IRC log for #asterisk on 20141010

00:00.22*** join/#asterisk fstd (~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted)
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00:15.08perecehello everyone
00:15.20WIMPyhello perece
00:15.50pereceis there any way to use dyna hints when SIP username != extension number?
00:19.14WIMPyOnly if they share the dynamic part.
00:20.54perecethat is, only ext number is different, right?
00:27.42*** join/#asterisk yokel (~yokel@unaffiliated/contempt)
00:32.25WIMPyOr part of it.
00:34.45pereceahh, nevermind. solved it with ${PREFIX${EXTEN}}. was just wild try, never actually expected _nested_ variavle expansion (w/o EVAL) but it works..
00:35.38WIMPySome nice litte magic. Yes.
00:47.38*** join/#asterisk stevePearPear (
00:55.10*** join/#asterisk FreezingCold (~FreezingC@
00:57.01bibz2anyone a idea on my anonymous caller topic? I want to display the number even if someone is calling in anonymously
01:04.53*** join/#asterisk bmurt (
01:05.11*** join/#asterisk bibz2 (
01:21.47WIMPybibz2: From where?
01:44.20WIMPy<pzn> [TK]D-Fender, great! AMI originate solves it. tks
01:44.27WIMPy[15:01] calum_ has joined #asterisk
01:44.37WIMPy[15:02] calum_ has left IRC (Remote host closed the connection)
01:44.39WIMPy<mjt> hello.  I'm trying out asterisk, started with a zoiper sip client on my
01:44.42WIMPymobile phone, using a wifi network (the acces point is the same machine
01:53.32*** join/#asterisk darkbasic (
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03:23.38*** join/#asterisk camerin (
03:42.22*** join/#asterisk al_nz1 (
03:42.33al_nz1Can someone hack me if I give you my ip please?
03:54.34[TK]D-FenderWIMPy: Accidental copy/paste?
04:00.46*** join/#asterisk sizeof9 (
04:11.14al_nz1Hey [TK]D-Fender
04:13.02*** join/#asterisk babak_ (02b2b806@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
04:27.13ChannelZis it
04:29.17al_nz1ChannelZ: no
04:29.39al_nz1but I can send you it
04:29.54al_nz1using notice
04:32.29ChannelZWhat is it you would like me to do?
04:32.43al_nz1attack it with sip
04:32.46al_nz1try to register
04:38.18al_nz1let me know when you have had 1 attempt, I may make some changes
04:41.38ChannelZNo response.
04:42.49ChannelZno ping either
04:43.20al_nz1perfect - let me make my iptables a little more permissive
04:44.23al_nz1try now
04:44.34al_nz1it might ban after 3 attempts
04:44.47al_nz1but I dont think it working
04:45.54al_nz1I am tail -f /var/log/messages now so I hope i see your attempts
04:46.08ChannelZyou should be seeing them. Though maybe not in messages.
04:46.28ChannelZI'm trying to reg as poopyface
04:46.29al_nz1whats your ip?
04:47.26al_nz1yip I see yoru attempts
04:47.37al_nz1fail2ban not picking them up
04:47.59al_nz1you 173.160 something?
04:48.26al_nz1let me do some tweaking :-)
04:49.06ChannelZwhat version of asterisk? Looks like FreePBX.. is it 11.2.1?
04:49.26ChannelZSo are you using the security log?
04:50.01al_nz1with security turned on
04:50.07al_nz1I can see your attempts on the log
04:50.16al_nz1but I need to probably check the regex?
04:50.54ChannelZIt's easier to turn on security as a separate log and use that
04:51.41ChannelZAnd here's the fail2ban filter I use -
04:52.04ChannelZHow you hook it up is up to you (the action you've made)
04:52.32*** join/#asterisk zerous (~naveens@
04:53.25zerousi compiled and installed asterisk from source but i don't have any files in /etc/asterisk/
04:53.47zerouscould anyone tell me what i should do.. or is this the way it should be ?
04:54.17ChannelZyou need to "make samples" if you want it to install all of the default/sample configs.  Which is probably not what you want, but..
04:54.18zerousi mean when i install the binary, there are configuration files in the asterisk directory but not when in build it.
04:54.25snadgecan SIP ALG interfere with BLF? .. the reason im asking, just turned SIP ALG off on a Netgear Nighthawk R8000 x6 router.. and all of a sudden, blf starts working
04:54.38snadgeand im failing to understand if thats even possible
04:54.45zerousChannelZ: oh..
