IRC log for #asterisk on 20141106

00:31.21*** part/#asterisk Nemus (~Nemus@unaffiliated/nemus)
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01:08.25*** join/#asterisk SpeedEvil (~quassel@tor/regular/SpeedEvil)
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02:26.51*** join/#asterisk maisonhotline (637f2a43@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
02:27.19maisonhotlineis this the proper place to seek help troubleshooting an issue?
02:28.56maisonhotlinehaving an issue setting up a machine, it responds appropriately to AT&T and T-Mobile phones by playing our test audio, but with Verizon it connects and then is silent
02:30.18*** join/#asterisk bmurt (
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02:39.03*** join/#asterisk babak (uid19622@gateway/web/
02:56.04paulcmaisonhotline: what kind of connection are you bringing the call into Asterisk on?
03:01.20maisonhotlinepaulc: the server is hosted on a AT&T u-verse DSL connection
03:03.19maisonhotline(hardwired via lan)
03:24.37*** join/#asterisk darkbasic (
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04:01.24paulcmaisonhotline: so you're using an ITSP to bring the calls in via SIP?
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04:52.06MilosCould someone help me figure out what I need to do to resolve this [Nov  6 17:51:11] WARNING[7832][C-0000009b]: channel.c:5125 ast_write: Codec mismatch on channel Local/104@outgoing-0000000e;1 setting write format to g722 from ulaw native formats (ulaw)
04:52.13Milosthe calls still go through so I'm not sure what's happening
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05:12.36Milosalso I have a problem with dtmfmode=rfc2833 skipping some tones when they're typed quickly
05:12.41Miloswhere is a setting I can use to tune this?
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06:42.16*** join/#asterisk UncleKiwi (
06:44.05UncleKiwihey people, I am a user of asterisk  and I am getting lots out of it! I need to learn all about it in the fastest way what do you suggest are there any good documentation ( that will not put me to sleep) or video anyone can recommend ?
06:45.53UncleKiwiI want to understand they big picture not just get it working
06:46.01UncleKiwiI need to make it secure
06:46.47infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 4th Edition (ISBN 1-4493-3242-0) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and a version is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
06:46.58UncleKiwithank you ChannelZ
06:58.21UncleKiwiI have ordered it in paaperback and my kindel is charging
06:58.41*** join/#asterisk mirela666 (
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07:03.30UncleKiwihey ChannelZ I have an FXO device SPA3102 tomorrow I need to configure it to take calls inbound. Does this require much cpu ?
07:03.43UncleKiwion the asterisk server it's self
07:05.20UncleKiwiinbound into asterisk
07:05.27UncleKiwifrom the pstn
07:06.12*** join/#asterisk darkbasic (
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07:10.15ChannelZNo not really
07:12.40UncleKiwiis it hard to have two asterisk boxes running in a clustered way ?
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07:13.33UncleKiwiie two physical asterisk boxes and if either one stops the system remains running
07:13.38UncleKiwiie using carp etc
07:16.51ChannelZI don't really have any experience with that.
07:20.29*** join/#asterisk XATRIX (~xatrix@
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08:34.08*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/chainsaw)
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10:57.42pukkita_How could it be a simple NoOP can screw a macro???
11:00.45pukkita_trying to hack elastix and placing a NoOP() or Verbose() screws the macro with no other debug message that it exited non zero????
11:07.24wdoekesdiff or it didn't happen
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11:08.07pukkita_wdoekes: what do you mean?
11:08.38pukkita_it explicitly says the macro exited non zero on that line
11:08.55pukkita_the line with the NoOP or Verbose, same line in other contexts work fine
11:08.57wdoekescp extensions.conf{,.orig}; [do changes...]; diff -pu extensions.conf{.orig,}
11:09.20pukkita_if I comment out the NOOP or Verbose it works fine
11:09.34pukkita_what puzzles me is how a simple NoOP can screw it?
