IRC log for #asterisk on 20141002

00:00.23*** join/#asterisk fstd (~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted)
00:08.41*** join/#asterisk vinhdizzo (
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00:13.16Apteryxanything like the CLI "set sip debug on" for pjsip?
00:15.37tm1000Apteryx: pjsip set logger on
00:15.45tm1000Apteryx: pjsip set logger <host>
00:15.53tm1000Apteryx: pjsip set logger off
00:16.28tm1000Apteryx: also Asterisk supports “tabbing” so. pjsip <tab> === list of commands :-)
00:17.20*** part/#asterisk bkruse (~Adium@
00:17.29Apteryxtm1000: that's just what I was looking for! Thanks :) I thought setting debug=yes under [globals] in pjsip.conf was enabling debug mode.
00:30.40*** join/#asterisk voix (~voix@unaffiliated/voix)
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00:46.47*** part/#asterisk voix_ (voix@unaffiliated/voix)
01:39.56*** join/#asterisk vinhdizzo (
01:48.39*** join/#asterisk bmurt (
01:49.03ApteryxAnyone knowledgeable in SDP codecs handling would mind to help me understand why Jitsi and Bria won't talk together using the Opus codec? I've put a paste of the pjsip log here:
01:49.43*** join/#asterisk darkbasic (
01:54.34ApteryxJitsi uses: opus/48000/2, whilst Bria uses OPUS/48000, if I'm following the sequence correctly.
01:55.23*** join/#asterisk darkbasic (
01:56.47ApteryxWould the agents/Asterisk be dumb enough to do a case sensitive compare between those fields?
02:03.56ApteryxIt seems PJSIP is case insensitive regarding codec ID. See for more info.
02:21.27*** join/#asterisk vinhdizzo (
02:22.42ApteryxI'm pretty sure the problem is Bria not using the latest Opus RTP Format defined in the latest IETF draft.
02:31.44*** part/#asterisk vinhdizzo (
02:55.10Apteryxok, so this was the problem: Bria on iOS (it works on Mac) refuses the opus/48000/2 offer. They are working on a fix for the next releases.
02:58.18*** join/#asterisk Lexikahn (~Lexikahn@unaffiliated/lexikahn)
03:11.21ApteryxHow can I force some codec on incoming calls?
03:12.50ApteryxI enabled G722, and now Asterisk bridges G722 to G711 instead of using G711 on the receiver side's as well. I'd like to tell it to use G711 on all incoming call (but still allowing G722 for my internal calls).
03:14.39ApteryxI tried set(SIP_CODEC=ulaw)
03:14.57Apteryxdidn't work, the receiving UA is still on G722.
03:25.31*** join/#asterisk bmurt (
04:08.35ApteryxUsing pjsip and tcp, I get: TCP connect() error: Connection refused.
04:49.10*** join/#asterisk blee (~blee@
05:03.43*** part/#asterisk Lexikahn (~Lexikahn@unaffiliated/lexikahn)
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07:06.33*** join/#asterisk caveat- (hoax@2a01:4f8:191:9111:30::10)
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07:11.50*** part/#asterisk drewbug (~Adium@fsf/member/drewbug)
07:13.47*** join/#asterisk ThatDamnRanga (~wiretap@unaffiliated/wiretap)
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07:29.06*** join/#asterisk caveat- (hoax@2a01:4f8:191:9111:30::10)
07:48.42*** join/#asterisk nkkromhof (uid45966@gateway/web/
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08:19.46*** join/#asterisk caveat- (hoax@2a01:4f8:191:9111:30::10)
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08:37.33*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/chainsaw)
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08:46.51*** join/#asterisk gusto (~gusto@2a02:810d:8640:1dd0:221:6aff:feb8:e0b2)
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09:03.27*** join/#asterisk sekil (~sekil@
09:07.38*** join/#asterisk mirela666 (
09:09.40*** join/#asterisk WHiZZi (
09:10.02WHiZZig'day all
09:11.59WHiZZiI was wondering if anyone can confirm or deny if there's a setting for an Asterisk call file to be retried after a number of minutes.
