IRC log for #asterisk on 20140904

00:04.24*** join/#asterisk Eric-K (eric@2a01:7e00:e000:69::1337:c0de)
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04:29.04lxsameerhi can I use AGIs to change the flow based on some condition and play some sounds or call a foreign number via AGI ?
04:31.40ChannelZYou can do just about anything you can in a dialplan, but via whatever language you like via AGI
04:31.47ChannelZSo yes
04:32.58lxsameerChannelZ: cool, so can I use Ruby too
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04:46.42ChannelZanything that you can do stdin and stdout with sure
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09:45.23ipalmermorning all, I have 2 different databases on my server which I need to do joins across whilst using func_odbc. I can use different dsn's whilst using one particular database but not when I'm doing cross database joins, is this possible in Asterisk?
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09:50.35skrustyipalmer: not that i know of
09:51.40skrustywhat db server? mysql/mssql?
09:52.14skrusty:/ i know mssql supports linked servers, i don't think mysql does
09:52.32ipalmeri may have to federate the table onto the single database and do it that way
09:53.06skrustyor you could use curl and get the result from some service that cna talk to both dbs
09:53.10skrustylike a rest api
09:53.59ipalmerok, not used curl before I'll take a look at that
09:54.19skrustyjust throwing out ideas :)
09:54.39ipalmercheers, appreciate all the ideas i can get
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09:57.29earthwormHi there, I installed AsteriskNOW, and set it all up, I then decided to do a "yum update" and now the FreePBX UI is having problems.
09:57.55earthwormI then Googled and found there are official upgrade scripts. I rolled back the YUM transaction and then ran the proper scripts.
09:58.26earthwormCan anyone help with this?
09:58.58earthwormI'm not sure whether it's better to ask here or #freepbx
10:01.51skrustymaybe, sounds quite specific
10:02.07skrustyask in there, no harm! :)
10:02.11infobot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there
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10:27.03asteriskbizuawhere can i find desc about available channel states
10:27.17asteriskbizuaChannelStateDesc Down Rsrvd OffHook Dialing Ring Ringing Up Busy Dialing Offhook Pre-ring Unknown
10:27.56asteriskbizuai need desc about each of listed state
10:28.04asteriskbizuathanks a lot
10:37.07skrustyfirst link, about half way down :)
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12:28.08*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
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13:11.34*** join/#asterisk bananapie (~pumpkinpi@
13:12.01bananapieIs there a command I can run to disable all transcoding on asterisk so I can test my sound files to make sure all my menus are in the right format?
13:13.36[TK]D-FenderAnd what is "the right format"?
13:15.12bananapiethe right format means that I have the files in g711, and g722 . depending on the call, the right format is used, and asterisk doesn't need to any real work.
13:15.23bananapieto do*
13:16.33filethere is no command but if you don't load the modules which do the transcoding for the codecs then it won't
13:17.06bananapieok. So I start up asterisk with no codecs and try and call my menu. I'll have to do this outside of business hours. thanks file
13:17.34*** part/#asterisk ipalmer (
13:18.38[TK]D-Fenderbananapie: Or you could just lOOK at the files and see that you have one in every format and STAT it.
13:20.07bananapieI already checked the files are in each format, but I like being thorough.
13:22.01*** join/#asterisk jkroon (
13:22.19jkroonhi all, is there a way to execute a dialplan application/function directly from the CLI?
13:27.56Kattyeyes bananapie with a spoon.
13:28.20bananapieis evolving....
13:28.26Katty:< :<
13:28.52moldyshoeused confusion
13:29.00Kattylooses 1 hp
13:29.04Kattygoes back to normal
13:29.33Kattymoldyshoe gains 1 xp!
13:29.37Kattymoldshoe is now level 2!
13:29.40Kattyhp goes up by 2!
13:29.42moldyshoeis devolving...
13:29.59Kattynow i wanna play earthbound.
13:30.31[TK]D-Fenderjkroon: Nope
13:30.53[TK]D-Fenderjkroon: You COULD create some dialplan and originate a channel to use it however
13:30.55bananapiejkroon, you can request a hangup of a channel from the console,
13:32.34jkroon[TK]D-Fender, yea, that's what I normally do.  In this case I need to escape from the asterisk CLI to a shell...
13:32.55[TK]D-Fenderjkroon: huh?
