IRC log for #asterisk on 20141103

00:02.33*** join/#asterisk CustosLimen (~CustosLim@unaffiliated/cust0slim3n)
00:06.42*** part/#asterisk echelon (~echelon@gateway/tor-sasl/harel)
00:25.11*** join/#asterisk Gugge (
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00:40.24qakhananyone worked on atcom gsm card with sms?
00:52.35*** join/#asterisk andresmujica (~andresmmu@ubuntu/member/andresmujica)
01:00.22*** join/#asterisk fstd (~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted)
01:37.26*** join/#asterisk ruben23 (~OpenDial0@
01:38.45ruben23hi guys i have a polycom Ip Phones conencted to my freepbx..wanted to dispplay a name on my ploycome to do it..?
02:02.36*** join/#asterisk ruben23 (~OpenDial0@
02:14.18Penguinruben23: #freepbx
02:40.54*** join/#asterisk cunningpike (
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02:54.45*** join/#asterisk FreezingCold (~FreezingC@
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04:12.57jdzielnyi know this is a bit off topic, but does anyone have any idea what would cause an elastix 2.5 distro to not display any voicemails in the voicemails portion of the GUI?
04:18.34*** join/#asterisk vinhdizzo (
04:20.39jdzielnyPenguin, I asked there too.  No luck :(
04:41.22ChannelZbites his tongue
04:51.25*** join/#asterisk startledmarmot (
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05:31.14*** join/#asterisk Vutral (~ss@mirbsd/special/Vutral)
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07:48.19*** join/#asterisk Onyx47 (~onyx@
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07:54.21Onyx47Hi all. We're working on a local version of sound files for Asterisk, but have a bit of a problem. In my language there are two plural forms, depending on the number that precedes the word. Specifically, numbers (ending with) 2, 3 and 4 should be followed by one form, while anything larger uses the second one. Is there some mechanism to facilitate this in Asterisk?
07:55.19WIMPyNot sure, but have a look at say.conf.
07:56.24Onyx47ah, yes, I think I see a section that should do it
07:56.31Onyx47completely missed that file. cheers :)
08:07.22*** join/#asterisk cunningpike (
08:16.07*** join/#asterisk elfranne (~tom@unaffiliated/elfranne)
08:20.28elfranneI have some issue with NAT: the call seems to ignore the nat=force_rport,comedia setting, call log (202 calling 203) : )
08:22.20*** join/#asterisk bipolar (
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08:49.33babakHi,anybody worked with DAHDIRAS() ?
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09:40.39Onyx47great... I have an asterisk install that keeps dying with code 127. /usr/sbin/asterisk is nowhere to be found, only /usr/sbin/safe_asterisk, /var/log/asterisk/messages has nothing useful... anyone have any pointers as to what to look for?
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09:55.36dkakotiHI all. I am stuck in a situation I have two PRI first one is g1 and second one is g2,I need a solution where suppose g1 PRI is dead or channel unavailable call will be automatically redirected through g2
09:56.05dkakotiIt is for outbound dial
09:56.15*** join/#asterisk cunningpike (
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10:46.43*** join/#asterisk Skintkingle (
10:48.34SkintkingleI wonder if anyone is able to clarify a quick query I have about reading some CLI info correctly.
10:49.52infobotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
10:50.13Skintkinglegood to know.
10:50.17SkintkingleWell, I shall elaborate then! :P
10:52.13*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
10:52.21SkintkingleStop me if i'm incorrect at any point. But my understanding is that, Upon a call connection, either inbound or outbound, I will see an "AGI" command fly through the CLI, with the first parameter being the unique identification of that channel. I.E AGI("SIP/blabla".... Would make "SIP/blabla" the identification.
10:53.14SkintkingleWhen coming to hanging up, Hangup("",""), The first Parameter in Hangup, that should be the identification of the channel you want to hangup, So the created call from the AGI, "SIP/blabla" should be viewed in the first parameter of the Hangup command?
10:55.12SkintkingleI would state, I am talking about the visual feedback from a CLI from Asterisk. I'm not directly calling either of these commands, Just trying to correctly link the events together.