11:09.48wdoekesstop talking, start showing the diff
11:12.17pukkita_--- extensions_additional.conf2014-11-06 12:11:05.000000000 +0100 +++ extensions_additional.conf.orig2014-11-06 12:10:44.000000000 +0100 @@ -1623,7 +1623,7 @@ exten => s,n,ExecIf($[$["${MOHCLASS}" !=  exten => s,n(gocall),Macro(dialout-trunk-predial-hook,)  exten => s,n,GotoIf($["${PREDIAL_HOOK_RET}" = "BYPASS"]?bypass,1)  exten => s,n,GotoIf($["${custom}" = "AMP"]?customtrunk) -exten => s,n,Verbose(** CONNTRUNK: ${CONNECTEDLIN
11:12.31Rac-onput it in a pastebin ;)
11:12.33pukkita_gonna use pastebin
11:14.39*** join/#asterisk bulkorok (
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11:15.40wdoekesok, now we believe you. and the Verbose app is loaded?
11:16.21pukkita_Nov  6 12:00:05] VERBOSE[2889] pbx.c:   == Registered application 'Verbose'
11:16.29pukkita_also it works fine on other contexts
11:16.32*** join/#asterisk marceloamorim (
11:16.34wdoekestry enabling core set debug 5 (or so) and check the debug log
11:18.01*** part/#asterisk marceloamorim (
11:27.23pukkita_[Nov  6 12:14:38] VERBOSE[16020] app_macro.c:   == Spawn extension (macro-dialout-trunk, s, 19) exited non-zero on 'SIP/1006-00000064' in macro 'dialout-trunk'
11:28.07pukkita_also a reload after commenting out the line doesn't fix it, it needs a restart
11:36.17*** join/#asterisk FreezingCold (~FreezingC@
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11:52.42pukkita_tons of debug but cannot find anything related to that macro
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13:37.04*** join/#asterisk WIMPy (
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14:20.36*** topic/#asterisk is #asterisk The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- LTS: 13.0.0 (2014/10/25), 11.13.1 (2014/10/20), (2014/10/20); Standard: 12.6.1 (2014/10/20); DAHDI: DAHDI-linux 2.10.0 (2014/08/13), DAHDI-tools 2.10.0 (2014/08/13); libpri 1.4.15 (2014/06/16) -=- Visit the official Asterisk wiki: -=- Read the Code of Conduct
14:22.02*** join/#asterisk francisvgarcia (~francisvg@
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14:35.54paWIMPy, is the LCR mailing list the one at isdn4linux?
14:36.41WIMPyThat's the one to use, yes.
14:37.21pathanks! :) i will write there, as Jolly never actually answered me, and i decided to eventually go voip and use linux as call router
14:37.45*** join/#asterisk andresmujica (~andresmmu@ubuntu/member/andresmujica)
14:38.45WIMPyI'm considering to fork it. Staying with the old Asterisk integration.
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14:40.12WIMPythinks making it incompatible to the standard Kernel was a bad thing.
14:41.47WIMPyThings need to be more user friendly. Or should we call it admin friendly?
14:45.21pahehe admin i think :)
14:45.55pai mean, ideally i'd like to have the dahdi-hfcs ported to 3.10+..  to require one less piece of software running
14:46.09pabut since it's abandoned..
14:46.21WIMPyIs it?
14:46.44padonno, it looks like. I wrote to the mantainer, but he never answered
14:46.50paraoul boenisch
14:48.31WIMPyHaving an extra application was the reason why I waited so lo to go that way. But for what I do most of the time, it's actually a big advantage. I only route those calls to Asterisk that need to go
14:49.17pathat's true in a way.. it would be more resistant to asterisk changes..
14:49.28paanyway, one way or another would be fine
14:50.02WIMPyWhat was your issue with lcr?
14:50.54pai dont get my voice to the other.  i get their voice though
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14:51.17panot sure it's because of missing loopback driver, but it might be
14:51.21WIMPyUsing hfcpci?
14:51.41paso voice goes LCR -> Asterisk, but not the other way around
14:51.45WIMPyFor the current lcr you need the loopback to make it work with Asterisk, yes.
14:52.05WIMPyErr. So you're on the old lcr?
14:52.11payours, yes
14:52.16pathe 1.12
14:52.32panew one i did not manage to get it to work
14:52.45WIMPyBut there was a patch for hfcpci in the mailing list two days ago. That migh be for exactely that issue.
