IRC log for #asterisk on 20140830

00:17.37*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (
00:27.36*** join/#asterisk caveat- (hoax@2a01:4f8:191:9111:30::10)
00:54.28jayvee14:19 < Penguin> Raise your concern during regular US business hours.
00:54.32jayveePenguin: were you being sarcastic?
00:54.57jayvee14:20 < [TK]D-Fender> jayvee: Show us an actual problem now.
00:55.33jayvee[TK]D-Fender: I'm more interested in having a response on the bug report itself. I'm not going to respond to it until it's reopened. Like I said, what's the best way to get it reopened? Or should I file a new ticket?
00:56.10jayveeIf posting on the bug report was going to work, then there would have been a post on it by now saying something along the lines of what you've said.
01:18.14jayveeJust to clarify, I'm more than happy to do what you've said, but I need some kind of assurance I won't be wasting my time
01:18.51*** join/#asterisk u0m3_ (~u0m3@
01:23.46*** join/#asterisk Cubber (
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01:29.37[TK]D-Fenderjayvee: There is no re-opening on an expired bug report like that because the very first thing you'll have to to do is upgrade and prove a case for the current version
01:30.19[TK]D-Fenderjayvee: nobody is fixing a version from 2 years ago which was very poorly presented in the first place.
01:31.54[TK]D-Fenderjayvee: So go update and see if things don't appear to be working as expected and do a proper job of backing up the claim.
01:36.02*** join/#asterisk fstd (~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted)
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07:07.08*** join/#asterisk nunne (uid38499@gateway/web/
07:07.14nunneanyone have had any chance yet to try pjsip in asterisk 12/13? does it do a better job at handling more registrations (making having a sip proxy perhaps obselete in *that* regard)
07:38.56*** join/#asterisk grzew (
07:39.20grzewhello @all
07:39.38grzewI have a question about dtmf.
07:40.12grzewWhen I place call from console: console dial number I can see in console that asterisk is receiving dtmf codes.
07:40.58grzewThe problem is when I place call: channel originate SIP/trunkname/number application Macro macroname,args
07:41.23grzewI can’t see any received dtmf codes
07:41.54grzewAlso this call is not stored in cdr records.
07:42.09grzewCan someone help me with dtmf issue?
07:50.42*** join/#asterisk calum_ (
07:55.25*** join/#asterisk bkruse (~Adium@
08:06.33*** join/#asterisk areski (
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09:00.38grzewMaybe someone can help me here:
09:10.38*** join/#asterisk riess82 (
09:14.11*** part/#asterisk grzew (
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09:42.11lantiziaAnyone know which variety of a snom 320 is in this video?
09:42.58*** join/#asterisk evil_gordita (
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10:27.57rhineheart_mmay I know how to do debugging? Like I want to know why my calls to pstn is being dropped
10:35.03*** join/#asterisk Vutral (~ss@mirbsd/special/Vutral)
10:41.39rhineheart_mwhat does it mean with Sending fake auth rejection for device? thanks
10:43.04*** join/#asterisk davlefou (~davlefou@unaffiliated/davlefou)
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12:41.25*** topic/#asterisk is #asterisk The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- LTS: Asterisk 11.12.0 (2014/08/19), (2014/08/19); Standard: Asterisk 12.5.0 (2014/08/19); DAHDI: DAHDI-linux 2.10.0 (2014/08/13), DAHDI-tools 2.10.0 (2014/08/13); libpri 1.4.15 (2014/06/16) -=- Visit the official Asterisk wiki: -=- Read the Code of Conduct
12:41.26*** join/#asterisk Penguin (
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13:32.26*** join/#asterisk LiohAu (58a50498@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
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13:40.22*** join/#asterisk marceloamorim (
13:41.49marceloamorimguys, I had an issue with my audio when I call from my asterisk to someone, I use asterisk 11.6-cert4 on debian 7.4
13:43.09marceloamorimI don`t hear anything, and there isn`t nat on the network
13:44.28marceloamorimthe [tk] look into the debug and looks fine, so he think about digium device or something like that, but I just test and the hardware its fine
13:45.48marceloamorimI use ip-tunnel on the client and the server, do you know what might be?
