IRC log for #asterisk on 20141006

00:00.24*** join/#asterisk fstd (~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted)
00:01.07msaraivaOnly thing "special" i can identify on that INVITE is t38, but i might be overlooking something...
00:01.14mjordannothing about that jumps out at me. My guess is that there is something in the fax image offer that res_pjsip_t38 doesn't like.
00:01.25mjordando you have the t38 module loaded?
00:04.48msaraivaLet me check
00:08.28msaraivaNever had to use fax on Asterisk before, so i'm not sure if this is correct, but i have res_fax, res_fax_spandsp and res_pjsip_t38 loaded
00:12.01mjordanI'd remove your explicit transport usage in the endpoint and see if that magi-fixes it.
00:12.21mjordanactually, your transport option seems invalid
00:12.33mjordansince you didn't include a transport with that name in the config
00:12.49mjordanbut, generally, you don't have to specify explicit transports unless you *REALLY* want to force an endpoint onto that transporot
00:12.53msaraivaSorry, that's not the full config
00:12.59mjordanI'd still try removing that.
00:13.09msaraivaSure, let me try that
00:13.12mjordanSince there's a few IP checks that occur in the SDP handler in T.38.
00:13.38mjordanOtherwise, I'd make a full DEBUG log (instructions on the wiki for that) with logging enabled and make an issue. I can't see why that would get rejected.
00:15.53msaraivaYou mean with "core set debug 10" :
00:19.13msaraivaAh, that.
00:19.16*** join/#asterisk evil_gordita (
00:19.31msaraivaYeah, my console channel was setup like that
00:19.47msaraivaI have some logs from that as well, if you'd like to see that
00:21.36msaraivaPaste is updated with the debug info i got
00:25.08msaraivaRemoving the transport from the endpoint config didn't magi-fixed it :'(
00:25.08mjordanmind trying a patch?
00:25.16msaraivaNot at all!
00:26.06mjordanit is against 13. Fixed a lot of 488 issues last week. It _may_ apply to 12
00:26.34msaraivaHumm, let's hope it does
00:27.18mjordanit will spit out more debug information if nothing else :-)
00:28.03*** join/#asterisk Akuma (~Akuma@
00:38.27msaraivaOnly this failed to apply
00:38.28*** join/#asterisk evil_gordita (
00:38.35msaraivaGuess not all is lost :)
00:39.08mjordanyou can probably ignore that
01:01.19msaraivaBoth modules compiled fine
01:07.17*** join/#asterisk bmurt (
01:10.58msaraiva...but with different compile options
01:11.04msaraivaTime to look at my docs...
01:20.52ApteryxHmm. I'm now at studying the wireshark traces of why I can't get TCP and chan_pjsip working with Bria and Jitsi.
01:23.03ApteryxWhen calling Jitsi at, Asterisk tries to establish TCP connection with the port Jitsi used when registering, and Jitsi sends back an ACK. So far so good.
01:23.48ApteryxBut following this, Asterisk loops, resending this: 333.435953000192.168.0.10192.168.0.102TCP74[TCP Retransmission] 47535 > 45097 [SYN] Seq=0 Win=29200 Len=0 MSS=1460 SACK_PERM=1 TSval=31373931 TSecr=0 WS=128
01:24.44ApteryxWhich wireshark labels as "TCP retransmission". The call rings until it times out.
01:25.03Apteryx(rings only for the caller, and does not ring for the callee)
01:42.02*** join/#asterisk stevePearPear (
01:42.26ApteryxStill no joy with simple TCP registration and Asterisk 12/13. A bit frustrating. I love the features of pjsip like multiple endpoint registrations and other such modernities, though!
01:42.49*** join/#asterisk [[thufir]] (
01:44.04*** join/#asterisk wolrah (~wolrah@
01:45.17*** join/#asterisk stevePearPear (
01:46.50*** part/#asterisk stevePearPear (
01:51.24*** join/#asterisk darkbasic (
01:56.19*** join/#asterisk drmessano (~nonya@pdpc/supporter/active/drmessano)
01:59.46WIMPyWell, there's always something...
02:05.20ChannelZIs there a reason you want TCP specifically?
02:07.22ApteryxChannelZ: it consumes much less battery on iOS and probably Android also. At least using Bria as a client, because then it does not need to run in the background to receive calls.
02:08.05WIMPyhas read about that, but I don't see why it is/has to be that way.
02:08.48ApteryxI don't know also. I just guess Apple came with some smart mechanism regarding TCP connections to save battery.
