IRC log for #asterisk on 20141011

00:00.23*** join/#asterisk fstd (~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted)
01:07.27*** join/#asterisk bmurt (
01:32.00*** join/#asterisk evil_gordita (
01:38.41*** join/#asterisk Vutral (~ss@mirbsd/special/Vutral)
01:50.09*** join/#asterisk Cynagen (
02:02.22*** join/#asterisk evil_gordita (
02:05.00*** join/#asterisk darkbasic (
02:25.27*** join/#asterisk blee (
02:38.32*** join/#asterisk Apteryx (
02:38.51ApteryxHello, * people!
02:39.34WIMPylooks at the calendar. I think it should be "party people" now.
02:41.11Apteryxhehe. Montreal night-life just around the corner. It's just that * is so much fun ;)
02:42.49WIMPyYou are still new to it?
02:42.55ApteryxCouldn't get opus passthrough going though. Using either pjsip or good old chan_sip.
02:43.02Apteryxyes, still quite new to it!
02:43.13WIMPyThought so.
02:44.50ApteryxAre you a Digium employee? You seem to hang out here often.
02:45.25WIMPyI probably wouldn't be allowed to make such comments, I guess.
02:47.13*** join/#asterisk evil_gordita (
02:58.24ApteryxWIMPy: ok. And just by curiosity, what kind of IRC client do you use to keep track of its activity? I'm only using irssi, it's just so easy to forget about it.
02:58.55Apteryxok, I'll check it out.
02:59.01WIMPyBut usually I will only read back a few lines, if at all.
02:59.15WIMPyMight become an interesting journey.
02:59.22Apteryxok! Guess I'm lucky then. :)
03:01.45PenguinI've been using irssi for probably 13 years... what's your complaint about it?
03:03.02ApteryxPenguin: I love it, just that I thought the hardcore IRC users had some kind of notification system. Maybe geek enough to have their own bot, I don't know :)
03:03.25PenguinWhat kind of notification are you referring to?
03:04.16WIMPyI don't have any notifications, just some scripted management of queries. But I do have some bot stuff in as well.
03:04.22ApteryxMaybe some sound when someone answers your question, or some visual sign that the channel is active.
03:04.35Penguinirssi does that by default.
03:04.58Apteryxdoes what? :)
03:04.59WIMPyThere are activity bars in all lists.
03:05.10Penguin(2204.22) <Apteryx> Maybe some sound when someone answers your question, or some visual sign that the channel is active.
03:05.14PenguinIt does those.
03:05.18PenguinBy default.
03:05.31Apteryxoh. I guess ubuntu defaults are screwed up then.
03:05.52ApteryxI never heard a sound coming from irssi
03:06.03Penguinapteryx: When someone addresses you, it should sound the system bell.
03:07.12Apteryxah, the system bell. That would explain why I never heard it! It's one of those thing I turn off quickly. I'll try to put it back on for fun.
03:08.54WIMPydigs in to his script...
03:11.25Apteryx/etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf:blacklist pcspkr
03:12.04PenguinWhen a channel that you do not have in focus has activity, the window number lights up.
03:12.35ApteryxPenguin, yes, I have this also.
03:12.45PenguinWhen a channel that you do not have in focus gets a highlight for you, it lights up a different color.
03:12.56PenguinSo it does the things you are complaining that it doesn't do.
03:13.04PenguinIt sounds more like YOU are what is broken.
03:13.16Apteryxhahaha, probably ;)
03:13.47WIMPyThat reminds me that I should try Cretin some day.
03:13.55PenguinIf you think irssi doesn't cater to the user, you should try ii sometime.
03:14.21ApteryxCretin! Nice name.
03:14.36ApteryxCould have been written by Linus
03:14.52WIMPyI'm not using Linux :-)
03:15.12*** join/#asterisk mjordan (~mjordan@
03:15.12*** mode/#asterisk [+o mjordan] by ChanServ
03:15.18ApteryxWIMPy: Debian Hurd? ;)
03:15.40WIMPyNo nix
03:15.45PenguinHe uses Plan 9.
