IRC log for #asterisk on 20140905

00:10.16*** join/#asterisk ipengineer (
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02:00.19ruben23hi there guys i have an asterisk server and i register extension 100-110 - now all are registed and dialing but problem, along the course of calling some extension suddenly get unreachable and then become unreachable again..all this extension are using the same gateway router and they are remote from asterisk...any idea guys how to correct this..?
02:04.33*** join/#asterisk fstd_ (~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted)
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05:36.09*** join/#asterisk kevcox (
05:37.40kevcoxI'm looking for a low cost cloud based VOIP service provider for a non-profit organization that allows calls from the Philippines to the states.  The hosting service must have an auto attendant and a call queue.  Any suggestions?
05:43.19*** join/#asterisk stevePearPear (~stevePear@
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06:10.21Penguinkevcox: I don't know if it meets all of your criteria, but has an attendant and queue in the web.
06:12.06kevcoxPenguin: Thanks checking it out you have a recommendation for toll free service?
06:12.39kevcoxIf I have to I can always use 8x8 but their toll free service is kind of expensive.
06:13.26PenguinI typically suggest and/or Flowroute for toll free and regular numbers.
06:15.05PenguinI don't know how your international factor fits in, though.  I deal in US affairs only.
06:16.14kevcoxLooks like they have servers in the UK so that may not be to bad.  I tried using VoipO but their servers are all in the US and there is to much latency.
06:20.42PenguinWhere will your SIP phones be located?
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06:23.04kevcoxIn the states and the call center would be in the Philippines.
06:23.28PenguinThat... doesn't make sense to me.
06:24.15PenguinIf your call center is in the Philippines, wouldn't your phones also be in the Philippines?
06:24.23kevcoxSo customers would call a toll free number that would be routed to a US cloud based PBX and the people answering the phones would connect to it from the Philippines.
06:24.50kevcoxMake sense?
06:25.02PenguinDoes my question make sense?
06:25.36kevcoxThe answer to your question is "Yes".
06:25.54PenguinSo then why are your SIP phones in the US rather than in the call center?
06:26.30kevcoxSIP phones would be mostly in the Philippines with a few in the states but all call traffic is originating in the states.
06:26.36PenguinAnd if you have SIP phones in the US, you don't need to worry about a toll-free phone number at all.
06:27.00kevcoxToll free numbers is for inbound calls from customers in the US.
06:27.22kevcoxSorry if I'm confusing you.
06:27.34PenguinI can understand regular phones calling toll-free numbers.
06:28.38PenguinSo your call center agents are not only in the call center in the Philippines, but also in the US?
06:29.17kevcoxCorrect, but mostly they will be in the Philippines.  Rare that calls are answered in the US but could be.
06:29.33PenguinI think we're on the same page now.
06:31.26ruben23high guys what is the efect of the value of timeout session in SIP are pretty high..?
06:31.29ruben23any idea..?
06:31.41kevcoxPenguin:  I know know enough about VOIP to be dangerous....I'm reading over the website you provided and I'm having a difficult time understanding what they provide.
06:32.09kevcoxDo they provide the hosted cloud PBX or just dial tone?
06:32.14PenguinThe only thing I know to do is give it a try. will refund the unused portion of your money if you don't like the service.
06:32.53PenguinImagine they have asterisk at their house and you get a web interface to set up the pieces that you need.
06:34.03kevcoxOkay, so they provide the hosted PBX which I manage via a web console and it appears they provide the dial tone as well?
06:35.24PenguinThey provide phone numbers and termination service, of course, as well as features such as digital receptionist, call queues, call forwarding, ring groups, callback, DISA, and time conditions.
06:36.16PenguinFor the most part I just shove everything off their system into my own asterisk box on premise, but if you don't want to manage your own hardware, they provide a lot of features.
06:36.54kevcoxThey seem fairly large but their website seems a little simplistic...I am interested and plan to call and discuss their services when they are open again.
06:37.07kevcoxI appreciate you sharing.
06:37.21PenguinI've used for many years.
06:39.20PenguinOne thing I like to do with their web-based features is set up failover to a time condition with digital receptionist, so that if my asterisk becomes unavailable for some reason, the attendant will answer on their side before forwarding the calls to an agent's mobile phone.
06:40.18PenguinIt works good for a small office, anyway.
06:44.56PenguinI've got to go for the night.  I've got to be up again in 5.25 hours.
06:45.22PenguinGood luck with your project.
06:45.28kevcoxThank you
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07:25.23Stefan27Hi, is there any web-page where you update the release date for next 12.x version ?