09:12.18WHiZZiI create a working file, move it to the outgoing spool directory
09:12.27WHiZZicall is being made, so far so good
09:12.45WHiZZiI answer the call and everything is setup as it should
09:12.58WHiZZibut the .call-file remains in the outgoing spool directory
09:13.01*** join/#asterisk caveat- (hoax@2a01:4f8:191:9111:30::10)
09:13.27WHiZZiand after approx 5 minutes asterisk does a new dial based on that .call-file
09:13.54WHiZZiwhile I'm actually having a fully functional call already
09:14.34WHiZZias soon as I hangup, the .call-file is removed
09:26.10*** join/#asterisk mirela666 (
09:27.06*** join/#asterisk MintberryCruNCH (
09:28.10*** join/#asterisk robscow (~robsco@
09:28.46*** join/#asterisk hindi (
09:29.11robscowIs it possible to cancel a transfer?  We can transfer a call, but if the other party doesn't pick up, and it goes to voicemail, we'd like to cancel the transfer?
09:29.43*** join/#asterisk caveat- (hoax@2a01:4f8:191:9111:30::10)
09:29.48hindiIve configured a session timer for my trunk. But It seems not working.... I want asterisk to re-register the trunk every 800 seconds
09:30.00robscowcurrently we have [featuremap] atxfer => *2 in features.conf
09:32.18mirela666robscow: use attended transfer, so that agent can call 3rd party and see if they will pick up
09:33.17mirela666hindi: yu must be having session-timer in general section that is re-writing it ?
09:33.49hindinope, I don't have any other session-timers
09:34.30hindiin sip trace i can see the register packets from asterisk to the provider... but asterisk doesnt send the register every 800 seconds...
09:36.21*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (
09:37.19hindimirela666, peer settings overwirte the global settings...
09:37.58mirela666hindi: and in what time does it send ?
09:38.47hindibetween 8 and 10 minutes..
09:39.12hindibut I think it takes the providers expiretime...
09:39.36hindibecause sip show registry shows: Refresh = 585
09:40.40*** join/#asterisk mirela666 (
09:44.05hindimirela666, yep it takes the expire in the contact field
09:44.14*** join/#asterisk caveat- (hoax@2a01:4f8:191:9111:30::10)
09:45.17mirela666hindi: and what does sip show registry says for expires in field
09:46.59mirela666so it is set to 600 sec
09:47.26mirela66610 min
09:48.22mirela666maybe you can't overwrite the general section per peer
09:51.15mirela666so you have defaultexpiry=600 in general section
09:51.26mirela666and what do you use in peer settings
09:54.09*** join/#asterisk caveat- (hoax@2a01:4f8:191:9111:30::10)
09:54.26hindinope... defaultexpiry is set to 120
09:55.12hinditried to force asterisk to use the configured session-timer with session-refresher=uac.... but still uses the providers expire...
09:55.34hindijust called the provider.. they check the expire in their response
09:58.48mirela666Asterisk will never override the ; preferences of the other endpoint, to avoid fiting
10:00.59hindiyep... so it takes the providers expire :)
10:01.37hindimirela666,  so its not my fault :D
10:02.34mirela666well, looks like you can do nothing about it
10:02.54MintberryCruNCHanyone worked with app mp4?
10:14.37*** join/#asterisk mirela666 (
10:39.51hindimirela666, just tried to refuse the session timer... but its not possible...
10:47.02*** join/#asterisk Aamit (~amit@
10:55.21hindimirela666, ok.. on step closer :) set it to originate and refresher = uas
10:55.37*** join/#asterisk areski (
10:55.39hindinow the session timer is mine :)
10:56.07hindistupid computers...
10:56.13mirela666hehe :) good
10:56.48hindiwhy i didnt take another job... something with stones... or with cars ..
10:57.04mirela666yeah, driving big truks
10:57.36mirela666or Executive cutter of watermellons
10:57.42hindibut I though... do something with computers... computers are the future..
10:58.07*** join/#asterisk calum_ (
10:58.14hindinow i working on UC-Applications for a few years and eyery week is another stupid case...
10:59.33mirela666so originate + uas was the winning combo ?
10:59.38mirela666or uac?
10:59.38hindimirela666,  this is the real executive cutter of watermelones
11:01.00hindimirela666, pffffff..... session timer changed to providers one...