13:45.51*** join/#asterisk NightMonkey (~NightMonk@pdpc/supporter/professional/nightmonkey)
13:47.37*** join/#asterisk LiohAu_ (
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14:14.38LiohAuis the IAX protocol an equivalent of the SIP protocol? and if yes, is it based on RTP also?
14:15.19WIMPyNo, it's much more well thought out and no, there's no RTP. It handles media as well.
14:18.10LiohAuWIMPy: i’m trying to make a remote-controlled drone and I would like to transmit image and voice, what protocol would you suggest ? SIP, IAX or XMPP (jingle?)
14:18.40*** join/#asterisk r00f (
14:29.25marceloamorimWIMPy: I think I found my problem, but I can`t test right now
14:30.52marceloamorimdirectmedia should set outgoing, because I routed the blocks and there is no nat on my network
14:47.54*** join/#asterisk babak_ (uid19622@gateway/web/
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14:56.30WIMPyLiohAu: Why do you want to make it that complicated?
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15:13.00LiohAuWIMPy: what do you mean by `that complicated` ?
15:13.50LiohAuIt seems easier to use an existing protocol instead of sending images/sound my self with a basic UDP socket no?
15:15.00WIMPyWhat about a normal tcp stream?
15:33.28*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
15:35.00LiohAuWIMPy: latency
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15:35.58LiohAumoreover I guess that the protocols are handling lot of things that I would not handle, my goal is not to reinvent the whole wheel
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16:10.32WIMPywell, if you need low latency realtime, RTP or IAX would be an option, yes.
16:12.03WIMPyfeels wierd about having said that.
16:19.36LiohAuWIMPy: can you tell me more about security aspects ? I saw that I can use ZRTP instead of RTP, but are there equivalent solutions for IAX ?
16:19.59*** join/#asterisk bmurt (
16:20.10*** join/#asterisk its_jeremy_ (~omghax@gateway/tor-sasl/itsjeremy/x-75806909)
16:20.54WIMPy-Asterisk can't do ZRTP, but SRTP should be good enough for you. And IAX has encryption as well.
16:21.53WIMPyAnd you could always use openvpn or fastd or something that would allow you to change connection without interrupting the stream.
16:22.49*** join/#asterisk oesteve (
16:31.08LiohAuWIMPy: from what I read the difference between ZRTP and SRTP is not really huge (a hash is sent + compared for each packet to prevent its modification by an attaker)
16:32.22*** join/#asterisk SpeedEvil (~quassel@tor/regular/SpeedEvil)
16:33.28LiohAubtw can you highlight me when you answer, so maybe we’ll be able to chat in real time :D
16:34.37*** join/#asterisk kayatwork (
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16:35.46WIMPyLiohAu: the difference is that ZRTP is end-to-end and SRT is only for one link. But if you have only one link...
16:37.41LiohAuWIMPy: So if i’m doing my stuff in a personal LAN SRTP is enough, while if I’m using internet ZRTP will keep everything secure on the multiple relay used ?
17:02.53*** join/#asterisk bmurt (
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17:49.07WIMPyLiohAu: It does't matter what the IP network looks like. It's about SIP proxies.
17:55.58*** join/#asterisk sawgood (~sawgood@unaffiliated/sawgood)
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19:43.34*** join/#asterisk malachi_constant (~toor@unaffiliated/malachiconstant/x-837457)
19:43.45malachi_constantHi guys.
19:44.41malachi_constantI'm doing an installation using a rhino channel bank and I'm trying to see if I've terminated everything correctly on the feed side.
19:45.20malachi_constantIt goes 66 block --> Rhino CB24-FXO --> Sangoma T1 card.
19:46.48malachi_constantWhen I call it rings the line but is there any way for me to see that it's hitting the Rhino?
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19:55.38malachi_constantMy apologies if anyone replied, I had to reboot this machine.
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20:34.22tinklebearI totally got googletts working.  It's so cool.  Programatically making calls with node.js.  Too cool.