04:55.13snadgeim also failing to understand how its an asterisk related question.. but you guys know everything there is to know about SIP, voip etc.. ;)
04:55.40ChannelZsnadge: well if it's sending your SIP off into space.. or fudging with the headers such that asterisk no longer finds the peer authorized to do things
04:55.47*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (
04:56.06snadgeChannelZ, thats what i was thinking.. the other sysadmin basically said.. if you can register.. then its not ALG related
04:56.21snadgeand that disabling ALG shouldn't have fixed it.. but it clearly did.. i tried lots of things
04:56.27PenguinWhen it comes to Asterisk, always disable ALG.
04:56.49snadgethe nighthawk router also has a firmware update.. i wouldn't be suprised if it has fixes for ALG in it
04:56.54snadgewithout even bothering to look at the changelog
04:56.56zerousChannelZ: i did the hello program but i am not getting any console messages.
04:57.10ChannelZ"the hello program" ?
04:57.33zerousthat one.
04:58.12ChannelZAre you able to connect to the console or are you saying you can't even get asterisk to run?
04:58.40zerousyes, i am able to connect to asterisk
04:59.01zerousand when i make the call, i can hear hello world.
04:59.19ChannelZDoesn't sound like you have a problem them.
04:59.21zerousbut i don't get any console messages when the call is in progress.
04:59.29ChannelZIf it's just the console, you probably didn't turn on verbose
04:59.57zerousi used asterisk -cvvvvv
04:59.59ChannelZtype    core set verbose 3
05:00.16al_nz1ChannelZ: it banned you :-) for asterisk
05:00.23al_nz1but how do I make security seperate log?
05:00.39ChannelZWell, you edit logger.conf.  But you're using a GUI so who knows.
05:00.47ChannelZ/etc/asterisk/logger.conf that is
05:01.23zerousChannelZ: should i make any changes to the logger.conf to set the verbosity level
05:02.25ChannelZlogger.conf is just for turning logging on and off.  Sorry we're having multiple conversations here, I should be addressing people
05:03.40zerousChannelZ: thanks a lot :-)
05:03.42[TK]D-Fenderzerous: "core set verbose 10", "sip set debug on"
05:03.56[TK]D-Fenderzerous: PASTEBIN the complete attempt
05:03.59infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
05:04.22[TK]D-FenderzeroAnd you have told us nothing about the networking involved and what you're calling with.
05:04.45zerous[TK]D-Fender: i used a softphone on a windows machine which is on the same lan.
05:04.58zerousi made the call using xlite.
05:05.07[TK]D-Fenderzerous: Enable the debugs I have specified and show us
05:06.56[TK]D-Fender[00:59]zerousi used asterisk -cvvvvv <- you should also not generally be runnign * direct like this but instead via a standard init script or direct call to "safe_asterisk &" to start it as a daemon, and the "asterisk -r" to CONNECT to it as a running process
05:08.21zerousi would try that too. i am sorry i am really new to asterisk.
05:08.36[TK]D-Fenderjust start with what I first gave you to prove what's coming in.
05:09.14[TK]D-FenderX-lite also should have given you a status code to say what happened to its attempt
05:09.25ChannelZYou said you heard 'hello world' - you seem to have it working, just not showing in the console.
05:12.15[TK]D-FenderScrolling back, yes....
05:12.25[TK]D-Fenderwell lets see if he does now
05:14.20*** join/#asterisk almostworking (~almostwor@unaffiliated/almostworking)
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05:50.51[TK]D-Fenderheads to bed
06:05.08*** join/#asterisk babak_ (02b2b806@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
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08:04.48*** join/#asterisk W0rmDr1nk (~wormdrink@unaffiliated/wormdrink)
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08:12.32*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/chainsaw)
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08:41.51*** join/#asterisk Defraz (~Defraz@
08:42.22*** join/#asterisk shadej (~dsharew@
08:42.33shadejhi all
08:43.12shadejis another version of chan_mobile that uses wifi instead of bluetooth?
08:43.33shadejor how much does it take to develop this version?
08:51.18*** join/#asterisk areski (
09:35.13*** join/#asterisk darkbasic (
09:48.15mjtchan_mobile? What's that?
