IRC log for #asterisk on 20141013

00:00.24*** join/#asterisk fstd (~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted)
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01:25.32*** join/#asterisk Vutral (~ss@mirbsd/special/Vutral)
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03:51.45*** join/#asterisk ShapeShifter499 (~Raansu@unaffiliated/shapeshifter499)
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04:31.00*** join/#asterisk babak_ (02b2b270@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
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05:15.19*** join/#asterisk FreezingCold (~FreezingC@
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05:49.40ruben23hi guys..i have an asterisk but when i tyoeL reload or dialplan reload, it wont do anything so action no error, it just freeze, it like all my comands file up on the CLI>
05:49.51ruben23seems the asterisk just lagged so much
05:51.50ruben23anyone can help
05:56.10ruben23elastix*CLI> reload
05:56.10ruben23The previous reload command didn't finish yet
06:13.52ChannelZI've had that with wonky modules, like the old Skype for Asterisk or maybe jabber
06:18.19*** join/#asterisk slav3_kitten (~frankthet@unaffiliated/slav3-kitten/x-0866809)
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07:15.57*** join/#asterisk drmessano (~nonya@pdpc/supporter/active/drmessano)
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07:21.19*** join/#asterisk D30 (~deo@
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07:30.52*** join/#asterisk slav3_kitten (~frankthet@unaffiliated/slav3-kitten/x-0866809)
07:38.00stevenmHey is it possible to use a PAP2 / PAP2T / SPA112 / SPA122 / whatever as a very tiny PBX?   one with just two analogue extensions that can call each other?
07:51.26*** join/#asterisk areski (
07:58.57*** part/#asterisk ruben23 (~OpenDial0@
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08:30.14tparcinaWhen I transfer outgoing phone call to another person, the call is recorded just until the transfer.
08:30.24tparcinaHow to record the whole phone call?
08:40.22*** join/#asterisk CeBe (
08:43.22*** join/#asterisk babak_ (02b2b270@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
08:44.51*** join/#asterisk W0rmDr1nk (~wormdrink@unaffiliated/wormdrink)
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09:02.33*** join/#asterisk danjenkins (~dan@
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09:16.46*** join/#asterisk giorgiodinapoli (
09:17.33giorgiodinapolihey guys normaly on establishing a connection we get an SDP telegram with o-= Port and IP.... but in some cases this o-=parameter is missing...
09:46.12*** join/#asterisk iulhk (~iulhk@
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13:21.39*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (
13:25.46*** join/#asterisk Pernat (
13:26.12Pernathi. someone can tell me how to record all calls in asterisk?
13:27.26WIMPyBy using Monitor() or MixMonitor().
13:28.02Pernatand it will record calls as wave files?
13:29.09WIMPyWhat you specify.
13:30.29MadHatter42has anyone installed asterisk in an amazon instance ?
13:31.00echelonshouldn't be any different from installing on any other instance
13:31.12echeloni'm sure there's AMI's that have asterishit preinstalled
13:32.10MadHatter42i've successfully created an ami with a freepbx image
13:32.22MadHatter42i made localy in virtualbox
13:32.25MadHatter42ive set it up
13:32.43MadHatter42the extensions register but they cant dial each other
13:32.47MadHatter42i get a directly 503
13:33.23*** join/#asterisk mjordan (~mjordan@nat/digium/x-yurjyapwkihhlecs)
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13:36.10*** join/#asterisk MaliutaLap (~nobusines@unaffiliated/maliuta)
13:38.38*** join/#asterisk jhlavacek (
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13:52.08*** join/#asterisk u0m3_ (~u0m3@
13:52.46Pernatwhich format is best quality/size for call recordings?
13:53.38WIMPyEither you want small or you want good or you make a compromise.
13:55.06*** join/#asterisk CeBe1 (
13:56.07Pernati meant best quality and size ratio so compromise
13:57.12WIMPyYou could also record in full quality and transcode afterwards.
13:57.24WIMPyGives you more choice.
13:58.47Pernatokay. i will stay with wav. it is possible to record calls to caller number folder?