14:53.07pathanks! i'll look at that
14:53.29WIMPyI'm on hfcmulti everywhere, so I haven't tried hfcpci for a long time.
14:53.46painteresting.. are those cards expensive?
14:54.38WIMPyWell, compared to the single port ones, they are extremely expensive. But compared to other telephony cards, not really.
14:56.53*** join/#asterisk andresmujica (~andresmmu@ubuntu/member/andresmujica)
14:57.27pahm i see.. then maybe not. I have only one isdn line after all ..
14:58.25pathe big problem for me is that my phone operator increased the prices tremendously to make everybody move to some bulk deals, but they do not have any deal for old ISDN lines because they do not sell them anymore. And i want to keep it because of the second line.
15:00.52paso i want to change all the phones to voip phones, to prevent mistakes of calling using the wrong phone, at the crazy fare. :)
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15:01.02pabut for that i need to route ISDN to asterisk :)
15:01.28paanyway, will check the patch
15:01.33WIMPyNot sure I understand that one.
15:01.53WIMPyWhy do you want to exchange phones?
15:03.14pabecause if i leave the old pstn phones, and add voip phones for out calls, people might make mistakes and still use the old ones to call..
15:03.48WIMPySee, that's where the multiport card comes in to play :-)
15:03.49paanyway, the patch seems for the mISDN driver, but i wonder if its possible to apply it to the version in 3.13..
15:04.19pawell, i found cheap voip phones, they will do
15:04.24palike 10€ or so
15:06.07*** join/#asterisk ektat (
15:06.11ektathi there
15:08.00ektatAfter sifting through google results, reading the 4th ed of Asterisk guide and lost a few thousands hairs. I have something to ask :)
15:08.03paWIMPy, so the new LCR simply does not work?
15:08.20infobotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
15:08.43ektatis there a way to remove the "party=calling" from Remote-Party-Id
15:09.03ektatwithout using AddSIPHeader of course
15:09.09WIMPypa: Not without the loopback module which only exists on git.
15:10.23*** join/#asterisk wolrah (~wolrah@
15:11.19[TK]D-Fenderektat: You can't remove headers
15:12.58paWIMPy, have you ever tried to use the standalone mISDN driver instead of the kernel one?
15:13.12pai read it should be possible to have them side by side
15:13.14pabut i tried
15:13.40WIMPypa: Yes, but that was a long time ago. They often didn;t work with the latest kernel.
15:13.45ektat[TK]D-Fender thanks, there's a way to remove SIP headers actually (SIPRemoveHeader()), but I just want to alter it
15:13.45paand even with the loop module the new lcr didnt work. but i'm not sure if i should have blacklisted the kernel modules to give priority to the standalone ones
15:14.05[TK]D-Fenderektat: Actrually news to me... I will have to look that up..
15:14.32[TK]D-Fenderektat: If that app is there then it would seem you'd have to read it, strip it, then readd it
15:14.45WIMPypa: You can't. They have the same names. So you probably need to remove the original ones. (or not build them)
15:15.06ektat[TK]D-Fender yeah, I thought there was a "cleaner" way but I guess I'll resort to that
15:15.18WIMPyektat: Do you really want rpid?
15:15.18*** join/#asterisk ttyS3 (~o@gateway/tor-sasl/omlib)
15:15.31[TK]D-Fenderektat: usually if there is any way to do a thing... don't bet on there being a second ;)
15:15.45ektatWIMPy Sure my trunk provider wants this
15:15.49[TK]D-Fenderektat: I could name a few exceptions though...
15:16.05ektat[TK]D-Fender asterisk docs are so poor I had to ask anyway
15:16.31WIMPyI have replaced all rpid by pai a long time ago.
15:17.01ektatWIMPy I'd love to but these suckers from the provider don't use pai
15:17.07[TK]D-Fenderektat: Well you did see that app there.. not sure what exactly qualifies as "poor"
15:17.36ektat[TK]D-Fender I meant it's very difficult to find examples and recipes
15:18.02ektatespecially if you're not on 1.4-1.8
15:18.11carrarektat: You could do it outside of asterisk
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15:18.33[TK]D-Fenderektat: Ah... well * is largely the same as regular programming really.  We can show the syntax, but it's up to the user to deploy it in a way that''s meaningful to them.
