IRC log for #asterisk on 20140919

00:00.01*** join/#asterisk aross42 (
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00:08.32newtonrzerick, you are dialing the peer (chan_sip) or the endpoint (chan_pjsip).  The dialplan context entered is determined by the configuration for the peer or endpoint
00:10.12newtonrif your call needs to potentially match extensions in multiple contexts, you need to include one context in another.
00:21.38*** join/#asterisk SpeedEvil (~quassel@tor/regular/SpeedEvil)
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03:38.24Kobazi have a really weird problem
03:38.47Kobazi can turn on insecure=port,invite and that invite will work
03:38.57Kobazbut i shouldn't need to do that
03:39.28Kobaz5506 successfully registered, the secret is correct
03:50.39*** join/#asterisk bkruse (~Adium@
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03:55.17PenguinWhat's weird about that?  insecure invite means it doesn't have to authenticate when making calls.
04:01.13*** join/#asterisk darkbasic (
04:02.43Kobazoh hmm
04:02.52Kobazi never knew that's actually what that meant
04:03.00Kobazalso i'm getting one way audio
04:03.19Kobazyou would think with 5 years of using and developing for asterisk i would be able to figure this sort of stuff out more easily
04:03.35Kobazsome part of the sip stack are still confusing sometimes
04:03.59KobazPenguin: so why would (using the same authentication) registering work, but invite not?
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04:12.47Kobazjust weird stuff going on
04:16.08Kobazfixed my one way audio, that was a silly typo
04:16.16Kobazthis authentication thing is driving me crazy
04:21.41*** join/#asterisk blee (~blee@
04:41.20PenguinDid I miss where you pastebinned your peer definition, masking only the secret?
04:53.08*** join/#asterisk evil_gordita (
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07:03.43c|onemanI'm having an issue with our phone system IVR, which fails for australian customers
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07:04.02c|onemanHow can I test this without having a real Australian phone?
07:05.31MaliutaLapI can't see how that would be a problem
07:05.52MaliutaLapI do have a telstra touchtone phone - but I only run naked DSL and SIP
07:06.19c|onemanwho is your voip provider?
07:06.26MaliutaLapc|oneman: exactly how are .au people having problems?
07:06.50c|onemanat one point in the IVR, our system forwards to another DID. At the point, the call drops for our australian customers only
07:06.52MaliutaLapc|oneman: here at home I use * attached to pennytel. elsewhere I use * attached to netsip
07:07.32MaliutaLapc|oneman: "forwards"??? are you using a Dial()? and do you have "re-invite" on?
07:08.01c|onemanI'm not really using asterisk, It's switchvox
07:08.20c|onemanI don't know how it forwards it internally
07:09.39MaliutaLapcan't help you with that - but if the connections are coming in via direct SIP then I'd be looking for things like re-invite and firewall issues
07:11.14c|onemanthe forward to a DID
07:11.34c|onemanthe call comes in over SIP but gets forwarded to an external DID at the point of failure
07:11.41c|onemanif I point to another DID, there's no problem.
07:13.28MaliutaLapyeah, if it was * I'd ask for a debug of a failing call - switchvox I have NFI about
07:22.00*** join/#asterisk darkbasic (
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07:34.51Zogotmorning all
07:35.46Zogotperhaps a stupid question, but for Registration in PJSIP. what is the difference between a server_uri and a client_uri
07:37.49*** join/#asterisk evil_gordita (
07:46.10*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/chainsaw)
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07:59.10jepperli am having an issue with the asterisk (11.12.1) where sometime during some SIP REGISTER are being received, the asterisk just dies and the CLI becomes unresponsive. The only thing helping is a complete reboot of the machine. Have anyone had these issues? It happens kind of randomly so there is not really a specific SIP trace i can show you :s But
07:59.11jepperlit often happens during REGISTER, but also at some other times, so it is hard to tell what is causing the problem
08:02.03*** join/#asterisk wanna (~wanna@
08:02.56Chainsawjepperl: It could be something as mundane as you running out of available file descriptors.
08:03.10Chainsawjepperl: What did you set the limits to?