11:01.21hindiI think, asterisk never win the challenge...
11:01.45hindibecause its the last stupid asterisk box in the whole data center...
11:01.58mirela666:) the boss said "seddle the horse"
11:02.01hindiand so it cares a shit about our feelings...
11:02.34hindibecause all his friends are down and replaced by freeswitch servers
11:08.43*** join/#asterisk mimage (~mimage@fedora/mimage)
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11:33.00hindiwhy there is way to decrease the session timer... I only want to set a session timer lower than the timer which is sent by provider :(
11:33.15hindi*no way...
11:38.43*** join/#asterisk putnopvut (~putnopvut@asterisk/master-of-queues/mmichelson)
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11:38.49*** join/#asterisk caveat- (hoax@2a01:4f8:191:9111:30::10)
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12:16.48*** join/#asterisk ovoshlook (d5ea0b4e@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
12:18.29ovoshlookhello. How to configure menuselect from command line (something like menuselect --enable)
12:21.50*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
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12:30.07Aamitovoshlook, make menuselect
12:33.06*** join/#asterisk jasonwert (~jasonwert@
12:34.30ovoshlookI mean - make menuselect from scripr oranothes app. I want to automate asterisk installer
12:34.54ovoshlooklike apt-get
12:35.09ovoshlookbut install it with my own options and packets
12:37.05*** join/#asterisk sgriepentrog (~sgriepent@nat/digium/x-meufcwjcuogjbqgh)
12:41.49wdoekesovoshlook: $ menuselect/menuselect --disable app_dial; grep app_dial menuselect.makeopts
12:43.45*** join/#asterisk Apteryx (
12:43.51ApteryxGood morning!
12:45.18*** join/#asterisk theron (~theron@
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12:55.19ApteryxWould anyone have an idea why I keep getting Connection refused [code=120111] when using Asterisk 12, pjsip and tcp transport? My config works fine using udp... My log:
12:58.49ovoshlookwdoekes: thanks!
13:00.46nkkromhofApteryx: at the risk of asking the obvious, you have enabled 'transport=tcp' in sip.conf, right?
13:01.14*** join/#asterisk sekil (~sekil@
13:01.20wdoekesnkkromhof: PJsip
13:01.36nkkromhofoh I see, sorry, my bad!
13:02.07Apteryxnkkromhof: in pjsip.conf, yes.
13:04.08ApteryxWhen I do, from the CLI, pjsip show endpoints, I get:
13:04.44ApteryxOne thing that it could be, is a module I forgot to load, as I'm manually managing modules. But usually Asterisk has good messages about a missing module.
13:04.54wdoekesApteryx: ?
13:04.58wdoekesyour tcp works just fine
13:05.05wdoekesit's the endpoint that has issues on that port
13:05.27wdoekesgo so a shell and type: nc -zvw2 60057
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13:05.57wdoekes*go to
13:06.54ApteryxOn the first TCP connection, I got: nc: connect to port 60057 (tcp) timed out: Operation now in progress
13:07.08Apteryx(for the yuki endpoint.)
13:07.29ApteryxOn the second TCP address registered, I got: nc: connect to port 60263 (tcp) failed: Connection refused
13:08.03Apteryxhmmm. Seems you've nailed the issue. Strange that it happens only when using TCP and not UDP?
13:08.37*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
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13:09.51wdoekesare you trying to register tcp endpoints from behind nat?
13:10.00*** join/#asterisk bmurt (~brendan@
13:10.09wdoekes(two different endpoints behind ?)
13:11.01Apteryxwdoekes: the only thing which is the otherside of the nat in this scenario is Asterisk registration address (, that resolves back to my router and then port forward to the asterisk server at
13:11.37ApteryxI'm trying to use such a scheme because I want to connect to my server from remote locations as well and I don't want to change my UA settings every time.
13:13.04*** join/#asterisk drmessano (~nonya@pdpc/supporter/active/drmessano)
13:13.38wdoekesyou didn't answer my question: is the the IP of a device, or is it an IP of a nat-gateway?
13:14.04Apteryxwdoekes: sorry. Yes, is the IP of a device.