09:50.49mjtshadej: what do you mean 'using wifi' ?  For wifi you have a voip client in a cell phone.
09:59.06*** join/#asterisk evil_gordita (
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11:39.16shadejmjt: sorry I was away from my keyboard. do you think voip client can replace the chan_mobile module?
11:42.46*** join/#asterisk ovoshlook (55158cfd@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
11:50.02*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/chainsaw)
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12:07.27*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
12:09.42mjtshadej: I don't understand your question
12:10.03shadejdo you know chan_mobile?
12:10.29mjtI've read what it is for, yes
12:11.18shadejmjt: okay, so tell me what it is for?
12:11.46mjtyou can read about it yourself
12:12.25shadejI know what it is for. am asking to know how much of it you take.
12:12.31mjtbut I assumed you know what it is if you asking for a replacement
12:13.18shadejanyways it uses bluetooth to do its purpose, so my question is can use wifi connection to do same thing?
12:14.01mjtcan USB be used to do the same thing a COM port was used for?
12:14.13mjtthat's what you're asking
12:14.40[TK]D-Fender[08:13]shadejanyways it uses bluetooth to do its purpose, so my question is can use wifi connection to do same thing? <-  NO, that would be a very different thing
12:15.23mjtwell, the end result will be similar -- ability to place and receive calls
12:15.29shadej[TK]D-Fender: yeah, I first asked if there is another module that uses WIFI to do same thing
12:15.31[TK]D-Fendershadej: And would require an app on the phone to offer that.
12:15.32mjtbut done very differently indeed
12:15.43*** join/#asterisk blee (
12:15.49[TK]D-Fendershadej: Don't expect it to have WiFi.
12:16.14[TK]D-Fendershadej: There as SIP > GSM gateways.  So go should a WiFi AP in FRONT of it.
12:16.29[TK]D-Fendershadej: There is just about no market for an all-in-one for that
12:17.14shadej[TK]D-Fender: sorry, are you talking about the phone?
12:17.23[TK]D-Fendershadej: And you wouldn't need a "module" for it.... if it's going over WiFi you'd be using a standard VoIP protocol to talk to it.
12:17.46[TK]D-Fendershadej: If you're looking to still use a CELL PHONE to do the actual call, then you need an APP on it that offfers this
12:17.59[TK]D-Fendershadej: Not some "module" for *.
12:18.07[TK]D-Fendershadej: So go look for an app that offers it
12:18.29shadej[TK]D-Fender: there are VOIP client apps but that is not what I want
12:18.46mjtif the phone don't have a built-in service already, like eg most samsung galaxy phones offers today
12:18.48[TK]D-Fendershadej: Get one that lets you use your cell function as a gateway
12:18.56shadejI want an app that can make my phone(android phone) be used as SIP trunk, that is what chan_mobile does
12:20.07shadejbut instead of bluetooth I want to use WIFI.
12:20.08mjtbtw, why chan_mobile isn't a standard module?  That smells very useful...
12:20.52filechan_mobile is in mainline but it has no maintainer and how well it works is highly dependent on the phone and bluetooth device
12:20.56[TK]D-Fender[08:20]shadejbut instead of bluetooth I want to use WIFI. <- go look for a SIP gateway app then
12:22.05shadej[TK]D-Fender: okay looking..
12:27.38*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (
12:31.26shadej[TK]D-Fender: I found this but I am not sure if it's voip client or gateway
12:33.21[TK]D-Fendershadej: I recommend reading.
12:40.20*** join/#asterisk gusto (~gusto@2a02:810d:8640:da4:221:6aff:feb8:e0b2)
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12:45.47shadej[TK]D-Fender: yeah, but there is no sip gateway app that works as I intend
12:46.01*** join/#asterisk sgriepentrog (~sgriepent@nat/digium/x-awsexzqxzjenwcsk)
12:46.17[TK]D-Fendershadej: Then there is your answer.
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12:58.52*** join/#asterisk cervajs2 (
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13:03.44cervajs2hi. i have dialplan with 2 simultaneous calls - dial(sip/phone1&sip/phone2). when i cancel call on phone1, the call is still ringing on phone2 . can i cancel call on both phones? thanks
13:04.10newtonrcervajs2, where are you "cancel"ing the call from?
