IRC log for #asterisk on 20141120

00:04.18*** join/#asterisk kayatwork (
00:04.46mjordanCHANNEL function
00:05.16mjordantechnically, the variables you are referring to aren't recommended even for chan_sip
00:05.40mjordanthe formatting on the page is still a bit wonky, but:
00:06.00*** join/#asterisk cunningpike (
00:06.32mjordanCHANNEL(rtcp, ... ) should get the various stats
00:11.13ChannelZI'll have to try again.. I swore I tried a bunch of those from the CHANNEL function but never found anything.
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02:53.28*** join/#asterisk ryan_turner (
02:54.34ryan_turnerCan I create a new channel using the asterisk rest api?
02:55.01ryan_turnerI've found the ARI hooks for creating a local channel, but instead Im interested in manipulating what's normally in sip.conf
02:55.18krapperDial wildcards possible for dialing multiple SIP registrations simultaneously... for example... DIAL(SIP/station*) as opposed to DIAL(SIP/station01&SIP/station02&SIP/station03.....
02:55.22WIMPyNow it's beginning to become unclear.
02:55.41WIMPykrapper: No
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04:14.24saint_hi all - in Asterisk 13, how do you reload pjsip ?
04:19.32*** join/#asterisk e4voip (uid13742@gateway/web/
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04:33.42ChannelZpjsip has a ton of components
04:35.58*** join/#asterisk cunningpike (
04:36.06ChannelZYou can try     module reload res_pjsip
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07:25.53*** join/#asterisk ChannelZ (
07:26.13D30hi all,, when i entered sip show channels  i had some entries into...
07:26.36D30but when i hit core show channels verbose theres nothing to it..
07:26.45D30so what does sip show channels actually do?
07:28.04ChannelZsip show channels shows SIP channels specifically, whereas core show channels will show channels of all types.
07:28.34ChannelZIf you had active SIP channels that sip show channels showed, core show channels should have as well..
07:28.35*** join/#asterisk evil_gordita (
07:30.38D30ChannelZ: in my case sip show channels had an entries.. while core show channels verbose doesnt
07:32.07ChannelZWell if it was active in the dialplan, it should have.  What version of asterisk?
07:33.20D30its 1.11 ChannelZ
07:33.28D30oopss sorry
07:33.35D30its 11
07:35.09D30ChannelZ:  entries in sip show channels can be soft hangup?
07:37.31ChannelZWell it doesn't really show you the channel ID there
07:38.16D30wait ill pastebin the entries
07:41.06D30what does the peer actually means? its weird it has the same ip where it uses different sip extension
07:41.50ChannelZWell the peer is whatever peer in sip.conf it belongs to
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07:43.22ChannelZAnd what you have there aren't active channels.  Like they don't belong to an active call which is why 'core show channels' shows nothing
07:43.59ChannelZIf you make an extension that does MusicOnHold or something, or call another device and answer it, you should see something
07:45.20D30ahhhh okay ChannelZ make sense
07:51.11ChannelZno prob
07:57.42*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (
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08:40.46*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/chainsaw)
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09:05.41*** join/#asterisk wasanzy (
09:05.52wasanzyplease am getting this error
09:05.54wasanzyARNING[28931][C-00145987]: pbx.c:6524 increase_call_count: Maximum loadavg limit of 5.000000 load exceeded by 'SIP/outgoing-001438b9' (currently 5.010000)!
09:06.07wasanzywhat am I not doing right?
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09:25.03wdoekeswasanzy: `maxload = 0.9 ; Asterisk stops accepting new calls if the load average exceed this limit`
09:25.06wdoekesin asterisk.conf
09:25.11*** join/#asterisk xytis (~xytis@
09:25.52wdoekescheck the output of `w` and/or `top` to see your load and who is causing the load
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09:34.15wasanzywdoekes: is this configured in asterisk.conf?
09:35.05wdoekeswas it really faster to ask than to open up asterisk.conf and check?
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09:45.53wasanzythanks, I have seen it
09:46.04wasanzywhat is the advisable settings to use?
