IRC log for #asterisk on 20141001

00:00.23*** join/#asterisk fstd (~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted)
00:11.40*** join/#asterisk KNERD (~KNERD@
00:22.36*** join/#asterisk wonderworld (
00:23.27*** join/#asterisk bmurt (
00:26.26KNERDIs a VoIP channel consisting of one way sending, or duplex sending and receiving?
00:26.51*** join/#asterisk Vutral (~ss@mirbsd/special/Vutral)
00:35.28*** join/#asterisk jzaw (
00:44.21*** join/#asterisk Apteryx (
00:44.56ApteryxHello :) Could anyone help me to enable h264 video in Asterisk with pjsipÉ
00:48.25ApteryxI'm loading the module in modules.conf, but when I use h264 in my endpoints allow= definitions, asterisk complains that: WARNING[32218]: channel.c:834 ast_best_codec: Don't know any of (h264) formats
00:48.58*** join/#asterisk bmurt (
00:55.29*** join/#asterisk Vutral (~ss@mirbsd/special/Vutral)
00:55.44*** join/#asterisk wonderworld (
00:56.00KNERD[TK]D-Fender: in using u-law, for example. 64BKBs per send and 64KBs per receive, or 64KBs for both send and receive?
00:59.55KNERDApteryx: did you compile Asterisk with h264?
01:04.58*** join/#asterisk jzaw (
01:05.13ndbhey, how can I debug loading it via modules with gdb?
01:05.17ApteryxKNERD: I have in /usr/lib/asterisk/modules, so I guess so
01:10.09KNERD[TK]D-Fender: thanks
01:12.14KNERDApteryx: give us mor elog details
01:32.28*** join/#asterisk jzaw (
01:36.02ApteryxShould I define anything in codecs.conf to get h264 working?
01:38.24ApteryxMust be me being stupid again. Just noticed there is a module... which I was not loading.
01:38.53ApteryxI'm sorry if I made you loose a hair or two!
01:40.01*** join/#asterisk TheSin (
01:40.53TheSinhey guys I just updated dahdi and it wiped all my configs, none of the kernel modules loaded and even now that i have loaded them I can't get an spans, anyone have any ideas or anyplace I can go read
01:41.06ApteryxThe bad news is that I get the exact same WARNING. :(
01:45.30ApteryxKNERD: Also, now I realized that probably having is not enough, and I would require as well, but I don't have this on my system. Maybe your first question was spot on after all! I'm really sorry for my ignorance.
01:49.31*** part/#asterisk TheSin (
01:51.43*** join/#asterisk TodWulff (~TodWulff@unaffiliated/todwulff)
01:52.28*** join/#asterisk darkbasic (
01:52.33*** join/#asterisk Dovid (
01:52.34TodWulffthinks "NAT'g an asterisk server is a real PITA..."
01:52.38*** join/#asterisk cunningpike (
01:54.00[TK]D-FenderI've never had issues with it
01:54.23TodWulffI am totally ignorant  <-- root cause
01:54.33*** join/#asterisk Lexikahn (
01:55.21TodWulffa non-linux guy with asterisk installed on a wrt router trying to learn the ins and outs of iptables in a matter of a few hours
01:55.54TodWulffread as - trying to boil the ocean, ya know.  I'll get it, just needed to vent for a sec.
01:56.47TodWulffIf anyone has a NAT'd asterisk instantiated on an Asus router and is willing to share their iptables config, i would be appreciative.
01:58.17[TK]D-FenderDoes * have a public IP on it, or is it just running on a router that is behind another?
02:00.17TodWulffit has a public IP that is not static.  I have a domain name and am using as my name servers.  however, name resolution typically results in resolving to the isp name vs. my domian.  I am sure I am overthinking things too, only because I am ignant.
02:01.05TodWulff* is running on the edge device (Asus RT-AC66U)
02:01.28*** join/#asterisk jzaw (
02:02.17TodWulffand Asus has taken steps, in the interests of security, to lock down thing on the router.  I am having to learn a lot more than I had initially thought I was going to, when I took up this endeavor.
02:03.40*** join/#asterisk Vutral (~ss@mirbsd/special/Vutral)
02:03.48TodWulffI had a working instantiation when all my sip clients were on the lan.  But I just got an external DID and when trying to open things up for WAN connectivity, I got in a flat spin and suspect that I will turn it into a smoking hole in the ground.