08:06.45jepperlchainsaw: i did not set up the server, i was put on the task of fixing the issue, but i will definitely check out is it is a fd issue (which, when you said id, did not seem very unlikely). I will dig a little more on this and return with results :) thanks!
08:08.55*** join/#asterisk danjenkins (~dan@
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09:02.51hurdmanhello all, it seems my asterisk doesn't forward my  SIP/2.0 183 Session progress during the call, is there an option to check or something like that ?
09:06.27*** join/#asterisk Tuju (
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09:33.48*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/chainsaw)
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09:44.04*** topic/#asterisk is #asterisk The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- LTS: Asterisk 11.12.1 (2014/09/18), (2014/08/19); Standard: Asterisk 12.5.1 (2014/09/18); DAHDI: DAHDI-linux 2.10.0 (2014/08/13), DAHDI-tools 2.10.0 (2014/08/13); libpri 1.4.15 (2014/06/16) -=- Visit the official Asterisk wiki: -=- Read the Code of Conduct
09:58.13*** join/#asterisk g_r_eek (
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10:01.43*** join/#asterisk ovoshlook (55158cfd@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
10:01.47dan_jHi. I'm currently using a macro to make the callee press 1 to accept an incoming call. However, when two callees answer and try to press 1, one of the callee's are connected to the caller and the other disconnected. Is there a way I can inform the disconnected callee that the call has been answered elsewhere?
10:04.52ovoshlookHello all! I try to record call by MixMonitor. It recordes my calls, but it creates file Even call not answered (fie is empty and small size but it is). I use option b, but it does not help
10:06.00dan_jI had that problem. I discovered that it was only making recordings for ANSWERED calls, but i wasnt doing StopMixMonitor. So i had small incomplete files for answered calls.
10:21.08*** join/#asterisk coppice (
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13:05.00AAmitHi All
13:05.06*** part/#asterisk hurdman (
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13:09.53Tujuwhy tcpdump shows like this: Via: SIP/2.0/UDP 212.1\000\000\021\000\000\000port 5060\000\000\000\021\000\000\000\340\207+\010 \2
13:10.08Tujuthat ip-address gets escaped from half-way.
13:10.29*** join/#asterisk Faustov (~fst@gentoo/user/faustov)
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13:20.59ovoshlookhello all when doing call have this error
13:21.01ovoshlookast_rtp_new: Oh dear... we couldn't allocate a port for RTP instance '0x7f00b81c7028'
13:21.09*** join/#asterisk Marquis42 (
13:21.56ovoshlookonly one call
13:22.07*** part/#asterisk Marquis42 (
13:22.19ovoshlooktested system, rtp ports - 6000
13:22.49ovoshlookasterisk 12.5.0
13:23.34mjordanwhen you say "rtp ports 6000", what do you mean?
13:23.57mjordanwhat is the value of rtpstart/rtpend in rtp.conf?
13:24.11ovoshlookstart 30 000 end 36 000
13:24.27ovoshlook6000 RTP ports at asterisk
13:25.27mjordanthat error happens for one of two reasons
13:25.29ovoshlooksometime call is Ok
13:25.46mjordan1. We wrapped around the allowed RTP port range and can't find a free port
13:26.01mjordan2. An error occurred while opening the port
13:26.29mjordanIf you don't have a massive number of ports opened - which can be confirmed using netstat or similar tools - then my guess is you have a permissions problem somewhere.
13:27.11WIMPyDo you test with a softphone running on the same machine?
13:30.07*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (
13:35.15ovoshlookall ports opened
13:35.20ovoshlookNo firewall
13:36.04ovoshlookthis is testing system. only one call goes through
13:36.26ovoshlookso number of calls not more that opened RTP ports
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13:43.43ovoshlookAny Ideas with this issue?
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14:12.18Tujuwhat's the today's ipsec-tunnel solution on linux?
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14:23.56litnhey guys, I'm getting your call cannot be completed as dialed, trying to figure out what's going on
14:24.02litninbound calls are working ok but not outbound
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14:26.05litnwhen I look at the log, it just shows this:
14:26.48litnfor making a new call
14:26.53litnthat 10.10 is the phone
14:27.04litnbut it doesn't show trying to make the call out via our provider...
