IRC log for #asterisk on 20140907

00:13.42*** part/#asterisk gnudna (~gnudna@unaffiliated/sklav)
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00:41.21ChannelZmatrix1233: its pretty easy in Zoiper.. you hit the button with the two diagonal arrows
00:41.54gnudnaHi can somebody point me to reference that shows how to drop calls from unwanted numbers
00:42.07matrix1233ChannelZ: yes i do this but it nathing happen
00:42.43matrix1233ChannelZ: i must do a custumized context ? .. for info am using a2billing
00:43.18ChannelZif you're connected to something it should pop up a little dialog asking you what extension to dial
00:44.28matrix1233ChannelZ: yes the popup appair and when i put a number to transfer example 0033XXXXXX nathing happen
00:44.58ChannelZgnudna: just do a Wait(60) or something. Or a NoOp and nothing.
00:45.31ChannelZmatrix1233: is this through your own asterisk?
00:45.55gnudnai tried creating a new context and included it in my inbound
00:46.07matrix1233ChannelZ: yes
00:46.16gnudnabut my extension still rings when i receive a call
00:46.38ChannelZWell transfers make a new call so that number has to be a legitimate extension in whatever context your Zoiper peer is in
00:46.56ChannelZwithout seeing any console or SIP debug I can't say what's going on beyond that
00:47.26WIMPyIs it a number you're allowed to call?
00:47.58gnudnaWIMPy im looking to block telemarketers
00:48.17gnudnain this case im using my cell as a test to see if i am blocked
00:48.24ChannelZgnudna: presumably you need to look at the CALLERID(num) and respond appropriately
00:48.26WIMPyThat was for matrix1233, sorry.
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00:48.41gnudnaI guess i missed that part
00:48.54matrix1233WIMPy: it a number yes
00:48.59gnudnai just assumed the number itself is always displayed behind the scenes
00:49.01ChannelZI do it in a PHP script which looks up incoming numbers from a database
00:49.08matrix1233yes allwed
00:49.14WIMPygnudna: Included contexts will only match if there's no match in the original context.
00:52.24gnudnaok was not aware about that
01:02.15*** join/#asterisk stevePearPear (
01:04.51gnudnaChannelZ care to paste an example for me using some kinda pastebin?
01:21.38gnudnawill be back later guys thanks for the references
01:21.43*** join/#asterisk cmendes0101| (
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03:23.53gnudnaguys i just got blacklist working using asterisk internaldb
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03:45.46gnudnahey guys anybody aware of a decent blacklist of phone numbers for asterisk?
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04:26.55Penguingnudna: That isn't something objective.
04:29.23gnudnawhat do you mean not objective
04:29.51gnudnaim looking for something like
04:30.10gnudnaonly i want to download a list and populate my astdb as i see fit
04:30.52*** join/#asterisk fstd (~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted)
04:31.32PenguinA blacklist is a subjective item.  Your blacklist won't serve me well, and might won't be right for you.  You create your own in response to "bad calls."
04:32.24gnudnaPenguin i was hoping for known telemarketing or spam callers
04:32.39*** join/#asterisk cmendes0101| (
04:32.48gnudnaprimarily telemarketers who annoy me weekly with trips to bahamas as of late
04:33.05*** join/#asterisk VultureZ (~VultureZ@2a04:1980:3100:1aac:21b:21ff:feda:4d39)
04:33.07PenguinThe company that calls you offering to sell you some wonderful thing gets put on your blacklist...
04:33.13gnudnatheir phone changes everytime so blacklisting might work for the week at best
04:33.20PenguinBut the problem is that that company is a company I do business with regularly.
04:33.54PenguinSo your blacklist just blocked my business relationship.
04:33.55gnudnatrue for you if you like to donate money weekly to spammers
04:34.06gnudnai get what you are saying
04:34.24gnudnasame way smtp blacklist are not for everyone
04:35.09gnudnabut it does not hurt if a number from a list gets a few extra checks in the process
04:36.07gnudnabut based on searches i can see there is not much hope to find a relatively recent list of highly probable scammers
04:36.35*** join/#asterisk Kerber0s (~Kerber0s@
04:36.36gnudnaso with that set i can go about the manual method for a while
04:36.36PenguinI don't want to have to whitelist everyone I might potentially need to talk to.  I'd rather blacklist those which are problems for me.
