IRC log for #asterisk on 20140909

00:00.28lvlinuxyou don't know? uhoh, you haven't been in here long then hehe :-D
00:00.32infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 4th Edition (ISBN 1-4493-3242-0) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and a version is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
00:01.05ahklernerno i am really new, thank you
00:01.15lvlinuxwell then you are doing great then...
00:01.33lvlinuxyes check out that book---it's the best to start with, and probably the best * book overall.
00:01.56lvlinuxyou can skip the part at the beginning about installation, as obviously you have that covered.
00:02.19lvlinuxbut read all the dialplan basics part especially.
00:02.47lvlinuxIt's very well written and covers a lot of important stuff.
00:03.18ahklernerthank you very much
00:03.32lvlinuxnp. I'm not an * expert myself but getting there someday :-)
00:05.45ahklerneri was able to copypasta some codes yesterday and set up an extension that downloads and playback the weather forecast, i thought that was neat
00:06.38lvlinuxhehe yeah that's cool.
00:06.46lvlinuxur doing this on a pi?
00:07.05ahklernerfreaking amazing huh
00:07.19ahklernerit is to me anyway
00:07.28lvlinuxyep i love those things
00:08.11lvlinuxi have one set up in a church which i integrated with the security system---when the alarm is triggered, it emails and calls people and plays a prerecorded message telling them to check the CCTV system.
00:09.00lvlinuxit's amazing we have those little things now---i started on a Tandy 1000TL with 640k of RAM...
00:09.41ahklerneri had a small white tandy with little tiny keys that did not have storage, had to type in the programs from the book every time
00:09.51ahklernerat least i think it was a tandy
00:10.18ahklernerthat was like 30 years ago
00:10.22lvlinuxTimex Sinclair maybe?
00:10.44ahklerneri am pretty sure it was a tandy i think my dad got at radio shack
00:10.55ahklernermaybe i am wrong on it being white but i think so
00:11.28lvlinuxdid it have the screen on it or plug into external video?
00:11.55ahklernerlooked like that
00:12.23ahklernerexternal plugged in to tv
00:12.46ahklernerwe did not have the thing on the back
00:12.52ahklernerthat is shown in that pic
00:13.04lvlinuxcool yeah that's one of the TRS-80 or "Trash 80s" as they were called lol.
00:13.23lvlinuxI hadn't seen that particular styled one
00:13.51ahklerneri have told the story wuite a few times and never found a pic of the one we had until now
00:14.08lvlinuxhaha yep
00:14.47lvlinuxyeah---4k of RAM on that one---yeah you have me beat :-)
00:15.07lvlinuxstill have a Sinclair and a Commodore 64 but never used either of them.
00:15.38lvlinuxwell good to chat w u and glad u got it working---i better get back to work here...
00:19.08ahklernerthanks for your help
00:21.09*** join/#asterisk snadge (~snadge@unaffiliated/snadge)
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00:27.58snadgewhats the default registration interval for a sip trunk?
00:29.13snadgethats kind of like how long is a piece of string.. but a customers pbx is sending options packets.. and no register for a while.. and they're in serbia.. so.. just curious i guess
00:30.05snadgekinda curious how that works.. does asterisk send a registration interval every n interval.. or does it only do it, if it thinks its currently unregistered
00:30.52lvlinuxi think the default is 1hr but i could be wrong. you can set it to whatever you want on the register string in sip.conf
00:31.15snadgecool :) .. that means in theory, i might get another one within the hour.. thats enough for me to leave the packet trace open
00:31.25snadgeand not bother to send an email or whatever
00:53.11*** join/#asterisk pii3 (~pii3@unaffiliated/pii3)
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01:01.59*** join/#asterisk SpeedEvil (~quassel@tor/regular/SpeedEvil)
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01:39.06ahklernerwell snadge did you get a registration packet
01:39.38*** join/#asterisk diametric (~diametric@2604:3400:dc1:43:216:3eff:fe27:bf9d)
01:40.27diametricSo it's been almost 10 years since I've played around with Asterisk. Whats a good SIP provider these days? I want to get back into this stuff.
01:46.21ChannelZWhat country?
01:46.56*** join/#asterisk gnudna (~gnudna@unaffiliated/sklav)
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01:47.53gnudnaHi Guys
01:48.29*** join/#asterisk saint_ (~saint@
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02:08.12diametricChannelZ: USA
02:13.13flingdiametric: ipkall
02:13.27flingdiametric: (free did for incoming calls)
02:13.36diametricoh nice.