14:28.07newtonrIt looks like what is happening is exactly what you have configured to happen.  Perhaps you have another extension that matches a prefix that you are not dialing?
14:28.49newtonrYou are hitting 7276373317@from-internal , so if that dialplan exists there, then that is what should be executed
14:29.36[TK]D-Fenderlitn: 7276373317 <- you have no outbound route to match this number you are dialing
14:30.11[TK]D-Fenderlitn: And you should be asking in #freepbx since that's what you[re running.
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15:08.24seanbrightin asterisk 11, i have asterisk configured such that a local (LAN) SIP device can dial out to an ITSP
15:08.46seanbrightin dialplan i set the caller id name and number before i Dial
15:09.09seanbrightif i look at the channel from asterisk to the ITSP, it has garbage set on it's caller id
15:09.17seanbrighthow do i set caller id on that channel?
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15:25.43Tujuseanbright: i do Set(CALLERID(num)=+46${CALLERID(num):1})
15:26.17Tujuit removes first digit and puts prefix in place.
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15:27.39MaliutaLapGenerally the way to do that - I have a few setups where I need to use Set(CALLERID(num)="") in extensions
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15:32.00seanbrightthat appears to set the caller id on the local channel
15:32.04seanbrightthe caller id on the peer channel is not set
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15:33.32MaliutaLapseanbright: it sets the outgoing CID on any Dial()
15:34.05MaliutaLapseanbright: it can also be used to set in CID on an incoming
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15:34.41MaliutaLapseanbright: if the ITSP resets the outgoing CID there isn't much you can do
15:34.48seanbrightit's not the ITSP
15:34.54seanbrightthe CID is presented correctly to the callee
15:35.13seanbrightbut if i do a "core show channel SIP/channel-to-itsp" the caller ID is 's'
15:35.21MaliutaLapseanbright: using Dial()????
15:35.23seanbrightor '~~s~~' because i am using AEL
15:35.26seanbrightMaliutaLap: yes
15:35.54MaliutaLapseanbright: so you do the Set() before the Dial()???
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15:36.08MaliutaLapseanbright: because that works for me
15:36.26seanbrightexten => _NXXNXXXXXX,1,Set(CALLERID(num)=4445556666)
15:36.37seanbrightexten => _NXXNXXXXXX,n,Dial(SIP/foobar...)
15:37.22seanbrightif i do a 'core show channel SIP/foobar-00000000ad' (or whatever the remote channel is), the Caller ID is not set to 4445556666
15:37.33seanbrightbut the callee is presented with the correct CID
15:37.39seanbrightthe channel is just wrong
15:38.15MaliutaLapseanbright: <- exert from a working extensions.ael
15:39.32seanbrightMaliutaLap: do a 'core show channel FOO' on an established call where FOO is the channel name out to the ITSP
15:39.44seanbrightnot the local channel name
15:40.03seanbright"local channel" meaning the local sip phone's channel to asterisk
15:40.52MaliutaLap more fully
15:41.06seanbrightok, well thanks for your help
15:41.17MaliutaLapit is the correct way
15:41.25MaliutaLapand is proven to work
15:41.25seanbrighti am aware of that
15:41.29seanbrighti am also aware of that
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15:41.39seanbrightbut you are either not reading what i am saying, or ignoring it completely
15:41.46seanbrightin either case, i appreciate you taking the time to try and help
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15:41.54seanbrightthank you
15:42.02MaliutaLapwhat is the exact ael you are using?
15:42.06stevenmLo, anyone know any USB phones similar to a Cyberphone V651 (i.e. no keypad - just basically a USB sound card in the shape of a handset) ?
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15:42.49MaliutaLapseanbright: pastebin the actual ael and maybe I can help further, that and a 'sip debug' would help
15:43.14MaliutaLap"it doesn't work" isn't exactly useful
15:43.40MaliutaLap"Carefully explaining your problem is half the solution."
15:44.25seanbrightreading back through the history of this conversation, not once did i say "it doesn't work"
15:44.40seanbrightlet me try one more time.
15:44.58Tujuseanbright: i hate that too, don't understand why things cannot be discussed in general level without going into details.