04:48.26*** join/#asterisk infobot (
04:48.26*** topic/#asterisk is #asterisk The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- LTS: Asterisk 11.12.0 (2014/08/19), (2014/08/19); Standard: Asterisk 12.5.0 (2014/08/19); DAHDI: DAHDI-linux 2.10.0 (2014/08/13), DAHDI-tools 2.10.0 (2014/08/13); libpri 1.4.15 (2014/06/16) -=- Visit the official Asterisk wiki: -=- Read the Code of Conduct
04:49.58*** join/#asterisk cmendes0101| (
04:50.10gnudnabrb Penguin
04:56.44*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
04:58.04gnudnaPenguin can your rules be used with what i pasted?
04:58.50gnudnai see thanks for that
05:00.12PenguinHopefully you get the idea.
05:01.28gnudnawill try to test it shortly using your example
05:02.11PenguinMy example assume you have those sound files installed.
05:02.41gnudnai will have to check but i was aware they might be missing
05:02.44*** join/#asterisk stevePearPear (
05:04.07PenguinHmm.  *25 might make more sense.  *BL, that is.
05:04.47PenguinI remember someone suggested they used *34 for that, so I went with *34 when I created mine.
05:05.14gnudnaim sure big telecome has that feature just do not remeber the default * code
05:05.25gnudnai was going to search and use that instead
05:05.35PenguinI've never heard of that features on residential service.
05:05.55gnudnayou have to pay for it and then the key combo is available
05:05.57Penguin(which doesn't mean that it doesn't exist; I just haven't heard of it)
05:06.04gnudnalet me look quickly
05:08.34gnudna*60 aka call screening
05:08.47*** join/#asterisk ShapeShifter499 (~Raansu@unaffiliated/shapeshifter499)
05:08.56PenguinI have screening, too, but it is different from blacklisting.
05:08.56gnudnapage 17 in the pdf
05:09.57gnudnascreening seems to offer the option of blocking callers from a list
05:10.07gnudnathat is what i was thinking about anyways
05:24.50gnudnaok i think i got it working
05:27.29gnudnaPenguin which sound files did you install btw?
05:28.13*** join/#asterisk babak (uid19622@gateway/web/
05:28.55PenguinI think just core and extra.
05:29.16gnudnalet me check if extra is installed
05:32.52gnudnaseems i cannot find extras on debian wheezy
05:33.02gnudnacould have sworn i had seen them
05:34.41PenguinI don't know what's available in the repo, but you could always install them by another method.
05:35.00gnudnayeah i see the gsm downloadn option
05:35.13Penguinreplace wav with whatever format you want.
05:35.52gnudnaseems i have the following in the repo asterisk-moh-opsound-wav
05:36.23gnudnamoh i assumed was music on hold thought but description lables them as "asterisk extra sound files"
05:36.58PenguinI'd have to get that file and see what's in it, but I would think it's just moh.
05:38.21PenguinThat's just moh files.
05:38.49MaliutaLapyay! files
05:39.01MaliutaLaptranscode them to your hearts content
05:42.49gnudnafrom cli can i reload the sound files?
05:42.50PenguinThere's nothing useful for you in the package repository.  Grab the tarball and make your own package.
05:43.04gnudnai added them to the custom folder
05:43.11gnudnashould work i believe
05:43.22PenguinNo, you cannot reload the sound files.  You can't load or reload them.  When the dial plan executes, if the files exist, they play.
05:43.58gnudnak lets test again
05:49.18gnudnamissing some prompts
05:50.43gnudnan(press3),BackGround(press&digits/3) are these sound files?
05:53.30gnudnaok fixed it
05:53.37Penguinpress.wav and digits/3.wav, perhaps
05:53.45gnudnawould have been nice if custom did no need to be defined as a path
05:54.07gnudnan(press3),BackGround(custom/press&digits/3) instead on my system
05:54.12PenguinYou've obviously got to use your subdirectories in the file path.
05:54.38gnudnacustom was  a default so i assumed it was mapped i will fix it shortly
05:55.17gnudnanow to unblock me cell number ;)
05:55.19*** join/#asterisk spicyramen_ (
06:04.59gnudnaeverything works now but i have a warning that i need to clear up
06:05.29gnudnaNo such label 'hangup()' in extension 4501234567 in context 'users'
06:05.42*** join/#asterisk gusto (~gusto@2001:470:1f0b:a42:224:1dff:fecd:234c)
06:05.48PenguinDid I really type that?
06:06.09PenguinNo.  No I didn't.