02:09.45WIMPyI don't see why theprotocoll should make a diference.
02:09.46ApteryxUsing TCP, the drain is really small. But I can still receive calls.
02:11.19ApteryxWIMPy: I think the Apple services already have to run for notifications and stuff. And this uses TCP. So Bria can just tap into a service that has to run anyway. My wild guess.
02:12.19WIMPyDoesn't make sense to me. You just sleep until you receive anything in both cases.
02:13.20ApteryxWell, something has to run to wake up the sleeping app. and I guess this something is limited to TCP on iOS devices.
02:14.06ChannelZLeave it to apple for nonsense
02:18.01ApteryxI'm now trying to try my old sip.conf, so I've put a noload => res_pjsip. But my "service asterisk restart" fails at starting Asterisk. And no obvious reason why in /var/log/asterisk/messages
02:19.45ChannelZrename your configs
02:20.33Apteryxwell, sip.conf is there. And I've renamed pjsip.conf to pjsip.conf.bak
02:20.34*** join/#asterisk evil_gordita (
02:28.18Apteryxno crash when ran from gdb, yet asterisk is not running ^^
02:33.39WIMPyasterisk -cvvvddd
02:36.45Apteryxok, thanks.
02:37.12ApteryxSeems I need to put a noload in from of anything pjsip, else it will fail with an undefined symbol error.
02:37.20Apteryx*in front
02:39.31Apteryxcan I use a regexp? ;)
02:42.07*** join/#asterisk wolrah (~wolrah@
02:48.44*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
02:55.34Apteryxusing the old chan_sip, TCP works wonder.
03:07.11*** join/#asterisk stevePearPear (
03:07.35ApteryxIs there pass-through support for codecs such as opus in chan_sip?
03:21.27*** join/#asterisk drmessano (~nonya@pdpc/supporter/active/drmessano)
03:25.43msaraivamjordan: always get a core dump with the patched pjsip modules
03:26.58msaraivaWell, only res_pjsip_session causes that, to be precise
03:28.06msaraivaGuess that for now i'll have to go back to chan_sip
03:28.10msaraivaAt least for this particular peer
03:54.50msaraivamjordan: thanks for the help...hope these 488 issues get resolved in the future
03:56.32Penguinapteryx: I can't even use TCP with chan_sip, so you're in a better place than I am.
03:59.56*** join/#asterisk wolrah (~wolrah@
04:00.57ApteryxPenguin: wow, how's that ? Which version ?
04:01.56PenguinI set the transport to tcp, change the softphone to use tcp...
04:02.51PenguinIt will register and it will receive calls...
04:03.11PenguinBut all calls from the phone, the phone says 603/Declined.
04:03.13ApteryxIsn't that old
04:03.23PenguinNot that old, no.
04:03.42PenguinAsterisk built by rob @ cpe-e650 on an i686 running Linux on 2013-10-09 17:45:26 UTC
04:03.47PenguinNot even one year old!
04:04.21PenguinSo the phone always says 603/Declined to all calls I try to make.
04:04.29Penguinsip debug shows absolutely NOTHING.
04:04.38ApteryxWhen you place outbound calls from the TCP registered phone, it says 603/Declined?
04:05.01Penguincore verbose shows the call hitting the unauthorized context, which means it must not be sending auth.
04:05.14PenguinThat's correct.  603/Declined shows on the screen.
04:05.26ApteryxIs this all happenning on a lan (no nat) ?
04:05.48PenguinYes, on the LAN, same subnet, no NAT.
04:06.24PenguinWhy would sip debug not show anything at all?
04:06.25ApteryxDid you remove all the app-demo stuff from the extensions.conf
04:06.53PenguinThis isn't a "new" asterisk.
04:07.25PenguinWhy would sip debug not show anything at all?
04:07.49ApteryxCan you paste the sip debug log somewhere?
04:07.53Apteryxset sip debug on
04:08.01Penguin(2304.28) <Penguin> sip debug shows absolutely NOTHING.
04:08.04Apteryxsip set debug on ;)
04:08.38WIMPyI have tried tcp some time. I think it was most probably with 1.8.
04:08.45ApteryxWhat if you un-register and register again, it should print this at least.
04:08.53Apteryxif not, you're sip debug is broken.
04:10.10*** join/#asterisk sawgood (~sawgood@unaffiliated/sawgood)
04:11.13Apteryxanyway, it's midnight here and working tomorrow. I'll be there again tomorrow evening, come again and I'll try to help you as much as I can.
