IRC log for #asterisk on 20141101

00:00.25linuxgeekand they wouldnt route a 100 % of the calls  - 70 / 75 % would hit them
00:02.12ChannelZ-WkThat's still pretty high... a noticable drop in call volume (assuming regular volume was consistent enough)
00:03.51*** join/#asterisk andresmujica (~andresmmu@ubuntu/member/andresmujica)
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00:04.16linuxgeekChannelZ-Wk : from a certain destination , its pretty difficult to notice
00:04.45linuxgeekanother thing these guys do , they call series of numbers and find out the ones not issued / in use and target them
00:05.43WIMPyDoes that mean I invite them if I have numbers allocated but tell callers they're not?
00:06.09WIMPy... which Asterisk does by default anyway.
00:09.11*** join/#asterisk fstd (~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted)
00:18.11*** join/#asterisk acovrig (
00:56.04*** join/#asterisk jzaw (
01:00.47*** join/#asterisk fstd (~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted)
01:33.10PenguinAsterisk doesn't do that by default.
01:34.35PenguinIn order for your unallocated number to have a message saying it's not in service, you have to have a matching extension actually exist and execute a playback of such audio files.
01:37.08*** join/#asterisk darkbasic_ (
02:08.06*** join/#asterisk SpeedEvil (~quassel@tor/regular/SpeedEvil)
02:30.13*** join/#asterisk acovrig (
02:31.43*** join/#asterisk jasonwert (~jasonwert@
02:41.20*** join/#asterisk andresmujica (~andresmmu@ubuntu/member/andresmujica)
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03:08.24*** join/#asterisk hariom (31cefb58@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
03:09.11hariomI am planning to use asterisk for SIP communication only. No Hardward cards are used. Is it required to install Dahdi and LibPRI?
03:09.52PenguinThat depends on your definition of "required."
03:10.00PenguinOh, and your actual needs.
03:10.21ChannelZBut generally no.
03:10.27PenguinAnd maybe your asterisk version.  I don't know if the same needs for dahdi still exist in 10+.
03:10.39ChannelZDAHDI would be needed if you were living in the past on an old asterisk and needed MeetMe
03:11.59*** join/#asterisk darkbasic (
03:12.44hariomChannelZ: I don't have immediate use of Meetme but may in the future. But it is for sure that I am not using telephony cards as I am runing * in AWS
03:13.18hariomChannelZ: so looks like I should install Dahdi due to timing module dependency but I can skip libpri
03:13.24PenguinI'm not using any cards either, and I need dahdi.
03:15.22ChannelZWell, maybe if you're installing as packages yes, because they're forcing some module (like meetme) you don't need
03:15.52ChannelZIf you're running Asterisk 10 or above, you can use ConfBridge (MeetMe is pretty much dead) which doesn't require DAHDI.
03:16.20ChannelZ(Yes ConfBridge was in earlier than that but I believe it was in 10 that it pretty much got feature-par with MeetMe, the first implementation of ConfBridge was basic)
03:17.19hariomChannelZ: I think dahdi required for res_timing_dahdi but not sure what if res_timing_dahdi not present
03:17.43hariomres_timing_dhadi is required for SIP timing?
03:18.21ChannelZIt was pretty much only needed for MeetMe and like one other thing that I'm not remembering this second
03:18.22hariomok. So for now I can safely go ahead without dahdi and libpri
03:18.53PenguinYou never did state your asterisk version (or even which branch) that you're installing.
03:19.00hariomChannelZ: I am just using AGI at this moment
03:19.12hariom11.6 Cert LTS
03:19.20ChannelZWell AGI is unrelated
03:19.31hariomThought to share some info
03:22.14*** part/#asterisk dym (~patrick@unaffiliated/dym)
03:25.00*** join/#asterisk acovrig (
03:39.17PenguinSo I've been thinking about tc -s class ls...
03:39.38Penguinls isn't even a valid tc command according to the manual.
03:40.18Penguinadd, delete, change, replace, link
03:42.52PenguinAnd what I mean by this is that 'tc -s class ls' does not generate any output for me whatsoever.  Straight back to the prompt.