02:13.57flingdiametric: I use for outgoing to usa (free outgoing calls)
02:14.23flingdiametric: you can set your zadarma caller id to be the ipkall number
02:14.33flingdiametric: this is what I used few months ago :>
02:17.24gnudnacan a did be forwarded to a sip uri in order to get free calls going?
02:18.26gnudnaneed to look at getting this setup  for a greece or florida number
02:18.49flinggnudna: tell me then about your progress after a while ;>
02:19.12gnudnaprogress will be slow ;) im just starting to get the hang of asterisk
02:20.00gnudnababy steps i just officially moved my DID to asterisk 2 weeks ago to reduce my phone bill from 50$ to maybe 4$
02:21.11gnudnamy next step is getting some # where i have family and friends so they can call those numbers to avoid charges
02:22.02flinggnudna: you can install asterisk on their routers and/or install softphones on their boxen
02:22.18flinggnudna: so they will call directly using your pbx network :>
02:22.34gnudnathat means i need to support them
02:22.40gnudnai do that for a living
02:23.03gnudnaquick search shows ipkall
02:24.53*** join/#asterisk ahklerner (~nkruzan@unaffiliated/ahklerner)
02:24.56gnudnais IPKall anygood
02:26.28flinggnudna: try it
02:26.39ahklerneri recently signed up seems they only offered washington state or new york numbers
02:26.56flingahklerner: are these numbers bad? ;>
02:27.10gnudnaahklerner i noticed that
02:27.19gnudnaim looking for florida or california
02:27.22*** join/#asterisk pii3 (~pii3@unaffiliated/pii3)
02:27.23ahklernerno but just sayin....he was looking for a place with numbers local to his peeps
02:27.42ahklernerwhat you CAN do though
02:27.55ahklerneris create new gmail accounts 1 for each
02:28.06ahklernerthen go to
02:28.12ahklernerand get a number local to them
02:28.26gnudnathey do not offer numbers in canada
02:28.44gnudnai tried a while back should check again in case they have changed it since
02:28.46ahklernerthen with those addresses sign up with ipkall
02:28.59ahklernerand forward the google voice numbers to the ipkall numbers
02:29.49gnudnai currently pay 1$
02:29.57flinggnudna: which provider?
02:29.58gnudnaactually 0.99$
02:30.10flinggnudna: ok, thanks :>
02:30.26flingahklerner: why to forward google voice to ipkall?
02:30.44ahklernerso that his family has a local number to call.....
02:31.11flingahklerner: can't google voice be forwarded directly to your pbx?
02:31.24gnudnayes but it is flaky at times
02:31.38flinghmm hmmm
02:31.40gnudnai used to route long distance threw google voice but it was sketchy
02:31.54gnudnanot bad for free
02:32.04flingI need to try google voice, never used it…
02:32.16gnudnato be honest but when the number on the display says 123-456-7890
02:32.23gnudnapeople in general do not answer
02:32.36flingwhat is 123-456-7890?
02:32.44gnudnanothing ;)
02:33.04ahklernerwhen i make a call on google voice it displays the google voice number
02:33.04flingwhat are you talking about? :D
02:33.35flingnot possible to set your caller id with google voice?
02:33.44gnudnaahklerner same for me but sometimes my friednw ould tell me it displayed either 0000000 or 123-xxx
02:34.12flingone more reason to use for outgoing calls
02:34.27gnudnawhich is funny cause he told me about the service and then would never answer cause well he was being a prick
02:34.59ahklernerwere you using the xmpp or whatever it is
02:35.11gnudnayes i believe i was
02:35.20gnudnalet me check the config i still have it lying around
02:35.31gnudnapretty sure it was xmpp
02:35.44ahklerneri had read that was supposed to be shut off
02:35.48flingwill you guys help me registering google voice account? I can't get it from where I am. The account needs to be registered from USA for google voice to work ;>
02:35.49ahklernerbut i do not know
02:36.01gnudnawell it stopped working one day so i guess it is
02:36.14gnudnai just assumed my asterisk upgrade broke it
02:36.44ahklernerdo you have an ipad fling ?
