IRC log for #asterisk on 20140916

00:00.23*** join/#asterisk fstd (~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted)
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02:02.55*** join/#asterisk alexw (~textual@unaffiliated/alexw)
02:17.17*** join/#asterisk TriJetScud (
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03:56.50*** join/#asterisk spicyramen_ (
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05:02.51*** join/#asterisk gusto (~gusto@2a02:810d:8640:1dd0:221:6aff:feb8:e0b2)
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06:47.10*** join/#asterisk MaliutaLap (~nobusines@unaffiliated/maliuta)
06:47.54*** join/#asterisk CeBe (
06:56.55*** join/#asterisk ruben23 (~OpenDIAL@
06:57.03ruben23hi there guys
07:03.37*** join/#asterisk jhlavacek (
07:06.42*** join/#asterisk hehol (~hehol@2001:1438:1009:200:4cb4:fa0b:968d:361d)
07:07.18*** join/#asterisk Zogot (
07:08.36*** join/#asterisk drmessano (~nonya@pdpc/supporter/active/drmessano)
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07:12.46MaliutaLapwrong TZ - it's 17:13 :P
07:13.26Zogot :p
07:14.34MaliutaLapjoin the one true TZ - GMT+10 :P
07:15.37ChannelZThe rotation of the earth sort of doesn't work that way.
07:17.19MaliutaLapIt does down here in .au ;)
07:24.00ruben23im gusing dahdi channels FXS
07:25.25*** join/#asterisk cervajs2 (
07:27.30MaliutaLapare the trunks registering? what does the Dial() command look like
07:45.37*** join/#asterisk [Outcast] (~outcast@
07:56.51*** join/#asterisk sekil (~sekil@
08:00.59*** join/#asterisk wanna (~wanna@
08:02.50*** join/#asterisk aaabbb (
08:02.54aaabbbhi there
08:05.57aaabbbI use directmedia for almost all peers, but I want that some peers don't use it, even if they have directmedia=yes
08:06.02aaabbbhow to do this?
08:15.50sekilper peer
08:18.39aaabbbPeer A and peer B use direct RTP
08:18.39aaabbbPeer A and peer C use direct RTP
08:18.39aaabbbPeer B and peer C don't use direct RTP and must proxy all RTP traffic via Asterisk
08:18.50aaabbbhow to do this?
08:19.40sekilprobably in the dialplan
08:20.52aaabbband how about directmediadeny/directmediapermit? just can't figure out to what peer apply this
08:21.16aaabbbto caller or to called
08:31.58*** join/#asterisk areski (
08:39.37*** join/#asterisk drmessano (~nonya@pdpc/supporter/active/drmessano)
08:50.18*** join/#asterisk EmleyMoor (
08:51.11EmleyMoorI'm trying to understand how Asterisk can handle the # key in the dialplan - is it necessary to use a pattern if there's a # anywhere in the extension?
08:58.49*** join/#asterisk NoobSaibot (
09:00.53*** join/#asterisk aness (
09:09.55*** part/#asterisk ruben23 (~OpenDIAL@
09:33.05EmleyMoorHmmm... now anything I dial with * at the beginning never seems to make it to my Asterisk setup...
09:34.21EmleyMoorresets his phone
09:35.26*** join/#asterisk [Outcast] (~outcast@
09:35.51EmleyMoorAddress Incomplete shows on my phone...
09:36.28EmleyMoorMay have found it
09:48.29*** join/#asterisk mcrownover_ (
10:04.34*** join/#asterisk amizraa (~amizraa@gateway/tor-sasl/amizraa)
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11:03.53*** join/#asterisk areski (
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11:10.41*** join/#asterisk adsc (1f180acd@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
11:19.54*** join/#asterisk drmessano (~nonya@pdpc/supporter/active/drmessano)
11:21.40adsci have a lot of registration spam on my asterisk, how do I stop that?
11:22.34*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_ (
11:49.59*** join/#asterisk jasonwert (~jasonwert@
11:52.04*** join/#asterisk Tuju (
11:52.25Tujuwhere i can find all 1.8 sip.conf config syntaxes?
11:53.30Tujuit seems that lot of discussion is about old syntax and it's real difficult to adapt those into my version.