13:34.02jkroon[TK]D-Fender, don't ask.  busy with stuff that I normally don't want to get involved with.  Off to the DC then to go and hack it at the terminal.  Has a client where a previous provider set stuff up for him and now refuses to hand over the keys.
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14:18.21kb3ienanyone had success auto-provisioning snom320 with DHCP ?
14:19.13WIMPyHope that answer helps.
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14:21.22kb3ienTried just option tftp-server-name with a URI after it, but its not being read.
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14:24.05WIMPyDoes it request the file?
14:24.13WIMPyis using http.
14:25.25kb3ienIt never even contacts port 80, yes. I've tried tftp u68 and http t80, neither port is contacted.
14:26.18kb3ienI tried to do this: only simpler.
14:28.08kb3ienit does reach out to via http though.
14:28.46WIMPyDoes it use dhcp at all? Have you tried to do a factory reset?
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14:33.43kb3ieni see it gets it's ip address from dhcpd
14:35.16kb3ientrying that now...
14:36.21kb3ieni feel stupid. Apperently a factor reset is the kind of reset they DIDNT give it at the factory...
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15:05.17pjensen00I'm using ARI and I've been able to connect to the web socket, create a bridge, destroy a bridge, answer a channel but I fail to add a channel to the bridge.  I get a 204 (success) back from the command but the logs indicate the channel fails to join.  Unfortunately there is no indication of WHY the channel failed to get added to the bridge.  Anyone have any good insight based off this log dump?
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15:34.53mjordanpjensen00: what is role=Default?
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15:36.07mjordanhm. We need to get the allowed roles documented better in the auto-generated wiki docs
15:36.09*** part/#asterisk sklav (~sklav@unaffiliated/sklav)
15:36.11mjordanSo, "Default" is not a valid role
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15:36.23mjordanjust remove the role parameter that you're passing. You most likely don't need it
15:36.50mjordanIt's a fairly specialized field that is really only useful in holding bridges when you want a channel to act as an announcer to the other holding bridge participants
15:37.11mjordanAt least, today. In the future, other bridging types could have other more complex role types
15:38.07*** join/#asterisk navaismo (0c0adbe1@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
15:38.46WIMPyThat's what usually happens.
15:39.03WIMPyUnless you explicitely told it to answer first.
15:39.30gnudnai guess my config must have an issue somewhere it seems to answer and then to route
15:39.40navaismousing a GUI?
15:39.43gnudnacan i paste my extensions.conf for you to take a look?
15:39.53gnudnadebian asterisk from backports
15:39.59gnudnaso im runnin 11.x
15:40.18WIMPyEither you have an explicit Answer() or you Playback() something.
15:40.41gnudnai do have an answer() in default
15:40.51gnudnabut for my inboud rule i do not
15:40.53WIMPyGuess what that does...
15:41.35*** join/#asterisk ttyS3 (~o@gateway/tor-sasl/omlib)
15:41.51gnudnathat being said if i post my config care to offer me some good advice?
15:41.51WIMPyDo the calls actually arrive in the context you expect?
15:42.05gnudnaI thought so
15:42.08WIMPyJust do it.
15:42.20WIMPyYou will find out who has comments about it then.
15:42.21navaismoi saw many threads recently talking about that(the answer) maybe there is a guide there telling that... idk
15:42.53gnudnadid follow a guide when i initially set this up
15:43.07[TK]D-Fendergnudna: it's your dialplan.. do whatever you want
15:46.48lvlinuxIf I'm using mg2 echo canceller and have "echotraining=yes" why would I be getting the message "chan_dahdi.c:5067 dahdi_train_ec: Unable to request echo training on channel 3: Invalid argument"
15:47.04lvlinuxon the cosole when a call is placed.
15:48.19[TK]D-Fendergnudna: show us the call
15:49.00gnudnawhat call [TK]D-Fender ?
15:49.28[TK]D-Fendergnudna: the call where it isn't acting the way you want it to
15:49.49[TK]D-Fender[11:37]gnudnaHi guys is there a way for asterisk to not answer a call before it performs its for lack of a better word routing <- show us THIS call
15:50.59gnudnaok give me a minute to get a new call going. but im pretty sure my extensions.conf has an issue that i pasted above
15:51.28[TK]D-Fendergnudna: Several issues
15:51.45gnudnacare to clarify so i can fix them please
15:52.57[TK]D-Fenderpatterns that clearly don't match what you think you're going to dial.  misformatted dial's for multiple devices, cramming inbound & outbound extens in the SAME context.