07:26.50ChannelZ to be more specific
07:27.33ChannelZBut dates for upcomings aren't usually posted
07:27.39Stefan27aha, 6-8 weeks on average
07:28.21ChannelZYou can get a little bit of a clue sometimes looking at the test release versions, when something hits an RC
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12:15.30*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
12:24.18*** join/#asterisk matthew-moretalk (~matthew@
12:24.40matthew-moretalkAnyone ever heard of a situation where certain types of sip packets are not delivered by your broadband provider?
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12:28.04matthew-moretalkwell we have a situation right now where subscribe packets from devices on a certain broadband connection are not reaching our proxy
12:28.22matthew-moretalkI can see on wireshark the devices Handsets/Softphones are sending the subscribe packets but I can see using tcpdump that they never arrive at our proxy
12:28.55fileI've heard of cellular providers doing funky stuff to try to tamper with VoIP
12:29.20matthew-moretalkI took one of the handsets home last night and as soon as I plugged it in I could see the subscribe packets arriving at our proxy
12:29.43matthew-moretalkSIP ALG is disabled on the router any other thoughts?
12:31.04matthew-moretalkRegister and Invite packets are fine but PUBLISH/SUBSCRIBE is not. Very strange
12:31.34matthew-moretalkand it works fine on TLS too I guess because they cant mangle the packets
12:34.23*** join/#asterisk theron (~theron@
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13:03.43asteriskbizuafriendswhat does it mean    Dial(DONGLE/KS-6-IN-OUTALL/${EXTEN},,S)    i  am about  S without any parameter
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13:11.17[TK]D-Fenderasteriskbizua: It means you are using that option improperly
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14:01.56stevenmis it possible to have encountered a cisco phone that has tftp disabled - and thus can't use that method to change admin password so you can do a factory reset?
14:01.56stevenmand if so - how else (if anyone knows) might a factory reset be done?
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14:03.11[TK]D-Fenderdepends on the model
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14:03.30stevenm[TK]D-Fender, SPA504G
14:03.31[TK]D-FenderWhat about the menu option on-scrren that is for this?
14:03.31stevenmasks for an admin password which the customer doesn't have - it's their old phones
14:03.34[TK]D-Fenderand you can't enable provisioning on them?
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14:05.09stevenm[TK]D-Fender, they attempt to get anything via tftp - despite dhcp dishing it out just fine
14:05.16stevenmthey *don't* attempt
14:05.19stevenmi mean )
14:07.11stevenmno tftp, no web interface
14:07.41stevenmand when it calls out to its provisioning server its https and it has a certificate installed lol
14:07.54stevenm(i.e. the original phone system providers provisioning server)
14:08.35stevenmi have notices on Cisco SPA phones though... at the back theres a little hole (with a padlock symbol printed next to it) where you can see through to the back of the circuit board and it has two little gold contact (like a jumper is meant to be there)
14:09.10stevenmI'm wondering if this is some kind of hardware factory reset method but the cisco SPA user guides make no mention of it (despite having a hi-res picture of the back of the phone that shows it)
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14:13.05rrittgarnStevenm i think that's just the kensington lock slot
14:14.01*** part/#asterisk shadej (~bzegeju@
14:15.32crisedHow can I achieve this? Having a x86 hardware running x86 I could add asterisk software. What I need is to have only 1 SIP phone in the network, that "rings" when a plain old phone number is dialed, and when I dial from this sip phone, dial from the same number. Could you guive me guidelines? Use case: Have a number abroad in an office to receive and make calls.
14:16.58[TK]D-Fendercrised: You have not specified what your call is arriving on, or expected to go out.
14:17.08[TK]D-Fendercrised: You can't dial out "a number" a number is not a "thing"
14:17.29crised[TK]D-Fender: I imagine that I would need to get a VoIP provider
14:17.45[TK]D-Fendercrised: that is an OPTION>  What you want is another matter.
14:18.04crised[TK]D-Fender: What would be another options?
14:18.19[TK]D-Fendercrised: You'll need to make up your mind on the solution.  As for how... you need to lear your asterisk dialplan basics, which is all in the book.
14:18.21infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 4th Edition (ISBN 1-4493-3242-0) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and a version is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
14:19.02[TK]D-Fendercrised: Physical telco lines (several different kinds).  GSM interfaces.
14:19.20crised[TK]D-Fender: yes I can imagine what are you talking about.
14:19.34infobotYou can buy "Asterisk: The Definitive Guide" at so go buy it SERIOUSLY
14:23.43*** join/#asterisk workingcats (~workingca@
14:23.54crised[TK]D-Fender: Is there a website to select voip to telco line providers?
14:24.03crisedsort, compare them, etc
14:24.39[TK]D-FenderProbably a few sites with comparisons.  Nothing we refer anyone to though
14:24.47[TK]D-FenderWhere are you looking to get severive for?