15:44.59seanbright1. my soft phone calls asterisk (a channel is created inside asterisk)
15:45.23seanbright2. it hits some AEL dialplan in which CALLERID(num) is set to a value, say 4445556666
15:45.31MaliutaLapTuju: the devil is in the details
15:45.43seanbright3. it then uses Dial to dial out an ITSP
15:45.55TujuMaliutaLap: let it be, it doesn't exclude discussion on general level.
15:46.08seanbright4. the callee receives the call and - now this is the important part - the caller ID presented to the callee is CORRECT
15:46.21seanbrightare we all on the same page so far?
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15:47.13Tujuseanbright: doesn't sound like inventing the black powder yet. :)
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15:47.54seanbrightNOW... after step 4 above, there are 2 channels inside asterisk
15:48.16seanbright1. SIP/my-phone-00000001 - the channel from my local phone to asterisk
15:48.27seanbright2. SIP/my-itsp-00000002 - the channel from asterisk to my ITSP
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15:48.51seanbrightif i do "core show channel SIP/my-phone-00000001" the caller ID is shown as 4445556666
15:49.04MaliutaLapjust as an example I have dealt with situations where, until I did a 'sip debug', the solution of what the CID was set to didn't present itself. This is not something I am unfamiliar with.
15:49.27seanbrightif i do "core show channel SIP/my-itsp-00000002" the caller ID is shown as 's' or '~~s~~' or any number of other things that aren't correct
15:49.31seanbrightthe SIP is FINE
15:49.44seanbrighthow many fucking times do i have to say that?
15:49.53seanbrightthis is like troll level 1000
15:49.56seanbrightthank you for your help
15:50.05Tujuseanbright: B-subscriber sees correct caller-id?
15:50.16Tujuso where is the problem then?
15:50.35*** join/#asterisk gtjoseph (~gtj0@unaffiliated/gtj)
15:50.42seanbrightit took me a while to realize i was being trolled.  well played.
15:50.57Tujuif you think so, whatever.
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15:51.07Tujusorry that i wasted my minutes to you.
15:51.17Tujuwon't happen next time.
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15:53.25MaliutaLapsometimes I wonder why I do community level help
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15:55.15Tujuwith such "bright" thinking capabilities, yes - a caller-id might become big problem.
15:58.02MaliutaLapsometimes I feel like going all [TK]D-Fender  - if you don't have  'sip debug' then go away :)
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16:01.06Tujui wouldn't.
16:01.32Tujuit helps if people can talk and understand generally how sip is supposed to work.
16:02.10Tujuvoip is still, pretty new technology for majority and it doesn't hurt to get basics right.
16:02.23*** join/#asterisk bkruse (~Adium@
16:04.29MaliutaLap"new"??? I've been doing this for 10 years now :)
16:05.20Tujuindeed. exactly.
16:05.53Tujui got my first voip phones....don't remember the manufacturer, those became cisco's phone after they bought that company.
16:06.08Tujumaybe it started with s letter....or...hmmm
16:07.56Tujuh.323 if i recall correctly.
16:08.20Tujuhmmm...maybe it was the siemes phone that had h.323
16:08.39TujuQwell: it might have been that selsius was already s
16:08.43TujuQwell: it might have been that selsius was already skinny protocols
16:09.30QwellSelsius created SCCP.  They were definitely SCCP.
16:09.44TujuSelsius is a leading supplier of network PBX systems for high-quality telephony over IP networks. Selsius' technology will enable Cisco to accelerate the transition from conventional, proprietary circuit-switched PBXs to multi-service, open LAN systems capable of enabling the next step in data/voice integration.
16:10.16Tuju pretty exhaustive list there.
16:10.32Tujulike a death-star or black hole or smthing
16:11.01MaliutaLapthat's what happened recently to linksys :)
16:11.24MaliutaLapcisco didn't half rape their voip section
16:11.25Tujui've tried to have a word or two about phones on #cisco channel but i think i've never seen anyone there who knows about phones.
16:11.37QwellRecently?  That was like 10 years ago.
16:12.06MaliutaLapQwell: well it was after my Bone Marrow Transplant
16:12.06Tujuthey also ate sipura, i think it was a company that made good ATA-boxes. and instant neckshot for that product.