15:53.53gnudnaok i thought they were each isolated
15:55.04[TK]D-Fender[users] <-- you have inboutn and outbound stuff in there
15:55.07[TK]D-FenderBIG mes
15:55.58gnudnalike i said followed a popular howto when i set this up
15:56.41[TK]D-Fendergnudna: which?
15:56.43gnudnaso where should i include those into? [default]
15:56.57[TK]D-Fenderyou should never have a context even named [default].  EVER
15:57.36[TK]D-Fenderyou will have contexts for your inbounds, and context for your devices taht are supposed to dial out.  Perhaps a heirarchy of them
15:57.47gnudnafair enough that is based on default asterisk config that shipped
15:58.06[TK]D-Fenderthat's the entire point of these; so taht calls taht come in can just get redirected out due to a small mistake
15:58.15[TK]D-Fendergnudna: that isn't a default config.
15:58.34[TK]D-Fendergnudna: that is a sample SYNTAX REFERNCE.  that is not necessarily a sane way to configure a system
15:58.50gnudnafair enough
15:59.31gnudnanow based on what you said and what i posted how can i re-organize it work properly and securely
15:59.46[TK]D-Fenderspit it up
16:01.10gnudnaok do the includes need to be defined?
16:01.35[TK]D-Fenderdo you need what's in them to be included?
16:01.59gnudnai would think yes to make outbiund calls
16:02.19[TK]D-FenderGo split up your inbound & outbound
16:02.45gnudnathey are already split out
16:02.52gnudnaseems im missing something here
16:04.05[TK]D-Fenderyou have a context named [default] with ALL of that crap in there
16:05.05gnudnaall i see is [default] with one line below it before the next context is defines
16:05.14gnudnaunless it's a top down inclusion
16:07.20[TK]D-Fendergnudna: Sorery, bad aim .. [users]
16:07.36[TK]D-Fendergnudna: [default]  should just be removed completely
16:11.57gnudnanow what else needs cleaning or removal?
16:12.20[TK]D-Fendergnudna: Go try some calls and see what lands where.
16:12.49[TK]D-Fendergnudna: <- what are lines 23-27 doing there?
16:13.22gnudnai thought they registering the extensions listed
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16:13.38gnudnaour routing the extensions listed
16:13.55[TK]D-Fendergnudna: .... look at those lines
16:14.22[TK]D-Fendergnudna: exten = s.  What do you have pointed to that contedxt that will lead to "s" ever getting used?
16:14.57gnudna;) noting that i am aware off
16:15.20gnudnaok so i can clean that out
16:16.27gnudnai removed them made their way in when i was testing something from work
16:16.31[TK]D-Fendergnudna: You need to actually look at what you're doing.
16:20.58gnudna[TK]D-Fender so far all is working as expected and i removed what you pointed out because it is not being used as you pointed out
16:21.16gnudnaim not just copying and pasting
16:21.26Penguins does not mean "everything else"
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16:22.10PenguinI remember conceiving that, based on things I read on the internet, when I started using asterisk.
16:22.50gnudnaany other glaring errors [TK]D-Fender
16:23.18gnudnayeah i followed a bunch of how-to etc.. and assumed i understood what it was doing
16:23.28pjensen00mjordan: Awesome!  That worked
16:24.10PenguinSince that time, many others have shown up here with the same misconception that s matches anything not explicitly defined.
16:25.08WIMPyWhen I started I read that s is the start extension, thinking that would be something that is run before anything else. A feature I'm missing since I found out it isn't.
16:25.59PenguinThe good thing is that you could configure it to use s first.  There's no way to make s match everything that doesn't otherwise match.
16:26.05PenguinSo you've got an advantage.
16:26.22WIMPyHow could I do so?
16:26.38PenguinStart by directing all your calls to extension s.
16:27.11gnudnaok and im i at least setting the call display correctly?
16:27.15WIMPyBy always dialling s first?
16:27.41PenguinRight.  If you send calls to s, calls will start at s.  Exten s will then send your calls to other extens.
16:27.52PenguinIt's not practical, but it is possible.
16:28.13WIMPyIndeed. Not practical at all.
16:28.28PenguinBut making s a catch-all exten... not going to work.