02:36.55flingahklerner: no, I'm not using proprietary things
02:37.06flingahklerner: I have gta04 :D
02:37.34gnudnai use my android when im out of town threw wifi
02:37.49gnudnano need to pay the providers ther ridiculous sums
02:39.07ahklernerwell if you have a device and can download ericom access to go rdp
02:39.21ahklernerthere is a cloud demo thing
02:39.29ahklernerthat is like a proxy
02:40.01gnudnaweird i see my google options but missing is my login
02:40.12gnudnaneed too look into this again
02:40.58gnudnaexplains why it no longer worked
02:41.00flingahklerner: what is the best way to call skype users and to receive calls from them?
02:41.10ahklerneroh i have no idea
02:41.13ahklerneri am real noob
02:41.20ahklernerwith asterisk
02:41.22flingsiptosis gives me bad sound quality
02:41.37flingI'm in the middle of freeswitch + skypopen install
02:41.43flingskypopen fails to build
02:42.07ahklerneri am just happy to get free calls from google
02:42.12flingahklerner: skype can forward incoming calls to a number hmm hmmm
02:42.33gnudnafling check that out if you haven't already
02:42.35flinggnudna: skype connect is not wat I want
02:42.38flinggnudna: too expensive
02:42.39gnudnamight be a bit dated though
02:44.10gnudnafling the example shows how to register threw sip
02:44.52flinggnudna: and you pay $6/line/month
02:45.23gnudnaii figured you can setup the sip aspect with userid and register
02:45.25flingjust to call skype users… too expensive
02:45.41gnudnano need for a DID
02:45.50flingyes no need for a did I know
02:45.51gnudnafree skype to skype unless that has changed
02:46.22flingskype <--- free ---> skype <--- $6/month ---> sip
02:47.16gnudnaah ok
02:47.39gnudnadisregard more of a noob than both of you guys
02:50.10ahklerneri just started friday lol
02:50.44ahklerneri have outbound calls with google
02:50.54ahklernerwell not technicly i guess
02:51.06gnudnahehe ok that is what i had done last year around may
02:51.15gnudnaand i was happy for a long time
02:51.27gnudnathen i decided to move my home phone to voip
02:51.37gnudnathis was 3 weeks ago
02:52.14ahklerneric, we did not have a home phone, i decided to try and set one up on a raspberry pi
02:52.19gnudnanow im learning that half the how-to's on the internet were outdated and have been re-writing with lots of hand holding the extensions.conf
02:52.34gnudnaim running asterisk in lxc
02:54.20gnudnaactually asterisk and 10 other containers on a dual core pc
02:54.55gnudnalife is good dreading the day this all crashes on me aka loosing a power supply MB
02:55.05gnudnadata is on raid so not worried
02:55.20gnudnaactually less worried ;)
02:59.09snadgeahklerner, i did get a registration packet.. but the result was auth failure.. so at that point, i just gave up .. emailed the customer the correct settings, told them they were unblocked.. and to contact us if they have any problems ;)
02:59.32snadgeyou cant trust serbians anyway
03:00.02gnudnai guess depends which part of the world your in
03:01.55flingahklerner: I want to get one of these numbers ->
03:02.06flingthen forward skype incoming to the number
03:02.10flingand it should be free :>
03:02.20gnudnabrb in a few
03:20.58*** join/#asterisk spicyramen_ (
03:21.42spicyramen_hi people anyone have worked with DTLS-SRTP to RTP calls with *? Call comes from a Kamailio Server
03:21.56spicyramen_should this work ?
03:22.47spicyramen_webrtc client -audio g711/dtls-> kamailio -> asterisk -g711/rtp-> Sip provider
03:31.23*** join/#asterisk u0m3__ (~u0m3@
03:32.22gnudnalater fling
03:32.24gnudnaim out
03:33.00*** part/#asterisk gnudna (~gnudna@unaffiliated/sklav)
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03:35.57diametricholy crap.. 10 years of not using asterisk, and coming back to it the config directory is ridiculous
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03:46.32flingFound it in my logs! ->
03:46.37*** join/#asterisk smellis_werk (~smellis@2001:470:c452:2:224:e8ff:fe45:ee53)
03:46.52flingI remember I have not figured out how to use voxeo two years ago :D
03:47.47*** join/#asterisk slav3_sergal (~frankthet@unaffiliated/slav3-kitten/x-0866809)
03:47.55Penguindiametric: It has a few more features now.
03:48.25diametricserious understatement right there hehe
03:49.40flingthis is what I will use ->
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05:56.04flingHow to output peer ip address for a sip peers connecting to my default context?
05:56.20flingthere are few bots trying to call 810972592338145 which is India or something
05:57.25flingSorry it is a Japan number.
