IRC log for #asterisk on 20140917

00:00.22*** join/#asterisk fstd (~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted)
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00:15.44*** part/#asterisk Nemus (~Nemus@unaffiliated/nemus)
00:19.41*** join/#asterisk elguero (~miguel323@2001:470:1f06:12c4::2)
00:32.33*** join/#asterisk newmember (
00:34.05newmembergood day
00:34.21newmemberI have been trouble shooting *1.4 connection to callcentric
00:34.41newmemberI keep seeing a 404 error going back to CC
00:35.00newmembermy asterisk error is this:   NOTICE[3370]: chan_sip.c:15503 handle_request_invite: Call from '1777XXXXXXX' to extension '1777XXXXXXX' rejected because extension not found.
00:35.27newmemberso I changed my extn to this:   exten => _X!,1,NoOp(New call from New call from Callcentric PDX 1503XXXXXXX)
00:35.51newmemberthinking that this would catch everything coming in but still I get the 404 error going back to CC
00:37.52newmembersip.conh has:  context=from-trunk    and externsions.conf has:  [from-trunk]
00:40.56newmemberyeah got it
00:42.31*** join/#asterisk petris (~petris@
00:43.38newmemberwell it works with the exten => _X!,1,NoOp  filter I need to restrict it a bit
00:51.17*** join/#asterisk SpeedEvil (~quassel@tor/regular/SpeedEvil)
00:58.44*** join/#asterisk ruben23 (~OpenDIAL@
01:00.38*** join/#asterisk BitEvil (~quassel@tor/regular/SpeedEvil)
01:01.17ruben23guys anyone can help, i got a DID number and upon dialing it.. it get this error and no calls or calls incoming ----->
01:02.08ruben23on my trunkinbound context i got this ---->
01:02.31ruben23but why its not matching the extensions at all..?
01:05.06newtonrruben23, I don't think _X. will match 's', but I'm not sure
01:06.08newtonrThat is, the call is coming in to extension s and you are trying to match a string starting with 0 to 9 and then one or more characters.
01:06.43ruben23newtonr:  what should i do..?
01:07.46newtonrruben23, change your pattern match to be an 's', so that it can find the s extension... or make sure the far end actually sends a DID
01:08.27newtonrfor now, you might just change  _X.,1,AGI    to   s,1,AGI
01:09.44newtonrI'd help more but I've got to go!
01:09.53newtonrSend a mail to the asterisk-users list if no one is online to help you out.  Later!
01:13.00*** join/#asterisk LiuYan (~root@unaffiliated/liuyan)
01:41.08*** join/#asterisk alexw (~textual@unaffiliated/alexw)
01:44.03alexwIn voicemail 2 email - the attachment is there but it cannot be played
01:53.58*** join/#asterisk Qwell (north@asterisk/developer/Qwell)
01:53.58*** mode/#asterisk [+o Qwell] by
01:54.22*** join/#asterisk dtcrshr (~datacrush@unaffiliated/datacrusher)
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06:51.56*** part/#asterisk Nemus (~Nemus@unaffiliated/nemus)
06:56.48*** join/#asterisk Zogot (
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07:53.56*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/chainsaw)
07:58.12*** join/#asterisk JeroenBo (~JeroenBo@
08:06.15JeroenBoI am looking for somone with experience with connecting a Panasonic PBX to asterisk (dialplan)
08:07.11*** join/#asterisk bulkorok (~Benjamin@
08:16.34*** join/#asterisk D30 (~deo@
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08:27.55*** join/#asterisk Zogot (
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08:48.39Stefan27lsof | grep asterisk | wc -l outputs 50962 for me. is that normal for a 32-bit fedora installation of ast 12.5? with 50 peers or so
08:49.26*** join/#asterisk jsjc (~Adium@
08:50.37Stefan27i just noticed a webpage for which the user had 357 for the same query, from 2010 though.