16:29.00pjensen00mjordan: Also, is there a reason to not use the holding bridge type?  From what I read on the Bridges page the bridge type in A12 is automagic from a user's perspective now
16:29.13WIMPyexten i,1 -> Goto(s,1)
16:29.35PenguinBut exten i is not called directly, and it is not called when no other exten matches.
16:29.52Penguini is only called from other applications.
16:30.34PenguinFor instance, if you dial the phone number when trying to make a call, it does not hit i.
16:30.52Penguins/the/the wrong/
16:30.56WIMPyDepends on the channeltype.
16:31.05PenguinAssume SIP.
16:31.22WIMPyWhy would I?
16:31.27PenguinThat's the "normal" tech for all VoIP, and especially asterisk.
16:31.39WIMPyAlways expect the worst?
16:31.58PenguinThat would also be a good idea.  :)
16:32.34WIMPySince using Asterisk, I know that my imagination is too limited to do so.
16:33.22WIMPyBut Linux has been quite evil lately, as well.
16:33.47gnudna[TK]D-Fender aside from what has been pointed out anything else obviously wrong?
16:34.58[TK]D-FenderGo look at everything you made and ask yourself:  who can dial it?  When?  Is the pattern sane and specifically cover what I want?  Am I covering ALL of what I should be doing?
16:35.32WIMPyNoty to forget: Did I accidentally cover more than I wanted?
16:36.15[TK]D-Fendernoted a few "mores" in there...
16:36.23gnudna[TK]D-Fender i believe i am but obviously i was wrong so im asking for a second opinion
16:36.58*** join/#asterisk navaismo (0c0adbe0@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
16:37.29WIMPyThe most obvious one is that you most probably don't want to allow outbound calls in your default context.
16:37.34[TK]D-Fendergnudna: what is [phoneservices] for?
16:37.51gnudnato catch 311 411 etc...
16:38.03[TK]D-Fendergnudna: what does that pattern match?
16:38.13[TK]D-Fendergnudna: is 555 legal?
16:38.18[TK]D-Fendergnudna: it is there....
16:38.34[TK]D-Fendergnuthat allows MORE than you want.
16:39.08gnudnai know that i did not want to explicitily define 911 etc...
16:39.20gnudnai could if there was a security reason do to so
16:39.37[TK]D-Fendergnudna: 411 costs money most of the time...
16:39.43[TK]D-Fendergnudna: SURE you want to allw that one?
16:40.00gnudnai know but it is blocked on the voipms portal
16:40.08gnudnaso im not worried
16:40.09[TK]D-Fendergnudna: what if there is a BAD possible value?  Go find out EXACTLY what you want it to cover and make something to match those
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16:40.28[TK]D-Fendergnudna: you are playing a game called "Lucky".  It runs out after a while
16:41.28gnudnaso i best define all the rules explicitly which i will do so shortly
16:41.56gnudnai did not think it was a concern really since this is a home phone
16:43.02[TK]D-Fendergnudna: Not thinking is not a good approach.  ebfore you know it you let random outside callers get through and start placing calls on your system where you would never want to even dial for yourself
16:43.46gnudnafair enough and i agree the practice is wrong
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16:44.17gnudnabut not thinking is kinda harsh since up till this moment i thought it was the valid way
16:44.58WIMPyIf you think you think, you only think you think.
16:45.21gnudnaego is bruised
16:46.59gnudnanow you mentioned outbound in the default context WIMPy ?
16:47.02navaismolet the phone´s bill raise to 10000USD! because #YOLO
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16:47.51gnudnanavaismo can i have your CC then?
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16:53.20gnudnathat said guys any other obvious issues before i call it a day aka lunch break
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16:53.57kb3ienis the valet app still the best way to park and annouce with BLFs for the parking lot?
16:54.10kb3ienor are my notes OLD?
16:54.50gnudna[TK]D-Fender thank you for all your help.
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17:37.10gmalsackhey all!!! happy thursday.
17:37.35gmalsackrunning ast 12. anyone know of a way to set the default allowed codecs globally in pjsip?
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17:51.53filegmalsack, are you using a config file?
17:52.05gmalsackfile: yup
17:52.12filethen use config templates
17:52.44gmalsackawesome! thanks....
17:55.53gmalsacksweet!!! works like a charm!
17:56.37gmalsackso did they do away with [default] or the like in pjsip.conf?