13:15.51wdoekeswell.. apparently the phone/device registers with a port it doesn't open. but we need to see a sip capture of the REGISTER to be certain
13:17.16WIMPyIsn't the idea of using tcp that you have a connection?
13:21.04Apteryxwdoekes: here's my registration process, for the endpoint at
13:22.15wdoekesand if you then 'nc' to 50871, does it open the port?
13:23.05Apteryxnope, still getting: nc: connect to port 50871 (tcp) failed: Connection refused
13:23.13wdoekeshm.. "In a Contact or Route header field value, it indicates that the UA would like other requests in the same dialog to be routed over the same flow.
13:23.16*** join/#asterisk jzaw (
13:23.40wdoekesas long as the connection is open, asterisk should attempt to use that open tcp connection to contact said device
13:23.52wdoekesdon't know if that requires extra modules
13:24.03wdoekescheck: netstat -apnAinet | grep 50871
13:24.08*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (
13:24.20wdoekesit should be ESTABLISHED if it's still open
13:24.37Apteryxgot: tcp        0      0       ESTABLISHED 12121/asterisk
13:24.58ApteryxBut notice the
13:25.02Apteryxthis is due to
13:25.17wdoekesok, so that would never work
13:25.37wdoekessince the .1 would have to forward all ports 1-1 to .101
13:26.04*** join/#asterisk amizraa (~amizraa@gateway/tor-sasl/amizraa)
13:26.05wdoekesunless you can convince asterisk to actually use the "ob" flag and talk over the existing tcp connection
13:26.15*** join/#asterisk Draecos (
13:28.28ApteryxWhat is this flag about?
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13:39.23wdoekesApteryx: this?
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14:08.37*** join/#asterisk gusto (~gusto@2a02:810d:8640:1dd0:221:6aff:feb8:e0b2)
14:17.30*** join/#asterisk upp (~ialami@
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14:18.49upphello, can i tell asterisk to ignore the first 3 digit if a call is comming from a known peer?
14:20.19[TK]D-FenderYou can't.  You CAN however make different extens in the context it lands in to strip them and then pass onwards.
14:21.15uppok thanks [TK]D-Fender
14:30.43WIMPyThe first digits of what?
14:34.15*** join/#asterisk e4voip (uid13742@gateway/web/
14:46.17uppWIMPy: peer1 call 555222 and asterisk sip user is 222 for example
14:46.52uppWIMPy: trunk work well, i see at the log 555222 rejected because extension not found in context
14:48.23WIMPyYes, you need to make a special context for them then.
14:48.42[TK]D-Fenderupp: "asterisk sip user" means nthing
14:49.07[TK]D-Fenderupp: phone's don't dial "sip users".  They dial EXTENSIONS>  What your extensions fo is another matter
14:51.04uppyes i understand what you mean, i tought that i can do that at the trunk declaration
14:51.13uppat sip.conf
14:51.29[TK]D-Fenderwhat you dial = dialplan
14:51.36[TK]D-Fenderthis is the very basics of *
14:52.02[TK]D-Fendernothign you put in sip.conf tells it what do do when user dials X.
14:52.35WIMPyIt would make sense, however.
14:53.17uppthere are some other software like VCX when you can tell it when calls come from this peer, do that....
14:54.49[TK]D-Fenderupp: you can.. it's called DIALPLAN
14:54.55*** join/#asterisk calum_ (
14:55.02[TK]D-Fenderupp: Everything the dial = dialplan.
14:55.07[TK]D-Fenderupp: Go make some for this peer
14:55.27uppok thanks
15:02.33*** join/#asterisk mbowie (~mbowie@
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17:07.35*** join/#asterisk ikevin (
17:09.05ikevini'm trying to setup tls on asterisk 1.8, i'm following some howto about that, so i've a problem, all howto refer to tcp/tls port 5061 which is not open on my server
17:09.44ikevini've set a "port=5061" in my extension, do i need to add other options?
17:09.56*** join/#asterisk Dovid (
17:10.30WIMPy1. You may want to use a more recent version of Asterisk.
17:10.52WIMPy2. If the port isn't open, you either failed to activate it or used another port.
17:11.07[TK]D-Fenderikevin: that port will not be open on your server
17:11.14WIMPy3. "port" and "extension" don't make sense.