04:11.23PenguinThe register and options packets are getting 200 OK no problem.  Calls from the phone don't show any sip debug at all.
04:12.00*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
04:12.15ApteryxThat is indeed very strange! You should at least see the invite and a trying
04:12.20WIMPySmells like a phone issue. Maybe you explicitely need to set an outboundproxy with ;transport=tcp?
04:12.46ApteryxWhat kind of phone/softphone is this?
04:13.06PenguinI would have expected to see the INVITE, too.
04:13.07PenguinUser-Agent: CSipSimple_vivow-10/r2330
04:13.14Penguin(on android)
04:13.30PenguinI'll look at the proxy settings.
04:14.04ApteryxWireshark traces could show you what sip debug is missing
04:14.12PenguinGood idea.
04:14.15ApteryxI've been using this a lot lately.
04:14.55Apteryxtalk to you tomorrow. good night/luck :)
04:16.32Penguinwimpy: That fixed it.
04:17.27WIMPySomething that works \o/
04:17.32PenguinWith UDP, the proxy setting was blank.  I added the fqdn of the asterisk box to the proxy URI setting and now it makes calls.
04:17.49PenguinVery weird that it worked with UDP when there was no proxy setting.
04:18.42PenguinI think I'm going to clear it and tshark the call to see what it is doing without the proxy URI specified.
04:18.51WIMPyThat's what happens if defaults are partially hardcoded and partially copied from other configuration fields.
04:19.25WIMPyUse UDP and not matching a peer as you set transport=tcp in Asterisk?
04:20.01*** join/#asterisk evil_gordita (
04:20.09Penguintransport is acutally tcp,udp, so both will actually work.
04:20.34WIMPyOk, in that case my theory fails.
04:21.32PenguinI've always used UDP and always used the general setting of transport=udp.  I have never specified the proxy URI value in the phone, and it has always worked.
04:22.51PenguinToday I decided to try out TCP.  I set my transport to allow tcp on my peer, forced the transport on the phone to tcp (was set to auto), and re-registered it.
04:23.05PenguinCalls failed with 603 Declined.
04:23.15PenguinNo trickery or anything involved.
04:23.42PenguinBut taking your suggestion about the proxy, filling in the appropriate value in the proxy URI field... all works now.
04:24.02Penguintshark shows an INVITE, a 100 Trying, and a 603 Declined.
04:25.10PenguinThe registration URI and the proxy URI are now set to the same value and it works.
04:25.54WIMPyLots of fun stuff...
04:26.01PenguinI wonder if TLS works now, as well.  I tried TLS some time ago, and I don't remember what the failure was... but it did not work.
04:26.22WIMPyYeah, likely the same.
04:26.42Penguinchanging to transport=tls,tcp,udp;
04:27.05PenguinOops.  'tls' is not a valid transport type when tlsenable=no. If no other is specified, the defaults from general will be used.
04:27.52WIMPyMakes sense.
04:28.17PenguinAnd I didn't make my cert file, so that is another error.
04:42.33*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (
04:43.10*** join/#asterisk wolrah (~wolrah@
04:44.25*** join/#asterisk cunningpike (~cunningpi@2602:304:6eaf:6280:890a:ab48:5cd0:e481)
04:48.41*** join/#asterisk drmessano (~nonya@pdpc/supporter/active/drmessano)
04:52.44Penguincpe-e650*CLI> sip reload
04:52.44PenguinSSL certificate ok
04:57.21PenguinI guess the phone doesn't work with TLS.  It doesn't even send any packets at all when I press the button to register it.
04:57.46*** join/#asterisk drmessano (~nonya@pdpc/supporter/active/drmessano)
05:34.31*** join/#asterisk spicyramen_ (
05:35.12*** join/#asterisk tbsky (
05:39.04tbskyhi! i am facing random dropped call issue with our sip trunk provider. I want to debug the issue. is it enough to open asterisk 'sip set debug peer xxxx' or I need tcpdump the whole sip session?
05:40.10*** join/#asterisk drmessano (~nonya@pdpc/supporter/active/drmessano)
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05:42.45tbskyor I should open 'core set debug 1' also?
05:44.21tbskyat least I want to find out who hangup the call at first. but at current asterisk log without debugging open, it seems didn't show who hangup the call..
05:48.52*** join/#asterisk W0rmDr1nk (~wormdrink@unaffiliated/wormdrink)
05:50.26ChannelZsip debug is the place to start
05:51.13tbskyok, thanks ChannelZ! I will start with that.