06:06.21gnudnawhich part
06:06.29Penguinlabel 'hangup()'
06:06.34Penguindid not type
06:06.57MaliutaLapPenguin: you have no hangup()'s ;)
06:07.22MaliutaLapmay have been awake long enough to go into silly mode
06:07.29PenguinI have plenty of Hangup()s, but that's not germane to this situation.
06:07.45gnudnaeasy enough i have a blacklist context that does one thing hangup
06:07.58gnudnai can point it there
06:08.03PenguinOr you could have copied what I typed exactly instead.
06:08.11MaliutaLapPenguin: it's Germain - as in Greer ... but I don't see what early feminism has to do with anything ;)
06:08.13gnudnai thought i did
06:08.17gnudnalet me look again
06:09.14PenguinThe extra context and additional extension was superfluous.  My way uses the existing priority in the existing extension in the existing context.
06:09.34gnudnaoh i see
06:09.42gnudnasame => n(hangup),Hangup();
06:09.58Penguinlabel hangup runs Hangup() application
06:09.59gnudnai just have it set to same => n,Hangup()
06:10.17PenguinBut your error indicates you made another mistake.
06:10.27gnudnaand now i know what (hangup),Hangup(); does
06:10.34gnudnaoff course i did
06:10.52gnudnai added () to the label
06:10.53PenguinThe error says you did GotoIf($[${BLACKLIST()}]?hangup());
06:11.01gnudnanice catch
06:11.52gnudnaim trying to understand what i am doing do not have you on speed dial for future references
06:12.00PenguinI will SOMETIMES make mistakes in what I pastebin, but for the most part, they are drop-in bits.
06:14.03PenguinWhen I was pulling out that info for you, I saw my blacklist target plays a sound file "you are blacklisted" to the caller.
06:14.19*** join/#asterisk evilman_home (
06:14.30Penguinsame  => n,Playback(silence/1&privacy-you-are-blacklisted&vm-goodbye);
06:14.56gnudnai like it better that they get a busy signal
06:14.58PenguinYou are blacklisted.  Goodbye.
06:15.15PenguinCongestion()?  I thought you were doing Hangup().
06:15.37gnudnai prefer they know nothing or this number is no longer in service but i rather not have to pay my provider for answering them
06:16.18gnudnathat is what i had earlier today when i was testing
06:16.25gnudnawith my simple rules
06:16.30PenguinI use that quite a bit for all sorts of crap callers.
06:16.43PenguinReduce your credit card debt!
06:17.04PenguinNeed a mortgage?
06:17.14gnudnai keep winning trip to bahamas 3 times a week too bad they ask you to pay to get the prize ;)
06:17.37PenguinIf you're willing to pay for the calls, you could send them to the torture chamber.
06:18.02PenguinI've got several who are not on the blacklist but are on the torture list.
06:18.07gnudnai do not mind paying half a cent but they are all automated with a recording
06:18.22PenguinYeah, you've got to screen them to know if it's a person.
06:18.35PenguinRobodial won't talk to your torture machine.
06:18.54gnudnaalso i try to keep the system as simple as possible for the family
06:19.12PenguinPeople, though, will talk to my torture machine and always end up hanging up out of frustration.
06:19.33gnudnaaka replaced pots with this so i have tried to make it identical in that regard
06:20.02gnudnasoon enough my daughter will hate me one day
06:20.05PenguinSome of them are pretty hilarious.
06:20.12PenguinI record them all, just for giggles.
06:26.37PenguinIt's late and I'm tired, so I'm heading out.  Enjoy.
06:27.33gnudnaThank for the Help Penguin
06:27.42gnudnasame here 2:30 almost
06:27.57gnudnathanks ^
06:32.22*** join/#asterisk fstd (~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted)
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18:40.43P-NuTIs there anything you have to change in sip.conf in asteriks 11 to support SIP SIMPLE messaging and presence?
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20:25.02jeffspeffI'm having an odd issue. just setup new phones in a remote office, the traffic is going over our vpn. the phone gets its tftp files fine, boots and registers with asterisk, but the peer shows as "unreachable", however, the peer can make outbound calls. it's been a while since i've ran into this and i'm stumped on how to diag it.
20:29.10*** join/#asterisk P-NuT (~P-NuT@
20:29.22P-NuTIs anyone using SIP SIMPLE for messaging?