08:53.41*** join/#asterisk wanna (~wanna@
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09:28.03*** join/#asterisk al_nz1 (
09:28.16al_nz1evening all
09:28.30al_nz1I have a piaf server locally which works great
09:28.41*** join/#asterisk jepperl (3e2c87df@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
09:29.22al_nz1I put a instance in EC2, and modified the config of my SEP<mac>.cnf.xml replacing the LAN IP with the WAN IP of my EC2 (which has ports forwared) but the phone wont register
09:29.35al_nz1is there a sip debug command to watch registration attempts?
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09:50.06al_nz1JeroenBo: yeah its UNAUTH
09:50.18al_nz1just trying to work out why...the pass is right
09:50.29Zogotcan you use Asterisk Sorcery for other things than pjsip? like extensions(contexts)?
09:51.09Zogotand if so, is there some kind of reference i could find in the asterisk sources to determine the keys that are needed ?
09:53.21*** join/#asterisk evil_gordita (
10:06.23al_nz1I do now!
10:29.13*** join/#asterisk drmessano (~nonya@pdpc/supporter/active/drmessano)
10:38.41*** join/#asterisk Pitel_IPEX (
10:49.10*** join/#asterisk dan_j (~IceChat77@unaffiliated/danfromuk)
10:50.50dan_jHi. I've got a macro that makes the callee press 1 in order to accept the call. However when the callee answers (prior to pressing 1), the ringing sound that the caller hears stops. I believe thats because the early audio is no longer being transmitted.
10:50.58dan_jAny idea how I can keep the ringing sound going?
10:52.19fileZogot, no - only PJSIP really uses it right now
10:52.35al_nz1anyone here know nigel from the uk?
10:52.47al_nz1cant remember his nic
10:55.44*** join/#asterisk cunningpike (~cunningpi@2602:304:6eaf:6280:1952:7e94:d01c:3b38)
11:12.08*** join/#asterisk drmessano (~nonya@pdpc/supporter/active/drmessano)
11:16.42Zogotfile: ah fair enough, thanks for answering
11:21.00*** join/#asterisk aness (
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11:44.35Zogotthere are many more tables defined with alembic for pjsip. mainly ps_contacts, ps_endpoint_id_ips. i imagine they require configuration with sorcery
11:45.15Zogotis there a means to find that out? i register my peer (as defined in the Setting up PJSIP realtime page) but no values are updated in ps_aors for example, is that correct?
11:54.42*** join/#asterisk areski (
12:00.23*** join/#asterisk fstd (~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted)
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12:08.57fileyes, that is correct
12:09.14filethe act of registering creates a contact in ps_contacts, it doesn't modify the AOR
12:09.44Zogotah yep its ok now, not sure if its something i missed, but if i dont supply a timers_min_se above 90 it breaks :p
12:10.26filedefine breaks
12:11.06Zogotthats when timers_min_se is 89, when i change it to 91, all works fine
12:11.13Zogotthats when i attempt to make a call, from 102 to 101
12:11.17Zogot(or vis versa)
12:11.50filefile an issue
12:12.53fileneed to add min/max to that option
12:13.07Zogotits not a problem from flat files?
12:13.16*** join/#asterisk mirela666 (
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12:13.21fileit would be a problem there as well
12:13.33filesame code is used for it all
12:13.58Zogotaye but none of the examples of pjsip endpoints reference any timers_min_se values
12:14.08Zogotperhaps there was some sort of default value used in flat files or so
12:14.22filethere's a default value if it's not specified or present
12:15.44Zogotis it perhaps then just an issue for the realtime database structure (just trying to determine what best to say in the issue ticket) or something that should have a more global fix, that in flat files it also should have a minimum or so :p apologies for stupid questions, rather new to asterisk/sip things
12:15.59fileit's an issue everywhere
12:16.05filethe code which handles the various fields is common to everything
12:16.11Zogotah ok
12:16.44filejust say that if you put in a timers_min_se below a certain number it crashes like above
12:17.17*** join/#asterisk hurdman (
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12:37.25*** join/#asterisk Tuju (
12:38.24Tujusay that i've multiple companies in same phone with different lines, each line is separated in proxy with own context. How do i'm supposed separate them in registration phase?
12:39.00Tujuif i keep the default sip-contaxt/domain, those accounts are not found.