12:00.24*** join/#asterisk fstd (~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted)
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12:11.55*** join/#asterisk drmessano (~nonya@pdpc/supporter/active/drmessano)
12:13.11*** part/#asterisk marceloamorim (
12:14.21EmleyMoorAnyone here any good with t38modem? I'm getting media type not found errors...
12:17.34*** join/#asterisk Sjors (
12:17.37WIMPyadsc: decrease the log level or disconnect from the internet.
12:17.50WIMPyTuju: In the sample config.
12:19.07*** join/#asterisk LiuYan (~root@unaffiliated/liuyan)
12:23.59*** join/#asterisk Chotaire (
12:26.13*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
12:26.21adsci tried core set verbose 0 and core set debug 0 but the spam is still in the console
12:26.26TujuWIMPy: ack.
12:26.36Tujuis there a way to debug on single peer's packets?
12:26.56Tujusip set debug peer x, sip set debug on    dumps way too much stuff.
12:26.58WIMPyadsc: logger.conf
12:27.44WIMPyTuju: You can only restrict it to a single IP. So if you have multiple peers comming from the sam IP, no.
12:27.54adsci'm also in the process of setting up the firewall so that it only accepts sip from known addresses, this should help, right?
12:28.25WIMPyadsc: Yes
12:30.34TujuWIMPy: how do i restrict it?
12:32.01[TK]D-FenderTuju: "sip set debug ip [ip]"
12:32.10WIMPyThe way you just wrote yourself.
12:32.17Tujui did that but i still get tons of others.
12:32.19*** join/#asterisk Champi (
12:32.47Tujuis there a way to list active debugged peers list?
12:32.53*** join/#asterisk joesmoe (~joesmoe@2601:1:b200:b9:211:32ff:fe18:ef25)
12:33.28WIMPyThere can only be one or all.
12:33.46Tujuthen it's not filtering 'em.
12:34.00WIMPyEach sp set debug .. replaces whatever you had before.
12:34.15Tujui'm trying to debug misbehaving trunk and i get desktop phone packets on screen.
12:34.32Tujuand that desktop phone is not taking part of call, any way.
12:35.03WIMPySounds like you just used "on" instead of "ip <ip>" or "peer <peer>".
12:35.54Tujunope, i did not. :)
12:36.07Tujusaid: sip debug peer elion
12:36.46WIMPyAnd that peer exists and has a valid ip associated with it?
12:37.52Tujuit appears to be Ericsson MTAS or something.
12:37.56*** join/#asterisk FreezingCold (
12:40.30[TK]D-Fender[08:32]Tujui did that but i still get tons of others. <- show us
12:41.06[TK]D-FenderTuju: And you can't specifically debug a peer that hasn't registered
12:41.26Tujuyes, i know that.
12:42.55[TK]D-FenderTuju: Show us your attempt to enable sip debug on a specific and getting other stuff after
12:44.13*** join/#asterisk riess82 (
12:48.17*** join/#asterisk bmurt (~brendan@
13:00.59*** join/#asterisk anonymouz666 (
13:09.45*** join/#asterisk creativx (
13:11.42*** join/#asterisk claudiu (c3d8da0a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
13:11.52Tujuany idea why some devices fail to register because registration is attempted with ip-address, instead of hostname?
13:12.01Tujudevice config has hostname.
13:17.32*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (
13:20.06*** part/#asterisk LiuYan (~root@unaffiliated/liuyan)
13:21.16claudiuHi there! I am not sure if this is on purpose but when I try to mute a channel from a Stasis Application and the channel was added to a bridge, then the mute request will destroy the channel.
13:22.53claudiuby the way, the Asterisk version is 12.5.0
13:26.27*** join/#asterisk adsc (1f180acd@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
13:27.12adsci have the following error message: chan_sip.c:14435 check_auth: username mismatch, have <phone1>, digest has <phone2>
13:27.35adscbut I have a peer defined in sip.conf with defaultuser=phone2
13:28.47adscwhen I do sip show peers, i see them (status unmonitored)
13:29.16adscthis started when I changed the type from friend to peer
13:30.10Tujuadsc: you can put 'qualify=yes'  for peer config to see is that registered.
13:30.31adscthanks, i'll try that
13:31.01Tujuimo type=peer is history, nowdays you can use type=friend trunks too.