03:43.16ChannelZyou have to give it an interface with 'dev xxx'
03:43.51ChannelZI agree it's not in the docs but it's doing something. tc is a black art
03:44.02PenguinIf I use tc -s class show dev eth1, that gives me info.
03:44.05*** join/#asterisk jzaw (
03:44.32ChannelZOK yeah that looks the same.  ls must be an alias for show.
03:44.59ChannelZAn undocumented one, but there you go
03:45.09PenguinAnd now that I have run that, I see why you didn't approve my answer regarding rate.
03:45.48PenguinWhen I replied about rate, I was talking about rate in this line:
03:45.51Penguinclass htb 1:a parent 1:1 leaf 8014: prio 0 quantum 24750 rate 1980Kbit ceil 4400Kbit burst 15Kb/8 mpu 0b overhead 0b cburst 1599b/8 mpu 0b overhead 0b level 0
03:45.53ChannelZYeah I was talking of the statistics rate it shows for the class, not the rate you are configuring.
03:45.59PenguinWhere rate is the bandwidth I have allocated.
03:46.24PenguinBut now I see that you were talking about:
03:46.29ChannelZI'm talking about the subclasses
03:47.00ChannelZIt's basically the current rate through that class.  But it's averaged over a fairly long period of time.
03:47.40PenguinI can tell you that it only changes once every 5th second.
03:48.02PenguinFor four seconds, it remains unchanged.
03:48.05ChannelZLike earilier I had 1 call going, so my voip priority class had about 85kbit/sec going through it.  When the call ended it took like 15+ seconds for it to work its way down to near-0
03:49.40PenguinI doubt this information would be in a typical document about tc.  You might find it in the source, though.
03:50.14*** join/#asterisk andresmujica (~andresmmu@ubuntu/member/andresmujica)
03:53.25PenguinI will say that it is not apparent.
03:53.49PenguinI did a test from 0bit, make a single call...
03:54.10PenguinIt jumped to near 20000bit as soon as RTP was engaged.
03:54.39PenguinI ended the call as soon as I saw any rate >0.  And then it took about 2 minutes for it to drop back to 0 again.
03:55.50*** join/#asterisk CeBe1 (
03:57.02ChannelZYeah. I guess it's not entirely important, I just wondered if someone happened to know
03:57.39PenguinI thought I did, but I was telling you about a different rate from the one you were asking about.
04:10.04*** join/#asterisk bmurt (
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04:29.32*** join/#asterisk hariom (31cefb58@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
04:31.53hariomI have successfully installed asterisk. I have now created a system user "asterisk" without home directory and password. Ownership of asterisk files, log, run directories assigned to "asterisk" user and also changed runuser and rungroup in asterisk.conf
04:32.11hariomBut when I connect asterisk as "asterisk -cvvvvvvvv" I get this msg:
04:32.57hariomI am logged in as a normal user other than "asterisk".
04:34.07*** join/#asterisk darkbasic_ (
04:37.03Penguinhariom: What does 'getent passwd asterisk' print out?
04:37.36Milos[Nov  1 14:47:35] WARNING[11852]: chan_sip.c:3755 __sip_xmit: sip_xmit of 0x7f17780683c0 (len 544) to returned -1: Operation not permitted
04:37.40Milosjust saw this in my logs
04:37.41hariomPenguin: asterisk:x:108:115::/var/lib/asterisk:/bin/false
04:38.03PenguinOkay, so the home dir and shell are set to something sensible.
04:38.04Milosthere's about 4 of them in the space of 30 seconds and then went away
04:38.08Milosshould I be investigating something?
04:41.45ChannelZIf asterisk is trying to chown but you're running it as a different user, it can't.
04:43.20*** join/#asterisk theron (~theron@
04:44.15ChannelZIE if you run it as root it will be able to change its identity to asterisk.  But when run as some other non-priviledged user, it can't.
04:44.53PenguinUse the init script or safe_asterisk to start it.
04:47.36ChannelZMilos: Yes and no. Seeing as the IP was a LAN one, I assume those popped up when someone hung up in the middle of a playback, like voicemail or something.
