact, while PIAF is supposed to have a DAHDI config module, it doesn't appear to be there, so I was expecting to have to fall back on manual config, newtonr.  Driver console/dmesg errors don't seem to fall in that scope anyway; do they?
22:46.17BaylinkIt's been back to just when dahdi got that name I had to touch it last, and that cluster was all PRI.
22:47.41newtonrBaylink, FreePBX does have a DAHDI module. No idea if it supports your clone cards :
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22:52.56newtonrBaylink, If that is the old school X100P design I don't think that is supported at all in DAHDI. Perhaps back when it was Zaptel. However I'm not 100% sure.
22:54.15Baylinknewtonr: There's still a wcfxo module, and it is active; has it gotten pickier about what clones it will talk to now?
22:56.23BaylinkThese cards were in service in two older releases; one was PIAF 1.7, with whatever that ran; Asterisk 1.6, I think.  The drive, alas, died.  Hmmm.  It *was* zaptel, and I have the zapata.conf.  Can I transplant that by a rename, or do I have to modify the contents?  Can pastebin.
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22:58.35BaylinkI'm dropping that in dahdi-channels.conf, and I'll see what happens.
22:59.25newtonrI'm unsure about the state of the wcfxo module. Configuration will likely have to be reworked, but not much. If you just google around for some modern DAHDI configurations it'll help. I'd hope the manufacturer has updated docs for DAHDI
23:00.12*** join/#asterisk ldelarosa (~ldelarosa@
23:00.30newtonr/etc/dahdi/system.conf and your /etc/asterisk/* dahdi files will both have to be configured.    I haven't touched any cards in a long time and especially not with clones, so here is where my help ends. :D
23:01.16*** join/#asterisk akv1 (
23:01.35BaylinkUnderstood; I often provide "as much help as I have available" as well.  :-)
23:02.24BaylinkAnd as it happens, that conf file has at least killed off my Abort errors.
23:02.54BaylinkWell, I got *one*, but not one every 3 seconds or so.
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23:08.43f0ner00tAny ideas why when I set up streaming MOH I get this error in my CLLI monmp3thread: poll() failed: Interrupted system call
23:08.49f0ner00tSorry Full Error:  res_musiconhold.c:695 monmp3thread: poll() failed: Interrupted system call
23:09.50*** join/#asterisk D-Boy (~D-Boy@unaffiliated/cain)
23:11.45newtonrf0ner00t, probably better off just posting to the users mail list, rather than reposting here.
23:12.55newtonrIf you do. You'll probably want to pastebin a larger section of log than just the one line.
23:13.36newtonrProbably want 'DEBUG' type logger channels on as well:
23:18.41f0ner00tNewtonr ; I was hoping something it was something easy
23:19.14newtonrf0ner00t, Maybe it is! I've never setup streaming music on hold.
23:19.39newtonrMaybe the right person just isn't online right now.
23:21.56f0ner00tnewtonr :) I'll ask another time thank you
23:22.05f0ner00tor go to the link
23:22.32newtonrgo to the link and post on the users list. :D only takes a minute
23:22.55newtonrIf you have never used the mail lists before:
23:26.42*** join/#asterisk Baylink (~Baylink@
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23:34.48f0ner00tnewton : I have I'm just looking where the mailing lists are
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