12:40.26*** join/#asterisk drmessano (~nonya@pdpc/supporter/active/drmessano)
12:40.41Tujui cannot use different dns names in proxy dns name, because Cisco dropped support for multiple proxies from c7975 firmware. Previous versions had the support, but now it's gone.
12:41.04*** join/#asterisk dipanjan (671b082b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
12:42.32dipanjanAsterisk is unable to detect BYE when it is waiting for a DTMF input. It just stays there for hours. I am using version 1.6 because that is what came with my distro. Can anybody please suggest a solution?
12:45.06Zogothey file, if you perhaps have a moment to check over the ticket, ensure I supplied the information as best as possible it would be appreciated. (i reviewed the submitting issues page also)
12:48.32file'tis fine
12:48.40*** join/#asterisk anonymouz666 (
12:50.16Tujufile: saw my question?
12:53.37[TK]D-Fenderdipanjan: Show us.
12:53.37*** join/#asterisk Arsenick (~arsenick@fedora/Arsenick)
12:58.21Tujufile: sip show domains      lists DNS-domains and context mappings, when that dns-domain is used? in registration? From proxy dns name (that maps in ip to that particular host?)
12:58.35*** join/#asterisk dict (
12:59.08fileI would suggest telling the channel what you are trying to do instead of getting into specifics and getting people confused
13:00.41dictHi there, I'm getting a seg fault in asterisk on a call hangup. The backtrace goes from ast_cdr_detach to post_cdr then cdr_handler. For some reason cdr_handler calls sqlite libs which then cause a coredump. I didn't think sqlite was used unless you took steps to switch to it from MySQL.
13:01.02dictCan anyone suggest what might be calling sqlite to give me an idea of where to look to find the cause?
13:01.31Tujufile: I told above. I've a phone with different lines that maps into different sip context in same asterisk proxy.
13:01.44fileAsterisk isn't a proxy
13:01.44Tujueach line is a different company.
13:01.56Tujuokay, i call it then asterisk.
13:02.15filebut you shouldn't have to mess with SIP domains and such... each one should just be a different user
13:02.47Tujuin that case asterisk says that it cannot find such line/user name
13:03.31fileshow the configuration and console output
13:03.52Tujui assume that incoming registrations get mapped into context, way or another. I i don't create those DNS-name....context mappings, those lines doesn't exist in its viewpoint.
13:04.20Tujuproblem is that that damn cisco phone cannot have different proxy for each line button.
13:04.29fileI don't understand why you'd need different proxies ...
13:04.32Tujuit has to be the same ip.
13:04.39fileunless you want them to all go to different servers
13:04.53Tujuin contrary, there is only one asterisk.
13:04.56*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (
13:05.33Tujui could do more dns names that map into same ip. like and
13:06.01fileif you are trying to use SIP domains in chan_sip then I don't know that, so I can't help
13:06.11Tujuand those would be same ip address and come into same server, but sip REGISTER packets would have different From whatever strings and each line would get mapped into different context.
13:06.15filepeople rarely end up using that support
13:06.32Tujui don't know what chan_sip is.
13:06.58Tujubut someone must have written something about use of domain= in sip.conf, right?
13:07.21Tujuthis can't all be folklore around bondfire and "show me a config" right?
13:07.45fileI personally have never used the support. There is some documentation in sip.conf.sample, there may be more elsewhere.
13:07.51fileThe number of people who use the support is small.
13:08.03Tujuyep, i've got the same feeling.
13:08.19*** join/#asterisk drmessano (~nonya@pdpc/supporter/active/drmessano)
13:08.43Tujureminds me times when mysql had their documentation in single web page that was supposed to be for all versions.
13:09.06*** join/#asterisk jepperl (3e2c87e7@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
13:09.34fileMost people who do multi-tenant don't use SIP domains, they just have different SIP usernames and use dialplan contexts to separate things for routing purposes.
13:09.47Tujui'd like to see somethingl ike you can click versions and it's always up-to-date.
13:10.18Tujufile: i tried that but those lines don't register because those lines are, reasonably - in different context.
13:10.47Tujuif i don't map context somehow, incoming REGISTER is in 'default' and hence that line doesn't exist for that packet.
13:10.55fileer, no
13:10.59fileit doesn't work like that
13:11.05Tujuwell, how does it?