13:04.49cervajs2from phone1 (i push button "reject call")
13:04.57newtonrit is two separate outbound legs, so canceling one from the phone that is ringing will not hang up both legs
13:05.09newtonrthere may be an option for the Dial app, did you check there?
13:05.51cervajs2checking now...
13:07.33newtonrI don't see one
13:09.23cervajs2i'm probably blind but i dont see anything usefull
13:10.52newtonrIt may be possible, but I can't remember a way to do it right now.
13:11.36cervajs2i'll try asterisk-users
13:13.59*** join/#asterisk MadHatter42 (~tuwid@
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13:14.55[sr]got a Wildcard TE131/TE133, but dahdi 2.10x doesn't recognize it
13:15.14[sr]pci:0000:01:00.0     wcte13xp-    d161:800a Wildcard TE131/TE133
13:17.46[TK]D-Fender[09:03]cervajs2hi. i have dialplan with 2 simultaneous calls - dial(sip/phone1&sip/phone2). when i cancel call on phone1, the call is still ringing on phone2 . can i cancel call on both phones? thanks <- the best you could do is dial these as local channels, look at the response from the call that chooses to abort, and then use some dialplan trickery to abort the call.
13:18.39*** join/#asterisk sekil (~sekil@
13:18.47Chainsaw[sr]: TE131 is supported starting 2.9.0
13:19.16[sr]ChanServ: ok reboot solved it
13:19.40[sr]Chainsaw: this card to change to E1 instead of T1, where  can i find info?
13:20.13Chainsaw[sr]: I do not have that information for you, hopefully others do.
13:21.05cervajs2[TK]D-Fender: thanks. example? ;)
13:21.15[TK]D-Fendercervajs2: there is no example
13:22.01[TK]D-Fendercervajs2: Go check the bridgechan for the one that aborts, and track that to the other channels dialaing out and then kill them
13:33.38WIMPynewtonr: That's the feature I have been looking for for a long time, but Dial doesn't have.
13:36.07*** join/#asterisk calum_ (
13:37.04newtonrWIMPy,  :(
13:37.40WIMPy<standard PBX features blah blah>
13:38.19WIMPyAlthough I think it should be a rather easy one to add.
13:40.56newtonrIf it is a really common feature, then I'm surprised no one has added it yet.
13:41.59[sr]guys, is there an separated oslec for the main dahdi?
13:42.24WIMPyWell, you can the standard BOB via dialplan, but not while ringing.
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13:53.46*** join/#asterisk z3bra (z3bra@gateway/shell/
13:56.17z3braI'm configuring asterisk to use dundi, but there is somthing I don't get. I have two servers A and B. extension from 10 to 100 are mixed between the two servers (so 23 can be on A, and 24 on B). Am I supposed to specify ALL the local extensions to dundi ?
14:09.59*** part/#asterisk bulkorok (~Benjamin@
14:12.48[sr]is there a separated package for oslec?
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14:46.55[sr]guys, simple way to enable the oslec shipped on dahdi package?
14:47.22*** part/#asterisk z3bra (z3bra@gateway/shell/
15:05.21*** join/#asterisk MintberryCruNCH (
15:08.45*** join/#asterisk Lex2 (
15:09.17Lex2Hey, is there a guide for newbies on how to install and set up Asterisk on a droplet?
15:10.44[TK]D-FenderInstalling * is the same process....
15:10.53[TK]D-Fenderinstructions come bundled with the tarball...
15:11.00[TK]D-FenderAnd there is that wonderful book...
15:11.02infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 4th Edition (ISBN 1-4493-3242-0) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and a version is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
15:11.06[TK]D-FenderAnd the wiki...
15:11.52Lex2I have no idea on how to use Linux well
15:12.17Lex2Should probably learn commands first
15:12.19*** join/#asterisk net_ (79f28b33@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
15:12.39[TK]D-FenderIt is an expected prerequisite...
15:12.57net_can I use READ application continously two or three times?
15:13.18[TK]D-FenderYou can call it as many times as you want
15:13.26[TK]D-FenderEach call to Read will do whatever you tell it to do...
15:17.28*** join/#asterisk drmessano (~nonya@pdpc/supporter/active/drmessano)
15:29.23net_[TK]D-Fender: I am using two READ application and gathering dtmf value in two different variable, since I have two different messages to play, but the dtmf value is not capturing...