09:47.15wasanzyI currently have this: maxcalls = 500 and maxload = 5.0 , I want to change it
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10:02.39*** join/#asterisk Ast001 (~uros@
10:04.49Ast001Hello, I have problem with Asterisk 1.8.29 cli command queue show returns just 1 from many queues defined in queue_table (mysql realtime table). Restart of Asterisk or reload module did not help. When I do queue show campaign1 it lists campaign and after that queue show can list it too. Do you know what might be the problem ? Database/table is not. It is the same and now queue show works (after doing queue show campaign for every campaign).
10:05.41Ast001I never had similar situation in the past.
10:07.25Ast001Sorry it is 1.8.27 version. Should I recompile it ? Perhaps to newer version from 1.8 branch ?
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10:31.32zpotoloomhi, anyone using T.38 gateway ?
10:31.32zpotoloomwith 11.4 and res_fax_digium there's no gateway supported
10:31.32zpotoloomCapabilities    : SEND RECEIVE T.38 G.711 MULTI-DOC
10:32.18zpotoloom11.14.0 i meant
10:38.11*** join/#asterisk evilman_work (~evilman@
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11:47.08paare usb gsm dongles and chan_dongle the cheapest way to attach a mobile number to asterisk?
11:51.30wdoekesthat depends on your region and your definition of mobile
11:52.04pawell what i want essentially is to route calls to my mobile number (sim) to a voip channel
11:52.35pabecause it's much cheaper to be called that way when abroad than directly on the mobile number while abroad
11:52.56paand it also allows to have only one sim card while abroad instead of 2
12:08.22*** join/#asterisk CeBe1 (
12:19.37zpotoloomto answer my previous question then to me seems like that the res_fax_digium module does not support gateway mode
12:20.08zpotoloomwith res_fax_spandsp Capabilities    : SEND RECEIVE T.38 G.711 GATEWAY
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16:55.53GraidenThere aren't, by chance, any Audiocodes ninjas hanging about here are there?
16:56.29infobot"Does anyone have X or use Y?" is taking a poll, not asking a valid question. Don't do it or our army of rabid weasels will hurt you. Usually, people other than those with the exact same set up can help you and those who have sometimes will not be able to help you. Also see <ask>
16:58.17GraidenWell, that's a handy piece of information, thank you.  I'd prefer to avoid rabid weasels at virtually any cost.  To elaborate, however, we have an MP-124d that won't factory reset, and the console simply spits out gibberish.  We are entirely unsure how to proceed at this stage, and hoping someone might know of a way to flash one to a factory ROM without a proper interface.
16:59.59ChainsawGraiden: That's generally going to end with TFTP.
17:00.14ChainsawGraiden: Try a google with TFTP and your model number and see what comes up.
17:02.22ChainsawGraiden: It looks like a BootP program is provided that you could try. You haven't upgraded straight from 5.6 to 6.0A have you?
17:02.36GraidenChainsaw:  I appreciate that.  I'll start hunting that ground.  Quite the investment to lose for something we could potentially resolve with TFTP.
17:03.22GraidenChainsaw:  Unfortunately, management purchased these on an auction site pre-owned, so God only knows what sort of ridiculousness has been done to them at one point or another.
17:04.11ChainsawGraiden: Very nice.
17:04.31*** join/#asterisk FreezingCold (~FreezingC@
17:04.51WIMPySound fun
17:05.02GraidenChainsaw: Alas, not all decisions come from the phone nerds that make things work after the fact.
17:05.51ChainsawGraiden: I would start here:
17:06.19ChainsawGraiden: And see if you can get yourself registered with the unit details. They make explicit reference to a BootP program they offer that has ".cmp" firmware files.
17:06.51ChainsawGraiden: I would expect some documentation with it that explains how to do a deeper reset and push some firmware in over TFTP. A low-level rescue, if you like.
17:08.18GraidenChainsaw: Brilliant. They offer no software, but now that I'm looking in the 'documentation' section, I see a boatload of guides.  With any luck, one of them will cover my issue.  Once I've uncovered a solution, does the channel have anywhere they keep documentation on these sorts of things?  Just in case someone else were to run across it in the future, for example.
17:09.07ChainsawGraiden: I would say blog about it.
17:09.12ChainsawGraiden: Google will do the rest.
17:09.34ChainsawWIMPy: Is this appropriate for the Asterisk wiki at all?