13:11.24jepperlHey guys. I'm currently having an issue where sometimes, usually during SIP REGISTER packets are being sent, the asterisk CLI will become unresponsive. By that i mean; i can type anything into the CLI and press enter, and nothing happens. 'jklahsdkjhaskhdsa' or 'reload' or 'sip reload' etc.. nothing.. i am running the cli with 'sudo asterisk -vvvvv
13:11.24jepperlr' btw. Have anyone experienced this? the asterisk version i am running is 11.12.0
13:11.26fileif you aren't using SIP domains then the user portion of the From header is used to find a SIP entry in sip.conf
13:11.48fileif authenticate passes then it is registered
13:11.53Tujufile: and all lines are on same 'flat domain' ?
13:12.08Tujuand then the context gets mapped. right.
13:12.24fileI don't understand what you mean by "gets mapped"
13:12.24Tujuthen it makes sense to hose whole domain=plaaplaa
13:12.39Tujufile: becomes effective for that line.
13:13.12Tujuthen i need to figure out why my lines whine 'not a local domain' whatever.
13:13.28*** join/#asterisk wonderworld (
13:22.30dipanjan[TK]D-Fender: you want a screenshot? I will need to wait for the next time someone hangs up when waiting for DTMF.
13:22.52dipanjan[TK]D-Fender: I am controlling it through AGI (perl)
13:22.57[TK]D-Fenderdipanjan: A screenshot of what?
13:23.40dipanjan[TK]D-Fender: I didn't get what you wanted me to show when you said 'show us'
13:24.04[TK]D-Fenderdipanjan: the CALL
13:24.12[TK]D-Fenderdipanjan: Prrof of what is happening.
13:26.15dipanjan[TK]D-Fender: this is the line in the perl AGI where it is stuck: $dtmf = $AGI->get_option($promptstring[$j], $components[4], $timeout);
13:26.29[TK]D-Fenderdipanjan: 2 more things : AGI's can continue after a hangup.  a handler is called and if you don't do things properly your script will just keep running.  This is the most likely.
13:27.05[TK]D-Fenderdipanjan: Next 1.6 isn't a specific branch, and 1.6.0, 1.6.1, and 1.6.2 are all no longer supported at all.
13:27.38[TK]D-Fenderdipanjan: So if there is some sort of issue that is actually Asterisk's fault, your branch is not going to get fixed
13:27.51[TK]D-Fenderdipanjan: Time to upgrade
13:27.55*** join/#asterisk bmurt (~brendan@
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13:29.12dipanjan[TK]D-Fender: yes, I know 1.6.2 is ancient. But this is what my distro installed by default (less hassles). I have a callback handler to handle hangups. It works fine except when asterisk is waiting for an input
13:30.44dipanjan[TK]D-Fender: I am quite sure this has been fixed in later versions as there are several bugs reported on this issue. Was just wondering if doing someting different would save me going down the upgrade path, and probably breaking a few things.
13:30.49[TK]D-Fenderdipanjan: Your distro is either equally ancient, or is just bad.  You should not be running that branch.  Even showing us anything won't change anything in the end if it's an Asterisk issue
13:30.55[TK]D-Fenderdipanjan: You'll have to upgrade
13:31.33dipanjan[TK]D-Fender: yes, the distro is ancient too. Did not touch it for fear of breaking things.
13:31.55dipanjanThanks. I will look into how to upgrade safely, without breaking many things.
13:32.01[TK]D-Fenderdipanjan: Well things are broken now.  Time to move forward
13:36.40dipanjan[TK]D-Fender: good point :D
13:38.03*** part/#asterisk dipanjan (671b082b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
13:38.59dictWhat's the best way to deal with segfaults? I'm reading backtraces but getting the feeling that I am in over my head. I have 7 segfaults, 4 refer to utils.h whilst 3 refer to cdr_handler just before segfaulting.
13:44.27Stefan27did you add any code yourself, which may have caused the segfault?
13:44.49hurdmanhi, i can pass sip video call, but is-it possible to havec video during the ring tone before answer ?
13:45.10dictWe've not touched the asterisk code. The box is running Asternic but it is only asterisk that segfaults.