18:00.47gmalsackfile: is pjsip the only major overhaul in 12 vs 11?
18:01.00fileuh, no
18:01.10pjensen00lots different
18:01.28fileI suggest you read the CHANGES and UPGRADE file
18:01.47gmalsackugh.... guess I'll have to start looking at the docs and get up to speed on it.... :-( like I had nothing better to do!!! lol
18:01.56gmalsackDownloading them now.
18:02.39drmessanoI'm going to stay on Asterisk 11 forever
18:03.42gmalsackdrmessano: lmao!!!! right....
18:04.00Qwelldrmessano: You upgraded from CVS 0.9?  nub
18:05.17gmalsackugh, I've been working on a new build of a system for over a year now for our company. it's comprised of 6 servers, and is designed to simply be able to "plug in" an additional asterisk box as needed, and automatically remove failed boxes.... biggest pain in my ass is replacing the flash operator panel that the company uses religiously....
18:05.58WIMPyFOP for a system that needs six servers?
18:06.12gmalsackyea.... fun hey!
18:06.25WIMPyThat sounds ... impressive.
18:06.26gmalsackthey are not all asterisk boxes.
18:07.16gmalsack1, opensips, 2 asterisk, 1 mysql, 1 storage, 1 web-app server. then as the load builds, just add more and more asterisk boxes.... :-)
18:11.39[TK]D-Fender[14:03]Qwelldrmessano: You upgraded from CVS 0.9? nub <- Those were the days.... </bunker>
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18:37.00circ-user-AHpidit is possible to use dynamic features in queues ?  ... i am trying, but it is not working  ... can anyone guide me?
18:39.59[TK]D-FenderWhere in queues?
18:41.37josemslopeswhen the caller is waiting
18:43.33lvlinuxare software echo canceller names in system.conf case sensitive? i.e. does it matter if I use mg2 or MG2???
18:45.03lvlinuxwhich is correct then?
18:46.37lvlinuxoh ok. well that's not my problem then... trying to get this horrible echo under control...
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18:47.21lvlinuxpeople using the phones say it's about the same no matter what I do...
18:47.40josemslopesabout dynamic features on queue. what i need is, when a caller is waiting on the queue, the caller can press a key to ear the hold time (instead of the announce of holdtime ). Can anyone give me a sugestion?
18:48.54WIMPyhold time?
18:50.16[TK]D-Fenderjosemslopes: go patch app_queue.c because * doesn't have an option for that
18:50.42WIMPyThey most probably have that on their display.
18:54.59josemslopesthe hold time that i mean  is the estimated wait time to the caller be answered
18:55.27mjordanjosemslopes: you could build something that does that using various Asterisk APIs, but nothing in Asterisk is going to provide that to you natively.
18:55.45navaismolvlinux: use another echo canceller or use hardware, you have OSLEC, HPEC from Digium OCtasic from openvox
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18:56.16[TK]D-Fendermjordan: Which would allow another process to both spy on that channel, and detect dtmf from it, etc>
18:57.20lvlinuxnavaismo: well i tried oslec and they say it's no different. I only went back to mg2 because it allows up to 1024 taps---and there is still echo. "dahdi show channel x" shows that the cancellation is enabled during a call. This is on a Sangoma card, with no hardware EC :-(
18:58.10lvlinux^^^ "they" meaning the people using the phones (long way away from me---I'm doing this remotely)
18:58.27josemslopesmjordao:  what i need is to asterisk capture the dtmf in queue (or spy like [TK]D-Fender said) and let me to run a command or a dynamic feature ...
18:58.32mjordan[TK]D-Fender: yup. AMI + some Local channels and maybe a ChanSpy would probably do the trick.
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18:58.49mjordanMaybe. It'd require some hackery. Or you could just use ARI and build the app yourself :-D
18:58.53[TK]D-Fendermjordan: Didn't think it could bridge DTMF...
18:58.59mjordanIt can listen for DTMF
18:59.09[TK]D-FenderThen that might do.
18:59.27WIMPyLocal channels? Wouldn't a chanspy be enough?
18:59.29mjordanThe trick is playing the announcement and then getting them back into the Queue (if you remove them from Queue to play the announcement)
18:59.34mjordanWIMPy: Probably
18:59.48[TK]D-FenderBut that is a NSATY hack, and you'd need to prevent it from running once the user is connected, or leaves the queue, etc
18:59.54[TK]D-FenderThis would be a NASTY job.