17:10.08WIMPyNot really. But it would surely fit on voip-info.
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17:10.37ChainsawWIMPy: True. That site is so full of outdated stuff though, I wouldn't want it sniffed at due to its location.
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17:10.56WIMPyIt's not useless, though.
17:11.00ChainsawGraiden: Alternatively, there is a serial port on the device. Have you tried whether that gives more intelligible information as you connect the power?
17:11.41*** join/#asterisk mirela666 (~mirko.bra@
17:12.13GraidenChainsaw: Indeed.  We are connected via serial with the parameters in their general user guide, and the output is unreadable at best.  Squares and random characters.  It's almost as though the ROM is just purely wrong and the hardware has no idea what to make of it.
17:12.40ChainsawGraiden: Try other baud rates. 9600, 19200, 115200 are all common.
17:13.20ChainsawGraiden: Boot loaders sometimes use different parameters than the main code, and from the sound of it the main code is definitely unusable.
17:13.51WIMPyInded. Garbage is very likely due to wrong speed.
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17:30.38*** join/#asterisk zekoZeko (~b@
17:32.52zekoZekohello everyone. I'm having trouble dialing out my sip trunk (managed to get incoming calls working). I must be doing something dumb, but I'm really new at this.
17:33.41WIMPyAre you sure you send the number in the format they expect?
17:33.54*** join/#asterisk jasonwert (
17:33.58WIMPyTurn on sip debug, maybe they will give you an sensible message.
17:34.15[TK]D-FenderYou need to elaborate more on what you mean by "having trouble dialing".
17:34.32[TK]D-FenderWhat part of this process is actually failing?
17:34.45zekoZekoi created an outbound route, but it doesn't seems to get used. any number I dial (except local extension) returns "this call can't be completed as dialed"
17:34.51infobot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there
17:34.58WIMPyWell, as dialing out via sip isn't possible...
17:35.01[TK]D-FenderYou need to use their support channel for call flow issues
17:35.11zekoZekoit doesn't come to the part where my Asterisk contacts the provider... no outgoing SIP
17:35.24[TK]D-FenderzekoZeko: #freepbx <----
17:35.50zekoZekook thanks, will go there.
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18:15.17*** join/#asterisk ChannelZ-Wk (
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18:27.29GraidenHey WIMPy: As an update, the BootP solution seems to have worked.  I'm factory resetting the device now, I believe we successfully unbricked an MP-124 today.
18:28.42GraidenYeah, I'm quite happy to see it booting.  I'll write up an article on it tonight.  No sense in letting the knowledge die.
18:29.31WIMPyreminds me that I have an Parley gateway to unbrick.
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18:35.42ChannelZmjordan: thanks for the hangup handler/pre-dial help yesterday, got it implemented and working a few mins ago.
18:39.40ChannelZComcast appears to have fixed my random packet loss, so that's lovely.
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18:47.30GraidenWIMPy:  Have you ever messed with Vega's?  Those things nearly made me throw my laptop on numerous occasions.
18:47.51WIMPyGraiden: nope
18:48.21GraidenWIMPy:  Do yourself a favor, if ever offered a gig working on them, just run.
19:01.43*** join/#asterisk blistov (
19:03.33blistovhey, if I have 4 extensions (200-204) in a queue (2000), and call routing is setup so that if 200 doesn't answer, the call goes to queue 2000, asterisk tries to ring everyone in the queue, including 200, but because 200 is unavailable, the new request goes into the queue as well, and creates an infinite loop.
19:04.25WIMPyYou don't put extensions in to a queue, you put devices there.
19:04.37WIMPyUsually, that is.
19:05.19[TK]D-FenderOr check if you're already in a queue before following that extra step afterwards
19:05.26blistovSo I remove 200 from the queue, and all is well. but 200 is reception, so if they cant' answer the call, we want the call to go into the queue, but if 200 is then ready to take the call, the call is no longer rinign them.
19:05.48[TK]D-FenderOr create another section of dialplan code for actually dialing these members and don't use the one that has that redirect to Queue
19:06.08[TK]D-FenderIt's your dialplan, do whatever you want with it
19:06.31blistovI'm not following.
19:06.34WIMPyIs there a reason you used extensions instead of devices?