04:47.55ChannelZOr the peer unexpectedly died
04:56.58Milosah ok
04:57.01Milosmust have died
05:28.05ChannelZDangit.  I still haven't figure out why my traffic shaping kills Twitch streams when some other app is downloading something.. like Steam downloading game updates, or Adobe DLing updates.
05:29.05PenguinWhat's twitch, and does it have a service type on its packets?
05:29.23*** join/#asterisk vinhdizzo (
05:29.27Penguinor a specific port?, live game streaming.  Via Flash (uggggh)
05:32.06ChannelZI guess I need to actually look and see if the stream is UDP or TCP, I don't actually know.
05:32.53PenguinIf it has a specific port or a type, that would make it a lot easier to set a guaranteed bandwidth for it.
05:32.57ChannelZevery damn time I launch Steam though it seems there's a new Team Fortress update. Ugh.
05:32.59PenguinOr if they only have one IP address.
05:33.20PenguinAny unique bit of info would be useful.
05:34.20ChannelZWell this is all incoming of course.  But I would figure I should be getting a decent balance on the incoming traffic I'm using SFQ on my outgoing, so the ACKs would be fairly distributed and not allowing one download to drown out another.
05:37.11PenguinIt would also depend on which interface you've applied your qdiscs to.
05:38.34PenguinI don't try to control any traffic other than outbound of my WAN-connected interface.
05:38.42PenguinNothing else really matters.
05:38.47ChannelZYeah that's where mine's all at.
05:42.56PenguinI do have a slight disadvantage with tc.  I don't ever have to manually run any of the tc commands since I am using VyOS on my router.  I just have to configure the stuff, and, when applied, it gets translated to commands behind the scenes.
05:44.19ChannelZI need to ponder my config a bit and see if I can figure out if there's something I'm doing badly, or anything I can do about it.
05:46.25ChannelZI guess I can try to debug this somehow by using tcpdump or something to look at the ACKs and see if they're clumping for some reason, or something.  Hmm.
05:46.41PenguinIt can't hurt.
05:47.16PenguinBut with sfq, that really shouldn't happen at all.
05:47.34ChannelZYeah you'd think.
05:47.56PenguinThat's what that qdisc is supposed to prevent.
05:47.59ChannelZI need something to eat first. BBL
06:03.28*** join/#asterisk sparetire_ (~sparetire@unaffiliated/sparetire)
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10:02.32*** join/#asterisk D-Boy (~D-Boy@unaffiliated/cain)
10:04.25*** join/#asterisk MaliutaLap (nikolai@unaffiliated/maliuta)
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10:36.07*** join/#asterisk hariom (b7526925@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
10:37.02hariomI am trying to load in modules.conf file as: required => but it is not loading and asterisk is failing to start. What could be the reason why is not loading. Could you help in debug?
10:38.12WIMPyA broken config file.
10:38.48WIMPyTry to load it manually with verbose and debug enabled.
10:40.14WIMPyLooks like you need more verbose/debug.
10:41.15hariomWIMPy: How do I enable more verbose/debug?
10:41.50WIMPy-vvvvvddd e.g.
10:42.42hariomWIMPy: Same result even after adding 7 times d
10:44.24WIMPyThen do it really manually. Remove it from your modules.conf and try to manually 'module load chan_sip' after setting verbose and debug to some high values (like 9 or 99).
10:46.32hariomWIMPy: Surprising, "module load  chan_sip" worked fine
10:46.57WIMPyYou're not loading the websocket module.
10:49.11hariomWIMPy: ah! so that is a dependency for
10:49.38WIMPyThat's unfortunately not optional.
10:50.21*** join/#asterisk darkbasic_ (~quassel@2a01:7e00:e001:315::2)
10:51.23hariomWIMPy: ok, I have added "load =>" before but still it is failing to load
10:52.26WIMPyLet's se... you don't have any rtp modules, either.
10:53.33WIMPyAnd without any bridging modules, I don't think you will get very far, even after it loads.
10:53.59hariomWIMPy: you mean
10:54.36hariomWIMPy: I am using this installation only for AGI based IVR
10:54.50hariomand only via SIP.
10:55.04WIMPyOk, you might get away without bridging then.
10:55.35WIMPySo what's chan_oss about?