13:31.36*** join/#asterisk drmessano (~nonya@pdpc/supporter/active/drmessano)
13:31.42adscit's not a trunk, it's a phone device, and i switched to peer because of a website about asterisk security
13:31.58[TK]D-Fenderadsc: You need them to be "friend" and not "peer" if they're going to be at the same IP
13:32.42adscah, okay
13:32.54[TK]D-Fenderpeer= auth by IP
13:32.59adscyeah, they are both registered from the same Siemens Gigaset box
13:33.06[TK]D-Fenderpeerand that hits the FIRST one that matches....
13:34.16adscthe article talked about how friend is bad because it can be used to circumvent user/pw check
13:34.42adscbut I added deny= and permit=
13:34.48adscso I guess I should be fine
13:35.19*** join/#asterisk [Outcast] (~outcast@
13:36.55[TK]D-Fender[09:34]adscthe article talked about how friend is bad because it can be used to circumvent user/pw check <- the only thing that stops a PW check is if you tell it not to.
13:37.16adscokay, thanks
13:37.25adscit works now with type=friend
13:37.37*** join/#asterisk drmessano (~nonya@pdpc/supporter/active/drmessano)
13:37.43adscbut I guess I can't stop the registration brute force spam
13:37.55adscbecause the router doesn't have a full nat, only port forwarding
13:38.10adscso I can't restrict the SIP forwarding based on source IP unfortunately
13:38.48adscis it possible to configure logging to not show failed registrations from unknown ips?
13:38.49*** join/#asterisk aross42 (
13:38.53[TK]D-Fender[09:37]adscbut I guess I can't stop the registration brute force spam <- sure you can... that's what FIREWALLS are for
13:39.07[TK]D-Fenderadsc: fail2ban <---------
13:39.22adscyeah, it does have a firewall, but the port forwarding of the router circumvents it
13:39.54[TK]D-Fenderadsc: fail2ban on your server will block off the spam after a few tries
13:40.46adschmmm, thanks, but I can't install things on this server
13:41.46[TK]D-Fenderadsc: well isn't that productive....
13:55.49*** join/#asterisk newtonr (~newtonr@nat/digium/x-blfyyoblsxgijvas)
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13:57.01*** join/#asterisk ggayan (~ggayan@
13:57.46cervajs2any experience with asterisk11+vp8_patch+webrtc+video(vp8) ?
14:01.43adscif you do core set verbose X in console, it only changes it for the console, right?
14:03.38Zogotis there somewhere to report bugs in asterisk wiki?
14:04.09Zogotreally minor one, the Endpoint Population, the 6th mysql statement has ` instead of '
14:05.17adscisn't the point of a wiki that users can edit it?
14:05.52Zogotdidnt see a means to register
14:05.59newtonrZogot, typically just add a comment on the page
14:06.41Zogotnewtonr: hehe, i dont see that either :p
14:06.46*** join/#asterisk drmessano (~nonya@pdpc/supporter/active/drmessano)
14:08.33newtonrthe wiki edit access is restricted to very active community members to maintain a certain quality level. Though if anyone wants access to contribute regularly, feel to free to ask and if you can show some decent content then you'll likely be given edit access.
14:09.15newtonrZogot, Signing up there gives you an account used across,, , etc
14:09.34newtonrthen you can login to the wiki and add comments
14:10.05Zogotnewtonr: ah thanks a bunch.
14:10.53newtonrZogot, or if you find major issues with the wiki you can file them as a bug on
14:11.07Zogotnewtonr: a lot of it was generated though correct?
14:11.17Zogotor perhaps i was mistaken
14:12.23filesome is generated, some is not
14:12.36newtonrThe command reference sections under "Asterisk X Documentation" sections are generated from source documentation
14:12.48newtonrmost everything else is hand-crafted
14:13.32fileout of wood
14:13.38newtonrFor example everything under here is auto-generated:
14:13.43*** join/#asterisk danjenkins_ (~dan@nat/digium/x-thbqcgehqxtkkycg)
14:15.08newtonrZogot, also, I'll just fix the typo you found instead of you having to go leave a comment.
14:15.17*** part/#asterisk ggayan (~ggayan@
14:15.26Zogotnewtonr: ah ok, il delete my comment then :p
14:15.52newtonrAt least you now have an account for the future!
14:16.41Zogotnewtonr: yeh thats great. do want to contribute where i can, there was another little bug i found with the alembic scripts a few days ago
14:17.11Zogotdoes everything go through the issue tracker or is there some other means to follow commits to the project?