10:56.41SkintkingleIf what i've stated is the case, and correct information, Is there anything else in the "Executing Hangup in new stack" line, that would denote where the hangup came from, or anything else other than the unique identification of the requested channel.
10:58.52*** join/#asterisk marceloamorim (
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11:01.05*** topic/#asterisk is #asterisk The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- LTS: 13.0.0 (2014/10/25), 11.13.1 (2014/10/20), (2014/10/20); Standard: 12.6.1 (2014/10/20); DAHDI: DAHDI-linux 2.10.0 (2014/08/13), DAHDI-tools 2.10.0 (2014/08/13); libpri 1.4.15 (2014/06/16) -=- Visit the official Asterisk wiki: -=- Read the Code of Conduct
11:09.23*** part/#asterisk h4kriX (~h4kriX@gateway/tor-sasl/h4krix)
11:13.56*** join/#asterisk simpleTon` (
11:14.25simpleTon`hi looking for call centre stats application like asternic..... opensource
11:24.12*** join/#asterisk CustosLimen (~CustosLim@unaffiliated/cust0slim3n)
11:25.45elfranneI have some issue with NAT: the call seems to ignore the nat=force_rport,comedia setting, call log (202 calling 203) : )
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12:20.29SkintkingleSo many questions, so little time.
12:23.31*** join/#asterisk Vutral (~ss@mirbsd/special/Vutral)
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12:36.54wdoekesSkintkingle: not "the channel you want to hangup"
12:37.04marceloamorimguys, if you have access on the server where we get
12:37.09marceloamorimits down
12:37.10wdoekesbut "the channel that the hangup application is run on"
12:38.49wdoekesnormally, the Executing... would start with what part of the dialplan is being called
12:39.17wdoekese.g. Executing [ID81571@osvpi_route_account:20] Goto("SIP/...
12:39.56wdoekesdialplan context osvpi_route_account with exten ID81571 on prio 20 calls Goto()
12:40.34wdoekesmarceloamorim: is not down
12:41.24wdoekesmarceloamorim: but you're right, both and work
12:41.29wdoekesbut only the latter has proper links
12:42.23Skintkinglewdoekes: So the first parameter of the "Hangup" would show the channel that hangup occured, Either the local side, or the remote side? And not the call stack as a whole?
12:42.28marceloamorimwas fixed =)
12:42.49SkintkingleI have Executing [<extensionnumber>@extensions:1] before the AGI call.
12:42.59Skintkingleand Executing [h@extensions:1] before the Hangup call.
12:43.13wdoekesno, the Hangup application, *not* any other hangup
12:43.20wdoekeseither a side of the call hangs up
12:43.38wdoekesor someone (e.g. the dialplan) calls an application named Hangup
12:44.35wdoekesa call to Hangup() in the h extension seems superfluous
12:44.43wdoekesyou're in h because the call got hung up
12:44.49Skintkingleright. I see. So the information in the square braces has caller information, I.E the source of the particular call.
12:45.01Skintkinglewhen I say call ,I mean call to the function. Not phone call.
12:46.00wdoekesopen up extensions.conf and find the [extensions] context
12:47.44Skintkingleyessir. i'm there.
12:48.03wdoekesthere you should see the AGI call and the Hangup call
12:50.35SkintkingleI indeed see the AGI for my extension number, and just a global Hangup at the bottom of the stack
12:50.37Skintkingleas thus:
12:50.38Skintkingleexten => h,1,Hangup
12:56.18wdoekesyou rarely jump to the h extension yourself. usually the dialplan engine (pbx core) jumps there when the call is hung up (because one side terminated the call)
12:58.38*** join/#asterisk D30 (~deo@
12:59.46Skintkinglei see, but you cant tell from the pbx core calling h's hangup where the hangup occured from. Just that the core had a hangup issue to it?