05:56.11*** join/#asterisk drmessano (~nonya@pdpc/supporter/active/drmessano)
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06:51.00*** join/#asterisk W0rmDr1nk (~wormdrink@unaffiliated/wormdrink)
07:03.58*** join/#asterisk evil_gordita (
07:08.57*** join/#asterisk drmessano (~nonya@pdpc/supporter/active/drmessano)
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07:58.59*** join/#asterisk drmessano (~nonya@pdpc/supporter/active/drmessano)
08:02.02*** join/#asterisk stevePearPear (
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08:12.24*** join/#asterisk drmessano (~nonya@pdpc/supporter/active/drmessano)
08:14.39*** join/#asterisk wonderworld (
08:27.20tbskyoh. it seems the sip trunk didn't drop the call but we did. I saw log that aterisk "pbx.c" hangup, then send sip bye to peer, so that mean we hangup the call right?
08:29.22*** join/#asterisk sekil (~sekil@
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09:10.35*** join/#asterisk CeBe (
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10:58.07[sr]WIMPy: none of the 2 things worked
10:58.20[sr]WIMPy: even with direct rj45 cable to the shdsl same behavior
11:08.16*** join/#asterisk skrusty (~skrusty@
11:25.06*** join/#asterisk areski (
11:25.27*** join/#asterisk DelphiWorld (~TheVoicer@openvpn/user/DelphiWorld)
11:25.35DelphiWorldanyone here doing PRN business?
11:41.47*** join/#asterisk drmessano (~nonya@pdpc/supporter/active/drmessano)
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11:46.29phixDelphiWorld: who?
11:46.56DelphiWorldphix: prn=premium rate numbers
11:47.40phixah, 1900 or what ever
11:47.51phix(depending on your country)
11:48.17DelphiWorldph8: do you?
11:48.54DelphiWorldphix: do you?
11:48.58DelphiWorldsory ph8
11:52.00phixph8 heh
11:52.09phixWhat do you want to know about them?
11:52.21DelphiWorldphix: looking for a partner;)
11:52.53phixI see
11:54.26phixwell time for bed, nn
11:54.42DelphiWorldsee ya phix
12:00.23*** join/#asterisk fstd (~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted)
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12:00.50*** part/#asterisk DelphiWorld (~TheVoicer@openvpn/user/DelphiWorld)
12:08.36fixxguys, i am struggling a bit with auto call monitoring. i have the sox application installed, created /var/spool/asterisk/monitor with the correct pemissions and i use the following on the extension:
12:08.46fixxexten => 5001,1,Dial(SIP/5001, 10) same => n,Monitor(wav,${EXTEN},m)
12:08.55fixxsame => n,Monitor(wav,${EXTEN},m)
12:09.35fixxbut it doesn't create any wav file
12:09.37fixxSpawn extension (starbright, 5001, 1) exited non-zero on 'SIP/trunk-old-pbx-00000013'
12:09.53fixxthat exited non-zero does mean that there is an error right?
12:10.26fixxis there anything else that i need?
12:13.30*** join/#asterisk CeBe1 (
12:14.55*** join/#asterisk Apteryx (
12:15.17fixxponders rather trying MixMonitor
12:18.04fixxseems as though the result is the same
12:18.15*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
12:21.07*** join/#asterisk cunningpike (~cunningpi@2602:304:6eaf:6280:587b:c8b5:ee0c:60b7)
12:22.49fixxah ok, so i have to start the recording before ringing the extension *sigh*
12:42.40mjordanDial is a blocking application. It doesn't return until the bridge established between the two parties ends.
12:42.49mjordan(really, everything in dialplan is synchronous)
12:48.32*** join/#asterisk drmessano (~nonya@pdpc/supporter/active/drmessano)
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12:54.34*** join/#asterisk bmurt (~brendan@
12:55.24ApteryxDoes this: "switching from simple_bridge technology to native_rtp" mean that it's now using direct_media ?
12:58.51*** join/#asterisk drmessano (~nonya@pdpc/supporter/active/drmessano)
13:01.04ApteryxAnswering myself: from Wireshark, seems like it's still using the bridge.
13:02.53ApteryxSecond question: I thought that with registration, I didn't need to open RTP ports for SIP. Is this true? From Wireshark trace again, I see my RTP packets leaving NAT, and nothing coming in. The address in the SDP c= field looks OK.
13:03.08Apteryx*but nothing coming in.