02:04.25*** join/#asterisk TheSin (
02:04.37PenguinBind asterisk to the router's private gateway address and then configure it as you would when it is behind a NAT.
02:05.54[TK]D-FenderIf * has a public IP, then it doesn't need to look it up
02:06.00PenguinIf you have phones on the public internet, you'll also have to forward the pertinent ports.
02:06.34[TK]D-FenderAnd since it IS the edge router there is you have nothing to forward... only allow input on
02:06.42[TK]D-Fenderwhich is 5060, and your rtp.conf range
02:06.43TodWulffthe problems lie in the chains - i.e. input vs. forward vs. output vs. pre/post routing.  given that the * is on the firewall device, it is not as simple as port forwarding and what not.  I am rethinking my original decision of putting it on the router.  I may just spool up a VM and go that way.
02:06.44[TK]D-Fenderall UDP
02:07.00[TK]D-FenderNO FORWARDING
02:07.23[TK]D-FenderCheck that your INPUT policy allows SIP+RTP
02:07.43TodWulffYeah, I may be missing RTP all together, I think.
02:08.05TodWulffI've focused on sip only and that may be one of my hurdles.
02:08.22TheSinwhat does "dahdi: Span WCT1/0 does not support setting type." mean and why don't I have a span
02:08.24PenguinSIP is only signaling.  RTP is where your audio is.
02:09.21TodWulffyeah, I suspect that might be part of the issue.  I did have it where a call would connect but no audio pass through.  got to overthinking things and effed it all up.  just reset iptables and am going to start from scratch.
02:09.55PenguinThe INPUT chain is for any packets destined for the box where you're issuing the iptables commands.
02:10.24PenguinThat's the one that allows or disallows things to reach asterisk.
02:10.37TodWulffif I bind * to my external ip, does it have to be an ip or can it be a fqdn?
02:11.14TodWulffI would like the latter, given my isp doesn't issue static ips w/o a business account.
02:12.14PenguinIf asterisk would even accept a hostname in the bindaddr field, you would bind to whatever address the name resolves to at the time chan_sip loads up.
02:12.42PenguinIf for some reason your IP address would change, you'd be binding the wrong address until the next time you load chan_sip.
02:13.20TodWulffand with * being inside of the firewall, on an internal ip - i.e. - I find that I have to DNAT and SNAT shites - it is fugly - lol
02:13.28TodWulffyeah, good point Penguin.
02:13.38TheSinis there a pay support I can call at this time?
02:14.23TodWulffok, I am out.  TheSin sounds to have a time-sensitive need.
02:14.52TodWulffgoes into lurker mode.
02:15.12TodWulffthanks, btw, [TK]D-Fender and Penguin
02:16.04[TK]D-Fender[22:10]TodWulffif I bind * to my external ip, does it have to be an ip or can it be a fqdn? <- * binds to an IP.
02:16.15[TK]D-FenderFQDN is just a way to resolve to an IP
02:17.24[TK]D-FenderNExt you need to make sure your PEERS are set right
02:18.23KNERDApteryx: did you look in "make menuselect" then?
02:18.35TodWulffPEERS being lan devices, yes, [TK]D-Fender?
02:19.14[TK]D-Fenderbeing the SIP devices you define in sip.conf for the things * is actually going to talk to.
02:19.16TodWulffi.e. ATAs, IP phones, etc. on the LAN or my itsps out in the cloud
02:19.22TodWulffah, yeah.
02:19.31TodWulffall of the above.
02:19.38[TK]D-FenderGet those wrong and you in for 1-way audio as well
02:19.44[TK]D-FenderNO REINVITES.
02:19.48[TK]D-Fenderdirectmedia=no <-
02:20.29TodWulffnat = yes, qualify = yes  <-- OK?
02:20.33[TK]D-FenderGo make sure of those bits... and when you actually want to see what's going on... show us a failed call with SIP DEBUG enabled
02:20.36[TK]D-Fender"sip set debug on"
02:21.07TodWulffcopy that.  thank you.
02:21.32TheSinno one here can help with dahdi at all?
02:21.58*** join/#asterisk CeBe1 (
02:24.22[TK]D-FenderTheSin: APSTEBIN yrou configs, dahdi status dumps, etc.
02:24.25infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
02:25.37TheSinI have nothing for configs atm cause the error I posted is making it so I no longer have a span
02:25.54TheSinso dahdi_genconf just blanked eveything
02:28.56*** join/#asterisk SpeedEvil (~quassel@tor/regular/SpeedEvil)
02:32.29[TK]D-Fenderforget genconf.