05:58.13eirirs_that was a long number.
05:58.18eirirs_Glad I'm in Norway.
05:58.34flingeirirs_: are you using short dids there?
05:59.28eirirs_2 are for area, then 6 for the actual number
06:01.37PenguinAre you using asterisk 10 or higher?
06:01.59flingno, sip over nat stops working with any recent version
06:02.09PenguinSo you're using 1.8?
06:02.15flingso I downgraded to 1.8
06:02.43flingI'm about to try 12.5 after a while
06:02.58PenguinOkay, you'll have to allow anonymous calls (allowguest=yes) and then capture the calls with an extension that matches what they are calling.
06:03.08flingPenguin: already capturing
06:03.16flingand I see hostnames in tcpdump output
06:03.17*** join/#asterisk evil_gordita ( SIP, length: 899
06:03.24PenguinIn that extension, you can get their IP address using CHANNEL(peerip) or CHANNEL(recvip).
06:03.35flinggreat! thanks
06:03.43flingwhat about it's hostname?
06:03.53Penguinit is hostname what?
06:04.05flingPenguin: hostname of the calling bot?
06:04.15PenguinWho cares about the name.
06:05.08flingPenguin: thanks! gtg cya later
06:05.34PenguinNow what I do is create a log notice from dialplan and then have fail2ban match said notice string, banning the offending IP address with iptables.
06:06.09PenguinUsing asterisk 10+, there's a logger level for that.
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07:50.51makmak78Hi all.
07:51.00makmak78could anybody help me with an annoying issue
07:51.13makmak780x0000003cd773356f in __strlen_sse42 () from /lib64/
07:51.44makmak78im getting this 1-4 times a day. mostly when around 100 concurrent calls
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07:52.39makmak78im using vmware esxi
07:53.01makmak78i have checked hardware and increased ulimit
07:53.15makmak78i have no idea where to look now
07:53.31makmak78im grateful if anyone got any ideas regarding this
07:53.43makmak78running asterisk 1.4.44
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08:31.19ChannelZit's probably dying of old age
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09:03.44makmak78I would prefer an answer that i can do something with, though
09:29.37flingIs it possible to connect to Lync server using just client access?
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09:50.52flingI have no sound with linphone when calling 600
09:51.01flingbut I can hear linphone ringing
09:51.13flingand I hear dftm when click keypad
09:51.23flingbtw mpd is playing fine
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09:51.49flingno nat, both asterisk and linphone addresses are in the same vpn network
09:51.53flingandy09usa: Hello.
09:51.59andy09usahelp pls
09:52.02andy09usa[2014-09-09 13:50:58] WARNING[3263]: chan_sip.c:3892 __sip_xmit: sip_xmit of 0xc98970 (len 392) to (null) returned -1: Invalid argument
09:52.37andy09usad/not register all sip and other trunks :(
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12:55.37ghost75somebody here uses ghostscript to convert pdf to tiff? I get crap quality as output
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15:27.47SgjuniorHi, I am looking for a tool somewhat resembling but with mms capabilities. Has anyone encountered a solution to this? I am from Canada so I am very limited as far as providers go
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15:56.48marceloamorimguys, I wish to know when I do CLI> unload module, my optoins here are lots of modules and some " services" like dsp, plc, logger, indications and others
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15:58.17marceloamorimanyone knows if I set in my modules.conf autoload=no and loading just modules I wanted, how I suppose to load those services that doesn`t have .so at the end
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16:05.37SgjuniorHave you tried specifying them in modules.conf ex : load=no ( syntax should be in the template file or the /config dir of the source code)
16:06.45marceloamorim, this is all modules that I could unload from my asterisk, maybe I`ll put some lines explain all modules for my documentation , maybe this is good for you that is new like me. But it isn`t done yet, probably I`ll remove those load => ACL because it isn`t right yet
16:07.24marceloamorimI didn`t get yet Sgjunior
16:08.24marceloamorimoh, do you mean the sample files?
16:09.32Sgjuniorya sample files sorry
16:11.41marceloamorimif you get the indications for example, we could use CLI> module unload indications, but this " module " don`t have .so
16:12.21marceloamorimbecause of that, how could load this if I use the option autoload=no
16:12.27SgjuniorHere is mine,
16:12.57marceloamorimyou use autoload yes and just unload all you don`t want
16:13.10SgjuniorIs that not what your are looking for?
16:13.30marceloamorimnot exactly, I have some asterisk configured like that
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16:13.57RadenKatty, HI !!!!!!