14:17.24fileeverything goes through the issue tracker
14:17.40filethere's also the commits mailing list to actually see the commits
14:18.00Zogotah ok, im on the ?normal? mailing list
14:18.31Zogotgreat found it, thanks file
14:18.49newtonrtoo late
14:19.50newtonrZogot, you can also look at to see reviews happening on code before it gets committed.
14:20.51newtonrHelping to review code if you are capable is always appreciated. Otherwise you can always help test patches or new features.
14:21.14*** join/#asterisk sgriepentrog (~sgriepent@nat/digium/x-szacmcpwtruifatm)
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14:22.00Zogotah great links, thanks newtonr
14:24.38*** join/#asterisk drmessano (~nonya@pdpc/supporter/active/drmessano)
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14:29.44newtonrZogot, no problem. Feel free to message me in here or privately if you need help contributing in any way.
14:29.57*** join/#asterisk putnopvut (~putnopvut@asterisk/master-of-queues/mmichelson)
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14:31.34*** join/#asterisk jepperl (3e2c8712@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
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14:35.16jepperlHello guys. I am having a problem where if i make a call from outside into an extension, everything works perfect, but when i try to call my cellphone from the very same extension, i do not get any sound on the extension. I get the sound FROM the extension and from the perspective of my cellphone, everything works as intended. But no audio comes ou
14:35.16jepperlt to the extension. I have pcap'ed the RTP packets and i am able to decode them and hear what should have been transmitted to the extension, but on the extensions pcap trace no signs of the packets exists. Is this a common issue anyone might have a quick answer for? :)
14:36.08adscif you see spawn extension blabla exited non-zero in console, is this a fault in the dial plan or normal?
14:37.04Tujui've to admit that sip calls are the most diffcult thing i've debugged on unix.
14:37.14Kattyhello my asterisk does not work at all how to to fix pls??? is urgent thx.
14:37.16[TK]D-Fenderadsc: Normal
14:37.21Tujuand i've been around with these systems since 1993.
14:37.26[TK]D-Fenderadsc: Not a faullllllt.. the call is done
14:37.50adscI ask because I have a problem that every second incoming call or so is terminated immediately
14:38.20[TK]D-Fenderadsc: Go look at the calls in more detail then
14:39.44adscthe only thing that happens in console is this (verbosity=10, debug=3) :   == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5
14:39.51adscnothing else
14:41.06newtonrjepperl, sounds like a typical one way audio issue. Could be firewall, SIP ALG, mis-configuration, a variety of things. No real quick answer.
14:42.03Katty[TK]D-Fender: how to fix my asterisk???
14:42.22[TK]D-Fenderadsc: Well you aren't looking at SIP DEBUG... so there's a gap to fill
14:46.21adsci turned sip debug on, let's see
14:46.22*** join/#asterisk jiku (~jiku@
14:46.25jepperlnewtonr, i guess you're right. Its hard to describe, its probably nat :) i will go a bit more in depth with that
14:46.42*** join/#asterisk aness (
14:47.01Tujuit would help-a-lot to have a call-debug-flow-parser that would higlight and colorize meaningful information from different packets.
14:47.38WIMPyTuju: Well, wireshark is a little nicer.
14:47.39Tujuwireshark probably has that but it's useless when those packets appear in remote host.
14:48.11Tujuwireshark also has some remote probe, but i have only found it available on windows.
14:48.27Tujuwhy the life has to be so unfair? I'm just asking.
14:48.33Qwellcreate the pcap with tcpdump
14:48.38WIMPyThere are many tools to capture pcap files for later analysis.
14:49.18Tujuyep, i've done that past, it's just tedious as well driving your pupils screwed with those debug listings.
14:49.57WIMPyWell, if you're not in to S&M, don't use SIP.
14:50.14Tujuideally I would give remote host name to wireshark and it would make ssh tunnel to that remote host and do its thing there and show it on my local screen.
14:50.30TujuWIMPy: well, i am.
14:50.37QwellWell, you can't, so use tcpdump.
14:51.38WIMPyYou could try ssh tcpdump|wireshark.
14:52.24Tujui've tunneled browser via ssh and it wasn't that hard, howcome nobody hasn't come up with such remote probe solution?
14:53.24WIMPyYou can do the same with wireshark, but that's not an efficient way to do it.