02:32.48[TK]D-FenderMake then yourself
02:33.24TheSinI just down graded to 2.7 form 2.10.0 and it's all working
02:33.27TheSingenconf is right
02:33.31TheSinspan and everythign is there
02:34.02TheSinthat is messed up
02:34.13TheSinI'll call digium in the morn on it
02:34.24TheSinther eis somethign wrong with 2.10.0 for my HW for sure
02:36.50[TK]D-FenderWhat is 2.7?
02:37.29TheSinif I use the 2.10.0 kernel modules I get that weird msg on boot in dmesg
02:37.44TheSinI reinstalled the kernel modules form 2.7 and all working
02:38.10TheSinmaybe compiler? I know debian just updated the compiler, maybe a bin incompat with the libs?
02:43.08*** join/#asterisk jgornick (jgornick@2600:3c00::f03c:91ff:fedf:72b4)
02:43.36*** join/#asterisk dvorkbjel (
02:47.39ApteryxKNERD: What h264 should I check in make menuselect? There is no h264 related option in the "Codec Translators" section, and I already built "format_h264" from the "Format Interpretors" section.
02:50.35ApteryxIf I understood from a mailing list discussion, there is no However, loading should enable some kind of passthrough, am I right?
02:52.13ApteryxIs loading the and setting allow=h264 in pjsip.conf enough to enable h264 passthrough support? Still getting the WARNING[1093]: channel.c:834 ast_best_codec: Don't know any of (h264) formats message.
02:53.23*** join/#asterisk D30 (~deo@
03:06.01*** join/#asterisk justdave (~dave@unaffiliated/justdave)
03:06.10*** part/#asterisk TheSin (
03:10.05ApteryxOk. Gave up about making h264 and Asterisk 12 + pjsip work.
03:10.18*** join/#asterisk drmessano (~nonya@pdpc/supporter/active/drmessano)
03:10.55ApteryxMy next attempt: getting opus passthrough working with this setup. Is it even possible with trunk Apteryx 12.5 and chan_pjsip?
03:13.46*** join/#asterisk justdave (~dave@unaffiliated/justdave)
03:26.33*** join/#asterisk justdave (~dave@unaffiliated/justdave)
03:33.25Apteryxopus pass through is not working in Asterisk 12. I'm using: disallow=all, then allow=opus
03:34.01ApteryxI'm using Jitsi and Bria agents, which both supports Opus, and I have the module loaded.
03:34.17ApteryxWhen I try a call, I get: Media None
03:35.06ApteryxInstant hangup.
03:35.31ApteryxIf I use ulaw instead, it works flawlessly.
03:44.47*** join/#asterisk drmessano (~nonya@pdpc/supporter/active/drmessano)
03:49.31*** join/#asterisk bulkorok (~Benjamin@
03:57.14ApteryxMy opus pass through is not working because Jitsi is named "opus" while Bria's is name "OPUS - Full HD". Silly thing.
04:14.05*** join/#asterisk ttyS3 (~o@gateway/tor-sasl/omlib)
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06:17.34ovoshlookHello I need to do some dialplan after called party answer to call. Does Dial provide this functionality with  G([[context^]exten^]priority). I mean that I want to  call dialplan function when called party onhook.
06:25.52*** join/#asterisk amizraa (~amizraa@gateway/tor-sasl/amizraa)
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07:52.47maddattention: I will take n00p-speak because I didn't know the right terms. I want to configure "blinklights" on the phone at the info-point when other phones ringing. If no one takes "other phones" then the info-point guy should be able to take this call.