19:06.40blistovWhat's the difference between an ext and a device?
19:07.01WIMPyAn extension is a piece of dialplan.
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19:14.42blistovokay, sorry, 200-204 are devices.
19:14.52blistov200 is reception phone.
19:15.11WIMPyThen how does the call get in to the queue again?
19:15.18blistovall inbound routes land on 200. if 200 doesn't answer after N seconds, the call goes into the queue 2000
19:15.34blistovqueue 2000 then employs a ringall strategy for 200-204
19:16.33blistovbut that of course, rings 200 as well. There's the options for "ringinuse" but setting that to no, doesn't work if 200 is simply not connected to the PBX.
19:17.04blistovso when a call hits the queue, it rings everyone in the queue, but 200's ring gets pushed back into the queue as if it were a uniq incoming call.
19:17.21blistovSo everyone in the queue sees a hundred incoming calls in about 4 seconds.
19:17.25WIMPyOnly if you made it do so.
19:17.26blistovand they can't answer any of them.
19:17.40blistovSure, and clearly I DID make it do so, which is why I'm asking now.
19:17.47blistovThis is with FreePBX.
19:17.54*** join/#asterisk FreezingCold (~FreezingC@
19:17.59infobot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there
19:18.03WIMPyYou need to find out what an extension is and what a device. Even if you called them the same names, they are not the same.
19:18.05[TK]D-Fenderblistov: Not supported here
19:18.30[TK]D-Fenderblistov: If you want assistance in setting it up to try to work the way you like then you'll have to take it up in their channel
19:20.47blistovDoing so.
19:21.00*** part/#asterisk blistov (
19:21.38*** join/#asterisk Milenco (
19:22.09MilencoHey Guys! Perhaps you can help me with a little issue I'm having. :)
19:22.46*** join/#asterisk ayrjola (~ayrjola@
19:23.11MilencoI've got Asterisk setup on a PRI card and can receive/place calls just fine. Caller-id also works for incoming calls, but I can't seem to modify the caller-id when I'm calling out over the ISDN card.
19:23.54WIMPyUS or ROW?
19:23.59MilencoIt always shows the default number while I have a whole range of numbers in use, both numbers that route back throught the same ISDN line and VoIP numbers I want to send
19:24.15Milencohey WIMPy :) I'm using Dahdi and using default config
19:24.18WIMPyDid you set the TON correctly? What dahdi calls the plan.
19:25.04WIMPyIf you want to send numbers that aren't routed to that line, you need special permission.
19:25.41Milencodefault is pridialplan=unknown and prilocaldialplan=national (I believe), but I've set pridialplan to dynamic
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19:26.09MilencoThe caller-id is set correctly, when I place the same call over voip the correct caller-id shows
19:26.30WIMPyIIRC prilocaldialplan is the one for sending caller IDs.
19:26.33MilencoI would figure that much WIMPy, but even my 'assigned' numbers wont show, just the default XXXX0-number
19:26.42WIMPyThat means absolutely nothing.
19:27.47WIMPySo make sure you send the numbers in the format that fits the configured TON (plan). if I set it to international and specify callerid(num) as 0031534806860 that should work
19:28.44WIMPyAnd you haven't told us which country.
19:28.47Milencowhere 0031 is the nation code
19:28.51Milencoits in germany
19:29.32WIMPyThe leading 0s are not part of the number.
19:29.47WIMPySending formatted numbers only works with unknown.
19:30.24Milencoin that case the pridialplan matched my send callerid's by default, i would assume?
19:30.40Milencosince i send them in the 0031 or 0049 format with pridialplan=unknown
19:32.12Milencoalright, got it working now :)
19:32.37MilencoOr so it seems
19:32.50MilencoI've set both values to unknown
19:33.16*** join/#asterisk pigpen (
19:33.18WIMPyThat's usually the safe choice.
19:34.11pigpenSo, I have a few polycom SP 550’s that when I lift up the receiver, the speaker phone engages.  The other 90% of the phones have no issues.  Ideas?
19:34.54WIMPyInteresting feature.
19:35.25Milencoindeed :)
19:35.37Milencosome SP 550's behave like that pigpen? or all?