13:45.28*** join/#asterisk BeachBall (~eXcAliBuR@
13:46.34dictI'm just trying to match the backtraces with what happened immeditately prior. One of the cdr_handler ones happened when somebody logged out of a queue.
13:47.37*** join/#asterisk sgriepentrog (~sgriepent@nat/digium/x-qtgzrnopufksltov)
13:47.37BeachBallhow do i get debugging on?
13:48.00[TK]D-Fenderbeatthere are over 10 different KINDS of debugging.. care to be more specific?
13:48.08[TK]D-FenderBeachBall: there are over 10 different KINDS of debugging.. care to be more specific?
13:49.12[TK]D-Fenderdepends on version
13:49.30BeachBallsip debug on doesn't work
13:49.50[TK]D-Fendersip <tab> will expand CLI's command list...
13:50.01BeachBalloh nice
13:50.04BeachBalli didn't know that trick
13:50.13BeachBallok got it
13:50.17[TK]D-FenderOnly been there since... forever-ish
13:50.27BeachBallit's on but i don't see anything
13:50.38BeachBalli can do that
13:51.33BeachBallthat tab thing is great
13:53.03BeachBalli still don't see debugging info
13:53.21BeachBalli have core set debug 10
13:53.25BeachBallsip set debug on
13:53.29[TK]D-FenderYou seem to be operating on the assumption that something is even making it to your server in the first place.
13:53.30BeachBallcore set verbose 10
13:57.04*** join/#asterisk sekil (~sekil@
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14:02.57*** join/#asterisk drmessano (~nonya@pdpc/supporter/active/drmessano)
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14:03.46hurdmancan someone help me on early video media with sip ?
14:05.20Kattyhello my asterisk does not work at all how to fix pls
14:05.57newtonrhurdman, Maybe! ask a specific question, and then pastebin some debug to demonstrate the issue.
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14:09.22rrittgarnKatty: Please try turning it off and then back on again. If that doesn't work perhaps an early lunch break will be helpful
14:11.04Kattylunch break is always helpful!
14:11.35Kattypokes drmessano
14:11.47hurdmannewtonr: i have got video during my sip call, but i do not have any video before the answer , i can't see any error anywhere
14:12.59jepperlkatty: maybe the power coupling has been polarized?
14:13.28*** join/#asterisk blee (
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14:15.53newtonrhurdman, I've not messed with early media as video, but perhaps you need to call the progress app somewhere.
14:16.28newtonrhurdman, you might also look at a pcap to verify the video is being sent and arriving where you want it to go.
14:17.24Kattyjepperl: i'll polarize your power coupling in a minute.
14:17.24hurdmannewtonr: i have tried progess :/ and my video stream is visible into wireshark
14:18.29newtonrIs the receiving client capable of early media?
14:19.38*** join/#asterisk qdel (
14:20.01hurdmanlinphone should, yes
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14:23.15newtonrhurdman, post on the asterisk-video list with a link to your pcap, asterisk debug and the dialplan you are using. Someone will likely be able to help you figure it out.  Maybe you are not calling Progress at the right part of your dialplan.
14:25.37dictRight, I've gone through all my logs and asterisk is core dumping each time on a call hangup. It is core dumping right at the end of the hangup process. In all but one case it happens before app_mixmonitor.c kicks in as there are no logs relating to it.
14:26.05dictOne of the logs looks like app_mixmonitor.c did all of its work before asterisk bailed out.
14:26.10dictannoyingly incosistent.
14:26.41hurdmannewtonr: ok thx for your advice. i'll do that
14:27.31newtonrdict, file a bug!
14:27.43*** part/#asterisk hurdman (
14:28.13newtonrwith a backtrace!
14:28.30dictI have 7 backtraces that are all slightly different :/
14:29.32newtonrcompiled with DONT_OPTIMIZE and BETTER_BACKTRACES ?
14:29.58newtonrattach'em all
14:30.07newtonr(to the issue)
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14:31.56dictI believe DONT_OMPTIMIZE is enabled on the distro. Not sure about BETTER_BACKTRACES
14:33.01dictHmm, just found this which sounds like half of my backtraces
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14:36.40dictFound the .ini for sqlite and I'll turn those off. If it turns out to solve the problem then it might be a distro issue rather than asterisk itself.