14:00.05WIMPyYou specify the file name. If you want to include the caller ID as directory, do so.
14:00.05WIMPyBut don't forget to ensure the directory exists.
14:06.52*** join/#asterisk danjenkins (~dan@nat/digium/x-bluisacqfuhcmnuv)
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14:40.50*** join/#asterisk FreezingCold (~FreezingC@
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15:25.30*** join/#asterisk FreezingCold (~FreezingC@
15:30.48*** join/#asterisk igcewieling (
15:31.28igcewielingI have autocreatepeer=yes, but it appears these created peers are never removed, even on a sip reload.  Asterisk 11
15:34.47*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (
15:35.56catphishyay, upgrade 1.8 -> 13 surprisingly smooth so far :)
15:38.58*** join/#asterisk babak_ (02b2b270@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
15:45.35*** join/#asterisk D-Boy (~D-Boy@unaffiliated/cain)
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15:56.47igcewielingAsterisk 13: The Jason Voorhees Edition
15:56.54*** part/#asterisk mjt (
15:58.44*** join/#asterisk evilman_work (~evilman@
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16:09.03*** part/#asterisk c0rnoTa (
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16:14.39*** join/#asterisk gusto (~gusto@2a02:810d:8640:da4:221:6aff:feb8:e0b2)
16:19.36*** join/#asterisk matt_ (
16:20.13matt_does anybody know why, if I have an outboundproxy=host:port,force set if i specify host= in the sip.conf asterisk attempt to connect directly to host= ?
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16:25.50*** join/#asterisk FreezingCold (~FreezingC@
16:28.10catphishso far *everything* from my fairly complex 1.8 installation has worked in 13
16:28.25catphishlooking forward to using the new channel logging
16:28.32*** join/#asterisk babak_ (02b2a052@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
16:35.34mjordancatphish: cool, good to hear
16:58.17*** join/#asterisk Aamit (~amit@
16:58.27newtonrmatt_, IDK - what version are you using? If you search JIRA for "outboundproxy ignored" you'll see a few issues, most of which have been fixed.  There is an open issue where it isn't respected on qualify.
17:04.32pabelangermatt_, if you are using the global outboundproxy, all traffic goes to the proxy
17:04.49pabelangerif you setup a peer outboundproxy, it goes to that
17:04.54*** join/#asterisk evilman_work (~evilman@
17:05.09pabelangerso, if you need a global outbound proxy but want peer traffic to do to a specific host
17:05.26pabelangerset host=a.b.c.d and outboundproxy=a.b.c.d for that peer
17:05.29pabelangerthat is what we do
17:05.37*** join/#asterisk slav3_kitten (~frankthet@unaffiliated/slav3-kitten/x-0866809)
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17:36.35saxahi i'm experiencing disconnections on my E1 line, and on the console i see this:
17:36.41saxaany idea ?
17:37.01saxathe calls in both inbound and outbound lasts about 30s
17:37.08saxathen it dosconnects
17:37.59*** join/#asterisk SpeedEvil (~quassel@tor/regular/SpeedEvil)
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17:48.04*** join/#asterisk babak_ (02b2a052@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
18:07.48igcewielingI have autocreatepeer=yes, but it appears these created peers are never removed, even on a sip reload.  Asterisk 11.  Any ideas on how to get rid of those autocreated peers after I'm done with them?
18:14.46*** join/#asterisk FreezingCold (~FreezingC@
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18:50.13*** join/#asterisk jeffspeff (~jeffspeff@
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18:51.50jeffspeffI'm having an odd issue with some new polycom phones i'm setting up. in my tftp logs, i see them constantly requesting 2345-12375-001.bootrom.ld instead of anything related to their mac address. 2345-12375-001.bootrom.ld is not a file i use or ever have used. i'm setting the tftp boot server via option 66 in the dhcp server. the phones just keep requesting 2345-12375-001.bootrom.ld, seemingly regardl
18:51.50jeffspeffess of what their config file tells them to use.