14:25.05crised[TK]D-Fender: I just want to look at rates
14:26.49infobotHere are some popular ITSPs (USA) starting with the more respected ones:,,,, and
14:26.57[TK]D-Fenderstart looking at these
14:27.03crised[TK]D-Fender: thx
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14:27.23[TK]D-Fenderyour are won't have a lot of companies directly located there I'm sure.... go look around
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14:29.29LemensTSHello guys. If I wanted to start another room on freenode can I just join it, then other people can join too?
14:29.41LemensTSI did it to #calixapi
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14:35.25LemensTSThanks that worked
14:35.28*** part/#asterisk LemensTS (~mlemens@
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14:41.19crisedWhich ITSP does google uses?
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14:44.33sekilisn't google one?
14:45.49[TK]D-Fendercrised: They don't
14:45.58[TK]D-Fendersekil: they are.
14:47.04crised[TK]D-Fender: ok. here is an easy one for you. Is it possible to use Google Voice with just a SIP phone? and have a fixed number to receive calls? Google voice rates are low
14:47.33[TK]D-Fendercrised: Google Voice is in the process of dying and being replaced by Google Hangout.  FORGET about them
14:47.51[TK]D-FenderHangouts does NOT have an API for 3rd party support for things like Asterisk
14:48.22crised[TK]D-Fender: will hangout support old telephones as well?
14:48.39[TK]D-Fendercrised: So far no.
14:48.53crised[TK]D-Fender: they I don't think it will die!
14:49.22stevenmrrittgarn, if its a kensington lock (I admit there is a K on the padlock) then why have the gold contacts visible through it?
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14:50.50crised[TK]D-Fender: "Future versions of Hangouts will integrate Google Voice more seamlessly."
14:51.14infobot. URL:
14:51.22drmessanoGoogle Voice is being integrated into Hangouts
14:51.37drmessanoHangouts has no API to touch
14:51.57[TK]D-FenderXMPP = BAI BAI
14:52.03[TK]D-Fendercrised: FORGET IT
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14:56.16gciottaHi, what would be the recommended way to load balance users between a couple of Asterisk PBXs?
14:56.58gciottaI'm looking into Kamailio and OpenSIPS but I'm not sure whether there's something simpler to look at
15:00.12crised[TK]D-Fender: they have cheap rates
15:00.55drmessanoFlowroute is better
15:01.25drmessanoI freaking love Flowroute
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15:15.18jeevdo most toll providers terminate calls on inbound when the call exceeds 20 to 30 seconds?
15:15.24jeevmy current provider is terminating the call if it goes unanswered
15:15.53Qwelljeev: generally somewhere around 4 ring cycles (6 seconds per cycle)
15:16.18jeevthat's becoming an issue for me, the marketing people are calling and saying the phone # doesn't work after hours, they dont have a voicemail.
15:16.25QwellSo ~24-30s isn't really uncommon
15:16.28jeevit goes into a hunt group that rings for around 24 seconds.
15:16.36Qwellso answer first
15:16.38jeevmy guy says carrier keeps fixing it then it goes undone.
15:16.57jeevanswer the ring group first?
15:17.04Qwellanswer the incoming call
15:17.05[TK]D-Fenderanswer the CALL
15:18.31jeevsince it's going into a ring group and obviously i'm using freepbx, i should be able to modify it to answer
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15:26.56jeevQwell, any idea what that's called? some sort of fraud prevention?
15:27.18pabelangerwhat has become of me?
15:27.24pabelangerI am hacking freepbx dialplan code
15:27.48jeevwell hack me a fix to my problem.
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15:34.52josemslopesi am trying to use chanspy to get the dtmf from a caller in queue ... but it is not working     ... the DTMF is not ativating DYNAMIC_FEATURES enabled on channel with chanspy  ... do i need to do more things to this work?
15:37.47josemslopesmy question comes, from a sugestion to use dynamic features in queues ... that mjordan  give a sugestion to use Local channels and chanspy
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15:57.35[TK]D-Fenderjosemslopes: where are you implementing another Dial to allow for it?
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15:59.40josemslopeswhat i do is a originate between two local channels ... one local channel dial to a phone (so i can monitor, for now) ... another channel chanspy to the caller in the queue
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16:00.14pjensen00mjordan: I notice in the python examples for ARI usage, they all begin with searching for an existing holding bridge.  Do you only need one holding bridge and add as many people as you need?
16:00.45[TK]D-Fenderjosemslopes: Well before asking us why things don't work... you need to show us what you're doing.  This means actual call debug, configs,e tc.
16:03.08josemslopes[TK]D-Fender: where can i put that ? in here?