13:11.28mjordanApteryx: simple_bridge means the media is fully decoded. native_rtp means the RTP stack is bridging the two channels. That can be either a packet to packet bridge - where packets are sent to Asterisk but not fully decoded - or a direct media bridge, where media is re-INVITEd between the participants
13:11.42mjordanApteryx: Registration != RTP.
13:11.55mjordanRegistration merely tells Asterisk the location of a SIP UA.
13:12.05mjordanIt has nothing to do with media.
13:12.13Kattyfile: YOU
13:12.17Kattyfile: are now a year old.
13:12.21Kattyfile: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!
13:12.26fileKatty, hi
13:12.45Kattyfile: hi!
13:15.13*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/chainsaw)
13:15.41Apteryxmjordan: OK, but being registered, it can "test" RTP trafic and see if it's going through or not? Is this not what the "Probation passed" messages are about?
13:16.11*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (
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13:17.00ApteryxAnd it also means, by using signaling, it can sends its RTP listening port to the the NATed party, which, just sending back RTP at this port, will create a NAT rule?
13:18.09ApteryxThat's what I understood by "it's not required to port forward RTP ports on your router if you are registering your devices"
13:34.54*** join/#asterisk drmessano (~nonya@pdpc/supporter/active/drmessano)
13:43.09mjordanno, that has nothing to do with registration.
13:43.42mjordanAgain, registration does not test the media path. It is simply the act of a UA informing another UA about an address it can be contacted at. It is a signaling mechanism.
13:43.53mjordanThe probation messages you are seeing are related to the strictrtp setting in rtp.conf.
13:44.14mjordanAsterisk 'locks' onto a source of media for a particular RTP stream. That prevents another media source from 'hijacking' the RTP stream.
13:44.24*** join/#asterisk theron (~theron@2620:10d:c0a4:1303:2acf:e9ff:fe1c:8fb)
13:44.29mjordanApteryx: And I'm not sure where you read that.
13:44.35mjordanApteryx: But that sounds very wrong.
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14:18.23Kattypokes drmessano
14:20.37carrarpokes at the keyboard
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14:22.47[TK]D-Fenderpokes the hokey does...
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14:30.03Kattyhugs carrar
14:30.10Kattycarrar: how was your weekend?
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14:42.01Penguinapteryx: The reason you don't need to forward ports to your phone is much like the reason you don't need to forward ports to your web browser to surf the interweb.
14:43.06*** join/#asterisk areski (
14:43.29filesorta, kinda, not quite
14:43.41*** join/#asterisk drmessano (~nonya@pdpc/supporter/active/drmessano)
14:44.17PenguinYour NAT device knows about RELATED and ESTABLISHED packets.  That's all I'm saying.
14:44.46PenguinIt most cases, it does.
14:45.10PenguinThere are cases where it doesn't know and doesn't care, but that's for a different day.
14:46.41*** join/#asterisk deranged_user (deranged@unaffiliated/deranged-user/x-2475585)
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14:55.49jeevhas anyone ipsec interconnected to verizon?
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15:11.16MadHatter42hello everyone
15:11.22MadHatter42i was trying to use the chanspy option on freepbx
15:12.40[TK]D-Fenderkeep it in #freepbx .  we will assist you there
15:14.33*** join/#asterisk theron (~theron@2620:10d:c0a4:1303:2acf:e9ff:fe1c:8fb)
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15:35.14carrarhugs Katty
15:35.20carrarKatty: it was great!
15:38.31Kattythat's good! :>
15:41.12voipcarrar: you've been MIA for quite some time.
15:41.46carrarI've still been around here
15:41.54carrarJust not as vocal lately
15:42.00voipafk on the eris
15:42.17voipwerd i figured you were over the pond
15:42.22carrarlife gets crazy busy sometimes
15:42.25voipwe're trying to plan a pond hop now
15:42.34voipyou aren't kidding. how's the family?
15:42.43voiphope all is going well for you old timer
15:42.56carrardoing good, just dropped the child at kindergarten
15:43.07carrarhouse shopping
15:43.17carrarTime to move out of tent city
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15:46.06voipi thought you lived in the ritz / bellevue
15:46.09voiptent city?
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16:13.32Kattycarrar: good luck house shopping!!!
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16:20.02Pegasus_RPGHello. Does anyone here run their * behind pfSense? I'm having trouble getting audio though I can make and receive calls.
16:20.18Pegasus_RPGAnd it worked fine behind my old Cisco PIX firewalls
16:20.36Pegasus_RPGI suspect the magic was the PIX's sip fixup functionality
16:20.55Pegasus_RPGwhich I understand changes the IP addresses to the translated ones in the paackets on the fly
16:21.19WIMPyYou don't want that. It usally does more harm than good.