07:53.40maddi /could/ make a call-group, but that would not be the same
07:58.27maddi just want a sign that someone is call - and the possibility to take over a call
07:59.21*** join/#asterisk jhlavacek (
08:03.47*** join/#asterisk drmessano (~nonya@pdpc/supporter/active/drmessano)
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08:14.34wdoekesmadd: *n00b*-speak. you want BLF and "hints" (in asterisk)
08:15.55*** join/#asterisk nickfennell (~nickfenne@unaffiliated/nickfennell)
08:19.59maddwdoekes: thx :-)
08:31.59*** join/#asterisk sekil (~sekil@
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10:11.26*** join/#asterisk Zedax (d4e1d545@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
10:13.51Zedaxwhat can cause a sucessful call with srtp to not have sound on both ends upon answering? without srtp it works perfectly
10:18.58*** join/#asterisk drmessano (~nonya@pdpc/supporter/active/drmessano)
10:24.57*** join/#asterisk Aamit (~amit@
10:44.45phixZedax: Some srtp implementations don't work with asterisk, like snom, I have never got srtp to work with them
10:47.31Zedaxphix:  i'm using linphone :/
10:47.50phixno idea
10:48.11phixbrb, wasabi flavoured dried peas are calling me
10:52.10Zedaxi get
10:52.13Zedaxmessage: bandwidth usage for call [04A5B868]: audio=[d=0,0,u=1,1] video=[d=0,0,u=0,0] kbit/sec message: Thread processing load: audio=0,000000video=0,000000 message: ms_quality_indicator_update_local(): no packet received since last call message: Changing [server] [INVITE] transaction [065868D8], from state [ACCEPTED] to [TERMINATED]
10:52.27Zedaxit automatically hangs after some secs
10:52.41Zedaxso it's not transitting anything on srtp it seems..
10:57.12*** join/#asterisk pbxman (501a96d0@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
11:02.15*** join/#asterisk infobot (
11:02.15*** topic/#asterisk is #asterisk The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- LTS: Asterisk 11.13.0 (2014/09/24), (2014/09/24); Standard: Asterisk 12.6.0 (2014/09/24); DAHDI: DAHDI-linux 2.10.0 (2014/08/13), DAHDI-tools 2.10.0 (2014/08/13); libpri 1.4.15 (2014/06/16) -=- Visit the official Asterisk wiki: -=- Read the Code of Conduct
11:08.39*** join/#asterisk catphish_ (~catphish@unaffiliated/catphish)
11:23.39*** join/#asterisk infobot (
11:23.39*** topic/#asterisk is #asterisk The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- LTS: Asterisk 11.13.0 (2014/09/24), (2014/09/24); Standard: Asterisk 12.6.0 (2014/09/24); DAHDI: DAHDI-linux 2.10.0 (2014/08/13), DAHDI-tools 2.10.0 (2014/08/13); libpri 1.4.15 (2014/06/16) -=- Visit the official Asterisk wiki: -=- Read the Code of Conduct
11:24.15catphish_this is the issue i have, my the time i get a call from the customer and look at the sip packets, they're all originating from a public IP, and the phones are re-regisering correctly
11:24.45*** join/#asterisk areski (
11:25.09catphish_maybe i'll have wireshark watch for RFC1918 packets for a while
11:25.30catphish_but i wondered if there was anything in asterisk that might cause the internal IP to be used even when nat=yes
11:26.44*** join/#asterisk drmessano (~nonya@pdpc/supporter/active/drmessano)
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12:06.36*** join/#asterisk Dovid (
12:12.01*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
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12:16.38Zedaxblink works with asterisk's srtp?
12:35.49AamitZedax, Jitsi is bet one
12:36.56Zedaxi've tried with jitsi and it doesn't seem to work, i enable/force srtp in config, but then when trying to call asterisk logs say the device is not using srtp
12:44.12*** join/#asterisk drmessano (~nonya@pdpc/supporter/active/drmessano)
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13:02.06Zedaxi get ***WARNING[6699][C-00000019] chan_sip.c: Matched device setup to use SRTP, but request was not!  ***  with jitsi, even if srtp is enabled
13:03.11*** join/#asterisk pecanha (~pecanha@
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13:04.22pecanhaHello, I'm using monitor to record calls redirected to queues. But I would like to record every extension call. Which is the best approach (including avoiding duplicate records with queues)?
13:05.36[TK]D-Fenderjust use monitor on all your extensions then
13:06.48pecanha[TK]D-Fender: So I would remove monitor from queues e let monitor working on the extensions only?
13:08.08*** join/#asterisk jww (~jww@
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13:09.32[TK]D-Fenderpecanha: just let the initial point in your dialplan initiate it.
13:09.34jwwI just get my hands on a debian 4 server running asterisk 1.2.13 . I guess I should update quickly.
13:10.11jwwanything I could say to the customer about newers version of asterisk ?
13:10.28pecanha[TK]D-Fender: the context used?
13:11.23[TK]D-Fenderjww: "Fixed dozens and dozens of security holes that could get your server raped".  "Fixed hundreds of things that can cause your performance to drop and your server to crash".  "Oh, and there's new good stuff"
13:11.49[TK]D-Fenderjww: Basically the stuff you should already know to tell them without having to ask.