03:15.47WIMPyRISC OS
03:16.24Penguindual boot, Plan 9 and BeOS
03:16.39WIMPyI whish I had Plan 1 :-)
03:16.44ApteryxAre ARM CPUs RISC?
03:17.20WIMPyIt's THE RISC :-)
03:17.36Apteryxmakes sense
03:18.08WIMPyAnd the R im ARM actually stands for RISC.
03:18.10ApteryxSo what is this RISC OS about? GNU tools are all there?
03:18.25WIMPyRecursive acronyms...
03:18.49WIMPyWell, maybe. I never cared.
03:21.34ApteryxWIMPy: What do you use it for?
03:21.41ApteryxLow power home server?
03:22.13WIMPyMainly IRC and text editing.
03:22.25WIMPyAnd yes, it still does mail.
03:23.04WIMPyI haven't found any usable editor for linux, yet.
03:23.22ApteryxWIMPy: ok! Really? vim, emacs are not to your taste?
03:23.37WIMPyNot really, no.
03:23.49ApteryxMaybe nano ;)
03:23.50WIMPyIf I have to use one locally, I usually use jove.
03:24.50WIMPyMaybe they could be made to work for me if I spend at least a whole week configuring them.
03:25.09WIMPyBut is it worth it if you already have a better solution?
03:25.46ApteryxWell, it _is_ on linux. Just installed it on Ubuntu with an `apt-get install jove`?
03:26.21WIMPyYes, that's what I said. If I have to use someting on Linux, that's what I usually use.
03:26.28Apteryxah, ok.
03:26.50ApteryxBut I wanted to know what is the better one on RISC OS for you. You got me curious.
03:27.37WIMPyI prefer Zap but the contender - StrongEd - is also very nice.
03:27.54WIMPyIt's like vi vs emacs in some way ;-)
03:28.40*** join/#asterisk yokel (~yokel@unaffiliated/contempt)
03:32.54ApteryxWIMPy: I see! Very strange that these tools never got port over other systems? Must be really underground.
03:33.59WIMPyThat's because they are written in assembler.
03:35.02WIMPyBut that also means that they outperform anythig running on my quad core 2933 MHZ PC even when running on an 8 MHZ ARM2.
03:35.43WIMPyI'm in fact often annoyed by how slow things are on the PC.
03:36.09PenguinDrink another pint of beer.
03:40.37Apteryx:D. Are you porting * to this RISC OS? ;)
03:41.06WIMPyI have never used a compiler here.
03:41.17Penguincross compile
03:41.37WIMPyAnd I doubt Asterisk would fit in to the RAM.
03:41.43ApteryxHmm. Are you aligning opcodes in an hex editor? ;)
03:41.51WIMPyAnd it's pretty pointless without some hardware interfaces.
03:42.04WIMPyThey are always aligned :-)
03:43.08WIMPyAnd when I see how long it takes Asterisk to ring my phone on the PC, I guess most callers would have hung up before my phone stared to tring if I tried it on a 200MHz machine.
03:44.48ApteryxMight have more luck porting SIP Witch
03:44.58Apteryxlooks pretty small.
03:46.32WIMPyI actually used this box for voicemail and fax before I tried it with Linux.
03:47.19WIMPyHad two ZyXEL TAs connected to it.
03:48.03WIMPyWell I didn't try fax on linux. That ran here as long as I had a phone line.
03:48.32*** join/#asterisk Cynagen (
03:49.58ApteryxTomorrow I will try FreeSWITCH. Anybody tried it here? Looks good, on paper.
03:50.29WIMPyYes. But I couldn't make it work with hardware.
03:51.07Apteryxok! I guess that's its main drawback. Lack of hardware support. But for SIP seems like a good way to go.