16:22.04Pegasus_RPGWIMPy: okay. In any case, I'm on pfSense boxes now and have done nothing other than the usual 1:1 NAT (I have a block of external IPs) and allowing SIP and RTP ports
16:22.59Pegasus_RPGSO what am I missing?
16:23.48Pegasus_RPGI have externhost set in my sip.conf to a FQDN of the machine
16:25.03Pegasus_RPGwhich resolves to the correct address depending on whether you query from inside the LAN or on the Internet
16:27.17[TK]D-FenderWhich is pointless
16:27.37[TK]D-Fenderit needs to resolve to the PUBLI IP on the * box itself
16:28.30[TK]D-FenderAs for audio you also need to ensure your forwarding RTP, have PORT RANDOMIZATION disabled, and no other ALG in play
16:29.31Pegasus_RPGmeaning doing 'dig' on the * should give its public address?
16:29.42[TK]D-Fenderon the * box itself
16:31.13Pegasus_RPGahh, port randomization is likely the main problem as it's default on pfSense. Fixing...
16:31.56Pegasus_RPGJust for SIP or for RTP too?
16:32.17[TK]D-Fenderkill it
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17:05.10pjensen00I'm doing originates via ARI and I can get it to ring my SIP endpoint no problem.  However, I'm trying to add a predial handler to it and am failing.
17:05.31pjensen00I add the "b(context^exten^priority)" portion and I keep getting 500's back
17:06.08pjensen00Is it supposed to be in the 'appArgs' query parameter?  I tried putting it there but didn't have much luck.
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17:19.47pjensen00looks like asterisk can't read the parenthesis.
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17:31.27*** topic/#asterisk is #asterisk The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- LTS: Asterisk 11.13.0 (2014/09/24), (2014/09/24); Standard: Asterisk 12.6.0 (2014/09/24); DAHDI: DAHDI-linux 2.10.0 (2014/08/13), DAHDI-tools 2.10.0 (2014/08/13); libpri 1.4.15 (2014/06/16) -=- Visit the official Asterisk wiki: -=- Read the Code of Conduct
17:38.19mjordanpjensen00: er
17:38.34mjordanwhy would a pre-dial handler, which is a specific construct to Dial, work with ARI?
17:38.53mjordanConsider this: do you think the same thing would work with the Originate AMI action?
17:40.29Pegasus_RPGOkay, I've tried disabling port randomization but it doesn't have any effect. To clarify: when a call comes in, they hear the VM greeting and can leave a message. If I call in from the outside, I too can check the VM.
17:41.06Pegasus_RPGBut if I try to answer a call from a softphone or a call forwarded to my cell phone, I hear nothing (and presume the other party doesn't either.)
17:41.19[TK]D-FenderPresume = bad
17:41.22Pegasus_RPGIf I call in to the voice mail from a soft phone, I hear nothing
17:41.26[TK]D-Fenderand you haven't shown us anything
17:41.41Pegasus_RPGand neither does it (dialing digits don't register.)
17:41.46Pegasus_RPGWhat would you like to see?
17:42.07[TK]D-Fenderdebug for calls, firewall settings, * core settings, etc
17:42.47Pegasus_RPGI just verified and the other party doesn't hear me either if I take a forwarded call
17:42.55Pegasus_RPGcollecting information...
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18:33.47pbxmanhello I need some advice on developing IVRs, please
18:34.42pbxmanWhat are the best ways to develop them in Asterisk? Php, Java, LUA?
18:35.30infobotbest for what? please define what you mean by "best"  Gloria Gaynor!  Tina Turner!  Aretha Franklin!  Men without Hats!  Women without Hats!  Flock of Seagulls!, or fvwm!  Women without clothes!
18:35.37[TK]D-FenderThere is no such thing as "best"
18:35.45[TK]D-Fenderand "IVR's" is ratehr vague
18:37.37mjordanthe answer, of course, is "Flock of Seagulls".
18:37.42ovoshlookhello! I find a vay how to do transfer through REST interface.
18:38.04mjordanovoshlook: blind or attended?
18:38.05pbxmanwell I'm migrating an IVR app from VXML to something else. I'm thinking about using Java or PHP maybe LUA. It must be easy, dynamic, not hard to maintain, etc. I was wondering what is the first option for people to develop a complex IVR now with Asterisk
18:38.31[TK]D-Fenderpbxman: "complex" is rather subjective
18:38.33mjordanI think language choice is a personal decision.