15:18.54[TK]D-Fenderektat: I use * as a jukebox and coffee-maker....
15:18.59[TK]D-Fenderektat: YMMV
15:19.08carrarAnd Oh what YUMMIE coffee it makes
15:19.22[TK]D-Fenderektat: Oh, and there is a book or two on "recipes" for *
15:19.40carrarWith a coffee-maker, sound card and a soldering iron you can make a ATA
15:19.51infobot<Gremlin> It's okay, but I was hoping to save some money with a soldering iron and a bunch of sound cards.
15:19.56ektat[TK]D-Fender jukebox is done  here too :)
15:19.57[TK]D-FenderNever gets old.. just older ;)
15:20.01*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
15:20.03paWIMPy, it is not enough to blacklist them?
15:20.10pa(the kernel modules i mean)
15:20.31paoh same name you say..
15:20.49pamaybe then i need to rebuild the kernel without mISDN, and try only the standalone one
15:21.03pa(which now would even have those patches)
15:21.09ektatbtw, thanks for all your suggestions
15:22.50ektathey thanks already read this one, not very useful to me
15:23.17[TK]D-Fenderektat: both kinda old, but may have newer versions out.
15:23.41[TK]D-Fenderektat: You can alsways ask in here if you hit a bump on things you are trying to implement
15:24.05WIMPypa: That's probably the way if you want to upgrade lcr.
15:24.34carrarektat: have you tried to save the header, then remove it, edit the saved captured header, then add it?
15:25.15ektatcarrar that's the only solution I came up, I thought there was some kind of parameter switch to do this in a clean fashion
15:26.02WIMPyektat: I'd disable the rpid headers and add them manually.
15:26.19carrarAsterisk have never been big on SIP header manipulations commands
15:26.49ektatcarrar I didn't try the new pj_sip driver, is it better ?
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15:26.55carrarthats where having something like opensips/kamilio comes in handy
15:27.25carrarektat, I haven't done much with pj_sip yet
15:29.01ektatI'll do it the "dirty" way (store,remove,rewrite,add)...nevermind
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15:30.22paWIMPy, well i just want it to work :) if that makes it work, i'll do it, because as far as i see, it's probably the easiest way to get the patch too. I don't think it will be easy to backport that patch to 3.13 version
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15:30.37pabut i will try next week when i'm physically at the server :)
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15:33.36WIMPypa: I don't see why you shouldn't be able to apply that to whatever kernel you use.
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15:39.42ektatsorry for that autoaway crap
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15:52.06jamescAnyone know what controls asterisk retransmits ?
15:52.55WIMPyWhat controls? From where? to where?
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15:53.25jamescWhen I make a call the invite get retransmitted 3 times really quickly
15:53.26WIMPyneeds something to eat.
15:54.00WIMPyThen it didn't get an answer.
15:54.26jamescthe call progresses as normal though
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15:55.01jamescI am seeing retransmits in the impossible to reply that fast time frame
15:55.43WIMPyDid you screw some timer configuration?
15:57.33*** join/#asterisk sgriepentrog (~sgriepent@nat/digium/x-yvqibgabcgdgewhj)
15:57.33jamescThats the sort of thing but I have not any wired timer config
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16:19.20jamescAsterisk seems to send 2 retransmits for an initial invite consecutively. after 0.0004 seconds this is too quick I think. Is there a config parameter that controls this?
16:20.31[TK]D-FenderShow us.
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17:20.40jamescOk what is the best way to show you i have a small pcap file?
17:20.48jamesc[TK]D-Fender: ^
17:21.19[TK]D-Fender* CLI w/ SIP debug
17:21.29infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
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17:40.16Qwellzomg tuxd00d
17:40.44tuxd00dHey Qwell ! :)
17:41.01Qwelltuxd00d: Driven any strangers to SF lately?