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21:27.41Shawn0hey there. so i have an issue. i have a cisco 7940 that was bricked with the protocol application invalid error. i have in my router, which is running ddwrt, this setting: "dhcp-option=150,"". i have tried both option 66 and option 150, and have had no luch, all i get out of the phone is a TFTP timeout message. i am running Asterisknow on the server, have all the files in the tftpboot folder, but no luck getting the
21:28.53Penguinjeffspeff: Do you have qualify enabled for the peers?
21:29.11Shawn0also: I have tried googling around. none of the solutions that worked for other people worked for me.
21:29.32Penguinshawn0: Is there any application on the phone right now?
21:29.51Shawn0all i have displayed is the universal application loader
21:30.06Shawn0with the message tftp timeout
21:30.21PenguinPress your settings button to see if you can get to the menu.
21:30.28Shawn0nope. no response
21:31.38PenguinIt's been quite some time since I messed with mine, so I'm thinking of what we can try.
21:32.18Shawn0ummm. can you think any way to verify that the tftp server is working?
21:32.41PenguinYeah.  Use something else to request a file from the server.
21:33.04Shawn0any knowledge of the tftp client on a mac?
21:33.27Shawn0actually, better yet, let me rdp into my windows machine
21:33.29PenguinI would guess if you get a terminal emulator, there's a tftp application.
21:35.24Shawn0hmm. server returned permission denied
21:35.28Shawn0sooooo chmod 777?
21:35.42Shawn0i mean 444
21:35.51Shawn0got my numbers backwards
21:36.44PenguinLet's just look at the server settings.  AsteriskNOW is CentOS and will be using xinetd to run tftpd.  Let's verify the server path.
21:37.29PenguinRead the value of server_args from /etc/xinetd.d/tftp
21:39.01Shawn0i hate to say im new to this. how would i do that?
21:39.12PenguinDo you have a favorite text editor?
21:39.22Shawn0not really. i usually just use nano
21:39.31Penguinnano will suffice, if you know how to use it.
21:39.34Shawn0so open the file in nano...
21:39.37PenguinBring up that file with nano.
21:40.01fileif you open me up... do I bleed?
21:40.10PenguinThe server_args like will have an option or two.
21:40.14Shawn0"-s /tftpboot"
21:40.20Shawn0thats all thats there, minus quotes
21:40.25PenguinOkay, that's good.
21:40.29PenguinYou can close the file.
21:40.55PenguinNow let's look at the permissions on /tftpboot
21:41.00Penguinls -dl /tftpboot
21:41.18Shawn0dr--r--r--. 5 asterisk asterisk 4096 Sep  7 17:21 /tftpboot
21:41.35PenguinThat's probably bad.  By default, it should be drwxr-xr-x
21:41.47PenguinSo chmod 755 /tftpboot
21:42.06PenguinAnd by default on my box, it is owned by root:root
21:42.21PenguinI don't know if that will affect the results, though.
21:42.30Penguinprobably won't.
21:42.38Shawn0resetting phone, its requesting configuration
21:42.55PenguinYou should also check the permissions on the files in that directory.
21:44.55PenguinI don't like that.
21:45.18Shawn0any way to recursively set them all to 755?
21:45.32PenguinThey should NOT BE 755.
21:45.41PenguinNo file in there needs to be executable.
21:45.54Shawn0ah ok.
21:45.58PenguinOne second.
21:47.07Penguinfind /tftpboot -type f -exec chmod 644 {} +
21:48.04Shawn0they all have -rw-r--r-- 1 asterisk asterisk  16080 Dec 14  2013 ringer1.pcm
21:48.19Shawn0minus a few of them with a d on the front, but obviously directories
21:48.25PenguinGood.  That command has properly set all files which are not directories to be readable.
21:48.54PenguinOh, did you even enable the tftp server?
21:49.11Shawn0i /think/ i did, but im not sure my google search
21:49.21PenguinWe should have checked that while you were in the /etc/xinetd.d/tftp file.
21:49.26PenguinOpen it up again.
21:49.32PenguinSee if it says disable = yes
21:49.43Shawn0disable = no
21:50.01PenguinAnd have you restarted xinetd or the entire computer since you changed that?
21:50.14PenguinOkay, try the phone again.
21:50.25PenguinIt should serve the files if they are requested.
21:50.37Shawn0requesting configuration...
21:51.00PenguinIf that's not working, we can add some verbosity to the server side and watch the log.
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21:51.41Shawn0nope. timed out. if this helps, this is my dhcp setting in ddwrt
21:52.15PenguinDid you specify the proper software in OS79XX.TXT ?