15:30.07[TK]D-Fendernet_: then perhaps you have the wrong mode and * isn't seeing it
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15:31.23net_this is my dialplan
15:32.24[TK]D-FenderShow us the call...
15:32.26*** join/#asterisk sruffell (~sruffell@asterisk/the-kernel-guy/sruffell)
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15:39.02net_I think if i use the gotoif statment between the read application it will work fine
15:39.28[TK]D-Fender- User entered '1'
15:39.33[TK]D-FenderSo it's getting input.
15:39.42[TK]D-FenderAnd we didn't move on to see what happened for the 2nd one
15:41.57net_I think I got it... its my mistake... again getting the input its going to next READ statement... so i will place the gotoif condition between the read... so upon first input it will go the desired context
15:46.15*** join/#asterisk Pernat (
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17:03.59Pernati just installed debian 7 and asterisk 11.13 and compiled chan_dongle to it and i have a problem
17:05.01PernatAsterisk CLI shows me: Channel 'Dongle/dongle0-0100000000' sent to invalid extension but no invalid handler: context,exten,priority=default,+XXXXXXXXXXX,1 when i try to call GSM number
17:12.17Pernatokay. i solved this...
17:25.17Pernatnow i have to change permissions to ttyUSB after any reboot of system.
17:25.22Pernatsome ideas?
17:27.37[TK]D-FenderGo find a spot to do it.  modify your * startup script maybe.  Or use something like rc.local
17:27.48[TK]D-FenderIt's your systsme... do it wherever you feel is appropriate
17:28.22WIMPyThat's what udev rules are there for.
17:29.10WIMPyAlthough I fully understand if you don't want udev.
17:35.42Pernatit will work if i add chmod 777 /dev/ttyUSB1 to rc.local?
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17:51.45mjtPernat: it'll restore the perms once you re-plug it
17:52.31Pernatso how to set permissions for dongle?
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18:00.23Pernatif i create file in /etc/udev/rules.d/ and write in it ATTR{idVendor}=="12d1" ATTR{idProduct}=="0001", MODE="777" it shall work?
18:05.36mjtsomething like that, yes. maybe you want group=something mode=0660.  mode=777 makes no sense, as it is not an executable, but that's minor.
18:05.49mjt(or just user=you)
18:06.25mjtor maybe you need to make it to follow permissions of a logged-in user, some other devices are (eg /dev/kvm)
18:06.40mjtat any rate this is not an asterisk question :)
18:07.31Pernatwithout permissions asterisk don't use dongle and i have calling signal, when i manually change permissions it do dialplan
18:10.00Pernatthat rule didn't work
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18:34.01PenguinWhy would /dev/ttyUSB1 need to be executable?
18:34.45PenguinAh, mjt already questioned that.
18:37.44ipengineerWhen I do a core show channels verbose I have a device with several hung channels. Is there a way to hang them up? The channels are all PJSIP channels: PJSIP/201
18:38.10PenguinDid you try a soft hangup?
18:38.14Penguinchannel request hangup ...
18:38.38Pernati need change permissions to let asterisk use usb modem
18:38.45Pernatand 777 was example
18:38.57ipengineerI didnt think soft hangup was an option anymore in v12
18:39.24PenguinIf they took out the ability to hangup a channel, I'll never upgrade to 12.
18:39.25ipengineerI did try channel request hangup and that is wqhen I got 201 is not a known channel even though I put “request hangup PJSIP/200”
18:39.42ipengineer“channel request hangup PJSIP/201” sorry
18:39.52PenguinIs the channel name really PJSIP/201?
18:39.57PenguinIt isn't likely that.
18:40.20ipengineerWhen I do core show channels verbose that is all it shows.. I wouldnt think so either..
18:40.40PenguinWhat you should be doing is using Tab-key completion.
18:40.55Penguinchannel request hangup PJSIP/201<Tab>
18:41.54ipengineerThere you go.. It said requested hangup but didnt hang them up
18:42.15PenguinI encounter that a lot.
18:42.22PenguinSomething is blocking that channel.
18:43.08ipengineerI guess the only option is to restart asterisk
18:43.15PenguinThat's what I end up doing.
18:43.46[TK]D-FenderOr toss them off a cliff
18:43.47PenguinYou could just leave it.