19:00.47WIMPyActually it doesn't sound that bad. The issue I see is that you won't easily be able to stop MOH while plaing the time.
19:01.56[TK]D-FenderI don't see the value in letting some neurotic caller press a button to hear a lie repeatedly.
19:01.59WIMPyUnless you use silence in the queue and play MOH via the chanspy.
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19:02.47mjordanBy the way, this is the reason why we've been spending time on ARI :-)
19:03.03mjordanOnce you get into "I wish Asterisk did this crazy thing", you're better off writing your own Queue app and making it do whatever you want
19:03.25WIMPyAnd why do I need ARI for that?
19:03.30mjordanIt's just easier.
19:03.44WIMPyEasier than AMI?
19:03.47mjordanI think so
19:04.18WIMPyHaving to sent statless requests doesn't sound easier to me.
19:04.35WIMPyOr maybe I didn't get the concept (yet).
19:04.50mjordanThink about it this way: with both AMI/ARI, things are asynchronous. You get events telling you what is going on.
19:05.02mjordanUnlike AMI, ARI let's you manipulate the 'building blocks' that applications are built on top of.
19:05.13mjordanSay I wanted to move a channel from a multi-party bridge to a waiting area that plays MoH
19:05.28mjordanIn AMI, I'd have to have an extension that has a ConfBridge. I'd redirect them to an extension that Parks.
19:05.40mjordanI'd have to configure my Park and ConfBridge so that they didn't appear like a ConfBridge or Parking
19:05.46mjordanAnd hopefully get the behaviour that I want
19:05.55mjordanI'd have to configure my dialplan so that it doesn't do weird things to the channel while I move it around
19:06.05mjordanAnd I'd be doing Redirects, which are - often times - evil (tm)
19:06.23mjordanWith ARI, I just do a removeChannel on my mixing bridge, and an addChannel on my holding bridge. Done.
19:06.28WIMPySo the only ting that was missing was a way to launch an application via AMI instead of having to use the dialplan?
19:06.57mjordanWith ARI, you are writing the application that is called from the dialplan. You're manipulating all the things that we typically manipulate in C.
19:07.12mjordanWith AMI, you're moving things around in the dialplan.
19:08.01mjordanOften, with AMI + AGI, you can do 95% of the things you can do with ARI - that's true. It's just harder.
19:08.13WIMPyOk, so you have more control, but AMI still appears much easier to me.
19:08.18mjordanthat's fair
19:08.25mjordanI find RESTful things to be easier, personally :-)
19:08.58WIMPyI like reliable connections.
19:09.00*** join/#asterisk mirela666 (~mirko.bra@
19:09.15mjordanWebSockets are reliable.
19:09.29mjordanAsterisk's HTTP server supports persistent connections (now), which is based of course on TCP.
19:10.15WIMPyOk, so if it's persistent, I guess the difference isn;t that big any more.
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21:01.11pjensen00.... question.  Will using an active Stasis application connected to a websocket block ALL other AGI applications from executing?
21:02.18pjensen00I have multiple waiting AGI based programs that get handed a channel, but none of them get anything if I hand a single one of them over to an active Stasis application
21:07.32smkellyfile: hi
21:07.41filesmkelly, hi
21:07.48smkellyfile: hi
21:32.58pjensen00HA!  Nevermind, I am silly.  I have a load balancer issue absorbing the second call
21:33.04pjensen00I knew the problem didn't make sense at face value
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22:38.49mjordanpjensen00: Yup :-)   AGI and ARI are on two completely separate "paths", so to speak
22:40.13pjensen00mjordan: I figuted it was something obvious because it made no sense why one would affect the other.
22:40.49pjensen00Though for some reason, "Bridge show all" is stuck and it doesn't update when bridges are being created/destroyed.
22:41.05pjensen00I think asterisk is wagging its finger at me for trying to be creative.
22:45.39mjordanpjensen00: that is odd. The CLI command shouldn't get 'stuck'.
22:46.02mjordanpjensen00: may be worth snagging a backtrace, particularly of the gdb variety
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23:24.11masterbaseHi, everybody! I trying to confirm a security issue I discoverd. If you initialize IAX2 keys via "keys init" the passphrase gets stored in plaintext to the .asterisk_history file in the users home directory. Can anybody confirm this?
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