16:03.27infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
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16:09.22filepjensen00, it depends but that is one way of doing things
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16:36.18runfromnowhereHi all - I'm seeing a distinct difference in "Monitor" behavior between Asterisk 1.2 and Asterisk 11, namely that the "in" and "out" directions of the recording are coming out to substantially different file sizes under Asterisk 11.  Does anyone know how to correct this behavior?
16:36.59josemslopes[TK]D-Fender: i put logs and configuration on the logs at
16:41.58josemslopestestjlopes i have updated to  ... i put some description about the scenario
16:44.14[TK]D-Fenderjosemslopes: wrong approach.
16:44.30*** join/#asterisk D-Boy (~D-Boy@unaffiliated/cain)
16:44.42[TK]D-FenderYour dial to the SIP device does not create a dial "brdige", it gets optimized away.
16:45.43[TK]D-FenderYou need to call the device, then on answer put it into the dialplan where that will dial ANOTHER local channel (with /n at the end).  This otehr local channel will call chanspy
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16:54.19josemslopes[TK]D-Fender: so i will use the originate to call to the SIP device and then call to a local context  .. right? .. how do i put /n on the originate .. or do i not use originate?
16:55.08[TK]D-Fenderoriginate call to device (either direct, or via a local channel).
16:55.44josemslopesi have done that before ... but don't work also  ...
16:55.49[TK]D-FenderThen you have THAT device's channel dial ANOTHER local channel with "/n".  THAT answering context will have ChanSpy in it
16:58.23PenguinSo you're connecting a phone to the ChanSpy application?  Seems pretty useless.
16:58.44josemslopespegiun, for now is only for testing
16:59.31josemslopesbut it is possible to use /n on the originate ... or there is another way to originate call ?
16:59.44PenguinWhat is the purpose of using a local channel to get to ChanSpy?  You could simply execute the application in your originate.
17:00.22PenguinYou can originate to a local channel using /n.  Just add /n to the back end of the characters you type on your local channel.
17:00.34josemslopesthe proporse is to monitor dtmf ... so i can provide dynamic features to caller's waiting on the queue
17:01.16josemslopesi am using this AMI command : "Action: Originate\r\nChannel: SIP/tpt103\r\nContext: dynamic_features\r\nExten: s\r\nPriority: 1\r\nVariable: __SPYCHANNEL=$argv[1]\r\nTimeout: 30000\r\n\r\n"
17:01.43josemslopesi need to put /n after dynamic_features ?
17:01.53PenguinI don't see the local channel in that.
17:02.34[TK]D-Fender[12:59]josemslopesbut it is possible to use /n on the originate ... or there is another way to originate call ? <- you don't do it there
17:02.37Penguin[tk]d-fender did say to DIAL a local channel, right?
17:02.44[TK]D-FenderI did
17:02.48PenguinI thought so.
17:03.38PenguinI almost never use AMI, so I would originate it on the CLI using channel originate SIP/my_phone_123 application Dial Local/some_exten@a_context/n
17:03.51PenguinBut the same thing can be done in AMI.
17:03.59josemslopesok i understand
17:05.21PenguinWhen you use Context: Exten: and Priority:, that's the equivalent of using channel originate SIP/my_phone_123 extension blahBlah
17:05.34Penguinextension rather than application
17:06.55PenguinAnd when you use extension, the local channel gets optimized away, which is the opposite of dialing a local channel with /n on it.
17:06.56josemslopesi have tried ... still don't work
17:07.28[TK]D-Fenderwe aren't looking at your solution right now...
17:07.30PenguinShow me.
17:07.39josemslopesi need to go now... i will try latter ,,, thanks for the help
17:09.12josemslopesi put the information at
17:15.55rrittgarnSo i have about 50 phones (Aastra 6737) on site at a customer site, brand new switches, and firewall coming over the internet to my PBX (public IP) and i'm continually getting peer $name is now lagged (2835ms/2000ms), then available shortly after It is only this one site, so i am not quite sure where to start troubleshooting... qualify=yes and qualifyfreq=30 on all the peers.
17:17.01rrittgarnanyone have any recommendations on next steps in troubleshooting? They are on a Level 3 10x10 fiber, my datacenter is on a 1GB L3 fiber, utilization looks ok (about 50%). Its starting to cause issues with taking calls though
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17:24.32rrittgarnfor my own understanding, Qualify sends sip options messages to X peer @ the qualifyfreq to keep the port open when using NAT. Right? This is different from Keepalive (which i'm not sure if it is needed or should be configured with qualify?)
17:26.45PenguinThe OPTIONS packets and their responses serve the purpose of keepalive, as well as checking to see if the device is still there.
17:27.26PenguinI use qualify for all phones and most other asterisks, even if NAT is not involved.
17:27.38PenguinIt lets me know the other side still exists.