16:12.24MaliutaLapTuju: true
16:12.46MaliutaLapalthough I never really did like the sipura call routing stuff
16:13.05Tujui was too late to get the first box alltogether.
16:13.08MaliutaLap#cisco is good for ios stuff
16:13.20Tujuand career-chit-chat.
16:13.32MaliutaLapI still use cisco phones and switches
16:13.34Tujubut that's not very technical for most people.
16:14.01MaliutaLaptrue, I do mostly use other sources for my ios troubles
16:14.06TujuMaliutaLap: i gave up with switches, have HP all over nowdays. don't really know what I'm missing thou.
16:14.06MaliutaLapwhen they happen
16:14.28MaliutaLapTuju: I like to keep my hands dirty
16:14.55Tujuyep, that happens very easily with ios-based configuring :)
16:15.17Tujui also get fustrated and pissed when working with deadline.
16:15.44Tuju99% of moving parts on ios-based systems are not there for you, don't need 'em.
16:16.02MaliutaLapOh, I develop terrets and multiple personality symptoms when on a deadline
16:16.07Tujuand once in a while when you do need something complex, you find that there is a bug on that feature.
16:16.24MaliutaLapthat's the same with all software
16:16.36Tujui once burned myself with cisco ISDN lines badly.
16:16.56MaliutaLapthe best thing about OSS is you can fix 99.99% of those bugs
16:17.00Tujua lot of people went to see that box and all said that it was correctly done. just didn't work so.
16:17.27MaliutaLapI once broke the apache community with mod_rewrite issue
16:17.31Tujuor you can ask someone, ecosystem is likely more open and willing to listen.
16:17.51Tujudid you get to keep all the pieces? :)
16:17.55MaliutaLapturns out the solution "fell out" of the docs back in 1.1 days, this was in 2.0
16:18.11MaliutaLapI tried :)
16:19.07Tujuis generating prime background and it's taking ages. :-/
16:19.46Tujuwhy cisco doesn't buy dlink and give it a neckshot? everyone would appreciate that.
16:19.50MaliutaLapTuju: not dong large number theory in your head?
16:20.01Tujunope, vpn's
16:20.18MaliutaLapkill tp-link first!
16:20.32Tujunot the Kenny?
16:20.47MaliutaLapok, tp-link second then
16:21.13MaliutaLaptp-link in the network? I don't want to know
16:21.37Tujuwhat is tp? toilet paper? this one (on deck)
16:21.53coppicewhat's wrong with tp-link?
16:22.19Tujui always wondered what they used when got inland if the tp was left on landing craft.
16:22.22MaliutaLapcoppice: it's like herpes
16:22.38MaliutaLapeven their windows drivers don't work
16:22.40*** part/#asterisk gtjoseph (~gtj0@unaffiliated/gtj)
16:23.31coppicedunno about that. their linux drivers have never given me problems, and their routers are very reliable
16:23.35MaliutaLapcoppice: the correct question is "what's right with tp-link" :)
16:23.55MaliutaLapcoppice: okaaaaaay
16:24.08coppiceI've had far less trouble with tp-link products than with most other makes
16:24.14MaliutaLapcoppice: I've yet to have a good experience with tp-link
16:24.52coppicethey are the world's biggest customer for networking chips, so if they aren't getting the attention of the silicon vendors I don't know who would
16:25.02MaliutaLapnetgear works, intel works, tp-link normally has huge issues
16:25.40coppicenetgear stuff I've used needs resetting a couple of time a week. intel has be rather variable
16:26.12MaliutaLapI find intel the most reliable
16:26.46coppicefor motherboard stuff, probably
16:27.11MaliutaLapwell that is how you get most intel wifi stuff
16:27.38*** join/#asterisk lorsungcu (~anonymous@
16:27.55coppiceI guess their router business has completely gone now, but that used to be uiffy
16:28.46*** join/#asterisk sgriepentrog (~sgriepent@nat/digium/x-tuykxaisgzxvgvvm)
16:28.47Tujulast one i bought was used cisco 3620, still have it.