13:01.01*** join/#asterisk fstd (~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted)
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13:02.04Stefan27more OS than asterisk but how do I make asterisk wait 1 second between stop and start through 'systemctl restart asterisk' i created a systemd/asterisk.service file which has ExecStart=/usr/sbin/safe_asterisk but it always seems to stop and restart instantly which can cause problems sometimes
13:05.39*** join/#asterisk qakhan (
13:05.49SkintkingleFor example, this line, for the hangup command, straight out of the CLI:
13:05.52SkintkingleExecuting [h@extensions:1] Hangup("SIP/300-00002cc2", "") in new stack
13:06.05SkintkingleThere's nothing discriptive in that line that would state if it's local, or remote that caused the hangup to occur.
13:06.16Stefan27i guess ill have to do something like systemctl stop asterisk && sleep 2 && systemctl start asterisk each time but seems ugly when there is systemctl is supposed to handle restart-sec-timeouts
13:08.22*** join/#asterisk D30 (~deo@
13:09.45wdoekesSkintkingle: you'll see a "== Spawn extension ... exited non-zero" before it
13:14.00*** join/#asterisk dym (~patrick@unaffiliated/dym)
13:14.14dymokay - im having trouble. i rebooted one of my asterisk vm's and all of the sudden everything stopped working
13:14.17dymasterisk*CLI> core stop now
13:14.20dymNo such command 'core stop now' (type 'core show help core' for other possible commands)
13:14.24dymsip commands are unknown too
13:14.34dymthis is  11.12.0
13:14.38dymand idea?
13:18.11*** join/#asterisk D30 (~deo@
13:18.30dymfunny thing: console shows chan_sip warnings
13:18.31dym[Nov  3 15:15:33] WARNING[1166]: chan_sip.c:31287 display_nat_warning: !!! PLEASE NOTE: Setting 'nat' for a peer/user that differs from the  global setting can make
13:19.37*** join/#asterisk MadHatter42 (~tuwid@
13:21.33WIMPyStefan27: So why not just change the script?
13:22.06Stefan27safe_asterisk? i guess i can, but thats overwritten with every new version of asterisk
13:24.04WIMPyCopy it as my_asterisk and use that?
13:24.38WIMPyAnd just out of interest, what kind of trouble do you experience by it restarting immediately?
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13:25.30Stefan27Some modules dont load
13:25.52Stefan27it doesnt happen all the time
13:27.26Stefan27it often happens when i install a new asterisk while the older version is still running and then do restart
13:27.57WIMPyAlways the same modules?
13:28.01*** join/#asterisk agaran (~agaran@pld-linux/agaran)
13:28.22Stefan27I think so, same pattern in the "module show" output but i havent verified 100% its the same
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13:28.38agaranHello, does anyone know if ChanIsAvail() is supposed to work on SIP channels too?
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13:29.21WIMPyMight be a good idea to do so. I'd consider that a bug, if it doesn'r restart propperly.
13:31.03Stefan27yeah ill investigate more whether its my fault or not
13:32.03Skintkinglehi wdoekes, sorry went afk. yes i see that line, what discriptive info should i take from it?
13:35.38aruntomaranybody using sipjs +webrtc+asterisk ? how is your experience?
13:42.24Skintkinglefor EG: the Spawn Extension line for that example call earlier, shows like this:
13:42.27SkintkingleSpawn extension (extensions, <external number>, 1) exited non-zero on 'SIP/300-00002cc2'
13:42.29SkintkingleExecuting [h@extensions:1] Hangup("SIP/300-00002cc2", "") in new stack
13:50.33*** part/#asterisk riess82 (
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15:06.27workingcatssorry for the stupid question, but where do i find the reference manual of all the asterisk options? wanting to use call-limit but i want to check if it's still present in *-11 as it's deprecated in *-1.8
15:06.51mjordanworkingcats: check the sip.conf.sample for that version of Asterisk.
15:36.57*** join/#asterisk infobot (
15:36.57*** topic/#asterisk is #asterisk The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- LTS: 13.0.0 (2014/10/25), 11.13.1 (2014/10/20), (2014/10/20); Standard: 12.6.1 (2014/10/20); DAHDI: DAHDI-linux 2.10.0 (2014/08/13), DAHDI-tools 2.10.0 (2014/08/13); libpri 1.4.15 (2014/06/16) -=- Visit the official Asterisk wiki: -=- Read the Code of Conduct
15:37.35[TK]D-Fendernet_: rrmemory goes by oldest first as sorted by priority
15:38.29*** join/#asterisk caveat- (hoax@2a01:4f8:191:9111:30::10)
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16:29.40atom0hello. anyone here atm?