17:27.42Penguin(or doesn't exist)
17:28.06WIMPyKeepalives are empty packets that only keep connection tracking alive. And don't need any relevant amount of resources.
17:29.00lvlinuxrrittgarn: have you actually tested the network to rule out that there is anything going on there?
17:29.36PenguinMy thought on the high qualify times is that there's actual real latency on that circuit.
17:29.45rrittgarnbandwidth utilization doesn't look terrible, latency from them to me isn't bad (~30ms). We just put in the switching hardware (Juniper EX-2200 is their core switch).
17:29.59rrittgarnyeah i was leaning that way too Penguin, but don't know how to prove it or where to find its source if ICMP isn't showing the same
17:30.20PenguinTry mtr with udp datagrams rather than icmp.
17:30.58WIMPyIt could be an unresponsive application.
17:32.14PenguinIf you don't see the latency using mtr and udp mode, it very well could be asterisk, as wimpy suggests.  The next testing I might do would be to use iperf (again, udp mode).
17:32.15mjordanpjensen00: a holding bridge can hold a lot of participants. Each hears MoH, and their audio is not mixed (although a single Announcer channel will play to all). You can have multiple holding bridges as well however
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17:33.41rrittgarnasterisk is version 11.11.0 and is running a quad core with 4GB ram. server load is never > 1. Curious how to test if it is indeed asterisk (145 total devices registering at any given time on that server).
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18:43.16crisedIAX2 or SIP phone?
18:43.41crisedAre there any IAX phones? Or is IAX only for inter asterix comm?
18:43.42[TK]D-FenderPlease try phrasing that as a complete sentence
18:43.58[TK]D-FenderInter-Asterisk eXchange.  Kinda says it all
18:44.16[TK]D-FenderThere are a few phones.  They pretty much suck
18:44.23crised[TK]D-Fender: ok
18:44.41crised[TK]D-Fender: so, it's better to route voice traffic with IAX2 and ITSP
18:44.53crisedso that's an advantage of having astereix locally
18:45.06crised[TK]D-Fender: What about soft phones, which protocol do they mainly use?
18:46.28crised[TK]D-Fender: I see many voip resellers websites in my country, they all seem to suck, why would that be? rates are much lower
18:47.39PenguinIt's asteriSK, not asterix.
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18:49.08crisedInstalling a SIP phone behind a regular router, which ports should open in the router in order to communicate with ITSP?
18:50.22[TK]D-Fenderusually none
18:50.31drmessanoClient shouldn't need any
18:50.31[TK]D-FenderEnpoints don't tend to need forwarding
18:50.42drmessanoThink "Web Browser" instead of "Web Server"
18:50.51drmessanoFor lack of a better way
18:50.54PenguinEven asterisk as a client usually doesn't need any forwarding.
18:51.22drmessanoThat's been my experience as well
18:51.23crisedok, but when an incoming call happens? the phone would be acting as a server
18:51.36drmessanoNo it wouldn't
18:51.40PenguinNot exactly.
18:51.59crisedHow does it work then?
18:52.16webphageYour phone will already have registered with server to receive calls?
18:52.23crisedit should be listening at a given port, and the router should have external/internal port forwarding?
18:52.24drmessanoIt maintains a persistent connection
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18:52.48[TK]D-FenderUDP keep-alive
18:52.48PenguinSome NAT implementations are weird and can't deal with it, but those are rare cases.
18:53.03crised[TK]D-Fender: UDP keep alive?
18:53.14crisedI thought UDP was connectionless :(
18:53.18drmessanoYou don't need to forward ports to your phones
18:53.19[TK]D-Fendercrised: You need to learn how NAT works
18:53.26drmessanoYou can google for more info lol
18:53.43PenguinI know, UDP is connectionless, but you'll still find UDP entries in the state table.
18:54.20[TK]D-FenderNAT routers have a a UDP TIMEOUT to keep a hole open for further comms.  SIP devices tend to have keep-alive methods to ensure the phone is reachable
18:54.38Penguinhence statefulness
18:54.43[TK]D-FenderOr the SERVER could issue them.  Either side can
18:54.48crised[TK]D-Fender: great, which is it that time?
18:54.51[TK]D-FenderState-ISH-ness ;)
18:54.54crisedseconds? minutes?
18:55.10[TK]D-Fendercrised: usually max 2 min IIRC
18:55.30crised[TK]D-Fender: so SIP sends a heartbeat message every <2 min?
18:55.33PenguinThe default qualify frequency in asterisk is 60 seconds.
18:56.05webphageSIP question! What is expected behavior in meetme if client disappears without BYE? And then perhaps re-registers and joins call again?
18:56.06[TK]D-Fendercrised: "SIP" doesn't send it .. the application does...