17:41.02tuxd00dThe podical son has returned ;)
17:41.49tuxd00dOh, not lately.  And we’re part of the same asterisk brotherhood, so not a stranger. :)
17:52.54*** join/#asterisk areski (
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18:34.48casdudehey, I have a call recorder that receives a call in from the telco and then forward the call on to a 3rd party PBX, this seems to work fine however the leading zero is always missing.
18:34.55casdudeMy extensions.conf and extensions_additional.conf look like this and my extensions_customer.conf looks like this. Just wondering if anyone knew where I was going wrong or why my change is not taking effect, although simple it looks correct to me.
18:35.19*** join/#asterisk thogue (~thogue@unaffiliated/thogue)
18:36.03WIMPyWhat leading 0? From where? And where do you miss it?
18:38.51casdudehi Wimpy this is a line from the console to hopefully show, the number dialed is 01633... however the zero has been removed 2014-11-06 12:18:39] VERBOSE[28798][C-00000000] pbx.c:     -- Executing [tdial@ext-trunk:5] Set("DAHDI/i1/1633508781-1", "DIAL_NUMBER=642311") in new stack
18:39.20casdudewhen this call is then placed to the PBX the number is 1633....
18:39.34casdudewhich is wrong it should be 01633
18:39.53WIMPyWhere has it been dialed? On a PBX connected to your Asterisk?
18:40.24casdudefrom external through the telco into the asterisk system then on to the pbx
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18:41.05WIMPySo that is the called number of a call from the telco?
18:41.31[TK]D-Fendercasdude: The custom bit of dialplan you showed changes the CALLERID, not the CALLED NUMBER.
18:43.17WIMPyA nmumber starting with a 0?
18:43.45casdudeWimpy: yes a number starting with
18:43.49casdudea zero
18:43.49WIMPyOr is that including an area code which would be prefixed by a 0?
18:44.51casdudethe inbound call is made from 01633... this is then forwarded to the PBX however the number is appearing as 1633
18:45.10WIMPyNow you say from.
18:45.34WIMPyIs it the calling or the called number?
18:45.48*** join/#asterisk FreezingCold (~FreezingC@
18:45.58WIMPy>>Or is that including an area code which would be prefixed by a 0?
18:46.00casdudethe calling number
18:46.27WIMPyThese prefixes are not part of the number.
18:47.28*** join/#asterisk CeBe1 (
18:49.19casdudethey are there when the system is not in place, the pbx reports the number fully
18:49.34casdudethis is a line from the PBX
18:49.49WIMPyIt adds the zero(s) itself.
18:50.01casdudewhen the recorder is not in place
18:50.20WIMPyYou should be able to configure chan_dahdi to add them, but make sure to remove the flas then, otherwise the PBX will double them.
18:50.30casdudewhen the system is in place
18:50.49WIMPyHow many boxes are we talking baout?
18:51.24casdude[telco] > [recording server asterisk] > [PBX asterisk]
18:51.59*** join/#asterisk CeBe1 (
18:53.53WIMPyHmm. That doesn't add up for me. There is a difference on your Asterisk depending on with or without recording server, but that recording server is the Asterisk we're talking about?
18:54.05WIMPyOr is that another box in front of it?
18:54.57casdudeno there is no other box in front of it, it is [telco] > [recording server asterisk] > [PBX asterisk]
18:55.29WIMPyOh, so it's two Asterisks. And the change is on the 2nd Asterisk.
18:56.54casdudethe 2nd box needs to show a leading zero
18:57.01WIMPyAnd all connections are PRIs?
18:57.16casdudei am happy to make it on which ever box tbh :)
18:58.17WIMPyOk, so the 1st one does seem to do some search/replace then. Did you configure any prefixes/are codes or so on the 1st one?
18:58.34WIMPyI guess that might remove some information.
18:58.48*** join/#asterisk pigpen (
18:59.09casdudethe strange thing is I cant see where or why
18:59.36casdudeI have been trying to get it to add a zero back in but no luck so far
18:59.39WIMPyAnd the *dialplan parameters to dynamic?
18:59.40[TK]D-FenderPerhaps you should show us then
19:00.29casdudewithin chan dahdi?