18:54.49*** join/#asterisk mirela666 (~mirko.bra@
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19:37.14nnyhas anyone ever discovered a php or other based polycom config file generator? I am working with polycoms again for the first time in a while and don't miss how convoluted it is (and it seems it has changed a bit)
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19:41.56nnythis looks interesting
19:43.43igcewielingjeffspeff: the phones NEVER request a firmware file based on the MAC address.
19:44.15igcewielingIf you are missing the 2345-12375-001.bootrom.ld then you need to INSTALL IT.
19:44.31jeffspeffigcewieling, it usually requests MAC.cfg and MAC-phone.cfg which tells the phone which firmware to use
19:45.04igcewielingjeffspeff: sort of, yes.
19:45.18Aamitigcewieling, TFTP Server holds phone configuration image?
19:45.20jeffspeffMAC.cfg and MAC-phone.cfg are both configured, just like all the rest on our system,
19:45.36igcewielingjeffspeff: I don't see the problem.
19:45.42igcewielinginstall the file and you'll be done.
19:45.51jeffspeffwe don't use that version of firmware
19:46.01igcewielingyou don't have a choice.
19:46.07igcewielinglook at the phone boot logs.
19:46.22jeffspeffthe problem is that it's not looking at its config file to see the firmware version defined.
19:46.35igcewielingpaste the config file.
19:46.40igcewielingto a pastebin
19:47.05jeffspeffwe use firmware 3.2.6 on the other 139 phones we have.
19:47.17nnysurprised no one has created some rudimentary php based file generator for creating files with the basics
19:47.22jeffspeffwith the same config template
19:47.57igcewielingunfortunatly I cannot help you.   Every single time we've had a similar issue, installing the missing file fixes the issue.
19:48.14igcewielingwithout cofig files and logs there isn't anything else to say.
19:48.28igcewielingWe have around 65 sites and 1,000 phones overall.
19:50.06jeffspeff3.2.6 is the latest version compatible with all the phones we have. i'd rather not have to start supporting multiple firmware versions with different config files.
19:50.23igcewielingwhat EXACT phone is your new phone?
19:50.37jeffspeffip 335 rev AD
19:50.46jeffspeffwe got a batch of 10 that are all doing this
19:50.58igcewieling*nod*   once I see boot logs I might have something else to day.
19:51.03jeffspeffthe batch of 20 we ordered right before this are not having this problem
19:52.11jeffspeffi'd like to see a boot log too, but it keeps trying to do a write request for 0004f25df193-app.log. even though i touched the file, and chmod 777'd it, the file remains empty.
19:52.32igcewielinggads, you are using TFTP?
19:53.00igcewielingsucks to be you.
19:53.21jeffspefftcp dump on the tftp server keeps spamming "14:06:00.689340 IP >  47 RRQ "2345-12375-001.bootrom.ld" octet blksize 4096" and "14:08:30.180639 IP >  42 WRQ "0004f25df193-app.log" octet blksize 4096"
19:53.31jeffspeffthat's all i get from any of those phones
19:55.16igcewielingWe use FTP for provisioning and generally use something reasonably close to the latest supported by the phone.
19:57.17jeffspeffigcewieling, i noticed on  the far right column on the row for 4.0.0, it says that 331c/335c cannot be downgraded below 4.0.0. according to the user in the office, the phone is rev AD.  I'm wondering if it being newer than rev C would cause this.
19:59.12igcewielingthere you go.
20:00.39jeffspeffmy reserve with that, is i couldn't find any documentation referencing revision AD. So, I'm not sure if it really is rev AD or if the user was even looking in the right spot.
20:05.45nnyIs there a 100% way to reset a polycom so it can be configured via web interface? We try each method on the support doc but it always gets old credentials from *somewhere*. I have checked the boot options for a provisioning server, none is listed
20:07.43nnytrying the 1357 method :\
20:15.52*** join/#asterisk pjensen00 (
20:16.55nnyis there ANY @(*&(@* way to remove a polycom config?! God I hate these things
20:17.13nny1357, wait 6 hours for a boot.. hi old config
20:17.34*** join/#asterisk TazzNZ (
20:27.43igcewielingnny: take a look at the resettings polycom phones link on
20:28.06igcewielingnny: is your DHCP server handing out the relevant options to the phones?