13:12.06[TK]D-Fenderpecanha: Extensions are in contexts...
13:12.35pecanha[TK]D-Fender: yes I know, but I didn't get where should I put instead on every extension.
13:12.49coppice[TK]D-Fender: aren't these lists always "101 things which can cause your performance to drop"?
13:14.19[TK]D-Fendercoppice: Arbitrary number.  Photo is suggested serving.  Some settling of the package may have occured.  Sold by weight, not volume.  Consult a physician. OAC.
13:14.23jww[TK]D-Fender: it was more about the new good stuff.
13:14.56*** join/#asterisk bmurt (~brendan@
13:15.09[TK]D-Fenderjww: G.722 support, T.38 faxing support.  Conferencing without DAHDI. SIP via TCP.  Encryption.  50 million other things.
13:15.58[TK]D-Fenderpecanha: there is no "instead".  recording is triggered in the dialplan. So like I said... do it on every extension that could possibly need it at the starting point
13:16.48coppicejww: everyone like new good stuff, and closes their eyes to the new bad stuff
13:19.04jwwumm that current debian asterisk version is strange. is there something I miss about versioning ? it could not be 1.8.13 only
13:19.53*** join/#asterisk drmessano (~nonya@pdpc/supporter/active/drmessano)
13:19.56[TK]D-FenderYes it can.
13:20.09[TK]D-FenderGLACIERS move faster than Debian
13:20.51coppiceCongress moves faster than Debian
13:21.54jwwI would say it's a bad start for a job. I feel I  gonna have hard time on this one.
13:22.39jwwthanks for your answers guys.
13:24.34*** join/#asterisk Lexikahn (~Lexikahn@unaffiliated/lexikahn)
13:24.44PenguinShow them the list of security fixes over the last 10 years.  Then say, "This is why we need to update it immediately."
13:29.33*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (
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13:32.10jwwPenguin: I'm writing them a whole story, where [TK]D-Fender is the hero.
13:32.41[TK]D-FenderI want a princess.  Make sure I get one.
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13:47.38filemeep meep
13:48.38fileSIP all the things!
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13:57.49bananapieAnyone know why the beep sound file that comes with asterisk sounds has a bit of white noise and sounds very different than the output of 'play -n -b 16  -c 1  -r 8000  synth 0.35 sin 700  vol 0.30' ?
14:02.39*** join/#asterisk e4voip (uid13742@gateway/web/
14:03.50newtonrbananapie, did you try playing it in a few different formats to see if it is the same with all of them?
14:05.19newtonrbananapie, err, ignore me, I'm sleepy and was thinking of the language sets that we provide various encodings for.
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14:22.20Zedaxshould asterisk be listening on udp for rtp when doing netstat?
14:22.42[TK]D-FenderRTP is *only* UDP
14:23.40Zedaxi know but
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14:24.16Zedaxshould be asterisk listening to any of the 10000:20000 ports on udp?
14:24.31QwellZedax: Only during a call.
14:24.58ZedaxQwell:  if i enable srtp it's not listening on udp :S
14:25.43Zedaxi have the ports opened on iptables and the clinets send the rtp stream, but asterisk is not getting the stream
14:25.59*** join/#asterisk orn (~orn@2a01:8280:101:0:e5c0:8867:7956:b59a)
14:27.13ornhas specifying the realm for registration/invites changed recently in asterisk? (i'm using 11.7.0) What I've found in wikis to specify realm (both realm=x and putting it in the registration string itself) doesn't seem to be working -- asterisk itself is always the realm
14:28.40orn[general] has register => udp://username@my.realm.domain:password@my.register.domain/username
14:28.45ornwhere realm and register domain is the same domain
14:29.03ornand then I also have realm=my.realm.domain in the context for the peer
14:29.31ornalso, is realm= only for [general] ?
14:30.16ornthe auth realm seems to be fine, it's just when I'm sending invites
14:33.03[TK]D-Fenderpeer has nothing to do right a register statement
14:34.36ornnever mind -- i figured out what i was doing wrong and it was totally derp :) problem not even on *
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15:03.58karamellIt's possible to define multiple anonymous endpoints in pjsip?
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15:07.23[TK]D-Fenderwonders how you "define" something that is anonymous ... let alone multiple of them.
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15:10.28WIMPyWith multiple bindaddresses, for example?