19:01.04*** join/#asterisk ChannelZ-Wk (
19:02.14casdudeits not set, i can add.
19:03.41WIMPyWhatever that would make by default.
19:04.47casdudeok i have set to host=dynamic
19:04.58casdudeunfortunately no change
19:05.13WIMPyhost? What host?
19:05.41*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/chainsaw)
19:06.16casdudesorry i thought setting to dynamic would be host=dynamic to chan_dahdi
19:07.02casdudewhat where you thinking of needing to be set to dynamic
19:12.19casdudeok it is set to dynamic
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19:12.42casdudeunfortunately no change
19:13.56WIMPyThen show us a call with debug for both spans enabled and the chan_dahdi.conf.
19:14.20WIMPyAnd verbose >=3, as always.
19:15.24marceloamorimhello guys, at Asterisk 11.9.0 in chan_dahdi.conf should I use every parameters bellow the context=x or could I use commons settings above the first context and those settings was set for every channel, or should I repeat the settings for every channel? I have some issues that seems related
19:16.22WIMPyAll settings apply to all following channels.
19:19.38marceloamorimok then, ty WIMPy
19:20.15casdudehey here is the verbose and debug out put
19:20.28casdudeand the chan_dahdi settings
19:21.17casdudethanks for taking the time to look, it is really appreciated
19:25.15WIMPyOk, so that's a ratehr short chan_dahdi.conf. It has no channels. So that's obviousely not complete.
19:25.37WIMPyBut I do see a nationalprefix=0 there. So that might already be the one that eats the 0.
19:26.26[TK]D-FenderPRI Span: 1 <                                 Presentation: Presentation allowed, User-provided, not screened (0)  '1633508781' ]
19:26.43*** join/#asterisk jhlavacek (
19:26.48casdudei just added that, the channels are stored in /dahdi/system.conf on this setup
19:27.01WIMPyYou can see the TON change from national to unknown.
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19:27.34WIMPyAnd what does that file contain?
19:30.10casdudepass i dont know what the unknown file contains
19:30.17casdudei did not configure it
19:30.28casdudeto do anything
19:30.59casdudei just rang the same test on the pbx with out the call recorder in place and received the following
19:31.09casdudenot sure if it helps out at all
19:31.13WIMPyThe channels must be configured somewhere. Otherwise you wouldn't be able to get a call.
19:31.56WIMPyNo, it's the same that was received in the other PB.
19:32.05WIMPyBut what you send out is obviousely different.
19:32.32casdudeyeh by the location where the channels are configured do you mean this
19:32.37WIMPyAnd you should try to set all pri*dialplan parameters to dynamic.
19:32.45casdudelocated in /etc/dahdi/system.conf"
19:33.10WIMPySomething in asterisk/chan_dahdi.conf or included there.
19:34.14*** part/#asterisk marceloamorim (
19:34.53casdudearhhh i have it
19:35.12casdudethis is located in /etc/asterisk/chan_dahdi_groups.conf on this build
19:35.58WIMPyOk. That's definitely going to cause trouble.
19:36.44WIMPyThere the pri*dialplan's are set to unknown. That *will* clear the flag you're missing.
19:37.27*** join/#asterisk andresmujica (~andresmmu@ubuntu/member/andresmujica)
19:42.49casdudei have set to dynamic and am still having an issue
19:42.56casdudehaving the issue
19:43.16casdudei tried, local and international while i was testing also
19:43.39WIMPyDon't set it to a fixed value.
19:43.53WIMPyThat's almost crtainly wrong.
19:45.02*** join/#asterisk andresmujica (~andresmmu@ubuntu/member/andresmujica)
19:45.58WIMPyDid you remove all *prefix parameters and set all pri*dialplan parameters to dynamic?
19:49.10WIMPyAnd you reloaded chan_dahdi? Or maybe better restarted Asterisk?
19:53.05*** join/#asterisk MadHatter42 (~tuwid@
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20:02.08WIMPyOh, and as far as FreePBX generating that config goes, I'd consider that a bug.