16:14.03SgjuniorSo you are trying to load modules at start and then unload them at a later moment?
16:14.50RadenHow would I go about enabling and disabling a attended menu by dialing like *200 ?
16:15.07marceloamorimwell, I put load in all modules, but I put this just because I want the asterisk works the way it works now
16:15.18marceloamorimbut I`ll probably test removing the load for unload
16:15.34marceloamorimat this moment there is 208modules up on my configuration
16:15.56marceloamorimso all .so files are ok
16:16.05marceloamorimthe problem is those that don`t have .so
16:16.12marceloamorimlike acl and indications for example
16:16.18[TK]D-FenderRaden: There is no concept of "enabling"  Everything is dialplan flow
16:16.24SgjuniorRaden, it's pretty simple. Add a test against a flag inside a database to your dialplan. When you dial *200 it turns the flag off and the menu is unreachable Execif("SOME_odbf_func" = true/false
16:17.14[TK]D-FenderRaden: You would have to check for something to indicate your desired processing like Sgjunior suggested and change how you act accordingly
16:17.37SgjuniorPretty sure I dont have .acl files in my system. I would have to double check. I'll tell you if I find anythingon that
16:17.47[TK]D-FenderRaden: Pick whatever method for storing that state you feel like: AstDB, ODBC, global variable, etc
16:18.11Raden[TK]D-Fender, exactly what i was looking for thanks Sgjunior ... I want to be able to dial like *200 if our ISP is experiancing issues so there is a message ready to go so we done get 50+ voicemails a hour
16:18.40jeev[TK]D-Fender, you think tm1000 got your request abuot accepting calls in inbound routes?
16:18.48[TK]D-FenderRaden: Go make exten(s) to set/toggle that state, and go check for it in your dialplan
16:19.05[TK]D-Fenderjeev: Highly doubt it.  Go post a request yourself on the tracker
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16:21.51Dovidhi all
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17:58.40KattyRaden: howdy (= sorry busy morning!
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20:52.56marceloamorimwell guys, I finish this file, I thing is very helpful
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20:53.26ovoshloolHello. We want to emplementate queue with ARI at our service. Sowe use channels and bridge for it. But we need to call a queue member through Local channels.So At first we call Stasis to call Our app Queue. It creates a local channel, and when channel creates we Dial real device with SIP channel (We use Endpoint: to call this) . When  device answers- it creates real channel that sended to us from another Stasis (from macro) and w
20:53.48ovoshloolSo we have problem, couse when device called - it is just ringing one time...
20:53.50marceloamorimautonoload=yes is wrong, sorry =(
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20:54.56marceloamorim"autoload=no" if you want to fix
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21:37.40newtonrmarceloamorim, what was your goal with the specific configuration you have in that modules.conf?
21:39.21newtonrovoshlool, you  might write up your question and include debug in a mail to the asterisk-app-dev mailing list
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21:52.02mjordanovoshlool: what newtonr said. We've tested that scenario and not run into anything close to that, so there is probably something specific to your app/dialplan.
21:55.07marceloamorimwell, actually I just wanna know what modules my asterisk is running, and I didn`t find another good documentation inside the docs, so I set those modules
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21:56.36newtonrmarceloamorim, Were you just looking for a one sentence description of each module, like the annotations you created?
21:57.11marceloamorimkind of, I get those information at this
21:58.08newtonrmarceloamorim, did you find the "module show like" CLI command?
21:58.24newtonrmarceloamorim, that will show you what all modules are running.
21:59.51marceloamorimwell, actually when I use this command I get just Usage: module show [like keyword]  Shows Asterisk modules currently in use, and usage statistics.
21:59.54newtonr"module show" will give you a list of them all
22:00.15marceloamorimI didn`t know that
22:02.09ovoshlool@mjordan Before I do debug . Now I tested another scenario: /channels?endpoint=SIP/device/   And Get 500 Error. I hane kamailio as auth modue (allc clients registered on it, every call goues to kamailio and koming from it). So hov I must call analog of Dial(SIP/device/trunk) From ARI ?
22:02.35mjordan500 is going to be something else, generally being that you gave it something very invalid and it couldn't figure it out.
22:03.15mjordanThe endpoint query parameter in that URL should be a valid dial string, so I'd make sure that you can dial that using dialplan first
22:03.31newtonrmarceloamorim, sorry it was hard to find. The wiki doesn't really point it out anywhere that I can see. I'll update the wiki to make it more clear on how to list all the running and loaded modules.