18:56.29crised[TK]D-Fender: damn interestnig
18:56.46drmessanoYou know what's even more interesting
18:56.48crised[TK]D-Fender: How is this heartbeat message called?
18:56.55criseddrmessano: yes, I glanced the book
18:56.58drmessanoI lost my coffee maker in the divorce.. and I need one with a SWITCH on it
18:56.59[TK]D-Fendercrised: SIP is a protocol.. it up to the overall app to determine how it should act
18:57.04drmessanoSo it will work with my X10
18:57.09PenguinIn asterisk, we use qualify to send an OPTIONS packet to the peer every 60 seconds by default.  The frequency can be tuned for weird NATs.
18:57.10drmessanoand I am having a hard time locating one
18:57.12filewebphage, if you aren't using an RTP timeout or session timers... then nothing, that channel will continue to be there
18:57.30[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: So you can use the relay module?
18:57.33drmessanoThat to me is a CRISIS
18:57.37drmessano[TK]D-Fender, indeed
18:57.53drmessanoI had timers and all
18:57.55[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: Any real issue using a wall-jack or appliance module?
18:58.08drmessano[TK]D-Fender, not one issue.  Worked great for years
18:58.25[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: I mean instead of the relay trigger one.
18:58.38webphage@file: thanks. What is clients responsibility with respect to timers like that?
18:58.39PenguinBut if you plug in the maker and it doesn't go to the ON state, it won't work.
18:58.48drmessanoOhh.. sorry, I misunderstood.. I am using the appliance module.  the standard one
18:58.49[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: or are you using it like a "start-only" solution, and letting the timeout on the machine deal with itself?
18:58.59PenguinThe goofy electronic controlled ones default to OFF when powered up.
18:59.10filewebphage, well RTP timeout is an Asterisk side thing as is session timers - if the other side disappears... then Asterisk terminates the channel
18:59.10[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: Ah.... well el-cheapo coffee machines can be had for a pittance
18:59.19drmessano[TK]D-Fender, NOO!!  I am shutting it off with my OWN timers so I don't burn coffee after I have my cuppa or two
18:59.29drmessanoI love IT
18:59.47[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: this should be like $20-30 at Walmart...
19:00.03[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: I've got a big bag of X-10 gear I haven't touched in almost a decade
19:00.09webphage@file: but the client must answer the timer, no? Do these timers work if connection is UDP?
19:00.11drmessano[TK]D-Fender, just need to locate.. Mr Coffee has an $18 model, but out of stock at several
19:00.17crised[TK]D-Fender: let's assume that ITSP gave me a DID number in my country, when I do a local call, will the guy receiving the phone call see the same DID number?
19:00.22filewebphage, the timer has to yes... and if it's still there it will
19:00.29[TK]D-Fendercrised: Depends
19:00.37crised[TK]D-Fender: How is this called?
19:01.00drmessano[TK]D-Fender, if you decide to part with any of it, let me know first lol
19:01.01[TK]D-Fendercrised: First... to them there is no such thing as a "local call".  Seconds.. they can set the callerid to whatever they want.... and might let YOU do the same
19:01.17Penguincrised: An ITSP generally sends your calls to IP devices.  The call can contain all sorts of data.
19:01.36crisedok, good stuff
19:01.41[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: Shipping & duty wouldn't make it worth your while I'm sure.  But hey, if you're ever up here, you tops on my "beer list" :)
19:01.42drmessanoI X10 everything.. if they had a model that you plug a woman into, I would do that too
19:01.43crisedI liked
19:01.45webphage@file: ah okay, so need to find client that supports these timers... ;) is there generally a more "correct" timer?
19:02.00filewebphage, session timers can be used even if the other side doesn't support it
19:02.03Penguincrised: I've been using them for years.
19:02.18crisedPenguin: they look awesome
19:02.34PenguinVery few problems.
19:02.52webphage@file: I'm not sure I understand that, but I will look into session timers. Thank you for your help!
19:02.53drmessanoHow the hell did I not know there's a low-latency kernel for EC2
19:03.07filedrmessano, you were blind but now you see?
19:03.15drmessanoYeah I guess so
19:03.19PenguinThere's the occasional network outage or data center hiccup, but they ususally respond quickly.
19:03.37drmessanoFound it on a forum post DONT USE ASTERISK OR FREESWITCH ON EC2 WITHOUT THIS
19:05.09drmessanoJust wrote up a doc and threw it in my grimoire
19:08.14crisedIs this sentence talking about the router? As an additional recommendation, Set "NAT enabled" to Yes, and on the "NAT address" parameter, enter the External (publicly addressable) IP address of Router or firewall, if any.
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19:09.46PenguinWhatever it says, forget it.
19:09.59crisedPenguin: lolo k
19:10.22PenguinDon't enable NAT settings on the phone.  Let asterisk do the work.