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14:40.03michael_workthere is this function SHARED that can be usefull, but the question is how do i clean the data after i finsihed to use it
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14:41.39michael_worki mean no to set variable to nothing as set(shared(foo,channel)=) but to actually delete it as there would be no need after i completed certain operation
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14:43.22mjordanmichael_work: if nothing needs the shared channel variable - that is, all channels that cared about it have gone away - Asterisk will tidy it up.
14:43.24marceloamorimguys, morning, I`m trying to build my own table on mysql, I used func_odbc, but now, I`m geting information about the cel ( sql ) on the cli
14:43.37marceloamorimlike > [INSERT INTO cel (eventtype,eventtime,userdeftype,cid_name,cid_num,cid_ani,cid_rdnis,cid_dnid,exten,context,channame,appname,appdata,amaflags,accountcode,peeraccount,uniqueid,linkedid,userfield,peer) VALUES ('CHAN_START',{ts '2014-09-17 11:42:18'},'','','','','','','s','ramais','SIP/3000-00000004','','',3,'','','1410964938.4','1410964938.3','','')]
14:44.40michael_workmjordan, thanks
14:45.56Tujui'm wondering where cisco phones get their From: domain
14:46.20michael_workso to get sip cause from originated channel thru AMI i had to use b() in dial to set hanguphandler to set sip cause from there to shared variables so i can get it after from h in original originated channel
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14:48.22michael_workit might be related to
14:48.25michael_workbut not sure
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15:10.50marceloamorimthere is any way to enable the func_odbc and disable all messages(mysql) from the other features?
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15:21.06newtonrmarceloamorim, I don't believe so. You can just turn up or down verbose or debug.  I can't remember which the SQL messages are on.
15:22.08marceloamorimyeah, I`m try to use app_mysql now
15:24.11marceloamorimmaybe is better, looks deprecated, but I want to use cel at the way it is and use another table for other things.
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15:52.36marceloamorimweird, after I removed the func_odbc.conf from the /etc/asterisk and remove the module, the cel mysql log keeping appear at the CLI, and I restart the asterisk already
15:52.54marceloamorimbefore I used for the first time, I didn`t have those verboses
15:58.35*** join/#asterisk Akuma (
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16:11.41Tujui can't get my trunk match into line settings between two asteriskskskssks.
16:16.05lvlinuxTuju: what exactly do u mean?
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16:18.12Tujui can see that asterisk A sends OPTIONS packet that is for From: a-trunk@           and i've domain= listed, but it still says "404 not found"
16:18.33Tujuthat domain setting is in asterisk B
16:18.52Tujuand asterisk B has line set with: [a-trunk]
16:19.13Tujuand i've another box where it works just fine.
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16:22.07lvlinuxdo u have a pb of ur sip.conf?
16:22.19lvlinuxerr both of them rather
16:23.21[TK]D-FenderTuju: Nothing tells me the reason for the 404 there.  You seem to assume it's auth-based.
16:23.28[TK]D-FenderTuju: But I'm not seeing proof
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16:26.20Tujui'm now trying to compare to working one and actually there are those 404 not founds too, apparently for that OPTIONS packet
16:26.28Tujubut it still registers.
16:26.54[TK]D-Fender404 is not necessarily an AUTH failure
16:27.02[TK]D-Fenderand you aren't showing anything useful
16:37.40cunningpike[TK]D-Fender: Still fighting the good fight, I see... :-)
16:38.39[TK]D-Fendercunningpike: Another likely exercise in futility
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16:54.46Tujuyeah, now i found the problem. those packets gets dropped somewhere on the way.
16:55.09Tujui can see them leaving from my dmz firewall interface, but don't see them coming in another end.