16:29.01MaliutaLapmost people have seen their router businesses disappear
16:29.19coppicenot tp-link. their's is huge :-)
16:29.27Tujunowdays i would but advanced MCA cards
16:29.39MaliutaLaptrying to remember the units I have sitting at the end of my dining table
16:29.57MaliutaLapwould use J if I could get someone to spend the $$$'s
16:31.05MaliutaLaplike I prefer HP servers over Dell
16:31.42MaliutaLapthere are 2 pieces of Dell kit I like ... monitors and one specific keyboard model :)
16:32.41MaliutaLapgah! people are stupid
16:32.59*** join/#asterisk ruied (
16:33.06Tuju does that open to you?
16:33.08MaliutaLapjust looked at the console of a specific * install - people not dialing complete numbers
16:35.47Tuju that looks very interesting.
16:36.37*** join/#asterisk Zogot (
16:37.46Tujuheads to sauna for prime-number-generation
16:39.27MaliutaLapI should head to bed - it's 02:40 and I have about 10 hours 'til demanding female show up. How I put up with all the "grope my tits" I'll never know :)
16:41.27*** join/#asterisk madax (
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17:19.46adrelliashey got a quick question, we want to jump a call from a que to a outbound sip trunk, if there is no answer
17:20.22adrelliasis the correct way to do a Dial(SIP/outbout/number,20) ?
17:20.27adrelliasshould that work /
17:21.08adrelliasexten => quename,2,Dial(SIP/sip_outbound/0012345667778,20)
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17:57.35*** join/#asterisk cj (~cjac@2607:ff08:f5:3a::3)
17:58.32cjhey guys
17:58.59cjfor an iax2 peering session to be established, do both peers need to see one another as the IP to which they register?
17:59.15*** join/#asterisk AAmit (~amit@
17:59.53cjI have a multi-path route from sip0 to sip1@ over a set of GRE tunnels and a reverse over the same GRE tunnels from sip1 to sip0@
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18:01.14cjthe GRE tunnels have IP addresses 100.65.43.[1,2], 100.65.43.[5,6] and 100.65.43.[9,10], and these are the IPs on the return packet
18:02.18cjso sip1 has register => sip1:y3rm0m@
18:02.34cjand permit=
18:03.24cjwhile sip0 has register => sip0:y3rm0m@
18:03.35cjand permit= as well
18:05.32cjis it even possible to balance the traffic over these GRE tunnels this way?
18:08.01cjI guess I could register on each IP:
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18:46.35adrelliasanyone around ?
18:46.57*** join/#asterisk lorsungcu_ (~anonymous@
18:47.22WIMPyfeels triangular today
18:59.09*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (
19:04.51AAmitadrellias, Hi
19:07.59AAmitadrellias, Youu there???????
19:25.45AAmitHi All
19:26.49[TK]D-FenderMany people don't feel obligated to respond to people just walking in and saying "hi".
19:27.18[TK]D-FenderIf you have something you wanted to discuss people are much more likely to respond once you've at least started a topic
19:27.45MaliutaLapalso "Anybody" isn't here right now - check the listing of peoples with a "presence" in the channel :)
19:28.09AAmit[TK]D-Fender, LOL :)
19:34.41*** join/#asterisk W0rmDr1nk (~wormdrink@unaffiliated/wormdrink)
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20:29.09*** join/#asterisk kraptv (~kraptv@unaffiliated/kraptv)
20:29.45kraptvGuys - I'm mostly configured with dahdi, but I need a bit of help. I've got a TDM400p with two FXO cards connected to the PSTN.
20:30.33kraptvI can query the card with dahdi show status
20:30.50kraptvI do NOT see my two idle channels when I do a "dahdi show channels" however.
20:32.53marceloamorimdahdi show channels you should see the state
20:33.07marceloamorimand if you need more informations you can do dahdi show channel 1
20:33.14marceloamorim1 is the number of your channel
20:33.43marceloamorimkraptv: sorry if this was not what you wanted
20:34.25kraptvYeah, sadly, I don't see any channels available.
20:34.35kraptvI'll dig in a little more.