19:35.50pigpenabout 5 of 60
19:36.10pigpenAll same firmware, script generated config
19:36.17Milencothen there are becoming unstable because of possible hardware issues
19:36.28Milencono differences in configuration or network i assume?
19:36.45pigpenyeah, all nice 1 GB POE.
19:36.57pigpenGood point though, some are 3COM, some are Extreme.
19:37.01pigpenswitches that is.
19:37.05Milencopossible broken capacitors
19:37.18pigpenhmm, new phones, but possible.
19:37.49Milencoif the situation is exactly the same
19:37.51pigpenThe users have noted, that if thy unplug the handset from the back of the phone, and plug it back in, it does ok for awhile.  Certainly seems like hardware.
19:38.07Milencolike firmware/configuration/environment, there must be something wrong with the phones
19:39.00pigpenk, that was my take too.  Just wanted to put it out there for second opinion.
19:39.21Milencothe switches causing it seem unlikely
19:39.50Milencobut its worth to try to create as less as difference in the situation as possible
19:39.54Milencobetween a working/non-working phone
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19:47.23pjensen00mjordan: good job on the webinar!
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19:58.58MilencoWIMPy, could you perhaps point me in the right direction with a follow-up question?
20:00.11MilencoIt appears Asterisk sets ${CALLERID(num)} only correct (like the cid_number i've setup in my sip.conf) the first time I call
20:00.33Milencothe next times it sets it as the SIP-account number, which is 3 digits
20:01.40WIMPyWhat first time? After what?
20:02.09WIMPyTurn up verbose and look at your calls.
20:03.59Kattypokes eppigy
20:04.05Kattypokes [TK]D-Fender
20:04.43MilencoStrange, restarted Asterisk now everything is running smooth
20:05.44MilencoIt sets the callerid properly the first time i call out (after a sip reload), after that it sets the callerid-num as the 3-digit internal number. But it seemed fixed now by restarting
20:05.54Milenconot modifying the callerid-num variable in any way
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20:07.12MilencoOr not fixed.. very strange
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20:35.27MilencoNow it's working again for quite some time, while I didnt make any changes
20:35.46MilencoI'll keep monitoring it to see if I can spot what happens when it goes wrong
20:36.08WIMPyDoesn;t sound very trustworthy.
20:36.23MilencoIndeed, but I can't figure out now where it goes wrong
20:36.43MilencoAnd I don't want to annoy others with broad-ranged problems
20:36.47WIMPyMake sure you have enought details in your logs to find out.
20:37.27MilencoI have maximum verbose on in console and print the callerid when executing my dial macro
20:38.26Milencoat some point it switches from the cid_number to the sip-account name
20:43.54MilencoThanks again for your help WIMPy, I'll keep monitoring the callerid-possible-issue i'm having and let you know if i figure it out
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21:14.37saint_hi all - so i am trying to install and configure Asterisk 13. pjsip is a piece of work.... what could be the reason for not having ring back tone when someone calls in from a SIP trunk ?
21:14.56saint_Voice is full duplex. It's just that the caller does not have ringback tone..
21:19.59saint_mmhh.. Also when I hang up from the sip endpoint , it does not hangup on the caller's side ..
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21:25.55filewithout a log, console output, SIP traffic - those are things that can not be answered
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21:46.50Milencosaint_, are you using Answer()?
21:50.41MilencoAnswer() causing the ringing tone to stop, and Hangup() should be done after the Dial command
21:51.18Milencosee this snippet i am using:
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22:01.14saint_Milenco yes I do.. Answer() , Dial(), Hangup()
22:01.35saint_my asterisk 1.8 has the same dialplan settings, and works
22:01.49MilencoAh..sorry then I'm still on 1.8 myself
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22:05.54saint_i ll be back laterz
22:05.58Milencogl :)
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23:34.40antiochIstshould asterisk 13 be responding to SIP invite with codecs not offered in the INVITE SDP?
23:35.41antiochIstversion 12.7 does not do this
23:52.22newtonrantiochIst, huh... I don't think so..
23:52.41newtonrantiochIst, can you file an issue on and include your SIP trace and Asterisk log?
23:52.48newtonrI've got to run
23:52.55antiochIstyea I will
23:53.39newtonrantiochIst, thanks a bunch.

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