20:30.35*** join/#asterisk D-Boy (~D-Boy@unaffiliated/cain)
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20:51.09nnyigcewieling: nothing in DHCP options. I have ended up creating new config files following a guide (had to kick some old memories) and going to have them enter the FTP of the new server
20:51.28nnyI ended up*
20:52.16nnyevery reset option I try ends up with a provider they had 2 years ago, yet nothing in the provision server settings (pre rom boot) says it is suppose to get one. Dunno
20:52.21nnyso trying this method
20:54.31MaliutaLapnny: ftp? or tftp??
20:54.48nnyMaliutaLap: I am using FTP for the new configs
20:54.58nnyMaliutaLap: I haven't a clue how it keeps recovering the old ones
20:55.02igcewielingThe reset device settings should clear out the ftp / tftp / prov info
20:55.34nnyigcewieling: haha so I thought. I have tired the 1357 method as well as admin menu (and resetting via the various options (local, web, etc)
20:55.54igcewielingalways works for us.
20:56.13igcewielingthankfully recent firmware releases also have a "reset to factory" option
20:56.38nnyigcewieling: yeah these are 320s.
20:56.42nnyso stuck at 3.X
20:57.44nnyjust gonna treat em like new phones, wrote ample configs for them to register, features etc and hopefully when they set the FTP it overrides whatever demon they have. I wonder if the original provider has the provision hardcoded in the firmware somehow
20:57.57nnyalso gonna do a file format
20:58.02nnybefore they prov. via FTP
20:58.25igcewielinga packet capture will tell you
20:58.37nnyyeah I do assume it is ftp from the source somehow
20:58.47nnyas it grabbed them AFTER a reset ha.
20:59.07*** join/#asterisk ShapeShifter499 (~Raansu@unaffiliated/shapeshifter499)
20:59.25nnybefore they had used the web config to change it to a new system they had. I am just working with old phones/new server kind of thing
20:59.37nnygetting them on the in house vanilla kick
21:02.04nnythanks for the feedback guys. File Format + configs/sip load on new server should do it
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21:22.03nnywhat's the difference between the combined and split packages from polycom? Phone is reading MAC.cfg but ignoring MAC-settings.cfg (even though it is listed in MAC.cfg). Boot log shows said '2345-12200-001.sip.ld' is not present
21:22.17nnywondering if that's an issue or red herring
21:22.37thekkidI'm getting a bunch of dropped calls on my box and I'm not sure what's causing it. It's a 481 Call leg/transaction does not exist. Any idea why?
21:22.41nnyit's grabbing sip.ld however
21:26.11*** part/#asterisk igcewieling (
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23:22.39fury_hey everybody, since I don't even know what I'm looking for is called, I have a quick little one-liner I've learned to use in the asterisk CLI. How can I do that as a one-liner using bash? (eg. execute that one command and quit). Also preferably on a remote asterisk server, eg some sort of telnet like interface
23:23.39WIMPyFor the first part asterisk -x, for the 2nd part ssh is the standard answer.
23:26.12fury_thanks, so, let's suppose ssh isn't really feasible. is there a way to get it to listen on some sort of console where this could be done? it seems the CLI is connecting to a socket somewhere, right?
23:26.52WIMPyYes, but it's a unix socket.
23:26.54fury_I'm really just after a proof of concept here
23:27.14fury_ah, so not going to be accessible from a remote box. no way to get it to listen on say a local IP huh?
23:27.33WIMPyIf you want that, you have to write that yourself.
23:29.04WIMPyBut maybe you should take a look at AMI. That listens on a tcp socket.
23:39.49saxahi i'm experiencing disconnections on my E1 line, and on the console i see this:
23:40.02saxaany ideas suggestions why this is happening ?
23:53.34*** join/#asterisk jzaw (

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