20:35.02marceloamorimtry to find the device on dmesg
20:35.24kraptvYeah, I find it. I think I need to configure dahdi-channels.conf. (hmm...)
20:35.48marceloamorimif you are using the linux, the dahdi_genconf works pretty well
20:35.56kraptvSo, looks like dahdi-channels.conf is configured automatically - seems like it's fine there.
20:36.01kraptvyeah, I did dahdi_genconf.
20:36.14kraptvand definitely the right signalling, etc.
20:36.41*** join/#asterisk tuxx- (
20:37.19kraptvwhen I do a "dahdi show channels" it doesn't show any channels, but should it show the channels and just report them as idle?
20:38.35*** join/#asterisk tuxx- (~tuxx@2a01:7c8:aab5:336:0:1c1:c0c4:c014)
20:41.40kraptvCan I share my /etc/dahdi/system.conf files on pastebin?
20:41.55kraptvand chan_dahdi and dahdi-channels config files in /etc/asterisk?
20:42.56kraptvsystem.conf is
20:44.58kraptvchan_dahdi.conf is
20:45.43kraptvand finally my dahdi-channels.conf is here
20:45.53*** join/#asterisk oesteve (
20:46.10kraptvSystem sees the card, asterisk sees dahdi.
20:46.49kraptvchannels are listed in the right configs (did I miss something?)
20:48.10kraptvMan. It's doing my head in. I love asterisk, too.
20:51.33*** join/#asterisk tuxx- (~tuxx@2a01:7c8:aab5:336:0:1c1:c0c4:c014)
20:54.07kraptvAlright. doing dahdi_monitor, I see the rings visually.
20:54.35kraptvdahdi_monitor 1 -vv definitely showed the visual 'spikes' when I rang the line.
21:06.33kraptvAlright. Figured it out.
21:06.57kraptvUnder asterisk, I did a "dahdi restart" which complained about a lack of an #include file.
21:08.18*** join/#asterisk techshell (
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21:09.42techshellexperts ... i am running an asterisk
21:09.50techshellin EC2
21:10.00techshelland having terrible issues with meetme
21:10.43techshellthe issues are all intermittent and related to call quality.
21:11.29techshelltaking a pcap trace confirms that rtp stream for one caller goes into asterisk clean ... mixed audio out to another caller comes out stuttering
21:11.55techshellrunning tcpdump directly on the host .. not a span port or mirror.
21:12.18techshellconfirmed for sure this is not a network related problem .. 100%
21:12.49techshellrunning dahdi 2.9.1
21:13.07techshellany help will much much appreciated
21:15.47techshellI have been using asterisk since 1.2 and I would consider myself and advanced user, I have tried everything but cannot for the life of me figure out why I am seeing this behaviour.
21:16.31techshellthere is a chance the issue is caused by Amazon .. but how do I confirm.
21:16.48techshelllook forward to hear from ya
21:18.24WIMPySounds like bad timing, which seems pretty normal for virtual systems.
21:18.44WIMPyI'd upgrade away from meetme.
21:19.45lvlinuxhey WIMPy should he try the ConfBridge in 1.8 just to see if it makes any diff? It doesn't rely on DAHDI like meetme does it?
21:19.55QwellConfBridge requires at least Asterisk 11 (which you should be very highly considering at this point)
21:20.17lvlinuxi thot a very featureless Confbridge was in 1.8?
21:20.18WIMPyNo, it doesn't, but it should be 11.
21:20.39Qwelllvlinux: It's not useful until 11.  Or maybe it was 10 (which is no longer supported, so my statement stands)
21:21.34lvlinuxyes i know it's not as far as features, but would it not work enough for him to try it in 1.8 without an upgrade---that way he could determine if it was indeed a timing problem, without going to 11 immediately---which he should do of course asap...
21:22.01Qwelllvlinux: No need to test.  ConfBridge will certainly fix such issues.
21:22.15lvlinuxah ok.
21:23.02techshellrighto .. thanks folk
21:24.00techshellchanging to ConfBridge and Asterisk11 is quite a bit of work for me.