16:55.13[TK]D-Fender404 = answer, not a drop
16:56.32BeachBallok, so I have no audio coming from my asterisk... where do i start
16:56.40BeachBallcalls are going through ok
16:56.44BeachBalland it use to work
16:56.55BeachBallnothing was touched, did have a power outage
16:57.01[TK]D-FenderLook at your calls
16:57.23BeachBalli have debugging on
16:58.13BeachBall[TK]D-Fender: i need more details
16:58.25[TK]D-FenderGo get them
16:58.40*** join/#asterisk D-Boy (~D-Boy@unaffiliated/cain)
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17:00.11BeachBallgotta dumb it down a bit more
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17:07.28BeachBalli did a playback of hello-world, and couldn't hear it
17:07.57BeachBallcould something have fried when the power went out?
17:10.16[TK]D-FenderYes, "something" could have fried.  What could have fried that actually has anything to do with this is another matter.
17:10.34BeachBallso where do I start?
17:10.45BeachBallpastebin my sip.conf and extensions.conf?
17:11.19BeachBallis the version
17:11.27[TK]D-FenderConfigs are like giving us a showrrom photo of your car when it was new and asking why it crashed
17:11.47BeachBallso i update my asterisk to 11.12 ?
17:11.53BeachBalland hope for the best
17:11.57[TK]D-Fender[12:56][TK]D-FenderLook at your calls
17:12.08BeachBallthat doesn't mean anything to me
17:12.12[TK]D-Fendercunningpike: The adventure continues...
17:13.08BeachBalli don't hear it
17:13.13BeachBallthe system is playing it
17:13.21BeachBalli have the volume up
17:18.23*** join/#asterisk drmessano (~nonya@pdpc/supporter/active/drmessano)
17:21.30BeachBalli'm an idiot, it's not my fault
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17:42.16BeachBallinstalled 11.12 and still no sound
17:43.22*** join/#asterisk SpeedEvil (~quassel@tor/regular/SpeedEvil)
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18:04.07anonymouz666mjordan: I just confirmed that this message is due (s)RTCP being dropped - Got SRTP from   - failed to decrypt information.
18:04.49anonymouz666it parses rtcp attribute, increases one port, and send the rtcp there.
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18:13.40mjordanHm. Is the SDP that is being offered from the phone using the 'rtcp' attribute and incrementing the RTCP port by something more than 1?
18:17.15anonymouz666in the example the rtp was sent to
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18:17.39mjordannot quite what I asked :-)
18:17.46mjordanGenerally, Asterisk will sent RTCP to the negotiated RTP port + 1
18:18.02mjordanthere, is however, an 'rtcp' attribute that can be sent in an SDP that will specify a port other than the 'default'
18:18.15mjordandid the phone use that attribute, and did it specify something other than the negotiated RTP port + 1?
18:19.27anonymouz666no, it was RTP port + 1.
18:19.37anonymouz666rtcp= in SDP
18:19.45mjordank. That would be expected then.
18:20.00mjordanSounds like something didn't apply the crypto policy to the RTCP stream.
18:20.27anonymouz666any suggestions?
18:20.48anonymouz666on where to inspect
18:24.01*** join/#asterisk gusto (~gusto@2a02:810d:8640:1dd0:221:6aff:feb8:e0b2)
18:25.12mjordanIIRC, you're running some of Olle's branches with this, right?
18:25.41anonymouz666tried, teapot-1.8, rtcp-pinefrog-11, asterisk-11.12 with lifetime patch
18:25.46anonymouz666I am open to test anything
18:26.35mjordanwell, you're running modified Asterisk. I think at this point, you may want to see if Olle is running into anything similar with his work.
18:26.51mjordanIf he isn't seeing these same issues, it may be worthwhile working with him to find out what the difference is.
18:27.03mjordanOtherwise, we really need to have the issue reproduced in something that is unmodified
18:29.19anonymouz666I unnderstand, gonna try to get in touch if him you he appears online
18:29.33anonymouz666with wim when
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18:40.13BeachBallstill has no audio
18:40.17BeachBalland no one is helpingme
18:40.46[TK]D-FenderYou've provided no useful detail and aren't looking at the call.
18:41.07BeachBallyour not telling me what "looking at the call" means
18:41.09ChainsawListen to the Fender. It speaks truth. Not politely, but truth all the same.
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18:43.48BeachBalldoes that help?