14:53.46mjordanprobably because ssh -X works pretty well
14:55.44adsci have the sip debug output of an immediately terminated call here, but I have no idea what to look for:,5,9-10,54,57,59-60
14:56.32adscmind that this only happens every other call
14:56.36[TK]D-Fenderadsc: Looking for 41315280456 in default (domain SIP/2.0 404 Not Found
14:56.36adscor so
14:56.45[TK]D-Fenderadsc: Looks pretty clear to me... no match in your dialplan
14:56.59adscbut why does it work if I immediately call after that?
14:57.02adscthe same number?
14:57.20adscwouldn't it never work if the dialplan was the problem?
14:57.28[TK]D-Fenderadsc: I don't see a good one here
14:57.39adscthat's only the failed one
14:57.43[TK]D-Fenderadsc: you didn't give us anything to compare
14:57.47[TK]D-Fenderadsc: Go fix that3
14:57.51adscalright, let me try to get a good one
14:58.17cervajs2file: can you please check and comment if egreenmachine has right about asterisk SIPoWS implementation?
14:58.59Tujuremote debugging with asterisk is especially tricky when there is a lot of terminals, hence lot of traffic and problematic calls or attempts are short, hard to pinpoint and hence the debugging control/triggering should be remotely available in the same gui.
14:59.34Tujusea of trouble with one drop of information you need to find and figure out. :-/
15:00.39Tujurpcapd is the remote probe for WS
15:02.03Tujuwireshark -i <(ssh root@firewall tcpdump -s 0 -U -n -w - -i eth0 not port 22)                     could that work?
15:02.55WIMPy"udp port 5060" should be enough.
15:03.11*** join/#asterisk drmessano (~nonya@pdpc/supporter/active/drmessano)
15:03.34Tuju claims to have 'compiled for linux' - where's the source?
15:04.40Tuju Compiling rpcapd for linux
15:06.22adscthis is the successful sip debut output:
15:06.45[TK]D-Fenderadsc: Looking for 41315280456 in fromtwilio (domain
15:06.53[TK]D-Fenderadsc: different CONTEXT
15:07.02[TK]D-Fenderadsc: You're not paying attention to where you are sending your calls
15:07.37[TK]D-FenderGood peer = Found peer 'twilioip-3' for '+41799445543' from
15:07.41*** join/#asterisk protocoldoug (~doug@unaffiliated/protocoldoug)
15:07.42[TK]D-FenderBad peer = Found peer 'twilio' for '+41799445543' from
15:07.55adsci see
15:08.30adscthanks, I'll try to fix this
15:08.32*** join/#asterisk jasonwert (
15:08.35protocoldougAnyone have a solution for how to access the Asterisk CLI while running Asterisk in a Docker container?
15:08.54*** join/#asterisk nickfennell (~nickfenne@unaffiliated/nickfennell)
15:15.33anonymouz666anyone in here already make a bridge "half" SRTP? client1 <-> SRTP <-> GW01 <-> SRTP <-> Asterisk <-> RTP <-> client2 ?
15:16.46[TK]D-Fenderanonymouz666: I don't see why this wouldn't work wince * is a B2BUA
15:17.01[TK]D-Fenderclient1 and client2 don't ahve to be anything alike
15:18.11*** join/#asterisk rmudgett (~rmudgett@nat/digium/x-yrwtfhiwdzxuszny)
15:18.37adscit seems I was able to fix it, but please help me understand...
15:18.53adscI have two contexts in sip.conf for incoming and outgoing calls
15:19.13adscand I have two contexts in extensions.conf, also for incoming and outgoing
15:19.40adsci fixed it now by adding the correct extensions context in sip.conf for each sip context
15:20.46adsci thought it worked like that: on incoming call, asterisks looks in extensions for a match and then tries to find the listed endpoint in sip.conf
15:21.13[TK]D-Fenderadsc: No, it idetifies the SOURCE to determine WHAT dialplan applies to it
15:21.40[TK]D-Fenderadsc: Match peer -> send to peer's context in dialplan.
15:21.48[TK]D-Fenderadsc: You've missed the basics
15:21.59adscyeah, it's really ad hoc
15:22.08[TK]D-Fenderadsc: It doesn't pick a context to dump them in out of thin air.
15:22.16adsci'm actually software developer and have nothing to do normally with telephony
15:22.18[TK]D-FenderNot ad-hoc.  the method is very explicit
15:22.39adscno i mean my "experience" with asterisk
15:22.45[TK]D-Fender#1 : Who are you?  #2 : What do you want?