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20:40.27pabelangertinklebear, good to see it still working. Actually going to something with it too in the next week or so
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20:49.27*** join/#asterisk sklav (~sklav@unaffiliated/sklav)
20:49.36sklavhi guys having a weird issue
20:50.15sklavwhen calling my DID from outside the network all i hear is silence but the phone actually is ringing and if i answer all is good
20:50.22sklavwhat can cause this issues?
20:52.57*** join/#asterisk dan_j (~IceChat77@unaffiliated/danfromuk)
20:55.51ChannelZDepends. Sounds like maybe your ITSP isn't generating the ringing on call progress
20:57.20ChannelZOr, in your dialplan, are you Answer()ing prior to Dial()ing the device?
20:58.47sklavseems im answering before i dial
20:59.31*** join/#asterisk FreezingCold (
20:59.34sklavactually i just added the following n,Dial(SIP/12602,30,mKkTt) and i can hear my musiconhold
20:59.51sklavim not hearing the ringtone which would be expected
21:00.40ChannelZIf you're not playing any prompts or anything, don't answer first.
21:00.57sklavhow do i change that?
21:01.30sklavi see ok i think i figured it out
21:03.22sklavfigured it out
21:03.33sklavthanks for the right pointer
21:10.01*** part/#asterisk sklav (~sklav@unaffiliated/sklav)
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22:19.09malachi_constantOkay so, channel bank seems to be fine, but when I try to call out from the CLI I get 'unable to request channel DAHDI/1'
22:20.11malachi_constantIs that an issue internal to asterisk/dahdi/libpri?
22:20.16malachi_constantOr is it something upstream?
22:22.21WIMPyAre the channels configured correctly? What does 'dahdi show ...' tell you?
22:25.07malachi_constantWIMPy: dahdi show channels shows 24 channels and the pseudo-thing.
22:25.23malachi_constantdahdi show status shows the wanpipe driver for my sangoma card.
22:25.27*** part/#asterisk mxmader (
22:26.59malachi_constantWIMPy: 'originate DAHDI/1 extension myphonenumber' is the command I'm using.
22:28.11WIMPyLooks ok so far. Anything showing up when you crank up verbose and debug?
22:28.19malachi_constantWIMPy: I will check it out.
22:34.31malachi_constantWIMPy: I set both verbose and debug to 9 in asterisk.conf.
22:35.00WIMPyNext time you can use 'core set ...'.
22:35.15malachi_constantOoooh. Right!
22:35.20malachi_constantFortunately no users on this system yet. :-)
22:36.20malachi_constantWIMPy: Same stuff in /var/log/asterisk/messages. Is there somewhere else I can find more information?
22:36.48WIMPyDo you log debug at all? Watch on the CLI while you test.
22:52.52malachi_constantWIMPy: with full => notice,warning,error,debug,verbose,dtmf,fax that's still all I get.
22:52.56*** join/#asterisk FreezingCold (
22:54.16malachi_constant'Channel 1 off hook, can't use'
22:56.07malachi_constantBut it goes to a Rhino channel bank, which is connected via RJ-21/amphenol to a 66 block.
22:56.31malachi_constantFXO channel bank specifically.
22:57.52malachi_constantMaybe it's just the signalling setting? I'm using FXO ground start.
23:02.53malachi_constant'Device DAHDI/24 changed to state '2' (In use) but we don't care because they're not a member of any queue."
23:04.37malachi_constantthat's following me changing the channel bank to 'immediate'.
23:06.03malachi_constantDo channel banks like this "translate" signalling to ground start/loop start/whatever, or does it expect it to already be in that format? And if so, should I configure the channel bank to have 'Protocol: Ground Start' on the T1 interface?
23:07.23malachi_constantI think the telco is using ground start.
23:07.57WIMPyI have absolutely no idea.
23:07.58malachi_constant(Sorry for the volume of questions. I'm googling frantically and trying to approach understanding.)
23:08.09malachi_constantIt would be better if it was 100% SIP.
23:08.27WIMPyThat gives other headaches.
23:09.16WIMPyBut the voltage/current detection must happen inside the channelbank. So I guess that has some basic configuration,
23:16.18*** join/#asterisk LiohAu (
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Generated by Modified by Tim Riker to work with infobot.