10:56.33*** join/#asterisk darkbasic (
10:56.36hariomWIMPy: it is loaded by default I think. Either chan_oss or chan_alsa
10:57.06WIMPylooks at that modules.conf and wonders "by default"???
10:59.15hariomWIMPy: It was mentioned in the default modules.conf that chan_oss is loaded by default
11:00.57*** join/#asterisk darkbasic_ (~quassel@2a01:7e00:e001:315::2)
11:02.51hariomWIMPy: If I remove "required" and use "load" then asterisk starts fine and I can see the chan_sip loaded in the list generated from "modules show"
11:04.39*** join/#asterisk jzaw (
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12:49.05pais it possible to interface asterisk with a google voice account for calling landlines and mobiles?
12:53.47*** join/#asterisk deranged_user (
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13:31.50pai found an article about it, but it's dated 2013, and as far as i know google somehow locked down the voice protocol afterward
13:34.47*** join/#asterisk ShapeShifter499 (~Raansu@unaffiliated/shapeshifter499)
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14:11.44panobody has any idea?
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15:38.07ChannelZWell they privatized it integrating it into Hangouts, but I'm not sure if they killed the old servers/protocols yet or not.  I thought it was slated for earlier this year
15:48.28pait still works from gmail though
15:48.32pabut it requires the plugin
15:50.32ChannelZIt was the external XMPP interface they were supposedly killing (how Asterisk talked to it)
15:54.57PenguinIt still works.  I use it every day.
15:55.10Penguingtalk, jabber, asterisk 1.8
15:56.56*** join/#asterisk pa (~pa@unaffiliated/pa)
15:57.16ChannelZSo they just said they were going to kill it to try and get people to stop abusing it, but didn't?
15:57.19*** join/#asterisk TandyUK (
15:57.38TandyUKhi, is there a way i can get a list of the current active channels, and the codec in use on each?
15:57.48PenguinIt was more about support of the service as opposed to the service.
15:58.05pai found this:
15:58.28pait seems one can use a DID channel, but dont know what it is. im gonna read now
15:58.31PenguinOh, you left for a minute...
15:58.37Penguin(1054.53) <Penguin> It still works.  I use it every day.
15:58.37Penguin(1055.11) <Penguin> gtalk, jabber, asterisk 1.8
15:58.56pathat's great then! i simply need a xmpp channel?
15:59.17PenguinI use res_jabber for that.
15:59.31paah i see. and i can call landlines right?
15:59.42pado i need a specific codec?
16:01.04pai really need it because it seems that now the phone operator changed the prices
16:01.12paand all calls cost 10cent per minute
16:01.17pathat is crazy
16:01.26PenguinWhere are you located?
16:01.32pain italy
16:01.47PenguinAnd you're able to use the google voice service from there?
16:02.23pahm.. to be honest i haven't tried, but i can try now
16:02.34pais thre some common knowledge it is blocked from italy?
16:02.35fileyou can only sign up for Google Voice in the US
16:02.37WIMPyAFAIK you can use it from everywhere, yu just can't sign up from outside the US.
16:02.40pai can use to call italian numbers
16:02.56pai am using it from norway tho
16:03.22pabut maybe it's not the same thing you mean, no?
16:03.24PenguinYou're in Italy and using the service from Norway?  How does that work?
16:03.27pai start to doubt
16:03.55pawhat i mean for google voice is what you get from gmail -> call phone
16:04.16pawell i'min norway but my asterisk is in italy
16:05.37PenguinOkay, then you're using it from Italy.
16:06.09pawell at the moment i just tried it to call from norway to italy, but i would like to use it to call from italy to italy
16:06.12paiirc it should work
16:06.21pai used it from there to call the US some time ago
16:06.42*** join/#asterisk pppingme (~pppingme@unaffiliated/pppingme)
16:07.25PenguinI guess the limitation was sign up.  I was kind of under the impression that access was limited, but I don't have any evidence to support this thought.
16:09.09pai'm installing the plugin now, so to try :)
16:10.33PenguinWhat asterisk branch are you using?
16:12.37pahm.. ubuntu 14.04 one, i think is 11.7
16:13.09PenguinI'm using asterisk 1.8, chan_gtalk, and res_jabber.
16:14.12pais that older than asterisk 1.11? i guess, right.. chan_gtalk is for?