15:11.00karamellYes, with multiple transports.
15:16.26newtonr[TK]D-Fender, to allow anonymous inbound calls with PJSIP you need to define an [anonymous] endpoint.
15:16.56[TK]D-Fendernewtonr: Multiple anonymous starts sounding kinda "specific" ;)
15:17.28*** part/#asterisk rrittgarn (
15:18.26karamellAnyway, it is possible without patching?
15:20.31newtonrkaramell, I'm not sure exactly what you mean yet.  Do you want to accept anonymous calls over, for example, udp and ws transports?
15:21.05karamelludp and tls with srtp
15:21.11filethere can be only one anonymous endpoint
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15:25.52newtonrkaramell, and yes , just define the anonymous endpoint and inbound calls over any transport that you have should work
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15:34.42filefalls over
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15:39.42kpettitI'm using swift.  And doing Swift(Hello world) sort of stuff works fine.  But I need to figure out a way to pull data from a URL that returns pure text.  Something like Swift(  Any ideas how I can do that or give a variable to swift?
15:42.06kpettitQwell: Oh very cool.  DIdn't know about that one.  I'm checking into it....
15:43.24kpettitI'm giving that a try right now.  Thanks
15:48.39skrustydoes ExecIf work with != (not equals) comparisons?
15:49.04skrustystupid question, but just can't see anything that says it does
15:50.16PenguinIt will work.
15:50.45Penguin$[ xx != xy ] ...
15:55.20kpettitQwell: apparently I don't have func_curl.  I'm checking asterisk "make menuconfig" and I just see   XXX func_curl.  I'm assuming it can't add it for some reason.  I've got curl libs so I'm not sure what's going on there
15:55.34Qwellyou need the dev package
15:56.01kpettitthanks.  trying that now..
15:56.04Qwelldon't follow any of the res_config_curl bits, obviously
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16:32.38kpettitQwell: Thanks again for the help.  I got it working.  Had to recompile but after that it worked great!
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16:48.20MasterChengood morning
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16:49.32MasterChenI am currently getting a "no path to translate from SIP to IAX2" error for a specific peer.I googledand say posts about codec issues, but I don't believe that to be the issue. Ideas?
16:50.26pecanhaHello, how can I set default mixmonitor path before I call " Queue" command?
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17:06.43[TK]D-FenderMasterChen: Show us the call
17:06.45infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
17:07.06drewbugLet's say you have a phone number with Google Voice (or Twilio, or Verizon). When you "port" that number to another provider, what actually happens? What would it take to *be* a provider, and own your number yourself? Is that even a meaningful concept?
17:09.40[TK]D-FenderGo google up "becoming a CLEC"
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17:11.18drewbug[TK]D-Fender: Will do, thanks!
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17:43.27justdaveanyone have experience with asterisk services in a VM with 100 or so concurrent users?  I know it always used to suck to run asterisk in a VM, but VM technology is better than it used to be these days.
17:43.54justdaveI run my home system in a VM, and it works fine, but I never have more than 2 concurrent calls :)
17:44.55[TK]D-Fendertons of people run large numbers of vms for this
17:45.03[TK]D-Fendermake sure you give it suitable system resources
17:45.13PenguinIf you have enough CPU and RAM assigned to the VM, I wouldn't expect trouble.
17:45.47[TK]D-FenderI've heard better things about ESXi & KVM than I have for Xen
17:45.56PenguinCall quality degrades when system resources and network resources get exhausted.
17:46.18justdaveyeah, would be ESX here
17:46.58justdave(my home system is actually Fusion, but that's basically ESX without the fancy admin utilities)
17:50.17justdaveour office hardware is hitting end of warranty and was hoping since we have existing ESX hosts available that we could use it instead of buying more hardware :)  So that's promising to hear.
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18:29.51karamellAsterisk crashing with "asterisk: symbol lookup error: /usr/local/lib/asterisk/modules/ undefined symbol: pjsip_tls_transport_start2" after adding tls transport to pjsip.conf. Asterisk 12.6.0, pjsip latest from github asterisk/pjproject.
18:31.19filemjordan, huh
18:31.40newtonrkaramell, Can you pastebin your pjsip.conf ?
18:32.07mjordanI got that as well at one point.
18:32.21mjordankaramell: do you have IPv6 enabled in your pjproject?