15:22.58adscI want to go home and drink a beer
15:23.26adscanyway, thanks for all the help and helping me understand, you have been very patient and kind
15:23.26*** join/#asterisk sgriepentrog (~sgriepent@nat/digium/x-rqngtidmlfdjjyun)
15:24.17[TK]D-Fenderadsc: Glad it's now clear for you.
15:24.22pabelangern00b question
15:25.23pabelangerhow do I control the context for blindxfer in features.conf for app_queue?
15:25.36pabelangerWARNING[2750]: features.c:2136 builtin_blindtransfer: Extension '1' does not exist in context 'app_queue_gosub_virtual_context'
15:25.52pabelangerI want to change the virtual context to something else
15:28.16*** join/#asterisk ChkDigit (~u388mw@
15:29.09Tujuwireshark doesn't have that remote capture feature anymore.
15:29.46Tuju probe src is there.
15:31.50*** join/#asterisk josemslopes (
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15:39.59mjordanpabelanger: try the TRANSFER_CONTEXT channel variable on the inbound channel.
15:40.13mjordanideally, make it inheritable, just in case you are using Local channel members
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15:41.44pabelangermjordan, ya, that's what I am trying now. Thanks.  I was looking for a config file setting at first
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15:47.53spicyramen_newbie question, how to force * to play file in ulaw
15:47.54spicyramen_exten => 1000,1,Playback(demo-echotest)
15:48.00spicyramen_now it invokes .gsm file
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15:50.10marceloamorimguys, I`m moving ael to normal way, I`m trying to put gotoif in my context, the syntax at the documentation is GotoIf(condition?[labeliftrue:[labeliffalse]]). I`m trying to use this way, same => n,GotoIf(${CHANISAVAIL} != ""?[dial:[got]])
15:51.06[TK]D-Fendermarceloamorim: that is not a valid expression
15:51.15Qwellmarceloamorim: Conditions must be wrapped in $[]
15:51.16[TK]D-Fender$[] <--------- expression
15:51.28rmudgettspicyramen_: By default the gsm files are installed.  You need to install the ulaw versions.  Use "make menuselect" in the Core Sound Packages and select the ulaw versions.
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15:51.52spicyramen_thanks srmudgett
15:51.57[TK]D-Fenderspicyramen_: It will pick the most efficient format you have based on the call you have
15:51.58marceloamorimuhmm, thx
15:52.47spicyramen_I have a webrtc call and want to play prompts for callers via * my browser is sending ulaw,alaw, & opus
15:55.14marceloamorimast_yyerror(), syntax error, unexpected '!=', expecting $end; Input:
15:56.08[TK]D-Fendermarceloamorim: You also have quotes on ONE side of your previously malformed expression
15:56.22[TK]D-Fendermarceloamorim: and I'm betting that that var is BLANK so you have NOTHING on the left side...
15:57.20marceloamorimI wish to compare if chanisavail is null
15:58.43Tujuwireshark -i <(ssh root@firewall tcpdump -s 0 -U -n -w - -i eth0 not port 22)         did anyone try that?
15:58.53Tujumine starts but doesn't display anything.
15:59.15[TK]D-Fendermarceloamorim: Yes well you can't have something that is BLANK on one side
16:01.21marceloamorimmmm, let me check
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16:07.39Tujuit was ssh-keys that failed. now it ACTUALLY WORKS. whee.
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17:14.04cervajs2can someone pls check and comment if egreenmachine has right about asterisk SIPoWS implementation?
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17:24.34mjordancervajs2: that RFC didn't exist when we wrote the SIP over WS code. If someone has an interoperability bug they'd like to file, they can do so on
17:26.03cervajs2mjordan: ok i will try fill it. thanks
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17:38.40Tujuis 407 something that always leads into call termination?
17:39.00Tujuit's "Authentication required"
17:41.11fileall calls inevitably terminate, but if you mean if that leads to call failure in all cases... no
17:41.43Tujuin my case next one is BYE.
17:44.59fileif .38 is Asterisk then something challenged it for authentication, it had no credentials or they failed, and then the calling leg was hung up because that side failed
17:45.01filejust a guess.
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17:46.28Tuju.38 is asterisk, yes.