18:44.34ipengineerThats what I was afraid of.. Ok Thanks.. Not good for a production environment for sure. That user was trying to transfer a call and the extension didnt exist or the res_parking had not been reloaded. The problem is it messes their hints and everything else up. Can always restart after hours
18:44.59Penguincore restart when convenient
18:45.20WIMPyIf it restarts.
18:45.49WIMPySo the conclusion is to not transfer calls when using Asterisk.
18:45.49PenguinAh, yeah... that's a good point.  It probably won't actually restart that way because of the channels existing.
18:45.53*** join/#asterisk jpsharp (
18:46.20WIMPyFor me that usually ends with Asterisk locking up since a few versions.
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18:46.37PenguinIt doesn't really lock up.
18:46.47PenguinYou just don't have the patience to wait for it to restart.
18:46.49WIMPyMine does lock up.
18:46.59PenguinI've thought that about mine as well.
18:47.06WIMPyIt won't do anything sensible untill I kill -9 it.
18:47.10PenguinIt just hangs the current CLI.
18:47.14jpsharpI'm getting Asterisk internal timing slips: "Expected to acknowledge 1 ticks but got 3 instead" using timerfd.  Is that just a matter of my system being overloaded?  Or would shifting to differeing timing source help.
18:47.19ipengineerWIMPy: I have printed a new label: NO TRANSFERS now taped to every phone
18:47.20ipengineerok maybe not
18:47.32WIMPyAh, well, yes, but the thing is that you have to wait forever.
18:48.06WIMPyBut recently I also had the issue that core restart actually just stopped Asterisk without restarting it.
18:48.24PenguinAnd, as you mentioned, it may never restart.  But that's because channels exist that will not go away, therefore asterisk doesn't find the convenient time that it is waiting for.
18:50.51*** join/#asterisk drmessano (~nonya@pdpc/supporter/active/drmessano)
18:51.12ipengineerDont you have to do “core restart now” to force it
18:51.59WIMPyMight work.
18:52.11WIMPyBut will also kill calls, if present.
18:52.43PenguinI have a script that runs from cron, so I just core stop now and wait on the next cron execution to restart asterisk.
18:55.57*** join/#asterisk al_nz1 (
18:56.10al_nz1join #fail2ban
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19:16.09cmewr1this is soooo complicated
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19:25.58mjordanPenguin: no, we did not take out the ability to hang up a channel
19:26.11mjordanipengineer: if you can figure out how those channels were getting stuck, please, please, please file an issue
19:26.32cmewr1so I think I've installed Asterisk - it's running
19:26.38cmewr1Now what should I do
19:26.39jpsharpThat's a good start
19:26.58PenguinI was pretty sure it wasn't taken out.  I'm certain he was just confused about how soft hangups work in modern asterisk.
19:27.02cmewr1My end goal is to connect it to an outside line and setup rules
19:27.19cmewr1like connect it to flowroute
19:27.19jpsharpThen you need a connection hardware of some sort.
19:27.31jpsharpOr an account with flowroute
19:27.39cmewr1jpsharp: I have an account with them
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19:28.29cmewr1What are the next steps?
19:28.32ipengineermjordan: Will do. Right now I am trying to figure out why Asterisk is not consistently sending a BYE for certain contacts.. I cannot find out what exactly causes it but when I do will let yall know… Trying to figure out if I can reproduce it in 13b2 or if its just an issue in 12.5.
19:28.50jpsharpConfigure asterisk to talk to flowroute in the SIP configurations, then build your dialplans to talk to your other devices.
19:29.17mjordanipengineer: I know we just fixed one bug related to that. You may want to try the latest from the 12 or 13 branch
19:29.17ipengineermjordan: I am pretty sure the hung channels were being caused by a user trying to transfer a call to a parkinglot and the res_parking module had not been reloaded to include that parking lot so it didnt exist.
19:29.45cmewr1jpsharp: where can I find an easy to understand guide?
19:29.54infobotsomebody said primer was
19:29.59infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 4th Edition (ISBN 1-4493-3242-0) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and a version is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
19:30.07jpsharpThere you go.
19:30.16ipengineermjordan: Ok that may explain why I am having a hard time reproducing in 13. I will keep hamering it and see what I come up with.. I just didnt see anything in the release notes about it (prob overlooked it).
19:30.23cmewr1I have the book in front of me
19:30.30cmewr1It's all command based
19:30.35cmewr1Which is confusing
19:31.02jpsharpNative asterisk has no GUI.  You'll need a 3rd party system for that.