18:45.34*** join/#asterisk SpeedEvil (~quassel@tor/regular/SpeedEvil)
18:48.16[TK]D-FenderThat isn't from the start of the call.
18:48.43[TK]D-Fendernor is that SIP DEBUG which is what you asked how to get earlier ... but don't seem to think is important.
18:48.57[TK]D-FenderYou still haven't given us details of what's in play here
18:49.54BeachBallhows that
18:58.21[TK]D-FenderI'm seeing multiple IP's involved in this call and you are not providing DETAILS about what is in play with your server
18:58.33*** join/#asterisk dtcrshr (~datacrush@unaffiliated/datacrusher)
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19:15.27BeachBallphone connected to server all internal.  dialing an extension that plays hello world
19:17.13[TK]D-Fender<--- SIP read from TCP: ---> <- Polycom coming from
19:17.15[TK]D-FenderINVITE sip:303@;user=phone;transport=tcp SIP/2.0 <--- calling your server
19:18.26[TK]D-Fendero=root 1243169667 1243169667 IN IP4 <-- handing your phone a PUBLIC IP for audio
19:18.34[TK]D-FenderBecause you didn't set up your LOCALNETS right
19:18.43[TK]D-FenderFix your basic NAT and network settings
19:21.10*** join/#asterisk stasdizzi (~stasdizzi@
19:23.55BeachBalli c
19:24.13[TK]D-Fender<--- Reliably Transmitting (NAT) to ---> <-- * was also told to believe that your phone was behind NAT
19:28.17BeachBallall better
19:28.22BeachBallthanks [TK]D-Fender
19:28.27BeachBallyou the best
19:28.40BeachBalllocalnet was set to server's ip
19:28.47BeachBallinstead of subnet
19:28.54BeachBallbounces out
19:28.56*** part/#asterisk BeachBall (~eXcAliBuR@
19:29.49marceloamorimguys, could you explain a little better how should I get the MYSQL(Fetch)?
19:30.27marceloamorimI used the mysql connect and I query the conection, but when I use the fetchid I don`t know how to get a specific result from there
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19:52.25marceloamorimlike, MYSQL(Connect connid dbuser dbpass dbname) , MYSQL(Query resultid ${connid} SELECT 'eventtype' from cel_custom), MYSQL(Fetch fetchid ${resultid} eventtype) should I get the word on this eventtype?
19:52.53marceloamorimword I mean the result
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20:05.44marceloamorimthe result from there query is 1
20:06.19marceloamorimthis is my first time using my own table using the asterisk, I didn`t find anything so far
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20:22.53marceloamorimI got it, the Fetch works putting the result on that variables
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20:43.18Magus`hi, having an odd issue with asterisk here in my office, and I'm not finding anything about an issue like this on Google... every few days/weeks, with no rhyme or reason, every extension will suddenly ring but show the call coming as from itself
20:43.40Magus`has anyone seen an issue like this, or perhaps know what to even search for?
20:48.23drmessanoMagus`, sounds like a SIP attack
20:48.33drmessanoDo you have 5060 open to the public internet?
20:48.41Magus`would that cause an extension to ring itself?
20:48.48Magus`*could, I guess
20:48.57Magus`not sure, let me ask
20:49.13drmessanoSimple...The calls hit Asterisk as to <ext> from <same ext>
20:49.22drmessanoSo the probes look like they're coming from the same device
20:49.41Magus`I see
20:51.36Magus`I am not able to connect to that port from outside, so it doesn't appear to be open
20:52.40Magus`still waiting for a response for final word; I'm not directly in charge of anything, I'm just tired of this happening so much and wanted to see if I could get ideas to pass along :)
20:53.28Magus`hm, unless we just use a non-standard port.. I'm getting a possible yes from the network guys
21:00.53Magus`and of course, the one directly in charge of the box is out to lunch... guess I'll have to resume investigating later :) thanks for the info so far :)
21:13.34drmessanoConnect how?
21:17.50Magus`I had tried telnet since I couldn't get ahold of the right person
21:17.51Nuggettelnet is eeeeeeevil!
21:18.05eirirs_telnets Nugget
21:18.10Magus`waiting for him to return and then I'll find out for sure
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