IRC log for #asterisk on 20140920

00:00.23*** join/#asterisk fstd (~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted)
00:06.38*** join/#asterisk u0m3__ (~u0m3@
00:35.45*** join/#asterisk u0m3_ (~u0m3@
00:36.48*** join/#asterisk Apteryx (
00:38.31ApteryxHello! I'm testing inbound calls, and it seems my ITSP trunk is not setup right, because when I'm dialing (from a test phone) my number, I get the notice: NOTICE[28395]: res_pjsip/pjsip_distributor.c:246 log_unidentified_request: Request from '<sip:17607058888@>' failed for '' (callid: 32B8D779@ - No matching endpoint found
00:39.51ApteryxI'm a bit puzzled. That is the endpoint it's trying to reach? Seems like it's ""?
01:36.36*** join/#asterisk theron (
01:43.21*** join/#asterisk cunningpike (~cunningpi@2602:304:6eaf:6280:7153:b651:9c54:c652)
01:51.15ApteryxI've fixed my problem, it was quite stupid (there was no endpoint due to me using TCP as transport, while Asterisk was only configured to use UDP).
01:59.12*** join/#asterisk darkbasic (
02:47.43ChannelZpoints and laughs
02:49.02ChannelZ(I kid, I kid)
02:57.39*** join/#asterisk Cynagen (
03:28.12*** join/#asterisk u0m3__ (~u0m3@
03:41.06*** join/#asterisk al_nz1 (
03:41.14al_nz1afternoon peoples
03:41.34al_nz1HI [TK]D-Fender
03:42.12al_nz1Heya [TK]D-Fender - re my registration issue for a remote server - does my last post at the bottom of this thread look like a correct analysis
04:10.19*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
04:18.57*** join/#asterisk hos7ein (~chatzilla@
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05:16.27*** join/#asterisk darkbasic (
05:44.15*** join/#asterisk cunningpike (
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06:12.37*** join/#asterisk GameGamer43 (sid5533@gateway/web/
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06:43.49*** join/#asterisk almostworking (~almostwor@unaffiliated/almostworking)
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07:36.06*** join/#asterisk Zogot (
07:38.16*** join/#asterisk babak (uid19622@gateway/web/
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07:49.04*** join/#asterisk Zogot (
07:55.24*** join/#asterisk roentgen (~none@openvpn/community/support/roentgen)
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08:43.26*** join/#asterisk gusto (~gusto@2a02:810d:8640:1dd0:221:6aff:feb8:e0b2)
08:48.06*** join/#asterisk Faustov (~fst@gentoo/user/faustov)
09:12.06*** join/#asterisk Chotaire (
09:20.21*** join/#asterisk davlefou (~davlefou@unaffiliated/davlefou)
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10:29.00*** join/#asterisk ketas (
10:36.44*** join/#asterisk c|oneman (
10:37.01*** join/#asterisk Chotaire (
10:37.55*** join/#asterisk MaliutaLap (~nobusines@unaffiliated/maliuta)
10:51.32*** join/#asterisk AAmit (~amit@
10:55.46*** join/#asterisk doobeh (
11:01.43*** join/#asterisk almostworking (~almostwor@unaffiliated/almostworking)
11:08.45*** join/#asterisk aness (
11:25.27*** join/#asterisk Chotaire (
11:35.49*** join/#asterisk evil_gordita (
11:41.01*** join/#asterisk wonderworld (
11:41.38*** join/#asterisk SGjunior (
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12:00.23*** join/#asterisk fstd (~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted)
12:56.11*** join/#asterisk AAmit (~amit@
12:58.16*** join/#asterisk Chotaire (
13:07.33*** join/#asterisk Chotaire (
13:19.29*** join/#asterisk dipanjan (671b082b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
13:20.50*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
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15:27.07*** join/#asterisk oesteve (
15:32.36*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
15:41.18*** join/#asterisk Chotaire (
15:45.05*** join/#asterisk darkdrgn2k (
15:45.33darkdrgn2kis there ANY way to have asterisk not intercept inband DTFM  tones and regenerate them withouth butchering dsc.c
15:46.14[TK]D-FenderAllow them to reinvite
15:47.07darkdrgn2kits not working :(  i set mediadirect to yes even mediadirectrtp to yes both are still proxying
15:47.34[TK]D-FenderShow comfings & debug
15:48.16darkdrgn2ki got it somewhat wroking be lowering the mindtfmtone ...
16:04.24*** join/#asterisk Marquel (~Marquel@unaffiliated/marquel)
16:11.26*** join/#asterisk Faustov (~fst@gentoo/user/faustov)
16:25.03*** join/#asterisk oesteve (
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16:51.51*** part/#asterisk blee (
17:06.05*** join/#asterisk evil_gordita (
17:08.40*** join/#asterisk D-Boy (~D-Boy@unaffiliated/cain)
17:14.35*** join/#asterisk AAmit (~amit@
17:29.47*** join/#asterisk [[thufir]] (
17:46.44*** join/#asterisk koffel (
17:47.32koffelhello i am using asterisk 11.2 is there a way to cache register phone number into peers
18:02.29*** join/#asterisk petris (~petris@
18:05.00[TK]D-FenderAs in?