17:11.22[TK]D-Fenderikevin: that is the port on the OTHER END you defining
17:11.33[TK]D-Fenderikevin: that is not *'s LISTENING port
17:13.14WIMPySure that's that's the port it would listen on if it's enabled.
17:13.34[TK]D-Fender[13:09]ikevini've set a "port=5061" in my extension, do i need to add other options? <- he's talking about PEER settings
17:13.44[TK]D-Fendernot *'s actual [general] settings
17:13.51ikevinto enable tls i've added "tlsenable=yes" on [general]
17:14.07ikevin[TK]D-Fender, oh sorry, yes, in peer not extension :x
17:14.18WIMPyCan you use TLS outbound without having it enabled inbound?
17:14.43[TK]D-FenderWIMPy: that peer port says nthing about setting the bound port it will use
17:15.06[TK]D-FenderWIMPy: Also... we've seen no statement of anything at all working.. so....
17:15.14WIMPyAnd it doesn;t say anything about using TLS, either.
17:15.37ikevini'm following:
17:16.14ikevinso while i try to use this (just changing IP), this don't work, i get a connexion refused error
17:16.32ikevin(i use debian's package)
17:16.45[TK]D-Fenderikevin: So far i'm not seeing you defining the actual bound port * will use
17:17.29WIMPyWhat says connection refused?
17:18.16ikevin[TK]D-Fender, i'm not sure to understand what you said (sorry for my bad english :x)
17:19.08[TK]D-Fenderikevin: You haven't shown us where you actually told Asterisk to listen to that port.
17:19.26[TK]D-Fenderikevin: And we have no idea how many other mistakes you may have made in your configs.
17:19.33[TK]D-Fenderikevin: You should re-read the sample config
17:21.56ikevini don't specify any specific port, just use the default debian config and apply
17:22.19[TK]D-Fenderikevin: Default means nothing.
17:22.26[TK]D-FenderikeGo make actual settings and confirm them
17:23.34ikevindefault mean i've installed package from debian and just changing sip.conf with what i found on the howto
17:24.27[TK]D-Fenderikevin: You're not showing what you actually did, status dumps, etc.
17:25.22*** join/#asterisk Aamit (~amit@
17:27.08*** join/#asterisk zerick (~eocrospom@
17:27.40ikevinwhat i did, installing 2 fresh debian 7 on VMs, installing asterisk from apt, and the only thing i've change in asterisk config is to apply the examples config for tls from asterisk wiki
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17:31.53WIMPyIf you made those changes, restarted Asterisk and it doesn't listen on 5061, then you either made a mistake, or you don't have TLS support.
17:33.17[TK]D-Fenderikevin: Nothing you have done has set the listening port so far as we'vce seen
17:33.36*** join/#asterisk riess82 (
17:33.36[TK]D-Fenderikevin: And what we have seen ... was 1 line you posted here.
17:34.17WIMPyWhat's on the wiki, would set it to listen.
17:35.29*** part/#asterisk riess82 (
17:35.52ikevin this are my 2 sip.conf
17:37.39[TK]D-Fenderikevin: <---- read the sample config
17:39.19[TK]D-Fenderikevin: You have not set the bind for it
17:42.39ikevini think it's that, so i don't found info about "tls bind port"
17:43.10WIMPyYes you did. You even told us where you found it.
17:43.51*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
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17:56.44eduzimrsguys, im using * 1.8 and im trying to schedule a call in the future doing  (touch -t somefile.txt) and moving it to outgoing, so its dialing right after i move it, its not respecting the date a changed
18:02.30*** join/#asterisk theron (~theron@
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18:18.04[TK]D-Fendereduzimrs: Same as always : Show us
18:18.38ChannelZhow are you movingh it?
18:20.03ChannelZ('stat' the file and see if the timestamp is what you think it is)
18:25.41*** join/#asterisk jhlavacek (~jirka@
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19:00.42KNERDWhat happened to the Voicemail option - > 0 Mailbox options -> 4 Record your temporary message -> 2 Erase your temporary message (going back to the standard message) ?