19:10.43crisedPenguin: I wasn't planning to have asterisk
19:10.56PenguinThat's counterproductive.
19:11.28crisedPenguin: Is it possible to have that SIP phone, configured directly to no asterisk?
19:11.41crisedPenguin: this might be the first step of a business adopting VoIP
19:11.58PenguinThey have good cloud-based PBX features, too.
19:12.19PenguinIt's all stuff that one would typically configure in an on-premise asterisk system.
19:12.36crisedPenguin: all the servers of are at least 150 ms ping-away, is that too much latency?
19:12.42crisedPenguin: great
19:12.59PenguinLatency isn't the big problem.  Jitter is what kills voice calls.
19:13.24crisedPenguin: HOw do I measure jitter?
19:13.28Penguin150ms isn't that bad, really.
19:13.38PenguinYou can measure jitter using mtr.
19:14.23crisedPenguin: std deviation>
19:14.39[TK]D-Fender[15:11]crisedPenguin: this might be the first step of a business adopting VoIP <- only if their idea of a business phone... is the functional equivalent of a single dumb phone line.
19:15.10crised[TK]D-Fender: step by step
19:15.37Penguin[tk]d-fender: Nah, that's not true.  You can register multiple phones directly to and use the features they provide.  They give you digital receptionist and call queues, for example.
19:15.55[TK]D-Fendercrised: I would also specifically avoid Cisco 79XX series phones.  More trouble than they're worth
19:16.01crised[TK]D-Fender: how to measure jitter?
19:16.29[TK]D-FenderPenguin: Well if they offer hosted PBX features... that's typically separate from the standard service
19:16.32crised[TK]D-Fender: Which SIP do you advice?
19:16.34PenguinThe 7900 series phoens do work, but other phones would be better.
19:16.42Penguin[tk]d-fender: It's standard.
19:17.04[TK]D-FenderPenguin: a "bonus" from an ITSP POV.  nifty that they do.  What do they charge?
19:17.16PenguinIt's not a hosted PBX solution.  It's just standard features on their services.
19:17.27crised11.                                                                                                                                         0.0%    53  182.9 124.0 120.9 182.9  11.8
19:17.31crisedPenguin: is that good?
19:17.38crised[TK]D-Fender: Which SIP phone would you advice?
19:17.44crisedbetter if sold in china :)
19:17.48PenguinWhere's the jitter in that line?
19:17.52crisedPenguin: last line
19:18.04crisedlast column
19:18.07[TK]D-FenderPenguin: queues, ring groups, ivr... sure says "PBX" to me...
19:18.38PenguinBut it's all standard.  There's no charge above your standard per minute rates.
19:19.38PenguinThat's what I'm trying to tell you.  These features are some of the same things you'd do on your own on-premise asterisk box.  They just shift it into their side of the cloud.
19:20.11[TK]D-FenderPenguin: It's just not BILLED separate ;)
19:20.34PenguinIf you feel like you're paying for it, you'll pay for it even if you don't use it.
19:20.44PenguinThere's one rate.  Use the features or don't.  The price is the same.
19:21.35[TK]D-FenderPenguin: Cool that they just give you the option if you want it....
19:22.23*** join/#asterisk Kerber0s (~Kerber0s@
19:22.26crised(15:15:27) [TK]D-Fender: crised: I would also specifically avoid Cisco 79XX series phones.  More trouble than they're worth - damn I bought one of these, I spended 3 days trying to reflash them
19:22.47crised[TK]D-Fender: In my country, there are lot of those used.
19:22.55crised[TK]D-Fender: please advice me of SIP phones
19:23.01infobotwell, sip is Session Initiation Protocol, (see RFC 3261) It's HIP to be SIP!
19:23.11Penguincrised: When you run mtr, you need to view the jitter.  You can execute the program using the options for showing jitter, or you can select it after you start it up using the default fields.
19:23.41crisedPenguin: I see it now
19:23.50PenguinThe 7900 series works, but you'll hate them if you ever use some other type of phone.
19:24.09crisedPenguin: why?
19:24.16crisedPenguin: Javg 36.7
19:25.03PenguinThey just aren't very good SIP phones.  They were built to use SCCP.
19:25.20crisedPenguin: ok. Then could you suggest good SIP phones?
19:25.34PenguinPolycom makes good SIP phones.
19:26.00crisedPenguin: $$$
19:26.11PenguinDepends on what model you want.
19:26.34PenguinIf you need five line keys and a nice screen, you'll spend up to $100 on a used one.
19:26.47crisedPenguin: I need cheap now
19:27.29PenguinHow cheap?  What's your budget per phone?