16:14.36Penguin1.11 isn't a thing, but 1.8 is an older branch than 11.
16:14.37pabtw google voice seems to work from italy too, from the browser
16:15.21paok, let's see then
16:15.41PenguinI wouldn't know if chan_gtalk or res_jabber are available in 11.
16:16.44paPenguin, it seems i have both
16:17.19ChannelZit's xmpp and motif now
16:17.51ChannelZres_xmpp and chan_motif that is
16:18.15paso chan_gtalk became motif
16:18.21PenguinI also have chan_jingle.  I forgot about that.
16:18.38*** join/#asterisk blee (
16:19.11PenguinIt seems that chan_jingle is used for getting incoming calls from google voice into asterisk.
16:19.43paah i see.. well this in fact i don't really need
16:19.55pahere one doesn't have to pay to receive calls
16:19.59filechan_gtalk did not become motif, chan_motif was a complete rewrite
16:20.03pa(here= europe)
16:20.17Penguinfile: How does chan_jingle relate to those?
16:20.43filechan_jingle implements Jingle, chan_gtalk implements the Google Voice/original Google Talk version
16:20.58filechan_motif implements all 3 current derivatives in one
16:20.59*** join/#asterisk zpotoloom (
16:21.15pawhat's jingle? the newest declination of the xmpp google mod?
16:21.19PenguinOh, interesting.
16:21.23fileJingle is a standard
16:21.39filewhat Google Voice uses is NOT Jingle
16:22.00Penguinused before?
16:22.16PenguinWhy would we need chan_jingle for google voice in the past?
16:22.24fileyou wouldn't
16:22.44filebut it allowed voice calls over XMPP with stuff implementing the standard
16:23.50PenguinIt seems like you're making contradictions there.
16:24.03filehow so?
16:24.12filethere are 3 ways to do voice calls over XMPP
16:24.25pain motif.conf it mentions jingle in transport=google
16:24.34fileGoogle has 2 versions unique to them - one is the oldest and is used on Google Voice and one is newer, and then there is an actual XEP which is a standard called Jingle
16:25.11filechan_gtalk implemented the older Google one, chan_jingle implemented the XEP - and then I wrote chan_motif to clean up the mess and it supports all 3
16:26.19PenguinSo two to three years ago, I could still have full calling capability without chan_jingle?
16:26.35fileit may or may not have worked
16:26.42filethe Google Voice protocol still changed/evolved some
16:27.58PenguinSo the instruction set which included configuring chan_jingle for google voice calls coming inbound must have been to cover that avenue just in case?
16:28.19pait's also confusing this nomenclature, google-talk and google-voice. it seems they do the same thing
16:28.28pa(from google side i mean)
16:28.29fileI doubt it - there was a time, A LONG TIME AGO, gtalk functionality was in chan_jingle
16:29.20pafile: in res_xmpp is it valid if i set status=invisible?
16:29.21PenguinNov 18  2011 /etc/asterisk/jingle.conf
16:29.29PenguinThe last change to the file was a while ago.
16:29.52paalso, do i have to open 5222 on the firewall?
16:30.01pain principle i shouldnt have to, right?
16:30.46PenguinIf you want a new unrelated connection to be allowed to reach a listening daemon on 5222, you'd need to allow it through the firewall.
16:31.08fileinvisible is valid, but I have no idea what it'll do within the context of Google
16:31.23PenguinUnless you are using jabberd or some other xmpp server, you don't need to.
16:33.02pafile, also, in motif.conf i at the moment have a gtalk-endpoint and a gvoice. I assume that the gtalk-endpoint is the one i have to use (because gvoice uses google-v1 transport). The question is: the name in connection= has to be the same as the section in xmpp.conf? the default is "gtalk-account"
16:33.17PenguinDid you read the wiki at all?
16:33.27pai am on that now
16:33.36pabut it seems that it's alittle different
16:33.50pai mean the sections described in the wiki are a little different from what comes with ubuntu
16:34.06*** part/#asterisk blee (
16:34.19pafor example i dont have a context
16:34.35paand i have a transport
16:34.39PenguinYou need to define your context.
16:34.58filecontext all the things!