19:01.25*** join/#asterisk mirela666 (~mirko.bra@
19:01.28WIMPyDoes anyone have an idea why Asterisk 11.13.0 sometimes decides to try to play a non existing file instead of an existing one?
19:02.21WIMPyIt seems to only happen for the queue-minutes files and only sometimes.
19:03.09WIMPyHere's a verbose/debug of such an occurance:
19:03.55WIMPyThe files all exist as gsm and only as gsm. The failed one is then replaced by the english version.
19:05.10KNERDyou need o fix that "pastebin" of yours. Nobody wants to try to read all of that if it is all on one line
19:05.41WIMPyWell, it's a unix text, not a DOS one.
19:07.12KNERDshould be in displayed in compliance with w3c
19:07.33WIMPyIt's a text file, not html.
19:08.06KNERDexaclty :-)
19:08.31WIMPyDo you want it as html?
19:09.52WIMPyNow you can get it as html.
19:17.21KNERDsure :-) wants the version according to what CODEC is being used
19:19.58WIMPyWhich is alaw all the way.
19:20.59KNERDso it is trying to place a alaw version of that message which does not exists so it plays what it has avaiable
19:21.27WIMPyOr something that isn't.
19:22.02KNERDso if you have the message in alaw it woul dbe playing that one
19:22.21KNERDor you make the system only use GSM CODEC then it will play that GMS one
19:22.46WIMPyThe PSTN is alway only.
19:23.23KNERDnot inside the PBX
19:24.29WIMPyWell, as I said, I only have gsm file.
19:24.36WIMPyWhich Asterisk uses most of the time.
19:24.51KNERDtry converting it
19:25.27WIMPyAnd how do I know if that would work?
19:25.39WIMPyThat seems to be a very strange and random bug.
19:29.55*** join/#asterisk jokke (~jokke@2a03:4000:2:4f5::1)
19:30.10jokkei'm having some trouble with asterisk
19:30.30jokkewhen someone is calling me i see in the console: failed to extend from 256 to 373
19:30.43jokkemy number isn't 256 though
19:30.50jokkeoer 373
19:31.07jokkewhere should i start debugging?
19:35.00WIMPyFirst of all the real message would help.
19:35.17WIMPyAnd maybe it's just someone trying to hack you at the same time.
19:36.04jokkeWIMPy: at the exact same time?
19:36.12jokkethat's the real message
19:38.09WIMPyhe part at the beginning might tell you what's happening.
19:38.26WIMPyThe part you didn't paste.
19:38.40jokkejust a sec
19:40.11*** join/#asterisk drmessano (~nonya@pdpc/supporter/active/drmessano)
19:43.11jokkeWIMPy: ok..
19:44.07jokkethe push thing is from my extensions
19:44.11jokkei'll paste them
19:46.15WIMPyThat does not look like Asterisk log at all.
19:46.43jokkehere's the relevant extends
19:46.51WIMPyBut something seems to have run out of some resource, probably memory.
19:47.06jokkenaaah i don't think so
19:47.25jokkeMem:          3.9G       1.9G       2.0G        17M        53M       438M
19:47.34WIMPyOk, so where is the verbose of at least 3?
19:47.51WIMPyAnd maybe you should set debug to at least 1 as well.
19:48.01jokkeah ok
19:48.04jokkehow do i do that?
19:48.29WIMPycore set ... verbose|debug.
19:49.19jokkeok done
19:49.43jokkei can't call myself though because my softphone on linux can't connect to the server
19:49.48jokkeno idea why
19:49.55jokkethe mobile client works fine
19:50.14jokkeand i've tried several softphones
19:50.46jokkecan you try to call me from another sip server? Don't know if thats possible...
19:53.03Kattyfile: 5 DAYS
19:55.41*** join/#asterisk mcrownover (
19:58.55WIMPySIP is P2P.
19:59.16WIMPySo if only depends if you allow it.
19:59.34*** join/#asterisk Cynagen (
19:59.41jokkei don't know.. what are the default settings?
19:59.55WIMPyDepends on the version.
20:02.27jokkewhat no?
20:03.20jokkewhat setting is this?
20:04.31jokkeum.. does this mean just incoming calls or also allow guests to make outgoing calls?