03:51.48WIMPyOh, and I hate XML configs, off course.
03:52.08ApteryxI'm mostly curious to see how well it deals with OPUS.
03:52.27ApteryxAnd codec negotiation in general.
03:52.28WIMPyWell, SIP isn't important here. Hardware and IAX are.
03:52.43ApteryxOn Asterisk it seems to get passthrough only one codec must be allowed.
03:53.07WIMPyDid you try it on 13?
03:53.18ApteryxYep. Compiled v13 from SVN.
03:53.23ApteryxMaybe got a bad day ;)
03:56.05ApteryxOk, night here. Talk to you later :) Enjoy your Friday night!
03:56.41WIMPyIt's been Saturday for almost 6 hours :-)
03:58.20ApteryxEuropeans ;)
03:59.38ApteryxYou'll get the sunrise if not already!
04:00.36WIMPyNah, to far in to winter.
04:01.20WIMPy1¾ hours til sunrise.
04:05.27nextimeis really sad that asterisk-gui is deprecated
04:05.32WIMPytries his first OpenVox
04:08.10*** join/#asterisk notzopsi (
04:18.14*** join/#asterisk Cynagen (
04:20.49*** join/#asterisk spicyramen_ (
04:24.41WIMPygives up on trying to connect the power connector. It's impossible in this case :-(
04:30.25*** join/#asterisk aruntomar (~arun@
05:05.19*** join/#asterisk yokel (~yokel@unaffiliated/contempt)
05:05.21*** join/#asterisk evil_gordita (
05:15.36*** join/#asterisk slav3_sergal (~frankthet@unaffiliated/slav3-kitten/x-0866809)
05:17.35*** join/#asterisk hos7ein (~chatzilla@
05:26.08*** part/#asterisk aruntomar (~arun@
06:19.10*** join/#asterisk slav3_kitten (~frankthet@unaffiliated/slav3-kitten/x-0866809)
06:21.53*** join/#asterisk yokel (~yokel@unaffiliated/contempt)
06:33.08*** join/#asterisk Hexxis (~Hexxis@
06:51.32*** join/#asterisk LFS (~John@unaffiliated/lfs)
06:52.33LFScan Asterisk be installed on an existing operating system or is it an full package including its own CentOS?
06:52.56WIMPyYou can get both.
06:53.42LFSWIMPy: are you stating that there are both Asterisk as application and as an OS/Application
06:54.13WIMPyAsteriskNOW is one of the distros.
06:54.49LFSand Asterisk Communications Framework is the application?
06:55.26LFSI've downloaded asterisk-11-current.tar.gz but I'm not sure which one that is
06:55.32WIMPyJust Asterisk
06:55.47WIMPyThat's Asterisk, i.e. the application.
06:56.18LFSCool .. but the documents had me confused
06:56.42LFSI thought I've the downloaded the wrong thing
06:57.19LFSso, is this app compible for windows too?
06:57.38LFSwith normal config make make install on linux
06:59.44WIMPyI don't think it has been tried sucessfully on Windows for ages.
07:00.02WIMPyFor starters try:
07:00.04infobotNew to asterisk configuration? Check out this primer to get started.
07:00.06infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 4th Edition (ISBN 1-4493-3242-0) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and a version is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
07:03.55LFSI downloaded the 3rd edition pdf but I didn't find the 4th in the same format for easy reading
07:04.37jeevcan anyone with ff get to ? new cert, unrecognized..
07:16.47ChannelZworks for me
07:17.48ChannelZwell, ish. I just get redirected to the non-https main site
07:27.26*** join/#asterisk yokel (~yokel@unaffiliated/contempt)
07:45.22LFSI've installed asterisk on the virtual box and it says you can access the GUI by browsing to
07:45.30LFSbut this is not happening
07:45.42LFSany suggestions to fix this issue?
07:50.08ChannelZis that really the IP the vbox has?
07:50.19ChannelZAnd/or is accessable through your host?