18:38.48[TK]D-Fender^ as well
18:39.04mjordanWhether or not you do it in the dialplan or through AGI (or some other interface) seems to be the question. And that's very subjective still, as it depends on the requirements of your system.
18:40.25ovoshlook@mjordan  does not matter. For example blind at first time
18:40.29mjordanovoshlook: generally, ARI doesn't provide transfers itself. Channel drivers, of course, can still perform transfers, in which case ARI will emit events that tell you what just happened to your channel.
18:40.32pbxmanmjordan, how would you do it, if you have to call Web Services all the time, use databases, Mysql + Oracle and so on.
18:40.46mjordanA blind transfer, in Asterisk, is rather trivial. You just release a channel to the dialplan using continue
18:41.45[TK]D-Fenderpbxman: then AGI in a language of your choice
18:41.56mjordanWith an attended transfer, you can simply move a channel between the bridges. You control the bridges and the channels, so you can remove the transferer from their bridge, start MoH on the destination, make a new bridge, and perform an originate to the transfer target.
18:42.13mjordanpbxman: what [TK]D-Fender said (who will have a better opinion on this question than me)
18:42.33pbxman[TK]D-Fender, I think of using a FastAgi + Java it's my best option here, the Asterisk Java APi is quite good, the problem is that I would like to be able to modify the code without having to restarting the application
18:42.39mjordanin fact, the concept of an 'attended' transfer is up to you to define.
18:42.52mjordanyou could have an attended transfer always be a 3-way party.
18:43.03mjordanlet everyone talk it out, then have the transferer drop out when they want.
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18:43.38mjordanyou could make it so that the transferer could talk to both parties at once while the target and destination can't talk to each other until the transfer is completed (although that would require some interesting usage of bridges/channels)
18:43.50mjordanARI turns Asterisk into tinker toys: you get to build what you want out of it
18:44.48mjordanpbxman: your requirement would be difficult for any scripting language.
18:45.18mjordanpbxman: any scripting language generally loads things into memory for the interpreter to execute. Modifying the file and expecting the interpreter to re-parse the source is generally not how things work.
18:45.32pbxmanmjordan, I'm also concerned about performance, we are getting about 30K calls a day
18:45.33mjordanpbxman: if you need that level of flexibility, you should store the 'mutable' parts in a database or some other storage
18:46.30pbxmani'm also thinking about creating my own JSP - Java layer based on the current java API but that could take me a while
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18:47.51pbxmanmjordan, yes, I have something like that in mind. Perhaps with an web application was backoffice for the IVR in which users could make changes live
18:48.11pbxman*was = as
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19:00.06pjensen00mjordan: Hrm I guess you're right.  I'm just trying to figure out how to add sip headers when I originate a call through ARI.  Was hoping to use the predialer but I'll have to try something else.
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19:45.44mjordanpjensen00: you can do it using the body variable parameters
19:45.57mjordanpjensen00: those are evaluated and added to the channel prior to performing the outbound INVITE request
19:46.19pjensen00Man, I really am trying to make this way too hard on myself.  Thanks sir!
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20:27.51MadHatter42any asterisks gurus around
20:28.09MadHatter42i'm getting a bit desperate >_<
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20:45.59newtonrMadHatter42, I see retransmissions with a timeout
20:46.17newtonrFollow call-ID 14f0958d2c4d2c992030ec4127af35e4 through
20:46.24MadHatter42i've disabled all firewalls and stuff
20:47.02newtonrthen run a packet capture on your machine to see if any responses to that call are getting back to the machine
20:47.20MadHatter42i have two numbers from the same provider
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20:47.37newtonrif you don't see anything there, and you are completely exposed, then either you are telling the far end the wrong address to send stuff to, or the problem exists outside your box and network
20:47.38MadHatter42  full trace
20:47.57MadHatter42i've got two numbers
20:48.02newtonrI Just looked at that.
20:48.16MadHatter42one inbound toll free, and one for dialing
20:48.30MadHatter42the inbound works, i can receive calls
20:48.40newtonrGoogle packet captures and wireshark. :D
20:49.01MadHatter42i have more experience with tcpdump
20:49.08MadHatter42what am I looking for ?
20:49.13newtonrThen compare the IP addresses used in both the SIP traffic of your working calls with your failing ones.
20:49.54[TK]D-FenderMadHatter42: they aren't answering
20:50.19MadHatter42but i called with my mobile phone and it worked fine
20:50.26[TK]D-Fendermeans nothing
20:50.40[TK]D-Fenderthey are not answering your call out from your server
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20:51.46MadHatter42what does that exactly means ?