21:24.34fileit works better, but if your timing is still wacked it can only help so much
21:24.38filelike - really wacked
21:25.08techshellother than dahdi is there any other timing source I could use
21:25.19techshellI have no hw .. all sip
21:25.33techshellso shouldn't need dahdi
21:25.35WIMPyYou need dahdi for meetme.
21:26.03Qwelldahdi doesn't provide timing for meetme, it provides mixing.
21:26.23techshelli had a similar system running in EC2 for the last 3 yrs without any problems
21:26.27WIMPyAnd timing.
21:27.22techshellonly diff is that the new instance uses hvm while the old uses pv
21:27.45techshellwould tweaking kernel hz timers help in this case
21:28.00techshellold system that worked was running on ubuntu
21:28.05techshellthis one runs on Centos
21:28.57WIMPyPossible. No way to know without trying.
21:29.13WIMPyBut I doubt dahdi uses that timer.
21:30.06techshellme too .. dahdi i suspect either takes timing from line card (isdn) or some dummy psudo driver
21:30.24*** part/#asterisk mjordan (~mjordan@nat/digium/x-jcciqypjecqlfsvd)
21:34.22WIMPyIt's best to have hardware, obviousely.
21:37.04techshellyeah ... but not very 2014 is it.
21:37.23cunningpiketechshell: Have you gotten timing numbers from your pseudo inerface?
21:37.49WIMPyNeither is meetme.
21:38.26techshellI am using Thirdlane to provide web interface for my users
21:38.44techshellusability is also a factor
21:39.08techshellI wish I can tell them you can't setup followme or see whose on the conference call
21:39.17techshellwould make my life sooo much easier
21:39.56techshell@cunningpike whats the best way to do that?
21:40.12techshell@cunningpike dahdi_test?
21:40.28cunningpiketechshell: Yup.
21:40.55techshell--- Results after 36 passes ---
21:40.55techshellBest: 99.999% -- Worst: 99.605% -- Average: 99.947849%
21:40.55techshellCummulative Accuracy (not per pass): 99.994
21:41.15techshellI guess i'll need to run for longer
21:41.23techshellbut here is sample
21:42.26cunningpiketechshell: Those numbers don't indicate a timing issue to me...
21:42.27techshell@cunningpike note issue is intermittent.
21:42.39cunningpikeOh, I love those :D
21:43.02techshell@cunningpike yeh ... the best ones.
21:43.05cunningpikeIs this all SIP?
21:43.13techshell@cunningpike yep 100%
21:43.53cunningpikeSo it's not transcoding. Hmm.
21:44.31techshell@cunningpike no funky codes either ... everything is g711
21:44.48techshell@cunningpike *codecs
21:47.22techshellThe old system that worked for the last 2-3 yrs was 1.8.10
21:47.38techshellthis one is 1.8.30
21:48.27cunningpikeWell, I'd go back to 1.8.10 to see if the problem stays.
21:48.43cunningpikeFailing that, I'd try the ConfBridge, as other people suggested earlier.
21:49.10techshellwhats really strange is all other calls are perfect
21:49.47cunningpikeSo it must be something in the MeetMe mixing then.
21:49.59techshelllooks like it to me
21:50.10cunningpikeBut I'd try those steps to try and isolate the issue.
21:51.15techshellwhat i'll do for now is resurrect the installation that worked - 1.8.10 - and send conf calls there, just to alleviate the issues.
21:51.24techshellthen I'll re-evaluate the options.
21:52.03techshellnice thing in AWS is just restore from a snapshot and away it goes .. lazy but aren't we all
21:53.31cunningpikeAny sysop worth their salt is lazy. It's what drives us to automate stuff ;-)
21:54.31techshellonly prob I have is time .. I am doing this in the middle of umpteen other - completely unrelated - client work.
21:54.39*** join/#asterisk darkdrgn2k (
21:54.50techshellI am sure you can relate ..
21:55.12techshellthe queue is always full .. can never get it to zero so you can do what you really *want* to do.
21:55.17techshellrighto ...
21:55.52techshellmany thanks @cunningpike and @WIMPy
21:55.55techshellhave smashing weekend
21:56.01cunningpikeYou too!
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22:32.57darkdrgn2kso anyone else know if there is any other way to stop asterisk from killing som inband tones from my alarm panel?
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