07:51.04*** join/#asterisk yokel (~yokel@unaffiliated/contempt)
07:53.24LFSI'm not sure, it was automatically assigned during the intsallation process
07:54.30LFSyeah, now it's accessible
07:54.40ChannelZWell, so networking through VirtualBox is weird
07:54.52LFSI've changed the network adapter configuration on the vbox from NAT to Bridge
08:11.11LFSI'm just exploring the control panel menus and options
08:11.50LFSthis is my first time running this Asterisk and I wanna understand to put it in production
08:16.54ChannelZwell.. really you're exploring FreePBX
09:13.23LFSnow it's time to try to compile and install the source on slackware
09:13.42LFSlet's see if it will lack to many dependencies
09:58.29*** join/#asterisk LFS (~John@unaffiliated/lfs)
10:04.27*** join/#asterisk sawgood (~sawgood@unaffiliated/sawgood)
10:22.23*** join/#asterisk CeBe (
11:11.58*** join/#asterisk drmessano (~nonya@pdpc/supporter/active/drmessano)
12:00.23*** join/#asterisk fstd (~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted)
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12:28.16*** join/#asterisk evilman_home (
13:55.49*** join/#asterisk Kattyroo (
14:01.24*** join/#asterisk Apteryx (
14:02.14ApteryxAm I supposed to be able to connect to already opened TCP connections? I'm trying to test the TCP connections between my UA and Asterisk.
14:02.54ApteryxBut this command: "nc -v -w 1 -z 60109" returns Connection failed.
14:03.12Apteryx( is the address of my UA)
14:15.55WIMPyNo. You can only connect to listening sockets.
14:26.23ApteryxWIMPy: ok.
14:27.05ApteryxSo the only way I can see if a TCP connection is reused rather than recreate everytime is using a packet analyzer?
14:29.19WIMPyThe only reliable way, yes.
14:29.40WIMPyAlthough the port number will probably change on each connection.
14:32.33*** join/#asterisk bmurt (
14:32.37*** join/#asterisk W0rmDr1nk (~wormdrink@unaffiliated/wormdrink)
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15:12.36*** join/#asterisk Apteryx (
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15:20.06*** join/#asterisk gusto (~gusto@2a02:810d:8640:da4:221:6aff:feb8:e0b2)
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15:26.50*** join/#asterisk file (~file@asterisk/developer-and-muffin-lover/file)
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15:49.00*** join/#asterisk slav3_kitten (~frankthet@unaffiliated/slav3-kitten/x-0866809)
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16:21.40GeneralAntillesI'm researching what will be involved in upgrading our old analog PBX to a modern VoIP system.
16:22.37GeneralAntillesWith the Meridian system, calls coming in on the store retail line all ring on every extension, can be answered on any extension, and can be picked up on any extension if placed on hold
16:23.30GeneralAntillesI'm confused about how the singles presses pickup/hold/pickup functionality can be implemented in a SIP system.
16:25.37WIMPyYou should be able to put parkingslots on keys. You probably even get them to light up if there's a call parked.
16:26.27GeneralAntillesCall parking and BLF are the keywords I should be searching, then?
16:29.18GeneralAntillesOK, thanks. :)
16:37.54c|onemancan you change/configure the dialplan on polycom phones using the web interface?
17:12.54*** join/#asterisk darkbasic (
17:24.36*** join/#asterisk gusto (~gusto@2a02:810d:8640:da4:221:6aff:feb8:e0b2)
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18:36.50*** part/#asterisk triplef (~triplef@unaffiliated/triplef)
19:02.08*** join/#asterisk fp2099 (
19:03.04fp2099Anyone add a problem with asterisk not properly killing channels with Polycom hardphones?
19:49.38PenguinIs that a feature request?
20:10.26*** join/#asterisk evil_gordita (
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23:08.10*** join/#asterisk bmurt (
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23:59.17*** join/#asterisk fstd (~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted)

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