18:32.34fileit certainly exists
18:33.04mjordanI think I ran into this when I enabled IPv6 in pjproject, but then did not re-build asterisk
18:33.19mjordanonce I rebuilt Asterisk after enabling IPv6 in pjproject, things worked dandy
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18:34.44karamellmjordan, how to check it?
18:35.42mjordanwell, you can't really "check it". The fact that you are getting this error pretty much means that Asterisk was not compiled against a version of pjproject that supported IPv6
18:35.51mjordanbecause that symbol that is missing is only present when IPv6 is enabled
18:36.06mjordanI'd re-build asterisk
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19:09.40karamellok works after rebuilding, thanks.
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20:01.43rrittgarnCaller A calls in and is blind transferred to a specific parking spot by setting PARKINGEXTEN=71 (for example), this lights up the BLF on the phones and all is happy until caller B calls in, and less qualified receptionist blind transfers Caller B to 71 as well... Now Caller A and Caller B are talking without an easy way to retrieve them...
20:01.49rrittgarnPB of dialplan:
20:02.08rrittgarnIs there any way to prevent this (aside from more qualified end users) while maintaining the pick your parking spot functionality?
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21:24.53yeahrockhi everyone, is there somebody willing to help me with getting Google Voice to work?
21:25.13yeahrockis the latest current recommened documentation?
21:26.36paulcrrittgarn: You get any joy with your parking question?
21:28.03newtonryeahrock, Google dropped support for xmpp with GV, so probably not.  That is the latest documentation on No idea if things still work or not there.
21:28.33newtonryeahrock, I've heard some say they can still call through GV from Asterisk, and others say it stopped working.
21:28.52yeahrocknewtonr: thanks. so, in the future there will be no way to use asterisk with GV?
21:29.06yeahrockor is it a temporary situation?
21:29.23newtonryeahrock, I can't forsee the future.   No idea. You could probably search Google forums. :)
21:30.11yeahrockok, thanks a bunch
21:30.14yeahrockhow sad :(
21:33.11newtonryeahrock, np
21:34.04yeahrockthen (forgive the off-topicness) which US based sip provider is recommended where I can port my landline number to? (that was my main purpose for trying to get google voice to work)
21:37.04PenguinI'm still using Google Voice with XMPP on *1.8.
21:37.05rrittgarn@paulc, no joy as of yet
21:37.34yeahrockPenguin: any idea if they disable it for new accounts but handle existing ones gracefully?
21:37.45PenguinI have no way to know that.
21:37.56yeahrockok thx
21:38.04PenguinI just know that I have three accounts configured on my box and they work as of last night.
21:38.15PenguinI haven't been home today to use/test them.
21:39.48yeahrockso, it seems that google are going to drop xmpp support, right?
21:40.24yeahrockso if I get a bunch of XMPP debug messages with messages from the google server that look okay, it’s likely that support having been dropped is not the case for me, hm?
21:40.49PenguinThey already dropped support for it.
21:41.03yeahrockI can even see chat messages in my asterisk debug
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21:41.15yeahrockso, *some* xmpp stuff is still working
21:41.18PenguinNothing has changed for me so far as far as calling to/from GV/asterisk.
21:42.24yeahrockhm, so if I get this right, we use xmpp for session negociation and motif for the actual voice transmission, right?
21:42.34PenguinI don't.
21:42.49PenguinI'm using gtalk/jingle/xmpp.
21:43.07PenguinI'm also using asterisk 1.8.
21:43.14yeahrocki see
21:44.03yeahrocki’m on 11
21:44.16yeahrockinstalled as a deb package via wheezy-backports
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22:10.37RazaMetaLi've a trouble with a &$#@ cisco phones, i
22:10.51RazaMetaLi'm moving to sip for using with asterisk
22:11.13RazaMetaLbut, some phones can not be upgraded
22:12.06RazaMetaLi've connected one 7911G phone to my laptop that have isc-dhcp server and tftp-hpa servers configured
22:13.04RazaMetaLthe phone request dhcp, the server offer dhcp
22:13.17RazaMetaLbut the phone does not accept the dhcp ip
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23:19.44Kobazthe most outbound calls happen on wednesday or thursday
23:19.52Kobazfor me anyway...
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23:43.36ApteryxHello :) Could someone give tell me how to turn pjsip debug on?
23:43.53ApteryxI've tried setting debug=yes in my pjsip.conf but it didn't do anything.
23:46.56roswelltry issuing 'core set debug 3' in `asterisk -r`. tho this will give you with lots of other lines
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