21:52.44Shawn0no i didnt... but i can.
21:52.48PenguinYou have to.
21:52.48Shawn0where is the file located
21:52.57PenguinIt's in your tftp root.
21:53.07PenguinOpen it with nano.
21:53.41Shawn0normally the phone displays the file it is requesting, it doesnt even show its requested. im opening it now though
21:53.46PenguinYou need to specify which software to load.  I would use P003-08-11-00 in mine, but it looks like you have 8.12 software instead of 8.11.
21:54.05PenguinSo P003-08-12-00 needs to be in your OS79XX.TXT.
21:54.16Shawn0yep. thats there
21:55.23PenguinLet's create a new file...
21:58.35PenguinThat's the content of /tftpboot/XMLDefault.cnf.xml
21:59.34PenguinTry the phone again.
22:01.24*** join/#asterisk Marquel (~Marquel@unaffiliated/marquel)
22:01.37Shawn0timed out.
22:01.54PenguinLet's look at the server side.  Back to the configuration file...
22:02.21PenguinOn the server_args line, add a space and -vvv after /tftpboot
22:02.41Penguinserver_args = -s /tftpboot -vvv
22:03.21PenguinThen:  kill -HUP `cat /var/run/`
22:03.25PenguinThat'll reload the config.
22:04.15Penguintailf /var/log/messages
22:05.00Shawn0trying the phone again
22:05.01PenguinYou should see that it has readjusted the tftp service and it will not exit... you'll keep watching the file.
22:05.29Shawn0it did readjust
22:05.43PenguinYou should see the phone try.  It should show in.tftpd RRQ from your phone IP address request filename /whatever
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22:06.58Shawn0still timing out, no response from the log.
22:07.13Shawn0so phone is not requesting the files...
22:07.15PenguinThat kind of tells me that the phone doesn't know where your tftpd is.
22:07.47Shawn0im going to try telneting in to the phone, see what it can tell me
22:08.19PenguinIf you can gain access to the menu, go to the network settings and force override the tftp address setting.
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22:09.18PenguinI can't remember if the 7940 uses option 66 or 150, since it's been several years since I used the SIP software on my phones.
22:09.39Shawn0im using option 150, but i can switch to 66 to see if it works
22:10.11PenguinThat would be a good idea.
22:10.23Shawn0phones internal telnet server isnt responding
22:10.31Shawn0which means it hasnt booted far enough to run it
22:10.47Penguinor that it was disabled the last time it loaded a config?
22:11.56Shawn0the telnet server always runs on the phone. its the diagnostic progrma
22:12.21PenguinWell, at least the tftpd is all set up and ready to go.  You just need to get the phone to learn the tftp-server-name value.
22:12.26Shawn0changed to 66, no good.
22:12.42PenguinWhich dhcpd are you running?
22:12.51Shawn0the one in ddwrt.
22:12.59Shawn0do you want to waffle around in it with teamviewer?
22:13.03PenguinI don't know what that would be.  Maybe dnsmasq.
22:13.54Shawn0thats the options i have. i do have dnsmasq, but i also have DHCP server.
22:14.59PenguinIf you're using the ISC dhcpd, we might ought to take a look at the values of your options.
22:15.31Shawn0the unsee link is a screenshot of my options
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22:18.03PenguinIf that's the ISC dhcp server, that isn't the right syntax for dhcpd.conf.
22:18.32Penguinoption tftp-server-name dnsname.of.tftpserver;
22:18.41PenguinThat's the correct syntax.
22:20.02Penguindns name of tftp server
22:20.08Penguinquote, unquote
22:20.40PenguinAlthough I think I may have successfully used an IP address instead of the required DNS name.
22:20.55PenguinTry what you just typed.
22:21.25PenguinFrom my config:
22:21.26Penguinrob@Rt-60451448F# grep tftp /opt/vyatta/etc/dhcpd.conf option tftp-server-name "asterisk.local";
22:22.12Shawn0no luck :/
22:24.25PenguinIf you're using dnsmasq for a dhcp server, the man page says:  --dhcp-option=66,""
22:24.54PenguinI don't have the answer to which one you're using in your router.
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22:27.04Shawn0im not sure... but i just had an idea... im half tempted to take my phone to the walmart down the road, find a ethernet port, plug in, let it download the firmware from there.....
22:27.14Shawn0they use 7940s there...
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