19:31.33PenguinOr just read the book and the primer.  You don't NEED a GUI to write text in files.
19:33.26cmewr1So my /etc/asterisk directory is empty by default
19:33.33cmewr1Is this normal?
19:33.39jpsharpONly if you haven't run "make samples"
19:33.49cmewr1Gave me an error
19:33.52PenguinYou'll need the sample files to help you along.
19:34.01mjordanipengineer: the patch for that in 13 didn't hit beta2, it's still in the branch - so it wouldn't be in release notes yet
19:34.32cmewr1no rule to make target samples
19:34.49jpsharpyou have to be in the Asterisk source directory.
19:35.10Penguin(the same one where you make and make install)
19:35.20jpsharpWhat he said
19:36.47ipengineermjordan: Ok. Yea I am on b2 I didnt pull in branch.
19:37.52cmewr1I have no idea what I'm doing
19:38.04PenguinDid you install asterisk from source?
19:38.12cmewr1It's running
19:38.13PenguinDo you remember ./configure?
19:38.20Penguinand make?  and make install?
19:38.23cmewr1It's in the main directory /root]
19:38.42PenguinGo to the same place where you did ./configre and make and make install.
19:38.50PenguinThen make samples
19:40.16cmewr1'No rule to make `samples
19:40.39PenguinAlso, if you're in /root, that means you are ./configure-ing and make-ing as root, which isn't a very great idea.
19:40.50cmewr1Sorry I was wrong
19:40.59cmewr1It's in /src/asterisk/asterisk
19:41.18PenguinGo there and make samples
19:41.26cmewr1It's giving me that error
19:41.35PenguinThen it's probably the wrong place.
19:42.05cmewr1I don't think it is
19:42.12cmewr1It's got all the files there
19:43.03cmewr1ah there we go
19:44.32cmewr1so in the /etc directory, are these where all the main files are, or these are just samples?
19:46.04PenguinThe typical directory for all asterisk config files is /etc/asterisk, but you can change that if you know what you're doing.
19:46.14mjordancmewr1: have you read Asterisk: The Definitive Guide, or read any of the content on the Asterisk wiki?
19:46.23PenguinYou ordinarily have the samples in there, too.
19:46.33cmewr1mjordan: yes
19:46.41cmewr1I'm finding it way too complex
19:46.48mjordanyou probably should go back and re-read the setting up Asterisk chapters in the book, and follow it carefully
19:47.15PenguinSome of the samples don't need very much work to be able to use them.  Others are not to be used -- they are only samples.
19:47.24PenguinAnd read the primer again.
19:47.27infobotNew to asterisk configuration? Check out this primer to get started.
19:47.44cmewr1By the word Samples, do you mean the settings .conf files?
19:47.51cmewr1in /etc/asterisk
19:47.53PenguinYes.  Sample files.
19:48.12cmewr1So they'er not the original settings files, or they are?
19:48.23*** join/#asterisk echelon (~echelon@gateway/tor-sasl/harel)
19:48.26PenguinThe sample files contain examples and commentation of most of the settings used within the respective file.
19:48.39Penguin<Penguin> Some of the samples don't need very much work to be able to use them.  Others are not to be used --  they are only samples.
19:49.03cmewr1So where are the originals stored?
19:49.12PenguinThat doesn't make sense to me.
19:49.21PenguinWhat are "originals?"
19:49.32cmewr1You say Samples, so I'm thinking they are copys
19:49.42cmewr1or are they files which make the system work if replaced?
19:49.43PenguinThey are EXAMPLES.
19:49.55PenguinYou've got to read the words I am typing.
19:50.28PenguinI'm beginning to see why the instruction manual is hard for you.
19:50.28cmewr1I'm trying to understand. What I understand is that if you replace these files with whatever you customised, it'll take effect in Asterisk at reboot
19:51.05cmewr1What am I missing?
19:51.19PenguinTake sip.conf for example.
19:51.43PenguinThe one that you get when you make samples is just an EXAMPLE of what your actual sip.conf will look like.
19:51.59cmewr1But what do you mean by Make Samples?
19:52.06cmewr1You mean the originals?
19:52.38PenguinGood luck with your project.  I see I'm not going to make any more progress here.