22:03.33mjordanAnd hopefully, you'll get an ERROR or WARNING on the CLI when you get a 500
22:04.21mjordannewtonr: The module page could use that, but eventually we should have some other task to take the CLI commands and put them on the wiki (somehow)
22:04.35marceloamorimwell man, its awesome anyway
22:05.18mjordanovoshlool: If your normal dial string is SIP/device/trunk, then you should use whatever you used in the Dial application.
22:05.31newtonrmjordan, agreed.
22:05.51mjordannewtonr: avoid the slippery slope of copy+paste all CLI commands! :-)
22:06.11newtonryeah... that would be ineffective :D
22:06.58marceloamorimthx for the info and I`ll keep that file if someday anyone need that, because I test my modules substitute all load for noload and set autoload yes, so we can find the modules that we didn`t set manually
22:07.15marceloamorimI got go now, gnight, and thx for the tips
22:08.13newtonrmarceloamorim, no problem
22:09.10ovoshloolYes. I called devices as DIAL(SIP/device/trunk)... And I do nothing at CLI about 500... only ARI response. I will try now POST /channels?endpoint=SIP/device/trunk&app=my_cool_app
22:09.37mjordanovoshlool: if you can get a DEBUG log with the 500 error, that'd be appreciated. I'd like to at least get an ERROR or WARNING when that happens.
22:10.09mjordanfeel free to e-mail it to the app-dev list, or file an issue at The 500 is probably "okay", in that you're sending something it doesn't like, but Asterisk should tell you why
22:10.11ovoshloolpost here? json response
22:10.23infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
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22:16.01lvlinuxquestion: Is there a debug mode that will show dtmf being received by and transmitted by Asterisk???
22:17.15ovoshloollvlinux SIP Info packets may show you dtmf.
22:17.42ovoshloollvlinux if you defined dtmf mode first
22:20.01lvlinuxyou mean if i set the dtmf to SIP info? I'm mainly interested in rfc2833
22:26.06mjordanovoshlool: What is the SIP peer that you are trying to dial through?
22:26.43ovoshloollvlinux usually dtmf displayed at cli not depending at dtmf mode, but if you need debug you should experement with dtmfmode param
22:26.45mjordanalso, if you aren't creating a Local channel, you really don't need the otherChannelId
22:26.46newtonrlvlinux, there is a DTMF logger channel
22:27.00newtonrlvlinux, search for dtmf in logger.conf
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22:27.26newtonrlvlinux, the sample logger.conf of course
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22:30.28ovoshloolmjordan SIP peer that I trying to dial is device at kamailio/ My kamailio used as trunk for asterisk/ So scheme off call this : Client1 -> Kamailio -> Asterisk(stasis)-> Kamailio -> Client2. Clients registered at kamailio
22:30.44ovoshloolYes/ I forgot to delete ItherChannelId
22:30.51ovoshloolNow testiong without
22:33.29lvlinuxnewtonr: k i'll check that, thanks
22:33.39lvlinuxovoshlool: thanks as well
22:34.38ovoshlool@mjordan without OtherChannelId same result...
22:35.10mjordanI suspect it is the dial string. What happens if you Dial using that same string?
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22:38.43ovoshlool@mjordan If I dial it from dialplan... Oh. My bat attension... I usuallu Dial (SIP/trunk/device) Net SIP/device/Trunk... To testing with right string.. Sorry. 1 minute please
22:41.27ovoshlool@mjordan With this parameters as i wrote above I see at CLI calling trunk/device! And see 200 status of response. But device not called/ Going to see TCPDUMP
22:42.19mjordannp. Just think of the endpoint query parameter as the dial string (as that is what it is)
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22:49.05LemensTShello, i have a itsp im connected to in sip.conf with a host=     They are changing that ip address soon, can I add both of them in there and it be a smooth transition? host=, 444.444.444.444
22:49.23[TK]D-Fender2 peers required
22:49.41LemensTSOk thanks {TK]D-Fender
22:50.01LemensTSThey have to have different context names?
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23:09.04lvlinuxHey [TK]D-Fender: why would he need different contexts? Why wouldn't it work with both peers going to the same context?
23:09.36[TK]D-Fenderlvlinux: He was meaning the DEVICE name for the section in sip.conf
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23:45.05lvlinux[TK]D-Fender: ah ok yes then you couldn't put two of the same. thanks for clarifying :)
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