18:06.27koffeli using realtim
18:06.38koffelpeers show up no problem
18:07.07koffelbut i have to call out for sip phone number to be active
18:26.50*** join/#asterisk jrose_atDigium (~jrose_atD@nat/digium/x-epccgdvatuhmwixc)
18:38.49*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
18:48.52*** join/#asterisk camerin (
18:51.52*** join/#asterisk nickfennell (~nickfenne@unaffiliated/nickfennell)
18:53.12*** join/#asterisk u0m3 (~u0m3@
18:53.24*** join/#asterisk raspberrypifan (~raspberry@
19:29.32*** join/#asterisk Chotaire (
19:31.12*** join/#asterisk Defraz (~Defraz@
19:40.10*** join/#asterisk bmurt (
19:51.15*** join/#asterisk evil_gordita (
20:06.10*** join/#asterisk dvorkbjel (
20:09.49*** join/#asterisk bmurt (
20:45.56*** join/#asterisk skoenman (
20:46.02skoenmanhey guys
20:48.36*** join/#asterisk al_nz1 (
20:48.49al_nz1Shouldnt my asterisk box be listening on 5060?
20:48.56al_nz1netstat shows nothing for 5060
20:53.13skoenmanisnt that only when phones are registered??
20:53.34carrarnetstat -l | grep 5060
20:53.38skoenmancheck sometimes they use different ports
20:53.39ChannelZit's UDP mind you
20:53.51*** join/#asterisk ovoshlook (55158cfd@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
20:54.37al_nz1ChannelZ: yeah, well I am trying to make my phone use TCP
20:58.22al_nz1I have followed instructions
20:58.35al_nz1but all i see on wireshark is UDP packets :-(
20:59.28carrarYou need to configure Asterisk to listen on TCP 5060 first
21:02.48al_nz1ok, i had added in asterisk sip tcpenable=yes, and tcpbindaddr= but not the transport=tcp line
21:03.13al_nz1the tutorials I saw said to add the transport=tcp line to sip_custom_post.conf
21:03.48al_nz1and to enable it for the extension in the gui
21:03.58carrarthere is no sip_custom_post.conf
21:04.24al_nz1ok, I will try in the asterisk sip menu to add it there
21:04.46al_nz1how do I make it listen on 5060?
21:05.10carrar5060 is the default however
21:05.12ChannelZcarrar: in freepbx/etc there are all kinds of configs. anything you want it to be! :)
21:05.27carrarChannelZ: Then he is in the wrong channel :)
21:05.45carrar#freepbx is what you want
21:06.45ovoshlookHello. I have ISuue with Mix_Monitor. I need to write record_files only if call is answered. Now I Set Mix_Monitor(filename,d,option) but it still writes files with unanswered calls
21:07.25al_nz1carrar: i will try those answers
21:07.45carrarYou might download Asterisk and use that
21:08.05carrarthere are example config files that have all that in them for you
21:09.53al_nz1carrar: fwiw I am trying to use TCP because I hope it will work around this problem:
21:10.02al_nz1carrar: it seems to be a rport problem
21:10.10al_nz1since my phone I dont think supports it
21:10.47al_nz1the thoery was if I switch to TCP, I wont get the rport problem and thus it will work
21:11.36carrarYou might use a better phone
21:11.57al_nz1carrar: yeah, the ciscos are a pain in the ass
21:12.04al_nz1but I have one now, and they are so common
21:12.06carrarI personally have a 7941 on my desk here
21:12.18carrarbut they suck config wise
21:12.27al_nz1carrar: i hear ya!
21:12.56al_nz1I think my summary of the packet trace at both ends really shows the problem is likely to be rport
21:12.59carrarnew polycoms are nice
21:13.07al_nz1and TCP should fix
21:13.21al_nz1but I have just tried your suggestions and still no joy
21:13.29al_nz1maybe I need to reboot the asterisk server
21:18.06*** join/#asterisk Marquel (~Marquel@fuchsfanclub/allerdings/marquel)
21:59.03*** join/#asterisk rmudgett (~rmudgett@nat/digium/x-hlhbbdyzwlxoaonf)
22:05.25*** join/#asterisk ruied (~ruied@
22:05.49*** join/#asterisk evil_gordita (
22:11.33*** join/#asterisk bmurt (
22:21.49*** join/#asterisk Akuma (
22:21.56*** part/#asterisk kraptv (~kraptv@unaffiliated/kraptv)
22:31.56*** join/#asterisk ruied (~ruied@
23:14.58*** join/#asterisk afournier (~admin@
23:15.54*** join/#asterisk wolrah_ (~wolrah@
23:22.13*** join/#asterisk areski (

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