16:35.47*** join/#asterisk areski (~areski@
16:36.36pabut what is the connection then?
16:36.53pai mean can i leave it to its default "gtalk-account"? or do i have to change it?
16:36.58PenguinI think if you use connection=google in motif.conf, you need to create section [google] in xmpp.conf.
16:37.10paok now i get it :)
16:37.35PenguinAh, no!
16:37.46PenguinI forgot the g!
16:37.58PenguinLet's try that again...
16:38.00PenguinI think if you use connection=google in motif.conf, you need to create section [google] in xmpp.conf.
16:38.10PenguinThere.  Much better.
16:38.52pacan i somehow disable incoming calls?
16:42.21PenguinI can think of a couple possibilities.
16:42.52PenguinIn the call routing in the web page, you could select something that isn't google chat or whatever they've renamed it now.
16:43.13PenguinIn asterisk, you could create the appropriate extension with a no service message or a simple hangup.
16:44.08pawell but i would like to be able to pick the call up from a browser if im logged in
16:44.16pai simply want asterisk to ignore incoming calls
16:44.37PenguinDon't answer the call in asterisk, then.
16:46.58*** join/#asterisk gusto (~gusto@2a02:810d:8640:da4:221:6aff:feb8:e0b2)
16:48.43pahm.. no channel type registered for 'Motif'
16:49.07PenguinDid you load chan_motif?
16:49.28pashouldnt it do by default?
16:50.00pai can see that rex_xmpp works
16:50.07PenguinWhy would it?
16:50.08pai need to check motif
16:50.39paPenguin, well, is there a way to make asterisk load the channel automatically then?
16:50.48PenguinAfter you configure motif.conf, load chan_motif.
16:51.46paok i think there's an error
16:51.48pathats why
16:51.53paiin motif.conf i mean
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16:55.36PenguinWhen the conf is present, and when you have autoload enabled, it will load automatically.
16:57.49pagreat now it works  i think :) but i have to write the country code all the time i think
16:58.20PenguinLearn how to create better asterisk extensions to reduce what you have to key in.
16:58.32pamaybe i could detect when there's no 00 or + in front, and automatically add one country code
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17:21.26pashouldnt this work to mangle numbers without area code?
17:22.40ChannelZ${0039EXTEN} doesn't mean anything
17:23.01ChannelZI think you want 0039${EXTEN} if you're intending to add 0039 to the front of the dialed exten
17:23.15paoh i see
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17:31.29paWIMPy, i think this genious move of the operator makes also disappear my need for outgoing ISDN calls :)
17:31.46pabut it's good that i can still use it for callerid logging
17:32.07rachoi'm having a terrible audio delay (~10-15s) when entering a queue. neither the asterisk box is under heavy load nor is the network connection under stress. can anyone provide a clue where to look for the problem?
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17:38.09Penguinracho: You already increased asterisk's CLI verbose level to watch call processing?
17:42.21rachoPenguin, yeah i did. everything is goes through the ivr and up to after the Queue command when the the audio just degrades horribly
17:42.47PenguinAre you using the same codec end to end?
17:43.19rachoi'm pretty sure I do
17:44.53rachothe call originates from another trunk that acts as a 'router' to this one...both of the are restricted only to alaw/ulaw
17:46.41rachoas are the the softphones of the agents too
17:47.07PenguinMy only good ideas were network or CPU load creating latency, and you said there isn't any load.
17:47.52racho0.16, 0.08, 0.09 <- current load levels
17:48.52rachoi also suspected the network intially..but after tracerouting/pinging it really didn't show anything unusuall
17:49.15PenguinDid you use mtr in udp mode?
17:49.43rachoyes i did
17:50.32ChannelZSo when a call goes into a queue, once the call is actually connected to someone there's a 10-15 sec delay in the audio?
17:51.18ChannelZ10-15 *seconds* is a LOT
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17:53.41rachoChannelZ, yes it is. I can live with 1-2sec but this...I tried calling a static extension on the same server and the audio is basically excellent
17:54.22rachohowever once am agent takes a call off the queue both parties suffer severe lag/degradetion
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18:05.56rachoany idea what else could lead to this?
18:13.37ChannelZNot offhand
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