16:30.54atom0i'm looking for someone to hire to help me sort out an asterisk problem that's most likely extremely simple but i'm far too new and sucky at asterisk to fix lol
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16:39.30teknoprepwhy hire someone
16:39.33teknoprepjust tell us what the problem is
16:39.42teknoprepwhats the problem... don't ask to ask
16:46.14atom0i have a website that places calls via preset extensions and ami http "originate" command, one sip works flawlessly the other one has recently developed an issue and they say it's something on my end.
16:46.14atom0the issue is either the call will send out immediately but will take forever to dial the phone in question, and then only rings for 1 second and stops
16:46.14atom0it will say the call was answered within a second and start the call recording process, but the phone never rings, and the recording is simply a ringing sound.
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16:55.31dymHey again! For some reason my asterisk 11.12.0 has forgot about all sip commands, although i can see sip stuff going on (registration tries, etc)
16:59.38Penguinmodule show like sip
17:01.39file*sings* what's SIP got to do... got to do with it
17:01.42*** join/#asterisk FreezeS (
17:08.28FreezeSHi guys! I'm running 11.7.0~dfsg-1ubuntu1 and cannot change astagidir. I've changed it in asterisk.conf but no effect. Checked the start script in init.d and it's nothing there. What can I do ?
17:09.04[TK]D-FenderShow us
17:10.05*** part/#asterisk Sjors (~sgielen@2a01:4f8:202:63f2:f00::1)
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17:19.49marceloamorimthere is any way to fix the loader.c: Module '' and '' when the log keeping show me that 2 modules already exists.
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17:42.43rmudgettFreezeS: [directories](!) is declared as a template in the samples file.  Since nothing uses the template it is effectively a comment.  Just remove the (!) on the end of the line.
17:44.26FreezeSaha, I was thinking about that...
17:44.51FreezeSbut I thought it might mean something else
17:44.52FreezeSthanks :)
17:45.15PenguinI think you can also define some of those values via /etc/sysconfig/asterisk.
17:45.34PenguinYou'd have to look at the init script to see what values are usable, though.
18:00.48*** join/#asterisk matt_ (
18:01.47eppigyi am dave
18:01.50[TK]D-Fenderyou are dave
18:02.51eppigyhello [TK]D-Fender
18:03.12eppigyI am finally learning python
18:03.21eppigyI should have done so like 6 years ago
18:06.07[TK]D-FenderIt's a language...
18:06.22eppigyur a lnaguage
18:19.32*** join/#asterisk MadHatter42 (~tuwid@
18:25.42marceloamorimI found the problem, the problem is the sorcery.conf when you remove the [res_pjsip] about that loader.c
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18:50.55dymloader.c:1046 load_resource_list: *** Failed to load module <--- i dont get it. can anyone suggest some debugging?
18:51.00dymthe module is there
18:51.57dymnow that i removed the require, it started and sip commands work
18:53.32newtonrdym, if you debug it further, turn on the DEBUG channel and turn it up to 5 or above, then look at what Asterisk says around the module load failure
18:54.13dymnewtonr: this was spat out on asterisk -vvvvv
18:54.48dymthanks! Ill look into it
18:55.28newtonrYeah you would want to verify the debug logger channel is going to a file , be sure Asterisk starts with debug at 5 or above and then start Asterisk, stop asterisk and go search for file for where it fails.
18:55.47newtonrThat wiki page linked and this one should help.
18:56.11newtonrJust having a require shouldn't cause to fail to load.
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20:09.20windbackI'm receiving the following ISDN SETUP message on my asterisk server:
20:09.38windbackAs you can see, I'm not receiving the calling party part
20:11.08windbackI'm trying to write an specific callerid using SET(CALLERID(num)=XXXXX) and SET(CALLERID(name)=myName)
20:11.53windbackAs the trunk doesnt have the calling party part, I have not success
20:12.23windbackI try the same in a DAHDI trunk which send the calling party in setup message without problems.