20:52.10MadHatter42its a provider block or receiver block ?
20:52.15[TK]D-Fenderwhat part of "they are not answering" is unclear?
20:52.40[TK]D-FenderYou are originating a call to your provider.  They are NOT responding whatsoever
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20:52.56MadHatter42but this happens with every number
20:53.02newtonrMadHatter42,  If your network isn't blocking the response then I'd call your SIP provider and have them tell you what they see from their side.
20:53.04MadHatter42numbers that I know they work
20:53.14[TK]D-Fenderthis is not a problem with the NUMEBR you are dialing.
20:53.18[TK]D-FenderIf your PROVIDER
20:53.33MadHatter42i use didforsale
20:53.38[TK]D-FenderI zsee that
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20:56.06MadHatter42209.216.15.70    +12392054843     486729483_41556  (nothing)        No       Tx: BYE                    didforsale
20:56.30MadHatter42i tried some combinations of the config they gave me
20:57.04MadHatter42now it rings but i cant hear anything
21:00.04[TK]D-FenderReliably Transmitting (NAT) to <- for starters your provider is NOT behind NAT... this should be "nat=no".
21:00.40MadHatter42ok just a sec
21:17.35PenguinIf I don't use TLS but do use TCP, asterisk complains that I am not using TLS.  Is that normal?
21:18.31WIMPydoesn't remember such a message.
21:20.39PenguinWARNING[23329]: chan_sip.c:15444 in register_verify: peer 'D8B377ABCDEF' HAS NOT USED (OR SWITCHED TO) TLS in favor of 'TCP' (but this was allowed in sip.conf)!
21:21.09WIMPyAre you using the wrong port?
21:21.26PenguinI wouldn't think so.
21:21.42PenguinI can't imagine it would work if I used the wrong port.
21:22.38WIMPyI have no clue if it starts encrypted communication right away or if it uses somethin like starttls.
21:23.13PenguinSince I am not using TLS, it will never start encrypted communications.  Therefore the warning message.
21:23.40WIMPyWell, if you did, obviousely.
21:24.06PenguinI want to know if the warning is normal when using TCP but not using TLS.
21:24.21WIMPyIf it works the later way, you might be able to not use it even on the port that's meant to use it.
21:24.21PenguinAnd if it is normal, can I remove it?  I don't need to see that message -- I know I'm not using TLS.
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21:58.27pjensen00mjordan: I've been trying to find out why I haven't been able to set variables in the originate REST request and I think it's because the body variable "variables" isn't in the right encoding.  I've tried encoding it in JSON to work around that and a packet capture shows the following text
21:58.43pjensen00I can't tell what's wrong with it
21:58.56pjensen00just trying to set the caller ID to Frankenstein at the moment
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22:13.51pjensen00If anyone has an example of the content body for the REST request with the CALLERID(name) variable set I would greatly appreciate it.  Currently trying to figure out why app/extension/endpoint etc work but my "variables" won't
22:16.22mjordanpjensen00: they are JSON, but they are only specified as body parameters, not query parameters
22:16.25mjordanlooks for an example
22:22.58mjordanit figures that the test that covers this use case doesn't log out the request
22:23.07mjordanlet me see if I can't get it to dump it out in a nice pretty format
22:23.17mjordanbut if you'd like some example python code using the requests library:
22:24.57pjensen00I shall check this out
22:25.48pjensen00yeah that example is what I'm trying to do, but my lib is doing it's own converstion and mashing the data I think.
22:28.56mjordanI'd expect an equivalent CURL command to look something like this:
22:28.57mjordancurl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"variables": {"CALLERID(name)": "Alice"} }' http://localhost:8080/channels?app=haa&extension=100&context=default&
22:29.04mjordannote that the variables aren't part of the query
22:29.12mjordanthey're passed in as a body parameter to the post
22:29.51pjensen00Thanks, I'll keep hacking away until I figure it out.
22:29.56mjordanright now, you're passing them in as query parameters... so. Yeah. Your underlying library shouldn't do that.
22:30.09mjordanwhich library are you using?
22:30.33pjensen00The issue seems that when it encodes the body, it only encodes one level deep
22:30.58pjensen00So the container of 'variables' gets left to birds
22:31.33mjordanthat looks relevant
22:32.02pjensen00hrm, I will give that a shot thanks
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23:37.58ApteryxGood evening.
23:38.07ApteryxPenguin: still no joy with TCP?
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