19:52.54cmewr1Penguin: I'm trying to understand what you're telling me
19:53.49cmewr1Is a sample file like an untouched settings file which if you edit, will change Asterisk settings if replaced?
19:54.43newtonrcmewr1, the sample file naming is sort of misnomer. The sample files are pretty much documentation. They are not intended to be "defaults" and most them are not even examples.
19:55.00newtonrThey do contain a lot of example settings
19:55.04cmewr1That makes sense
19:55.21cmewr1So where are the main config files, or should I use it from the commandline?
19:55.49mjordancmewr1: Have you considered FreePBX?
19:56.27mjordanI'm not trying to discourage you, but I'm not sure Asterisk's mechanism of configuration is for you. You may find that FreePBX - which is a far more end-user friendly system - is more to your liking
19:57.13*** join/#asterisk linuxfool (
19:57.15cmewr1I'll try again with the primer
19:57.16mjordanIt's still an Asterisk based system, and is very powerful, but you can use a UI to configure it.
19:58.15newtonrcmewr1, If you continue to experiment with directly configuring Asterisk without a GUI - know that there are only the samples. There are no "main" config files as you asked about.  Most users would create a blank .conf file for whatever module they are configuring and then write it from scratch based on their knowledge of the configuration (or whilst referencing the sample files).
19:59.16cmewr1newtonr: sure. So where would the edited sample file be saved? Say if I'm adding my flowroute account info
20:00.02newtonrcmewr1,  Typically  /etc/asterisk/                 - See for more about the various directories used.
20:00.18cmewr1So they are actual system files
20:00.39cmewr1Config files which make Asterisk work
20:01.47newtonrcmewr1, Glancing over will quickly give you an idea for very very basic configuration.
20:02.11cmewr1I'll take another look
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20:35.15tenspeed705Hey guys, im trying to use aAUDIOHOOK_INHERIT(MixMonitor)=yes when I transfer the call, the audio is still stopping. any ideas?
20:36.39tenspeed705this is 11.13.0
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20:57.15Penguintenspeed705: Can you show me the dialplan where you are setting that?
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21:21.00Kobazi love how audiocodes gateways randomly become unregistered for no reason
21:21.19Kobazand you reset them and then it works fine, no configuration changes
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22:22.26snadgeKobaz, randomly and for no reason? ;) .. im guessing that it reaches the registration expiry time.. then fails to re-register
22:22.50snadgeand then you have to consider which of the 50,000 different routers you are using.. and how its configured
22:23.05snadgei work for a voip provider, who supports random configurations
22:23.12snadgeand when i say random.. i really do mean it
22:24.48snadgeevery day.. some random combination finds a new inventive way to fail
22:25.56snadge... and then you have mobile broadband providers .. using double, and apparently sometimes triple layers of NAT.. randomly disabling inbound calls, and then denying it.. etc
22:27.15snadgei would wager most asterisk devs are sheltered from ALL of that.. and with good reason
22:40.47*** join/#asterisk FreezingAlt (~FreezingC@
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23:08.36Kobazsnadge: it doesn't even attempt to re-register
23:08.41Kobazit just dies
23:09.07Kobazsnadge: i have one audiocodes that drops the lan link after 2 hours
23:10.14snadgeregistration expiry on a cisco ata is 1 hour.. from memory
23:10.44snadgethat's generally the problem though.. the server and the client keep track of whether they are registered, and need to re-register.. seperately
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23:11.39snadgecheck for updates ? bin the audiocodes maybe
23:12.48wrxedGood evening. Working with a new client in a remote location (non us) trying to get DAHDI channels working. Specifically when i have an unanswered call hang up, asterisk doesn't hang it up when the caller hangs up. Not sure on any of the settings as I've only worked with SIP up till today... Digium 8 port FXO card.
23:13.15wrxedAlso, does dahdi restart reload most of the chan_dahdi settings?
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23:41.54Kobazsnadge: i've had many audiocodes randomly fail... i blame the audiocodes mostly
23:42.18Kobazi've had some that just refuse to boot properly
23:42.22Kobazplug them in and the fail light is on
23:42.35snadgeat least it has a fail light
23:44.06Kobazand then there's the aforementioned one that just randomly drops lan
23:44.19Kobazand it's not the cable or the network switch port
23:44.49Kobazas crappy as grandstream boxes are, at least they never drop off the network for no reason

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