20:12.42windbackDo you know a way to have write the caller id?
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20:16.37[TK]D-Fenderwindback: Show the complete call
20:21.18[TK]D-Fenderwindback: I don't see any of those SET commands in there
20:24.05*** join/#asterisk Cuzner (~ccuzner@
20:27.26windback[TK]D-Fender, I was trying with CONNECTEDLINE functino
20:29.08CuznerAm I on a snipe hunt looking for European VSCs? I know they're generally carrier specific, and NANP we have ours because of AT&T, but did no one standardize something similar on telco equipment in europe, or did everyone just do their own thing so now there is no standard there?
20:30.22Cuzneri can find mention of UKs 1571, but not much else...
20:31.32Cuzneroh man...
20:31.43Cuznernevermind, this is going to take me a while i guess...
20:31.58Cuznerlooking up each feature code one by one :P
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21:42.29WIMPyCan anyone tell me what 'ooh323_onReceivedSetup: Unacceptable ip <ip>' actually means?
21:48.57mjordanWIMPy: may (Alexander Anikin) would be your guy. You might want to ping the asterisk-dev list, as I don't see him online in either room (he is in Russia however)
21:51.02ChannelZ-WkBrowsing the source, it looks call-limity
21:52.00WIMPyIt's obviousely someone doing some scanning, but the message itself doesn;t make much sense to me.
22:00.22WIMPyDebug isn't very interesting.
22:01.09*** join/#asterisk pjensen00 (
22:02.52pjensen00I've been using asterisk 12 but have just tried to upgrade to 13.  I can't seem to get asterisk to start, and I'm wondering which of these errors are causing A13 to not start
22:03.25pjensen00I see it's angry with my pjsip.conf entry for 'voiptrunk' and various modules
22:04.46WIMPyPossibly the one after the last you see. Add some verbose and debug.
22:05.34pjensen00oh, I removed all entries of my pjsip.conf and it gets rid of those error messages, but it still dies after all the warnings for my dialplans.
22:05.50pjensen00I'll add some more verbosity to the logging
22:11.00*** join/#asterisk sparetire_ (~sparetire@unaffiliated/sparetire)
22:16.30pjensen00 holy cow that's a lot more verbose.
22:17.25pjensen00The fact that it seems to be choking on some pretty basic modules like res_agi worries me greatly as to what I possibly could have done on this install
22:19.07WIMPyAs it again ends with corosync, maybe that was already it and not whatver would follow.
22:23.26pjensen00............ I'm an idiot.  I thought I added it to my list of no_loads.  You're right, it works now.
22:24.54ChannelZ-WkSeems like you have every possible config file in your dir
22:39.45*** join/#asterisk Micc (
22:40.05MiccIs there an irc channel for help with digium phones?
22:41.31*** join/#asterisk darkbasic (
22:51.18*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
22:53.21*** join/#asterisk jkister (
22:53.43jkisteranyone from digium around?
22:54.10jkisterif you click 'Downloads' from, it hrefs to which i get 404
22:54.35mjordanWe did know, and the hamsters are furiously running in their wheels trying to get it fixed
22:54.48jkisteroh, ok.  sorry for the noise.   i checked the mailing list and didnt see anything.
22:54.53mjordanbut you're the first person to tell us publicly :-)
22:54.59mjordanNope! Definitely appreciate you telling us
22:55.10mjordanNoise of "this is broken" is always good
22:55.36mjordanparticularly when it's the website ;-)
22:56.16mjordanurp, I was wrong, bklang hit that same page earlier
22:56.32mjordan(There's a few others that are missing too - it's like an easter egg hunt, only you get a 404 instead of a tasty treat)
23:04.42*** part/#asterisk mjordan (~mjordan@nat/digium/x-lspaymzedqtubyyw)
23:08.22filea few others hit it EARLY this morning as well
23:13.12WIMPyCouldn't be much earlier than now :-)
23:52.03*** join/#asterisk areski (

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