17:47.16Tujuit's registered to that .4 trunk and everything works fine if I pick up the call with phone that is directly connected to that .38.
17:47.45filewithout a full sip debug there can be only guesses
17:47.54Tujupicture's case is when i pick call behind another asterisk box. It connects but call breaks instantly.
17:49.58file217.159.187.4 wants to authenticate and Asterisk has no credentials
17:50.02Tujui'm not sure are all packets there.
17:50.39Tujufile: it has, sip show registry shows that it's registed, i can call outbound calls, i cal receive fully inbound with phone that is connected to .38
17:51.12Tuju.38 has insecure=port,invite   but it doesn't really change anything if i change that setting.
17:51.26fileinsecure only controls how calls from something are matched
17:51.31fileit does not control outbound authentication
17:51.57filewhatever is is requesting authentication on that INVITE, so if you have a working one for an INVITE to that... then compare
17:52.06Tujuthere is another trunk that is between these two asterisk boxes.
17:52.31Tujuyep, i thought to try that.
17:52.41Tujujust today noticed that another phone works fine.
17:53.13Tujuit's just real pita, this broken path is my work phone.
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18:56.26Tujufile: i did debugging
18:57.25Tujunow it's clear that working call just does initial INVITE, rings the phones and one says 200 OK, then it sends ACK's back and call starts.
18:57.59Tujubut the problematic two-asterisk setup does second INVITE - and that causes 407.
18:59.37Tujubtw, wireshark doesn't really support sip call debugging, there is no call-seq filtering etc.
19:01.55Tujuthat second invite is 'in-dialog'
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19:23.46Tujui think i figured why it fails.
19:24.56Tujumy second trunk doesn't have that many codecs and once 200 OK comes back from there, middle asterisk has to 'reclaim its promises about codecs' and restart SDP negotiations and do in-dialog invite.
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19:55.31Tujuwell, it wasn't that. it was: middle asterisk tried to put proxies to talk each other and itself hop away from the middle, that caused in-dialog re-invite and that lead to 407 auth required that didn't work with ericssson.
19:55.45Tujuthat was a HAIRY ONE.
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20:01.16EmleyMoorIs there anywhere I can get some help on t38modem? It seems not to be able to find support for any of the media types when my asterisk puts a call through to it...
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20:08.22TujuEmleyMoor: what is that?
20:09.38Tujui'm so happy that i got my hack working.
20:10.17Tujui think i've violated all possible labour rights working hour laws, so it's guten nacht for this channel...
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20:12.54EmleyMoorTuju: It's a modem emulation for handling faxes.
20:13.21WIMPytoo late
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20:40.49dan_jIs it possible to specify global variables within specific contexts? Or can globals only be specified in one place?
20:41.51EmleyMoordan_j: You can certainly access, and change the value of, a global variable within a context - if that's what you mean...
20:46.59dan_jCan I just do variable=value, like you do in the [globals] context? Or do I have to use Set()?
20:48.02EmleyMoordan_j: You do it with Set()
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22:37.21alexwWhat happens when g729 licences are exceed?
22:38.27lvlinuxif i understand it correctly, the g729 license is on the honor system---it will still work but you are supposed to pay for the channels that you will use.
22:38.28[TK]D-Fenderit will negotiate G.729 anyway and the moment * has to transcode anything the call will drop like a rock
22:38.41lvlinuxoh? well TK knows better than me...
22:39.22alexwWhy can't it switch to alaw?
22:39.29alexwulaw etc
22:40.17[TK]D-FenderBecause it doesn't
22:40.30[TK]D-Fender* doesn't know it's out until the very moment it has to transcode
22:40.31alexwbecause it was designed that way to make more money I guess :)
22:40.37[TK]D-FenderOther calls are possibly in process
22:40.45[TK]D-FenderANY one of those might drop off and free up licences
22:40.53[TK]D-Fenderbasically "too bad".  Cover what you need
22:41.20alexwso maybe I should stick to ulaw/alaw to my VSP
22:41.38alexwand then g729 to the deskphones
22:41.51alexwas the PBX is hosted on another site
22:42.18alexwI don't want to be bombarded with calls from clients and it goes to silence - but we only have 2-3 deskphones
22:42.32[TK]D-FenderIt won't go silent.
22:42.42[TK]D-FenderIt'll go "click" as the calls die instantly
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22:42.48lvlinuxdo your phones support ilbc? you could use that if so.
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