19:27.52crisedPenguin: I don't know, decent & cheap
19:28.34*** join/#asterisk amizraa4 (~amizraa@gateway/tor-sasl/amizraa)
19:29.09PenguinPolycom SoundPoint IP 335
19:29.46crisedPenguin: $120
19:29.56Penguin$25 on ebay.
19:30.35crisedPenguin: POE?
19:30.55PenguinThey can be powered by power brick or PoE.
19:31.12crisedPenguin: the dc input is standard?
19:31.17crisedor is it something propietary?
19:31.26Penguin24VDC I think
19:31.33crisedbut the jack?
19:31.38crisedthe male ...
19:31.45PenguinRegular DC power jack.  I'm not sure the size.
19:32.09PenguinLike 5mm outside 1.5mm pin?
19:32.45PenguinIt's a standard connector that you can get anywhere that sells that sort of part.
19:33.05crisedPenguin: another brand besides polycom?
19:33.23PenguinThat's really the best brand for the price.
19:33.34PenguinBut you can get other SIP phones that still work good.
19:33.45PenguinEven the newer Cisco SIP phones aren't horrible.
19:33.50crisedPenguin: what would be others? inferior
19:34.15PenguinEven the Linksys SPA 900 series aren't horrible.  They are better than the Cisco 7900 series.
19:35.09PenguinLinksys SPA 942
19:35.25pjensen00I use the 942s
19:35.31pjensen00They do well enough.
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19:36.36crisedPenguin: good
19:37.00crisedPenguin: these are really at <$40
19:37.19PenguinCisco 500 series
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19:55.06crisedDo ITSP providers charge on inbound call? through a DID number?
19:56.01[TK]D-FenderDo you normally expect free service?
19:56.06[TK]D-FenderSOMEBODY is paying for it./...
19:56.13*** join/#asterisk smellis_werk (~smellis@2001:470:c452:2:224:e8ff:fe45:ee53)
19:56.14crised[TK]D-Fender: the caller?
19:56.28crisedwhen I receive calls on my cell phone I don't pay
19:56.35PenguinDo you know what the P in ITSP means?
19:56.56[TK]D-FenderYou get cell phone service for free?  You never have to pay if you just want to recieve phone calls all day long forever?
19:57.39crised[TK]D-Fender: some guys do that in prepaid
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19:57.55[TK]D-Fendercrised:  .... prePAID
19:58.09[TK]D-Fenderthere is MONEY somewhere in there
19:59.45*** join/#asterisk karlh626 (
20:01.05crisedDID numbers on the Per minute plan will cost from $0.99 to $1.99 per month with an incoming rate of $0.01 to $0.0149 per minute, the rate will depend on the Rate Center of the DID number.
20:01.31crisedWhen on Flat Rate, they'll cost $4.95 to $6.95 per month with up to 3500 inbound minutes included. (Residental use).
20:01.51crisedgot to leave thanks
20:01.59crised[TK]D-Fender: thank you!
20:02.10crisedPenguin: thanks
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20:22.55coppice[TK]D-Fender: caller pays is a strict rule in many places
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21:08.28Geriatrixhi all - i have a call that's coming in from a trunk - and once the call is established - asterisk executes h extension - as if that channel hung up ---- can someone assisnt me in sheding some light on this ?
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21:44.32malachi_constantGuys, I'm trying to connect a channel bank via MGCP and my configuration looks like its correct. If I nmap the channel bank with -PU, should the bank be listening on that port?
21:55.42malachi_constant(On 2727, which I guess it's supposed to.)
21:59.16pjensen00I'm confused on the variables part of this
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21:59.50pjensen00I'm trying to figure out what the actual syntax I am supposed to put on the....
22:00.03pjensen00oh wait.  Hold up.  Nevermind.
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22:26.01*** join/#asterisk areski (
22:36.59*** part/#asterisk Nemus (~Nemus@unaffiliated/nemus)
22:37.13malachi_constantHas anyone in here used an ADIT 600? I get the following in debug with regard to my gateway: [Sep  5 18:35:06] NOTICE[6811]: chan_mgcp.c:1853 find_subchannel_and_lock: Gateway '' (and thus its endpoint '*') does not exist
22:38.10*** join/#asterisk FreezingCold (
22:58.11malachi_constanttcpdump has things like this in it: 18:56:30.717687 IP > UDP, length 45
22:59.01malachi_constantSo this suggests to me that asterisk is getting the packets but doesn't know what I want it to do with it.
23:08.37malachi_constantthe 'mgcp audit endpoint' command doesn't seem to send anything to the channel bank.
23:37.22mjordanmalachi_constant: there aren't a lot of active users of chan_mgcp, and probably even fewer in #asterisk on a Friday evening (North America, anyway). You may want to e-mail your questions to asterisk-users
23:49.47*** join/#asterisk fstd (~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted)

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