20:06.13jokkeah that's bad
20:06.18WIMPyYour extensions define what you're allowed to call.
20:06.26jokkehm sure
20:07.01jokkei'll activate it temporarily if you want to help me out and try to call
20:07.40WIMPyI don't have a softphone here.
20:07.46jokkeah :D
20:07.50jokkeok then
20:10.40*** join/#asterisk D-Boy (~D-Boy@unaffiliated/cain)
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20:29.02jokkeok here:
20:29.12jokkeWIMPy: i got a softphone working
20:29.21jokkehere's the verbose output
20:29.51*** join/#asterisk Faustov (~fst@gentoo/user/faustov)
20:36.08WIMPySo it wasn't able to communicate with the peer jokke.
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21:18.16SirLouenhi all
21:19.04SirLouenanyone know if its possible to eliminate ringing tone in early media during a noanswer-playback for example?
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21:43.44*** join/#asterisk Neo` (~neo@unaffiliated/neo/x-8965769)
21:43.46Neo`hi all
21:44.08Neo`guys, mb anybody can help me with linksys pap2t
21:44.20Neo`i have 2 ata, cisco spa 122, and linksys pap2t
21:44.42Neo`when anybody call me to spa122 - i get long rings
21:44.59Neo`when anybody call me to pap2t - i get many many short rings :(
21:45.12PenguinChange the ringer on the device.
21:45.17Neo`how i can configure pap2t to long rings too :(
21:45.35Neo`i can't find ringer settings on the device :((((
21:45.58Neo`(sorry for my english, i`m from Russia)
21:46.05PenguinI always do everything on admin/advanced, so click on admin and then click on advanced.
21:46.43Neo`i try change mode to admin/advanced, but i can't find this options
21:46.57Neo`mb you can say me name of this options?
21:47.23PenguinDid you log on from your browser?
21:48.19Neo`at now moment - yes
21:51.36Neo`can you help me with it? please :(
21:52.14PenguinOne second.
21:53.33PenguinI think it might be on the line 1 tab.
21:54.19Neo`but... where? what name is option? :(
21:57.48Neo`This tab does not have this option
22:01.24PenguinGive me a minute to log in on a pap2t and look for you.
22:04.38PenguinGo to the User 1 tab for port 1.
22:05.27PenguinThere is a Ring Settings section.
22:05.59PenguinDefault ring option
22:06.12Penguin1 should be long ring
22:09.20Neo`one sec, i try it!
22:10.59*** join/#asterisk calum_ (
22:11.14Neo`on default selected 1, but i get: long, short, short, short
22:12.38PenguinTry a different one on the list.
22:13.21Neo`ofc, i try all from this list )
22:13.37PenguinYou can also change what the ringers sound like in the regional tab.
22:15.33PenguinMy Ring1 Cadence (in north america) is:  60(2/4)
22:15.42Penguinone 2-second ring
22:18.42PenguinOh, that might be the one you hear on the earpiece when dialing out.  :(
22:18.59PenguinI don't have a pap2t here to play with.
22:21.56*** join/#asterisk drmessano (~nonya@pdpc/supporter/active/drmessano)
22:23.29Neo`<Penguin> My Ring1 Cadence (in north america) is:  60(2/4)
22:23.29Neo`<Penguin> one 2-second ring
22:23.37Neo`it is very important!
22:24.01Neo`cadence settings is idenidentical from cisco spa122 and linksys
22:24.13Neo`it settings is: 60(2/4)
22:24.27Neo`but on cisco it is "one 2-second ring"
22:24.52Neo`on linksys it is: one 1-second ring, and 2 short rings
22:28.58*** join/#asterisk vinhdizzo (
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22:39.10Penguin(1718.40) <Penguin> Oh, that might be the one you hear on the earpiece when dialing out.  :(
22:47.10Neo`in pap2t has a feature call longer 0.75señ he divides into parts
22:47.44Neo`if i set ring 2 sec, he ring 0.75 sec, and last short rings
22:47.48*** join/#asterisk jzaw (
22:47.56Neo`i dont know how i can fix it
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23:26.20Neo`Penguin, very very very thx you for help!
23:26.25Neo`i fix this bug )
23:29.17*** join/#asterisk blee (~blee@
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