20:05.27casdudeit appears to be working, kinda, now there are two leading zeros, thanks for all your efforts. unfortunately the cleaner is about to leave and my dinner is probably in the dog by now
20:06.01casdudeyou have definately pointed me in the right direction thanks for all your help again
20:06.28casdudebye for now :)
20:07.29WIMPyDid you set something to national on span 2?
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21:18.55Miccit seems like asterisk is ringing all available lines of a phone in the queue. Is the only way to prevent this to set call-limit in sip.conf?
21:19.06MiccThis is in
21:25.32MiccIt seems that call-limit will limit the number of outbound calls as well. I just want to ring once per available device in the queue but allow that phone to use other lines for dialout.
21:26.30Miccnow its still trying to call but its rejecting due to usage limit of 1.
21:26.49MiccBut I guess I don't understand why its ringing the same device 6 times in the first place.
21:27.05Miccmaybe this is a bug that has been fixed in newer versions?
21:32.02*** part/#asterisk mjordan (~mjordan@nat/digium/x-jctqrhidjugpdyhn)
21:32.38PenguinYou've either configured the different lines as members of the queue or you've configured all the line keys with the same SIP account.
21:32.51PenguinBoth would be wrong.
21:34.18*** join/#asterisk jasonwert (~jasonwert@
21:39.06MiccThe device is only registering once, but can use up to 6 lines.
21:39.28MiccI didn't have this problem when I was using static members.
21:39.40PenguinWhat are you using now?
21:40.04MiccI'm using AddQueueMember
21:40.18Micceach phone logs in when they want to join the queue.
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22:04.09nnyOdd issue... I thin it may be a setting in the polycomm config. I am still troubleshooting. Whenever I use externhost vs externip my polycom remote phone becomes UNREACHABLE. This doesn't happen on the local network. The host name is resolvable on the remote network.
22:05.23PenguinBut is the host name resolvable where it counts: on the network where asterisk resides?
22:07.06PenguinAsterisk has to look up the host name that you set in externhost, to apply it to an implied externaddr.  If asterisk cannot correctly resolve the externhost value, the rest is a failure as well.
22:07.59Penguin'sip show settings' should show you the host name and resolved address.
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22:21.28nnyPenguin: ahh. The dhcp updated /etc/hosts to the local network. I don't use that DNS for the asterisk normally as it has the externhost set to a local IP for non remote phones. You win!
22:21.41nnySo it was resolving to the internal IP :\
22:23.34nnyPEERDNS=no :\ They use dhcp to assign the static ip. Fixed. Thanks Penguin
22:23.51nnysomeone needs to make a way to tip people with bitcoin etc here :)
22:25.40blackslikzhello All .. i have a major issue with my asterisk .. its been runing for months .. right now if i run asterisk it says [root@host ~]# asterisk -rvv
22:25.40blackslikz-bash: asterisk: command not found
22:28.55[TK]D-FenderCheck your path, then start hunting for the files
22:34.57*** join/#asterisk asterisk562 (d4b2f61f@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
22:36.33asterisk562knock, knock, any human here?
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22:37.13infobotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
22:38.05asterisk562banging my head last few days, how to detect channel volume increase, say, 30%
22:38.46asterisk562tried rtcp debug from cli, no luck
22:39.44asterisk562any idea?
22:41.02newtonrasterisk562, no idea!
22:41.40newtonrIf no one has an idea here, you might post on the asterisk-users list.
22:42.05asterisk562thanks anyway, any other channel here I should visit to get more info?
22:44.03[TK]D-Fenderasterisk562: You'd have to make some sizable mods to *.
22:44.22*** join/#asterisk MadHatter42 (~tuwid@
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22:45.49asterisk562I can change C code and recompile *, just asking here before start digging
22:46.40asterisk562perhaps I should try with some rtp analyzer?
22:48.15[TK]D-Fenderasterisk562: Any outside RTP analysis... is an outside solution
22:48.34[TK]D-Fenderasterisk562: As for * ... you've got the source, you can do with it whatever you will (with GPL in mind)
22:49.09newtonrasterisk562, #asterisk-dev if you need to ask questions about the source
22:49.23asterisk562thought I can use rtp analyzer to trigger AMI action
22:49.57asterisk562any recommendation for rtp analyzer?
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